Bond Market Data | FRED (2024)

Table of Contents
Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Dominican Republic (DISCONTINUED) Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Mauritius (DISCONTINUED) Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in French Polynesia (DISCONTINUED) Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Georgia (DISCONTINUED) Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Paraguay (DISCONTINUED) Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Chile (DISCONTINUED) Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Nauru (DISCONTINUED) Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Renminbi (DISCONTINUED) Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Colombian peso (DISCONTINUED) Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Philippine peso (DISCONTINUED) Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Hong Kong SAR (DISCONTINUED) Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Philippines (DISCONTINUED) Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Hong Kong SAR (DISCONTINUED) Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Serbia and Montenegro (DISCONTINUED) Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Qatar (DISCONTINUED) Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Russian rouble (DISCONTINUED) Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in Non-Financial Corporations Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Chinese Taipei Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in General Government Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Philippines Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in General Government Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Japan Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in General Government Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Thailand Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Argentina (DISCONTINUED) Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Argentine peso (DISCONTINUED) Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for China Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Korea (DISCONTINUED) Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Haiti (DISCONTINUED) Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Japan Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Swiss franc (DISCONTINUED) Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in Non-Financial Corporations Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Japan Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Brazil Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Russian rouble (DISCONTINUED) Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Euro Area (DISCONTINUED) Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Malaysian ringgit (DISCONTINUED) Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for United States (DISCONTINUED) Amounts Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Euro (DISCONTINUED) Amounts Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Malaysian ringgit (DISCONTINUED) Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in Non-Financial Corporations Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Denmark Amounts Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Canadian dollar (DISCONTINUED) Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Austria (DISCONTINUED) Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in United States (DISCONTINUED) Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Fixed Rate in Sector of General government (DISCONTINUED) Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Morocco (DISCONTINUED) Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Canada Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Vietnam (DISCONTINUED) Amounts Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes, Fixed Rate in Sector of General government (DISCONTINUED) Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in Financial Corporations Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Australia Amounts Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes, Equity-related in Sector of Non-financial corporations (DISCONTINUED) Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Czech Republic (DISCONTINUED) Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Mexico Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Former Czechoslovakia (DISCONTINUED) Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Former Czechoslovakia (DISCONTINUED) FAQs

Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Dominican Republic (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ3 1994 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Mauritius (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ3 1995 to Q4 2014 (2015-09-14)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in French Polynesia (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ1 2001 to Q1 2001 (2015-09-14)

Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Georgia (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ1 2007 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Paraguay (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ2 2012 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Chile (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ2 1975 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Nauru (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ1 1986 to Q2 1995 (2015-09-14)

Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Renminbi (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ4 2005 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Colombian peso (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ1 2002 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Philippine peso (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ4 1993 to Q2 2014 (2015-09-14)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Hong Kong SAR (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ3 1973 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Philippines (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ4 1972 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ3 1973 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Serbia and Montenegro (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ2 1973 to Q2 1994 (2015-09-14)

Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Qatar (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ4 1996 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Russian rouble (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ2 1998 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in Non-Financial Corporations Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Chinese Taipei

Millions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ2 1987 to Q4 2022 (Jun 12)

Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in General Government Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Philippines

Millions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ1 2009 to Q4 2022 (Jun 12)

Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in General Government Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Japan

Millions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ4 1997 to Q4 2018 (2019-06-04)

Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in General Government Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Thailand

Millions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ4 1994 to Q4 2022 (Jun 12)

Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Argentina (DISCONTINUED)

Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted2000 to 2010 (2013-06-04)

Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Argentine peso (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ4 1996 to Q1 2015 (2015-09-14)

Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for China

Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted2000 to 2020 (2022-03-23)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Korea (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ4 1974 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Haiti (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ4 1979 to Q3 1995 (2015-09-14)

Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Japan

Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted1997 to 2020 (2022-03-23)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Swiss franc (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ3 1993 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in Non-Financial Corporations Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Japan

Millions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ4 1997 to Q4 2018 (2019-06-04)

Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Brazil

Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted2002 to 2020 (2022-03-23)

Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Russian rouble (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ2 1998 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Euro Area (DISCONTINUED)

Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted2000 to 2010 (2013-06-04)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Malaysian ringgit (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ1 1994 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for United States (DISCONTINUED)

Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted2000 to 2010 (2013-06-04)

Amounts Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Euro (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ3 1993 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Amounts Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Malaysian ringgit (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ1 1994 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in Non-Financial Corporations Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Denmark

Millions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ4 1999 to Q4 2022 (Jun 12)

Amounts Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes, Currency of Issue in Canadian dollar (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ3 1993 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Austria (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ3 1966 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in United States (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ1 1966 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes, Fixed Rate in Sector of General government (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ3 1993 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Morocco (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ2 1976 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Canada

Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted1989 to 2020 (2022-03-23)

Amount Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Vietnam (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ1 1998 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Amounts Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes, Fixed Rate in Sector of General government (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ3 1993 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Amount Outstanding of Domestic Bonds and Notes in Financial Corporations Sector, Long-Term at Original Maturity, Residence of Issuer in Australia

Millions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ2 1988 to Q4 2022 (Jun 12)

Amounts Outstanding of International Bonds and Notes, Equity-related in Sector of Non-financial corporations (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ3 1993 to Q2 2015 (2015-09-14)

Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Czech Republic (DISCONTINUED)

Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted2000 to 2010 (2013-06-04)

Nonfinancial Corporate Bonds to Total Bonds and Notes Outstanding for Mexico

Percent, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted2005 to 2020 (2022-03-23)

Net Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Nationality of Issuer in Former Czechoslovakia (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ2 1988 to Q2 1998 (2015-09-14)

Announced Issues of International Bonds and Notes for All Issuers, Residence of Issuer in Former Czechoslovakia (DISCONTINUED)

Billions of US Dollars, Quarterly, Not Seasonally AdjustedQ2 1988 to Q4 1991 (2015-09-14)

Bond Market Data | FRED (2024)


How do you check the bond market? ›

In most cases, if you have a brokerage account, you will have access to that firm's research tools, which may include bond quotes and other information. This is the first place that you should look when seeking bond information. However, there are also free tools available that provide some basic information.

Is there an index for the bond market? ›

A bond index or bond market index is a method of measuring the investment performance and characteristics of the bond market. There are numerous indices of differing construction that are designed to measure the aggregate bond market and its various sectors (government, municipal, corporate, etc.)

Should I sell bonds when interest rates rise? ›

If you sell your bonds as soon as someone hints at the word "hike," you may be jumping the gun. When the market consensus is that a rate increase is right around the corner, it's time to sell and reinvest the proceeds in higher-paying bonds. One caveat applies to short-term holdings or those that are near maturity.

How much do 1 year treasury bonds pay? ›

1 Year Treasury Rate is at 4.73%, compared to 4.78% the previous market day and 5.38% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 2.96%.

What is the T bill rate today? ›

Basic Info. 3 Month Treasury Bill Rate is at 5.12%, compared to 5.15% the previous market day and 5.27% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 4.19%.

Are treasury bills better than CDs? ›

Choosing between a CD and Treasuries depends on how long of a term you want. For terms of one to six months, as well as 10 years, rates are close enough that Treasuries are the better pick. For terms of one to five years, CDs are currently paying more, and it's a large enough difference to give them the edge.

What is the average return on the bond market? ›

What is the average rate of return on stocks and bonds? The 95-year average rate of return on stocks, as measured by the S&P 500, with reinvested dividends is 9.80%. During that same period, Baa corporate bonds returned an average of 6.68% and 10-year US Treasury bonds delivered an average 4.57% return.

Is there an S&P 500 for bonds? ›

The S&P 500 Bond Index is a market-value-weighted index that seeks to measure the performance of USD-denominated corporate debt issued by companies in the S&P 500 (and their subsidiaries).

Will bonds recover in 2024? ›

As inflation finally seems to be coming under control, and growth is slowing as the global economy feels the full impact of higher interest rates, 2024 could be a compelling year for bonds.

What bonds have a 10 percent return? ›

Junk Bonds

Junk bonds are high-yield corporate bonds issued by companies with lower credit ratings. Because of their higher risk of default, they offer higher interest rates, potentially providing returns over 10%. During economic growth periods, the risk of default decreases, making junk bonds particularly attractive.

Can you lose money on bonds if held to maturity? ›

If you're holding the bond to maturity, the fluctuations won't matter—your interest payments and face value won't change.

What is the current I bond rate? ›

The current composite I bond rate is 4.28%. This includes a 1.30% fixed rate and a 1.48% inflation rate. The current rate applies for six months to bonds purchased between May 1, 2024, and Oct. 31, 2024.

What is the typical interest rate for bonds? ›

Basic Info. US 10-Year Government Bond Interest Rate is at 4.31%, compared to 4.49% last month and 3.74% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 5.83%.

What is the current Treasury T bill rate? ›

Basic Info. 3 Month Treasury Bill Rate is at 5.12%, compared to 5.15% the previous market day and 5.27% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 4.19%.

What is current yield in bond market? ›

The current yield of a bond is calculated by dividing the annual coupon payment by the bond's current market value. Because this formula is based on the market value or purchase price rather than the par value of a bond, it more accurately reflects the profitability of a bond, relative to other bonds on the market.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.