EMA's 5, 13, 62, Trading (2024)

Exponential MovingAverages (described in more detail below) are at the core of tisstrategy. From the beginning you should understand that I didn’tinvent the 5/13/62 strategy. At least I don’t think I did. Thereare some extras that I add in, but essentially, all of thisinformation is available elsewhere. That said, I believe that most ofthe people that write about forex have a way of putting you and I tosleep. So maybe this is the first time you’ve heard about it, butin any event, I’ll try to

keep it interesting.

Here’s where we start.With a chart:

EMA's 5, 13, 62, Trading (1)

EMA's 5, 13, 62, Trading

If the chart abovedoesn’t make any sense to you, even with the legend, then here’sa brief explanation:

1. The candles are easyto read. Green ones are ones that closed lower. White ones closedhigher.

2. The EMA lines arecrossing at the left. The 5 (red) crosses below the 13 (the yellow)and both the 5 and 13 are crossing the 62 (the blue one).

3. You can see that inthis chart, the British Pound fell about 110 pips in less than a day.That’s the chart. What can we learn immediately?

1. When the 5 crossesbelow the 13, and both of them cross below the 62, it’s possibly agood sell signal.

2. Inversely, we canassume that the opposite is true: when the 5 crosses above the 13,and both cross above the 62, it’s a buy signal.

What is the EMA?

Moving averages are theaverage value of the price of a currency pair, over a certain periodof time. A 5-day moving average for the EUR/USD would be the averageprice of the EUR/USD over a 5 day period. You can base the average onthe closing, opening, or other price. Each time the MA is calculated,the earliest period is dropped and the latest period is added. Inthis way, the average price fluctuates according to the fixed timeperiod.

The exponential movingaverage (EMA) puts the emphasis on the most recent prices, and lessemphasis on the older prices. Sometimes you won’t see muchdifference between the EMA and the Simple Moving Average, which doesnot weigh any price more than another.

Isthat it? Do I just look for the crosses?

I have backtested (and sohave many, many others) simply buying when the signals cross aboveand selling when the signals cross below.

There are even companiesthat build trading robots that will automatically buy and sell whenthese signals are given. But, as much as I’d like to saydifferently, it’s not that easy.

There are all types offalse signals (crosses that happen but that don’t turn profitable).

Here are some otherprinciples of this strategy, divided in three sections: entering thetrade, staying in the trade, exiting the trade. The principles ofeach section will help you maximize your gains and

minimize your losses. Butfirst, a quick look at the tools you’ll need.

The 30 minute chart

I have used the 15minute, 30 minute, 1hr, 4hr, daily … even the weekly chart. You canreally use anything longer than 15 minutes. I recommend starting withthe 15 minute or the 30 minute, so you will see more opportunities ina shorter period of time.

The 5 and the 13 aloneChart the 5, the 13, and the 62 period Exponential Moving Averages.

Making the Trade

Below you’ll find theprinciples behind making good trades. And avoiding the bad ones.These are guidelines. Good trades based on these guidelines are theresult of applying them enough times that you begin to get a feel forthe market. I want to emphasize that you can change these rules. Youcan

manipulate them. You willbe most successful when you make this “your own,” by adjusting sothat you feel most comfortable.

Holidays and other baddays

Try not to trade onholidays, especially U.S. holidays. It’s best to stay out of themarket on those days and catch up on time with your family, see amovie, adjust the metal rod that was placed in your back, insert ametal rod in your back, or fire up the barbie-q and roast someweenies. Or you can back test your strategies. It’s also best tonever, ever, ever, enter a trade past 14:00 GMT on a Friday. Onholidays and late on Fridays, the market is unpredictable and mightnot move enough to give you any profit. Or it might move 50 points inone direction just for the heck of it, and then move back. Of courseit might move a zillion pips, but that’s the exception rather thanthe rule. Then you’re stuck in what might become a losing position,but meanwhile, you’re losing money to premiums/interest paid toyour broker. This is a good time to shove a metal rod into yourspine.

Please take my advice andjust stay out of the market, with this system, at these times. Youmay lose some opportunities, but you will lose (also) the chance ofgetting trapped in a motionless or unpredictable market.

Other systems, long termsystems in particular, can work okay late on Fridays and on holidays.But that is the subject of another ebook.

One, incidentally, that Ihave not written yet. Trading on the 5 and the 13 You should beprepared to buy anytime the 5 crosses above the 13.

You should also beprepared to sell anytime the 5 crosses below the 13. You should beprepared to do this even if they do not simultaneously cross the 62.This does not mean that you take the trade immediately. It means thatyou are aware that a trade might be coming.

Is the currency pairin a DNA Spiral?

Often,a currency pair will find itself in the middle of what I call a DNASpiral. It’s when the pair doesn’t know what to do – it justsits in a very, very tight range, like this:

EMA's 5, 13, 62, Trading (2)

As you can see, the red(5) is crossing above and below the 13 (yellow), but the signal isfalse – you wouldn’t make any money on these trades because, assoon as the cross occurs, it corrects itself in the oppositedirection. It’s obviously best to stay out of the market on theseoccasions. So, if you walk up to your PC and see these DNA Spirals,make trades cautiously. If you enter the trade, then stay close tothe computer and prepare to get out if the market really swings theother way.

Is the 13 crossing the62?

The next part of thesystem is to watch for the 13 to cross the 62. Whether above or below(long or short positions), you’re in good territory. At thesetimes, it might be a very, very good opportunity.

An example of what thechart looks like when this happens is pictured on the next page.

As you can see in thepink box in the chart below, the 5 (red) is crossing below the 13(yellow) at the same time the 13 is crossing below the 62 (blue).This can be very powerful. I want you to also focus on the fact thatthe pair, after this crossover occurs at the pink circle, return tohit the 62 EMA again – and this is an excellent time to sell thepair all over again. This means that if you miss the original trade,it’s totally acceptable to enter the trade when the pair rises upand hits the 62.

You can see an example ofthis in the blue box on the chart below. This works for long andshort trades – the 62 EMA will act as a dynamic level of supportand resistance.

EMA's 5, 13, 62, Trading (3)

Stops and limits

Last of all, do thefollowing:

1. Set a stop-loss at 20pips beyond the 62 EMA.

2. Trail the trade by 20pips (using a trailing stop loss), or:

3. Set a profit target ata recent high or low (something that creates a double top or doublebottom).

During the Trade

Lots can happen duringthe trade. Here are some things to consider and remember during thetrade.

Set it and forget it?

believe that anyone thattells you to “Set it and forget it” is appealing to your desirefor quick, easy profits without any work. Right now, I would like toappeal to your desire for quick and easy profits without any work. Iwill do this by telling you that if you choose a recent high/low asyour profit target, or a trailing stop, then you can walk away.Walking away gives you time to spend with your family, work on yourcomputer, take out the trash, wash the dog, or start a rock bandnamed “The PipMeisters,” with me playing the drums and this guywith really long hair at lead vocals, who smokes so his voice can bereally raspy, but has family problems and sometimes has to spend thenight in jail, which eventually breaks up the band and leaves us 10years later looking a photos and saying, “Those were the days whenwe could rock soooo hard.” If this disappoints you, or if you don’tknow if a rock band is right for you, then feel free to watch thetrade while it’s open.

That’s ok too. Althoughmany traders have experienced problems with peeing in their pantswhile trades are open. Of course that’s not a problem for you. Orme. Definitely not me.

Initial volatility

At the beginning of thetrade, you might see some initial volatility. This means that afterthe candle closes, you might see the next candle go opposite fromwhere you want it to be. Don’t get overly concerned about this. Youneed at least 20 pips of free room to let the trade gather momentum.And remember what I said (not about the rock band): the pair mightrise up or fall down and hit the 62 EMA. This is just anotheropportunity to get in the trade if you did not already (or add toyour position).

Exiting the Trade

We already covered this,because you set the limit at a recent high or low, or you set a 20pip trailing stop. Let the system exit the trade for you, based onyour stops and limits. Most forex dealers will guarantee stops andlimits, so you’ve got little to worry about.

EMA's 5, 13, 62, Trading (2024)


What is EMA 5 in trading? ›

The 5 EMA is a short-term moving average that responds more quickly to price changes, while the 10 EMA is a longer-term moving average that is less responsive to price changes. The strategy involves using the crossover of these two moving averages to identify potential trades.

Is the 5 EMA strategy profitable? ›

The setup makes our trading more profitable with minor losses and major profits. Let's know what EMA stands for: “Exponential Moving Average” is a technical chart indicator that tracks the price of a stock/index over time, giving more importance to recent price data.

What is the 5 8 13 21 EMA strategy? ›

When the shorter EMAs (5 and 8) cross above the longer EMAs (13 and 21), it generates a buy signal. Conversely, when the shorter EMAs cross below the longer EMAs, it generates a sell signal. Confirming Trends: Traders often use the alignment of EMAs to confirm the strength of a trend.

What is 5 8 13 EMA crossover screener? ›

How Does the 5-8-13 EMA Crossover Work? The crossover detects momentum shifts, which can hint at significant price moves in the near term. When the 5-EMA crosses above the 8 and 13 EMAs, it suggests a rising bullish momentum. When the opposite happens, it indicates bearish momentum.

What is the 5 and 20 EMA strategy? ›

The 5/20 EMA Crossover Strategy: The 5/20 EMA crossover strategy is based on the intersection of the 5-day EMA and the 20-day EMA. The crossover occurs when the shorter-term EMA crosses above or below the longer-term EMA, indicating a potential change in trend.

Which EMA is most respected? ›

The EMA gives more weight to the most recent prices, thereby aligning the average closer to current prices. Short-term traders typically rely on the 12- or 26-day EMA, while the ever-popular 50-day and 200-day EMA is used by long-term investors.

What is the success rate of 5 EMA? ›

Subhashish Pani claims that this strategy has a 60% success rate. Strategy for Selling (Short Future/Call/Stock or Buy Put): 1. When a candle completely closes above the 5 EMA (with no part of the candle touching the 5 EMA), it is considered an Alert Candle.

What EMA is most effective? ›

A 9 or 10-day moving average period is the best-moving average for intraday trading. However, 21-day EMA can be also used for day trading but you have to apply another technical indicator in combination with moving averages crossover to know the trend reversal.

How to use 5 8 13 ema? ›

Prepare Your Chart: Begin by plotting the three EMAs (5, 8, and 13 periods) on your trading chart. Identify Momentum: A bullish trend might be brewing when the 5 EMA surges above the 8 and 13 EMAs. Conversely, a bearish inclination is suggested when the 5 EMA dives below its two counterparts.

What is the best EMA for scalping? ›

Which EMA is best for scalping? In forex scalping, selecting the right EMA indicator is crucial and depends on your chosen trading timeframe. For 1-minute charts, a 5-period or 9-period EMA is commonly used, while 15-minute charts often utilize 12-period and 26-period EMAs.

What is the best EMA for day trading? ›

#3 The best moving average periods for day-trading
  • 9 or 10 period: Very popular and extremely fast-moving. ...
  • 21 period: Medium-term and the most accurate moving average. ...
  • 50 period: Long-term moving average and best suited for identifying the longer-term direction as a filter.

What is the best EMA cross for a 5 minute chart? ›

Therefore, the exponential moving average may be considered the best moving average for a 5 min chart. A 20 period moving average will suit best. The MACD indicator is based on the exponential moving averages. Usually, it consists of two lines and a histogram.

How to confirm EMA crossover? ›

EMA crossover strategy

When a shorter-period EMA crosses above a longer-period EMA, it generates a bullish signal, indicating a potential uptrend. Conversely, when a shorter-period EMA crosses below a longer-period EMA, it generates a bearish signal, suggesting a potential downtrend.

What are the best EMA indicator settings? ›

The larger the period, the smoother the line and, conversely, the smaller the period, the more responsible the exponential moving average indicator will be to changes in price. Some typical EMA indicator settings are 10 and 25 for faster, more responsive curves; or 100 and 200 periods for smoother, slow-moving curves.

How do you calculate EMA 5? ›

Exponential moving average formula
  1. SMA = (N – period sum) ÷ N.
  2. The weighting multiplier (or smoothing constant) = 2 ÷ (time period + 1)
  3. EMA = (closing price – previous day's EMA) x weighting multiplier + previous day's EMA.

What is the 5 and 9 EMA strategy? ›

Conversely, when the 5-day EMA crosses below the 9-day EMA, it generates a bearish signal, indicating a potential selling opportunity. Traders often use this strategy to identify short-term trends and capture quick price movements.

What is 5 EMA and 20 EMA? ›

For example, if the 5-EMA crosses above the 20-EMA, it is a bullish short-term trend change. If the 5-EMA crosses below the 20-EMA while the 20-EMA is above the 50-EMA, it is a neutral trend change. If the 5-EMA crosses below the 20-EMA while the 20-EMA is below the 50-EMA, it is a bearish “sell” trend change.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.