Does Hibiscus Tea Have Caffeine? Exploring Hibiscus Tea (2024)

The beautiful red shades of hibiscus tea and delicious fruity flavor are hard not to admire. Last week on the Zest Tea blog, we explored a wide range of herbal teas and discovered that some of them can contain quite a large amount of caffeine (albeit not as much as Zest Tea)!

So, does hibiscus tea contain caffeine? What other benefits of hibiscus tea are there?

In this guide to hibiscus tea, we're breaking down the origins, nutrition, health benefits and caffeine levels of this popular herbal tea type.

The Hibiscus Plant

Hibiscus tea is made from flowers rather than leaves, roots, or seeds like many other herbal teas. To make this tea, we pick and dry parts of the flowers before steeping them in hot water to produce a bright red, fruity-flavored infusion.

The calyces of the hibiscus flower (the tougher part that protects the delicate petals) are used to create the vibrantly colored tea. So, unlike some flower infusions like chamomile, you can't just pick hibiscus flowers and douse them in water to make an easy brew.

The Hibiscus sabdariffa plant, or roselle as it's also known, is the most common variety of hibiscus that's used to create the tea. Hibiscus tea is also known as sour tea or carcade.

Hibiscus Flower Origins

The roselle flower is native to Africa but is now grown around the world. Although market information about the production of hibiscus isn't tracked (as it's a specialty botanical product), we know that China and Thailand produce a lot of hibiscus to export. Most other countries that grow hibiscus use the flower domestically.1

Closer to home, hibiscus is grown and consumed as a popular infusion in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America. You might have seen it labeled as 'sorrel' or 'agua de Jamaica' and not realized it was, in fact, hibiscus.

Does Hibiscus Tea Have Caffeine? Exploring Hibiscus Tea (2)

Popularity of Hibiscus Tea

Dried hibiscus is most often used in tea blends (like our Blue Lady high caffeine tea) in the US and UK, but in Central America, Mexico, and across the Caribbean, it is used to make a refreshing and inexpensive drink.

Agua de Jamaica is made by infusing the hibiscus flower calyces in hot water, adding a variety of spices and/or ginger, then chilling and sweetening. It's usually served cold.

Nutrition and Calories

The nutrition for raw roselle is interesting! 100g of raw hibiscus flower provides 49 calories, 12mg of vitamin C (14% of your recommended daily intake), 215mg of calcium, 51mg of magnesium, and 1.48mg of iron (11% of your recommended daily intake).2

But take this with a pinch of salt.

Vitamin C is very susceptible to heat. It oxygenates quickly, especially when exposed to high temperatures (like the boiling water used to make your tea), so the actual amount of vitamin C and minerals that end up in your cup is a lot less. One study found that after processing, cooking, steaming, or boiling vegetables, only 31% to 73% of the vitamin was retained.3

An 8oz cup of hibiscus tea contains much less nutrition compared to the raw hibiscus flowers. The tea contains 0 calories, 0mg of vitamin C, 19mg of calcium, 7mg of magnesium, and 0.19mg of iron.4

Generally, the longer you infuse your tea, the stronger the tea is, and the more nutrients end up in your cup (with the exception of heat-sensitive vitamin C).

Does Hibiscus Tea Have Caffeine? Exploring Hibiscus Tea (3)

Hibiscus Caffeine Levels

Hibiscus tea is free of caffeine. Regardless of which hibiscus tea you choose, whether it's cool agua de Jamaica or a hot cup of hibiscus flower tea, there is no caffeine to infuse into your cup.

Did you know that certain plants evolved to produce caffeine as a way to disable or kill insects that may damage them?5 The tea plant, Camellia sinensis, and coffee plant, Coffea arabica, are two such plants.

The hibiscus plant doesn't produce caffeine at all, so your mug of hibiscus tea will always be caffeine-free.

Herbal Infusion Caffeine Levels

As mentioned earlier in our guide, not all herbal teas (AKA teas that are not made from the Camellia sinensis tea plant) are caffeine-free.

Some popular caffeine-free teas, like hibiscus, include:

  • Chamomile,
  • Mint,
  • Rooibos,
  • Lemongrass,
  • Valerian.

Herbal infusions that do contain caffeine include:

  • Yerba mate,
  • Guarana,
  • Certain citrus flowers and leaves.

To learn more about loose leaf herbs that may contain caffeine, read our Guide to Herbal Teas.

Traditional Tea Caffeine Levels

Using hibiscus to add fruity flavors to caffeinated tea blends is quite common - these tea blends will definitely contain caffeine. Adding the hibiscus to the loose leaf tea doesn't detract any caffeine from it.

Here are the average caffeine levels for the most popular traditional tea types:

  • Black tea - 47mg
  • Green tea - 28mg
  • Matcha - 70mg
  • White tea - 40mg
  • Oolong tea - 37mg

Even though all of these tea types can be made from the same tea plant, they all contain varying levels of caffeine. To learn why, check out our Which Tea Has The Most Caffeine guide.

Does Hibiscus Tea Have Caffeine? Exploring Hibiscus Tea (4)

Zest Tea Caffeine Levels

Most teas are naturally quite low in caffeine, especially when you compare them to strong coffee beverages and energy drinks. But there is one exception. Zest Tea blends provide up to 150mg of caffeine per serving to get you up and running in the morning.

We use hibiscus in our non-GMO certified Blue Lady tea blend. It's a great way to enjoy hibiscus with an extra caffeine boost! Our customers love to drink it hot or cold.

Discover Blue Lady energy tea.

How to Brew Hibiscus Tea

The easiest way to make hibiscus tea is by following this method. Using hibiscus flowers that are whole or sifted and cut (S/C) is the best way to make it. Hibiscus extract can also be used, but remember that they are highly concentrated and you may not get the same fresh hibiscus flavor.

You will need:

  • 8oz of boiling water,
  • 1 teaspoon (or 2g) of loose hibiscus flowers,
  • A slice of fresh ginger root (optional),
  • Honey or sugar to taste (optional).

To make the tea:

  1. Add your loose hibiscus flower to a tea strainer or infuser - the Zest Paris Tea Cup Infuser makes this easy - and place it in your cup,
  2. Add a slice of ginger too, if you like a little spicy warmth in your tea,
  3. Pour the boiling water into your cup so the hibiscus is submerged,
  4. Let the hibiscus steep for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally,
  5. Remove the spent hibiscus (and ginger, if used) and discard it,
  6. Sip and enjoy, or add honey, sugar, or your favorite sweetener to taste.

A mug of hibiscus tea twice a day is a good way to relax. You're unlikely to experience any side effects (scroll down to our FAQs to learn about those), and you may even experience some cool health benefits of hibiscus too.

Does Hibiscus Tea Have Caffeine? Exploring Hibiscus Tea (5)

Hibiscus Tea Health Benefits

Hibiscus tea benefits are numerous and could benefit your body in some surprising ways. There's evidence that the health benefits of hibiscus can assist your immune system with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, as well as help you maintain blood sugar levels and good heart health.

Most studies, like the ones listed below, use concentrated hibiscus extract rather than tea to assess the potency of these health benefits.

Hibiscus Tea Benefits Blood Pressure

Lowering blood pressure has numerous advantages for your health, particularly if you are prone to high blood pressure.

Thankfully, hibiscus may be an effective remedy. Hibiscus lowers blood pressure levels when consumed twice daily, as shown by patients with stage 1 hypertension.6 Changing your lifestyle and diet are also key if you need lower blood pressure - hibiscus may help, but it's no cure.

Prevents Free Radical Damage

Hibiscus tea has been used as a traditional medicine for numerous conditions, including cancer and cardiovascular disorders, throughout history. But now we understand why and how the benefits of hibiscus tea can cover so many ailments. It's down to antioxidants that can inhibit free radicals.

Hibiscus tea provides the antioxidants that can prevent damage caused by free radicals, which is great for your overall health. One review showed that hibiscus can sometimes be even more effective than pharmaceuticals at improving biomarkers of metabolic syndromes (particularly blood glucose and insulin sensitivity).7

Improve Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol fat accumulation in your arteries is a serious problem that leads to heart disease. But hibiscus could help you keep your heart health on the right path.

The 'bad' cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) that's linked to heart disease is significantly reduced by regularly consuming sour tea (hibiscus). Furthermore, this study found that the 'good' cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein) was unaffected by the regular hibiscus consumption.8

Counter Liver Damage

Hibiscus tea could be used to treat liver problems, including non-alcoholic fatty liver.

In a study into the far-reaching benefits of hibiscus tea for metabolic regulation and liver protection, researchers found strong evidence that hibiscus extract can be used to improve liver steatosis, prevent obesity (with lifestyle changes), and treat non-alcoholic fatty liver.9

Compared to hibiscus tea, hibiscus plant extract is much more concentrated and potent, so you're unlikely to experience these health benefits from a daily hibiscus cuppa.

Does Hibiscus Tea Have Caffeine? Exploring Hibiscus Tea (6)

Reduce Oxidative Stress After Exercise

Hibiscus tea may help reduce oxidative stress after you exercise. Oxidative stress is the imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in your body. This imbalance can cause cell and tissue damage. It's a natural process that also contributes to our aging.

But the antioxidant properties of hibiscus tea can combat this. One study found that soccer players had a significant increase in total antioxidant capacity after taking hibiscus tea extract before exercise.10

Drink Hibiscus Tea for Weight Loss

Weight loss is never easy or fast, but there are some properties of hibiscus that can help you reduce your body weight. The study into liver damage above shows one way that hibiscus can reduce abdominal fat, and don't forget the strong link between hibiscus and reducing 'bad' cholesterol.

But there's more. One study found that polyphenols extracted from hibiscus and lemon verbena modulate appetite biomarkers, which means that they could help dieters avoid the undesirable weight gain that's often experienced after finishing a calorie restricted diet.11

Reduce Fasting Plasma Glucose

One of the benefits hibiscus tea is most promising for, is reducing fasting plasma glucose.12

When we fast (go without food), the hormone glucagon is stimulated to increase our blood plasma glucose levels. Normally, our bodies produce insulin to reduce and balance blood plasma glucose to a normal level. However, patients with type 2 diabetes may not produce enough insulin.

So, hibiscus tea could be a great way to help people with diabetes control their blood sugar.

Does Hibiscus Tea Have Caffeine? Exploring Hibiscus Tea (7)

Zest Tea and Hibiscus

Our Zest Tea blends contain a range of natural, non-GMO ingredients to create flavors that burst just as much as our caffeine levels!

Blue Lady is one of our customers' favorite blends and it contains just enough hibiscus to add a tart, fruity edge to the South Indian Flowery Orange Pekoe Black Tea. We blend the hibiscus and black tea with orange, lemon and passionfruit flavors, plus a peppering of cornflower petals for a visual pop.

If you're looking for a highly caffeinated hibiscus-containing tea to kick-start your morning, try our Blue Lady blend as pyramid tea bags or loose leaf.

Does Hibiscus Tea Have Caffeine? Exploring Hibiscus Tea (8)

Top 10 Hibiscus FAQs

After exploring hibiscus tea benefits, you'll likely have some more questions about this interesting herbal infusion. Here are the top 10 most frequently asked questions about hibiscus.

Is hibiscus tea caffeine free?

Yes, the dried hibiscus used to make hibiscus tea doesn't provide any caffeine. Technically, as hibiscus tea is made from flowers rather than a traditional caffeinated tea, it is known as a herbal tea or tisane.

Does hibiscus tea make you sleepy?

Hibiscus tea is known for lowering blood pressure, which can make you feel sleepy, light-headed and even dizzy. If you have naturally low blood pressure and consume a lot of hibiscus tea, you may experience these temporary side effects. But don't worry - they pass quickly.

What is hibiscus tea good for?

Hibiscus tea is most effective at reducing high blood pressure. Hibiscus tea may also assist with losing weight, maintaining a healthy liver function, and keeping your immune system in good shape. Hibiscus tea is also good for rehydrating and enjoying a flavorful caffeine-free drink.

Are hibiscus flowers caffeinated?

No, hibiscus flowers from the Hibiscus Sabdariffa plant do not contain any caffeine. Infusing dried hibiscus flowers in water produces a caffeine-free, herbal tea. Hibiscus tea will only contain caffeine if it is blended with a traditional tea type (e.g. black tea) or a caffeinated herb (e.g. yerba mate).

What does hibiscus tea taste like?

Hibiscus flowers produce a surprisingly fruity tea! The flavor of hibiscus tea is tart, sweet, juicy and berry-like. It can also have sour notes. Many people find that hibiscus tea tastes like strong cranberry juice.

Does Hibiscus Tea Have Caffeine? Exploring Hibiscus Tea (9)

Can pregnant women drink hibiscus tea?

Yes, it is safe for pregnant women to drink a cup of hibiscus tea during pregnancy. However, it is possibly unsafe to drink in large quantities or to take medicinally as hibiscus extract.13

A few small-scale studies have observed links between mothers consuming a lot of hibiscus tea and delayed puberty in their offspring, but there’s no conclusive evidence.14

A one-off cup of hibiscus tea is unlikely to cause any problems, but don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor for medical advice. If you want to avoid hibiscus tea just in case, there are plenty of other herbal teas that are definitely safe to consume during pregnancy.

What are the side effects of drinking hibiscus tea?

Drinking too much hibiscus tea in a short period of time can cause stomach upset - you might experience nausea, excess gas, and constipation, for example.15 These symptoms will pass quickly, and there's unlikely to be any permanent damage.

Some people can also experience dizziness, sleepiness and light-headed sensations after consuming hibiscus tea. This is due to lower blood pressure. This symptom will pass too, with no long-lasting damage.

Can you drink sour tea every day?

Hibiscus tea, also known as sour tea, is safe to consume daily. Consuming hibiscus tea in vast quantities may have some undesirable side effects, e.g. stomach upset, but it's not going to cause any serious damage to you. Drinking 1 to 3 cups a day is perfectly fine.16

Is hibiscus tea good for your skin?

Yes, hibiscus can be good for your skin. It has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. Hibiscus tea may also prevent loss of skin elasticity.17 The best way to use hibiscus tea for your skin is to apply skincare products containing hibiscus extract rather than drinking hibiscus tea regularly.

What are the anti-aging properties hibiscus tea has?

Many studies have confirmed that hibiscus tea is high in antioxidants, which are known to combat free radicals. It's these free radicals that damage your cells over time, causing the aging process. Drinking hibiscus tea regularly can combat this, to some degree... although no one can avoid aging completely!


Does Hibiscus Tea Have Caffeine? Exploring Hibiscus Tea (2024)


Does hibiscus tea have a lot of caffeine? ›

Hibiscus tea is free of caffeine. Regardless of which hibiscus tea you choose, whether it's cool agua de Jamaica or a hot cup of hibiscus flower tea, there is no caffeine to infuse into your cup.

Is hibiscus tea naturally caffeine free? ›

Hibiscus tea is an herbal, caffeine-free drink made from steeping dried hibiscus calyces (the part of the plant that supports the petals and protect the bud) in water. The tea is naturally red.

When should you not drink hibiscus tea? ›

And as I said before, don't drink hibiscus tea if you're on medication for blood pressure or blood sugar. The combination of both can lower either one too much.

What happens if you drink hibiscus tea everyday? ›

Some studies show that drinking hibiscus tea may help reduce systolic blood pressure levels compared to a placebo. Other studies show that it may help to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Some studies show that hibiscus tea may reduce cholesterol levels — another risk factor of heart disease.

Who should not drink hibiscus tea? ›

Hibiscus tea should be completely avoided by infants under six months—who should only be getting breast milk—as well as kids with kidney failure, who can't efficiently excrete it. There is also a concern about the impressive manganese level in hibiscus tea.

Does hibiscus tea keep you awake at night? ›

Though hibiscus tea is free of caffeine, the sleep inducing effects of hibiscus are due to its anxiolytic and sedative properties. The reduction of stress and anxiety puts your body in a relaxed state, making it easier to fall asleep when the time comes. There will be no tossing and turning after consuming this tea.

Can hibiscus tea raise blood pressure? ›

May help lower blood pressure

High blood pressure is also associated with an increased risk of heart disease ( 5 ). Several studies have found that hibiscus tea may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

How many cups of hibiscus tea can I drink a day? ›

Hibiscus is considered safe when consumed in moderate amounts in tea (2 to 4 cups per day) and foods. However, Kristin Draayer, M.S., RDN, advises that high doses can cause toxicity. Draayer also notes that hibiscus may interact with certain medications, especially those used to treat high blood pressure or diabetes.

How long does it take for hibiscus tea to lower blood pressure? ›

The effect may be noticeable after just two weeks. You would need to drink about 3 cups a day. However, this remedy is one that must be used continuously to maintain its positive results. When participants in the same study stopped drinking the tea for just three days, their blood pressure began to creep upward.

What are the negative effects of hibiscus tea? ›

Hibiscus may cause blood pressure to drop. It has also been linked to dermatitis, headache, nausea, and ringing in the ear. Risks. Avoid hibiscus if you are allergic or sensitive to it or members of the Malvaceae plant family.

What does hibiscus tea do to the brain? ›

Drinking a glass of warm hibiscus tea on a daily basis elevates brain power, memory, concentration and boosts moods, thereby alleviating depression, anxiety, for improved nervous system functions and heightened productivity at work and home.

What medications interact with hibiscus tea? ›

Taking Hibiscus sabdariffa along with diabetes medications might reduce the effects of these medications. Monitor your blood sugar closely. Hibiscus sabdariffa might lower blood pressure. Taking Hibiscus sabdariffa along with medications that lower blood pressure might cause blood pressure to go too low.

Should I drink hibiscus tea in the morning or night? ›

Since hibiscus tea does not have caffeine and has potential health benefits, it's often a beverage of choice for tea drinkers in the evening hours before going to bed. Known for being a soothing and relaxing beverage, it's versatile and can be enjoyed hot or chilled.

Is hibiscus tea hard on the kidneys? ›

The antioxidants found in hibiscus not only support a healthy heart, but also protect other important organs of the body. For instance, free radicals can be harmful to the kidneys; however, some studies found that the antioxidants in hibiscus were helpful in restoring and supporting damaged kidneys.

Does hibiscus help with belly fat? ›

Hibiscus tea may be an effective herbal remedy for weight loss. It has shown potential in preventing weight gain, promoting belly fat burning, and reducing fat absorption. Hibiscus could possibly lower cholesterol and triglycerides, too.

Can hibiscus tea cause liver damage? ›

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers hibiscus safe when consumed in food. However, it's possible to have an allergic reaction to the plant. In very high doses, hibiscus may cause liver damage.

What happens when you drink hibiscus tea on empty stomach? ›

However, even on an empty stomach, when drunk in moderation, hibiscus tea should not cause any problems to your gastrointestinal tract.

Does hibiscus tea help with inflammation? ›

The antioxidants in hibiscus tea boast anti-inflammatory properties that can help the body process cortisol (the stress hormone), and prevent a buildup of blood cells that leads to clots and high blood pressure.

Does hibiscus tea interact with blood pressure medications? ›

Hibiscus might lower blood pressure. Taking hibiscus along with medications used for lowering high blood pressure might cause your blood pressure to go too low. Do not take too much hibiscus if you are taking medications for high blood pressure.

What tea makes you fall asleep fastest? ›

Chamomile tea

It's made from chamomile, a plant that's often used to promote sleep thanks to its sedative effects ( 10 ).

Is hibiscus tea good for kidneys and bladder? ›

So the next time you find yourself reaching for a cup of tea whether steaming hot or ice cold consider relaxing with a cup of hibiscus. Not only will the extra dose of antioxidants help keep your cells strong and healthy but your kidneys and urinary tract will also thank you for the health benefits this herb provides.

Does hibiscus tea prevent blood clots? ›

The scientists found that hibiscus tea has antioxidants that boats anti-inflammatory properties. These antioxidants reduce inflammation in blood vessels, preventing the buildup of blood cells that leads to blood clots and high blood pressure (4).

What teas bring down high blood pressure? ›

Some of the best teas for high blood pressure include chamomile, lavender, rose, and hibiscus. These teas are known for their ability to lower blood pressure and improve heart health. You can enjoy any of these teas by steeping them in hot water for a few minutes.

Is hibiscus tea better than green tea? ›

In a comparison of the antioxidant content of 280 common beverages, hibiscus tea, derived from the flower of the same name and also known as roselle, sorrel, jamaica, or sour tea, ranked number-one, even beating out the oft-lauded green tea.

Does hibiscus tea clean your system? ›

Try drinking this tea after a night out. “Both human and animal studies have shown that hibiscus may prevent liver damage. Some showed decreased markers of liver damage and some showed an increased concentration of detoxifying enzymes in the liver,” says Michalczyk.

Does hibiscus detox your body? ›

According to studies, hibiscus tea is a good detox drink. It helps cleanse the liver by increasing its detoxifying enzymes, preventing it from problems like fatty liver and liver damage. It also detoxes our bodies from toxins through urination being a diuretic drink.

How to prepare hibiscus tea for high blood pressure? ›

Steep 1/2 cup of the dried flowers in 4 cups of boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Add your sugar substitute and serve either hot or chilled over ice.

Is hibiscus tea good for nerves? ›

Hibiscus Tea

It is a rich source of vitamin C, beneficial antioxidants, and essential minerals. Because of these nutrients and a class of flavonoids in Hibiscus tea ( the same ones found in wine), it helps in easing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

What drink improves memory? ›

Green tea

As is the case with coffee, the caffeine in green tea boosts brain function. In fact, it has been found to improve alertness, performance, memory, and focus ( 75 ). But green tea also has other components that make it a brain-healthy beverage.

Is hibiscus tea good for thyroid? ›

Hibiscus Tea for Thyroid. Imbalance in our hormones can lead to thyroid, in which hibiscus flower tea can help. Rich in antioxidants this tea boosts body's metabolism and aids in balancing out the production of hormones by the pancreas.

How does hibiscus affect blood pressure? ›

Recent studies show that hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) tea can lower blood pressure as effectively as some standard anti-hypertensive drugs can. Hibiscus is widely consumed around the world as a ruby-colored, lemony beverage. Hibiscus is safe and, unlike most blood pressure drugs, rarely causes side effects.

Does hibiscus tea dilate blood vessels? ›

More precisely, they found a significant increase in 'flow-mediated dilation' of the brachial artery after participants ingested the hibiscus drink after a meal, referring to the widening of an artery when blood flow increases in that artery, considered a gold standard to measure vascular endothelial function.

What kind of hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure? ›

Tea (Tisane) Lowers Blood Pressure in Prehypertensive and Mildly Hypertensive Adults.

Can hibiscus tea make you dizzy? ›

Although hibiscus tea has plenty of health benefits, it has a few side effects too. For people who are already suffering from low blood pressure issues or hypotension, consumption of hibiscus tea can further lower blood pressure levels, causing faintness, dizziness and damage to the heart and the brain.

What tea helps clean kidneys? ›

Dandelion tea, red clover, goldenrod, juniper, marshmallow root, burdock root, and nettles. These herbs may act as diuretics, which helps flush out the kidneys and remove excess waste.

Does hibiscus tighten skin? ›

The skin-firming powers of hibiscus are well documented, touting it as a natural 'Botox. ' The antioxidants present in hibiscus decrease elastase activity, which breaks down elastin. Hibiscus also contains vitamin C, which promotes the production of collagen, thus maintaining skin elasticity.

Does drinking hibiscus help hair growth? ›

It can stimulate hair growth, even from dormant hair follicles on bald spots. Another amazing benefit of hibiscus tea is that the dry hair problems can be managed efficiently. The tea is full of amino acids, which thoroughly conditions your scalp, thereby keeping your hair looking thick, healthy and shiny.

How many cups of hibiscus tea should I drink a day to lose weight? ›

You should drink 3 to 4 cups of this tea daily, half an hour before your main meals. The tea should be taken without sugar to achieve the expected effect, however optimal weight loss results will be noted when combined with a balanced diet and physical exercise.

What tea has the highest caffeine level? ›

In general, black and pu-erh teas have the highest amount of caffeine, followed by oolong teas, green teas, white teas, and purple teas. However, because the caffeine content of a brewed cup of tea depends on many different factors, even teas within the same broad categories may have different caffeine levels.

What are hibiscus tea side effects? ›

Hibiscus sabdariffa tea has been used safely in amounts of up to 720 mL daily for up to 6 weeks. Side effects are uncommon but might include stomach upset, gas, and constipation.

Does hibiscus tea energize you? ›

Hibiscus is a great source of iron, which can help improve energy and focus, boost the immune system, regulate body temperature, and much more. Low iron levels can result in anemia and other health issues.

What is the healthiest caffeinated tea? ›

When it comes to tea, green tea gets the gold. “Green tea is the champ when it comes to offering health benefits,” says Czerwony. “It's the Swiss Army knife of teas.

Does steeping tea longer increase the caffeine? ›

So yes, the longer you steep your tea, the more caffeine will infuse from the tea leaves to your cup. Each tea type provides a different amount of caffeine, so you should also consider selecting a tea with high caffeine levels if you are looking for that morning energy boost!

What tea has the same amount of caffeine as coffee? ›

Yerba Mate Tea: 35 milligrams

You can even brew this tea just like you would a regular cup of coffee using a French press or coffee machine. Revered by South Americans as a "drink of the gods,” yerba mate offers sustained energy through caffeine and 24 different vitamins.

Does hibiscus clean your kidneys? ›

For instance, free radicals can be harmful to the kidneys; however, some studies found that the antioxidants in hibiscus were helpful in restoring and supporting damaged kidneys. Speaking of kidneys, hibiscus appears to be a good friend to the entire urinary tract.

How long does it take to lower BP with drinking hibiscus tea? ›

In a study of 75 subjects diagnosed with hypertension (and not taking any blood pressure-lowering medication at the time). The controlled group drank one large hibiscus tea before breakfast each day for 4 weeks. The result was a reduction of 11% and 12.5% in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respectively.

What does hibiscus do to the brain? ›

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, hibiscus has potent neuroprotective benefits, including the ability to lower neuroinflammation. Inflammation is a primary driver of Alzheimer's disease, making hibiscus an effective and nourishing intervention for those looking to promote brain health.

What medications does hibiscus tea interfere with? ›

Do not take too much hibiscus if you are taking medications for high blood pressure. Some medications for high blood pressure include nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia), verapamil (Calan, Isoptin, Verelan), diltiazem (Cardizem), isradipine (DynaCirc), felodipine (Plendil), amlodipine (Norvasc), and others.

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