Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (2024)

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We used EveryDollar for 9 months, then switched to YNAB. I have updated this post to reflect my current thinking abut EveryDollar after using it for 9 months. While it has some good features, my husband and I both like YNAB much better. (Detailed review of YNAB here.) In the meantime, here’s an completely honest EveryDollar review.

In it, I address how EveryDollar stacks up against the 6 main features I want in a budgeting app:


The customizability of EveryDollar gets and 8/10. You have complete control over the number and names of categories, just as you would in a spreadsheet. You have control over how you classify them as well. You can see in the screenshot below I clicked ‘mortgage’ and can change it to ‘rent.’

Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (1)

Or, since I don’t pay HOA dues, I can click the trash can and get rid of that line.

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Or let’s say I prefer to changethe budget group currently titled “HOUSING” to “YO MOMMA’S HOUSE.” Easy peasy. Just click “HOUSING” and type your preferred title.

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Each month, you have the option to copy your current month’s budget for next month or start fresh.

Downside – You cannot move the category groups around. So, in the above picture, there is no way to click and drag the “savings” group to be under “yo momma’s house” group. You’d have to delete the groups and recreate them manually.

2. Rollover Sinking Funds Option

There is an option to ‘roll over’ budget categories from one month to the next or not. Let’s take the example of Christmas gifts. You know Christmas is coming. If you were to start budgeting for Christmas in June, you’d have 7 months to save up (including July and December). Let’s say you know you’re going to spend $700 on Christmas gifts. That breaks down to $100/ month between now and then. So, you set up a “Christmas Gifts” category on your budget and make it a fund.

I don’t think EveryDollar’s setup of this is totally intuitive. We ended up making every single category a fund so that we wouldn’t lose track of money. If you’re using EveryDollar, I’d recommend making them all funds because there’s no other way to account for extra ‘remaining’ money if it doesn’t roll over to the next month. (YNAB has a way better way of dealing with this, in my opinion.)

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This tells EveryDollar that you want this money to stack up each month. So, in June, you turn on your fund and start the balance at zero. If you already had set aside $500 for Christmas gifts, you’d start the balance at $500.

Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (5)

Then, in July, your budget sheet will note you are contributing another 100 dollars, but that the balance of this category, or this fund is at $200 (assuming you haven’t spent any).In August, if you hadn’t spent any, you’d have $300, etc etc etc.

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We used to do this process manually on a spreadsheet, and I know a few other friends who track their “funds” within their checking accounts manually too. So, I like that EveryDollar incorporates an easy way to make some categories funds. But, like I said, the way YNAB handles sinking funds makes more sense to me.

Related: What the Heck is a Sinking Fund and Why Will It Revolutionize Your Budget?

3. Connects with Baby Steps

If you follow along with the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps, you can make goals in EveryDollar that align with the steps. I like this in theory, but we couldn’t really figure out how to get it to line up and update. I’m sure that’s mostly a user error…. We have our own spreadsheet we’d been tracking debt progressin, so, when it wasn’t totally intuitive, we didn’t try very hard to figure it out.

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4. Category Balances & Budget Adjustments

You have to click the number under spent/ remaining to see what you’ve either spent or have left.

Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (8)Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (9)

When you’re on the “remaining” view, blue numbers are where you stayed within budget and red numbers mean you went over budget.

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When you’re on the “spent” view, you just have to look closely and see that you went over, or click over to the “remaining” view.Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (11)

Honestly, the view part was super annoying to me! Again, easier in YNAB, which looks like this:

Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (12)

The leftnumber is what you’ve budgeted; the middle number is what you’ve spent; the colored number is what’s remaining (green)or over budget (red).

With EveryDollar, if you go over-budget, and it’s not set as a fund, you have to manually notice it, and adjust the budget accordingly. Or, if you’re under-budget and you want to use the extra for savings, you have to manually change the original budget numbers for those categories.

YNAB has an automated way of taking care of this.

You can click the red/ green numbers and move the money to other categories. Otherwise,they automatically take overspending out of next month’s budget. (All the green numbers automatically rollover within the category.)

Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (13)Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (14)

5. Tracking Your Spending

I know some people want a budgeting tool to automatically categorize their spending purchases. In that case, EveryDollar isn’t for you.

This is actually a “pro” to us! In all our budgeting experience, we’ve found that tools that automatically categorize all your spending for you don’t really work that well. They generally end up being too “hands off” for the budgeter. It’s hard to make progress in sticking to a budget if you don’t have to categorize your own spending.

Plus, the automatic tracking apps are typically glitchy & you have to spend a good chunk of time up front teaching those tools how to categorize your money. What if “Walmart” is usually connected to your groceries budget, but then one time you get a birthday gift there and then forget to categorize it accordingly? It throws off both your grocery and gift budgets. Or, if you go to Walmart and buy groceries, a gift, and diapers, you have to manually split the transaction anyway. I’m sure you could get used to that but it seems like a hassle.

Plus, there’s a bigger reason we like manually categorizing transactions anyway.

[Just aone minuteside track from this “product review” style post to make a case for not using an automatic-categorizing budgeting software.]

Getting control of your money is emotional.
Just recently, someone I really respect and who is a good money-manager described the following to me: they use a credit card for most of their spending (to rack up the points), and then pay it in full every single month. They are debt free besides their home and don’t use credit to buy things they can’t afford. They merely use a credit card instead of a debit card in order to earn the rewards.

This person said to me that their family recently decided to open two more checking accounts at their bank, one for the husband and one for the wife’s personal spending/ allowance/ blow money categories. We take out cash each month for those categories, but this family strongly preferred to not carry around cash, and had some other preferences in terms of carrying a card.

BUT, they recognized it was hard to track on a credit card even though they were paying it off in full each month. So they move the allotted amount at the beginning of the month into their “spending money” checking accounts, and each has a debit card tied to his or her account. Then, when the money is gone from there, it’s gone.

No more spending money until next month. The person telling me this described how it feels a lot different and they are much more careful now with their spending than when they used the credit card. “Because when it’s on debit, the money is actually leaving the account and it makes me reconsider whether I really want that item or not.”

And these are people who do not carry credit card balances or have any debt besides a mortgage. People who have a good handle on their money. And they still notice that it feels different to use debit than credit.

Spending money is emotional. And I am extremely convinced that if you don’t feel that you are spending money, it is much much much harder to stick to a budget.So, it makes sense then, that I have a strong preference for manually categorizing all of our purchases. This is what we’ve done on a spreadsheet for a long time. EveryDollar makes thisso much easier because of the option to automatically connect to your bank account.

[side track over – back to the product review stuff]

So How Does EveryDollar Handle Transactions?

EveryDollar has two options for entering transactions:

Manually enter it using this button and box (it took me 2 minutes to do 5 transactions).

Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (15)

Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (16)

This box will pop up andyou enter in the information about your purchase.

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The second option is pay $99 forEveryDollar Plus, which connects to your bank account so your transactions show up on the side, and then you just click and drag them to the correctcategory.

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After a month of using EveryDollar, we thoughtwe’d stick to EveryDollar as our main budgeting tool, so we decided to pay for this for two reasons. Convenience. Obviously it’s easier to click and drag than to type in the transactions (even though typing them in doesn’t take much time). Were it only a matter of convenience, we probably would just do it ourselves in the spirit of not-spending-extra-money-to-get-out-of-debt.

But a few times, we’ve missed purchases. And when you’re tracking every dollar you spend and you miss one, it gets pretty complicated. We’ve dumped extra money towards loans only to have a debit card transaction clear a few days later that we forgot about. We just decided it was worth it to not miss any transactions to pay the $99 for a year. EveryDollar is free, but if you want to connect to your accounts, it’s $99 for one year up front, which is what the banks charge them to connect. If you’re going to pay the $99, don’t forget to budget it in 🙂

$99/ year seems high to me, especially sinceYNAB is $50/year and they connect to your budget too.

6. Generally Glitchy

We found that while we really wanted to like and stick with EveryDollar (since we had paid $99 for it and done 9 months worth of budgeting with it), it was just too glitchy.🙁

Conclusion of EveryDollar Review

  • EveryDollar is a fine basic budgeting tool, but not great.
  • The free version functions basically like an automated version of a pen and paper. There’s a lot of manual messing with it required.
  • It’s better than nothing!!
  • Ultimately, I think YNAB is way better, and have reviewed it in detail here.

Anything I missed? Have you tried this new budgeting tool? If not, what do you use to budget? If you have any questions or comments, feel free to comment below.

Happy budgeting!

Completely Honest EveryDollar Review | Dave Ramsey's Budgeting Tool (2024)


What are the cons of EveryDollar app? ›

The Cons of EveryDollar

There is a paid option that will upload your transactions for you, but it comes with a $129.99 annual fee. This can be a lot of money to pay for a little extra convenience, especially if you're trying to cut your spending. Plus, some people find the software lacking in certain areas.

What is the budget app Dave Ramsey recommends? ›

That's EveryDollar. EveryDollar has helped millions of people work the Baby Steps and learn to love budgeting by taking the stress out of planning and managing money. Create your first budget in about 10 minutes. Then customize categories, track expenses, set up savings goals, and more!

How much does EveryDollar cost per month? ›


A monthly subscription is just $12.99 per month after a free 14-day trial.

Is Mint better than EveryDollar? ›

Who's the Winner? This one's a tie! Both of these apps have fantastic budgeting tools. While Mint has more to offer, EveryDollar has features that align with Dave Ramsey fans, and a focus on budget education.

Is EveryDollar trustworthy? ›

Overall, the EveryDollar mobile apps provide a seamless experience for managing your budget on-the-go and keeping data in sync across devices. The apps are highly rated and offer convenient features for tracking expenses and staying on top of your budget while mobile.

What is the #1 budgeting app? ›

The best budgeting apps, ranked*
RankingPlatform nameAverage app rating
4Rocket Money4.3
2 more rows

What is the 20 80 rule Dave Ramsey? ›

There's an 80-20 rule for money Dave Ramsey teaches which says managing your finances is 80 percent behavior and 20 percent knowledge. This 80-20 rule also applies to constructing a healthy life. Personal wellness is 80 percent behavior and 20 percent knowledge.

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What is the 60 20 20 rule for debt? ›

If you have a large amount of debt that you need to pay off, you can modify your percentage-based budget and follow the 60/20/20 rule. Put 60% of your income towards your needs (including debts), 20% towards your wants, and 20% towards your savings.

What is the simplest budgeting method? ›

1. The zero-based budget. The concept of a zero-based budgeting method is simple: Income minus expenses equals zero. This budgeting method is best for people who have a set income each month or can reasonably estimate their monthly income.

What are the four walls? ›

In a series of tweets, Ramsey suggested budgeting for food, utilities, shelter and transportation — in that specific order. “I call these budget categories the 'Four Walls. ' Focus on taking care of these FIRST, and in this specific order… especially if you're going through a tough financial season,” the tweet read.

Is EveryDollar no longer free? ›

Pay $0.00 today with your 14-day FREE trial to EveryDollar Premium (new users only). EveryDollar Premium subscriptions are $17.99/month or $79.99/year after your free trial ends. Cancel anytime.

What is the difference between EveryDollar and EveryDollar plus? ›

Sync with your bank accounts: In addition to the basic version of EveryDollar, there is a premium version called EveryDollar Plus that can be connected with your bank account to pull in your transactions automatically.

Which is better, ynab or EveryDollar? ›

YNAB excels in promoting zero-based budgeting and offers real-time tracking, while EveryDollar simplifies budgeting with a structured approach based on Dave Ramsey's principles and provides a free budgeting option.

What are the cons of dollar cost average? ›

Cons of Dollar-Cost Averaging

One disadvantage of dollar-cost averaging is that the market tends to go up over time. Thus, investing a lump sum earlier is likely to do better than investing smaller amounts over a long period of time.

Is the paid version of EveryDollar worth it? ›

Upgrading to Premium will give you all the features of EveryDollar, including custom reports, financial goal setting and tracking, bank account connections and transaction syncing, paycheck planning, bill due date reminders, and group financial coaching calls.

What are the pros and cons of inbox dollars? ›

InboxDollars Pros and Cons
  • Pros. InboxDollars offers a wide variety of ways to make money. ...
  • Cons. The relatively low pay rates for many activities. ...
  • Complete profile surveys. ...
  • Refer friends. ...
  • Use InboxDollars' Search Engine. ...
  • Keep up with the tasks they offer. ...
  • InboxDollars VS KashKick. ...
  • InboxDollars VS Solitaire Cash.
Jun 4, 2024

What are the disadvantages of budgeting apps? ›

Cons of Budgeting Apps
  • One App Doesn't Fit All Budgeters. When designing their apps, it's normal for companies to try and get as many users as possible. ...
  • Too Many Features Can Be Overwhelming. ...
  • Another Security Risk to Worry About.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.