Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis? | Amsterdam Genetics (2024)

Anyone interested in growing their own cannabis has two options: growing from seeds or using clones. Although some people claim clones are the better choice, we prefer to compare the pros and cons of cannabis clones and the prime seeds from the AG strains catalogue. That way, anyone can decide for themselves whether to search for clones or grow cannabis from the best seeds we can offer.

Table of Contents

Cannabis Clones And Seeds

Before we compare clones and seeds, let’s make one thing perfectly clear. We can’t overstate the importance of using good genetics. As we say so often, any good grow starts with great genetics. In our AG online seeds catalogue, you’ll find some of the best seeds in the world carrying all those great genes inside. Nonetheless, growing cannabis can also be done using clones.

Cannabis clones are cuttings taken off a ‘mother plant’ and then carefully coaxed to grow into new plants. Clones are exact copies of their mother plant; cloning copies the genetic code present in plant DNA. This is very different from the natural reproductive strategy of cannabis plants, and that means clones differ fundamentally from plants raised from seed. So which is the better choice? As you will find out below, that depends – although we have good reasons to sell only top quality seeds online.

Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis? | Amsterdam Genetics (1)

Genotype And Phenotype


Clones are literally an identical copy of their mother. Because they are made by carefully cutting off a branch of a plant that has proven itself (through amazing flavor, mold resistance or potency for example), and letting that branch develop its own root system. If it works out, you end up with a cloned cannabis plant: a new organism with the exact same genetic code as its mother plant. In biology, the totality of an individual’s genetic makeup, encoded in its genes, is called ‘genotype‘.


Of course, you can’t see a plant’s genes from the outside; DNA is a code written in proteins, carried deep inside every cell of an organism. The genetic code represents traits expressed on the outside, be they broad or small leaves, big versus small buds, or any other property inherited from its parent(s). The totality of these traits make up the individual’s outward appearance. It is the sum total of all genetic traits included in its genotype. This expression of an individual plant’s genetics is known as its ‘phenotype‘.

Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis? | Amsterdam Genetics (2)

Growers and connoisseurs often refer to phenotype simply as ‘pheno’. Interestingly, cannabis seeds from the same strain, and even produced by the same female plant (single genotype), can turn into plants with different phenotypes. This pheno variance is due to natural reproduction: when pollen from a male plant touches the pistil of a female plant, the resulting seeds carry various combinations of both parent’s DNA (genotype). That explains why natural reproduction creates varied offspring with varying phenotypes. It keeps the species evolving, producing random new phenotypes that may be even better than the parent’s phenos combined.

Natural Cannabis Seeds Versus Artificial Clones

Downsides Of Cloning

By taking clones you know your crop will consistently have the exact same grow characteristics, flavour profile, and overall phenotype as its mother. Unfortunately, clones also carry any flaws their mother’s DNA may contain. Clones can carry hidden genetic defects that may only express themselves months later while flowering. They can also carry diseases and vulnerabilities to pests and fungi inherited from the mother plant.

Moreover, mother plants are often treated with high quantities of pesticides. If carefully managed, one single mother plant can survive for years, providing growers with a stable harvest and new clones time and again. Pesticides are often used keep mother plants protected, and that can be a real drawback. Pesticides accumulate in the tissue of the mother plant; as a result, any clone cuttings will contain the same pesticides from the start.

Finding Good Clones Is Hard

On top of these drawbacks, finding good quality clones can be exceedingly difficult. Even if you do find a breeder willing to sell you some, they will be expensive. And that’s even before you start to try and keep the clones alive in your own grow setup! All in all, finding top quality genetics is much easier, cheaper, and safer when you order cannabis seeds online. Seeds are designed by nature to carry all the precious genes safely to the spot where the seed can germinate and grow into a new cannabis plant. That makes the case for choosing good seeds over clones pretty clear, but there is more to consider.

Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis? | Amsterdam Genetics (3)

Root And Branch Development In Cannabis Clones vs. Seeds

As noted, clones are simply rootless branches cut off a mother plant. Obviously, the first thing they need to develop after you plant them is a root system. And that takes energy; a whole lot of it, in fact. Meanwhile, the existing leaves of the clones demand energy to grow and continue THEIR work: photosynthesis.

This means cloned cannabis plants will probably not develop optimal root systems. And that’s a shame, considering that root volume equals yield volume. In contrast to seeds, clones need a shorter vegetation period. During that time they’ll also grow faster than plants from seeds, because the clone is not an infant, but has the same age as its mother. Again, this may seem advantageous at first, but such unnatural growth comes with drawbacks, too.

Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis? | Amsterdam Genetics (4)

Healthy Roots = Healthy Harvests

Clones will not grow as sturdy as cannabis plants from seeds, though. After germination, cannabis seeds develop a fat taproot, which travels as far down into the soil as it can. The taproot serves like an anchor, increasing the stability of the plant. This vertical root will go on to develop lateral roots horizontally, ensuring a deep-rooted cannabis plant. And as we stated before, root volume equals yield volume. So a healthy and substantial seed-grown root system is all set to produce a healthy and substantial yield.

More Branches = More Buds

Apart from developing their roots differently, clones and seeds also develop differently above ground. On one of our latest strain hunting expeditions, we discovered that clones develop one sided nodes. Each time the stem of a clone splits into branches, it only develops one single branch per node. Cannabis plants from seeds on the other hand, develop two-sided nodes. Considering they develop double the amount of branches per plant and have a bigger and more stable root systems, weed from seeds potentially yields much more than clones.

Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis? | Amsterdam Genetics (5)

Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis? | Amsterdam Genetics (6)

Natural Cannabis Variants: Seeds Offer More Than Clones

Using clones means having an exact copy of a mother plant’s genotype to work with. That can be a big plus if you know exactly which phenotype you want to grow. If you manage to raise a clone the right way, you could theoretically produce more clones for your next grows. We will admit this is a benefit for some growers, but the extra effort involved convinces the majority of growers to work with seeds in the natural way.

Natural Seeds = Natural Variation

Some may find the genetic consistency of clones a good thing, but we know that most growers find the idea of clones unnatural and boring. After all, with all the wonderful variety available today, why stick to the same identical genetics when there’s so much more to explore? In contrast to clones, cannabis seeds from the same parents can each still have different tastes and grow characteristics. Perhaps that makes growing cannabis from seeds less predictable, but it does add to the excitement. Just like human siblings are not identical, neither is the natural offspring from cannabis plants. Let’s face it: if all your brothers and sisters were your exact identical copies, things would soon get boring at home, right?

Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis? | Amsterdam Genetics (7)

Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis? | Amsterdam Genetics (8)

As you can see in the pictures @JOHE420 took of our Lemon Ice (above), two seeds from one strain can give different looking and tasting buds. Since you can never tell which ones will taste better, grow larger, or produce more effects, there is an exciting element of natural surprise in every grow that uses cannabis seeds. That excitement is an important reason why most growers around the world prefer the natural pheno variation that cannabis seeds can offer.

Creating New Strains (For Cloning?)

Some growers with an experimental mindset like to develop new strains of their own. If they succeed, they can proceed in two ways: clone the new plant, or pollinate it to grow new seeds naturally? They’ll need to cross two existing strains first, though, and to do that they need cannabis seeds, not clones. Crossbreeding two clones with the same genotype is pointless. Moreover, clones are usually female plants, and attempting to two females is obviously problematic… Anyone interested in creating new variants using natural reproduction (between plants, that is!) is going to need male and female specimens. Our regular seeds are the best choice for doing so. These seeds, such as Critical Mass Regular for instance, become male plants in 50% of all cases; in contrast to feminized seeds that yield nearly 100% female plants.

Conclusion: Cannabis Clones vs. Seeds

Summing up, we can conclude that while clones are intriguing in certain ways, growing cannabis from seeds is more interesting, more natural, and generally easier for most growers. Of course, that still means truly great grows start with epic quality seeds… So what are you waiting for? The entire Amsterdam Genetics seeds range is waiting for you!

Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis? | Amsterdam Genetics (9)

TIP: Topping Weed Plants: Easily Increase Cannabis Yields(Opens in a new browser tab)

Order your seeds HERE

Clones vs. Seeds: What Grows The Best Cannabis? | Amsterdam Genetics (2024)


Is it better to grow cannabis from seed or clone? ›

Cannabis plants grown from stable seed strains are a much healthier plant than ones grown from clones. The seedling has a much stronger root system, starting with a taproot. This is a root that grows vertically downward for a considerable distance away from the seed.

Do clones grow better than seeds? ›

A plant grown from seed is capable of yielding more than a cloned offspring. Most plants grown from seed naturally produce a tap root, whereas plants grown from clones are unable to do so. A tap root acts as an anchor for the plant which aids in better support and water and nutrient uptake.

Is it faster to grow from seed or clone? ›

In contrast to seeds, clones need a shorter vegetation period. During that time they'll also grow faster than plants from seeds, because the clone is not an infant, but has the same age as its mother. Again, this may seem advantageous at first, but such unnatural growth comes with drawbacks, too.

Do commercial growers use seeds or clones? ›

The typical choice for commercial growers, cannabis clones have several advantages, including reliability and the replicability of successful strains. Clones provide an exact genetic copy of the vegetating mother plant from which they're sourced. Still, cloning cannabis is difficult for home growers.

What are the disadvantages of cloning cannabis? ›

Clones are sensitive: After you make a new cutting, fresh clones are extremely vulnerable to environmental stressors. That's because cannabis clones initially lack a root system, the plant's normal means of taking in nutrients from its surrounding environment.

Which is better cuttings or seeds? ›

With cuttings you have a faster start of your cultivation because it's already a little plant. In comparison with seeds, cuttings therefore have a shorter growth period, which generally allows you to harvest quicker. In addition, you are sure that you have a female plant, which is important for the yield of your crop.

What is the success rate of clones? ›

The efficiency of cloning, defined as the proportion of transferred embryos that result in viable offspring, is approximately 2 to 3% for all species. However, in cattle, average cloning efficiency is higher than in other species, ranging from 5 to 20% [10 –15].

Do clones mature faster? ›

Growing clone plants instead of growing from seeds has two advantages. The first is that a clone reaches maturity faster than one starting from seed.

Do clones have less yield? ›

Clones skip the seedling stage and jump straight to the vegetative stage. However, their yields are less than that of seeds. Clones are also better because you can get several plants from a single mature plant. You can also reproduce the desired qualities of one plant in hundreds of clones.

Does cloning increase yield? ›

Increased yields: Since clones are essentially the same as the mother plant, they will often produce more than their seed-grown counterparts. This makes cloning an ideal solution for growers who want to maximize their harvest.

Is growing from seed better? ›

The pros of planting seeds include: Variety – When you start plants from seed, you have more plant choices. Cost – Seeding is less expensive than buying seedlings from a local plant nursery. Satisfaction – Few gardening tasks are as rewarding as growing a plant from a tiny seed.

How long does it take a clone to produce bud? ›

Cannabis Indica

Clones can take from 7 to 21 days to root depending on environmental conditions and genetics/cultivar. Ideally, you want the plants to finish at approximately 24 to 36 inches tall, so you will induce flowering when plants are approximately 12 to 18 inches tall.

What is the best strain for cloning? ›

Whether you are doing routine cloning, subcloning or looking for a high efficiency (electrocompetent) format, NEB 5-alpha is the ideal strain for you.

Do seeds take longer to flower than clones? ›

Germinating seeds is a more delicate operation than transplanting clones. Seeds take longer to grow and be ready to flower because rooted clones are already biologically mature and have a head start on root development. Plants from seeds don't reproduce exactly their parents' traits.

What are the benefits of growing clones? ›

Another advantage of clones is that you don't have to pheno hunt. With a perfect mother, you can keep producing that exact expression of the strain without variation. Lastly, clones are less expensive because you just need a cutting of the mother plant versus needing to buy seeds from a dispensary or seed bank.

How many times can a cannabis plant be cloned? ›

Mother plants can produce a virtually unlimited number of clones. However, it is important to allow a plant at least two weeks of rest between cloning to avoid stressing it. Also, many growers opt to replace their mothers every 6–12 months with a new clone.

Why is cloning not worth it? ›

These include an increase in birth size and a variety of defects in vital organs, such as the liver, brain and heart. Other consequences include premature aging and problems with the immune system. Another potential problem centers on the relative age of the cloned cell's chromosomes.

How long can a cannabis plant be cloned? ›

We owe them, and you, more than platitudes. As for the question of how long motherplants can stay vibrant and give off strong clones, it's really up to you. As long as the plants are kept healthy, there's no real foreseeable limit to how long they can live and produce cuttings.

What plant cuttings sell best? ›

Picking Profitable Plant Cuttings

If you have an indoor kitchen garden, cuttings of popular herbs such as chives, cilantro, thyme, oregano and lemongrass could be lucrative products for you to sell. You can grow herbs indoors all year long.

How do you maximize success in cuttings? ›

The following are eight keys to successful production of liners.
  1. Rapidly inspect, store, then stick cuttings upon arrival. ...
  2. Apply a rooting hormone to most crops. ...
  3. Use a light, porous rooting media. ...
  4. Provide supplemental lighting when the DLI is low. ...
  5. Develop a misting/fogging program based on the environment.

Which crop is best propagated by seed only? ›

It's official: beans, peas, and pumpkins are among the top ten easiest plants to grow from seed, according to a list created by the Home Garden Seed Association. Also on the list: cucumbers, zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers, lettuce, radishes, and squash.

How many hours a day do clones need? ›

KindPeoples clones are exposed and acclimated to a 24-hour light cycle. If you wish to keep the clone in its vegetative state, keep the clone under a minimum of 18 hours of light. You can safely taper the light exposure from 24 to 18 over a few days. Less than 18 hours of light can/will trigger the flowering response.

What percentage of clones fail? ›

Cloning, with its 90 percent failure rate, leaves a trail of bodies in its wake, and it's too expensive to be practical.

How long do clones last? ›

If the average life expectancy of humans in the galaxy far, far away is similar to our own, it's about 70 years for men, meaning that clone life expectancy can be halved to just 35 years.

Should I grow from seed or plant? ›

Larger plants do better being placed in the garden as seedlings versus seeds because of the length of time they need to grow. On the other hand, plants that are smaller in size (like lettuce plants) don't take as long to reach maturity and may do much better in your garden being direct sown from seed.

What is the success rate of cannabis cloning? ›

Use an Aero or Bubble Cloner. These set-ups work by applying a fine, constant mist to the base of the stem where rooting will occur. If you have a strain that won't clone successfully with any other techniques, give an aero cloner a try. Properly set-up, they have a success rate of nearly 100%.

How many clones can you take off a cannabis plant? ›

We recommend taking only 2–3 clones at a time from small, young mother plants. Large, bushy mother plants, on the other hand, can easily tolerate having 6–8 clones taken from them at a time.

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