extra-billowy dutch baby pancake (2024)

  • Brittay

    Yay for enough to feed a family of 6 and no oven-proof dishes! Thanks Deb!

  • Ginger

    Oh, dear me! Why isn’t your family grotesquely fat? I think I must make this right now.

    1. Lis

      Ginger, your comment was truly inappropriate. Think about it ,if you wish.

      1. Ditto Lis. That type of language is not acceptable.

      2. LE

        I used to make this and it turned out amazing. I haven’t made it for many years. When I did this last weeekend for my now grown daughter, she said it felt tough. She remembered them being soft and easy to cut with a fork. What am I doing wrong? Thank you!

        1. Alma

          Have been admiring photos of your Dutch babies for some time but for some reason was intimidated to make them. That changed about 5 weeks ago and WOW! I’ve made these every Sunday since! Don’t think I’ll make regular pancakes again for a while! With a toddler and a baby at home this is an incredible “feel fancy but don’t have a sink full of dishes or an hour wait” brunch dish. Love it!

      3. Zanni

        My gosh! Are we all not just having some fun here? Ginger, let’s spend an afternoon making these things and getting real and enjoying ourselves, shall we? Let’s leave these two hyper-sensitive bores to themselves.

        1. Mary

          it is ok to call out members of your community on inappropriate comments. that’s how an in-tact, functioning community works.

          1. Lala

            There’s nothing inappropriate about a simple joke that’s frequently made when people eat well, and share the photos.
            Your sanctimony is truly ridiculous. Go touch grass, and stop trying to white knight for people you don’t even know.

          2. Cyn

            If no offense was meant, functioning adults Don’t take Offense! That’s how life should work.

    2. Cheryl grossman

      Your body shaming is not appreciated.

      1. Lisa

        I think I understand your point. If concerned about calories, you can try some lower fat adjustments but the results will not be quite the same. I have used 2 egg whites for 1 egg, low fat or non fat milk for whole milk or in recipes calling for oil, use applesauce. Other ideas can be found online.

        1. Scott

          Great recipe, very easy and fast. This will be my go to recipe. Thank you!

      2. Lala

        No one is being bodyshamed, ffs.
        If you’re offended by a simple joke, perha7its time to reevaluate how you live your life, consume social media, and integrate with the outside world.
        Seriously, if a joke about why they are *NOT* fat has affected you to the point where you feel that this is bodyshaming, I suggest that you seek counseling.

    3. Steve

      I agree with this comment.
      Think about it…
      These are delicious, and very high in calories and cholesterol.
      If I didn’t have the will power, I would enjoy these far more often than would be healthy, and the end result would be… well, I would be grotesquely fat!
      Learn to take a compliment!

      1. JP

        Well, I prefer my food blogs without the side of fatphobic snark, but I appreciate the folks who stood up for grotesquely fat folks like me. Cheers!

        1. Cyn

          Noting too much food makes one fat is NOT fat phobia…it’s reality.

      2. Vanya

        I’m honestly quite curious why people always seem to flag dutch babies as being so shockingly “high in fat” and “so decadent” compared to really any other American breakfast. I’ve been enjoying these (and making them) for most of my 40 years on this planet. It won’t win any health awards, but how is this that different from normal pancakes or french toast, that are also basically flour, eggs, and cooked in butter/oil? Or omelettes (that are cooked in butter or oil) or even really just normal fried eggs (where most people have 2 per serving)? You can easily cut the butter in this recipe so long as you have enough to coat the pan (it just won’t pool deliciously on top in the same way), and if you look at the serving sizes most people are only eating like 1-2 eggs and half a tablespoon butter? That’s certainly not “healthy” but it’s not necessarily worse than any other hot breakfast most people eat, especially high-protein breakfasts.

        1. Heather Patterson

          If you find that this recipe would be too much for you or your family to eat, find another website. That’s the beauty of the internet, browse, read , and find what works for you. No need to shame and speak unnecessary words.
          Read it, make it or don’t, and move along.
          I will try this recipe. Thank you for sharing!

    4. Layla

      Looks so good. Can I use a cast iron skillet for this and would a 1 to 1 gluten free flour be a good substitute?

  • Carly

    Your original German Pancakes are our family’s absolute go-to. Legit we have ziplocks of the pre-portioned dry ingredients ready in the pantry so we can whip them up ASAP when the mood strikes!
    Not sure how the original can be beat, but I look forward to giving the updated version a go. Love all things SK!

  • Lisie

    Think this batter can be made night before

    1. deb

      Yes — but if it seems too thick in the morning, which can happen when the flour has more time to absorb, you might want to thin it with more milk in the morning.

  • Ginger

    Just made these this morning. Yum!! I was a fan of your old recipe and this was definitely easier and better sized for my now bigger family. I made them with half whole sprouted spelt flour which gave them a nice nutty flavor and then topped with spinach, cheese, eggs and bacon! Thanks for all you do Deb!!!

    1. Ashley S.

      When adding eggs, do you cook entirely first and then place on top of the pancake when it’s out of the oven?

  • herbnrenewal1

    In the recipe, you have two “if savory.” I think you might want the second one to say “if sweet.”
    Thanks for all your efforts and yummy recipes.

  • JP

    The very best Dutch Baby (which they call German Pancake) that I have ever made is from Cook’s Illustrated Magazine May/June 2017 page 15. The big trick is starting it in a cold oven. That is, melt the butter on the stove in the pan, add the batter and then put in a cold oven. Turn the oven to 375 degrees and bake 25-30 minutes. I was amazed how good it came out (looks a lot like your final photo). My original recipe was in a 9×13 inch dish from many years ago and it never really puffed up much. I have used the Cook’s Illustrated recipe and halved it for just my husband and myself and it is pretty perfect. Glad you are bringing this recipe back to my attention because it makes a lovely breakfast or brunch and so nice to have it all done in one pan rather than standing by a griddle or waffle iron while everyone else eats!

    1. Yael

      I’ve had that at my MIL’s (she subscribes to the CI magazine and was excited to try this new version) and must say I didn’t like it all that much – yes, it’s tall and well-set, but much less crumpled and billowy. To me, it felt somehow both too eggy and too cakey. I prefer the more standard versions like the recipes in this blog.

  • Rebekah

    I saw the video while lounging in bed after my alarm, and an hour later it was on my table. I only had almond milk so I added 1/4 tsp almond extract and topped with lemon, powdered sugar, and blueberries. So quick, so easy, and definitely “easier, better.”

  • Karen

    You mean “if sweet.” You typed “if savory twice.

    1. deb

      Thanks, now fixed.

      1. Megan L

        Tried it this morning with unsweetened almond milk, topped with lemon juice, powdered sugar, and diced mango. It was fast and easy, a keeper for sure!

  • deb l

    my mom is famous for her apple pancake – it’s basically the same but first saute an apple cut in thin wedges in the melted butter. then add the batter. it’s delicious! can’t wait to try this savory version – maybe dinner tonight? thanks deb!

  • Sarah

    I made a bleary eyed baked pancake this morning!

    One more tip for the lazy. Put your butter in the pan and put the pan in the oven while it’s heating up. Mix your batter and when you’re done your pan will be hot and butter melted. Maybe a little browned, if you’re lucky.

  • Oh, this makes me SO HAPPY. That you revised based on the realities of life with kids. My cooking (my everything) has changed a lot since I became a mother, and I just don’t hear enough about that reality from other cooking moms :)

    I think I tried to make a Dutch baby one time and I was very unimpressed and promptly went back to pancakes and crepes. But your recipe – OK, I AM ON BOARD. Thank you, thank you!

    1. Holly

      I SOOOOOOOOO feel you on this reality. I still love to cook, but I just don’t have the time or energy that I used to. Complicated recipes just make me run these days.

    2. Kate

      I completely agree! Any recipe streamlined to reflect the realities of family life with young children has my rapt attention. Thanks, Deb, I’m looking forward to making this tomorrow.

    3. Annie

      Hi Margo, I make this every week for my family of 8. It doesn’t require the hands on supervision of normal pancakes and due to the high egg content, my kids are straight up full for hours, making our day super productive and whine-free. I can’t wait to try this updated version. We make a 10×14 pan and an 8×8 pan and top with fresh fruit and homemade whipped cream. It is the best recipe! and solidified Deb’s place as a trustworthy recipe source in our home.

    4. Jenine

      Made these today instead of your initially posted recipe (which I’ve made countless times) and for some reason my babies didn’t puff up very much. Followed exactly as is. Any idea why that could be? Maybe didn’t incorporate enough air on the hand whisking? The blender made ones always puff right up.

      1. deb

        If it seemed pale, it might need more baking time. What size pan did you use?

        1. Jenine

          Maybe! Two 9 inch circular baking pans. They were quite light on top but dark in the bottom. They would’ve burned if I left them any longer. We just ate them as flat cakes – was still yummy though!

  • Cristy N

    Made this as written for lunch today in a 3 quart au gratin Le Creuset (size 36, oval, enameled cast iron). Used the 3 tbsp of butter option and a good amount of fresh cracked pepper in the batter. Finished with chopped fresh spinach and a good grating of a hard aged Gouda. Delicious!

  • Rebecca

    Hooray! Just looked on your site for a Dutch baby recipe yesterday. Can’t wait to try this.

  • TS

    does anyone know what ingredient amounts would work for a 10-in skillet?

    1. David

      I’ve always used 3 eggs, 1/2 C milk, 1/2 C flour (from the nytime’s recipe) when making this in my 10in cast iron pan. Works perfectly and comes out even more rumpled and puffed than the pictures up top.

      1. Alicia

        I did not care for NYT recipe. It came out to dense. There was plenty of ripples. It also puffed.

        1. Michelle

          Can’t use butter stomach issues
          What alternative can be used

          1. Kitty

            Have you tried vegan alternatives? Miyokos?

    2. deb

      I would use a 3/4 level of ingredients.

    3. I left my own preferred ingredient amounts for a 10-inch skillet or a 9×9-inch Pyrex pan, or a 9×13-inch Pyrex pan on the Chocolate Dutch Baby recipe here: https://smittenkitchen.com/2017/01/chocolate-dutch-baby/#comment-892595

  • MT

    Since I know you dislike typos…. check out your opening sentence: …..when I get update a few SK classics with new knowledge….

    perhaps you meant: … when I get to update a few SK classics with new knowledge….

    or: … when I update a few SK classics with new knowledge….

    1. deb


    2. Jane Behr

      How many pancakes can be baked at one time? I will be serving 4 adults & 3 children for Easter brunch. Thank you.

      1. deb

        As many as you can fit in your oven.

  • Marcia

    So glad to see that you said 2-4 servings. In my household it is only 2 servings.
    We are not big eaters but these are so light and delicious, and my sons are large.
    I often make two consecutively, but have never put 2 pans in the oven at the same time. How do think this would affect the baking time?
    In the summer I sometimes sautée peaches before pouring in the batter, or add sautéed peaches on top. Very nice.

    1. deb

      It should be about the same in the oven, which is to say variable. I’d start at the suggested time and check back every minute or two until it looks amazing.

  • Kelli

    Yessss!!! My family has been making these all my life, for my favorite breakfast and dinner. We never put sugar in the batter, but top them with brown sugar, sour cream, and fresh raspberries or peaches from my parents’ garden (sigh). Now far from home and a little more weekday-friendly we do plain yogurt and maple syrup. I’m excited to try your eggier formula. We always do 6 eggs to 1cup each milk and flour, with 4-6 T butter in a glass 9×13 cake pan. Maybe today I’ll try 8 eggs, and some savory toppings! Thanks as always!!

  • Sarah

    In parts of the Midwest, we call this pannenkoeken

    1. K

      I thought a pannenkoeken was a stuffed pancake?

  • Ragnhild

    Thanks for a super easy lazy Sunday breakfast recipe! We were sitting down to eat half an hour after I rolled out of bed… whisked batter while oven/pan was heating, sauteed some mushrooms, grated cheese and juiced half a lemon while pancake was cooking. One pancake was perfect for two (breakfast-hungry) adults, we made half savoury and half sweet.

  • Marne Rogers

    I’m feeling denser than the batter this morning. Is the baking equipment supposed to be oven-proof skillet(s) with appropriate sized baking dishes or are the desired size vessels of one’s choice placed individually in the 425 degree oven to preheat. Good morning!

    1. deb

      You can use an ovenproof skillet or casserole dishes or even cake pans, so long as they’re the right size, i.e. the equivalent of 1 9×13, 1 12-inch round, or 2 9-inch rounds. You want to preheat them while you preheat the oven. The batter should go into a very hot pan.

      1. Marne Rogers

        Thanks for your reply. I took a stab at it and got fantastic results using one pyrex baking dish and one glazed ceramic casserole dish. A cast iron fry pan seems like it would be very authentic, but I didn’t need the weight or cleanup. We make all sorts of pancakes at my house and this is definitely going into the rotation.

        1. Adrianne

          Cast iron is my favorite for these, but only because of nostalgia and how my mom made them growing up. I’ve made them in every dish imaginable, and a light weight round cake pan actually works quite well. It crusts slightly different in cast iron, but these are excellent in all appropriately buttered and sized vessels!

  • Alison

    So easy and delicious. Thanks for another great recipe!

  • Marne Rogers

    Whipped it up while my hubby was in the sauna. He said it’s definitely worth a repeat and guest worhy. I did the basic recipe with a half tsp. of almond flavoring and a handful of toasted almonds in each. This recipe is perfect to use whatever is on hand, looking forward to fresh tomatoes, scalions, etc as thegarden starts producing.

  • Lisa

    I sometimes make a Bananas Foster version by slicing a banana or two into the skillet with lots of butter, brown sugar, and some dark rum, and cooking them down until I have a nice flat surface of glazed fruit over which I pour the batter. It is YUM.

  • aariblake

    I’ll try it … but your original recipe is a total favorite of anyone I’ve made it for, even though it doesn’t really rise or get rumply.

  • So so easy and delicious. I did a 10 inch and 4 inch pan with this recipe. The bigger one savoury with mozzarella, cheddar, parsley and a fried egg. The smaller one with apple cooked with brown sugar and cinnamon and drizzled with dulce de leche. Will absolutely make again.

  • Jennifer

    Funny, this morning I was making a Ducth baby as I do every Saturday (I combine the original recipe and your chocolate version, because nobody has soft butter first thing in the morning and changing the oven temperature halfway through is just silly) and I was thinking that I should comment with a suggestion that you update this for your newer better month! I’m excited to try it with less butter and milk next week! Also, I bake it in a 9×13 glass casserole dish and it comes out great!

  • MaryLou

    Made this for breakfast today, it is fabulous!! Thank you

  • Stacy

    Oh my, that was the easiest, lightest, and tastiest Dutch baby we’ve ever made, THANK YOU for bringing it back into our rotation! Great version.

  • I made this with a homemade GF flour mix, coconut milk (carton not can) and just a pinch of baking powder to make up for the flour and it turned out perfect!

  • That’s so funny how names evolve. I grew up with these being called German pancakes – only recently had I heard they were really Dutch Babies – depending on who taught you, huh? But anyway – my hubby hated them growing up. Mostly because he didn’t like what his mom served on them. I never had them till I was in late teens, and I thought they were strange. I mean…kind of a strange eggy pancake. :) But I made them for my grandchildren, and half of them couldn’t stop eating them while the other half wouldn’t even try it. OH well…can’t please everyone. But my hubby likes mine with syrup. We probably won’t try the savory bit, afraid my children are a little more traditional than I’d like sometimes. But fun stuff! My recipe calls for 6 eggs, 1 cup flour and 1 cup milk, which is just yours doubled. no sugar, and a tsp vanilla. I was thinking I might try cinnamon in them sometime. I was even thinking about putting some freeze dried fruit them…have you ever added fruit to the batter?

    1. deb

      I find that fresh fruit can really weigh it down, which is why I don’t have a lot of success with the popular apple variation. (I have more success adding fresh berries or sauteed fruit after the pancake is done.) However, freeze-dried fruit is fun. You could grind some in with the flour, or sugar, if you’re using.

  • laceycastellano

    My aunt called these Bunwads. Which is almost certainly not the proper name but very delightful nonetheless. Especially when small people request it.

  • Cherelle Bishop

    Delicious. Made this for 1 in a 9 inch skillet, 1/4 cup milk and chocolate so 3T flour, 1T cocoa powder with 2 t sugar. So good!! Love that no blender is required.

  • why don’t you he a “print” icon so that i can print your recipes?
    i would rather not , since i have a large desktop computer, have to keep referring
    to the computer, since i cannot print this.

    please let me know if you can possibly send this recipe for the baby dutch pancakes to me

    1. deb

      There is a print icon that leads to a print template at the bottom of each recipe, where it says “DO MORE:” You can also click CTRL + P from any recipe post and it will take you to a streamlined print template.

  • Wanderboomer

    OMG – You are so right. I could make this for tonight’s dinner! I love the versatility of the Dutch Baby Pancake. One day sweet, the next day savory. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  • Becky Goddard-Hill

    This look really delicious. I love well tried and tested recipes – my kids will be happy this weekend that’s for sure!

  • lauriewendy

    I hesitate to make this because I’m fairly confident I could polish off the whole thing myself, and I suspect that’s not recommended.

  • chris m

    Worth mentioning that using room temp eggs and milk will GREATLY improve success in making big bubbles and deliciousness. I drop my eggs in a bowl of warm water as I collect and assemble other ingredients and give the milk ~10 secs in the microwave just before combining. The results are significantly better, every time.

    1. Marne Rogers

      Yum, yum! I think I need to make these little devils one more time before I do a month of Whole 30 in April. II will take your advice!

    1. Helen

      These look amazing!

  • I’m excited to make this for friends tomorrow. I don’t drink milk and don’t buy it unless I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO. I usually keep cream on hand (baking experiments & homemade whipped cream) – would this be an acceptable substitute for milk?

    1. deb

      Yes, but maybe use 3/4 cream and then 1/4 water so it’s not too thick. Or use a splash extra.

  • Jess

    Just wanted to say how much I love the mushroom Dutch baby recipe in your cookbook except I have to double the creamed mushrooms to satisfy the my mushroom loving family. Not sure bad problem

  • Kellyanna

    So easy and yummy! Last weekend, we were running low on eggs and I made the recipe with 3 eggs instead of the suggested 4. This weekend, I returned to the recipe and used all 4 eggs, but surprisingly found that I preferred the texture of just 3 instead. We made ours with a little lemon zest in the batter, plus a splash lemon juice and a dusting of powdered sugar on top. Thank you as always for your incredible and reliable recipes, Deb! I love little more than a quick and cozy recipe on the weekends. :)

  • Nancy

    I made a half-recipe of this in a 10-inch skillet, cooked 12 minutes – Puffy Pancake Nirvana. Even *easier* than the German pancake make-in-a-blender version; truly delightful.

  • Vlnshosh

    This recipe worked beautifully. I actually used a ruler to find the perfect vessels before cooking to make sure they would bake correctly. It was worth it because mixing the ingredients was so simple and would have hated it to be ruined w the wrong size pan out of laziness to check the size (used two different snapped 9 in oven proof vessels).

    QUESTION: can this be made kosher for Passover? Potato starch instead of flour? Basically, is there a gluten free method to this recipe for swapping flour w something else (matzo meal?).

    This was a breakfast hit thanks Deb!

    1. Sarah B

      If you search for “paleo” or grain free versions of a Dutch baby you can find recipes (I’m not sure if they would be kosher), but we have made one for years with almond meal and a little arrowroot powder that we like!

  • caitlin haywood conroy

    As always, a wonderful recipe. Made these in small (6″) foil pans from the dollar store to make individual servings. (Got four out of the four egg recipe. Being slightly obsessive, made it in a graduated mixing pitcher so it could be evenly divided. Used a stick blender – super easy clean up.) Preheated a 1/4 sheet pan and the foil pans in the oven while I made the batter. Threw a goodly bit of butter into each pan and let it melt, brushing up the crinkly sides for fear it might stick. Baked as usual. Offered a little buffet of sweet (blueberry compote, maple syrup) and savory (a couple kinds of cheese, slivered prosciutto, salmon bits) for each person to gild as desired. BIG hit. Might need to make two per person next time!

  • Rebecca May

    I’ve never made a Dutch baby before but I attempted this guy this morning. It came out PERFECTLY. Wow.

  • Adrianne

    Oh, man, we grew up on these! Ours was simple – 1 egg to each 1/4 cup of milk and flour – sized to need with plenty of salted butter, always in cast iron (though as an adult, It works almost as well in a glass casserole dish). We always just added the butter to the pan while it was heating up. If you haven’t tried it before, browning the butter just a little before adding the batter really makes it sing at the end! Can’t wait to try your version.

    1. Samira

      This is my recipe as well. Have never had any problems with lack of puffiness. A longtime favorite!

  • I made this for the first guests of our B+B season and everyone loved it. This is the best recipe so far for this recipe and I’m so grateful for the metric measurements!

  • Sue Keator

    We knew these as German pancakes as far back as the early 60’s, maybe the late 50’s but I was little then.

  • nomllers

    This is like the tenth blog post of yours that I am reading! So hooked! Can’t even decide which one I should try first as my meal!

    1. Stephanie

      Ah, we all smile at you, Nomllers, because yes. We have all been there! Deb’s writing is Intoxicating, the food she creates even more so, and the amazing community that comes out in the comments? It’s a thing! Yay for a good part of the internet.

  • I am not sure why, but we always called these “Hootenanny Pancakes”.

  • kg

    I subbed cassava flour, bc i was curious to see what would happen. Definitely not a true dutch baby, but still- buttery, eggy, deliciousness. I put some ham and cheese and salad greens on it for a bachelor dinner.

  • Oh, my gosh! Dutch Babies! I used to make these for my family years ago. They especially liked the toppings of fresh lemon juice and powdered sugar.You tickled my memory and I’m going to surprise them with one of your specialty Dutch Babies. Your site gave many ideas for different toppings. YUUUUM!! I can’t wait to give these a taste!!
    Thanks for sharing your recipes.
    Aloha, Nancy On Maui

  • jcaengst

    Can you sub buckwheat flour (same amount) with success? Or do there need to be additional adjustments if you want to make this billowy version with buckwheat?

  • Tricia

    Thank you!! I have been making your blender version and the one from the smitten kitchen cookbook for years, but I’m never very excited to get the blender out. When I went to look for the recipe this morning I found this one & the first pancake is already in the oven! I’ll use the streamlined method from now on.

  • Jeff

    Can you use coconut milk?

    1. deb

      I haven’t but this commenter did successfully.

  • Susan

    Thank you for all that research into proportions/billow factor, Deb! I have been using the original “Silver Palate” recipe, which calls for half your number of eggs, for decades. Our no-longer-kids always loved “puff pancake” but oh, the years of extra puff they missed out on!! I’ll have to confess to them. (Another note on that historic SP recipe: you mention that some balk at 2-3 T of butter; how about EIGHT TBSP for two eggs and 1/2 cup each of flour and milk? Yup, right there on p. 318. That’s where I managed to diverge from the recipe. Doubling it, which we sure had to do, would’ve meant half a pound of the good stuff per breakfast. Woof.)

  • Allie

    Deb, this is such an amazing recipe. Thanks so much for sharing it, my husband and I are in love!

  • Suzana

    Yum! Love it with apple. Sautée sliced plums instead and you get a perfect German Pflaumenpfannkuchen. (Say that three times fast!) We top it with a little cinnamon sugar and/or lemon and sugar. It’s delicious with peaches or nectarines, too. In the oven right now…

  • Andria

    So easy and yummy! I like it with lemon and powder sugar.

  • Amanda

    Would buttermilk work? Any idea how it would turn out different?

    1. deb

      I haven’t tried it but would expect it to work.

    2. Bree

      I tried this this morning (used the last of my whole milk yesterday) and instead of rising along the edges the entire pancake lifted up like a soufle. No clue why! Still tasted good though.

  • Bree

    Well definitely DON’T use buttermilk xD I figured it would go quite different than whole milk but what we got was overall lift and then collapse, instead of up along the edges. Definitely a different product.
    I used the last of my whole milk on it yesterday and it was AMAZING though. Will be making and adapting this more often on my weekends!!

    1. deb

      I am sure there are gluten-free versions online, but this wouldn’t be my pick for an easy swap. I’d definitely start with a recipe built with GF flours in mind.

      1. Miss Michelle

        I make it with Redmill’s one to one and it turns out great every time

    2. Erin C

      I know this is an old comment, but I think I perfected GF flour ratios for this recipe (substituting for 1/2 c wheat flour):
      3/8 oz mochiko (sweet rice flour)
      5/8 oz tapioca starch
      3/4 oz oat flour
      3/4 oz cassava flour
      Just enough puff to climb the sides, just enough chew to make the mouthfeel like a real Dutch baby.

  • Lindsay

    This is one of our weekend favourites! Easy recipe for little ones to learn and a great way to sneak some eggs into a picky eater. We like the custardy thickness of this recipe, but my husband prefers the lightness of the original from the book.

    Note, if you’re letting the toddler “help” you, don’t warm the pan and the butter in the oven right away, because toddlers are very slow and philosophical about mixing, and you’ll end up burning the butter and setting off the smoke detector 😂

  • Susan Clack

    Love your blog…I have so many of your recipes printed off and love every one. I have my own formula for DBs–for each egg, you use 1/4 C of flour and milk. And, I think, a quarter stick of butter for each egg. But then that would mean an entire cube of butter for a four-egger! Yikes! ( Anyway, I think I dial back the butter to no more than a half a cube) But my new favorite syrup to use to mix it up a little is simmered Maple syrup; throw in a handful of blueberries (as many as you like), squeeze some lemon juice in there for fun, and then a nice “knob” of butter to get it all nice and silky…your Dutch Baby will never be the same!

  • Maria Tarin-Gurule

    These are my families new obsession we have them sweet and savory this savory one has cheddar cheese wilted spinach and bacon onion jam

  • Karynn

    It must be fall, because I am pulling up this recipe so I can serve these with the fruit left strained out of the winter warmth syrup I’m making for Fairytale of New York co*cktails. :-)

  • Yael

    Has anyone tried adding a topping part way through baking this? I had this idea in my head of doing a savoury version with kimchi and cheese, and thought of maybe adding them on just a bit before the pancake is done, so the cheese can get melted and bubbly. But then again, I’m worried that it won’t work and will maybe interrupt the rising and/or setting.

    1. Yael

      Okay, so need to update, since I really wanted to try this idea, and decided to just go for it.
      I made a half-recipe (for one 9″ cast iron pan), and replaced part of the milk with the liquid I managed to squeeze from about a handful of kimchi; I was wondering what the extra acid will do to the batter, but it rose pretty well anyway. After about 8-9 minutes I took it out of the oven and scattered the (chopped) kimchi on top, plus some hard cheese which I also chopped (in retrospect I probably should’ve grated it, but the leftover lumps of cheese I had in the fridge and wanted to use were smallish and might not have grated well, and I also didn’t want another dirty thing to wash, so just cut them up small; it melted, but didn’t get nice and bubbly like I imagined). While I was doing it the lofty sides started sinking, but they had good height to begin with, and when I returned it to the oven for a few minutes they rose a little bit more. So as far as I’m concerned, this was a success!
      Even if you don’t want to remove the dutch baby from the oven, I really recommend this flavour combination (I guess the kimchi could be heated before topping the pancake, so that everything’s warm, and that would help the cheese melt). Especially the addition of kimchi liquid to the batter, which worked much better than I expected. I think I should do it again sometime.

      1. Ariela

        Thanks for coming back with the update. Especially since it sounds like this worked out so well for you!

  • Kelly Schwietering

    We make this Christmas morning but now I’m inspired to go savory and make anytime of year!

    Any thoughts on using buttermilk? The recipe I follow calls for it but now I may just the whole milk which I usually have on hand!!

    Deb, kudos to everything you post! I’m a big fan !!

  • Mariel

    Made it for brunch this morning, and it turned out great in a ten inch cast iron. Husband especially loved this recipe! Definitely a keeper.

  • Sabina Auburger

    I make this often for family and guests. I have found using free range eggs make for the most billowy pancakes and that is how we like them. Recently we have been adding a tablespoon of rum. I also use vanilla sugar instead of plain sugar, mostly for the lovely scent. I bake them in commercial thick 8” cake pans. I have served them for brunch with fresh fruit. For lunch with pea meal bacon and fresh berries. Always popular.

  • cigi

    Made this in my All-Clad pan and it was perfect! Topped it with a banana/butter/vanilla/brown sugar/cinnamon sauce and powdered sugar! New family favorite! Thank you!!

  • Stacy

    Made this morning for the first time and it was so so good! I topped mine with some sliced almonds, Brie and a touch of maple syrup…it was a bit sweet even with the nuts and cheese, so I think if I try that combo again I’ll omit the sugar in the batter completely. This is so omelette-adjacent though, I think I’ll enjoy a savory version much more, so that will be what I try for the next round!

  • Kelly B

    So great. Looks impressive but is fast and easy! I made it and then served with cinnamon apples for mine and strawberries and blueberries for my 7 year old. She gobbled it up. I’d like to try a savory version next!

  • Christine

    I made this this morning in 2 9-inch cake pans. It looked more like a bubbly pillow than the billowy Dutch baby I’ve experienced with other recipes. What do you think went wrong? Not enough whisking was my first thought.

  • Priscilla

    made this for breakfast today and my partner and I loved it! Definitely will make again. we used what we had in the fridge – scallions, Black Forest ham slices, gruyere. Looking forward to making this many more times, savoury ones and will also try sweet versions. Thanks so much for this and so many other inspirations I’ve gotten from your blog. You rock!

    1. deb

      Yes, I created this because I was never happy with that one. :)

  • Mary McCreadie

    Been eating this about every other DAY for a week. Delicious! Decided today to throw in some diced overripe Bosc pear with the butter. Here to say, don’t do that, it sticks and doesn’t get as billowy. Next time will try sprinkling it on top. It was delicious, just not pretty. PS there’s another Dutch baby recipe on this site, looks exactly the same.

  • Hillary P

    We’ve had this for breakfast two days in a row, and it has delighted my kids. They love seeing the ‘duch*ess’ baby come out of the oven! I love that it is so easy to make!

    1. Betsy LeVine

      This has been our go-to quarantine dish! Thanks, Deb. It’s absolutely wonderful. We have been making it with Bob’s Red Mill 1-1 GF flour, which is fine (my daughter is GF) but today I had the idea of splitting the batter into two pans and making half with wheat flour…..don’t tell my daughter but yum yum yum it was divine to have it that way ;)

  • Linda Lew

    Made this twice this week in an 8 inch skillet, and halved the recipe. Makes a GREAT single serving.

  • Carol

    I love the savoury version a lot! Most recipes never offer that option. Thank you!

  • Wynne Cook

    It worked perfectly with the 3/4 recipe and my 9” Teflon cake pan. It was beautiful and delicious and so easy. I added blueberries and real bacon bits in maple syrup. Baked it for 18 minutes. It was magical for our Easter morning breakfast!

  • Amanda

    I just tried this for the first time and it came out perfectly!

  • Lennie

    Curious if anyone has tried splitting the batter up into hot buttered muffin tins to make mini babies?

  • Carrie

    Perfect! I ended up cooking it 17 minutes total and it was a success. Added shredded gruyère and chopped chives & sage. Definitely one to add to the rotation.

  • Tanya Bustillos Nagaraja

    Amazing. Delicious. It billowed and rumpled beautifully. My round iron skillet needs some love before I use it, so I used my le creuset panini grill pan (without the lid, natch). I thought it might affect it negatively, but I was wonderfully surprised to find the bottom was corrugated- alternating waves of crisp and slightly tender. I should have taken a picture, but my husband and I practically devoured it right out of the pan, standing in the kitchen…I did manage to get some lemon curd on mine. Delicious.

  • Carrie

    Loved the savory version so much I had to make the sweet one a few days later. Added 1/2 tablespoon sugar and 1./2 teaspoon vanilla extract to the batter, and topped with powdered sugar, lemon juice & strawberries. Another hit!

  • Zara Merbaum

    Mine did not work out,
    Just a flat pancake. Is it because I made the batter in a blender? I often make popovers in the blender and figured it’s kind of the same batter 🤷🏽‍♀️ Any ideas for next time?

    1. deb

      What size pan did you use? Did it get a nice golden brown? Sometimes the pan is too big. Sometimes it just needs longer to bake into rumples.

  • Monique

    My daughter and I have started a tradition of making dutch babies when my husband and son are away, and it’s just us gals. I tried this recipe, as the one I normally use often turns out flatter than I’d like. We had so much fun watching it expand into delicious billowy goodness while it baked in the oven, then topped it with apples, pecans, cinnamon, and powdered sugar. I’ll hold on to this recipe for our next girl’s day breakfast for sure.

  • Danie

    Hey Deb, I think there is a typo here. under “savory” it says:

    “If savory: Freshly ground black pepper, wilted spinach or sauteed greens, bacon or ham cheese, herbs or comte, herbs (shown here with ham, gruyere, and chives)”

    not sure what ham cheese is but assuming it’s a typo.

    1. deb

      It should read “bacon or ham, cheese,” … now fixed.

  • Ashraf Siddiquee

    Just made these this morning. Yum!! I was a fan of your old recipe and this was definitely easier and better sized for my now bigger family. I made them with half whole sprouted spelt flour which gave them a nice nutty flavor and then topped with spinach, cheese, eggs and bacon! Thanks for all you do Deb!!!

  • Shani Gentry Cincotti

    Deb, this was amazing! your proportions here are so much nicer than my older recipe (yours has more egg and less milk). I also swiped the technique off your cherry and almond dutch baby to sautee the fruit I was using in the butter and hot skilled — SO many wild blueberries in our house right now. It was perfect. thank you.

  • Anne

    I wish I could insert a picture. My first time trying my hand at a Dutch baby. We enjoy one at Richard Walkers pancake house every time we are in San Diego and now don’t know when we will get back for a family vacation. It is perfect! Thanks!!

  • Jan Good

    I love Dutch Baby pancakes. And over the years I have also tweaked my recipes. I agree with your 2 suggestions for success. But I would definitely add eggs and milk at room temperature. For me that make a huge difference in puff. Will give your version a try.

  • Courtney Wucetich

    This was brunch this morning, and it was so simple and so perfect! We did savory, with whatever I pulled from the garden- chopped parsley, chives, kale, my husband and boys added ham, sprinkling of Romano, and a side of farm stand peaches and cantaloupe. It’s a keeper!

  • Susan

    Can I cut this in half for one 9 inch pan?

    1. deb


  • Marisa Deutsch

    Deb, as usual, your recipes are easy to follow and delicious! I had a case of the Mondays today (although it’s COVID, so every day is Monday?) and decided a decadent breakfast was the cure. I whipped this up and topped it with some lemon and powdered sugar and am now ready to tackle the day! Came out so perfectly that I wish I could post a picture. Thank you!

  • Magdalen

    Hi Deb! I would love to make this, and I also have some buttermilk left over from last week’s baking that I need to use. Do you think I could sub the milk for buttermilk and still get a nice result? Thanks! :)

    1. deb

      I haven’t tried it but one commenter here did and she said it didn’t work well. Not sure why, though.

  • Chrys Foxdale

    YUM !
    It’s been a while since I made one of these, and this recipe set it back into my supper rotation.
    Since it’s just me these days, I cut it back a bit: 2 eggs, 1/3 cup flour & milk, pnch salt and about 2 tsp sugar. (Used half & half, since I used up the milk yesterday)
    Heated my 8″ cast iron skillet in the oven, then took a ‘lump’ of butter on a fork and ran it around the sides and bottom of the pan until there was a nice coating. Poured in the batter, and set the timer for 15 minutes.
    I wish I’d taken a picture – it rose almost to the top of the oven, all lovely puff and rumples on the bottom! A bit eggier than I remember, but I liked it better.
    Thank you for posting this.

  • Courtney Wucetich

    Absolutely amazingly yummy and easy. I made one big savory one for the adults, and topped with Parmesan and what I had in the garden- kale, chives, dill, parsley, tomato, husband added ham, and 2 individual ones for my boys, added a pinch of monk fruit sweetener to batter, lemon zest, then kids topped with granulated sugar and Nutella. This is now a Sunday ritual.

  • Corinne Iris Flax

    Great recipe! I was thrilled to not have to use a blender or food processor. Turned out perfectly. I used almond milk and three, instead of four eggs, and I got rumples galore! Also the hubs was quite impressed!

  • Cheryl Mastersq

    A German lady friend showed me how to make this recipe at least 40+ years ago. My adult children still ask me for the recipe when they can’t find theirs, but I think one of my daughters has it memorized. I do cook mine in a dutch oven because the egg ixture was hyhttps://blankslatepatterns.com/products/skye-joggershttps://
    Lo-joggershttps://blankslatepatterns.com/products/skye-joggershttps://blankslatepatterns.com/products/skye-joggershttps://blankslatepatterns.com/products/skye-joggershttps://blankslatepatterns.com/products/skye-joggersumkkikiikkikkikkikkkkk,,,,,,,,,,,,assk,e ese

    1. Cheryl Masters

      Sorry. I fell asleep while I was typing.

  • George Harris

    Can you use some or all egg substitute? Substitute made with egg whites not aquafaba or tofu.

  • Jackie

    Made this this morning in an 8 by 12 glass casserole dish, added a splash of vanilla just because and ate the whole thing (no judgement please!). Delicious and planning on a 25 mile bike ride to work it off- perhaps after a post carb nap LOL! Will make again, so easy, thank you!!!

  • Blair

    This is my toddler son’s absolute favorite breakfast. It’s not always easy to get him to sit down for a meal, but he’s always excited to have this. It’s so simple and quick to make even when he wakes up too early and I’ve barely had enough coffee. It’s perfect every time. Thank you!

  • Virginia

    Thank you so much for this recipe! It has become our house pancake during the pandemic and I make it for breakfast at least once a week. Today I even whisked it together while holding my sobbing toddler in one arm (they had some concerns about juice accessibility). I appreciated that is a manageable recipe that delights us every time.

  • Christina

    My almost 2yr. old son and I have been making this ‘bubble pancake’ together for the last three days, at his request. It is a hit and so quick to make up! We’ve been baking it in a square non-stick pan with maybe 1T. melted coconut oil instead of the butter. I love the higher protein in your recipe with the extra eggs. We’ve been topping it with banana, blueberries, spots of raspberry jam, and a light drizzle of honey. My son and I love watching the bubbles form in the oven, and sink away when it comes out. Thanks so much for this new breakfast favourite!

  • Sabina Auburger

    We love German oven baked pancakes. I find free range eggs make for the billowiest pancakes. When fresh berries are unavailable we sauté sliced apples or peaches in butter, for a topping. Special occasions call for whipped cream.

  • Shawn Tripp

    So good! Came out perfect. Much more flavour than I would have expected.

  • I’ve been using your site forever. Thank YOU, Deb. And thanks to Ana, a graduate student who turned me onto your site while doing research and staying at my place in Oakland, California. But I’ve tried this recipe multiple times and the pancakes are always flat. I’m guessing I’m using too much batter. I’m gonna try with 3/4 since I have a 10 inch cast iron pan. Will that work? Today, I put some batter in a ceramic bread pan. because your recipe stated that you were using a 12″ round ovenproof skillet. Please help! I’ve made Yorkshire pudding as a kid with my British Mom who is 98. I’ll also be asking her what I’m doing wrong so I’m confident I’ll get this figured out. I want to make it for her next Christmas.

  • K

    A pie plate also works very well!

  • Emily

    This was PERFECT. Made exactly as written and topped with parmesan, chives, and wild mushrooms sautéed with garlic/thyme/white wine.

    I couldn’t believe how easy it was. I want to make this every day. SO BILLOWY!!!

  • Deb

    I did not know how delicious a savory Dutch Baby could be!
    I sautéed baby bok choy with minced ginger and garlic and a splash of tamari.
    Wow so good! Thank you for the recipe and inspiration❣️

  • Kris

    Have always wanted to try a Dutch baby and it worked out great! I used your 2/3 measurements to make it in a 10-inch ovenproof skillet and it worked well – about 14-15 minutes of cooking. However…I’m a scrawny 120lb woman and I EASILY ate 2/3 of this myself with maple butter and berries, which means my husband could have probably eaten 2 without hesitation. I cannot imagine how this could feed 4 adults unless it were part of a bigger brunch spread!

  • Jane U.

    Made the sweet Dutch Baby today for Sunday brunch with freshly squeeze lemon juice and powdered sugar. Put syrupy amarena cherries on my husband’s half and fresh blueberries on my half. Sooo good. Thank you!

  • Carla Phoenix

    Just made this tonight, outstanding ! I made it in my cast iron chicken fryer.
    Your directions for adding the ingredients in that order made a big difference, no lumps. Also, I sifted my flour into the beaten eggs. Great texture. My husband says ” Very, very tasty” 😋😋😋

  • feistykitty

    I have yet to find a recipe on this site that I didn’t love more than any other for the same dish. My partner and I both bought eggs on our most recent shopping trips, so of course my first thought on how to use them up was to make a Dutch baby for breakfast. I had a recipe I always used before, but this morning I thought… I bet smitten kitchen has a better one.

    I also tried, for the first time, using soy milk (vanilla) instead of regular. We don’t keep milk on hand (lactose intolerant, and just don’t use a lot) so I keep powdered milk for baking, but I didn’t want to fuss with powdered this morning so I figured why not. It’s BEAUTIFUL. I wish I could attach pictures here.

  • Jessie Robinson

    Why is my DB all wrinkly in the middle and not as high as pictured? What am I doing wrong? It’s definitely me, as this is the second time with a new recipe that it’s happened. Tastes delicious but is all brain like in the middle and a little too done on the outside.

  • Wendy Emerson

    I found it too eggy with 4 eggs because we get mutant jumbo eggs. I use a 12 inch cast iron skillet as suggested but only 3 eggs and use 4 tablespoons of butter for extra decadence. I skip the sugar and add a little vanilla to the batter, since we finish with brown sugar to serve. It comes out perfect at 12 minutes for me. It’s everything wonderful about crepes with none of the fuss, and a great way to use up those last few ingredients before grocery shopping day.

  • Shawnalee

    Made a savory version this morning with ham, Dubliner cheddar, and chopped fresh herbs. I incorporated fresh cracked pepper and a bit of freshly grated nutmeg in the batter. Topped the finished finished DB off with a tiny bit of flaked sea salt. I used the regular variety of a regional favorite, Alaska Pure Salt Co. made in Sitka, Alaska. They have several other “infused” (?) salts and I’m thinking I might try a sprinkle of the one with spruce tips next time. As always, thanks for a reliable and terrific recripe. I love being able to trust SK.

  • Renata

    I have found it makes a big difference in puffiness to have room temperature eggs- you don’t mention that in the recipe – do you think that is a factor vs adding more eggs?

  • Jan Good

    I’ve also done many of the simplifying steps in this recipe — but for the most puff & billow I find the eggs and milk need to be at room temperature.
    If a favorite breakfast.

  • Karina

    I just made this with Bobs Red Mill 1 to 1 gluten free flour and it puffed up beautifully! Everything else was exactly to instructions. I used a 12″ skillet that has an ovenproof nonstick coating. I even used the “good butter” – Kerrygold unsalted. Our family of four could have used twice the amount, but as part of a larger breakfast it was absolutely perfect.

  • Dawn

    Delicious! First time making a savory version and I like it better than the sweet variety. I used this recipe as a springboard – increased quantities of eggs, flour, milk, and salt and tossed some finely chopped red onion and cooked bacon in with the butter. Bookmarked this one. Thank you Deb!🤗

  • Amanda P.

    I made this and it was amazing, but I’m wondering if I could swap duck eggs. They’re bigger and richer, so I was thinking it might be ok if I used a similar weight as the chicken eggs called for here, and also if I wisked the heck out of the duck whites (which are naturally firmer than chicken egg whites). Are the chicken eggs a real must??

  • Carol

    Made this and loved it. Sprinkled with chopped ham and grated swiss cheese afterwards. Delish. Thank you. I don’t know why it took me so long to try it. This was probably the 4th time I’d seen it pop up in my newsfeed.

    Question though: Do you think this would work with King Arthur measure for measure gluten free flour?

    1. Kath

      Carol, I don’t know for sure, but KA flour works really well for GF crepes, and the batter is very similar, so I think it would work! Esp since the fluffiness comes from the egg more than the gluten. In crepes, it can make them slightly more prone to rubberiness, although I don’t know why.

  • Francine Paston

    I have been wanting this recipe and happy that I now have it. I’m disabled and can’t cook, but I’m going to ask my husband to try it. Thank you.

  • Sandra DiGiulio

    Here I am again, browsing the other recipes and blogs, when I should be starting on the bread, which recipes I just printed!
    You are so entertaining besides being so helpful.

  • Kath

    Holy moly! Just made a half recipe in a 9″ cast iron, broke it up into 1/4
    -chocolate chips
    -powdered sugar

    And ate it all myself in about 10 mins flat! Thanks, Deb. :)

  • Carol

    Made this today as one monster baby. Had three left over egg whites, added five additional eggs, and upped the milk and flour to 3/4 cup. Heated 12” cast iron (the staub I cook nearly everything in). 3tbsp butter was plenty. Topped with wilted spinach, some pecorino, a few shreds of fresh mozzarella, snipped chives, fresh pepper and a little flaky sea salt. It was a huge hit. Served 3 hungry people well.

  • Morgan

    Oven baked pancakes are a favorite in my house. I put my cast iron skillet with cold butter in the oven, turn on my oven to heat and melt the butter. Dump all my ingredients in a bowl and use a stick blender to combine, then let rest while I wait for the oven to finish heating. They always come out perfect. We like to serve with butter and maple syrup..

  • Julie+Lynn

    I’ve made the gingerbread version many times. It’s a favorite breakfast, since I love the cinnamon-ginger-spicy-brownsugary food group. (It’s not super sweet, just a bit of brown sugar and molasses for flavor!) I decided to try a savory version of this extra billowy recipe for dinner. I added minced garlic and chopped sun-dried tomatoes to the batter. After it baked, I piled on some grated romano and then put it back in the turned-off oven to melt the cheese for 2 minutes. Then I sprinkled chopped Italian parsley and basil on the yes, very billowy top. Bliss! I didn’t know I would LOVE a savory version so much. Can’t wait to try other variations.

  • Jessica

    Fantastic easy recipe. I used my trusty cast iron skillet and it was perfectly done after the first 12 minutes. Topped it with homemade peach pie filling and whipped cream. Stick a fork in me!

  • Cher

    Followed your recipe and my “pancake” turned out beautifully! It was light, crispy and quite bubbly in the center, looked impressive! I went savoury with mine. Brushed the center with a teeny bit more melted butter, dusted it with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and sprinkled on some thinly sliced green onion. Was delicious, light and airy! Might try some pesto on it or in the batter next time! Thanks for the inspiration!

  • I made this exactly as the recipe for dinner. Toppings were butter sauteed mushrooms, “vegetable” creme fraiche, and smoked salmon. Absolutely delicious and it was as advertised, the billowiest Dutch Baby ever. My cast iron skillet has patina issues so I used a layer of parchment paper, which worked perfectly.

    I’ve been making Dutch Babies for 10 years and I am NOT going back to my old recipe {[(1 egg + 1/4 c flour + 1/4 c milk)x n] + melted butter} where n = number of servings you want to make. This was so much better.

  • Dana Sussman

    Strange. I have made this delicious recipe before and for some reason, this time it didn’t raise on the sides and only puffed up in the center. I can’t figure out what I did wrong.

  • Laura Raymond

    Deb, do you or any of your readers, know if this can be done using an egg substitute like JustEgg⁰? I’m seriously allergic to eggs but love Dutch Babies and wondered if it’s worth a try.

  • Lorie

    This is differently a “get in the car and drive to the store for the ingredients already” kinda recipe!!!

  • Susan Oher

    Beautifully billowy as promised! Also delicious.

  • MikeW

    Long ago my Aunt Suzi was visiting from Germany, this was late 60s. Our local paper had a dutch baby recipe, the article surmised it was German. None of us had ever heard of it.

    I made it, Aunt Suzi watched, and she moved a chair so she could watch through the oven’s window. We got a running commentary of the pancake’s progress. The pancake was good, the entertainment was excellent.

    We translated the recipe for her so she could share the “German” recipe with actual Germans.

    I must try this, good memories.

  • Peggy Carroll-Tornberg

    Can I use almond or coconut flour??

  • Emily Ballentine

    Just to say this is not only delicious but forgiving…I cut 2 tbsp off of my stick of butter, and then proceeded to put *the other 6* in the pan, and didn’t realize until it was too late. Still wonderful.

  • Layla

    This is such a reliable and easy method! Thanks! Also, there is a small typo at the end of the recipe where you say to transfer to a cooling *back*

  • Elizabeth

    This Dutch baby pancake was great! We all loved it! I would definitely recommend this recipe.

  • Elizabeth

    My pancake didn’t puff – what did I do wrong? I am thinking maybe my pan was too large. Any other suggestions? I have made before and it was perfect, so nothing wrong with your recipe!

    1. deb

      It could be pan size. It might have needed longer in the oven. But a bigger pan is more likely the issue.

  • Kelly H

    Dutch Babies or as I have known them have been a staple breakfast since I first learned how to make them in 8th grade Home Ec (42 years ago). They were a sleepover favorite with my daughter and her friends and I am now making them for my grandkids. A warning though each child can plow through half a pan without batting an eye so be prepared to double up on the recipe.😂

    1. Kelly H

      I really should reread my comments before I post them. I have always known Dutch Babies as Popover Pancakes.

  • Amy Meltzer

    Confused —Should there be an “or’ in this sentence?: “ Heat oven to 425 degrees F with one 12-inch round ovenproof skillet, two 9-inch round ovenproof skillets, the equivalent sized baking dishes inside.‘

    1. Joanna Dawe

      Maybe it’s a regional German food. Back in the 1960’s, my family lived outside of Tubingen, Germany for a year. My mother learned how to make very similar pancakes from the German woman who owned and cooked in the restaurant below our apartment. They were done on the stove, not in the oven and less batter was used so they did not come up the side of the skillet and form the dramatic crispy edges. We called them German pancakes because that’s where we learned them.

    2. deb

      Yes, will fix thank you.

  • Monica

    Does using room temp eggs make a difference?

    1. deb

      I don’t find it necessary.

  • Liza

    Made this many times. Absolutely favorite breakfast food for all of us!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe Deb!!!

  • Aurora Gandara

    It did turn out great, however. Poring cold egg batter into a 425 ceramic pie plate cracked it so it’s ruined for baking. I will have to get a metal pan specific for this because it turned out that good. Now off to find a new 10 inch Emile Henry pie dish.

  • Carol

    I made this for breakfast today. So simple and delicious. I added caramelized peaches.

  • extra-billowy dutch baby pancake (2024)


    Why did my Dutch baby pancake not rise? ›

    There are two main culprits to flat, sad Dutch baby pancakes: Your oven wasn't hot enough. The hotter your oven, the more puffed your Dutch baby pancake will be. Make sure to preheat the oven for at least 10 minutes before baking the batter.

    What is the difference between Yorkshire pudding and Dutch baby pancake? ›

    Dutch babies are larger, use butter rather than beef fat, and are frequently sweet. They use more eggs than a Yorkshire pudding and normally have sugar and vanilla and, unlike a Yorkshire pudding, are normally cooked in a cast-iron frying pan.

    Why are German pancakes called Dutch babies? ›

    The term “Dutch baby” was coined by an American restaurateur whose use of “Dutch” was a corruption of the word “Deutsch” (“German” in German). “Baby” referred to the fact that the restaurant served miniature versions.

    What makes Dutch pancakes different? ›

    What's the difference between a Dutch pancake and an American pancake? A Dutch pancake is usually larger and much thinner than the thick and fluffy American pancakes. If you order a Dutch pancake at PANCAKES Amsterdam, you will get a delicious thin pancake with a diameter of 32 centimeters.

    Why is my Dutch baby so flat? ›

    If the pancake was a little flat it is most likely that either the oven or the skillet (or other pan) was not hot enough. If the pan isn't hot enough then the liquid does not heat up and create the steam quickly enough and so the flour will cook through and set before the pancake can rise.

    Why are my pancakes not fluffy enough? ›

    Making pancake and waffle batter ahead of time is a huge no-no and will lead to flat, dense results every time. Even letting your batter hang out for just a few minutes after you've mixed it before you start ladling it onto the griddle will lead to less fluffy results.

    What is the difference between German and Dutch pancakes? ›

    A dutch baby pancake is sometimes referred to as a puff pancake, a dutch puff, or a German pancake. It is essentially a large popover or Yorkshire pudding with a custardy base and crisp tall edges. It is typically served for breakfast.

    What are British pancakes called? ›

    In the UK, the word pancakes refers to the same thing, but the word flapjacks refers to something entirely different: a baked good made from oats, resembling what elsewhere may be called a granola bar or oat bar. The word flapjack is traced back to the late 1500s.

    What is Yorkshire pudding called in America? ›

    History. The popover is an American version of Yorkshire pudding and similar batter puddings made in England since the 17th century, The oldest known reference to popovers dates to 1850. The first cookbook to print a recipe for popovers was in 1876.

    Why is my Dutch baby so eggy? ›

    If you would like the inside of the finished dish to be a little less "egg-y" then cut the number of eggs down to 3, and many many reviewers also found that just 3 Tablespoons of butter worked better for them.

    What's the difference between a dutch baby and a pannekoek? ›

    Both Netherlands-style Pannenkoeken and Dutch Baby pancakes make a wonderful breakfast option as the batter can be made the night before and, in the case of the Dutch Baby, the pancake is baked in the oven, making it a relatively hands-off recipe.

    Do Dutch people eat pancakes for dinner? ›

    They can be eaten as a snack or as a main course during lunch or dinner. A Dutch pancake is good at any time of the day.

    Is yorkshire pudding a Dutch baby? ›

    Dutch babies, popovers, German pancakes, Yorkshire pudding are all the same thing just different names. Technically these are all baked puddings and delicious.

    Why do restaurant pancakes taste better than homemade? ›

    Restaurants use better quality ingredients

    Restaurants tend to use real, farm-fresh eggs and real milk when making their pancakes, which as you might guess, adds to a richer, higher-quality eating experience.

    Why did my pancakes come out flat? ›

    Flat pancakes are nearly always because of expired baking powder, too little baking powder for the recipe size, or too thin of a batter. How to fix flat pancakes: First, test your baking powder by adding a teaspoon of baking powder in a glass and adding a tablespoon of water or two.

    How do you make pancakes rise more? ›

    Adding baking powder is the easiest way to make fluffy pancakes. There's more than one way to make the bubbles that make a pancake fluffy, but the easiest way is by adding a raising agent such as baking powder.

    Which pancake ingredients cause the batter to rise? ›

    So what's happening? The natural chemical leavening agent we'll be using is baking soda. This helps pancakes rise up while being fluffy and soft. Baking soda is a base with a high alkaline.

    Do you have to use a cast iron skillet for a dutch baby? ›

    The pan doesn't have to be cast iron; you can use any oven-safe pan or baking dish of a similar size. I've even done them in a pie dish!

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    Author: Greg Kuvalis

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    Name: Greg Kuvalis

    Birthday: 1996-12-20

    Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

    Phone: +68218650356656

    Job: IT Representative

    Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

    Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.