Biweekly Money Saving Challenge for 2023 - smartmovesonly (2024)

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  • 1 Biweekly Money Saving Challenge for 2023
    • 1.1 Biweekly Money Saving Challenge
      • 1.1.1 1. Determine your goal
      • 1.1.2 2. Calculate Your Biweekly Contribution
      • 1.1.3 3. Open a savings account
      • 1.1.4 4. Set up automatic transfers
      • 1.1.5 5. Track Your Progress
      • 1.1.6 6. Create a Budget
      • 1.1.7 7. Cut Unnecessary Expenses
      • 1.1.8 8. Look For Deals And Discounts
      • 1.1.9 9. Avoid Impulse Purchases
      • 1.1.10 10. Track Your Spending
      • 1.1.11 11. Reduce Subscription
    • 1.2 Conclusion

Saving is an old school way for future financial security, it is the least you can do for you to have a better future.

Saving requires discipline to a very large extent, hence, can be a challenge, especially when it feels like there are always unexpected expenses and bills to pay.

One principle that has always help me deal with saving as a challenge is knowing fully well that even if your income is lower than what you have now, you would have tried to survive.

You just have to play a mind game with yourself, making yourself know that the future is what you are trying to secure.

Saving is not an easy thing to do and cannot be easy, you have to make sacrifices

And also always save with a goal in mind. You can save to buy a house, a car, or anything. That is what will be your source of motivation when things are getting bad.

So, one of the many ways to make saving money easier is by setting up a biweekly money-saving challenge.

A biweekly money-saving challenge is a plan in which you set aside a certain amount of money every two weeks, with the goal of saving a larger sum over time.

This type of challenge can be a great way to build up your savings, whether you want to save for a specific goal, such as a down payment on a house, or you just want to have a cushion for emergencies or future expenses.

There are a few steps involved in setting up a biweekly money-saving challenge and this will depend on how much money you want to save overall.

Overall, a biweekly money-saving challenge can be a great way to build up your savings over time, and with determination and discipline, you can reach your goals. Whether you’re saving for a specific goal or just want to have a financial cushion, a biweekly money-saving challenge can help you to get there.

Biweekly Money Saving Challenge

Biweekly Money Saving Challenge for 2023 - smartmovesonly (1)

Here’s an example of how you could set up a biweekly money-saving challenge:

1. Determine your goal

The first step in setting up a biweekly money-saving challenge is to determine your goal.

This means deciding how much money you want to save over a certain period of time.

It’s important to set a specific and achievable goal, as this will help to keep you motivated and focused.

You may want to save a certain amount for a specific purpose, such as a down payment on a house or a vacation, or you may simply want to build up your savings for emergencies or future expenses.

Saving is not an easy journey to start but your goals are your motivating factor. So make sure you know that when you achieve this goal it will bring a lot of joy in your life.

Think of how happy you would be when you finally reach your goal, when you can finally afford that house, clear that debt, invest in your dream, e.t.c. that is what will keep you going. Trust me, there is a 90% chance that it may not be an easy ride.

2. Calculate Your Biweekly Contribution

Once you have determined your goal, the next step is to calculate how much you need to save every two weeks in order to reach that goal.

This will depend on how much you have to save and how much money you want to save overall.

You have to balance things at this point, don’t allow the joy of achieving goals make you forget how low your income may be, thereby causing you to set unrealistic goals.

The problem with setting unrealistic goals is that you end up not being able to achieve them. If you have big goals then break them into small bits.

Neither should you allow the fear of surviving to make you set very small goals.

Again it depends on how much you have to save and how much money you want to save overall.

For example, if you want to save $1,000 in six months, you’ll need to save $166.67 every two weeks. You can adjust this amount based on your budget and income, but it’s important to be realistic so that you can stick to your plan.

3. Open a savings account

It’s a good idea to keep your savings separate from your checking account, so consider opening a separate savings account specifically for your biweekly money-saving challenge.

This will help keep your savings separate and make it easier to track your progress. Many banks and credit unions offer savings accounts with competitive interest rates, so you can even earn a little extra money on your savings as they grow.

See Top Credit Union Savings Account Rates

4. Set up automatic transfers

To make the process of saving easier, you can set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account every two weeks.

This way, you won’t have to remember to manually transfer the money yourself, and you can be sure that your savings are being consistently built up over time. You can set up automatic transfers through your bank or credit union, or you may be able to do so through an app or online banking platform.

See, how to set up automatic transfer

5. Track Your Progress

It’s important to keep track of your savings so you can see how you’re doing and how close you are to reaching your goal.

You can use a spreadsheet, an app, or even a simple piece of paper to keep track of your contributions and see your progress over time.

Tracking your progress can help to keep you motivated and can also help you to identify any areas where you might need to make adjustments to your plan.

6. Create a Budget

Creating a budget is one of the most effective ways to save money. It involves taking a detailed look at your income and expenses, and determining where you can cut back. For example, if you find that you are spending a lot of money on eating out, you could try cutting back on dining out and cooking more at home.

So, Determine how much you are currently spending and where you can cut back.

7. Cut Unnecessary Expenses

Identify areas where you are spending money unnecessarily and eliminate them.

Biweekly Money Saving Challenge for 2023 - smartmovesonly (2)

Cutting unnecessary expenses can free up a lot of money in your budget. For example, instead of going to the movies every week, you could rent a movie online and watch it at home. Or instead of buying expensive coffee every day, you could make coffee at home and take it with you in a thermos.

8. Look For Deals And Discounts

Take advantage of sales and discounts when shopping.

Looking for deals and discounts is a great way to save money on your purchases. For example, if you need to buy a new appliance, you could wait for a sale or look for a coupon or discount code online. Also, you can check for clearance or end of season sales to get discounts on clothes and other products.

9. Avoid Impulse Purchases

Make a list of what you need before going shopping and stick to it.

Impulse purchases can add up quickly and blow your budget. To avoid this, make a list of what you need before going shopping and stick to it. For example, if you’re at the mall and see a shirt that you like but wasn’t on your list, remind yourself that you have a budget to stick to and that you can always come back for it later if you still want it.

10. Track Your Spending

Use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to track your income and expenses.

Tracking your spending is an important step in staying on top of your budget. There are many budgeting apps and spreadsheets available that can help you keep track of your income and expenses. For example, you can use an app like Mint or You Need a Budget to see where your money is going and identify areas where you can cut back.

11. Reduce Subscription

cancel subscription services you no longer use or find cheaper alternatives

Subscriptions can be a big drain on your budget, so it’s important to review them regularly and cancel any that you no longer use or find cheaper alternatives. For example, if you’re paying for a streaming service that you’re not using, you can cancel it and find a cheaper alternative. Or, if you’re paying for a gym membership but haven’t been going, you could cancel it and find a cheaper gym or workout at home instead.


In conclusion, a biweekly money-saving challenge is a great way to build up your savings over time. By setting aside a certain amount of money every two weeks, you can work towards a larger goal, whether it’s saving for a specific purpose or just building up a financial cushion.

Setting up a biweekly money-saving challenge involves determining your goal, calculating your biweekly contribution, opening a savings account, setting up automatic transfers, and tracking your progress.

By following these steps and being consistent and committed to your plan, you can reach your savings goals and have a stronger financial foundation.

Don’t forget to enjoy the journey

Biweekly Money Saving Challenge for 2023 - smartmovesonly (2024)


What is the savings challenge for biweekly pay? ›

26-week savings challenge

If you get paid biweekly, this challenge might be a great way to match your paycheck with your savings plans. In this money-saving challenge, you'll save in increments of $3, starting the first week with $3, on the second $6, on the third $9 and so on.

What is the 100 envelope challenge for biweekly pay? ›

Biweekly 100 envelope challenge

Number envelopes from $1 to $100. Randomly pick two envelopes every two weeks and save the combined amount they represent. It's unpredictable and exciting! Apart from the thrill of not knowing the amount you'll save next, this method offers flexibility.

How to save $5000 biweekly? ›

The easiest way to do this is to “chunk” your savings contributions so they align with your pay schedule. For instance, if you're paid weekly, aim to save around $97 each week. If you're paid biweekly, aim for roughly $193 every paycheck. And if you're on a monthly pay schedule, try to save around $417 a month.

How to save $5000 in 3 months with 100 envelopes? ›

The 100-envelope challenge is pretty straightforward: You take 100 envelopes, number each of them and then save the corresponding dollar amount in each envelope. For instance, you put $1 in “Envelope 1,” $2 in “Envelope 2,” and so on. By the end of 100 days, you'll have saved $5,050.

How to save $2500 in 2 weeks? ›

$2,500 Biweekly Savings Challenge

You can do this by trying this variation of the biweekly savings challenge. Instead of increasing the amount you save each pay period, you can simply save about $96.15 from each check. By the end of the challenge, you will have $2,500 in your savings account.

How much do you save with 52 week envelope challenge? ›

For anyone trying to improve their savings in 2024, the 52-week money challenge is a simple and effective way to stay on track. And at the end of the year, you'll have $1,378 extra dollars to bulk up your emergency savings or put toward a savings goal, such as a vacation fund or a down payment on a home.

What is the 100 envelope trick? ›

The 100 envelope challenge is a saving system where you label 100 envelopes from 1 to 100. Then every day for 100 days you pick a numbered envelope and put the amount of cash inside that matches the number on the envelope. At the end of 100 days, you'll have saved a total of $5,050.

What is envelope stuffing to save money? ›

The cash envelope system, or cash stuffing, is an approach to budgeting designed to help you spend more intentionally. Envelopes used for cash stuffing contain all the money available for specific expenses each month. Cash stuffing could help you avoid credit card debt but requires a lot of physical cash on hand.

What is the envelope budget trick? ›

To begin, a good rule to follow is the 50/30/20 method: 50% of funds go to needs, 30% wants and 20% to financial goals. Make an envelope for each category that applies: rent, utilities, phone bill, gas, groceries, emergency, savings and leisure. Put aside cash in each envelope corresponding to the amount used.

How can I save $1000 in 30 days? ›

11 Easy Ways to Save $1,000 in 30 Days
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Automate Your Savings. ...
  3. Create a Savings Bingo Sheet. ...
  4. Negotiate Your Bills. ...
  5. Separate Wants From Needs. ...
  6. Plan Your Meals. ...
  7. Buy Generic Brands. ...
  8. Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions.
Sep 26, 2023

What if I save $20 dollars a week? ›

Small amounts will add up over time and compounding interest will help your money grow. $20 per week may not seem like much, but it's more than $1,000 per year. Saving this much year after year can make a substantial difference as it can help keep your financial goal on your mind and keep you motivated.

How to save $5,000 in 3 months challenge? ›

You can save over $5,000 in just over three months with the 100 envelope challenge. It works like this: Gather 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. Each day, fill up one envelope with the amount of cash corresponding to the number on the envelope. You can fill up the envelopes in order or pick them at random.

Is the 100-envelope challenge worth it? ›

The benefit of the 100 Envelopes Challenge is that it starts small and encourages constant, conscious saving that builds quickly. But the trend—and the internet's obsession with buying “aesthetic” envelopes for it—may not be the most effective way to put away money, according to financial experts.

Do it yourself 100-envelope challenge? ›

Here's how to get started:
  1. Label 100 envelopes from 1 to 100 You can be as creative with this as you wish. ...
  2. Put your envelopes in a container You can either keep them in numeric order or mix them up. ...
  3. Pick 1 envelope each day The number on the envelope you choose is the amount of cash you should stick inside of it.

How much to save $10,000 in 3 months? ›

Setting realistic savings goals is essential to ensure that you don't set yourself up for failure. One way to do this is by breaking down your target amount into smaller milestones. For example, if you aim to save $10,000 in three months, you can divide it into monthly targets of $3,333.

How much should I save if I get paid biweekly? ›

One popular budgeting method, the 50/30/20 budget, recommends setting aside a total of 20% of your paycheck for your savings goals, including the magnum opus: retirement. Experts say that's a fair rule of thumb.

Is it easier to save getting paid weekly or biweekly? ›

Businesses tend to prefer biweekly payroll because it saves money in payroll processing. Employees like that biweekly pay amounts to several “extra” paychecks a year, but this is just personal preference.

How to save $10,000 in a year biweekly? ›

For example, someone who gets paid weekly may find it beneficial to contribute a set amount to their savings every week, subtracting it from each paycheck. Here's (roughly) the amount you'd need to save at different intervals to reach the $10,000 savings target: Monthly: $833. Bi-weekly: $385.

How can I save money when I pay every two weeks? ›

One helpful strategy is to create a monthly budget based on your overall income and expenses, and then break it down into bi-weekly increments. This can help you see exactly how much money you have available to spend or save during each pay period, which makes it easier to plan ahead for upcoming expenses.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.