FAQ - Investing - Personal Investment Plans - ISAs (2024)

What's in my investment plan?

Our experts use a range of passive investment funds (like Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds) to build your Plan. An investment fund is a bundle of lots of individual assets (like stocks, bonds, or property) which you buy all in one go, making funds a cost-effective way to invest.

The mix of funds and investments in your Plan will depend on your attitude to risk. Low-risk Plans will contain a higher percentage of low-risk investments like bonds. Higher-risk Plans will include more shares. Since financial markets are always changing, we’ll make adjustments to the mix of investments in your Plan from time to time.

We’ve created five investment Plans – from Cautious to Adventurous – so you can choose a level of risk that’s right for you. Find out more about what’s in each of these Plans by downloading the Plan Factsheets below.

Original Plan Factsheets

Cautious Plan [download pdf]

Tentative Plan [download pdf]

Confident Plan [download pdf]

Ambitious Plan [download pdf]

Adventurous Plan [download pdf]

Ethical PlanFactsheets

Cautious Ethical Plan [download pdf]

Tentative Ethical Plan [download pdf]

Confident Ethical Plan [download pdf]

Ambitious Ethical Plan [download pdf]

Adventurous Ethical Plan [download pdf]

What do you mean by 'your capital is at risk'?

Capital is just another way of saying 'the money you invest'. There’s always a risk with investing that you might not get back everything you put in as markets can go up as well as down depending on a variety of factors.

What's passive investing?

Why invest in one company, when you can invest in them all? That’s the essence of passive investing. Instead of putting all your eggs in one basket and relying on one particular company to perform well, you spread your money across all of them, so that you benefit from their collective strength. To do this, you need funds like Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Mutual Funds (known as passive investment vehicles). These let your money track an index like the FTSE 100, which is composed of the 100 largest companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Passive investing is generally accepted as a more effective long-term strategy than the alternative, active investing, where fund managers try to pick the stocks they think will do best. The Dow S&P Indices show that as few as 14% of active fund managers actually manage to beat the market each year, when looked at over a long time period.

Do I own the underlying assets in my investment plan?

Yes, you will always own the underlying funds in your Wealthify Plan. There is no master fund into which your money is invested, as you’ll find with some services. This is an advantage for you, as it means you can see exactly what we are buying and selling for your Plan. We list the assets you own in the Plan detail screen, found in your dashboard and we send you a transaction receipt for every purchase and sale – so you always know where your money is.

Can I choose my own investments?

No, that’s what we’re here for. Tell us your investment style, theme and how much you want to invest, and we do everything else. Our Investment Team have pre-selected a range of passive funds, and programmed our automated investment system with algorithms (mathematical formulas) that build your Plan based on what you tell us your goals are.

Why is there cash in my investments?

Cash is a type of investment (or asset) itself. It’s a low risk asset, so the return on cash is typically low, but it’s a good way to help protect investors from losses if there’s an indication that markets might lose value. The amount of cash and cash equivalent assets in your plan will depend on the level of risk you choose and will be adjusted periodically in response to market movements.

What returns am I likely to get and are they guaranteed?

It is important to remember that with investing, returns are not guaranteed. There is risk associated with investing and you could get back less than you initially invest. To provide you with a sense of what you might expect from Wealthify’s risk-based investment styles, we do provide you with a prediction of performance when creating your Plan. Moody’s Analytics is an independent data provider, who assist in predicting what your Plan values could be in different market conditions over the period of time you plan to invest. It is of course impossible to predict the future, so the projections should only be taken as a guide, not a guarantee. Our investment team have provided factsheets for each investment style which outline their aims for each risk category and will give you an overview of what they are trying to achieve for you in each style. If you have any queries or concerns about the risks involved with investing it is best to seek advice from a financial advisor.

What is a benchmark and which ones do you use?

We publish our benchmarks in the valuations we send to all customers, to give you something to compare the performance of your plan against.

We use ARC Private Client Indices as the benchmarks for the majority of our Plans, rather than an index such as the FTSE 100, because we feel it more closely matches the type of diversified investment plans that Wealthify offers. The ARC Private Client Indices are a peer group benchmark which show how other companies’ investment styles have performed. The Indices are based on real performance numbers from hundreds of other Plans. Learn more aboutARC Indices.

For our Cautious Plan, we use the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is the UK’s main measure of inflation, or the speed at which the prices of goods and services bought by households rise and fall.

It’s important to remember that benchmarks and predictions are never perfect and past performance is not an indicator of future growth.

Here are the benchmarks we use for each of our five Investment Styles

Wealthify CautiousConsumer Price Index
Wealthify TentativeARC Sterling Cautious PCI
Wealthify ConfidentARC Balanced Asset PCI
Wealthify AmbitiousARCSterlingSteady Growth PCI
Wealthify AdventurousARCSterlingEquity Risk PCI

Can my investments lose value?

With investing your capital is at risk and you could get back less than you put in. As an investor, it’s important to understand that stock markets have good periods and bad periods and that you shouldn’t panic at first sight of a bad period. You should think of investing as a long-term prospect, and remember that markets will generally see growth over the long-term.

Can I invest in an ISA?

Yes, if you are a UK tax resident (England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland) you can use all – or part of – your annual tax-efficient savings allowance of £20,000 (current tax year) to invest in a Stocks and Shares ISA with Wealthify. We don’t offer Cash ISAs, Innovative Finance ISAs, or Lifetime ISAs.

Can I create more than one investment Plan?

Yes, you can build as many Plans as you like. Some people prefer to keep their money all in one pot, while others will prefer to split it into separate investment pots; Wealthify lets you do either. You can even choose different investment styles for each Plan. Whatever you decide, rest assured that there’s no additional charge for creating more than one Plan; you’ll only pay us a simple management fee of 0.6% per annum. Fund charges and transaction costs also apply, and you can find full details on our fees page.

Are my investments protected?

Yes, they are. All your investments in our ISAs and General Investment Account products are held with our custodian bank, Winterflood Securities, a global financial services provider and part of Close Brothers Group, who have been trading for more than 130 years. The custodian of our Pension products is Embark Pensions, who are part of the Embark Group – the UK’s fastest-growing digital retirement platform.

Winterflood Securities and Embark both hold your assets separately (ring-fenced) from Wealthify, soeven if we went into administration, our creditors would not have a claim to your investments.

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme may also cover the first £85,000 of your investments, however, it’s essential to understand that the FSCS doesn’t cover you if your investments do not perform as expected and you get back less than you originally invested. For more information visithttps://www.fscs.org.uk/

Will I be informed if you make changes to my plan?

Yes, we will always let you know if we make a rebalance or substantial changes to your plan, as this can have a significant impact.

We don’t want to bombard you with emails, so it wouldn’t be practical to let you know each time we buy and sell shares in your plan. That said, every transaction appears in your Wealthify dashboard so you can monitor it there if you wish.

Can I take a regular income from my plan?

There is currently no facility for this, but there may be in future. You can access and withdraw your money 24/7 (Pensions and Junior ISAs can only be accessed upon maturity), although it’s worth remembering that making regular withdrawals will affect how quickly you reach the investment goals you set when you created your Plan.

How quickly will my money be invested?

We typically invest your money within two working days of receiving it. However, it may take a couple of extra days for the investments to show on your dashboard, due to the investing process.

What is automated investing?

We’re not a fully-automated investment service. We automate certain parts of the investment process, like monitoring how well global markets are performing, using computers programmed with algorithms (mathematical formulas). This is more cost-effective than having highly-paid fund managers do it and we pass those savings onto you. Our experts use the market information along with their own knowledge and experience, to make small adjustments to the mix of funds in your investment plan, where appropriate. So Wealthify uses a mix of smart algorithms and human expertise to make sure your plan stays on track.

What method do you use to calculate my return?

We’ll show your returns for each Plan as a percentage and actual monetary value, so you always know exactly how your investments are performing.

We calculate your returns using the ‘Time-Weighted Rate of Return’ (TWRR) method, which is widely used within the investment management industry. This is the most transparent way to show you your actual return (i.e. how much your money has grown) because it ignores any cash deposits or withdrawals you might have made in the meantime. In other words, it only tells you how much you’ve gained or lost from your investments, not what you’ve put in or taken out yourself.

Here’san explanation about Time Weighted Rate of Return.

Can I pick stocks or choose what I invest in?

No, that’s what we’re here for. We build your Investment Plan based on what you tell us about your attitude to risk with money, how much you have to invest, and by when you hope to reach your investment goals. Then we monitor your investments to make sure they’re on track.

Who decides how my money is invested?

Your money is looked after by a team of qualified investment managers with experience in established firms all over the world. Our experts have developed an investment system that uses algorithms and industry experience to pick the best funds available to you, then builds you an investment plan that suits your goals and attitude to risk. And because things are always changing in the financial markets, our team monitors and adjusts your plan regularly, to make sure your money works as hard as you do.

Is there a minimum amount I need to invest?

We’ve aimed to make it as affordable as possible to open an account with us. You can start your ISA, GIA or Junior ISA account with us for as little as £1, and open a pension with just £50. You can then choose if you want to make additional one-off or regular monthly payments. There’s no minimum top up amount for our Junior ISA, ISA or a GIA accounts, but each payment to your pension needs to be at least £50.

Can I monitor my investments?

With Wealthify, you have 24-hour, year-round online access to your investments. You can view and edit your Plans, and add or withdraw funds, in just a few clicks. Your Plan detail page shows you the lifetime performance of your Plan, the assets you hold, and your full transaction history (including monthly fee payments). It’s good to check in from time to time, but remember: investing is a long-term savings strategy.

Please note: withdrawals for Pensions and Junior ISAs are only available upon maturity.

Is investing risky?

Yes, all investing carries an element of risk, but Wealthify lets you choose the level of risk you’re comfortable to take. Our five-point scale lets you pick from a 'cautious' (low-risk) approach, to a more 'adventurous' (high-risk) approach. We also build you a diversified Investment Plan, meaning we don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Instead, we spread your investments (eggs) out across a number of different assets and markets (baskets). That way, you’re not relying on one particular ‘basket’ to get a return on your investment. Spreading (or diversifying) your risk is generally accepted as the most sensible way to invest, but it’s still never risk-free.

Please note: customers are all subject to a suitability quiz prior to opening an investment Plan.

Can you really build me a diversified portfolio if I only invest a small amount?

Yes. We believe we offer the best-value investment plans for those with a small amount to invest because no matter how much you start with, you still get a plan containing lots of investments from markets around the globe, meaning you’re not reliant on just a few investments to perform well (this is known as diversification!)

Customers investing smaller amounts of below £750get a plan containing around 15 funds, made up of approximately 6500 investments in total. We use mutual funds for these Plans, because they can be broken up into smaller pieces, which is ideal for lower-value plans because it means we can buy you more of them. Plans of more than £750 will contain up to 20 funds, including some more expensive funds known as Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs). These Plans will contain around 8000 investments in total. Ethical plans may contain ETFs, regardless ofhow much you invest.Lower value Plans may hold a larger proportion of cash than higher value plans, but will still contain as many as 15 funds.

All this means that every Wealthify Plan, no matter what its value, will contain an appropriate level of diversification for your investment style, so it doesn’t matter whether you start investing with a large or small sum, you’ll have a Plan that suits you. If you have a particular investment goal, you can see how much you need to invest and how much you could add each month to reach your target, on ourcreate a plan page.

Why should I invest with Wealthify?

From our clear and simple platform to our flexible Investment Plans and excellent customer service; there are hundreds of great reasons why you might want to invest with Wealthify.

We’ve also won a number of awards over the years, including:

  • Best Investment Platform for User Experience at the YourMoney.com Investment Awards 2023
  • Best Managed Stocks & Shares ISA @ Good Money Guide Awards 2023
  • Best Buy ISA, Best Buy JISA, Best for Beginners @ Boring Money Best Buys 2023
  • Best Wealth Investment Platform @ Online Money Awards 2023

Not only that, but our Junior ISA has been named the Best Junior ISA at the Personal Finance Awards five years in a row!

FAQ - Investing - Personal Investment Plans - ISAs (2024)


What are the rules for investing in an ISA? ›

Here are some ISA rules:
  • There's an annual limit on how much you can invest called the ISA allowance. It's currently set at £20,000 - good news for investors.
  • You need to be 18 years old to open a stocks and shares ISA.
  • Over a few years, it means you can have lots of ISAs and lots of different providers.

Is it worth investing in an ISA now? ›

If you have a long-term savings goal in mind, then a stocks and shares Isa can be greatly beneficial, according to Khalaf. “It can be used for a variety of longer-term investment goals, such as saving for school or university fees, to pay off a mortgage, or to boost your retirement fund,” he explained.

Do you have to be a UK resident to open an ISA? ›

Non UK residents cannot normally open an ISA. Expats may be able to keep their ISA, but they cannot add any more funds to it or open a new one, as long as they are not resident in the UK. We cannot advise you with regards what to do with your existing ISA. You may need to speak to an financial adviser.

How many ISAs can I invest in each year? ›

How many ISAs can you open in a tax year? Since the start of the 2024/25 tax year, there is no limit on the number of ISAs that you can open with different providers (apart from lifetime ISAs).

What is the 4% rule ISA? ›

The 4% rule says people should withdraw 4% of their retirement funds in the first year after retiring and take that dollar amount, adjusted for inflation, every year after. The rule seeks to establish a steady and safe income stream that will meet a retiree's current and future financial needs.

What happens if you pay into two ISAs in the same tax year? ›

You can pay into two ISAs in the same tax year provided they are different types of ISA. It would be fine to pay into both a cash ISA and a Stocks & Shares ISA in one tax year as long as you're below the £20,000 limit. You would not be able to pay into two different ISAs of the same type.

What are the disadvantages of a ISA? ›

What are the pros and cons of cash ISAs? Disadvantages: Interest rates may decrease, funds might be locked in fixed-rate ISAs, and not all accounts permit transfers, sometimes incurring exit fees.

Can I put $20,000 in an ISA every year? ›

Putting money into an ISA

Every tax year you can save up to £20,000 in one account or split the allowance across multiple accounts. The tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April. You can only pay into one Lifetime ISA in a tax year. The maximum you can pay in is £4,000.

What are the new ISA rules for 2024? ›

1.1 Increase the age for opening cash ISAs from 16 to 18 years old and over. From 6 April 2024 it will not be possible for anyone aged 17 and under to subscribe to more than one cash ISA . This is a mandatory change with transitional arrangements.

Can I keep my ISA if I move to the USA? ›

You can only make contributions or open a new ISA as a UK resident, but you are not obliged to close an account if you relocate. You do not usually have to pay tax on the growth within your ISA – although that may change depending on the tax legislation in your new country of residence.

Can a US citizen have an ISA? ›

The IRS does not recognise the status of an ISA and so, for US taxpayers, all the usual investment and tax reporting considerations that they have, still apply. Including the ISA in your annual Foreign Bank Account Reporting (FBAR). This does not mean that a US taxpayer cannot hold an ISA.

What does Martin Lewis say about cash ISAs? ›

"For most people with fixed rate cash ISAs, I can't promise everyone, but certainly enough of you very close to the end of it should be ditching them, paying the penalty, and putting them [the money] in somewhere that pays more at the moment."

Can you withdraw from an ISA? ›

You can take your money out of an Individual Savings Account ( ISA ) at any time, without losing any tax benefits. Check the terms of your ISA to see if there are any rules or charges for making withdrawals. There are different rules for taking your money out of a Lifetime ISA.

Is ISA interest tax free? ›

You pay no Income Tax on the interest or dividends you within an ISA and any profits from investments are free of Capital Gains Tax.

Can you transfer money from an ISA to a current account? ›

Withdrawing from an ISA. You can take money out of your ISA by making a quick transfer via our Internet Bank or Banking app to your Nationwide current account or savings account. Or, if your ISA allows, you can withdraw cash or cheques in your local branch.

What happens if I pay more than $20,000 into an ISA? ›

As £20000 is the maximum you can put into any combination of ISA's in a tax year, you will need to contact the ISA provider, who you saved £2000 with, so that they can repay the sum to you and bring you back in line with the ISA rules.

What is the 30 day ISA rule? ›

A 30-day rule exists, where you must wait 30 days to buy the same investment again to prevent investors from benefitting from 'bed and breakfasting. ' 'Bed and breakfasting' is when someone sells investments at the end of the tax year, uses the CGT allowance, and buys them when the tax year starts.

Can I invest in the S&P 500 with an ISA? ›

Find a share dealing platform that has the fund and open an account. Ideally, you want to use a stocks and shares ISA to shield your S&P 500 investment from tax.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.