Fertilizers: All About Numbers & Ratios, Synthetic vs Organic, and NPK (2024)

Fertilizer sections at nurseries, garden centers, and supply stores dazzle the gardener. The shelves are piled with boxes and bottles, the floors covered with bags stacked high. Labels identify the package contents as organic compost, rose food or vegetable food, lawn fertilizer or general-purpose fertilizer. In some stores, you’ll find bins filled with bone meal, blood meal, or hoof-and-horn meal―all labeled natural fertilizer. Choosing the right products to keep your plants healthy can often be a bit confusing.

Regardless of its type, any fertilizer you buy will come with information about the nutrients it contains, so you want to understand the N-P-K-ratio.

Prominently featured, the N-P-K-ratio is the percentage the product contains by volume of nitrogen (chemical symbol N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). A 16-16-16 fertilizer, for example, contains 16% nitrogen, 16% phosphorus, and 16% potassium. A 25-4-2 formulation contains 25% nitrogen, 4% phosphorus, and 2% potassium.

All fertilizers contain at least one of these components; if any is missing, the ratio will show a zero for that nutrient. (A 12-0-0 fertilizer contains nitrogen but no phosphorus or potassium, for instance).

Boxed, bagged, and bottled products display the N-P-K ratio on the label. For fertilizers sold in bulk from self-serve bins, the ratio is noted on the bin. One tip: Be sure to write the information on the bags you fill before you bring them home.

Complete and Incomplete Fertilizers

A fertilizer containing all three major nutrients is called a complete fertilizer; a product that supplies only one or two of them is an incomplete fertilizer.

Using a complete fertilizer for every garden purpose seems sensible, but, in fact, it isn’t always the best choice. If the soil contains sufficient phosphorus and potassium and is deficient only in nitrogen (as is often the case), you can save money by using an incomplete fertilizer that provides nitrogen alone (ammonium sulfate, for example). In some instances, complete fertilizers can even harm a plant. Exotic, bright-blossomed proteas, for example, will not tolerate excess phosphorus: they “glut” themselves on it and then die.

The inexpensive soil test kits sold at garden centers can give you a rough idea of the nutrients available in various parts of your garden. For a more detailed evaluation, you may want to pay for professional analysis, and there are mail-in versions of soil test kits, too. By revealing which nutrients may be lacking, testing can help you choose an appropriate fertilizer.

Fertilizers: All About Numbers & Ratios, Synthetic vs Organic, and NPK (1)

Kyle Johnson

General and Special-Purpose Fertilizers

The various products labeled “general-purpose fertilizers” contain either equal amounts of each major nutrient (N-P-K ratio 12-12-12, for example) or a slightly higher percentage of nitrogen than of phosphorus and potassium (such as a 12-8-6 product). Such fertilizers are intended to meet most plants’ general requirements throughout the growing season.

Special-purpose fertilizers, on the other hand, are formulated for specific needs. They’re aimed at the gardener who wants a particular combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for certain plants or garden situations. These fertilizers are of three general types.

One type, used during the period of active growth, contains largely nitrogen. Such products, with N-P-K ratios such as 16-6-4, are often used in spring, when you want to encourage lush growth or green up your lawn.

Another type is meant to stimulate root growth, stem vigor, and flower and fruit production. Fertilizers of this sort contain little nitrogen and higher levels of phosphorus and potassium; the N-P-K ratio may be 3-20-20, for example. These products are applied at different times and in different ways, depending on what you want to achieve. When you prepare a new planting area, for instance, you’ll work a dry granular fertilizer of this sort deeply into the soil, putting the phosphorus and potassium where roots can absorb them. The nutrients help strengthen the new plants’ developing stems and encourage the growth of a dense network of roots.

To promote flower production and increase the yields of fruit or vegetable crops, you apply the same sort of fertilizer to established plants after they’ve completed their first flush of growth. You can use either dry granules, scratching them lightly into the soil, or apply a liquid formula with a watering can or a hose-end applicator.

Fertilizers: All About Numbers & Ratios, Synthetic vs Organic, and NPK (2)

Courtesy of Urban Farmstead

A third group of fertilizers is designed for use on specific plants. These feature the N-P-K ratios determined to elicit the best performance from the particular plant, as well as other elements proven valuable to that plant. Such fertilizers are named according to the plant they’re intended to nourish. Especially useful are formulas for citrus trees and acid-loving plants such as camellia and rhododendron.

Recently, other such plant-specific fertilizers have appeared on nursery shelves, each claiming to be the best choice for a certain plant or group of plants; you may see several sorts of “tomato food” or “flower fertilizer,” for example. The jury is still out on the benefit of many of these products, and you will often do just as well to use a general-purpose type. The main distinction is often the price: the “special” formulas are usually costlier than general-purpose kinds.

Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are derived from the remains of living organisms; blood meal, bone meal, cottonseed meal, and fish emulsion are just a few of the many available types. Organic fertilizers release their nutrients slowly: rather than dissolving in water, they’re broken down by bacteria in the soil, providing nutrients as they decompose.

One of the many benefits of organics is they improve the “structure” of the soil the microorganisms that convert nutrients so plants can access them. Micronutrients are also often present, but they are not in synthetics.

Because these fertilizers act slowly, it’s almost impossible to “burn” or kill lawns or plants by applying too much (overdosing with synthetics, in contrast, can have potentially fatal results). Some manufacturers combine a variety of organic products in one package, then offer them for general-purpose or specialized use. Finally, they aren’t as water-soluble as synthetics, which means they won’t leach into waterways.

Two commonly used soil amendments―compost and manure―have some nutritive value and can be used as part of an organic fertilizing program. The N-P-K ratio of compost varies from 1.5-.5-1 to 3.5-1-2. Chicken manure’s N-P-K ratio ranges from 3-2.5-1.5 to 6-4-3; that of steer manure is usually a little less than 1-1-1.

Fertilizers containing seaweed are gaining favor with many gardeners. Besides providing nutrients in a form immediately available to plants, seaweed contains mannitol, a compound that enhances absorption of nutrients already in the soil, and various hormones that stimulate plant growth. And the carbohydrates in seaweed break down rapidly, nourishing soil-dwelling bacteria that fix nitrogen and make it available to plant roots.

Mixed with water and sprayed directly on foliage, seaweed-containing fertilizers can have dramatic effects in a matter of days. Plants green up and begin to produce new growth, and those that are weak stemmed and straggly straighten up and become stronger.

Synthetic fertilizers

These products are derived from the chemical sources listed on the product label. They’re faster acting than organic kinds and provide nutrients to plants quickly, making them a good choice for aiding plants in severe distress from nutrient deficiencies, but they are more likely to “burn” the plant.

Synthetic fertilizers are sold both as dry granules to be applied to the soil and as dry or liquid concentrates to be diluted in water before application. In dry form, they’re usually less expensive than their organic counterparts. In some of the dry granular types (those known as controlled-release fertilizers), the fertilizer granules are coated with a permeable substance; with each watering, a bit of fertilizer diffuses through the coating and into the soil. Depending on the particular product, the nutrient release may last anywhere from 3 to 8 months.

Fertilizers: All About Numbers & Ratios, Synthetic vs Organic, and NPK (3)

Some synthetic products are packaged for special purposes; you’ll find spikes and tabs for container plants, for example.

Note that synthetic fertilizers usually do not contain any of the secondary or micronutrients mentioned above―but in most cases, these nutrients are already present in the soil. If a test indicates that some are missing, look for a fertilizer that provides them.

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Fertilizers: All About Numbers & Ratios, Synthetic vs Organic, and NPK (4)

Thomas J. Story

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Fertilizers: All About Numbers & Ratios, Synthetic vs Organic, and NPK (5)

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Fertilizers: All About Numbers & Ratios, Synthetic vs Organic, and NPK (6)

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Fertilizers: All About Numbers & Ratios, Synthetic vs Organic, and NPK (7)

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Fertilizers: All About Numbers & Ratios, Synthetic vs Organic, and NPK (8)

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Keep Reading:
  • Garden Basics
Fertilizers: All About Numbers & Ratios, Synthetic vs Organic, and NPK (2024)


What is the difference between NPK and organic fertilizer? ›

Organically derived fertilizers typically have a lower NPK analysis (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) than synthetics fertilizers, but they feed plants for a much longer period of time. As a result, the impact of organic fertilizers on lawn and plants is usually more subtle.

What are the 3 types of fertilizers? ›

The Big 3—nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium—provide the foundational nutrients of today's commercial fertilizers.

What is the difference between organic and synthetic fertilizers? ›

Organic Fertilizers are materials derived from plant and animal parts or residues. Examples are, Blood Meal, Compost, Bat Guano, Manure, Seaweed, and Worm Castings. Synthetic Fertilizers are “Man made” inorganic compounds - usually derived from by-products of the petroleum industry.

What is NPK fertilizers ratio? ›

Prominently featured, the N-P-K-ratio is the percentage the product contains by volume of nitrogen (chemical symbol N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). A 16-16-16 fertilizer, for example, contains 16% nitrogen, 16% phosphorus, and 16% potassium.

What is 1 1 1 fertilizer good for? ›

1:1:1 NPK FERTILIZER contains equal parts nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. It is gentle enough to use as a general purpose liquid fertilizer for indoor plants and trees without burning foliage. NUTRIENT-RICH FORMULA acts as a liquid plant food to stimulate stem vigor, root growth and reproduction.

What is 16 16 16 fertilizer? ›

All fertilizers have a chemical listing of N-P-K. As an example a fertilizer listing of 16-16-16 contains 16% Nitrogen, 16% Phosphorous, and 16% Potassium. Some fertilizers contain trace elements, slow release nitrogen, and organic sources of nutrients.

What does 10-10-10 mean in fertilizer? ›

Understanding the Fertilizer Label

This label, known as the fertilizer grade, is a national standard. A bag of 10-10-10 fertilizer contains 10 percent nitrogen, 10 percent phosphate and 10 percent potash.

What is a good 10-10-10 fertilizer? ›

This Hyponex 40 lb. All-Purpose Fertilizer 10-10-10 is great for your vegetable garden, shrubs, trees or flower beds. The fast-release formula feeds your plants for up to 2 weeks.

What is one disadvantage to using a synthetic fertilizer? ›

Commercial growers often use synthetic fertilizer because it speeds up the growth process of their crop. However, overuse of synthetic fertilizers over time can deplete soils of natural microorganisms and nutrients.

What are the 3 types of inorganic fertilizers? ›

Types of Inorganic Fertilizers
  • Nitrogen Fertilizers. Many different chemical and physical forms of nitrogen (N) fertilizers exist. ...
  • Phosphorous Fertilizers. ...
  • Potassium Fertilizers. ...
  • Sulfur, Calcium, and Magnesium Fertilizers. ...
  • Micronutrient Fertilizers.

What are 5 examples of organic fertilizer? ›

Organic fertilizers. Examples of naturally occurring organic fertilizers include manure, slurry, worm castings, peat, seaweed and guano. Green manure crops are also grown to add nutrients to the soil.

What does 30 0 3 fertilizer mean? ›

Role of NPK

NITROGEN 30: Gives you green grass, fast! This water-ready, quick-release formula helps produce more chlorophyll for a faster, thicker, darker lawn. PHOSPHORUS 0: Phosphate-free! For reduced impact on lakes and streams. POTASSIUM 3: To help plants fight off disease and for water retention.

What is a 3 1 2 ratio fertilizer? ›

Studies have found that the ideal NPK fertilizer ratio of those nutrients for flowering plants is 3-1-2. (That's 3% Nitrogen, 1% phosphorus & 2% potassium.)

What is 15 15 15 fertilizer used for? ›

An economical fertilizer as a preplant or for application to turf, trees, ornamentals, citrus and vegetables.

What does 5 10 5 fertilizer mean? ›

The first number is nitrogen, the second is phosphorous, and the third is potassium. The numbers tell you the percentage of that nutrient in the bag. So,quiz time! If you have a 5-10-5 bag of fertilizer that weighs 10 pounds then 5 percent or one-half pound of it is nitrogen.

What is 4 3 2 fertilizer used for? ›

All purpose Lawn and Plant Fertilizer. High performance, environmentally friendly, slow nitrogen release, plant food.

What is 5 5 5 fertilizer good for? ›

SUNBurst 5-5-5 Fertilizer can be applied to all vegetables, fruit trees, nut trees, vines, flowering and ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, containerized plants, and turf.

What are the 3 main components of fertilizer? ›

Most fertilizers that are commonly used in agriculture contain the three basic plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Some fertilizers also contain certain "micronutrients," such as zinc and other metals, that are necessary for plant growth.

What is in synthetic fertilizer? ›

Synthetic fertilizer is derived from chemicals such as ammonia, natural gas, atmospheric nitrogen, phosphate minerals, and sulfur. A fertilizer manufacturing plant is used to prepare a number of different fertilizer blends.

What are the four kinds of organic fertilizer? ›

Commonly used organic fertilizers include composted animal manure, compost, sewage sludge, food processing wastes, and municipal biosolids. They improve soil health and release nutrients to soils gradually.

What does a 10 5 15 fertilizer mean? ›

These nutrients are the three numbers on a fertilizer bag listed in order (N-P-K). So, a fertilizer that contains 5-10-10 means it has 5 percent nitrogen, 10 percent phosphorus (phosphate), and 10 percent potassium (potash). A “complete” fertilizer contains all three.

What does it mean 20 20 20 fertilizer? ›

It contains equal amounts of nitrogen (20%), phosphorous (20%) and potassium (20%) to provide a balanced formula for your vegetable plants.

What is 30 0 10 fertilizer used for? ›

30-0-10 is a professional quality turf fertilizer for use on all lawn areas including fairways, tees, and other turf. The slow-release formula helps reduce mowing, conserve water and is non-leaching. Guaranteed Analysis: Total Nitrogen (N) - 30%

What is 4 4 4 fertilizer good for? ›

A truly all-purpose fertilizer, suitablefor a wide range of vegetables, flowers, trees, shrubs and lawns.

What is 13-13-13 fertilizer used for? ›

This Hyponex 13-13-13 40 lb. All-Purpose Fertilizer helps provide the nutrients your plants need to grow. This fertilizer is ideal for your vegetable garden, shrubs, trees, hedges and flowers. The fast-release formula feeds your plants up to 2 weeks.

What is 18 18 18 fertilizer used for? ›

AVANTAGE (18-18-18) Water-soluble fertilizer, foliar or soil applied. Recommended for the fruiting stages of fruit trees, vegetables and for flowers and ornamentals. Avantage (18-18-18) is totally water-soluble and suitable for all soil types and for all environmental conditions (cold and hot weather).

What is 12 4 8 fertilizer good for? ›

A very useful formulation for landscaping. DYNAMAX™ fertilizers are special formulations of the DYNA GREEN™ line designed to stimulate luxuriant growth and dark green foliage by supplying the “extras” not found in the standard formulations.

What is 12 12 12 fertilizer used for? ›

Ideal for vegetable and flower gardens, shrubs and landscape plantings. The quick release formula can be applied every 30 days through-out the growing season to provide primary nutrients to promote plant growth.

What will happen if you put too much synthetic fertilizer on a plant? ›

Excess fertilizer alters the soil by creating too high of a salt concentration, and this can hurt beneficial soil microorganisms. Over- fertilization can lead to sudden plant growth with an insufficient root system to supply adequate water and nutrients to the plant.

Why do farmers use synthetic fertilizers? ›

Synthetic nitrogen, now used extensively in conventional fertilizers, helps farmers produce higher yields to feed a growing world population. However, when this nitrogen is not fully utilized by the growing plants, they can be lost from the farm fields and negatively impact air and downstream water quality.

Why is synthetic nitrogen fertilizer bad? ›

The overuse of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture leads to higher emissions of nitrous oxide, a gas that is 300 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. Synthetic nitrogen has also caused water pollution at both surface and ground levels.

What are the six types of fertilizers? ›

Fertilizer Types: 6 Main Types of Fertilizers
  • Type # 1. Nitrogenous Fertilizers:
  • Type # 2. Organic Nitrogenous Fertilizers:
  • Type # 3. Phosphate Fertilizers:
  • Type # 4. Potassic Fertilizers:
  • Type # 5. Compound Fertilizers:
  • Type # 6. Complete Fertilizer (NPK):

What are 5 examples of inorganic fertilizer? ›

Many can be applied directly such as anhydrous ammonia, urea, urea-ammonium nitrate solutions, triple superphosphate, ammonium phosphates, and muriate of potash (potassium chloride).

Which fertilizer is better organic or inorganic? ›

But organic fertilizers have advantages. They don't make a crust on the soil as inorganic fertilizers sometimes do. They improve water movement into the soil and, in time, add structure to the soil. Organics feed beneficial microbes, making the soil easier to work.

Which is the best organic NPK fertilizer? ›

Poultry and animal manures have been used as organic fertilizers for centuries. If used correctly, they remain among the best npk fertilizer options for organic gardeners today. Manures are nicely balanced, providing small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, in a base of predigested organic matter.

What is the best fertilizer in the world? ›

11 of the Best Fertilizers for Your Vegetable Garden
  • Alaska Fish Emulsion.
  • Arbico Organics Earthworm Castings.
  • Burpee Bone Meal.
  • Dr. Earth Bulb Food.
  • Down To Earth Acid Mix.
  • Ecoscraps Leafy Greens Plant Food.
  • Espoma Garden-Tone.
  • Foxfarm Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom.
Apr 22, 2022

What is 5 10 10 fertilizer good for? ›

Description. A good garden fertilizer for plants that produce bulbs below the ground, such as potatoes and beets.

What is 0 10 10 fertilizer good for? ›

This 0-10-10 NPK rating formula provides phosphorus and potassium to your flowering plants. Potassium promotes stronger plants, bigger blooms, and more fruits and vegetables, while phosphorus helps develop strong roots.

What is 10 20 10 fertilizer good for? ›

Summary. Low nitrogen and potassium, in combination with higher levels of phosphorus, make 10-20-10 a great choice for gardeners looking to improve root development, homeowners looking for a better root system in warm-season grasses or someone who is growing a newly established lawn in from seed.

What is 10 30 20 fertilizer? ›

NPK 10 - 30 - 20 is a water-soluble fertilizer powder used when transplanting, before flowering or when more phosphate is necessary to plants. It works effectively on almost all types of plants to ensure a more developed root system and rapid crop growth.

What is 7 7 7 fertilizer good for? ›

Growmore 7-7-7 is a well known balance NPK suitable as a short general feed. Growmore fertiliser offers a multi-purpose planting fertiliser that is ideal for use in the garden. Growmore can also be used on established plants as a balanced feed.

What is 2 3 1 fertilizer good for? ›

This fertilizer supplies trace minerals that build soil health and produce more blooms on all flowering plants.

What is 12 12 17 fertilizer uses? ›

NPK 12-12-17 Grandfield Adfert Fertilizer can be mixed with soil amendments and Humic acid before application. It helps to promote absorption rates of nutrients to increase flowering and blooming strength in crops, landscape plants, ornamental plants, and fruit trees.

What is the purpose of 16 20 0 fertilizer? ›

BENEFITS: BEST® Ammonium Phosphate 16-20-0: Is a hom*ogeneous fertilizer (hom*ogeneous means that each pellet contains the same ratio of nutrients) to prevent nutrient segregation and insure even and uniform distribution of the fertilizer (no streaking). Contains 13% sulfur to enhance plant color and density.

What is 15 30 15 fertilizer used for? ›

15-30-15 can be used to remedy phosphorus deficient soils. Plant-Prod 15-30-15 High P fertilizer is recommended at the beginning of growth, as required by many greenhouse crops, in particular by tomatoes and cucumber grown in open ground.

What is the organic substitute of NPK? ›

Animal Manure

Manure is a complete NPK alternative but is fairly low in terms of the nutrients it supplies to your soil. Manures vary in nutrient content depending on the animal source, but a rate of 1-1-1 is common.

What are the disadvantages of NPK fertilizer? ›

The biggest drawback to organic fertilizers are:
  • NPK directly affects plant growth by feeding the plant.
  • Some organics can take longer to green up the lawn.
  • It often takes longer to help your plants grow.
Jan 31, 2019

Which is better NPK or DAP? ›

To clear the air, a simple test called phosphate fixation capacity can indicate whether the soil requires phosphorus fertilisation every season. The argument by extension officers that the NPK fertiliser is superior to DAP because the latter does not acidify soils is highly debatable.

What is the difference between fertilizer and organic fertilizer? ›

A chemical fertilizer is defined as any inorganic material of wholly or partially synthetic origin that is added to soil to sustain plant growth. Organic fertilizers are substances that are derived from the remains or byproducts of natural organisms which contain the essential nutrients for plant growth.

What are 5 organic fertilizers examples? ›

Organic fertilizers. Examples of naturally occurring organic fertilizers include manure, slurry, worm castings, peat, seaweed and guano. Green manure crops are also grown to add nutrients to the soil.

Is NPK fertilizer organic or inorganic? ›

Inorganic fertilization is commonly used by farmers such as the implementation of NPK fertilizer in the form of Urea, SP 36, and KCl. N, P, and K nutrients are essential nutrients for plants, it must always be available in the soil.

Which organic fertilizer is rich in NPK? ›

Organic NPK Fertilizer from BAC

Bio Pellets - With an NPK ratio of 10-4-6, these pellets are high in nitrogen. The pellets can be used to enhance the nutrient contents of soil or cocos.

Which NPK is the best? ›

Studies have found that the ideal NPK fertilizer ratio of those nutrients for flowering plants is 3-1-2. (That's 3% Nitrogen, 1% phosphorus & 2% potassium.) So look for that ratio on the label of packaged fertilizers; anything close to a 3-1-2, a 6-2-4 or a 9-3-6 should be ideal.

What happens if there is too much NPK? ›

Excess nitrogen can cause plants to grow excessively and develop overly succulent leaves and shoots, which promotes outbreaks of certain sucking insects and mites. Excessive nitrogen causes fruiting plants to produce relatively more foliage, reducing their fruit production and delaying fruit maturity.

Is higher NPK better? ›

Plants that are almost all leaves need a lot of nitrogen, so look for a fertilizer with a high first number. The higher the number, the more nitrogen the fertilizer provides. This is why most lawn fertilizers are high in nitrogen, with formulations like 24-4-12 or 20-2-6.

What is 20 20 0 13 fertilizer? ›

IFFCO manufactures NP Grade 20-20-0-13, An Ammonium Phosphate Sulphate Fertiliser. Besides two macro-nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus), it provides Sulphur which is an essential nutrient essential for the growth of plants and aids in chlorophyll synthesis.

Which NPK is best for root growth? ›

Phosphorus (P) promotes root growth, promotes flowering & fruit set, and disease resistance. Moves slowly. Potassium (K) promotes overall vigor, fruit ripening, and disease resistance.

Why is potash called potash? ›

Fertilizer potassium is sometimes called “potash”, a term that comes from an early production technique where potassium was leached from wood ashes and concentrated by evaporating the leachate in large iron pots (“pot-ash”).

How can you tell if a fertilizer is organic or inorganic? ›

If it's from a living source, such as a plant or animal, the fertilizer is organic. If it's manufactured, it's an inorganic fertilizer.

Can I use organic and synthetic fertilizers together? ›

You can use both organic and synthetic fertilizers. For immediate results, you may need to feed with synthetic fertilizers while adding organic fertilizer blends to rebuild soil health over time.

What are the two A disadvantages of organic fertilizer? ›

While organic fertilisers have many benefits, there are some drawbacks that should be considered before using them. One of the main drawbacks is that they can be more expensive than chemical fertilisers. Another downside to organic fertilisers is that they can take longer to work than chemical fertilisers.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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