Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke (2024)

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The Christmas holiday season is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s such a fun and festive time. You get to totally deck out your home with Christmas decor and spend quality time with friends and family.

But then, there’s a whole other side of it that’s not so happy and bright.

You know what I’m talking about.

All of those presents, eating out, and drinks with friends don’t come cheap. The months leading up to the end of the year can get a little overwhelming.

Okay, wait, scratch that…

It can getreally overwhelming especially if you’re not financially ready and strategic with your spending.

Here are some easy tips and tricks you can follow to save for Christmas so you can have an awesome Christmas on a budget and not feel broke after the holidays.

Save For Christmas By Making A Budget

The very first thing you need to do is set up a plan.

Planning should be the absolute number one thing in your game plan to survive the holidays.

You want to be smart with your money so you can go a lot further with the same amount of available funds.

“How should I plan?” you might ask.

It’s really quite simple.

At the beginning of the year, you need to plan in advance by estimating how much you need to save per month for the holidays on top of your regular budget.

Then, figure out approximately how many people you need to buy presents for, how many people you’ll probably be seeing and meeting up with, how you want to decorate your house, and then set a budget.

So for example, you know you need to buy presents for 10 people, you planned 6 celebrations dinners at restaurants with your friends and family, you’ll be going out 5 times to the bar, and you already have an idea of the type of Christmas home decor you want to add to your place.

Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke (1)

Set up a Budget

Now that you know approximately what you need to spend money on, you’ll need to figure out how much you’re willing to spend in total for the holidays and then allocate a budget for each of those separate categories.

In addition, you’ll want to add some extra wiggle room just in case unexpected events come up.

Sounds pretty straightforward, right?

Now that your budget is set up, just follow your budget and be sure not to overspend in any of the categories.

If you find that you’re overspending on these categories because you underestimated how much money you actually need to spend or you’re invited to more spontaneous events and parties, you’ll need to sit back and re-evaluate.

If that means that you need to skip out on drinks with your girlfriends or forego your daily morning coffees at Starbucks for a week to have a celebratory dinner with family, do it.

Sometimes you just have to make sacrifices in order to stay on track with your finances and save for Christmas.

Start A Sinking Fund

Setting up your budget and allocating your budget to each category is easy but the hard part is having the determination to actually stick to it.

To help yourself out, you can set up a sinking fund that is specifically for the holiday season.

A sinking fund is money that you can set aside every so often to save money for a specific purpose. In this case, you’d set aside money that is specifically for the holidays.

Once you have a sum of money in this sinking fund which would be equal to how much you budgeted for the holidays, you can use only that money to pay for holiday occasions.

You can always add more to the sinking fund as you deplete it but it’s specifically for the sole purpose of the holidays and nothing else.

You can check out my sinking funds tracker in my printable finance planner.

How To Have A Great Christmas On A Budget

Next, let’s talk a little bit about buying gifts since a great percentage of your money during the holidays will be spent purchasing gifts.

With good planning and time management, you’ll help yourself maximize your savings and stay within budget.

Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke (3)

1. Start Shopping For Gifts Earlier

The first thing you should consider doing is shopping for gifts earlier.

By shopping earlier, you get to skip the crazy rush in December (especially the last 2 weeks before Christmas) when everyone is at the mall fighting over parking spots and waiting in crazy long check out lines.

Use time to your advantage and purchase gifts throughout the year.

This way, you can avoid the holiday rush, get the best prices, and not get locked into purchasing something you don’t even think is the perfect gift just because you need to gift it to someone the very next day.

Here are 3 great times during the year you can save money.

Take Advantage Of Mega Sale Dates

Want to take advantage of great sale prices?

A way to score some amazing deals and ultimately save hundreds of dollars is to purchase your gifts during Black Friday, Cyber Monday, during Boxing Week, and Amazon Prime Day.

Those specific sale weeks are when stores mark down a lot of their items so take advantage of them when you’re planning out when to purchase gifts.

Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke (4)

Buy Your Gifts In A Bundle

Another way to get a great deal is to take note of when there are bundle sales in certain stores.

Have you ever seen a sign pop up that says something like, “Buy $200 or more and get 30% off”?

Well, if you know in advance what you need to buy and you’re able to purchase appropriate gifts for multiple people at one store, you can get some pretty sweet discounts.

Seasonal Clearance Events

A third way to get great discounts is to purchase your items during seasonal clearance events.

For example, if you know that you want to purchase a beautiful coat for your mom, the best time to purchase something like that would be during sale events that happens when stores want to clear out their winter inventory and bring out their spring collection.

2. Purchase Your Gifts Online

Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke (5)

One of the easiest ways to save money when you’re buying presents is to purchase your gifts online.

My favorite way to save money that I always talk about on my blog is by getting cashback on every online purchase with Rakuten (formerly known as Ebates) on top of any coupons or discounts you have already applied to your checkout cart.

If you’re not using Rakuten right now, you are basically throwing money away every time you shop.

There are so many stores that are partnered with Rakuten so there is a very high likelihood that the store you want to purchase your gifts from will give you cashback.

Getting cashback while getting everything shipped right to your door? A total score!

Right now, you can get $30 cashback just for signing up with Rakuten and spending $30.

3. Set A Gift Price Limit

The holidays should be all about spending quality time with friends, family, and loved ones.

However, a lot of times, we end up putting our focus on material things like presents instead.

So if you’re having a miserable time this holiday because you’re not financially capable of spending hundreds of dollars on gifts, it’s okay.

Try to talk to them and let them know that you don’t have a lot of money to spend on gifts this year and that you want to cap off presents at a certain amount of dollar amount so that the gift exchange is even.

Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke (6)

4. Make DIY Presents

Buying gifts is great and all, but sometimes making your own DIY presents is just as awesome. If you’re tight on funds, why not think of a few DIY gift ideas that you can make yourself?

Putting the time and effort into something small and sentimental that’s made with love can be even more special than buying a really expensive gift.

Besides, it’s cost friendly and who doesn’t like saving money, right?

Definitely check out Pinterest for awesome DIY present ideas.

5. Gatherings With Friends & Family

After gift shopping, a large chunk of change will probably be spent on holiday celebrations and gatherings with friends and family.

Constantly going out to celebrate is not cheap so here are two things you can do so you can still enjoy Christmas without going broke.

Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke (7)

Choose Less Pricey Spots

Celebrating the holidays doesn’t have to be super fancy or bougie.

You can always choose less expensive spots to grab some food and drinks if you’re on a tight budget. Sometimes, even just having a coffee date is fine.

What’s most important is spending great, quality time with family and friends, wherever that may be.

Host A Potluck

Another great option you can consider doing is hosting a potluck party.

Instead of going out and spending money, host a party at home and ask your guests to each bring one dish with them.

It’s a great way to celebrate with your guests at home without the financial strain.

Check out my post on other fun Christmas activities you can do with family and friends without having to spend a lot of money.

6. Save On Holiday Home Decor

Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke (8)

Lastly, if you’re decorating your home for the holidays, decorations don’t have to be expensive and they can still look really good.

Here are 3 ways to spend less on your Christmas home decor.

Buy Decorations From The Dollar Store

The dollar store has such great finds sometimes that all you really need is to go there to get awesome home decor for the holidays.

Unfortunately, dollar stores have a bad reputation because let’s be real – a lot of their stuff looks cheap and not so flattering.

The key to finding awesome holiday home decor pieces at the dollar store is to search for things that look more expensive than they are and pairing them with the right pieces at home.

Scour Your local Thrift Stores

If you think that thrift stores are dirty or not worth shopping at, think again.

Sometimes that one home decor piece you’ve been looking for the longest time can pop up there randomly and they’re usually one of a kind and priced very reasonably.

If you’re okay with buying a pre-loved, second-hand piece, thrift stores are always great places to shop at.

Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke (9)

Make Your Own DIY Decorations

Last but not least, you can always make your own DIY home decorations. Some places to check out fun and detailed tutorials are Pinterest and Youtube.

If you’re not into any of those 3 suggestions above, you can also check out my list of great Christmas home decor ideas that I’ve compiled.

Also, don’t forget to check out my holiday gift guides if you’re looking for some great gifts and you’re not sure what to get.

Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke (10)

How are some ways you’ll be saving money this upcoming holiday season so you can have Christmas on a budget? Feel free to share in the comments!

Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke (2024)


Christmas On A Budget: How To Save For Christmas So You Don't Go Broke? ›

Start buying early. Your budget will greatly appreciate you buying one or two gifts each month all year, instead of waiting to buy it all during December. You can also take advantage of sales all year long! Don't forget to use cashback sites to get some money back on your shopping.

How to afford Christmas on a tight budget? ›

Start buying early. Your budget will greatly appreciate you buying one or two gifts each month all year, instead of waiting to buy it all during December. You can also take advantage of sales all year long! Don't forget to use cashback sites to get some money back on your shopping.

How can I celebrate Christmas without spending a lot of money? ›

Here's what you can do this year if you don't have money for your usual Christmas extravaganza.
  1. Ask friends and family to help. ...
  2. Ask someone else to host. ...
  3. Keep the celebrations small. ...
  4. Apply to Toy Appeals. ...
  5. Don't be afraid to say no. ...
  6. Don't be tempted by payday loans. ...
  7. Trim the kids' expectations.
Nov 26, 2023

How do I not spend a lot of money for Christmas? ›

7 Ways to Avoid Overspending this Holiday Season
  1. Set a Budget. Before the holiday shopping season even begins, decide how much money you want to spend. ...
  2. Be Aware of Retail Tricks. ...
  3. Limit self-gifting. ...
  4. Cut down on convenience costs. ...
  5. Establish expectations early. ...
  6. Look for shortcuts to make travel cheaper. ...
  7. Track spending.

What is the best way to save money for Christmas? ›

Christmas Tips to Save Money
  1. Develop a gift-giving philosophy. Normally, our first suggestion in every instance of life is to budget. ...
  2. Budget. ...
  3. Track your spending. ...
  4. Rein in other spending. ...
  5. Choose time over money. ...
  6. Shop early. ...
  7. Give fewer gifts. ...
  8. Resist retail marketing.
Nov 17, 2023

What is a realistic budget for Christmas? ›

A realistic budget for Christmas gifts depends on individual financial circ*mstances. However, a common guideline is to allocate around 1-2% of your annual income for gifts.

How can I enjoy Christmas on a low budget? ›

9 ways to enjoy a cheap and cheerful Christmas
  1. Set a spending limit for all gifts. ...
  2. Bring a thing. ...
  3. Keep it simple. ...
  4. Let food be the star. ...
  5. Opt for inexpensive decorations. ...
  6. Cheap gift wrapping. ...
  7. Buy champers in bulk. ...
  8. Use points.
Dec 1, 2023

What if I can't afford Christmas? ›

Be honest about your money worries

Open up to family and friends and let them know you can't afford to splash out on extravagant presents and food. The chances are some of them will be in the same boat and talking about your problems can be a weight off your mind.

How do you have a frugal Christmas? ›

The experts: money gurus' 20 failsafe, frugal tips to keep Christmas overspend at bay
  1. Limit your exposure to unreal expectations of Christmas. ...
  2. Don't throw money at the problem. ...
  3. Consider group presents. ...
  4. Try a Secret Santa. ...
  5. Reject the notion that 'it isn't Christmas without …' ...
  6. Budget for festive spending throughout the year.
Dec 7, 2023

How much to spend per child for Christmas? ›

In my family, for example, we set a budget and go from there—and many families do the same. According to a November 2022 study, most parents are budgeting $220 for each child—with the highest budgets for 7 to 12-year-olds, though 28% of those surveyed are trying to keep it below $100.

How do you tell people you can't afford Christmas? ›

How to talk to friends and family about spending less on...
  1. Keep your explanation brief. ...
  2. Don't mention the money. ...
  3. Hold your boundaries. ...
  4. Be clear that you don't expect gifts, but be gracious if you get them anyway. ...
  5. Discuss it sooner rather than later… but not too soon.
Dec 13, 2023

How do I recover financially from Christmas? ›

Here are seven ways to recover from holiday spending:
  1. Cash in a few vacation days.
  2. Rent out your car.
  3. Get a side gig.
  4. Sell things you don't need.
  5. Renegotiate your monthly bills.
  6. Consider a debt consolidation loan.
  7. Prepare for the next holiday season.
Dec 20, 2023

How do you survive Christmas on a budget? ›

Christmas on a budget: top tips, statistics & alternatives
  1. Plan ahead before you hit the shops. Don't go into the crowds without a clear budget in mind. ...
  2. Agree on price limits for gifts. ...
  3. Be honest. ...
  4. Watch TV for free. ...
  5. Save on postage. ...
  6. Ask for advice. ...
  7. Loyalty cards. ...
  8. Give an experience.
Dec 10, 2023

What is the envelope trick to save money? ›

The 100-envelope challenge is pretty straightforward: You take 100 envelopes, number each of them and then save the corresponding dollar amount in each envelope. For instance, you put $1 in “Envelope 1,” $2 in “Envelope 2,” and so on. By the end of 100 days, you'll have saved $5,050.

How much money should you have for Christmas? ›

Before you start buying gifts, it's important to set a budget. Financial experts often recommend allocating 1% of your annual income for holiday spending. This includes not just gifts, but also decorations, food, and other festivities. This recommendation could be a good starting point for your holiday budgeting.

How much money is reasonable for Christmas? ›

A simple budget for holiday gifts? How about 1.5% of your annual salary. Clearpoint, the credit-counseling nonprofit, suggests a simple target for holiday budgeting: Plan to spend 1.5% of your annual income. For a family that earns $75,000 a year, that works out to $1,125.

What percentage of income should go to Christmas budget? ›

Families around the world spend 156% of monthly income on Christmas - WorldRemit Data. USA - English.

How do you shop for Christmas on a tight budget? ›

  1. Key holiday spending statistics.
  2. Save money in advance.
  3. Make a budget.
  4. Do your holiday shopping early.
  5. Look for discounts and free shipping.
  6. Look at other holiday gift options.
  7. Consider homemade gifts and experiences.
  8. Frequently asked questions.
Sep 19, 2023

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.