Cennox FireKing MB3020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Double Door | Electronic Lock | 3.39 Cubic Feet (2024)

Cennox FireKing MB3020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Double Door | Electronic Lock | 3.39 Cubic Feet (3)

Cennox FireKing MB3020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Double Door | Electronic Lock | 3.39 Cubic Feet (4)


Cennox / FireKing


$1,571.25 USD$3,590.67 USD

You can save additional 3% OFF on top of all other discounts by paying via wire transfer or Zelle. Details at checkout

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Cennox FireKing MB3020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Double Door | Electronic Lock | 3.39 Cubic Feet (5)

Make quick, secure cash drops with ease.

In store operations, you need a secure environment for your cash. Our Cennox FireKing MB3020-FK1 Depository Safe provides a convenient and reliable form of security from theft and shrinkage in your retail setting. Easy under-the-counter installation means that your safe is in a location that promotes operational efficiency. The mail box drop enables you to easily make bank bag type drops. The mailbox is designed to accept bulky drops and deposit them into the safe. This allows you to make those types of drops without opening the main door to the safe.

The safe is fit with either one or two electronic locks, one for each compartment. Each electronic lock is programmable with unique user codes, limiting access to only those who are authorized. Some models have locks that will also allow you the capability to set a time delay, further deterring theft and armed robbery. All of these features, coupled with outstanding customer service and live technical support when you need it, give you the confidence that you seek.

Cennox FireKingoffers6modelsofB-RatedDepository Safe:

  • Cennox FireKing MB2014-FK1| Electronic Lock | 1.07CF
  • Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1| Electronic Lock |3 CF
  • Cennox FireKing MB2720ICH-FK1|Inner Compartmentwith Electronic Lock | 3.57 CF
  • Cennox FireKing MB2720ICHF1SG40| Inner Compartmentwith Key Lock| 3.57 Cubic Feet
  • Cennox FireKing MB3020-FK1| Double Door | Electronic Lock | 3.39 CF
  • Cennox FireKing B5325DM-FK1SG40| Double Door| Electronicand Dual Key Lock |13.67 CF

      CA Residents: SeeProp 65 Warning


      • B-Rated construction
      • Dual compartments separate drops and change funds
      • Mail box drop slot allows direct deposit to top compartment
      • Two electronic locks limit access to each door
      • Spring-loaded re-locker
      • Time delay feature available as robbery and theft deterrent
      • 24/7/365 live technical support when needed


      Cennox FireKing MB3020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Double Door | Electronic Lock | 3.39 Cubic Feet (6)

      SmartLogic FK1 Electronic Locking Solution - Top and Bottom Door

      • UL Listed, Type 1 high security electronic lock
      • LCD screen for easy programming
      • Multiple registered users
      • Programmable time delay and time window
      • Penalty lockout
      • Single or dual control modes
      • Standard footprint for easy retrofit
      • 24/7/365 live technical support when needed

        Weight & Dimensions

        Weight (lbs)290
        Bottom Interior 12" 1912" 15"
        Storage Space[cf]3.39


        Locking Mechanism2Rounded Locking Bolts (Top Door), 3 Rounded Locking Bolts (Bottom Door)
        Relocker TypeSpring Loaded
        Burglar RatingB-Rated


        Get in touch with us

        Text or Call :888-717-4819or simply start a live chat with our experts.

        Average response time is 41 seconds. We are open 7 days a Week; 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM EST


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          {% endcomment %} {% comment %}{% endcomment %} {% comment %}

          {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

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          {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

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          {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

          {% endcomment %} {% comment %}{% endif %}{% endcomment %} {% comment %}

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          {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

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        {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %}


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        View 0 Products

        {{ show_label }}

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        • {{ sort.label }}
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        {% if init %}--{% else %}({{ data[search_type.value].total }}){% endif %}
        Cennox FireKing MB3020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Double Door | Electronic Lock | 3.39 Cubic Feet (2024)


        How do I reset my Fireking safe code? ›

        TO CHANGE PERSONAL CODE (User Code 1)

        STEP 1: Press the reset button located inside on back of door STEP 2: Enter your new Personal Code (Ex: 5555) STEP 3: Press the “#”button STEP 4: LED will display SUCCESS! Or ERROR!

        How do you open a safe if you forgot the combination? ›

        Unfortunately, if you forget your combination or you lose your key, the only way to get into your locked safe is to use a professional locksmith. Check online or in your local phone book to find a reliable locksmith. Call them to make sure that they offer safe-opening services and find out what the fees are.

        When did Fire King go out of business? ›

        1976. 1976 was the last year original Fire-King Jadite dishes were made by Anchor Hocking until they were brought back as a reproduction “2000” line, in the year 2000. Jadeite D-handle mugs and cereal bowls were produced up until 1976 and were some of the last original patterns of Jadeite dishes to be produced.

        How do you reset your digital safe if you forgot the code? ›

        Press the reset button on the inner keypad of the safe.

        It should be a small, black button with the word “Reset” next to it. Push the button with the end of the hanger. You may hear a beeping sound or the control panel may light up when you press the reset button.

        Do safes have a reset button? ›

        Resetting Electronic Codes

        This can be used to reset the safe's code. Accessing the Reset Button: Many electronic safes have a reset button inside the door or on the back panel.

        What to do if my safe won't open? ›

        If you have a keyed safe, the first thing to do is to check if the key is bent or damaged. If so, it is recommended that you contact a professional locksmith to repair or replace the key. If the key is not the problem, it is possible that the lock is jammed or defective.

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        Article information

        Author: Prof. An Powlowski

        Last Updated:

        Views: 6479

        Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

        Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

        Author information

        Name: Prof. An Powlowski

        Birthday: 1992-09-29

        Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

        Phone: +26417467956738

        Job: District Marketing Strategist

        Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

        Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.