CN investing around $340M in B.C.’s rail infrastructure this year (2024)

Provincial posted Jun 6, 2018 @ 07:30am by Josh Duncan

The Canadian National Railway (CN) is making a major investment in B.C.’s railroads.

Today, the company announced that it would be investing around $340 million across the province to expand and strengthen the company’s rail network.

CN investing around $340M in B.C.’s rail infrastructure this year (1)

“We are investing for the long haul with these projects to boost capacity and network resiliency to meet growing traffic on our corridors to and from the West Coast and across B.C.,” said Doug Ryhorchuk, vice-president of CN’s Western Region.

“Our investments in infrastructure, equipment and people will help us deliver superior service to our customers across the province and North America. Additionally, our substantial investments to renew our existing railway infrastructure underscore our commitment to operating safely.”

These investments are part of CN’s record $3.4 billion capital program for 2018.

The money will go towards key track expansion projects, which will boost capacity and allow CN to better service gowing forest products, intermodal, gran and industrial customers.

It will also be put towards the replacement, upgrade and maintenance of key track infrastructure, improving overall safety and efficiency.

CN investing around $340M in B.C.’s rail infrastructure this year (2)

"These major capital investments are a sign of CN's commitment to its operations in B.C., which continues to lead Canada in economic growth," said Carla Qualtrough, MP for Delta.

"CN's infrastructure investments this year throughout B.C. will help strengthen local economies, support good middle class jobs and further solidify B.C.'s economic advantage as Canada's Pacific Gateway."

Planned expansion projects include:

  • Construction of four new train passing sidings between Prince Rupert and Jasper, Alberta
  • Extension of three existing passing sidings between Prince Rupert and Jasper
  • A siding extension north of Kamloops on CN’s Vancouver to Edmonton corridor

Maintenance program highlights include:

  • Replacement of approximately 115 miles of rail
  • Installation of more than 335,000 new railroad ties
  • Rebuilds of approximately 50 road crossing surfaces
  • Maintenance work on bridges, including continuation of the multi-year maintenance project on the Fraser River Bridge
  • Other maintenance work on culverts, signal systems and additional track infrastructure

CN’s B.C. rail network serves the West Coast gateways of Vancouver and Prince Rupert, and major inland terminals in Surrey, Prince George, Kamloops and Fort Nelson.

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CN investing around $340M in B.C.’s rail infrastructure this year (6)


CN investing around $340M in B.C.’s rail infrastructure this year (7)


CN investing around $340M in B.C.’s rail infrastructure this year (8)


CN investing around $340M in B.C.’s rail infrastructure this year (9)


CN investing around $340M in B.C.’s rail infrastructure this year (10)


CN investing around $340M in B.C.’s rail infrastructure this year (11)


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CN investing around $340M in B.C.’s rail infrastructure this year (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.