CAYMAN FUNDS | Cayman Company | IMS International Management Services Ltd | George Town (2024)

CAYMAN FUNDS | Cayman Company | IMS International Management Services Ltd | George Town (1)

Offshore Fund Services

You do what you do best
Rely on us to take care of the rest

Setup or domicile your fund in the Cayman Islands without missing your stride

We can provide you with everything you need including Professional Independent Directors, Registered Office, Compliance Officers, Anti Money Laundering Reporting Officers, as well as introductions to Onshore and Offshore Lawyers, Auditors,

Fund Administrators, Bankers and Regulators,

Why choose IMS and the Cayman Islands?

  • IMS has long been a pioneer in the world of services to offshore financial and other entities. We recognised early on the potential for the funds industry in the Cayman Islands to grow the jurisdiction to become a premier financial centre, ranking only behind the likes of London and New York.

  • We were the first in the Cayman Islands to specialise in providing independent directors to hedge funds. Our services comply with the Cayman Islands Director Registration and Licensing Law (the Law) and we pride ourselves on being a premier firm in the space– many other providers of director services have modelled themselves on us.

  • In a nutshell, the Cayman Islands has ensured its strong position by providing a balanced regulatory approach with a legal system based on English common law, which, coupled with its inherent political stability has meant that the jurisdiction has been, and continues to be, attractive to domicile a hedge fund structure. Licensing and regulatory requirements do not require local custodians or investment managers, as it is accepted that relevant stakeholders are suitably regulated or controlled either in or outwith the Cayman Islands.

  • Bearing in mind that hedge funds are aimed squarely at professional, institutional and sophisticated investors, the law in the Cayman Islands does not place restrictions on investment objectives, risks, leverage or other commercial matters etc., provided the fund offering documents fully describe the same as well as the equity interests investors may subscribe for.

  • Please view the other pages within this Cayman Funds section of our site to fully appreciate the benefits of domiciling your hedge fund in the Cayman Islands.

  • To find out more about the Cayman Islands fund directors and our Hedge Fund services, please email us at

IMS Fund Services

  • IMS Fund Services is a division of IMS, which focuses on the provision of directors, trustees, governance committee members and AML Officers to hedge funds and related entities. We have over 150 years of collective experience and expertise in global funds governance in Cayman and provide services to some of the largest global fund organizations.

  • Our Fund Fiduciaries are professionally qualified and are recruited from household names in the financial services industry. IMS is not only independent of the investment manager but also independent of the administrator and all other service providers to the funds for which we provide directors, governance committee members or trustees.

  • Our model provides inherent capacity constraints limiting the number of director appointments per team member. We take our role as directors, governance committee members and trustees seriously, thus providing exceptional corporate governance of the highest standard.

  • IMS can also provide the following services to fund entities if required: registered office and company secretary, trustee of management/voting shares and introductions to approved auditors and attorneys.

Licensed to provide independent directors

All members of IMS’ staff that act as fund directors are registered with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority as ‘Professional Directors’ pursuant to the Directors Registration and Licensing Act of the Cayman Islands.

Why Choose Cayman as a Fund Domicile?

Having spoken with many investors over the years, we have ascertained that there are various factors which make Cayman attractive as a domicile for hedge funds:

  • Fast to Market – The speed of bringing a new fund to market is excellent, with the ability to set up a new fund in a few days (subject to fund documentation first being agreed). Local service providers have developed a fast and efficient service, backed up by tried and tested fund documents, which can easily be tailored to an investment manager’s needs.

  • Regulation – The Cayman regulatory regime is very well balanced and works well from an investor’s perspective.

  • Cost effective jurisdiction.

  • Laws – Straightforward and easy to understand fund laws and some of the best legal talents in the world.

  • Service Providers – One-stop-shop jurisdiction, where all required service providers are available on-island.

  • Political stability and tax neutrality.

To find out more about our fund services, and how IMS can assist you, please email us

The Requirement

Following recent amendments to the Cayman Islands Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 2017 and Guidance Notes issued by CIMA pursuant thereto, there is now a requirement for all Cayman domiciled entities carrying out ‘relevant financial business’ (which includes funds) to appoint individual named persons as AML Compliance Officer (“CO”), Money Laundering Reporting Officer (“MLRO”) and Deputy MLRO (“DMLRO”).

A person acting as MLRO / DMLRO must (i) act autonomously; (ii) be independent (have no vested interest in the underlying activity); and (iii) have access to all relevant material in order to make an assessment as to whether an activity is or is not suspicious.

Entities that are in-scope and therefore subject to the above requirement are:

  • Regulated Investment Funds registered with CIMA;

  • Any other entity carrying out ‘relevant financial business’.

The same person can be appointed as CO and either MLRO or DMLRO, but the MLRO and the DMLRO must be two separate individuals.

Entities must therefore address these requirements as soon as practicable in order to comply with the requirement to appoint their CO, MLRO and DMLRO.

Anti Money Laundering

CAYMAN FUNDS | Cayman Company | IMS International Management Services Ltd | George Town (2)

Our Solution

IMS can provide AML Officers to act for funds for which we currently provide independent directors.

One of the many benefits of our solution over other potential service providers is that our AML Officers will have face to face access to the director(s) we provide and access to fund documentation to which our directors obtain and review from all service providers to the funds we work with, giving them invaluable knowledge of the fund(s) operations and structures. CIMA has confirmed that a fund director may also act as CO and MLRO and/or DMLRO if they are fit and proper to conduct that role and are suitably qualified and experienced.

We are able to offer a tailored number of appointments (see below) to suit your requirements, and can arrange relevant documentation to effect the appointments.

Combinations of appointments offered
  • CO, MLRO and DMLRO

  • CO & MLRO

  • CO & DMLRO

  • MLRO and DMLRO

Our pricing is dependent upon the specific appointments required and will reflect economies of scale where there are, for example, master feeder structures etc. We will provide a fee quote on request.

For more information on AML Officers please contact:

CAYMAN FUNDS | Cayman Company | IMS International Management Services Ltd | George Town (3)


Fund Fiduciary

Tel: +1 (345) 526 5809

  • We were the first to provide independent professional directors to funds in the Cayman Islandsand pride ourselves on being one of the premier firms in the space. Many other providers of director services have modelled themselves on us.

  • We believe in transparency and integrity – our ultimate goal is to ensure that the funds we provide services to benefit from corporate governance of the highest standard.

  • We believe that the directors of a fund (and indeed our own board of directors) should have relevant experience and expertise, capacity and independence. They should also be accessible to all stakeholders in the funds we serve, including investors, and that our directors’ fiduciary duties are owed to the fund as a whole and that they must therefore act at all times in the best interests of the fund.

  • Our total independence from investment managers, administrators, lawyers and other service providers ensures that we are not conflicted when considering difficult issues facing a fund.

  • We welcome visits from potential clients, fund service providers and existing or prospective investors in funds we provide directors to and are happy to talk through our model of directorship services, the role of the directors we provide and the numbers of client relationships our fund directors have.

  • Our internal procedures and guidance for fund directors ensure that investors in the funds we provide directors to can be confident that the interests of the fund (and therefore the investor base as a whole) are best served.

To find out more about our fund services, and how IMS can assist you, please email us

Our Philosophy

Role of Independent Non-Executive Director

The directors we provide are well aware of their fiduciary duties to the companies for which they act as directors. At their most basic, they must:

1. Act bona fide in what they consider to be the best interests of the company;

2. Exercise their powers for the purposes for which they are conferred;

3. Not place themselves in a position where there is a conflict between their personal interests and their duty to the company; and

4. Exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence that would be expected of a reasonably diligent person having the general knowledge, skill and experience reasonably to be expected of a person acting as an independent non-executive director (which is based upon the knowledge, skill and experience which the director actually possesses).

For more information on funds generally contact us:

CAYMAN FUNDS | Cayman Company | IMS International Management Services Ltd | George Town (4)


Managing Director

Tel: +1 (345) 949 4244

Fund Director FAQs

  • As an independent service provider, we enjoy good relationships with all of the major law firms both in the Cayman Islands and on-shore.

  • The Cayman Islands benefits from a form of regulation which benefits both investors and fund managers alike, with the result that funds are easy to establish and easy to maintain in the Islands.

  • The laws governing Cayman domiciled investment funds are the Mutual Funds Act 2020 (as revised from time to time) (the “Mutual Funds Act”) and the Private Funds Act, 2020 (“Private Funds Act”).

  • All open-ended funds are covered by the Mutual Funds Act and regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (“CIMA”), including those formerly exemptedfunds where the equity interests are held by not more than 15 investors and the majority of those investors have the power to appoint or remove the fund’s operators. In February 2020, the Cayman Islands enacted the Private Funds Act, which introduced a new regulatory regime for closed-ended Cayman Islands funds (“private funds”) which are now also required to register with CIMA and are subject to regulation. Since the passing of the Private Funds Act, over 13,000 private funds registered with CIMA.

The three types of regulated funds under the Mutual Funds Act are Licensed Funds, Administered Funds and Registered Funds.

1. Registered Funds – Require that either (a) the minimum subscription per investor must be at least U.S.$100,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency), or (b) its equity interests be listed on a stock exchange approved by CIMA. These are by far the most utilized and straightforward form of regulated fund.

2. Administered Funds – A mutual fund having more than fifteen investors and not being a licensed or registered mutual fund will be an administered mutual fund (an “Administered Fund”) if its principal office in the Cayman Islands is provided by a mutual fund administrator licensed in the Islands. The licensed administrator has a duty to satisfy itself of matters similar to the matters CIMA requires in relation to licensed funds (see below) and file a declaration with CIMA confirming that it is so satisfied.

3. Licensed Funds – Unless a mutual fund is an administered, registered or is subject to an exemption, it must not carry on business in or from the Cayman Islands unless it has a mutual fund license and has either a registered office in the Cayman Islands or, in the case of a unit trust, has a trustee which is a local licensed trust company. In order for a fund to obtain a license, CIMA must be satisfied that each promoter and the administrator of the fund is of sound reputation and have sufficient expertise and that the fund’s business and any offer of equity interests will be carried out in a proper way. CIMA will require such information and documentation in its discretion to so satisfy itself.

  • There are various continuing obligations in relation to regulated funds, which include the requirement to submit a fund annual return (FAR), file current offering documents and prescribed particulars with CIMA, file accounts audited by an auditor approved by CIMA within 6 months of each financial year end. Precise details are beyond the scope of this page – we recommend that legal advice is taken in this regard.

  • The latest revision of the Mutual Funds Act can be found on the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority Website, which can be accessed by clickinghere.

To find out more about our fund services, and how IMS can assist you, please email us

Cayman Fund Law

CAYMAN FUNDS | Cayman Company | IMS International Management Services Ltd | George Town (2024)


Why are funds registered in the Cayman Islands? ›

Advantages of Cayman Islands Investment Funds

Cayman Islands is at the forefront of the investment funds sector largely because of the structural and operational advantages it offers, including: Political and economic stability. No exchange controls restrictions. Reputable professional service providers.

Why are there so many hedge funds in the Cayman Islands? ›

Its appeal is due mainly to the use of innovative legislation; the absence of taxation and exchange controls; and the long-standing presence of sophisticated and professional service providers, ensuring responsible supervision and regulation, and a safe and trusted environment for investors.

What is the structure of the Cayman Islands fund? ›

Cayman funds can be structured as open-ended or closed-ended schemes and in either case can make redemptions in kind by transferring underlying assets to investors on voluntary or compulsory redemption.

How to set up a fund in the Cayman Islands? ›

Registered mutual funds
  1. Application form (APP-102-22, or for master funds, APP-101-53)
  2. Certificate of incorporation/registration.
  3. Consent letters from an approved local auditor and an administrator.
  4. Offering document.
  5. Affidavit authorising the fund's agent to make electronic filings with CIMA.

Why do people have Cayman Island bank accounts? ›

Tax Advantages: One of the primary attractions of banking in the Cayman Islands is its zero-tax regime. There are no direct taxes on income, capital gains, corporate profits, or inheritance, making it an ideal location for tax-efficient financial planning.

What is the minimum investment for Cayman funds? ›

To qualify for registration, a mutual fund must have either: A minimum initial subscription amount of US$100,000, or its equivalent in any other currency (by far the most common), or. Its equity interests listed on a recognised stock exchange approved by CIMA.

Why is a secret billionaire buying up the Cayman Islands? ›

As a place to conduct business, Cayman's appeal is obvious. The country, a British Overseas Territory, levies no income or corporate taxes, and, since the 1960s, it has become one of the world's most sophisticated banking centers.

Why do rich people send money to Cayman Islands? ›

A tax haven is any jurisdiction with very favorable tax laws and privacy protections for investors. The Cayman Islands don't have a corporate tax and act as a haven for multinational corporations to shield some or all of their incomes from taxation.

Why is the US in debt to the Cayman Islands? ›

The main reason why Cayman Islands hold so much U.S. debt is because of the fact that many major hedge funds are domiciled there, and their international deposits count towards this total. In fact, a various reports suggest that more than half of global hedge funds are domiciled there.

Who owns Cayman? ›

The Cayman Islands (/ˈkeɪmən/) is a self-governing British Overseas Territory, and the largest by population.

What government owns the Cayman Islands? ›

The 20th Century: The Cayman Islands, initially administered as a dependency of Jamaica, became an independent colony in 1959; they now are a self-governing British Overseas Territory.

Who regulates funds in Cayman Islands? ›

The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) is the regulatory body responsible for compliance with these laws and related regulations and has broad powers of enforcement.

How much does it cost to set up a Cayman fund? ›

the issuance of certified copies of the certificate of incorporation of the fund costs $365,85; the administrative fee that must be paid with CIMA upon incorporation is of $365,85; the registration fee requested by CIMA is $4,268, which must be paid on an annual basis.

How much does it cost to set up a Cayman company? ›

Company incorporation fees in the Cayman Islands can range from 2000 to 3000 Cayman Islands dollars. Re-registration fees may cost around KYD 500. Name reservations for 60 days may cost around KYD 80. Additional expenses include governmental fees, license fees, business address fees, etc.

Are Cayman private funds regulated? ›

All private funds within the scope of the Act are required to register with CIMA and be subject to its regulation. To help funds comply with the Act, we offer a variety of services that enable our clients to outsource compliance and other relevant activities.

Why are over 93000 companies registered in the Cayman Islands? ›

With no direct taxation, the islands are a thriving offshore financial center. More than 93,000 companies were registered in the Cayman Islands as of 2008, including almost 300 banks, 800 insurers, and 10,000 mutual funds. A stock exchange was opened in 1997.

Why do investors invest in the Cayman Islands? ›

The tax-free environment, diverse investment options, and the potential to enjoy living in an idyllic island paradise make it an ideal choice. With its pristine beaches, luxurious amenities, and friendly people, investing in property in the Cayman Islands is sure to be a rewarding experience.

Why is offshore banking popular in the Cayman Islands? ›

One of the main benefits of banking in the Cayman Islands is the absence of multiple taxes, such as capital gains, dividends, income, property, and company taxes. This, combined with no exchange control laws, ensures that foreign investments have unrestricted fluidity across currencies.

Is the Cayman Islands a fund jurisdiction? ›

The Cayman Islands are home to more than 29,000 funds. 70% of the global hedge fund market is made up of Cayman-based funds, and 80% of all new offshore funds are registered in Cayman, with 67% of Cayman funds having US investment managers. The AUM of funds on the island has been estimated at almost $2 trillion.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.