Federal Financial Management: Substantial Progress Made since Enactment of the 1990 CFO Act; Refinements Would Yield Added Benefits (2024)

Fast Facts

Since the Chief Financial Officers Act was enacted nearly 30 years ago, the federal government has made significant progress in reforming and improving its financial management.

Among other things, the CFO Act and subsequent reforms have:

Modernized financial management leadership structures and systems

Helped prevent billions of dollars from being lost due to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement

Improved the accuracy, reliability, and transparency of government financial reporting practices

We recommended Congress consider legislation addressing eight areas to further improve federal financial management.

Federal Financial Management: Substantial Progress Made since Enactment of the 1990 CFO Act; Refinements Would Yield Added Benefits (1)

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What GAO Found

Since enactment of the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 (CFO Act), the federal government has significantly improved its financial management, though challenges remain.

Progress Made in Federal Financial Management since the CFO Act


  • Centralized leadership structures were established—Deputy Director for Management and Controller positions and chief financial officers (CFO).
  • Office of Management and Budget (OMB) prepared government-wide plans, issued guidance, and directed financial management activities.
  • Department of the Treasury (Treasury) issued financial reporting guidance and a 10-year vision for federal financial management.
  • CFO Council undertook initiatives to address government-wide financial management issues.
  • Inspectors general recommended improvements in government operations and prevented and detected fraud, waste, and abuse.

Financial reporting

  • Agencies’ audited financial statements improved accountability (see figure).
  • Since fiscal year 1997, Treasury, in coordination with OMB, annually prepared consolidated financial statements for the U.S. government.
  • Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board issued 58 standards.

Number of Unmodified (“Clean”) Audit Opinions for Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 Agencies for Fiscal Years 1996 through 2019

Federal Financial Management: Substantial Progress Made since Enactment of the 1990 CFO Act; Refinements Would Yield Added Benefits (2)

Internal control

  • CFO Act agencies significantly improved their internal controls, increasing the reliability of their financial information.
  • Treasury and OMB made significant progress in improving controls related to the consolidated financial statements of the U.S. government.
  • Annual audits identified the significance of improper payments and information security weaknesses.

Financial management systems

  • CFO Act agencies took steps to improve financial management systems and use government-wide providers for certain agency functions (e.g., payroll).

Financial management workforce

  • Office of Personnel Management periodically updated key standards.

Challenges That Remain in Federal Financial Management


  • CFOs would benefit from standardized financial management responsibilities to provide them with the necessary authorities to achieve the full potential of the CFO Act.
  • Deputy CFO positions would be strengthened by defined financial management responsibilities consistent with the breadth of those of the agency CFO. With frequent CFO turnover and a potentially lengthy vacancy period, long-term planning and leadership continuity can be affected.
  • Government-wide financial management plans, prepared every 4 years, would help to address long-standing, costly, and challenging concerns in a strategic, comprehensive, and cost-effective manner. Annual government-wide plans, required by the CFO Act, were last prepared by OMB for fiscal year 2009.

Financial reporting

  • Improving the linking of agency performance and cost information would help policymakers and managers make fully informed decisions.
  • Agencies currently have limited financial management performance-based metrics to help them assess the quality of their financial management.
  • Agencies may not have key financial management information needed for decision-making, such as for grants management. Without identifying and, if necessary, developing this information, the government cannot adequately ensure accountability or manage for results.

Internal control

  • Agencies may not have reasonable assurance that key financial management information is reliable. Without separately assessing and reporting on the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting and other key financial management information and independent audit testing, management lacks reasonable assurance of the reliability of such information.
  • Opportunities exist to address government-wide improper payments, which were estimated at about $175 billion for fiscal year 2019.
  • Material weaknesses continue to prevent an audit opinion on the U.S. government’s consolidated financial statements.

Financial management systems

  • Opportunities exist for improving financial management systems to reduce frequent failures or cost overruns and lengthy delays in deployment, and increase compliance with systems requirements.
  • Some agencies rely on legacy systems that use outdated languages, are costly to maintain, and may not report reliable information.
  • The widespread adoption of shared services—government-wide providers handling certain agency functions—faces challenges, thereby limiting cost savings.

Financial management workforce

  • Comprehensive planning could help agencies build a federal financial management workforce that can adapt to modern needs and close skills gaps.

Why GAO Did This Study

Prior to enactment of the CFO Act, federal agencies lost billions of dollars through fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement. The CFO Act was enacted, in part, to address these problems—calling for comprehensive federal financial management reform. Among other things, the act established CFO positions, provided for long-range planning, and began the process of auditing federal agency financial statements. The act also called for integrating accounting and financial management systems, and systematic performance measurement and cost information.

GAO was asked to review federal financial management since the CFO Act. This report discusses (1) progress the federal government has made in achieving the purposes of the CFO Act and improving federal financial management and (2) remaining challenges for the federal government in achieving effective government-wide financial management.

GAO reviewed relevant laws, guidance, and reports; conducted interviews of current and former federal financial management officials; held a discussion group with former CFOs and a panel discussion with experts in federal financial management; and conducted surveys of CFOs, inspectors general, and independent public accountants.


GAO is identifying eight matters for congressional consideration, including that Congress consider legislation to require

  • CFOs at the CFO Act agencies to have the responsibilities necessary to effectively carry out federal financial management activities;
  • deputy CFOs at the CFO Act agencies to have defined responsibilities consistent with the breadth of those of the agency CFO;
  • preparation of government-wide and agency-level 4-year financial management plans, including actions to improve financial management systems, strengthen the federal financial management workforce, and better link performance and cost information for decision-making, as well as an annual financial management status report;
  • preparation of comprehensive financial management performance-based metrics and reporting of executive agencies’ performance against the metrics; and
  • identification and, if necessary, development of key financial management information needed for effective financial management and decision-making as well as annual assessments and reporting by management on the effectiveness of internal control over the information and auditor testing and reporting on internal control over the information.

Treasury and OPM provided technical comments on the draft report. In its oral comments, OMB stated that it appreciated the incorporation of its views into the draft report and reemphasized its concerns relating to two matters for congressional consideration—a government-wide 4-year financial management plan and an annual status report and agencies assessing and reporting on the effectiveness of internal controls over key financial management information. GAO continues to believe that these measures would improve federal financial management.

Matter for Congressional Consideration

Matter Status Comments
Congress should consider legislation to require each CFO at a CFO Act agency to oversee and provide leadership for all of the responsibilities necessary to effectively carry out federal financial management activities, including the formulation and financial execution of the budget, planning and performance, risk management, internal control, financial systems, and accounting. (Matter for Consideration 1)


A bill (H.R. 7164) introduced by the 117th Congress in March 2022 proposed changes to the CFO Act. Among the proposed changes was language to clarify the duties and responsibilities of the CFO, including the formulation and financial execution of the budget, planning and performance, risk management, internal control, financial systems, and accounting. No further actions were taken with the 117th Congress. We will continue to monitor actions taken by the 118th Congress.
Congress should consider legislation to require deputy CFOs in CFO Act agencies to have defined responsibilities consistent with the breadth of those of the agency CFOs. (Matter for Consideration 2)


A bill (H.R.. 7164) introduced by the 117th Congress in March 2022 proposed changes to the CFO Act. Among the proposed changes was language to specify that the deputy CFO shall assist the agency CFO in the performance of each of the duties of the agency CFO. No further actions were taken with the 117th Congress. We will continue to monitor actions taken by the 118th Congress.
Congress should consider legislation to require the Director of OMB to prepare and submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a government-wide 4-year financial management plan (with timing to match the GPRA reporting requirements) and an annual financial management status report.

a. The plan should include actions for improving financial management systems, strengthening the federal financial management workforce, and better linking performance and cost information for decision-making.

b. The plan should be developed in consultation with the CFO Council, the Chief Information Officers Council, the Chief Data Officer Council, the Chief Acquisition Officers Council, CIGIE, GAO, and other appropriate financial management experts. (Matter for Consideration 3)


A bill (H.R. 7164) introduced by the 117th Congress in March 2022 proposed changes to the CFO Act. Among the proposed changes was language that calls for a government-wide 4-year financial management plan and an annual financial management status report. The plan is to address actions for improving financial management systems, strengthening the federal financial management workforce, and better linking performance and cost information for decision-making. The plan is to be developed in consultation with the CFO Council, the Chief Information Officers Council, the Chief Data Officer Council, the Chief Acquisition Officers Council, CIGIE, GAO, and other appropriate financial management experts. No further actions were taken with the 117th Congress. We will continue to monitor actions taken by the 118th Congress.
Congress should consider legislation to require each CFO at a CFO Act agency, in consultation with financial management and other appropriate experts, to prepare an agency plan to implement the 4-year government-wide financial management plan prepared by OMB. (Matter for Consideration 4)


A bill (H.R. 7164) introduced by the 117th Congress in March 2022 proposed changes to the CFO Act. Among the proposed changes was language that calls for the CFO of each CFO Act agency to prepare, in consultation with financial management and other appropriate experts, an agency plan to implement the 4-year financial management plan prepared by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and to achieve and sustain effective financial management in the agency. No further actions were taken with the 117th Congress. We will continue to monitor actions taken by the 118th Congress.
Congress should consider legislation to require the Director of OMB to prepare comprehensive financial management performance-based metrics and use these metrics to evaluate the financial management performance of executive agencies. The metrics should be included in the government-wide and agency-level financial management plans, and agencies' performance against the metrics should be reported in the annual financial management status reports. (Matter for Consideration 5)


A bill (H.R.. 7164) introduced by the 117th Congress in March 2022 proposed changes to the CFO Act. Among the proposed changes was language that calls for the Director of OMB to prepare comprehensive financial management performance-based metrics, which are to be used to evaluate the financial management performance of executive agencies. These metrics are to be included in the government-wide and agency-level financial management plans, and agencies' performance against the metrics are to be reported in annual financial management status reports. No further actions were taken with the 117th Congress. We will continue to monitor actions taken by the 118th Congress.
Congress should consider legislation to require the head of each executive agency to identify, and if necessary develop, the key financial management information, in addition to financial statements, needed for effective financial management and decision-making. (Matter for Consideration 6)


A bill (H.R. 7164) introduced by the 117th Congress in March 2022 proposed changes to the CFO Act. Among the proposed changes was language that calls for the head of each CFO Act agency to identify key financial management information needed for effective financial management decision-making. No further actions were taken with the 117th Congress. We will continue to monitor actions taken by the 118th Congress.
Congress should consider legislation to require the head of each executive agency to annually assess and separately report their conclusion on the effectiveness of internal controls of the agency over financial reporting and other key financial management information. (Matter for Consideration 7)


A bill (H.R. 7164) introduced by the 117th Congress in March 2022 proposed changes to the CFO Act. Among the proposed changes was language that calls for the head of each CFO Act agency to annually assess and separately report on the effectiveness of internal controls of the agency over financial reporting and other key financial management information. No further actions were taken with the 117th Congress. We will continue to monitor actions taken by the 118th Congress.
Congress should consider legislation to require auditors, as part of each financial statement audit of an executive agency, to test and report on internal control over financial reporting and other key financial management information. (Matter for Consideration 8)


A bill (H.R. 7164) introduced by the 117th Congress in March 2022 proposed changes to the CFO Act. Among the proposed changes was language that calls for the financial statement auditors of each CFO Act agency to report on their evaluation of internal control over financial reporting and other key financial management information. No further actions were taken with the 117th Congress. We will continue to monitor actions taken by the 118th Congress.

See All 8 Recommendations

Full Report

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Full Report (141 pages)
Accessible PDF (157 pages)
Federal Financial Management: Substantial Progress Made since Enactment of the 1990 CFO Act; Refinements Would Yield Added Benefits (2024)


How did the 1990 Chief financial Act impact U.S. federal government? ›

The CFO Act gave OMB new authority and responsibility for directing federal financial management, modernizing the government's financial management systems, and strengthening financial reporting. (GAO. The Chief Financial Officers Act: a Mandate for Federal Financial Management Reform.

What is the CFO Act of 1990 audit? ›

Among other things, the act established CFO positions, provided for long-range planning, and began the process of auditing federal agency financial statements. The act also called for integrating accounting and financial management systems, and systematic performance measurement and cost information.

What is the Federal financial management Improvement Act? ›

The purpose of the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (FFMIA) is to advance Federal financial management by ensuring that Federal financial management systems provide accurate, reliable, and timely financial management information to the government's managers.

Which of the following was established to implement the reporting requirements of the 1990 Chief Financial Officers Act multiple choice question? ›

To implement the reporting requirements of the 1990 Chief Financial Officers Act, the secretary of the Treasury, director of the OMB, and comptroller general (GAO) established the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB).

What impact did the Federal Reserve Act have on the US? ›

The 1913 Federal Reserve Act is legislation in the United States that created the Federal Reserve System. 1 Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act to establish economic stability in the U.S. by introducing a central bank to oversee monetary policy.

What was one of the effects of the Federal Reserve Act? ›

The Federal Reserve Act created a national currency and a monetary system that could respond effectively to the stresses in the banking system and create a stable financial system.

What are the objectives of Federal financial management? ›

OFFM's mission is to develop and implement coordinated policy with Federal Chief Financial Officers to assure that Federal financial management practices support effective delivery of service across the United States Federal government.

What is required to be prepared by federal government agencies in accordance with the CFO Act of 1990? ›

OMB Planning and Reporting

The CFO Act requires OMB to submit annually to Congress a financial management status report and a government-wide five-year plan for improvement. OMB previously published the status report and plan in a single document.

When was the CFO Act passed? ›

Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 - Title I: General Provisions - Sets forth congressional findings with respect to the financial management systems of the Federal Government. Declares the purposes of this Act to be to improve such systems.

Why is GASB 34 important? ›

Why is GASB 34 important? The goal of GASB 34 was to improve financial transparency within state and local governments fiscal reports. The GASB 34 increases governmental accountability by allowing citizens to participate in deciding operating budgets of state and local governments.

What does the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 require agencies to have? ›

FFMIA requires all Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act agencies to implement financial management systems that comply with three essential requirements: Federal financial management systems requirements, Federal accounting standards, and U.S. Standard General Ledger at the transaction level.

What is the purpose of GASB 34? ›

This Statement establishes financial reporting standards for state and local governments, including states, cities, towns, villages, and special-purpose governments such as school districts and public utilities.

Which act was enacted to improve corporate accountability and financial reporting? ›

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a federal law that established sweeping auditing and financial regulations for public companies. Lawmakers created the legislation to help protect shareholders, employees and the public from accounting errors and fraudulent financial practices.

Which organization is primarily responsible for creating financial reporting rules? ›

The FASB develops and issues financial accounting standards through a transparent and inclusive process intended to promote financial reporting that provides useful information to investors and others who use financial reports.

When companies artificially inflate or deflate their revenues or profits, has occurred? ›

Financial statement manipulation is the practice of altering a company's financial records to present a false picture of its financial condition. The manipulation invariably consists of either inflating revenues or deflating expenses or liabilities.

Why is financial responsibility important to the federal government? ›

The Federal Government has a fundamental responsibility to be effective stewards of the taxpayers' money. We must be responsible with money that comes in to the government, money that is spent, and money that is used in running the government itself.

What is the role of the CFO in the government? ›

The CFO ensures compliance with federal financial integrity legislation, including the CFO Act. The Office of the CFO leads efforts to examine, identify, and implement administrative cost reduction initiatives and improve efficiencies across the agency.

What are the areas of authority and responsibility for a chief financial officer (CFO)? ›

The term chief financial officer (CFO) refers to a senior executive responsible for managing the financial actions of a company. The CFO's duties include tracking cash flow and financial planning as well as analyzing the company's financial strengths and weaknesses and proposing corrective actions.

Who is the CFO of OPM? ›

Erica Roach is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the Office of Personnel Management. In this capacity, Erica oversees OPM's financial management, budget, performance, risk management, internal control, and financial audit activities.

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