Does Galvanized Steel Rust - Will Galvanized Steel Rust | Bucket Outlet (2024)

Galvanized steel has been used for almost 2,000 years because of its unrivaled ability to last a very long time and resist rust. Hot dipped galvanized steel and electroplated galvanized steel are made using different methods and their zinc galvanized coatings corrode completely differently. Learn about these galvanizing processes (here) and how zinc corrosion varies between them (here).

Yes, galvanized steel resistance to rust corrosion depends largely on the type and thickness of the protective galvanized zinc coating, but the type of corrosive environment is also a critical factor.

Factors that rust and corrode galvanized steel:

  • Relative humidity above 60%
  • Sodium chloride (salt) in water or air
  • Wet or soaked environments
  • Increase in temperature when combined with corrosive factors like humidity and industrial pollution
  • Acids; particularly sulfur acids produced by (1) hydrogen sulfide - from volcanoes, hot springs, natural gas, and sewer gas - and (2) sulfur dioxide pollution in the urban atmosphere
  • Strong Alkalis
  • Plasters and cements (especially Portland cements) containing chlorides and sulfates
  • Acid rainwater runoff from roofs with wood shingles
  • Moss and lichen
  • Contact between galvanized items and copper, pure iron, or steel causes galvanic corrosion. Galvanic (electrochemical) corrosion is an electrolytic corrosion reaction between the zinc coating and dissimilar metals when in the presence of an electrolyte such as rain, dew, fog or condensation.
  • Acidic food and drinks (is galvanized metal safe for food?)

Galvanized steel has good resistance to:

  • Concrete
  • Mortar
  • Lead
  • Tin
  • Zinc
  • Aluminum

Galvanized steel is corrosive to all metals except lead, tin, zinc and aluminum.

Although it does not last infinitely, galvanized steel is the unparalleled corrosion-resistant metal. It is worth noting however, that applying a protective coating such as paint to galvanized steel will alleviate the problems caused by corrosion of the protective zinc coating.

How Long Does Galvanized Steel Last

So how long does it take for a handy new galvanized steel bucket to rust and corrode into a useless heap of metal? It takes a long time. A galvanized steel bucket (produced with any method) can last practically forever if it's gently used and kept dry and out of the rain. But for those galvanized buckets and tubs destined to become garden planters, landscape decorations, animal feeders, and farm water buckets corrosion is inevitable. Galvanized steel intended for prolonged outdoor use should be hot-dipped galvanized steel; which commonly lasts for about 70 years in many different environments.

Table 1 below predicts how long galvanized steel will last based on a 30 month corrosion study of environmental factors like wetness, humidity, and air pollutants in 2004.

Table 1. Prediction of When Zinc Layer will be Consumed on Galvanized Steel
Galvanized Steel kept in the wet or soaked environments 10 Years
with a relative humidity of 100% 34 Years
with a relative humidity below 60%. 211 Years

Source: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 2004 (11)

The corrosion resistance of zinc coatings is determined primarily by the type and thickness of the coating but, varies with the severity of environmental conditions exposed to (as in the table above). Hot dipped galvanized zinc coating resistance to corrosion depends primarily on a protective film (patina) formed on its surface.

Read more background:

  • Types of galvanizing; compare the properties of galvanization methods.
  • Does galvanized zinc rust; learn how a hot-dipped zinc coating corrodes to form a patina layer that can protect the zinc metal underneath for upwards of 75 years. Zinc corrosion products of hot-dip galvanizing build-up (creating a patina layer) and insolubly cling to the metal in many environments. Thus, the corrosion rate of hot-dip galvanized steel may slow as time progresses.

The type of zinc galvanization and how that process controls the way in which the galvanized steel corrodes must be understood first. The environments, elements, and conditions that any given type of galvanized steel is exposed to, nevertheless, indeed determines how long it will last before corrosion.

A 1926 study of galvanized steel corrosion in industrial, rural and sea regions found:

  • At any one location the life of the zinc coating is directly proportional to its thickness.
  • The most rapid corrosion occurred at the highly industrial locations, and the least rapid at the rural and more arid locations (9).

The handy chart below (from American Galvanizers Association) illustrates how long galvanized steel will last before corroded areas should be maintained to prevent further deterioration. Want to learn how to refinish galvanized steel? Click here. Put another way, this chart shows how long it takes for galvanized steel to rust in different environments.

The thicker the zinc coating the longer galvanized steel will last without corrosion. The thickness of zinc is displayed along the horizontal axis (8). As in the chart below and noted in the 1926 study, for each location the corrosion rate is essentially constant with time (9).

Does Galvanized Steel Rust - Will Galvanized Steel Rust | Bucket Outlet (1)
Chart 1: Time to first sign of corrosion in various environments

The environments below are listed from the most corrosive to the least corrosive:

Industrial Environments:

  • Most city and urban areas as examples of urban environments.
  • Generally, the most aggressive corrosive environment.
  • Sulfide and phosphate air pollution, from point sources like automobile exhaust, cause galvanized zinc coating consumption.

Tropical Marine Environments

  • Regions where the temperature, if ever, falls below freezing.
  • Humidity is high and chlorides from nearby water are present in air.
  • Almost as corrosive as industrial environments
  • Warm temperatures increase the activity level of corrosion elements on the surface of the galvanized zinc.
  • Proximity to the coast, wind direction and wind speed also influence the rate of corrosion

Temperate Marine Environments

  • Lower temperatures and humidity make temperate marine environments less corrosive to their tropical counterparts.
  • Like tropical marine regions, chlorides, distance from the ocean, wind direction, and wind speed shape corrosion rate.

Suburban environments

  • Less corrosive than industrial areas
  • Residential perimeter communities outside urban areas and cities.

Rural Environments

  • Least aggressive corrosive atmosphere
  • Air and rain in rural regions contain relatively low levels of sulfur and other corrosive emissions.

Elements and conditions:


Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) is the most significant atmospheric air pollutant. The presence of SO2 in the atmosphere largely regulates the atmospheric corrosion rate of zinc. When acids - with a pH below seven - attack and corrode a galvanized zinc coating, the pH decreases and the rate of corrosion increases. In industrial locations mists and dews have been observed having a pH as low as three. It is rational, therefore, to attribute the greater corrosivity of industrial atmospheres to the acid-forming SO2 pollution contained within them (9).

Results of a galvanized zinc metal corrosion potential study published in 2015 found the highest corrosion impact from SO2, dust, humidity and CO2. Concentrations of these pollutants were highest values in winter; when fossil fuel combustion increases. The presence of chlorides in air during also influenced the rate of corrosion (10).


Just as the acidity of the atmosphere influences the rate of corrosion, so too does the acidity of the soil. The zinc coating of hot-dipped galvanized steel will last in the harshest soil is 35 to 50 years and in less corrosive soil 75 years or more.


Although humidity affects corrosion, temperature itself has less of an impact. Galvanized zinc coatings respond well in extreme cold and hot temperatures. There are no significant differences in corrosion rate in temperatures below -40 F for hot-dip galvanized coatings. In higher temperatures the zinc can be impacted. For long-term continuous exposure the maximum recommended temperature is 392 F, according to a publication by American Galvanizers (8). Temperatures this high can cause the outer zinc layer to peel away from the zinc-alloy layers. Although the remaining zinc-alloy layers will provide corrosion protection to the steel, protection will last for less time than if the outer free zinc layer remained intact.

Because the applications of steel are many, hot-dip galvanizing will continue to be called upon to ensure long-lasting and maintenance-free corrosion protection.

What are the best storage conditions for galvanized buckets?

Although these buckets can take a fair about of abuse, for optimum performance choose a storage area that has adequate ventilation and has a low amount of moisture. Avoid areas that are damp and poorly ventilated.

Does Galvanized Steel Rust - Will Galvanized Steel Rust | Bucket Outlet (2024)


Is galvanized steel rust proof? ›

Galvanized steel takes a long time to rust, but it will eventually rust. This type is carbon steel that has been galvanized or coated with a thin layer of zinc. The zinc acts as a barrier preventing oxygen and water from reaching the steel, providing advanced corrosion protection.

How do you keep galvanized steel from rusting? ›

The most important step in preventing corrosion on galvanized steel is keeping it out of environments where it is exposed to substances with a pH below 6 or above 12. One side of this requirement is that it is important to keep galvanized steel out of acid rain.

What corrodes galvanized steel? ›

Bleach, even when mixed with water, is very corrosive to galvanized steel. An alternative cleaning solution is a mixture of one part ammonia with 10 parts water and then rinsing the galvanized coating with fresh water and allowing it to thoroughly dry.

Does galvanized utility wire rust? ›

Galvanized zinc coating provides some unique benefits. Rust prevention: Galvanized wire is highly resistant to rust because of the protective zinc coating that keeps moisture away from the steel beneath.

How long will it take for galvanized steel to rust? ›

Galvanization is a zinc coating applied over the top of steel. It prevents rust and corrosion far longer than paint will, often for 50 years or more, but eventually that brown rot will set in.

How long will galvanised steel last? ›

A key benefit of using Hot Dip Galvanizing is its durability. Data shows that galvanizing can provide between 34 to 170 years of protection for steel.

Should you coat galvanized steel? ›

Over time, any type of metal is prone to rust or corrosion, it's inevitable. It's very important to protect the surface of your galvanized steel to extend its lifespan. So, how do you achieve this? One simple way is to clear coat the surface.

What steel doesn't rust? ›

Stainless steel is a bit different. Though steel does contain iron, stainless steel also contains the element chromium, which is highly corrosion-resistant. Chromium protects the steel from rusting because chromium combines with oxygen before iron does.

Does galvanized steel need to be painted? ›

Hot Dip Galvanizing by itself is a long lasting, cost effective means of corrosion protection. However, galvanised steel can be painted for the following reasons: add colour for aesthetic, camouflage, or safety purposes. increase the economic life of a structure.

What is the most rust resistant metal? ›

Known as the precious metals, platinum, gold and silver are all pure metals, therefore they contain no iron and cannot rust.

What happens if you put vinegar on galvanized steel? ›

White vinegar is effective and non-toxic which is much safer to use rather than an industrial solvent. All you need to do is apply the vinegar on a clean rag and then simply wipe down the galvanized surface. The great thing about vinegar is that it has an acidity that will react with the metal, promoting pain adhesion.

What is the cheapest metal that doesn't rust? ›

1. Aluminum. Aluminum is one of the most commonly used metals on the planet, and it's arguably the most famous for not rusting. Aluminum doesn't rust, only iron's specific oxidation is called rust and there is no iron used when creating aluminum.

What metal wire does not rust? ›

Copper, brass, and bronze do not rust for the same reason as aluminum. All three have a negligible amount of iron in them. Therefore no iron oxide, or rust, can form. However, copper can form a blue-green patina on its surface when exposed to oxygen over time.

What are the disadvantages of galvanised steel? ›

As with any kind of steel finishing, galvanized steel has its cons, which include:
  • There can be a high cost associated with galvanization, especially in large-scale projects. ...
  • Although resistant to red rust, galvanized steel can develop white rust over time if exposed to moisture.
Oct 16, 2018

Can galvanized steel wire be used outside? ›

This process involves protecting the stainless steel with a zinc coating. The goal is to prevent the formation of rust and corrosion. As a result, galvanized steel wire can be used outdoors and will stand up to the elements. In fact, the galvanization process makes it perfect for outdoor fences.

What causes galvanized to rust? ›

What conditions does galvanized steel rust in? The most common ones include high humidity, wet or soaked environments, salt in the air or water, moss, and acids. But, galvanization also provides good resistance to contact with concrete, mortar, lead, tin, zinc, and aluminum.

Which is better galvanized or stainless steel? ›

Stainless steel is almost always more robust than galvanized steel. So if structural elements are involved, stainless will likely be a better bet. Stainless steel provides stronger corrosion resistance than galvanized steel -- especially in marine environments.

Is galvanized steel waterproof? ›

Galvanized steel is coated with a thin layer of zinc. The zinc coating protects the steel beneath it from rust. It's used to make nuts, bolts, screws, and nails resistant to degradation when they are exposed to the weather. Galvanized steel stands up to water well — as long as it's not salt water.

What lasts longer galvanized or stainless steel? ›

Stainless steel lasts much longer than galvanized steel, so when the longevity of the building project is of importance, using stainless steel is recommended. Stainless steel is much stronger than plain steel hotdip galvanized.

How do you maintain galvanized steel? ›

Galvanizing may be cleaned using a water-based emulsifier, alkaline-based cleaners with a pH of 12 or lower or organic solvents. Then rinse the area with fresh water and simply wipe clean with a soft cloth. Please consult the your galvanizer or the GAA if you have any concerns in regards to cleaning your product.

What lasts longer zinc or galvanized? ›

A product that is hot dip galvanised will have a thicker coating, meaning it will last far longer. Hot dip galvanised coatings give superior protection against corrosion. The images below show that zinc plated gate hardware will rust over time.

Will rustoleum work on galvanized metal? ›

Rust-Oleum® Stops Rust® Latex Aluminum Primer provides excellent adhesion on aluminum and galvanized surfaces, and it cleans with soap and water. Universal Bonding helps paint adhere to the most difficult surfaces, including galvanized steel and two-part epoxies.

What do you spray on galvanized metal to rust? ›

Combine 1/2 cup of salt with 1 quart of warm water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake it until the salt dissolves. Spray this solution all over the outside of the galvanized bucket or tub. This will remove the shiny coating and give it a weathered look.

How long will galvanizing steel last in water? ›

TFM for standard galvanized steel in a tropical marine environment is 75 to 78 years. Examples of a tropical marine environment include Miami and Mazatlan. TFM for standard galvanized steel in a temperate marine environment is 86 years.

What is the only metal that rusts? ›

The terms "rust" and "rusting" only mean oxidation of iron and its resulting products. Many other oxidation reactions exist which do not involve iron or produce rust. But only iron or alloys that contain iron can rust. However, other metals can corrode in similar ways.

Does vinegar help paint stick to galvanized metal? ›

All you have to do is simply apply the vinegar to a clean rag and then wipe down the galvanized surface. The acidity of the vinegar will react with the metal, treating the surface to promote paint adhesion. You may or may not need to prime the surface depending on the type of paint you choose.

What paint will stick to galvanized? ›

What paint will stick to galvanized metal? Once the galvanized metal is cleaned, sanded thoroughly primed, most acrylic paints will adhere to it without any issues. For best results, it's advised that you remove the layer of white rust that develops on weathered galvanized metal over time.

How long after galvanized can you paint? ›

This solution reacts with the galvanised steel surface, leaving behind a dark grey or black discolouration. Once dry, a T-Washed surface can be left for 30 days before painting.

Is WD 40 rust resistant? ›

WD-40 Multi-Use Product protects metal from rust and corrosion, penetrates stuck parts, displaces moisture and lubricates almost anything.

What metals rust instantly? ›

Add Hydrogen Peroxide so that it covers the whole piece, just like what was done with the vinegar. Next, sprinkle salt on top of the metal, this is where you will start seeing the piece foam up and change to a rusty colour.

What metal is best for outdoors? ›

Brass and copper are reliable metals to use for the great outdoors. Copper is resistant to corrosion, malleable, and strong. Brass is the result of the combination of copper and zinc, and its color will vary based on the amount of zinc in the alloy.

Can you leave galvanized metal outside? ›

The zinc coating of hot-dipped galvanized steel will last in the harshest soil is 35 to 50 years and in less corrosive soil 75 years or more. Although humidity affects corrosion, temperature itself has less of an impact. Galvanized zinc coatings respond well in extreme cold and hot temperatures.

How do you keep galvanized steel shiny? ›

For a finishing touch, polish and buff your galvanized steel using lint-free cloths and wax or metal polish. This will really make it shine, and will make any small scratches nearly invisible.

What is the most worthless metal? ›

Protactinium (formerly protoactinium) is a chemical element with the symbol Pa and atomic number 91. It is a dense, silvery-gray actinide metal which readily reacts with oxygen, water vapor and inorganic acids.

What metal is cheaper than steel? ›

Aluminium. Aluminium has long been used as an alternative to stainless steel: It is cheaper than steel to cast and fabricate, and the cheapest of the metals we're looking at pound for pound.

Which metal is best for rust proof? ›

Common metals that don't rust include:
  • Aluminum.
  • Stainless Steel (some grades)
  • Galvanized Steel.
  • Red Metals (Copper, Brass & Bronze)
May 29, 2018

What are the disadvantages of galvanized steel? ›

As with any kind of steel finishing, galvanized steel has its cons, which include:
  • There can be a high cost associated with galvanization, especially in large-scale projects. ...
  • Although resistant to red rust, galvanized steel can develop white rust over time if exposed to moisture.
Oct 16, 2018

Can galvanized steel be used outdoors? ›

Galvanized Steel

Its special composition helps it reduce the time and money spent on maintenance and repairs, so for some outdoor projects, it could be a viable option. Galvanized steel is coated with zinc to prevent it from corroding as fast as some other metals.

What is the cheapest rust-proof metal? ›

1. Aluminum. Aluminum is one of the most commonly used metals on the planet, and it's arguably the most famous for not rusting. Aluminum doesn't rust, only iron's specific oxidation is called rust and there is no iron used when creating aluminum.

Can Vaseline stop metal from rusting? ›

Prevent Rusting

Along with corrosion, petroleum jelly is also good at keeping rust off your tools and other metal goods. Lightly coat your tools after you clean them with a bit of Vaseline and you'll be set to go.

What kind of steel doesn't rust? ›

Though steel does contain iron, stainless steel also contains the element chromium, which is highly corrosion-resistant. Chromium protects the steel from rusting because chromium combines with oxygen before iron does. Since the iron never has a chance to combine with oxygen, rust never forms.

What is the problem with galvanized steel? ›

Galvanized steel pipes have a protective zinc coating in an attempt to prevent rust and corrosion. Unfortunately, the galvanized pipe lining corrodes and rusts on the inside after years of exposure to a water supply. This rust finds its way into your water lines and, eventually, to you.

What happens to galvanized steel when wet? ›

Once the galvanized zinc coating is exposed to free flowing air, a thin layer of zinc oxides forms on the surface starting the natural weathering process. Then, when the piece comes in contact with moisture – rainfall, dew, humidity – the zinc oxide particles capture the water to form porous, gelatinous zinc hydroxide.

Does galvanized steel rust when wet? ›

Galvanised steel's defining attribute is its layer of zinc coating, which forms a protective layer against the combination of moisture and oxygen that can otherwise cause rust to form on the underlying metal.

How do you weather proof galvanized steel? ›

One simple way is to clear coat the surface. Using a clear coat extends the lifespan of the steel and makes it look better. Clear coating your steel also helps to prevent fading, oxidizing and damage from UV rays.

What metal will not rust outside? ›

Known as the precious metals, platinum, gold and silver are all pure metals, therefore they contain no iron and cannot rust. Platinum and gold are highly non-reactive, and although silver can tarnish, it is fairly corrosion-resistant and relatively affordable by comparison.

How long will galvanized pipe last outside? ›

Galvanized pipes can last up to 60 -70 years, put not always. Poor quality pipe or piping with poor galvanizing technique can fail in half the time, 30-40 years. If you are experiencing signs that your galvanized pipes are failing, it may be time to replace them.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.