Complete Guide To Sinking Funds And How To Make Them Work For You (2024)

One of my favorite tools that I have in my budgeting and saving arsenal is a sinking fund. Have you ever thought about saving for a sinking fund? Oh wait…. not sure what a sinking fund even is.

Sinking funds are key when it comes to staying on top of your budget. They provide a means for saving money and prioritizing your finances. The great thing about sinking funds is that you can create categories based on your needs.

Follow along to learn how to organize your sinking funds to begin saving money now!

Table of Contents

Introducing Sinking Funds Into Your Life

Do you dread those months of going to the mailbox to find an unfavorable bill from the car insurance company requesting payment for your policy? How about unexpected purchases such as new tires or a washing machine because yours just bit the dust?

How do you plan for things that will inevitably happen at some point in your life? Do you dip into your emergency fund? Do you use your credit card? Or, are you prepared with a sinking fund?

As we all know lump sum payments can wreak havoc on our budgets if we aren’t prepared. Having a system in place to help you pay these expenses can keep you from falling behind when $h!t hits the fan.

What Is A Sinking Fund?

A sinking fund is a strategic way to save money by setting aside a little bit each month to pay for large expenses when necessary.

Sinking funds are a great way to divide your savings throughout the year so you aren’t hit with a bill that you aren’t able to afford.

Sinking Fund Example

Every 6 months I have to pay my car insurance which is $538. For me, December is the absolute worst time to be hit with a bill like this because of the holidays.

Therefore, I created a sinking fund where I save $90 a month throughout the year. This makes the large amount due in both June and December much more tolerable on my budget.

It feels good to know that I don’t have to worry about finding cash when June and December rolls around– I simply pull it from the sinking fund!

Did you know that the average American saves only 3.8% of the income they bring home each month? By having a sinking fund it allows you to not only keep your finances healthy but you’ll be prepared when those bothersome bills roll in.

Complete Guide To Sinking Funds And How To Make Them Work For You (1)

How Does A Sinking Fund Work?

Having different expenses or infrequent bills throughout the year can really mess with your budget if you aren’t prepared. Not having a sinking fund can cause you to scramble to pay these expenses when you least expect it.

Sinking funds are key to creating a consistent and predictable budget each and every month. They prevent you from stressing to find extra cash and help you to avoid the possibility of falling behind financially or even into debt.

How To Set Up A Sinking Fund?

When setting up your sinking fund the first thing you’ll want to do is decide where you want to keep it. A couple things to keep in mind when deciding where to put your money is to keep it accessible.

Keeping it accessible allows you to easily access it without paying penalties for withdrawals.

The second thing to do for your sinking fund is keep it in a safe, low risk account. A sinking fund is not money you should be hoping to make big money from. You want to keep it safe so the money is there when you need it.

Where To Put Your Sinking Fund?

Depending on your budgeting style there are 3 different options when it comes to where you should put your sinking fund.

  • My first recommendation is a combined high yield savings account for all your sinking fund money.
  • My second recommendation is individual high yield savings accounts.
  • And last is the cash envelope system.

Combined Savings

Having one combined savings account allows you to keep all your sinking fund money in one easy to find place. If you decide to go this route make sure you have a way to keep track of how much money you assign each category so you have the appropriate amount when needed.

Individual Savings – Several Small Checking Or Savings Accounts (one for each sinking fund)

If your bank allows you to open multiple accounts without accruing any fees this is a good option because you can have an account for each sinking fund.

Complete Guide To Sinking Funds And How To Make Them Work For You (3)

Cash Envelope System

Last but not least you can create a sinking fund within your cash envelope system. Not sure what the cash envelope system is all about? You can read about it here!

Keep in mind when first starting a sinking fund account you need a good budget to start from. It’s very hard to keep adding money to sinking funds if you haven’t created a budget.

The best budget for beginners that I always recommend is the zero based budget because of its simplicity and that it accounts for every dollar in your budget.

**Pro Tip**

I highly recommend keeping your sinking fund money in a separate account than your everyday money. By having them separate you will know that this money is set aside for a specific fund.

Putting your sink fund money into your everyday account will just complicate things and make your budgeting more stressful than it needs to be! 😉

Why Do You Need A Sinking Fund?

If you are living on a budget where you feel that one large bill could push you over the edge a sinking fund is something you could benefit greatly from.

  • Having a sinking fund reduces financial stress when large purchases need to be made.
  • Having a sinking fund guarantees that your bills will be paid on time and that you won’t fall behind on payments.

The last thing we want to see is someone go into debt to pay a bill they weren’t prepared for. By having a sinking fund you won’t be surprised when a bill arrives because you have the comfort of you know it…. your sinking fund!

Sinking Fund Categories To Consider Setting Up

To be prepared its best to take an inventory of your own circ*mstances and what you need to be saving money for. As we all know there are surprise bi yearly or yearly bills that arrive in our mailbox rain or shine!

One person may need a vacation sinking fund (hmm my favorite one), someone else may need a home owner association sinking fund, and another person may have a car insurance sinking fund. The vacation sinking fund sounds much more fun doesn’t it?

As you can see each person’s story is unique therefore everyone’s sinking funds are going to be different. Because I can’t tell you exactly what YOU should budget for I’ve created a list of sinking fund categories that are pretty universal to most people

Car Maintenance

Owning a car comes with a great expense (tires, scheduled maintenance, oil change, brakes). If you own a car it means at some point you’ll have to pay for some kind of repair or maintenance.


Ok, this is the fun sinking fund. To be honest this is my favorite! However, having a travel fund can come in two forms; one for pleasure and one that’s not so pleasurable.

Let’s start with pleasure. The yearly family vacation to Mexico. The bucket list vacation to Africa- you name it you can save for it.

On the opposite side of pleasure comes the unfortunate occurrence of funerals or illness. I know, I just took the fun right out of travel didn’t I?

However, we never know when a loved one may pass or become terminally ill causing us to travel across the country. By having a travel sinking fund it will assure you you can afford a last minute plane ticket.

Home Repair/Maintenance

If you own a home it’s inevitable that something will need to be repaired at some point. It may be something small (which we all hope for) or something large like a brand new roof!

Home repairs are NEVER cheap. Being prepared with a sinking fund will prove to be your best friend.

Complete Guide To Sinking Funds And How To Make Them Work For You (4)

Medical Expenses

Illness and accidents happen! Even if you are lucky enough to not visit the doctor you may need money to pay for prescriptions, vitamins, contacts/glasses, or even a physical therapist.

Electronics or Technology

If you’re anything like me you’ve spilled water on your laptop or dropped your phone and cracked the screen.

Both of these instances are quite frustrating. But not being able to afford fixing them is even more frustrating. Having the keyboard on my computer inoperable when I had an assignment due almost put me over the edge.

Optional Sinking Fund Categories- (Various other things you may choose to save for)

  • Gifts
  • Clothing
  • Income Tax
  • School Tuition
  • Car Insurance
  • Pets
  • Kids Activities
  • Holidays
  • House Decorating

How Much Money To Put In Each Sinking Fund?

How much you put into each sinking fund depends on how much each expense costs. I’m a big fan of determining the total cost of bills then dividing them into smaller more manageable amounts.

1. Determine the amount of money you want saved in each sinking fund.

If you you want to have $1200 saved for a travel fund then obviously you need to save $1200. If you want to have $2000 stashed away for any car issues then make that a budget goal.

2. Determine the date you want the money saved by

For me, I know that my car insurance is due two times a year once in Dec and once in June so in order to afford the $538 every 6 months or 1,076 every year I stash $90 a month into my car insurance sinking fund.

If you want to take a family vacation in the summer write down the month that you anticipate needing the money by.

3. Determine the amount of months you have to save until you will need the money

As mentioned above if you need the money in June and December you will need to make sure that you plan accordingly.

If it’s currently Dec and you just paid your car insurance you know that you have another 6 months to save up to make your next payment.

4. Do the math

Divide the amount of money necessary by the amount of months you have to save. Then you simply begin stashing that amount away into your categorized sinking fund.

5. Stop saving money in your sinking fund once you have reached the amount needed

Once you have reached the predetermined amount in each fund you can stop saving.

Yes. I don’t recommend saving more than necessary in a sinking fund because there are better things to do with your money than “over save” in your sinking fund. A couple good investment options are to either invest your money in a retirement account or put money into a HSA.

If you’re looking to start saving money these articles may be of interest to you!

  • Roth IRA Vs Traditional Ira. What’s The Best For You?
  • Why An HSA Is The Ultimate Retirement Account
  • What Every New Employee Needs To Know About Their 401(k) Plan
  • The Beginners Guide To Mutual Funds And What You Need To Know

How To Track The Balance Of A Sinking Fund?

If you have your sinking funds in individual banking accounts the bank will do all of the tracking for you. If you prefer to have a quick and easy method to track all of your money in one place I highly recommend using Personal Capital.

If you are using the large combined account method where you deposit your sinking fund money into one account you can track it on an excel spreadsheet.

If you are using the cash envelope system for your sinking fund you can write the balance on the front of each envelope. Here’s a great template for creating your own free envelopes for the cash envelope system.

Sinking Fund Vs Emergency Fund

Please don’t get confused between a sinking fund and an emergency fund. They really are different.

Sinking funds are designated for planned expenses that you’ve budgeted specifically for. An emergency fund is for…. You guessed it emergencies!

Creating an emergency fund is for unplanned, unexpected events. Not sure how to set up an emergency fund? Don’t miss this guide that walks you through everything you need to know about emergency funds.


  • 10 Reasons You Need An Emergency Fund And How To Start One
  • How To Save For An Emergency Fund- A Step By Step Guide

Final Thoughts

Sinking funds canreallychange how you manage your money. You can start with just one or two that make the most sense for you. The choice is yours when it comes to sinking funds!

If you use sinking funds for something that isn’t listed above, let me know in the comments below because I’m always open to good and creative ideas.

Don’t forget to share and pin for later! While you’re there, I’d love for you to follow me on Pinterest

Complete Guide To Sinking Funds And How To Make Them Work For You (6)
Complete Guide To Sinking Funds And How To Make Them Work For You (2024)


Complete Guide To Sinking Funds And How To Make Them Work For You? ›

To set up a sinking fund, you'll first need to identify which specific expense or goal you want to save for. Estimate how much you'll need to save and how long you need to save up for it. Then calculate how much you'll need to save each month to reach your goal.

How do I get started with sinking funds? ›

To set up a sinking fund, you'll first need to identify which specific expense or goal you want to save for. Estimate how much you'll need to save and how long you need to save up for it. Then calculate how much you'll need to save each month to reach your goal.

How to make sinking funds work? ›

Here's how sinking funds work: Every month, you'll save a certain amount of money for a specific purpose to use at a later date. That way, you're saving up small amounts over time, instead of having to come up with a big chunk of money all at once.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How do you prioritize sinking funds? ›

If you'd be SOL without any of the funds, make them a higher priority to save for. If you don't know how much to save for those sinking funds, save what you can afford. Don't put a due date on when you stop saving for them. Keep saving that $25 every month until you need it, then start over.

Where is the best place to keep sinking funds? ›

You could keep envelopes of money in your safe, but that can still be a little risky. Plus, liquid cash doesn't earn any interest. In many cases, it makes more sense to consider keeping your sinking funds in a high-yield savings account instead. Open a high-yield savings account now to earn more interest as you save.

What is the best bank account for a sinking fund? ›

So with that in mind, the best option for sinking funds tends to be a high-yield savings account, like LendingClub High-Yield Savings or UFB Secure Savings.

What are the disadvantages of a sinking fund? ›

Disadvantages of a Sinking Fund

Here are some more disadvantages: Opportunity Cost: The funds set aside in a sinking fund could earn a higher return if invested elsewhere. Over-funding: There's a risk of setting aside more money than necessary, which might affect the cash flow.

How much should you put into a sinking fund? ›

To determine the amount to keep in a sinking fund, identify and list the anticipated expenses and their estimated costs. “Then, divide each expense by the number of months until it's due,” Rose said. “For example, if a $300 expense is six months away, allocate $50 per month to your sinking fund.

What is a reasonable sinking fund? ›

A sinking fund can also be set up by private landlords; simply by putting aside a certain amount of the rent received each month. When calculating the amount to be contributed, it is common for landlords to put aside anywhere in the region of five to ten percent of the rental income to allow to be used.

How to budget $5000 a month? ›

Consider an individual who takes home $5,000 a month. Applying the 50/30/20 rule would give them a monthly budget of: 50% for mandatory expenses = $2,500. 20% to savings and debt repayment = $1,000.

How much should a 30 year old have saved? ›

Fidelity suggests 1x your income

So the average 30-year-old should have $50,000 to $60,000 saved by Fidelity's standards. Assuming that your income stays at $50,000 over time, here are financial milestones by decade. These goals aren't set in stone. Other financial planners suggest slightly different targets.

How to budget $4000 a month? ›

making $4,000 a month using the 75 10 15 method. 75% goes towards your needs, so use $3,000 towards housing bills, transport, and groceries. 10% goes towards want. So $400 to spend on dining out, entertainment, and hobbies.

Which behavior can help increase savings? ›

Reduce Discretionary Spending. If you are trying to increase your monthly savings, the most effective way is to reduce discretionary expenditures. These are purchases that you may enjoy but are not necessary. This way, you can add that dollar amount to your automatic monthly transfer into your savings account!

What is a high priority sinking fund? ›

A sinking fund is a specific amount of money that you save each month. This money will be used for a specific purpose (like a vacation) or for expenses (like car repairs), that you know you will have in the future. These funds help you to be intentional with your money and how you use it.

What is a rainy day savings? ›

A rainy day fund is money that's set aside for unexpected and lower-cost expenses, like home maintenance or parking tickets. A rainy day fund is slightly different from an emergency fund. The main differences are the size of the fund and what they're used for.

How much should you have in a sinking fund? ›

To determine the amount to keep in a sinking fund, identify and list the anticipated expenses and their estimated costs. “Then, divide each expense by the number of months until it's due,” Rose said. “For example, if a $300 expense is six months away, allocate $50 per month to your sinking fund.

How much to set aside for a sinking fund? ›

For example if you want to save £500 for Christmas and have 10 months to do so than you divide £500 by 10 which works out as £50 a month to put aside. Sinking funds only work if you budget for them. Include your sinking fund categories when planning your monthly expenses and allocate an amount you can afford.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.