dpkt.ethernet — dpkt 1.9.2 documentation (2024)

# $Id: ethernet.py 65 2010-03-26 02:53:51Z dugsong $# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Ethernet II, LLC (802.3+802.2), LLC/SNAP, and Novell raw 802.3,with automatic 802.1q, MPLS, PPPoE, and Cisco ISL decapsulation."""from __future__ import print_functionfrom __future__ import absolute_importimport structfrom zlib import crc32from . import dpktfrom . import llcfrom .compat import compat_ord, iteritemstry: isinstance("", basestring) def isstr(s): return isinstance(s, basestring)except NameError:

[docs] def isstr(s): return isinstance(s, str)

ETH_CRC_LEN = 4ETH_HDR_LEN = 14ETH_LEN_MIN = 64 # minimum frame length with CRCETH_LEN_MAX = 1518 # maximum frame length with CRCETH_MTU = (ETH_LEN_MAX - ETH_HDR_LEN - ETH_CRC_LEN)ETH_MIN = (ETH_LEN_MIN - ETH_HDR_LEN - ETH_CRC_LEN)# Ethernet payload types - http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/ethertypeETH_TYPE_EDP = 0x00bb # Extreme Networks Discovery ProtocolETH_TYPE_PUP = 0x0200 # PUP protocolETH_TYPE_IP = 0x0800 # IP protocolETH_TYPE_ARP = 0x0806 # address resolution protocolETH_TYPE_AOE = 0x88a2 # AoE protocolETH_TYPE_CDP = 0x2000 # Cisco Discovery ProtocolETH_TYPE_DTP = 0x2004 # Cisco Dynamic Trunking ProtocolETH_TYPE_REVARP = 0x8035 # reverse addr resolution protocolETH_TYPE_8021Q = 0x8100 # IEEE 802.1Q VLAN taggingETH_TYPE_8021AD = 0x88a8 # IEEE 802.1adETH_TYPE_QINQ1 = 0x9100 # Legacy QinQETH_TYPE_QINQ2 = 0x9200 # Legacy QinQETH_TYPE_IPX = 0x8137 # Internetwork Packet ExchangeETH_TYPE_IP6 = 0x86DD # IPv6 protocolETH_TYPE_PPP = 0x880B # PPPETH_TYPE_MPLS = 0x8847 # MPLSETH_TYPE_MPLS_MCAST = 0x8848 # MPLS MulticastETH_TYPE_PPPoE_DISC = 0x8863 # PPP Over Ethernet Discovery StageETH_TYPE_PPPoE = 0x8864 # PPP Over Ethernet Session StageETH_TYPE_LLDP = 0x88CC # Link Layer Discovery ProtocolETH_TYPE_TEB = 0x6558 # Transparent Ethernet Bridging# all QinQ types for fast checking_ETH_TYPES_QINQ = frozenset([ETH_TYPE_8021Q, ETH_TYPE_8021AD, ETH_TYPE_QINQ1, ETH_TYPE_QINQ2])

[docs]class Ethernet(dpkt.Packet): """Ethernet. Ethernet II, LLC (802.3+802.2), LLC/SNAP, and Novell raw 802.3, with automatic 802.1q, MPLS, PPPoE, and Cisco ISL decapsulation. Attributes: __hdr__: Header fields of Ethernet. TODO. """ __hdr__ = ( ('dst', '6s', ''), ('src', '6s', ''), ('type', 'H', ETH_TYPE_IP) ) _typesw = {} _typesw_rev = {} # reverse mapping def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): dpkt.Packet.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # if data was given in kwargs, try to unpack it if self.data: if isstr(self.data) or isinstance(self.data, bytes): self._unpack_data(self.data) def _unpack_data(self, buf): next_type = self.type # unpack vlan tag and mpls label stacks if next_type in _ETH_TYPES_QINQ: self.vlan_tags = [] # support up to 2 tags (double tagging aka QinQ) for _ in range(2): tag = VLANtag8021Q(buf) buf = buf[tag.__hdr_len__:] self.vlan_tags.append(tag) next_type = tag.type if next_type != ETH_TYPE_8021Q: break # backward compatibility, use the 1st tag self.vlanid, self.priority, self.cfi = self.vlan_tags[0].as_tuple() elif next_type == ETH_TYPE_MPLS or next_type == ETH_TYPE_MPLS_MCAST: self.labels = [] # old list containing labels as tuples self.mpls_labels = [] # new list containing labels as instances of MPLSlabel # XXX - max # of labels is undefined, just use 24 for i in range(24): lbl = MPLSlabel(buf) buf = buf[lbl.__hdr_len__:] self.mpls_labels.append(lbl) self.labels.append(lbl.as_tuple()) if lbl.s: # bottom of stack break # poor man's heuristics to guessing the next type if compat_ord(buf[0]) == 0x45: # IP version 4 + header len 20 bytes next_type = ETH_TYPE_IP # pseudowire Ethernet elif len(buf) >= self.__hdr_len__: if buf[:2] == b'\x00\x00': # looks like the control word (ECW) buf = buf[4:] # skip the ECW next_type = ETH_TYPE_TEB # re-use TEB class mapping to decode Ethernet try: self.data = self._typesw[next_type](buf) setattr(self, self.data.__class__.__name__.lower(), self.data) except (KeyError, dpkt.UnpackError): self.data = buf

[docs] def unpack(self, buf): dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf) if self.type > 1500: # Ethernet II self._unpack_data(self.data) elif (self.dst.startswith(b'\x01\x00\x0c\x00\x00') or self.dst.startswith(b'\x03\x00\x0c\x00\x00')): # Cisco ISL tag = VLANtagISL(buf) buf = buf[tag.__hdr_len__:] self.vlan_tags = [tag] self.vlan = tag.id # backward compatibility self.unpack(buf) elif self.data.startswith(b'\xff\xff'): # Novell "raw" 802.3 self.type = ETH_TYPE_IPX self.data = self.ipx = self._typesw[ETH_TYPE_IPX](self.data[2:]) else: # IEEE 802.3 Ethernet - LLC # try to unpack FCS here; we follow the same heuristic approach as Wireshark: # if the upper layer len(self.data) can be fully decoded and returns its size, # and there's a difference with size in the Eth header, then assume the last # 4 bytes is the FCS and remaining bytes are a trailer. eth_len = self.len = self.type if len(self.data) > eth_len: tail_len = len(self.data) - eth_len if tail_len >= 4: # if the last 4 bytes are zeroes that's unlikely a FCS if self.data[-4:] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00': self.trailer = self.data[eth_len:] else: self.fcs = struct.unpack('>I', self.data[-4:])[0] self.trailer = self.data[eth_len:-4] self.data = self.llc = llc.LLC(self.data[:eth_len])

[docs] def pack_hdr(self): tags_buf = b'' new_type = self.type is_isl = False # ISL wraps Ethernet, this determines order of packing if getattr(self, 'mpls_labels', None): # mark all labels with s=0, last one with s=1 for lbl in self.mpls_labels: lbl.s = 0 lbl.s = 1 # set encapsulation type if new_type not in (ETH_TYPE_MPLS, ETH_TYPE_MPLS_MCAST): new_type = ETH_TYPE_MPLS tags_buf = b''.join(lbl.pack_hdr() for lbl in self.mpls_labels) elif getattr(self, 'vlan_tags', None): # set encapsulation types t1 = self.vlan_tags[0] if len(self.vlan_tags) == 1: if isinstance(t1, VLANtag8021Q): if new_type not in _ETH_TYPES_QINQ: # preserve the type if already set new_type = ETH_TYPE_8021Q elif isinstance(t1, VLANtagISL): t1.type = 0 # 0 means Ethernet is_isl = True elif len(self.vlan_tags) == 2: t2 = self.vlan_tags[1] if isinstance(t1, VLANtag8021Q) and isinstance(t2, VLANtag8021Q): t1.type = ETH_TYPE_8021Q if new_type not in _ETH_TYPES_QINQ: new_type = ETH_TYPE_8021AD else: raise dpkt.PackError('maximum is 2 VLAN tags per Ethernet frame') tags_buf = b''.join(tag.pack_hdr() for tag in self.vlan_tags) # initial type is based on next layer, pointed by self.data; # try to find an ETH_TYPE matching the data class elif isinstance(self.data, dpkt.Packet): new_type = self._typesw_rev.get(self.data.__class__, new_type) # if self.data is LLC then this is IEEE 802.3 Ethernet and self.type # then actually encodes the length of data if isinstance(self.data, llc.LLC): new_type = len(self.data) hdr_buf = dpkt.Packet.pack_hdr(self)[:-2] + struct.pack('>H', new_type) if not is_isl: return hdr_buf + tags_buf else: return tags_buf + hdr_buf

def __str__(self): tail = b'' if isinstance(self.data, llc.LLC): if hasattr(self, 'fcs'): if self.fcs: fcs = self.fcs else: # if fcs field is present but 0/None, then compute it and add to the tail fcs_buf = self.pack_hdr() + bytes(self.data) + getattr(self, 'trailer', '') # if ISL header is present, exclude it from the calculation if getattr(self, 'vlan_tags', None): if isinstance(self.vlan_tags[0], VLANtagISL): fcs_buf = fcs_buf[VLANtagISL.__hdr_len__:] revcrc = crc32(fcs_buf) & 0xffffffff fcs = struct.unpack('<I', struct.pack('>I', revcrc))[0] # bswap32 tail = getattr(self, 'trailer', b'') + struct.pack('>I', fcs) return str(dpkt.Packet.__bytes__(self) + tail) def __len__(self): tags = getattr(self, 'mpls_labels', []) + getattr(self, 'vlan_tags', []) _len = dpkt.Packet.__len__(self) + sum(t.__hdr_len__ for t in tags) if isinstance(self.data, llc.LLC) and hasattr(self, 'fcs'): _len += len(getattr(self, 'trailer', '')) + 4 return _len

[docs] @classmethod def set_type(cls, t, pktclass): cls._typesw[t] = pktclass cls._typesw_rev[pktclass] = t

[docs] @classmethod def get_type(cls, t): return cls._typesw[t]

[docs] @classmethod def get_type_rev(cls, k): return cls._typesw_rev[k]

# XXX - auto-load Ethernet dispatch table from ETH_TYPE_* definitionsdef __load_types(): g = globals() for k, v in iteritems(g): if k.startswith('ETH_TYPE_'): name = k[9:] modname = name.lower() try: mod = __import__(modname, g, level=1) Ethernet.set_type(v, getattr(mod, name)) except (ImportError, AttributeError): continue # add any special cases below Ethernet.set_type(ETH_TYPE_TEB, Ethernet)def _mod_init(): """Post-initialization called when all dpkt modules are fully loaded""" if not Ethernet._typesw: __load_types()# Misc protocols

[docs]class MPLSlabel(dpkt.Packet): """A single entry in MPLS label stack""" __hdr__ = ( ('_val_exp_s_ttl', 'I', 0), ) # field names are according to RFC3032

[docs] def unpack(self, buf): dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf) self.val = (self._val_exp_s_ttl & 0xfffff000) >> 12 # label value, 20 bits self.exp = (self._val_exp_s_ttl & 0x00000e00) >> 9 # experimental use, 3 bits self.s = (self._val_exp_s_ttl & 0x00000100) >> 8 # bottom of stack flag, 1 bit self.ttl = self._val_exp_s_ttl & 0x000000ff # time to live, 8 bits self.data = b''

[docs] def pack_hdr(self): self._val_exp_s_ttl = ( ((self.val & 0xfffff) << 12) | ((self.exp & 7) << 9) | ((self.s & 1) << 8) | ((self.ttl & 0xff)) ) return dpkt.Packet.pack_hdr(self)

[docs] def as_tuple(self): # backward-compatible representation return (self.val, self.exp, self.ttl)

[docs]class VLANtag8021Q(dpkt.Packet): """IEEE 802.1q VLAN tag""" __hdr__ = ( ('_pri_cfi_id', 'H', 0), ('type', 'H', ETH_TYPE_IP) )

[docs] def unpack(self, buf): dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf) self.pri = (self._pri_cfi_id & 0xe000) >> 13 # priority, 3 bits self.cfi = (self._pri_cfi_id & 0x1000) >> 12 # canonical format indicator, 1 bit self.id = self._pri_cfi_id & 0x0fff # VLAN id, 12 bits self.data = b''

[docs] def pack_hdr(self): self._pri_cfi_id = ( ((self.pri & 7) << 13) | ((self.cfi & 1) << 12) | ((self.id & 0xfff)) ) return dpkt.Packet.pack_hdr(self)

[docs] def as_tuple(self): return (self.id, self.pri, self.cfi)

[docs]class VLANtagISL(dpkt.Packet): """Cisco Inter-Switch Link VLAN tag""" __hdr__ = ( ('da', '5s', b'\x01\x00\x0c\x00\x00'), ('_type_pri', 'B', 3), ('sa', '6s', ''), ('len', 'H', 0), ('snap', '3s', b'\xaa\xaa\x03'), ('hsa', '3s', b'\x00\x00\x0c'), ('_id_bpdu', 'H', 0), ('indx', 'H', 0), ('res', 'H', 0) )

[docs] def unpack(self, buf): dpkt.Packet.unpack(self, buf) self.type = (self._type_pri & 0xf0) >> 4 # encapsulation type, 4 bits; 0 means Ethernet self.pri = self._type_pri & 0x03 # user defined bits, 2 bits are used; means priority self.id = self._id_bpdu >> 1 # VLAN id self.bpdu = self._id_bpdu & 1 self.data = b''

[docs] def pack_hdr(self): self._type_pri = ((self.type & 0xf) << 4) | (self.pri & 0x3) self._id_bpdu = ((self.id & 0x7fff) << 1) | (self.bpdu & 1) return dpkt.Packet.pack_hdr(self)

# Unit tests

[docs]def test_eth(): from . import ip # IPv6 needs this to build its protocol stack from . import ip6 from . import tcp s = (b'\x00\xb0\xd0\xe1\x80\x72\x00\x11\x24\x8c\x11\xde\x86\xdd\x60\x00\x00\x00' b'\x00\x28\x06\x40\xfe\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x11\x24\xff\xfe\x8c' b'\x11\xde\xfe\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\xb0\xd0\xff\xfe\xe1\x80\x72' b'\xcd\xd3\x00\x16\xff\x50\xd7\x13\x00\x00\x00\x00\xa0\x02\xff\xff\x67\xd3' b'\x00\x00\x02\x04\x05\xa0\x01\x03\x03\x00\x01\x01\x08\x0a\x7d\x18\x3a\x61' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') eth = Ethernet(s) assert eth assert isinstance(eth.data, ip6.IP6) assert isinstance(eth.data.data, tcp.TCP) assert str(eth) == str(s) assert len(eth) == len(s)

[docs]def test_eth_init_with_data(): # initialize with a data string, test that it gets unpacked from . import arp eth1 = Ethernet( dst=b'PQRSTU', src=b'ABCDEF', type=ETH_TYPE_ARP, data=b'\x00\x01\x08\x00\x06\x04\x00\x01123456abcd7890abwxyz') assert isinstance(eth1.data, arp.ARP) # now initialize with a class, test packing eth2 = Ethernet( dst=b'PQRSTU', src=b'ABCDEF', data=arp.ARP(sha=b'123456', spa=b'abcd', tha=b'7890ab', tpa=b'wxyz')) assert str(eth1) == str(eth2) assert len(eth1) == len(eth2)

[docs]def test_mpls_label(): s = b'\x00\x01\x0b\xff' m = MPLSlabel(s) assert m.val == 16 assert m.exp == 5 assert m.s == 1 assert m.ttl == 255 assert str(m) == str(s) assert len(m) == len(s)

[docs]def test_802dot1q_tag(): s = b'\xa0\x76\x01\x65' t = VLANtag8021Q(s) assert t.pri == 5 assert t.cfi == 0 assert t.id == 118 assert str(t) == str(s) t.cfi = 1 assert str(t) == str(b'\xb0\x76\x01\x65') assert len(t) == len(s)

[docs]def test_isl_tag(): s = (b'\x01\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x03\x00\x02\xfd\x2c\xb8\x97\x00\x00\xaa\xaa\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04\x57' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') t = VLANtagISL(s) assert t.pri == 3 assert t.id == 555 assert t.bpdu == 1 assert str(t) == str(s) assert len(t) == len(s)

[docs]def test_eth_802dot1q(): from . import ip s = (b'\x00\x60\x08\x9f\xb1\xf3\x00\x40\x05\x40\xef\x24\x81\x00\x90\x20\x08' b'\x00\x45\x00\x00\x34\x3b\x64\x40\x00\x40\x06\xb7\x9b\x83\x97\x20\x81' b'\x83\x97\x20\x15\x04\x95\x17\x70\x51\xd4\xee\x9c\x51\xa5\x5b\x36\x80' b'\x10\x7c\x70\x12\xc7\x00\x00\x01\x01\x08\x0a\x00\x04\xf0\xd4\x01\x99' b'\xa3\xfd') eth = Ethernet(s) assert eth.cfi == 1 assert eth.vlanid == 32 assert eth.priority == 4 assert len(eth.vlan_tags) == 1 assert eth.vlan_tags[0].type == ETH_TYPE_IP assert isinstance(eth.data, ip.IP) # construction assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 1' assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 2' assert len(eth) == len(s) # construction with kwargs eth2 = Ethernet(src=eth.src, dst=eth.dst, vlan_tags=eth.vlan_tags, data=eth.data) assert str(eth2) == str(s) # construction w/o the tag del eth.vlan_tags, eth.cfi, eth.vlanid, eth.priority assert str(eth) == str(s[:12] + b'\x08\x00' + s[18:])

[docs]def test_eth_802dot1q_stacked(): # 2 VLAN tags from . import arp from . import ip s = (b'\x00\x1b\xd4\x1b\xa4\xd8\x00\x13\xc3\xdf\xae\x18\x81\x00\x00\x76\x81\x00\x00\x0a\x08\x00' b'\x45\x00\x00\x64\x00\x0f\x00\x00\xff\x01\x92\x9b\x0a\x76\x0a\x01\x0a\x76\x0a\x02\x08\x00' b'\xce\xb7\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xaf\x70\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd' b'\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd' b'\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd' b'\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd\xab\xcd') eth = Ethernet(s) assert eth.type == ETH_TYPE_8021Q assert len(eth.vlan_tags) == 2 assert eth.vlan_tags[0].id == 118 assert eth.vlan_tags[1].id == 10 assert eth.vlan_tags[0].type == ETH_TYPE_8021Q assert eth.vlan_tags[1].type == ETH_TYPE_IP assert [t.as_tuple() for t in eth.vlan_tags] == [(118, 0, 0), (10, 0, 0)] assert isinstance(eth.data, ip.IP) # construction assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 1' assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 2' assert len(eth) == len(s) # construction with kwargs eth2 = Ethernet(src=eth.src, dst=eth.dst, vlan_tags=eth.vlan_tags, data=eth.data) # construction sets ip.type to 802.1ad instead of 802.1q so account for it assert str(eth2) == str(s[:12] + b'\x88\xa8' + s[14:]) # construction w/o the tags del eth.vlan_tags, eth.cfi, eth.vlanid, eth.priority assert str(eth) == str(s[:12] + b'\x08\x00' + s[22:]) # 2 VLAN tags + ARP s = (b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xca\x03\x0d\xb4\x00\x1c\x81\x00\x00\x64\x81\x00\x00\xc8\x08\x06' b'\x00\x01\x08\x00\x06\x04\x00\x01\xca\x03\x0d\xb4\x00\x1c\xc0\xa8\x02\xc8\x00\x00\x00\x00' b'\x00\x00\xc0\xa8\x02\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') eth = Ethernet(s) assert len(eth.vlan_tags) == 2 assert eth.vlan_tags[0].type == ETH_TYPE_8021Q assert eth.vlan_tags[1].type == ETH_TYPE_ARP assert isinstance(eth.data, arp.ARP)

[docs]def test_eth_mpls_stacked(): # Eth - MPLS - MPLS - IP - ICMP from . import ip from . import icmp s = (b'\x00\x30\x96\xe6\xfc\x39\x00\x30\x96\x05\x28\x38\x88\x47\x00\x01\x20\xff\x00\x01\x01\xff' b'\x45\x00\x00\x64\x00\x50\x00\x00\xff\x01\xa7\x06\x0a\x1f\x00\x01\x0a\x22\x00\x01\x08\x00' b'\xbd\x11\x0f\x65\x12\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x53\x9e\xe0' + b'\xab\xcd' * 32) eth = Ethernet(s) assert len(eth.mpls_labels) == 2 assert eth.mpls_labels[0].val == 18 assert eth.mpls_labels[1].val == 16 assert eth.labels == [(18, 0, 255), (16, 0, 255)] assert isinstance(eth.data, ip.IP) assert isinstance(eth.data.data, icmp.ICMP) # construction assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 1' assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 2' assert len(eth) == len(s) # construction with kwargs eth2 = Ethernet(src=eth.src, dst=eth.dst, mpls_labels=eth.mpls_labels, data=eth.data) assert str(eth2) == str(s) # construction w/o labels del eth.labels, eth.mpls_labels assert str(eth) == str(s[:12] + b'\x08\x00' + s[22:])

[docs]def test_isl_eth_llc_stp(): # ISL - 802.3 Ethernet(w/FCS) - LLC - STP from . import stp s = (b'\x01\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x03\x00\x02\xfd\x2c\xb8\x97\x00\x00\xaa\xaa\x03\x00\x00\x00\x02\x9b' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x80\xc2\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\xfd\x2c\xb8\x98\x00\x26\x42\x42\x03\x00' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00\x00\x02\xfd\x2c\xb8\x83\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00\x00\x02\xfd\x2c' b'\xb8\x83\x80\x26\x00\x00\x14\x00\x02\x00\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x41\xc6' b'\x75\xd6') eth = Ethernet(s) assert eth.vlan == 333 assert len(eth.vlan_tags) == 1 assert eth.vlan_tags[0].id == 333 assert eth.vlan_tags[0].pri == 3 # check that FCS was decoded assert eth.fcs == 0x41c675d6 assert eth.trailer == b'\x00' * 8 # stack assert isinstance(eth.data, llc.LLC) assert isinstance(eth.data.data, stp.STP) # construction assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 1' assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 2' assert len(eth) == len(s) # construction with kwargs eth2 = Ethernet(src=eth.src, dst=eth.dst, vlan_tags=eth.vlan_tags, data=eth.data) eth2.trailer = eth.trailer eth2.fcs = None # test FCS computation assert str(eth2) == str(s) # construction w/o the ISL tag del eth.vlan_tags, eth.vlan assert str(eth) == str(s[26:])

[docs]def test_eth_llc_snap_cdp(): # 802.3 Ethernet - LLC/SNAP - CDP from . import cdp s = (b'\x01\x00\x0c\xcc\xcc\xcc\xc4\x022k\x00\x00\x01T\xaa\xaa\x03\x00\x00\x0c \x00\x02\xb4,B' b'\x00\x01\x00\x06R2\x00\x05\x00\xffCisco IOS Software, 3700 Software (C3745-ADVENTERPRI' b'SEK9_SNA-M), Version 12.4(25d), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)\nTechnical Support: http://www.' b'cisco.com/techsupport\nCopyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.\nCompiled Wed 18' b'-Aug-10 08:18 by prod_rel_team\x00\x06\x00\x0eCisco 3745\x00\x02\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\x01' b'\x01\x01\xcc\x00\x04\n\x00\x00\x02\x00\x03\x00\x13FastEthernet0/0\x00\x04\x00\x08\x00' b'\x00\x00)\x00\t\x00\x04\x00\x0b\x00\x05\x00') eth = Ethernet(s) # stack assert isinstance(eth.data, llc.LLC) assert isinstance(eth.data.data, cdp.CDP) assert len(eth.data.data.data) == 8 # number of CDP TLVs; ensures they are decoded assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 1' assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 2' assert len(eth) == len(s)

[docs]def test_eth_llc_ipx(): # 802.3 Ethernet - LLC - IPX from . import ipx s = (b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\xb0\xd0\x22\xf7\xf3\x00\x54\xe0\xe0\x03\xff\xff\x00\x50\x00' b'\x14\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x04\x55\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xb0\xd0\x22\xf7' b'\xf3\x04\x55\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x01\x02\x5f\x5f\x4d\x53\x42' b'\x52\x4f\x57\x53\x45\x5f\x5f\x02\x01\x00') eth = Ethernet(s) # stack assert isinstance(eth.data, llc.LLC) assert isinstance(eth.data.data, ipx.IPX) assert eth.data.data.pt == 0x14 assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 1' assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 2' assert len(eth) == len(s)

[docs]def test_eth_pppoe(): # Eth - PPPoE - IPv6 - UDP - DHCP6 from . import ip # IPv6 needs this to build its protocol stack from . import ip6 from . import ppp from . import pppoe from . import udp s = (b'\xca\x01\x0e\x88\x00\x06\xcc\x05\x0e\x88\x00\x00\x88\x64\x11\x00\x00\x11\x00\x64\x57\x6e' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x3a\x11\xff\xfe\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xce\x05\x0e\xff\xfe\x88\x00' b'\x00\xff\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02\x02\x22\x02\x23\x00' b'\x3a\x1a\x67\x01\xfc\x24\xab\x00\x08\x00\x02\x05\xe9\x00\x01\x00\x0a\x00\x03\x00\x01\xcc' b'\x05\x0e\x88\x00\x00\x00\x06\x00\x06\x00\x19\x00\x17\x00\x18\x00\x19\x00\x0c\x00\x09\x00' b'\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') eth = Ethernet(s) # stack assert isinstance(eth.data, pppoe.PPPoE) assert isinstance(eth.data.data, ppp.PPP) assert isinstance(eth.data.data.data, ip6.IP6) assert isinstance(eth.data.data.data.data, udp.UDP) # construction assert str(eth) == str(s) assert len(eth) == len(s)

[docs]def test_eth_2mpls_ecw_eth_llc_stp(): # Eth - MPLS - MPLS - PW ECW - 802.3 Eth(no FCS) - LLC - STP from . import stp s = (b'\xcc\x01\x0d\x5c\x00\x10\xcc\x00\x0d\x5c\x00\x10\x88\x47\x00\x01\x20\xfe\x00\x01\x01\xff' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x80\xc2\x00\x00\x00\xcc\x04\x0d\x5c\xf0\x00\x00\x26\x42\x42\x03\x00' b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00\xcc\x04\x0d\x5c\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00\xcc\x04\x0d\x5c' b'\x00\x00\x80\x01\x00\x00\x14\x00\x02\x00\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') eth = Ethernet(s) assert len(eth.mpls_labels) == 2 assert eth.mpls_labels[0].val == 18 assert eth.mpls_labels[1].val == 16 # stack eth2 = eth.data assert isinstance(eth2, Ethernet) assert eth2.len == 38 # 802.3 Ethernet # no FCS, all trailer assert not hasattr(eth2, 'fcs') assert eth2.trailer == b'\x00' * 8 assert isinstance(eth2.data, llc.LLC) assert isinstance(eth2.data.data, stp.STP) assert eth2.data.data.port_id == 0x8001

# construction # XXX - FIXME: make packing account for the ECW # assert str(eth) == str(s)# QinQ: Eth - 802.1ad - 802.1Q - IP

[docs]def test_eth_802dot1ad_802dot1q_ip(): from . import ip s = (b'\x00\x10\x94\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x10\x94\x00\x00\x14\x88\xa8\x00\x1e\x81\x00\x00\x64\x08\x00' b'\x45\x00\x05\xc2\x54\xb0\x00\x00\xff\xfd\xdd\xbf\xc0\x55\x01\x16\xc0\x55\x01\x0e' + 1434 * b'\x00' + b'\x4f\xdc\xcd\x64\x20\x8d\xb6\x4e\xa8\x45\xf8\x80\xdd\x0c\xf9\x72\xc4' b'\xd0\xcf\xcb\x46\x6d\x62\x7a') eth = Ethernet(s) assert eth.type == ETH_TYPE_8021AD assert eth.vlan_tags[0].id == 30 assert eth.vlan_tags[1].id == 100 assert isinstance(eth.data, ip.IP) e1 = Ethernet(s[:-1458]) # strip IP data # construction e2 = Ethernet( dst=b'\x00\x10\x94\x00\x00\x0c', src=b'\x00\x10\x94\x00\x00\x14', type=ETH_TYPE_8021AD, vlan_tags=[ VLANtag8021Q(pri=0, id=30, cfi=0), VLANtag8021Q(pri=0, id=100, cfi=0) ], data=ip.IP( len=1474, id=21680, ttl=255, p=253, sum=56767, src=b'\xc0U\x01\x16', dst=b'\xc0U\x01\x0e', opts=b'' ) ) assert str(e1) == str(e2)

if __name__ == '__main__': test_eth() test_eth_init_with_data() test_mpls_label() test_802dot1q_tag() test_isl_tag() test_eth_802dot1q() test_eth_802dot1q_stacked() test_eth_mpls_stacked() test_isl_eth_llc_stp() test_eth_llc_snap_cdp() test_eth_llc_ipx() test_eth_pppoe() test_eth_2mpls_ecw_eth_llc_stp() test_eth_802dot1ad_802dot1q_ip() print('Tests Successful...')
dpkt.ethernet — dpkt 1.9.2 documentation (2024)


What is the dpkt module in Python? ›

dpkt is a python module for fast, simple packet creation / parsing, with definitions for the basic TCP/IP protocols.

What is the meaning of DPKT? ›

dpkt is a python module for fast, simple packet creation/parsing, with definition for the basic TCP/IP protocols. In order to use dpkt you first need to install it.

How to generate Python module? ›

To create a module just save the code you want in a file with the file extension .py :
  1. ExampleGet your own Python Server. ...
  2. Import the module named mymodule, and call the greeting function: ...
  3. Save this code in the file mymodule.py. ...
  4. Import the module named mymodule, and access the person1 dictionary:

What is this module in Python? ›

In Python, Modules are simply files with the “. py” extension containing Python code that can be imported inside another Python Modules Operations Program. In simple terms, we can consider a module to be the same as a code library or a file that contains a set of functions that you want to include in your application.

What is Python custom module? ›

Any text file with . py extension and containing Python code is a module. Just as in built-in modules, different Python objects in a custom module can be imported in interpreter session or another script. If the program has a large number of functions and classes, they are logically organised in separate modules.

How do I identify a module in Python? ›

Python looks for modules in “sys.

Python has a simple algorithm for finding a module with a given name, such as a_module . It looks for a file called a_module.py in the directories listed in the variable sys. path .

How to check modules in package Python? ›

Method 1: Check All Locally Installed Python Modules:

In the Python shell (or in Jupyter notebook and Jupyter lab), we have to write the following command inside the shell: >> help('modules')

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.