Difference Between Art and Craft - A Look at Art Versus Craft (2024)

Art and crafts are something that has existed for many years, but where do these terms come from, and do they mean the same thing? Both are forms of visual creativity, however, when it comes to art vs. craft, what separates the art object from the craft object? We will help to resolve this question in the article below.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Differences Between Art and Crafts
    • 1.1 Art vs. Craft Concepts in History
    • 1.2 Art Definition
    • 1.3 Craft Definition
    • 1.4 Art and Craft Table of Differences
  • 2 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 2.1 What Are the Main Differences Between Art and Crafts?
    • 2.2 What Are Some Art Ideas?
    • 2.3 What Are Some Crafting Ideas?
    • 2.4 What Is the Reason Behind Art and Crafts?

Differences Between Art and Crafts

The major difference between art and crafts is that crafts are something you can easily reproduce, while arts are more unique and cannot be duplicated. Crafts can be more functional, while art is an emotional manifestation.

In many cases, crafts can be just as expressive as art, so often, both may overlap by definition. However, when comparing art ideas vs. craft ideas, there are a few contrasting thoughts. For more information about crafts, visit craft-art.com for more inspirations.

Art vs. Craft Concepts in History

What distinguishes the art object from the craft object has not always been as it is. Over the years, cultural influences and other factors have defined these two concepts from being categorized in a similar fashion to one being elevated to a more illustrious position.

When most of us think of art, it is most probably a famous painting or sculpture that comes to mind.

But have you considered things like a vase or wall rugs? Can these types of things be considered art as well, or should they be moved and placed under the craft heading? Sometimes, the difference can become murky with everybody weighing in with their own opinions. So, what influenced our decision on what is seen as art and what is a craft?

Difference Between Art and Craft - A Look at Art Versus Craft (1) Self Portrait with Felt Hat (1887 – 1888) by Vincent van Gogh, located at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands;Vincent van Gogh, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

There is often a historical reason for the things we do today. We naturally think of Da Vinci and Michelangelo as artists, but was this always the case? Before the concept of art was refined, the word artist did not relay exist. All medieval workshops were the same, no matter what you were creating, be it a leather maker or painter. In those days, some apprentices applied to a guild and worked under a master at whatever craft they chose. These apprentices gained experience and knowledge over the years and moved up to eventually become masters themselves.

All of these craftsmen were considered as a whole, no individual stood out for their work. The patron or customer was the one who got the credit for the items they procured. Only many years later, in about the 15th century, during the renaissance period, a distinction became apparent between art and crafts.

During this time, the value of individual creativity became more prominent than in the previous system of shared production. From here art and the individual artist were held in esteem and were placed in more valued positions.

Difference Between Art and Craft - A Look at Art Versus Craft (2) Porcelain jar with cobalt blue under a transparent glaze, Jingdezhen porcelain, mid-15th century, located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, United States;Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

On the other hand, the other craftsmen who belonged to the guilds and made candles and other items became known as artisans and were considered of lesser worth than the arts. This is where the divergence occurred between art and craft ideas, and it became as it is today.

This distinction, as we know it, is well-known in the western world. In many other cultures and countries, there is no difference in what is seen as art or crafts.

For example, a Ming Dynasty vase or a Peruvian rug are seen as both a craft and an art. Since a different value was placed on these from a Western perspective, these types of work were labeled primitive and non-innovative, and therefore, not considered art. However, today this is slowly changing and many items like this are being displayed alongside paintings and other art pieces.

Art Definition

As you can see, over the years, both concepts of art and crafts have gained different reputations. However, in more recent years, they have become more indistinguishable. An art definition can be described as being an expressive form of visual creativity that has no limitations.

The traditional forms of art include activities like drawing, painting, sculpting, architecture, poetry, photography, music, and dance. Art is open to interpretation, and the outcome depends on who is observing.

Difference Between Art and Craft - A Look at Art Versus Craft (3) Detail of theCreation of Adam(1510) by Michelangelo, as part of the Sistine Chapel ceiling in the Vatican City, Italy;Michelangelo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The point of art is to create something that you can admire and is especially valued for its aesthetic appearance. Art does not usually have a function and is something that is simply nice to look at. Of course, you also now have your modern art, which can be an expression of ideas and feelings. This can include aesthetic value but can also create a story that can have an emotional impact.

However, art can be subjective, so one person can view something as art, while somebody else does not look at it as an art form. The definition of art has changed over the years and is likely to evolve and change in the future.

Art is a form of creativity and requires various motor skills and the capability of thinking out of the box, to create something unique. Art not only helps with creativity, but it can also improve focus and discipline, as well as develop observational skills, and is a great way for a person to express themselves. Art is also a way to use your imagination and help others see things differently.

Craft Definition

Crafting is more of structured activity, that has a certain outcome when a project has been completed. When compared to art, crafts are something you can measure and that has structure. A craft is something that comes more from the mind and requires a lot of practice and technique to master.

In the past, those who produced crafts were known as artisans.

Difference Between Art and Craft - A Look at Art Versus Craft (4) Japanese porcelain Temple Lion (1670 – 1690), located in the collection in the Zeeuws Museum, the Netherlands; Mischa de Muynck from Vlissingen, Nederland, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Craft products are usually handmade and can provide some form of purpose. For example, a quilt is decorative, but it can also be functional and can be used to keep warm. Some of the activities considered crafts include the following:

  • Pottery
  • Weaving
  • Knitting
  • Embroidery
  • Sewing
  • Quilting
  • Beading
  • Clay modeling
  • Woodworking
  • Candle making
  • Jewelry making
  • Glasswork
  • Papercrafts

To distinguish products made from large manufacturers and mass production, items bought as “handicrafts” can be considered handmade and more unique and are bought from an individual. Like art, crafts can also help with developing confidence and improving motor skills.

Crafts can also be seen as expressing oneself. For example, quilting or weaving requires a certain design element that is unique to an individual. However, unlike art, this can still be replicated by somebody else.

Art and Craft Table of Differences

Since arts and crafts are sometimes indistinguishable, below is a table showing the differences between art and crafts. There are quite a few key differences, however, to make things a little more challenging, there are also a few similarities.

Differences Between Art and CraftArtCrafts
Art vs. Craft DefinitionA way of expressing emotions in a visual wayCreating useful items, which can be decorative
Created WithIndividual artistic merit and talentLearned skills
PurposeVisual aestheticsFunctional and decorative
ReproductionUnique and cannot be reproducedCan be reproduced
ValueExpressive and emotional from the heartCreative production made by hand from the mind
DescriptionUnstructured and open-endedStructured
Difficulty LevelCan be seen as more difficult due to its uniquenessCan be measured and skills learned, so can be easier
Time of CompletionNot bound to time and can be completed according to the artistUsually has a time that it must be completed
ObjectiveMore for personal satisfaction, but can involve sellingItems are usually made to sell
EffectExciting and fascinating, with new ideas all the timeCan become repetitive and boring

When it comes to similarities, art and crafts can be seen as a form of expression. Both also need a certain amount of skill and talent to achieve. Even though most crafts are made to sell or use, there is also a certain amount of personal satisfaction that goes into a completed project.

Both art and craft projects require some patience to complete and eventually seek some form of appreciation from others. Both arts, as well as crafts, can be taken up as a hobby.

Difference Between Art and Craft - A Look at Art Versus Craft (5) Colorful army of Matryoshka dolls in Budapest. An example of something that could be seen as both an art and a craft; Marcos Leal, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In a sense, both arts and crafting are creative and can come from within. For example, a beautifully wrought iron gate may not be seen as art by some, but it is just as creative as a painting. Today, both are accessible to everyone who wants to try to paint or create something. Both also provide similar benefits from helping to improve confidence and aiding in reducing stress and anxiety to encouraging communication and enhancing fine motor skills.

When it comes to what separates the art object from the craft object, it can get a bit confusing as both have their own merits, and there are a few similarities. However, when we look a bit closer, there are quite a few differences. Art can be seen as being more emotional and expressive, while crafts have more of a tangible outcome. Whatever the choice, both are creative, and one should explore all avenues to see where your talents lie.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Main Differences Between Art and Crafts?

There are quite a few differences between art and crafts, one of them being that art is more an expression of emotion and comes from the heart, while crafts come from the mind and have a functional purpose. Art has no limits and is not structured, while crafts are usually completed within a set time and are structured.

What Are Some Art Ideas?

Over the years, art has been placed into a certain category and usually only includes certain activities. These activities can be painting, which includes oil and watercolor painting, sculpting, dancing, drawing, music, and poetry.

What Are Some Crafting Ideas?

Most craft items have a purpose and are made to be sold. Some of the craft ideas include paper crafts, metalwork, woodwork, jewelry making, quilting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, pottery, weaving, and lots more.

What Is the Reason Behind Art and Crafts?

When it comes to art vs. craft ideas, the purpose is slightly different for both of them. Art is done more for personal satisfaction, while crafts may also have a certain amount of satisfaction involved, but the finished item is functional, and in many cases, it can be sold.

Isabella Meyer( Head of Content, Editor, Art Writer )

Isabella studied at the University of Cape Town in South Africa and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in English Literature & Language and Psychology. Throughout her undergraduate years, she took Art History as an additional subject and absolutely loved it. Building on from her art history knowledge that began in high school, art has always been a particular area of fascination for her. From learning about artworks previously unknown to her, or sharpening her existing understanding of specific works, the ability to continue learning within this interesting sphere excites her greatly.

Her focal points of interest in art history encompass profiling specific artists and art movements, as it is these areas where she is able to really dig deep into the rich narrative of the art world. Additionally, she particularly enjoys exploring the different artistic styles of the 20th century, as well as the important impact that female artists have had on the development of art history.

Learn more about Isabella Meyer and the Art in Context Team.

Difference Between Art and Craft - A Look at Art Versus Craft (2024)


Difference Between Art and Craft - A Look at Art Versus Craft? ›

The main difference between the two is the end goal in creation, all other differences stem from this one. Art is more focused on using tools and materials to express an emotion or idea, while craft is more focused on using tools and materials to create a specific tangible object or product.

What is the difference between art in craft and craft in art? ›

Art refers to a form of expression that uses visual, auditory, or performance-based elements to communicate emotions, ideas, or experiences. Craft refers to a form of making objects or products using manual or mechanical techniques.

What are the main differences behind whether an object is considered art or a craft? ›

Answer. An art experience is considered open-ended, so there's not an end product that the teacher is looking for or that it has to look like, whereas a craft is goal-oriented. A lot of times when teachers are doing craft projects, the main purpose behind a craft is actually direction-following, which is a great skill.

What is considered arts and crafts? ›

Arts and crafts describes a wide variety of activities involving making things with one's own hands. Arts and crafts is usually a hobby. Some crafts (art skills) have been practised since preshistoric times, others are more recent inventions.

Is painting an art or a craft? ›

There are seven general forms of art, but when we speak of art compared to craft, we refer to the creative visual arts. The creative visual arts are traditionally painting, sculpture, photography, or drawing. The purpose of creating a work of art is to make something that can be appreciated for its aesthetic beauty.

What is considered to be a craft? ›

Craft is a form of making which generally produces an object that has a function: such as something you can wear, or eat or drink from.

What are three examples of craft in art? ›

Examples of crafts include:
  • Pottery: ceramic, porcelain, clay, etc.
  • Weaving: tapestries, rugs, baskets, etc.
  • Woodworking: furniture, carvings, toys, etc.
  • Glassblowing: vases, figurines, stemware, etc.
  • Metalworking: jewelry, ornamental objects, kitchenware, etc.
Apr 2, 2021

Why are crafts called crafts? ›

The word 'Craft' comes from the Middle English word for 'strength' or 'skill' derived from the Old English word craeft which comes from Old High German kraft, for strength, and means “skill in planning, making, executing” and, by extension, “an occupation or trade requiring skill” and crafts, then, being those objects ...

What are the 3 main characteristics of the Arts and crafts movement? ›

The core characteristics of the Arts and Crafts movement are: Raw, truthful materials with a focus on their natural qualities. Simple forms that hero and celebrate the construction of the object. Designs, motifs, and patterns inspired by nature.

What separates the art object from the craft object? ›

While art often emphasizes creativity, self-expression, and conceptual ideas, craft focuses on skilled techniques and the functional aspect of the object.

What falls under crafts? ›

It can refer to types of objects – 'contemporary craft' – especially those made of ceramics, fiber, glass, metal, or wood. These can be functional, sculptural, or conceptual. Craft can also refer to how someone practices a trade, whether an artisan, actor, playwright, or accountant.

What does an Arts and Crafts home look like? ›

Most homes in the Craftsman style have porches with thick square or round columns and stone porch supports. Low-pitched roofs. The homes typically have a low roof with wide eaves and triangular brackets. Exposed beams.

Is quilting an art or a craft? ›

Crafts, conversely, value an end goal—a papier-mâché horse, a cotton ball snowman. With these differences in mind, it is easy to see why quilts might be placed in the craft category, especially following the advent of mass-produced patterns and fabric lines.

What is an art and craft person called? ›

Artisans practice a craft and may through experience and aptitude reach the expressive levels of an artist.

Is craft the same as art? ›

Throughout history, some have called art, craft, and sculpture all the same thing, and there have been many notable artists who have been called both an artist and a craftsman. However, they are not the same—art is a form of expression, the craft is a useful end product, and art sculpture is both.

Is pottery an art or craft? ›

To summarize, pottery is an important art form that has played a significant role in human history and culture. It combines functionality and beauty, providing both practical and artistic value.

What is the difference between craft and crafting? ›

Crafting involves creativity. Anything which is made with innovative ideas can be said as crafted. You can make fans out of paper (paper fan or aeroplanes like we used to play when kids) but those would not be called crafted. Craft involves ideas, supplies and the outcome is something unique.

What is the relation between craft and art? ›

While fine arts relate more to the individual and intellect, craft focuses on manual skills. Dedicated craftsmen were mastering their art to perfection but despite their skill, craft was often considered to be the “l*ttle sister” of art – the one that no one listens to!

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.