Book Summary Chapters 7-9 - The Great Gatsby (2024)

Seven. . .

Gatsby's Saturday night parties stop. When Gatsby come at Daisy's asking to lunch at her house the next day, Nick learns that Gatsby has new servants, "some people Wolfshiem wanted to do something for"- he feared they would leak information about he and Daisy. Because of the weather during lunch, everyone is uncomfortable.

Tom leaves the room to talk to his mistress on the phone while Daisy kisses Gatsby and declares her love for him. Tom notices a glance between Daisy and Gatsby and cannot deny the two of them having an affair anymore. Tom, extremely upset, agrees on going to town and gets a bottle of whiskey and they set out. Tom, Jordan, and Nick are in Gatsby's car while Gatsby and Daisy are in Tom's car. Tom has been suspicious of Gatsby all along and decided to have him investigated.

Tom pulls into Wilson's gas station to get gas when he sees Wilson is not looking his best. Wilson tells Tom that he caught Myrtle having an affair with an unknown person and they were heading West soon. Tom, being even more enraged for losing his mistress and wife, questions Gatsby and confronts him about his love for Daisy. Gatsby shows no signs of being intimidated and tells Tom "Your wife doesn't love you... She never loved you. She loves me." Tom turns to Daisy who hesitates. Gatsby is now shaken, but tries another way to get Daisy. He declares: "Daisy's leaving you", but Tom assures him Daisy would never leave him for a bootlegger. Tom makes Daisy and Gatsby go home in Gatsby's own car, while Jordan, Nick, and himself follow in his car.

After this, the chapter goes into narration of George Wilson, who was found ill by his neighbor, Michaelis. Wilson tells him that he has Myrtle locked inside and how she'll stay there until they leave in two days. Michaelis heads back into his restaurant and returns a couple hours later when he hears Myrtle's voice and sees her break away from Wilson and run into the road. As she is entering the highway, she gets hit by a passing car that doesn't stop. Nick, Tom, and Jordan arrive on the scene closely after the accident to find Myrtle's body laying on a worktable. Tom learns that the car that struck Myrtle sounds like the same of Gatsby's car by description. Tom invited Nick inside to wait for a cab from East Egg to take him home. Nick can see theupsetting attitudesin Tom, Daisy, and the whole society they represent and declines. Outside, Nick bumps into Gatsby who asks if there was trouble on the road. After asking a couple of questions, Nick learns Daisy was driving, but that Gatsby will take the blame.

Eight. . .

Nick wakes up when he hears Gatsby return home from his all night stay out at the Buchannans. He goes to Gatsby, who says that nothing happened. Nick tells Gatsby he should leave town for a while because his car would be found out as the "death car." This makes Gatsby spill the story of his past and tells Nick that Daisy was Gatsby's social superior, and they fell deeply in love. While they courted, they had been intimate with each other that bonded him to her, feeling "married to her." Gatsby left her for the war, succeeded in battle and when the war was over, he tried to get home, but ended up at Oxford instead. Daisy didn't understand why he didn't immediately come back, and ended up breaking the relationship.

Gatsby and Nick continue to talk of Daisy and how Gatsby had gone to find her when he returned to the United States, but she was on her honeymoon and left Nick to wish that he searched harder to find her. Gatsby's gardener arrives as the men finish breakfast and plans on draining the pool due to the season, but Daisy asks him to wait because he hadn't used it at all. Nick moves to his train, but doesn't want to leave Gatsby and declares "They're a rotten crowd... You're worth the whole damn bunch together." The day goes on, and when Jordan calls Nick, he cuts her off. He tries calling Gatsby, but after no answer, decides to go home early. The narration changed time and focus, and we are found to be in the valley of ashes the evening before.Book Summary Chapters 7-9 - The Great Gatsby (2)Wilson, upset about Myrtle's death, is irrational when Michaelis tries to talk to him and converse with him. Michaelis is tired by morning and goes home to sleep.

When he goes back to Wilson four hours later, Wilson is gone and has gone to Port Roosevelt, Gads Hill, West Egg, and Gatsby's house. Gatsby is floating on an air mattress in the pool thinking things over when Wilson shoots and kills Gatsby, sure that he is responsible for his wife's death. Nick finds his body floating in the pool and while walking to the house with Gatsby's dead body, the gardener finds Wilson's dead body in the grass.

Nine. . .

The final chapter starts with the police and paparazzi all around Gatsby's house. Nick is concerned that he might have to handle Gatsby's burial arrangements. He calls Daisy to tell her about Gatsby's death, but finds out she and Tom left, leaving no itinerary. Th next day, Nick sends for Wolfshiem, but he sends a letter back saying he won't be involved with Gatsby's death. When Gatsby's phone rings and Nick answers, the speaker hangs up after he tells them Gatsby is dead. Three days later, Nick gets a telegram from Henry C. Gatz, Gatsby's father in Minnesota. He learned of his death through the Chicago newspaper. He refuses to take the body to the Midwest. Later that day, Klipspringer calls and Nick answers, hoping it would be another mourner joining the funeral, is disappointed when he hears that he is only calling to find out about Gatsby's tennis shoes. The morning of the funeral Nick forces his way into Wolfshiem's office, hoping to convince his closest business associate to show up to the services, but he refuses again. He does, however, disclose that he did not just give Gatsby a start in business. It tells us that he made Gatsby's fortune by using him in many questionable activities.

When Nick gets back to Gatsby's, he finds Mr. Gatz going through his son's house, getting more and more proud as he sees more and more things. He pulls out Hopalong Cassidy, which used to be owned by Gatsby as a kid. He had a daily schedule written in the back on the book. The men then go to the funeral. A few servants, the mail man, the minster, Nick, and Mr. Gatz are all that attend. Not one person from the parties thrown by Gatsby, with the exception of a man known as "Owl-eyes".

Nick starts to think about the memories of traveling West when he went home from college. He remembers how as the train got closer and closer into the West, he got more and morecomfortable. This puts Nick into a conversation about the Midwest versus the vices of the East. The chapter ends with Nick talking to two people from his past. Jordan, who he still feels fondly for, dismisses her once again. The other, one fall day, is Tom on Fifth Avenue. Tom sees Nick first and speaks. Nick refuses to shake his hand, mad with what Tom represents now. During this short talk, Nick learns that Tom had a role in Gatsby's death. Wilson worked his way to the Buchannan house in East Egg when Tom told him who owned the car that hit Myrtle. At the end, he shakes Tom's hand because he "felt suddenly as though he were talking to a child. The night before Nick leaves to move back West, he goes over to Gatsby's place and remembers how his house used to be. He thinks about how far Gatsby had gone in his life, how he took all the time to pick out a house to pick out Daisy's dock in the night, and how he hoped he had a future. Nick has one last thought, which is how society is the boats that always move against the current on the Sound.

Sources. . .

  1. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. "The Great Gatsby: Summary and Analysis: Chapter 7 - CliffsNotes."Get Homework Help with CliffsNotes Study Guides. Web. <,pageNum-11.html>.
  2. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. "The Great Gatsby: Summary and Analysis: Chapter 8 - CliffsNotes."Get Homework Help with CliffsNotes Study Guides. Web. <,pageNum-12.html>.
  3. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. "The Great Gatsby: Summary and Analysis: Chapter 9 - CliffsNotes."Get Homework Help with CliffsNotes Study Guides. Web. <,pageNum-13.html>.

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Book Summary Chapters 7-9 - The Great Gatsby (2024)


What happens in Chapters 7 9 Great Gatsby? ›

Gatsby's Saturday night parties stop. When Gatsby come at Daisy's asking to lunch at her house the next day, Nick learns that Gatsby has new servants, "some people Wolfshiem wanted to do something for"- he feared they would leak information about he and Daisy.

What is the summary of chapter 7 in The Great Gatsby? ›

Chapter 7 brings the conflict between Tom and Gatsby into the open, and their confrontation over Daisy brings to the surface troubling aspects of both characters. Throughout the previous chapters, hints have been accumulating about Gatsby's criminal activity.

What major events happened in chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby? ›

Chapter 7 marks the climax of The Great Gatsby. Twice as long as every other chapter, it first ratchets up the tension of the Gatsby-Daisy-Tom triangle to a breaking point in a claustrophobic scene at the Plaza Hotel, and then ends with the grizzly gut punch of Myrtle's death.

What does chapter 7 reveal about Gatsby? ›

Tom reveals that Gatsby is a bootlegger, and Gatsby tries to deny it, but he is so totally busted. Daisy begs to go, and they head home with Daisy and Gatsby together in Gatsby's car. Nick realizes it is his birthday. He's thirty.

Who killed Myrtle in Chapter 7? ›

Myrtle Wilson, a woman who is said to have 'tremendous vitality' (p. 131), has had her nose broken by Tom Buchanan, and now she is killed by a car driven by Daisy. Remember that earlier that day Myrtle had seen Tom driving the 'death car' (p.

Does Daisy kiss Gatsby in Chapter 7? ›

Tom comes in, shakes Gatsby's hand in a rare moment of actually being a gentleman (because it's obvious by this point he dislikes Jay Gatsby quite a bit), and Daisy asks him to go make everybody drinks. Tom leaves, and Daisy kisses Gatsby and tells him she loves him. Super discreet, Daisy.

What happens at the end of Chapter 7? ›

The Chapter 7 Discharge. A discharge releases individual debtors from personal liability for most debts and prevents the creditors owed those debts from taking any collection actions against the debtor.

What happen in Chapter 7 night? ›

In Chapter 7 of Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie and his father are two remaining survivors out of 100 from Buna. They endure harsh elements and bitter cold as they travel for ten days to another concentration camp in Buchenwald.

Who does Daisy choose in Chapter 7? ›

Eventually, Gatsby won Daisy's heart, and they made love before Gatsby left to fight in the war. Daisy promised to wait for Gatsby, but in 1919 she chose instead to marry Tom Buchanan, a young man from a solid, aristocratic family who could promise her a wealthy lifestyle and who had the support of her parents.

What major events happened in chapter 8 of The Great Gatsby? ›

Chapter 8 displays the tragic side of the American dream as Gatsby is gunned down by George Wilson. The death is brutal, if not unexpected, and brings to an end the life of the paragon of idealism. The myth of Gatsby will continue, thanks to Nick who relays the story, but Gatsby's death loudly marks the end of an era.

What major events happened in chapter 9 of The Great Gatsby? ›

Daisy and Tom have left town for good, with no forwarding address. Henry Gatz, Gatsby's father, hears about Gatsby's death and come to the funeral from Minnesota. He is in awe of his son's accomplishments. No one except the owl-eyed glasses man that Nick had met at one of Gatsby's parties comes to the funeral.

Who did Gatsby fire in chapter 7? ›

Preoccupied by his love for Daisy, Gatsby calls off his parties, which were primarily a means to lure Daisy. He also fires his servants to prevent gossip and replaces them with shady individuals connected to Meyer Wolfshiem.

What themes are in chapter 7 Gatsby? ›

The most significant themes in the book are confrontations between “new money” and “old money, and between the past and future. Fitzerald raises these questions in Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby. He does it specifically to bring up all the downsides of their characters.

What does yellow symbolize in chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby? ›

In chapter 7, Daisy and Jordan wear white dresses to symbolize their purity, or appearance of purity, in contrast to Daisy's actions. Yellow symbolizes corruption. Gatsby's car is yellow representing his corrupt business dealings (organized crime).

Who dies in chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby? ›

Yes, it is tragic that Myrtle dies so brutally, but her death takes on greater meaning when one realizes that it is materialism that brought about her end.

Who killed Gatsby? ›

The most famous murder in American literature is that of the titular hero in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, published in 1925. Jay Gatsby is shot to death in the swimming pool of his mansion by George Wilson, a gas-station owner who believes Gatsby to be the hit-and-run driver who killed his wife, Myrtle.

Did Daisy purposely hit Myrtle? ›

There is much evidence that can prove that Daisy and Tom set up to kill Myrtle and put the blame on Gatsby. There were many reasons why Daisy would want to kill Myrtle. There were many nights that Myrtle would call the house to talk to Tom, “ A lot of things had been going on the day Myrtle had died.

How does Daisy betray Gatsby in chapter 7? ›

He instead wasted all his potential chasing after Daisy and trying to get her to notice him. The last betrayal that takes place in Daisy's betrayal of Gatsby. Daisy led Gatsby to believe that she loved him and not her husband Tom. Daisy then turned her back on Gatsby and ran back to her husband leaving Gatsby alone.

What does Daisy call her daughter in chapter 7? ›

At one point, while Tom is out of the room, Daisy kisses Gatsby on the lips and says she loves him. But the next instant the nurse leads in her young daughter, Pammy.

Was Daisy a virgin in The Great Gatsby? ›

As Cantor tells it, Miss Daisy Fay of Louisville is pretty but not beautiful, fun-loving but provincial, a striving romantic already marked by private sorrows, and not a virgin (she and Jay Gatsby are lovers before the Great War).

What happens after my Chapter 7 is discharged? ›

A bankruptcy discharge releases the debtor from personal liability for certain specified types of debts. In other words, the debtor is no longer legally required to pay any debts that are discharged.

What happens in Chapter 7 okay for now? ›

In Chapter 7, every Saturday in December, it seems to snow in Marysville, which means Doug has to delivery groceries in the cold, wet weather. Each of his delivery customers offers him a hot beverage or food to help him along the way. Mrs. Windermere always gives him black coffee.

What do you lose when you file Chapter 7? ›

Chapter 7 bankruptcy erases or "discharges" credit card balances, medical bills, past-due rent payments, payday loans, overdue cellphone and utility bills, car loan balances, and even home mortgages in as little as four months.

What happens in chapter 9 of night? ›

Night Chapter 9

The SS officers begin to evacuate the camp and start moving thousands of prisoners out each day. After all prisoners are removed, the camp will be blown up. But Eliezer and others in the camp are lucky. An underground resistance movement in the camp acts and gains control.

What happen in Chapter 8 of night? ›

In Chapter 8 of Night, Elie and his father settle into Buchenwald. This camp brings dreadful suffering for both Elie and his father. Even though Elie never turns his back on his father, he feels the burden of taking care of him; along with this feeling comes guilt for feeling that way.

Why is Chapter 7 called the Golden Room? ›

The chapter's title comes from their renovation of the living room, which they paint gold.

Is Daisy a hero or villain? ›

Type of Villain

Daisy "Fay" Buchanan is the villainous tritagonist in The Great Gatsby. She symbolizes the amoral values of the aristocratic East Egg and was partially inspired by Fitzgerald's wife Zelda Fitzgerald.

Is Daisy a villain or a victim? ›

Daisy, in fact, is more victim than victimizer: she is victim first of Tom Buchanan's "cruel" power, but then of Gatsby's increasingly depersonalized vision of her. She be- comes the unwitting "grail" (p. 149) in Gatsby's adolescent quest to re- main ever-faithful to his seventeen-year-old conception of self (p.

What is Daisy's voice full of in chapter 7? ›

'[Daisy has] got an indiscreet voice,' I remarked. 'It's full of—' I hesitated. 'Her voice is full of money,' he said suddenly.

What major events happened in chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby? ›

The Great Gatsby Chapter 6 Summary
  • Nick reveals to the reader Gatsby's past and real name.
  • Nick and Gatsby meet Tom and a traditionally wealthy couple.
  • Tom and his friends jilt Gatsby.
  • Tom and Daisy find Gatsby's party and the people there distasteful.
  • Nick tries to console Gatsby when he is distraught over Daisy.
Nov 11, 2021

What does Gatsby tell Nick Chapter 8? ›

Gatsby, melancholy, tells Nick about courting Daisy in Louisville in 1917. He says that he loved her for her youth and vitality, and idolized her social position, wealth, and popularity.

What does Nick feel for Gatsby in Chapter 8? ›

As he leaves, Nick reveals his feelings for Gatsby when he says, "They're a rotten crowd […]. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together." And YET, Nick reminds us that he "disapproved" of Gatsby "from beginning to end." Once he's at work, Jordan calls him on the phone. They are both sort of cold to each other.

What happens to Nick and Tom Chapter 9? ›

Nick initially refuses to shake Tom's hand but eventually accepts. Tom tells him that he was the one who told Wilson that Gatsby owned the car that killed Myrtle, and describes how greatly he suffered when he had to give up the apartment he kept in the city for his affair.

What does Jordan accuse Nick of being in Chapter 9? ›

After this little vision, Nick decides to go back home. He's had enough of this East business. But before he goes, he meets up with Jordan, who accuses him of being "dishonest" after all. She says she trusted him, but it turned out he was as "careless" a driver as she is.

Where did Max and freak go in Chapter 9? ›

The two boys walk for miles until finally they end up at a medical research building. Freak tells Max they do medical experiments in there. In fact, there's an experimental bionics unit that's developing a bionic robot for human modification.

Who kills Wilson and Gatsby? ›

Wilson eventually goes to Gatsby's house, where he finds Gatsby lying on an air mattress in the pool, floating in the water and looking up at the sky. Wilson shoots Gatsby, killing him instantly, then shoots himself. Nick hurries back to West Egg and finds Gatsby floating dead in his pool.

Who killed Myrtle Gatsby? ›

Tom realises that it was Gatsby's car that struck and killed Myrtle. Back at Daisy and Tom's home, Gatsby tells Nick that Daisy was driving the car that killed Myrtle but he will take the blame.

Who crashed Gatsby's car? ›

Pages 59-60:​ Drunk drivers crash ○ Nick notices a car crashed in the ditch that is holding up the line of traffic leaving the party. It appears that Owl Eyes, who he met earlier that night, was in the car that crashed.

How does Tom feel in chapter 7? ›

Answer and Explanation: In chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby, Tom is in a panic because he believes he is in danger of losing both his wife and mistress.

Why is Wilson ill in chapter 7? ›

Nick tells us that Wilson has been made ill by the shock of discovering that Myrtle has 'some sort of life apart from him in another world' (p. 118).

What are important quotes from chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby? ›

I stared at him and then at Tom, who had made a parallel discovery less than an hour before—and it occurred to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the well.

What does the green light symbolize in Chapter 7? ›

The green light

the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever... now it was again a green light on a dock. This symbolises the destruction of Gatsby's dream. By the end of chapter seven Gatsby is watching over nothing .

What does the green light symbolize in The Great Gatsby Chapter 7? ›

Situated at the end of Daisy's East Egg dock and barely visible from Gatsby's West Egg lawn, the green light represents Gatsby's hopes and dreams for the future.

What does the green light represent in Chapter 9? ›

The color green is traditionally associated with money, and the green light also symbolizes the wealth that Gatsby believes will enable him to win Daisy back from Tom.

What happens in Chapter 7 long way down? ›

Part 7 Analysis

After many years of being taught not to cry or express his grief in a way that doesn't harm others, Shawn openly weeps in front of his brother. It isn't clear why Shawn is crying—it could be for his own life, the lives of all the people he lost, the fate he was dealt, or Will's current predicament.

What happens at the end of Chapter 7 in The Great Gatsby? ›

The chapter ends with Gatsby, the paragon of chivalry and lost dreams, remaining on vigil outside Daisy's house, in case she needs assistance dealing with Tom, while Nick heads back to West Egg.

What happens in Chapter 7 of look both ways? ›

Chapter 7 Summary: “Satchmo's Master Plan” Chapter 7 commences with Satchmo Jenkins recalling the time he was bitten in the leg by a neighbor's rottweiler. The dog took “a chunk out of the back of Satchmo's leg, left teeth marks that scarred in the shape of a sad face” (119).

What happens in Chapter 7 of exit west? ›

Summary: Chapter 7. Saeed and Nadia emerge in an elaborate bedroom in a beautiful mansion. As they look out the window, they realize that they're on a city block filled with white houses and cherry trees. The house appears deserted.

What is the gist of Chapter 7 A Mighty Long Way? ›

Lesson Summary

In chapter 7 of A Long Way Gone, Ishmael becomes separated from Junior, Gibrilla, and his other friends when the village where they have been staying, Kamator, is attacked by rebels. The imam is in the middle of praying when the rebels kidnap him and burn him at the stake in the middle of the village.

Who does Daisy choose in chapter 7? ›

Eventually, Gatsby won Daisy's heart, and they made love before Gatsby left to fight in the war. Daisy promised to wait for Gatsby, but in 1919 she chose instead to marry Tom Buchanan, a young man from a solid, aristocratic family who could promise her a wealthy lifestyle and who had the support of her parents.

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