Effect of different cooking methods on the content of vitamins and true retention in selected vegetables (2024)

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Effect of different cooking methods on the content of vitamins and true retention in selected vegetables (1)

Food Science and Biotechnology

Food Sci Biotechnol. 2018 Apr; 27(2): 333–342.

Published online 2017 Dec 12. doi:10.1007/s10068-017-0281-1

PMCID: PMC6049644

PMID: 30263756

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This study evaluated the effect of different cooking methods including blanching, boiling, microwaving and steaming on the content of vitamins in vegetables. True retention was estimated using the yield expressed as a ratio of the weight of the cooked sample to the weight of the raw sample. The retention of vitamin C ranged from 0.0 to 91.1% for all cooked samples. Generally, higher retention of vitamin C was observed after microwaving with the lowest retention recorded after boiling. Cooked vegetables were occasionally higher contents of fat-soluble vitamins, including α-tocopherol and β-carotene, than that of their fresh counterparts, but it depends on the type of vegetables. Microwave cooking caused the greatest loss of vitamin K in crown daisy and mallow; in contrast, it caused the least loss of vitamin K in spinach and chard. Cooking may cause changes to the contents of vitamins, but it depends on vegetables and cooking processes.

Keywords: Vegetables, Cooking, Retention, Vitamins


Vitamins are organic compounds and vital nutrients that cannot be synthesized and thus must be obtained through the diet. Although vitamins are usually needed in minute amounts for normal physiological functions such as maintenance, growth, and development, insufficient intake of vitamins gives rise to specific deficiency syndromes [1]. Many reports have also found various health benefits of vitamins. In detail, ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol have anti-aging and redox state regulation effects as powerful antioxidants [2, 3], α-tocopherol and β-carotene could be synergistic antioxidants and may prevent several cancers [46], and vitamin K intake is associated with reduced cardiovascular disease and vascular calcification [7].

Vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins including β-carotene (provitamin A), ascorbic acid, and vitamins E and K [8]. Several epidemiological studies have suggested that diets rich in vegetables are associated with reduced risks of chronic diseases [9]. Therefore, consumption of vegetables has rapidly increased in recent years due to their health benefits [10]. Prior to consumption, vegetables are usually cooked using heat treatments such as steaming, blanching, boiling, and microwaving. It is well known that cooking alters the nutritional value of fresh vegetables. However, whilst several studies have focused on how cooking changes the nutritional components and phytochemical content of vegetables, few have investigated the true retention of vitamins following exposure to different cooking methods [1113]. Additionally, cooking or heat treatments can have a significant impact on the content of vitamins, and lead to an inaccurate estimation of nutrient intake. Therefore, it is necessary to establish nutritional information on the retention of vitamins from vegetables by the different processing methods. The true retention is an important component defining the ultimate importance of vitamins in the consumed vegetables.

The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of different cooking methods including blanching, boiling, microwaving, and steaming, on the content and true retention of vitamins (i.e. β-carotene, ascorbic acid and vitamins E and K) in vegetables. In addition, analytical method validation parameters such as accuracy and precision were determined to ensure the validity of vitamin analysis.

Materials and methods


Ten vegetables including broccoli, chard, mallow, potato, sweet potato, carrot, crown daisy, pellia leaf, spinach, and zucchini were purchased from a local retail market (Chungbuk, Korea). Vitamin K and β-carotene were obtained from Waco Pure Chemical Industries (Osaka, Japan). Sodium acetate, acetic acid, zinc powder (particle size <60μm), α-tocopherol and γ-tocopherol were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Ascorbic acid, monobasic potassium phosphate, metaphosphoric acid, potassium hydroxide, and potassium carbonate were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). All reagents and solvents were analytical and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) grade.

Cooking methods

The fresh vegetables were cleaned, washed, and cut into pieces before cooking treatment. All vegetables have been well done but firm to the bite. After removing the main part of the stem, the broccoli was cut into floweret pieces. The width, height, and length of the pieces were 4, 4, and 8, respectively. The carrot, potato and sweet potato were divided into quarters and cut into many cubes 2cm on a side. The zucchini cut into rectangular pieces which has a width of 4cm, a height of 2cm, and a length of 4cm. The detailed cooking conditions were listed in Table1. Four different cooking methods were tested: boiling, blanching, steaming, and microwaving. For boiling, vegetables were added to distilled water that had just reached the boil in a glass pot (1:5, food/water). Cooking time was 5min for broccoli, chard, mallow, carrots, sweet potato, crown daisy, perilla leaf, and spinach, and 20min for potato and zucchini. For blanching, vegetables were added to boiled distilled water in a glass pot (1:5, food/water) and cooked on a moderate flame. Cooking time was 1min for broccoli, chard, mallow, zucchini, crown daisy, sweet potato, perilla leaf, and spinach, 3min for carrots, and 5min for potato. After boiling and blanching treatments, samples were drained, stored at −80°C and lyophilized. For steaming, vegetables were steamed in a closed stainless steel pot using a stainless-steel steam basket above boiling distilled water for 5~20min. Microwaving was carried out in a domestic microwave oven (Samsung, Suwon, Republic of Korea) without water. Sample were placed in a glass dish on the rotating plate of the oven and exposed to full power (700W; 2452MHz) for 2–5min. After steaming and microwaving treatments, samples were stored at −80°C and lyophilized.


Cooking condition of vegetables

Common nameScientific nameBoiling time (min)aBlanching time (min)bSteaming time (min)cMicrowaving time (min)d
ChardBeta vulgaris51103
MallowAmaranthus tricolor51102
Sweet potatoIpomoeabatatas205203
Crown daisyChrysanthemumcoronarium51101
Perilla leafPerilla frutescens51101
SpinachSpinacia oleracea51103
ZucchiniCucurbita pepo123154

aBoiled with 500mL boiling distilled water and put it in the colander to drain for 2min

bBlanched with 500mL boiling distilled water and put it in the colander to drain for 2min

cAfter adding distilled water in a steamer and boiled, steamed over medium heat

dPlaced in microwave and cooked on both side

Analysis of vitamins C

Lyophilized samples of raw and cooked vegetables (0.2g) were ground and added to 30mL of 3% metaphosphoric acid solution and hom*ogenized at 11,000rpm for 2min using a T25 basic ULTRA-TURRAX® hom*ogenizer (IKA-Werke GmbH & Co. KG, Staufen, Germany). The volume was made up to 50mL with 3% metaphosphoric acid solution. The extract (2mL) was centrifuged at 12,000rpm for 3min, and the supernatant filtered through a 0.45μm polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane filter (Whatman International Ltd., Maidstone, UK). All samples were immediately analyzed using an HPLC system, equipped with a PU-2089 pump, an AS-2057 auto injector, and a MD-2010 UV–vis variable wavelength detector (JASCO Corp., Tokyo, Japan). Separation was carried out in a CrestPak C18S column (150×4.6mm, i.d., 5μm, JASCO Corp.), and the isocratic elution was carried out with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid in distilled water as a mobile phase for 15min (flow rate 0.8mL/min). The peak was read at 254nm using an UV detector and quantification was determined via external calibration against ascorbic acid.

Analysis of vitamins E

Vitamin E content was determined using saponification extraction as outlined by Lee et al. [14], but with some modifications. Lyophilized samples (1.0g) were ground and mixed with 20mL of ethanol containing pyrogallol (6% wt/vol) and 8mL of potassium hydroxide solution (60% wt/vol) and heated at reflux (70°C, 50min) with shaking in a water bath (NTS-1300, Eyela, Japan). The mixture was cooled in an ice bath and 20mL of 2% sodium chloride solution and 20mL of n-hexane:ethyl acetate (85:15, v/v) containing 0.1% butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) were added as the extracting solvent. After vortexing for 2min, the phases were allowed to separate, and extracted three times with 20mL portions of the extracting solvent. The organic phases were collected and made up to 50mL and the resulting solution, containing vitamin E, was evaporated under nitrogen gas. The residues were redissolved in n-hexane, filtered through a 0.45μm polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane filter (Whatman) and analyzed using an HPLC system equipped with a PU-2089 pump, an AS-2057 auto injector, and an FP-2020 fluorescence detector (JASCO Corp.). Analysis of vitamin E was performed on a LiChrosphere® Diol 100 column (250×4mm, i.d., 5μm, Merck, Berlin, Germany) using a mobile phase of hexane/isopropanol (98.7:1.3, v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0 mlL/min. Peaks were detected by fluorescence using an excitation wavelength of 290nm and an emission wavelength of 330nm. Quantification was determined via an external calibration against α- and γ-tocopherols.

Analysis of vitamins K

Vitamin K was determined using the solvent extraction method outlined by Jakob and Elmadfa [15], but with some modifications. Lyophilized samples of raw and cooked vegetables (1g) were ground and added to 30mL of dichloromethane: methanol (2:1, v/v) and hom*ogenized at 11,000rpm for 2min using a T25 basic ULTRA-TURRAX® hom*ogenizer. The extract was made up to 50mL with methanol and 2mL aliquot of the extract was transferred to glass tubes and evaporated under nitrogen gas. The residue was redissolved with n-hexane, and 8mL of methanol:water (9:1, v/v) was added prior to centrifuging for 5min at 2,000rpm. The hexane layer was collected and evaporated to dryness. The residue was redissolved with methanol, filtered through a 0.45μm PTFE membrane, and analyzed using an HPLC system equipped with a PU-2089 pump, an AS-2057 auto injector, and an FP-2020 fluorescence detector (JASCO Corp.). Analysis of vitamin K was performed on a Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C18 column (150×4.6mm, i.d., 5μm, Agilent, Palo Alto, USA) using a mobile phase of methanol:dichloromethane (9:1, v/v) and a flow rate of 1.0mL/min. Peaks were detected by fluorescence using an excitation wavelength of 243nm and an emission wavelength of 430nm. Quantification was determined via an external calibration against phylloquinone.

Analysis of β-carotene

Lyophilized samples (1.0g) were ground and carried out saponification for extraction of β-carotene from vegetables, as previously described by Lee et al. [14], but with some modifications. All samples were analyzed using an HPLC system equipped with a PU-2089 pump, an AS-2057 auto injector, and an MD-2010 UV–Vis variable wavelength detector (JASCO Corp.). Separation was carried out in a CrestPak C18S column (150×4.6mm, i.d., 5μm, JASCO Corp.). Analysis of β-carotene was performed on an Ascentis RP-Amide column (150×4.6mm, i.d., 5μm, Supelco, Bellefonte, USA) using a mobile phase of acetonitrile:methanol (7:3, v/v) and a flow rate of 1.0mL/min. Peaks were measured at 473nm using a UV detector and quantification was determined by external calibration against β-carotene.

Determination of true retention during cooking

True retention (TR) values for all vitamins were calculated using the following formula [16]:


Method validation

All analysis methods were validated by determining the precision (repeatability and reproducibility) and accuracy (recovery) [14]. The precision of the assay was defined as the coefficient of variation (CV); there were at least five repetitions. The recovery was calculated by the following equation: R%=[(Cs−Cp)/Ca]×100, where R (%) is the recovery of added standard; Cs the vitamin content in spiked sample; Cp the vitamin content in sample; Ca the vitamin added.

Statistical analysis

One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed using SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, USA). Results were compared using Duncan’s test with a significance level of p<0.05.

Results and discussion

The effect of cooking methods on vitamin C content in vegetables

The nutritional importance of vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid; 2,3-endiol-l-gulonic acid-γ-lactone) as an essential water-soluble vitamin is well established. Vitamin C is a cofactor in numerous physiological reactions, including collagen gene expression, peptide hormone activation, and carnitine synthesis; it is also an effective antioxidant. Therefore, adequate intake of vitamin C from food is vital for normal functioning of the human body [17]. In this study, Table2 shows the content of vitamin C in raw and cooked vegetables after exposure to different cooking methods. Vitamin C content varied widely between the raw vegetables tested; it was not detected in mallow, crown daisy, and perilla leaf with the lowest content found in carrots (39.92mg/kg of fresh weight), and the highest in broccoli (668.04mg/kg of fresh weight). These findings are consistent with the results of previous investigations by Bureau et al. [18], reporting that raw broccoli was a higher in vitamin C content than most other raw vegetables such as spinach and carrot, with levels of 583, 237, 107, and 19mg/kg of fresh weight reported for broccoli, spinach, zucchini, and carrot, respectively. Concentration of vitamin C in raw vegetables in the present study were higher than those reported by Bureau et al. [18], but these differences might be due to the fact that Bureau et al. [18] used frozen vegetables. Also, it is well known that vitamin content is varied with cultivar and growing conditions. Vitamin C is a water-soluble and temperature-sensitive vitamin, so is easily degraded during cooking, and elevated temperatures and long cooking times have been found to cause particularly severe losses of vitamin C [12]. In this study, boiling destroyed vitamin C in almost all the samples, with nutrient retention ranging from 0 to 73.86%; the greatest loss was found in boiled chard. Blanching also destroyed vitamin C in the samples, indicated by the retention that ranged from 57.85 to 88.86%, with the greatest loss found in blanched spinach. Steaming treatment significantly reduced the retention of vitamin C in all vegetables except broccoli; retention ranged from 0 to 89.24%. Microwaving had less of an impact on vitamin C content, with high retention (>90%) observed for spinach, carrots, sweet potato, and broccoli. Steaming and microwaving retained higher concentrations of vitamin C than boiling because of the reduced contact with water at relatively low temperatures. Using minimal cooking water and cooking for shorter time periods should result in higher vitamin C retention.


The contents and true retention of vitamin C and vitamin K in fresh and cooked vegetables

SampleCooking treatmentVitamin CVitamin K
CWa (mg/kg)TRb (%)CWa (mg/kg)TRb (%)
Sweet potatoRaw131.35b100.00aNDND
Crown daisyRawNDND1.19c100.00a
Perilla leafRawNDND3.18c100.00b

All values are means of duplicate cooking trial and duplicate analysis. Mean values in a row followed by different superscript letters are significantly (p<0.05) different (Duncan’s multiple range test)

aCWcooked weight

bTR(%)=(Nc*Gc)/(Nr*Gr)*100, Nc=nutrient contents per gram of sample after cooking, Gc=gram of sample after cooking, Nr=nutrient content per gram of sample before cooking, Gr=gram of sample before cooking

cNDnot determined

The effect of cooking methods on vitamin K content in vegetables

Vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin, is well known for its beneficial role in blood coagulation and bone metabolism. Although phylloquinone (vitamin K1) and menaquinone (vitamin K2) are the two naturally occurring forms of vitamin K, phylloquinone levels in vegetables and fruits range from extremely low to quite high [19]. In this study, the content and true retention of vitamin K in raw vegetables and their changes after cooking are shown in Table2. The highest amounts of vitamin K were found in green leafy vegetables (chard, mallow, crown daisy, perilla leaf and spinach; 1.59, 3.41, 1.19, 3.18, and 2.34mg/kg of fresh weight, respectively) and green flowers (broccoli; 1.54mg/kg of fresh weight). However, root vegetables including potato and sweet potato had low amounts of vitamin K. This is expected, as it is well known that phylloquinone is found at highest concentrations in green leafy vegetables [20]. The retention of vitamin K in cooked vegetables ranged from 44.28 to 216.65%, and our results show that microwaving caused the highest loss of vitamin K in crown daisy and mallow but the lowest loss in spinach and chard. Cooking fresh chard and perilla leaf lead to a significant change in vitamin K content, with a trend towards higher concentrations of vitamin K in cooked vegetables than in the corresponding raw samples, although this was not consistent across all comparisons. Similar results were described by Damon et al. [21] for several vegetables such as broccoli, onion, potatoes and carrots. The effect of cooking on vitamin K has not yet been fully investigated, but increases may be because heat treatment causes vitamin K to be released. Vitamin K is located in the chloroplast in plants and the cooking process may breakdown the plant cell wall, thereby releasing vitamin K and making it available for detection by HPLC. Moreover, vitamin K is relatively heat stable and is thus retained after the cooking process [22]. In contrast, there was no apparent effect of cooking on the vitamin K content of mallow and carrot.

The effect of cooking methods on vitamin E

Vitamin E consists of four tocopherols (α-, β-, γ-, and δ-) and the corresponding tocotrienols (α-, β-, γ-, and δ-) which contain unsaturated side chains. Among the tocochromanol family, α-tocopherol is believed to present the most biological antioxidant activity, mainly attributed to inhibition of membrane lipid peroxidation [23]. In addition, the synergy effect between vitamin C and vitamin E in protecting against lipid peroxidation in liposomes has been reported [24]. The content and true retention of α-tocopherol, γ-tocopherol, and total tocopherol in raw and cooked vegetables are presented in Table3. In raw vegetables, α-tocopherol was the major tocochromanol with amounts ranging from 0.39 to 92.07mg/kg of fresh weight. In contrast, a low level of γ-tocopherol was determined in raw broccoli, mallow, crown daisy, perilla leaf, and zucchini, with levels ranging from 0.00 to 5.17mg/kg of fresh weight. Levels are in agreement with other studies that show green leafy vegetables have higher vitamin E, occurring mainly as α-tocopherol and situated inside chloroplasts [25]. Cooking fresh broccoli, chard, mallow, crown daisy, perilla leaf, spinach, and zucchini lead to a significant increase in α-tocopherol, while cooking potato, sweet potato, and carrot lead to a significant decrease in α-tocopherol. Green leafy or flower vegetables have a higher retention of α-tocopherol than root vegetables, which may be attributed to the increased extractability of α-tocopherol following denaturation of proteins and a complete breakdown of the cell wall in plants which occur as a result of cooking. Moreover, there was a trend toward higher retention of γ-tocopherol in cooked rather than raw vegetables. This high content of vitamin E in cooked samples could be attributed to two reasons: (1) The effect of heat treatment encountered during domestic cooking may cause softening of the tissue by cell disruption in plants and consequently result in the release of vitamin E from the lipids and then become more available for extraction and (2) the heat treatment may also abolish the activity of tocopherol oxidase, which was found in all parts of plant like roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits [26]. It has been suggested that oxidizing enzymes maybe involved in the loss of vitamin E during food processing [27]. Plant tissue damage, caused by cutting or mixing could activate oxidizing enzymes involved in the loss of vitamin E due to the collapse of cell compartments [28], but heat treatment could deactivate endogenous oxidative enzymes [29].


The contents and true retention of vitamin E and β-carotene in fresh and cooked vegetable

SampleCooking treatmentVitamin Eβ-Carotene
α-Tocopherolγ-TocopherolTotal-tocopherolCWa (mg/kg)TRb (%)
CWa (mg/kg)TRb (%)CWa (mg/kg)TRb (%)CWa (mg/kg)TRb (%)
Sweet potatoRaw5.68bc100.00aNDND5.68bc100.00aNDND
Crown daisyRaw3.72d100.00c0.21c100.00c3.93d100.00c7.78b100.00a
Perilla leafRaw42.01c100.00b0.89b100.00c42.90c100.00b42.63a100.00a

All values are means of duplicate cooking trial and duplicate analysis. Mean values in a row followed by different superscript letters are significantly (p<0.05) different (Duncan’s multiple range test)

aCWcooked weight

bTR(%)=(Nc*Gc)/(Nr*Gr)*100, Nc=nutrient contents per gram of sample after cooking, Gc=gram of sample after cooking, Nr=nutrient content per gram of sample before cooking, Gr=gram of sample before cooking

cNDnot determined

The effect of cooking methods on β-carotene

Carotenoids are the precursors of vitamin A and those commonly occurring in nature include α-, β-, and γ-carotene, lycopene, and cryptoxanthin, which are converted to vitamin A in the human body. Among these precursors, β-carotene accounts for more than 90% of total carotenoids in vegetables and plays a crucial role in a major proportion of vitamin A activity [30]. Vitamin A is vital for maintaining the integrity of epithelial tissue growth, proper functioning of the retina and immune system [31]. The content and true retention of β-carotene in raw vegetables and its changes after cooking are shown in Table3. The β-carotene content of raw vegetables ranged from 0.72 to 42.63mg/kg of fresh weight, but it was not detected in potato or sweet potato. The β-carotene retention of cooked vegetables was in the range of 40.02–125.37%. It is known that β-carotene extractability may be influenced by cooking, but it can be enhanced or not [18]. The present study showed that β-carotene retention of cooked broccoli, chard, mallow, and spinach was higher than in the corresponding raw samples except for several cooking processes. Carotenoids including β-carotene are found in the chloroplasts of all green plant tissues, where they occur in the photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes, which have an inhibitory effect on extractability of β-carotene from the vegetable matrix. Cooking of foods could increase the extraction of carotenoids by softeningplant walls and disrupting carotenoid-protein complexes [32, 33]. It is assumed that an increased extractability may be associated with improved bioavailability. In contrast, β-carotene retention of cooked carrot, crown daisy, perilla leaf, and zucchini was lower than the raw samples. Our results agree with those of a previous study, which reported to a decrease in β-carotene in carrots after boiling [34]. This low thermal stability of β-carotene observed for carrot could be due to the different intracellular location of β-carotene. Carotene in carrots was found to be located in crystalline chromoplasts with membranes rich in polar lipids. Thermal treatment of carrots could cause the alteration of the physical state of carotenes. In particular, blanching allowed the solubilization of carotenes by cellular lipids [35]. Moreover, the difference in the β-carotene retention of cooked vegetables might be attributed to the extent of loss of carotene caused by dripping during the cooking process.

Method validation

The analytical methods used in this study were validated in terms of accuracy and precision for all tested vitamins. The precision and accuracy for vitamins in broccoli are shown in Table4. Accuracy of the method was measured based on recovery (%). The recoveries for vitamin C, α-tocopherol, γ-tocopherol, vitamin K and β-carotene were 105.15±3.81, 98.68±1.80, 116.55±4.74, 99.88±3.00 and 102.27±1.18, respectively. Precision of the method was assessed based on the repeatability (% coefficient of variation, %CV) and reproducibility (%CV). The repeatability and reproducibility was less than 5%, except for γ-tocopherol and β-carotene. The higher %CV for γ-tocopherol and β-carotene might have been caused by the lower content found in broccoli. The proposed analytical method was validated in terms of specificity for vitamin E and vitamin K. In general, the results from the method validation are satisfactory.


Precision and accuracy for vitamins in broccoli

Type of vitaminParameterPrecisionAccuracya
RepeatabilitybReproducibilitycRecovery (%)
Vitamin CMeand682.66665.05105.15
CV (%)2.322.913.63
CV (%)2.783.561.82
CV (%)
Vitamin KMean1.421.4699.88
CV (%)3.074.693.01
CV (%)2.145.481.15

aAccuracy is a measure of the closeness of the analytical result to the true value determined by analyzing a spiked sample

bRepeatability was evaluated using five independent analyses of replicate sample performed on a given day

cReproducibility was evaluated using five independent analyses of replicate sample performed on a different day

dConcentration of vitamins expressed as mg/100g as dry weight basis

In conclusion, the present study examined the effect of different cooking methods including blanching, boiling, microwaving, and steaming, on the content and true retention of β-carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamins E and vitamin K in vegetables. Cooking may cause changes to the contents of vitamins and it depends on the type of vegetables and the method of cooking methods. Therefore, further research is needed to optimize cooking procedures to enhance retention of vitamins.


This study was supported by the Rural Development Administration (Project Number PJ010838).


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Articles from Food Science and Biotechnology are provided here courtesy of Springer

Effect of different cooking methods on the content of vitamins and true retention in selected vegetables (2024)
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