Find stocks worth buying with Machine Learning (2024)

Is it possible to have a machine learning model learn the differences between stocks that perform well and those that don’t, and then leverage this knowledge in order to predict which stock will be worth buying? Moreover, is it possible to achieve this simply by looking at financial indicators found in the 10-K filings?

Find stocks worth buying with Machine Learning (3)

The algorithmic trading space is buzzing with new strategies. Companies have already spent billions (and keep investing) in infrastructures and R&D to be able to jump ahead of the competition and beat the market. Still, it is well acknowledged that the buy & hold strategy is able to outperform many of the algorithmic strategies, especially in the long-run. However, finding value in stocks is an art that very few mastered, can an algorithm be trained to do that?

This article contains all the steps required to build a dataset of financial data for a lot of stocks and to analyze it with different machine learning models. You will see throughout the article that this modus-operandi does not leverage historic ticker price data, but financial indicators found in the 10-K filings that each publicly traded company releases yearly. In particular, for the sake of this article, we will use the financial data from 2018 in order to make some fictitious predictions regarding the performance of stocks during 2019 (meaning from the first trading day of Jan ‘19 to the last trading day of Dec ‘19).

Before jumping in the code, it must be crystal clear is that this article does not present an actual trading strategy that you can use:

  1. I am not a financial advisor and you should definitely not take financial advice from the internet.
  2. You can’t implement it to predict the stock market because you lack future information required to set the labels in the training phase.

What this article wants to explore is the possibility of having ML algorithms recognise stocks that grew in value by training and feeding them with the numbers reported in the financial statements. To check whether or not this is true, the predictions made by the ML algorithms in the testing phase (which can be considered as fictitious trades) will be compared to the S&P 500 and Dow Jones benchmarks.

Finally, we will not buy and sell the stocks multiple times during the year: we will use a lazy strategy, buying stocks at the beginning of the year (2019 in this case) and then selling them at the end of the year, hopefully for a profit.

With that being said, let’s jump right into the fun part.


If you are familiar with machine learning in Python you should already know all the packages and library that we will be using. If you are new to the field don’t be scared, you can find a lot of information and tutorials for each package and library. All packages used are easily retrievable and can be installed with either pip or conda depending on your Python setup (Python 3.7.5 has been used here).

An internet connection is required in order to scrape the data from the web (we will use the excellent free API and the well knownpandas_datareader).

from sys import stdout
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader import data
import json

# Reading data from external sources
import urllib as u
from urllib.request import urlopen

# Machine learning (preprocessing, models, evaluation)
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

# Graphics
from tqdm import tqdm

We will also need a few helper functions in order to streamline the code:

  1. get_json_data: used to scrape the links to financialmodelingprep API, and to pull the financial data.
  2. get_price_var: used to compute the price variation during 2019, leverages pandas_datareader and Yahoo Finance.
  3. find_in_json: used to scan a complex json file for a key and return its value.
def get_json_data(url):
Scrape data (which must be json format) from given url
Input: url to financialmodelingprep API
Output: json file
response = urlopen(url)
dat ='utf-8')
return json.loads(dat)

def get_price_var(symbol):
Get historical price data for a given symbol leveraging the power of pandas_datareader and Yahoo.
Compute the difference between first and last available time-steps in terms of Adjusted Close price..
Input: ticker symbol
Output: price variation
# read data
prices = data.DataReader(symbol, 'yahoo', '2019-01-01', '2019-12-31')['Adj Close']

# get all timestamps for specific lookups
today = prices.index[-1]
start = prices.index[0]

# calculate percentage price variation
price_var = ((prices[today] - prices[start]) / prices[start]) * 100
return price_var

def find_in_json(obj, key):
Scan the json file to find the value of the required key.
Input: json file
required key
Output: value corresponding to the required key
# Initialize output as empty
arr = []

def extract(obj, arr, key):
Recursively search for values of key in json file.
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
if isinstance(v, (dict, list)):
extract(v, arr, key)
elif k == key:
elif isinstance(obj, list):
for item in obj:
extract(item, arr, key)
return arr

results = extract(obj, arr, key)
return results


First, we need to get a list of stocks that will be used to build the dataset. Since there are thousands of stocks whose information can be scraped online, I decided to simply pull the whole list of available stocks on Financial Modeling Prep API.

The list comprehends a total of more than 7k stocks, which clearly spans more than one sector. Indeed, each company belongs to its sector (Technology, Healthcare, Energy, …), which in turn may be characterized by certain seasonalities, macro-economic trends and so on. As of now, I decided to focus on the Technology sector: this means that from the complete list of available stocks available_tickers I only keep those whose sector is equal to Technology. This operation is quite straight forward thanks to the power of pandas library.

So, the list tickers_tech will contain all the available stocks, on Financial Modeling Prep API, belonging to the Technology sector.

url = ''
ticks_json = get_json_data(url)
available_tickers = find_in_json(ticks_json, 'symbol')

tickers_sector = []
for tick in tqdm(available_tickers):
url = '' + tick # get sector from here
a = get_json_data(url)
tickers_sector.append(find_in_json(a, 'sector'))

S = pd.DataFrame(tickers_sector, index=available_tickers, columns=['Sector'])

# Get list of tickers from TECHNOLOGY sector
tickers_tech = S[S['Sector'] == 'Technology'].index.values.tolist()


The price variation of each stock listed in tickers_tech during 2019 will be used as metric to distinguish between stocks worth buying and those that are not (because they decrease their value, for reasons we don’t really care about). So, we need to:

  • pull all the daily Adjusted Close Price for each stock, compute difference (this is done thanks to the helper function get_price_var
  • if no data is found, skip the stock
  • limit the number of stocks to be scanned to 1000 (for time purposes. When we will pull the financial data, the time required is proportional to the number of stocks, so to keep it reasonable we can limit the number of stocks to a threshold. However, you can drop this check and let the computer do its thing during nighttime).
  • store stocks and relative 2019 price variations in the dataframe D
pvar_list, tickers_found = [], []
num_tickers_desired = 1000
count = 0
tot = 0
TICKERS = tickers_tech

for ticker in TICKERS:
tot += 1
pvar = get_price_var(ticker)
count += 1

stdout.write(f'\rScanned {tot} tickers. Found {count}/{len(TICKERS)} usable tickers (max tickets = {num_tickers_desired}).')

if count == num_tickers_desired: # if there are more than 1000 tickers in sectors, stop

# Store everything in a dataframe
D = pd.DataFrame(pvar_list, index=tickers_found, columns=['2019 PRICE VAR [%]'])

For the stocks in D, we now need to find the values of the indicators that will become the input data to the classification models. We leverage once again the FinancialModelingPrep API.

First we load the indicators.tx file (available in the repository). As explained the the README document, a plethora of financial indicators are being scraped. I decided to perform a brute force of all the available indicators from the FinancialModelingPrep API, and then I will worry about cleaning and preparing the dataset for the models. The table below summarizes the quantity of financial indicator available for each category.

Find stocks worth buying with Machine Learning (4)

In total, 224 indicators are available. However, since there are some duplicates, the actual number of indicators in indicators.txtis 221 (not counting the date). You can find the indicators.txt file here:


As of now we have listed the stocks that belong to the Technology sector, and we have also listed their 2019 price variation. It is time to scrape the financial indicators that will later be used as input features to out classification models.

The scraping will once again be performed thanks to the Financial Modeling Prep API. This process is quite time-consuming since it is required to pull a lot of data iteratively.

Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that:

  • it is required to pull data within a specific time frame. Since the objective is the classification of a stock according to its price variation during year 2019, the financial indicators must belong to the end of year 2018.
  • it is possible, albeit uncommon, that one company filed two 10-K documents in the same year. In this case only the most recent entry must be kept.
  • it is possible that the API does not return any data at all for a given stock. In this case the stock must be discarded.
  • not all indicators will return a value. It is fair to expect that a percentage of the indicators are missing for one reason or another. In this case, np.nan will be assigned to the missing entries, and we will take care of them in the cleaning stage.

In the end, what we want to obtain is a dataframe DATA where the rows correspond to the stocks for which the data has been found (actual_tickers) and the columns correspond to the financial indicators (indicators).

# Initialize lists and dataframe (dataframe is a 2D numpy array filled with 0s)
missing_tickers, missing_index = [], []
d = np.zeros((len(tickers_found), len(indicators)))

for t, _ in enumerate(tqdm(tickers_found)):
# Scrape indicators from financialmodelingprep API
url0 = '' + tickers_found[t]
url1 = '' + tickers_found[t]
url2 = '' + tickers_found[t]
url3 = '' + tickers_found[t]
url4 = '' + tickers_found[t]
url5 = '' + tickers_found[t]
a0 = get_json_data(url0)
a1 = get_json_data(url1)
a2 = get_json_data(url2)
a3 = get_json_data(url3)
a4 = get_json_data(url4)
a5 = get_json_data(url5)

# Combine all json files in a list, so that it can be scanned quickly
A = [a0, a1, a2 , a3, a4, a5]
all_dates = find_in_json(A, 'date')

check = [s for s in all_dates if '2018' in s] # find all 2018 entries in dates
if len(check) > 0:
date_index = all_dates.index(check[0]) # get most recent 2018 entries, if more are present

for i, _ in enumerate(indicators):
ind_list = find_in_json(A, indicators[i])
d[t][i] = ind_list[date_index]
d[t][i] = np.nan # in case there is no value inserted for the given indicator


actual_tickers = [x for x in tickers_found if x not in missing_tickers]
d = np.delete(d, missing_index, 0)

#raw dataset
DATA = pd.DataFrame(d, index=actual_tickers, columns=indicators)


The preparation of the dataset is somewhat an art form. I limited my actions to the application of the common practices, such as:

  • removing columns that have a lot of nan values.
  • removing columns that have a lot of 0 values.
  • fill the remaining nan values with the average value of the column.

For instance, in this specific case there are an average of 84 0-values per column, with a standard deviation of 140. So I decided to remove from the dataframe all those columns where the occurrences of 0-values is higher than 20 (20 being about 3.1% of the total number of rows of the dataset).

At the same time, there is an average of about 37 nan entries per column, with a standard deviation of about 86. So I decided to remove from the dataframe all those columns where the occurrences of nan entries is higher than 15 (15 being about 2.4% of the total number of rows of the dataset). Then, the remaining nan entries have been filled with the average value of the column.

At the end of the cleaning process, the number of columns of DATA has decreased from 221 to 108, a 50% reduction. While certainly some of the discarded indicators were useless due to the lack of data, it is possible that useful data has been lost in this process too. However, it must be considered that we need useful data across all stocks in the dataset, so I think it is acceptable to discard those indicators (columns) that may be relevant only to a small portion of the dataset.

Finally, it is required to classify each sample. For each stock it has already been computed the difference in trading price between the first trading day on January 2019 and the last trading day on December 2019 (dataset D). If this difference is positive, then that stock will belong to class 1, which is a BUY signal. On the contrary, if the difference in price is negative, the stock will be classified as a 0, which is an IGNORE signal (do not buy). A quick recap is found in the table below.

Find stocks worth buying with Machine Learning (5)

So, this array of 1 and 0 values will be appended as the last column of the dataframe DATA.

# Remove columns that have more than 20 0-values
DATA = DATA.loc[:, DATA.isin([0]).sum() <= 20]

# Remove columns that have more than 15 nan-values
DATA = DATA.loc[:, DATA.isna().sum() <= 15]

# Fill remaining nan-values with column mean value
DATA = DATA.apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()))

# Get price variation data only for tickers to be used
D2 = D.loc[DATA.index.values, :]

# Generate classification array
y = []
for i, _ in enumerate(D2.index.values):
if D2.values[i] >= 0:

# Add array to dataframe
DATA['class'] = y

This concludes the section 1 of this article. We have built a dataset containing both relevant financial indicators from 2018 and the binary classes which come from the price action of the stocks during 2019. In section 2, we will focus on the implementation of a few machine learning algorithms in order to make predictions about the stocks, and try to beat the market!


Before having fun running experiments with different machine learning algorithms, we must apply the finishing touches to the dataset, which comprehend:

  1. split the dataset in training and testing datasets;
  2. standardize the dataset so that each indicator has mean 0 and standard deviation equal to 1.

So, for what concerns the split it into training and testing, 80% of the available data in DATA will be used to train the algorithms, while the remaining 20% will be used to test the ML algorithms. Note the parameter stratify used in order to keep the same class-ratio between training and testing datasets. From the train_split and test_split we extract both input data X_train, X_test and output target data y_train, y_test. A sanity check is performed afterwards.

# Divide data in train and testing
train_split, test_split = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2, random_state=1, stratify=df['class'])
X_train = train_split.iloc[:, :-1].values
y_train = train_split.iloc[:, -1].values
X_test = test_split.iloc[:, :-1].values
y_test = test_split.iloc[:, -1].values

print(f'Number of training samples: {X_train.shape[0]}')
print(f'Number of testing samples: {X_test.shape[0]}')
print(f'Number of features: {X_train.shape[1]}')

The results are:

Number of training samples: 510

Number of testing samples: 128

Number of features: 107

For what concerns the standardization of the data, we leverage the StandardScaler() available from scikit-learn. It is important to use the same coefficients when standardizing both training and testing data: for this reason we first fit the scaler to X_train, and then apply it it both X_train and X_test via the method .transform().

# Standardize input data
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_train = scaler.transform(X_train)
X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)


The first classification algorithm we will run is the support vector machine. A GridSeachCV is performed in order to tune some hyper-parameters (kernel, gamma, C). The required number of cross-validations is set to 5. We want to achieve maximum weighted precision, in order to minimize the number of false positives.

# Parameter grid to be tuned
tuned_parameters = [{'kernel': ['rbf', 'linear'],
'gamma': [1e-3, 1e-4],
'C': [0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100]}]

clf1 = GridSearchCV(SVC(random_state=1),
cv=5), y_train)

print('Best score and parameters found on development set:')
print('%0.3f for %r' % (clf1.best_score_, clf1.best_params_))

The results are not too bad. We can see, as shown below, that we have a weighted precision of 71.3%. If you read carefully, you may have noticed that the scoring parameter is set equal to the metric precision_weighted. This has been done in order to optimize the algorithms with respect to their precision (to not be confused with accuracy!) and weighted, because we don’t have the same number of sample for both classes (buy-worthy stocks and not buy-worthy stocks). For more info about this and others scoring parameters you can check the docs here

Best score and parameters found on development set: 0.713 for {‘C’: 0.01, ‘gamma’: 0.001, ‘kernel’: ‘linear’}


The second classification algorithm we will run is the random forest. A GridSeachCV is performed in order to tune some hyper-parameters (n_estimators, max_features, max_depth, criterion). The required number of cross-validations is set to 5. We want to achieve maximum weighted precision, in order to minimize the number of false positives.

# Parameter grid to be tuned
tuned_parameters = {'n_estimators': [32, 256, 512, 1024],
'max_features': ['auto', 'sqrt'],
'max_depth': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
'criterion': ['gini', 'entropy']}
clf2 = GridSearchCV(RandomForestClassifier(random_state=1),
cv=5), y_train)
print('Best score and parameters found on development set:')
print('%0.3f for %r' % (clf2.best_score_, clf2.best_params_))

We can see, as shown below, that this algorithm outperforms the support vector machine by a few percent points, since we have a weighted precision of 72.4%.

Best score and parameters found on development set: 0.724 for {'criterion': 'gini', 'max_depth': 5, 'max_features': 'auto', 'n_estimators': 32}


The third classification algorithm we will run is the extreme gradient boosting. A GridSeachCV is performed in order to tune some hyper-parameters (learning_rate, max_depth, n_estimators). The required number of cross-validations is set to 5. We want to achieve maximum weighted precision, in order to minimize the number of false positives.

# Parameter grid to be tuned
tuned_parameters = {'learning_rate': [0.01, 0.001],
'max_depth': [4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
'n_estimators': [32, 128, 256]}
clf3 = GridSearchCV(xgb.XGBClassifier(random_state=1),
cv=5), y_train)
print('Best score and parameters found on development set:')
print('%0.3f for %r' % (clf3.best_score_, clf3.best_params_))

This algorithm underperfoms both the support vector machine and the random forest classifier by a few percent points, since we have a weighted precision of 69.7%.

Best score and parameters found on development set: 0.697 for {'learning_rate': 0.001, 'max_depth': 4, 'n_estimators': 256}


The fourth classification algorithm we will run is the multi-layer perceptron (feed-forward neural network). A GridSeachCV is performed in order to tune some hyper-parameters (hidden_layer_sizes, activation, solver). The required number of cross-validations is set to 5. We want to achieve maximum weighted precision, in order to minimize the number of false positives.

# Parameter grid to be tuned
tuned_parameters = {'hidden_layer_sizes': [(32,), (64,), (32, 64, 32)],
'activation': ['tanh', 'relu'],
'solver': ['lbfgs', 'adam']}
clf4 = GridSearchCV(MLPClassifier(random_state=1, batch_size=4, early_stopping=True),
cv=5), y_train)
print('Best score, and parameters, found on development set:')
print('%0.3f for %r' % (clf4.best_score_, clf4.best_params_))

This algorithm is the best yet, since it outperforms all the previously tested algorithms. The MLP yields to a weighted precision of 73%.

Best score, and parameters, found on development set: 0.730 for {'activation': 'relu', 'hidden_layer_sizes': (32, 64, 32), 'solver': 'adam'}


Now that 4 classification algorithms have been trained, we must test them and compare their performance with respect to each other and to what is considered the benchmark in this field (S&P 500, DOW JONES). Indeed, we don’t limit ourselves to the comparison of their testing accuracies: we want to understand which algorithm leads to the best return on investment (ROI). To do this, we must first get the 2019 price variations contained inpvar of only those stocks that belong to the testing dataset (which we did not use yet!).

# Get 2019 price variations ONLY for the stocks in testing split
pvar_test = pvar.loc[test_split.index.values, :]

Now, we build a new dataframe df1 in which, for each tested stock, we collect all the predicted classes from each model (it is reminded that the two classes are 0=IGNORE, 1=BUY).

If the model predicts class 1, we proceed to buy 100 USD worth of that stock; otherwise, we ignore the stock.

# Initial investment can be $100 for each stock whose predicted class = 1
buy_amount = 100
# In new dataframe df1, store all the information regarding each model's predicted class and relative gain/loss in $USD
df1 = pd.DataFrame(y_test, index=test_split.index.values, columns=['ACTUAL']) # first column is the true class (BUY/INGORE)
df1['SVM'] = clf1.predict(X_test) # predict class for testing dataset
df1['VALUE START SVM [$]'] = df1['SVM'] * buy_amount # if class = 1 --> buy $100 of that stock
df1['VAR SVM [$]'] = (pvar_test['2019 PRICE VAR [%]'].values / 100) * df1['VALUE START SVM [$]'] # compute price variation in $
df1['VALUE END SVM [$]'] = df1['VALUE START SVM [$]'] + df1['VAR SVM [$]'] # compute final value
df1['RF'] = clf2.predict(X_test)
df1['VALUE START RF [$]'] = df1['RF'] * buy_amount
df1['VAR RF [$]'] = (pvar_test['2019 PRICE VAR [%]'].values / 100) * df1['VALUE START RF [$]']
df1['VALUE END RF [$]'] = df1['VALUE START RF [$]'] + df1['VAR RF [$]']
df1['XGB'] = clf3.predict(X_test)
df1['VALUE START XGB [$]'] = df1['XGB'] * buy_amount
df1['VAR XGB [$]'] = (pvar_test['2019 PRICE VAR [%]'].values / 100) * df1['VALUE START XGB [$]']
df1['VALUE END XGB [$]'] = df1['VALUE START XGB [$]'] + df1['VAR XGB [$]']
df1['MLP'] = clf4.predict(X_test)
df1['VALUE START MLP [$]'] = df1['MLP'] * buy_amount
df1['VAR MLP [$]'] = (pvar_test['2019 PRICE VAR [%]'].values / 100) * df1['VALUE START MLP [$]']
df1['VALUE END MLP [$]'] = df1['VALUE START MLP [$]'] + df1['VAR MLP [$]']

Finally, we build a compact dataframe MODELS_COMPARISON in which we collect the main information required to perform the comparison between the classification models and the benchmarks (S&P 500, DOW JONES).

Leveraging the dataframe df1, we can easily compute gains and losses for each model (net_gain_, percent_gain_).

Since we miss the data from the benchmarks, we quickly exploit the custom function get_price_var in order to get the percent price variation for both S&P 500 (^GSPC) and DOW JONES (^DJI) for the year 2019.

# Create a new, compact, dataframe in order to show gain/loss for each model
start_value_svm = df1['VALUE START SVM [$]'].sum()
final_value_svm = df1['VALUE END SVM [$]'].sum()
net_gain_svm = final_value_svm - start_value_svm
percent_gain_svm = (net_gain_svm / start_value_svm) * 100
start_value_rf = df1['VALUE START RF [$]'].sum()
final_value_rf = df1['VALUE END RF [$]'].sum()
net_gain_rf = final_value_rf - start_value_rf
percent_gain_rf = (net_gain_rf / start_value_rf) * 100
start_value_xgb = df1['VALUE START XGB [$]'].sum()
final_value_xgb = df1['VALUE END XGB [$]'].sum()
net_gain_xgb = final_value_xgb - start_value_xgb
percent_gain_xgb = (net_gain_xgb / start_value_xgb) * 100
start_value_mlp = df1['VALUE START MLP [$]'].sum()
final_value_mlp = df1['VALUE END MLP [$]'].sum()
net_gain_mlp = final_value_mlp - start_value_mlp
percent_gain_mlp = (net_gain_mlp / start_value_mlp) * 100
percent_gain_sp500 = get_price_var('^GSPC') # get percent gain of S&P500 index
percent_gain_dj = get_price_var('^DJI') # get percent gain of DOW JONES index
MODELS_COMPARISON = pd.DataFrame([start_value_svm, final_value_svm, net_gain_svm, percent_gain_svm],
index=['INITIAL COST [USD]', 'FINAL VALUE [USD]', '[USD] GAIN/LOSS', 'ROI'], columns=['SVM'])
MODELS_COMPARISON['RF'] = [start_value_rf, final_value_rf, net_gain_rf, percent_gain_rf]
MODELS_COMPARISON['XGB'] = [start_value_xgb, final_value_xgb, net_gain_xgb, percent_gain_xgb]
MODELS_COMPARISON['MLP'] = [start_value_mlp, final_value_mlp, net_gain_mlp, percent_gain_mlp]
MODELS_COMPARISON['S&P 500'] = ['', '', '', percent_gain_sp500]
MODELS_COMPARISON['DOW JONES'] = ['', '', '', percent_gain_dj]
Find stocks worth buying with Machine Learning (6)

From the dataframe MODELS_COMPARISON, it is possible to see that:

  • XGB and RF are the ML models that yield the highest ROI, 31.3% and 40.9% respectively
  • RF outperforms the S&P 500 by more than 12 p.p, while it outperforms the DOW JONES by almost 20 p.p.
  • XGB outperforms the S&P 500 by a few p.p., while it outperforms the DOW JONES by almost 10 p.p.
  • MLP and SVM are closely matched, and yield an ROI of 28.3% and 27.2% respectively
  • MLP and SVM perform similarly to the S&P 500, while they both outperfom the DOW JONES
  • the SVM leads to the highest net gains, at about 3290 USD; however, it also has the highest initial investment cost at 12100 USD
  • the RF leads to the lowest net gains, at about 1920 USD; however, it also has the lowest initial investment cost at 4700 USD

So, this example proves, at least as proof-of-concept, that it is possible to find useful information in the 10-K filings that the publicly traded companies release. The financial information can be used to train machine learning models that learn to recognize buy-worthy stocks.

For what concerns a more traditional comparison between the performance of the ML models implemented, it is possible to analyze the classification_report.

from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

print(53 * '=')
print(15 * ' ' + 'SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE')
print(53 * '-')
print(classification_report(y_test, clf1.predict(X_test), target_names=['IGNORE', 'BUY']))
print(53 * '-')
print(53 * '=')
print(20 * ' ' + 'RANDOM FOREST')
print(53 * '-')
print(classification_report(y_test, clf2.predict(X_test), target_names=['IGNORE', 'BUY']))
print(53 * '-')
print(53 * '=')
print(53 * '-')
print(classification_report(y_test, clf3.predict(X_test), target_names=['IGNORE', 'BUY']))
print(53 * '-')
print(53 * '=')
print(15 * ' ' + 'MULTI-LAYER PERCEPTRON')
print(53 * '-')
print(classification_report(y_test, clf4.predict(X_test), target_names=['IGNORE', 'BUY']))
print(53 * '-')

which yields to:

precision recall f1-score support

IGNORE 0.40 0.05 0.09 38
BUY 0.71 0.97 0.82 90

accuracy 0.70 128
macro avg 0.55 0.51 0.45 128
weighted avg 0.62 0.70 0.60 128

precision recall f1-score support

IGNORE 0.37 0.79 0.50 38
BUY 0.83 0.43 0.57 90

accuracy 0.54 128
macro avg 0.60 0.61 0.54 128
weighted avg 0.69 0.54 0.55 128

precision recall f1-score support

IGNORE 0.48 0.34 0.40 38
BUY 0.75 0.84 0.80 90

accuracy 0.70 128
macro avg 0.62 0.59 0.60 128
weighted avg 0.67 0.70 0.68 128

precision recall f1-score support

IGNORE 0.39 0.29 0.33 38
BUY 0.73 0.81 0.77 90

accuracy 0.66 128
macro avg 0.56 0.55 0.55 128
weighted avg 0.63 0.66 0.64 128


Looking carefully, it is fair to ask: why does the RF returns the highest ROI if it is the method with the lowest weighted accuracy? This happens because:

  • RF has the highest precision for the BUY class (83%). Indeed, 83% of the BUY predictions are true positives, and the remaning 17% are false positives
  • Mimizing the number of false positives allows to minimize the quantity of money spent on stocks that will decrease in value during 2019
  • RF has the highest recall for the IGNORE class (79%), meaning that it correctly identified 79% of the stocks that should not be bought

However, all this means that we miss a lot of potential stocks to be bought, since RF leads to a high number of false negatives. Indeed, it is easy to see that RF has the lowest recall value for the BUY class (43%), meaning that we only find 43% of the total stocks that should have been classified as BUY-worthy.

This concludes section 2 of this article. Hopefully you find it useful and inspiring. For more about Financial Modeling Prep API, codes and historical data check out the links below.

Find stocks worth buying with Machine Learning (2024)


Is machine learning good for stock trading? ›

The research results showed that the forecasting model has a high accuracy of 93% for most of the stock data used, demonstrating the appropriateness of the LSTM model in analyzing and forecasting stock price movements on the machine learning platform.

Can you use AI to predict stocks? ›

AI-based high-frequency trading (HFT) emerges as the undisputed champion for accurately predicting stock prices.

What is the most promising AI stock? ›

1. SoundHound AI. SoundHound AI (SOUN 1.03%) is a promising AI stock with a market cap of just $1.8 billion, and the business continues to see surging demand for its voice AI technology. SoundHound's trailing revenue has exploded from $20 million to $55 million over the last two years.

What is the best AI penny stock to buy? ›

Jump ahead to get to my trading plans for these top AI stocks!
  • NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ: NVDA) ...
  • Serve Robotics Inc (NASDAQ: SERV) ...
  • Richtech Robotics Inc (NASDAQ: RR) ...
  • Castellum Inc (AMEX: CTM) ...
  • Phunware Inc (NASDAQ: PHUN) ...
  • MicroAlgo Inc (NASDAQ: MLGO) ...
  • Wearable Devices Ltd (NASDAQ: WLDS) ...
  • Beamr Imaging Ltd (NASDAQ: BMR)
Jul 24, 2024

Can ML predict stock prices? ›

Predicting the stock market has been done for a long time using traditional methods by analyzing fundamental and technical aspects. With machine learning, stock market predictions are made more accessible and more accurate. Various machine learn- ing approaches have been applied in stock market prediction.

Can I use AI to trade stocks? ›

AI trading technologies are capable of making highly accurate predictions within the stock market. Still, individuals who use AI trading tools may want to avoid becoming too dependent on the historical data algorithms used to predict stock prices.

Is it illegal to use AI to trade stocks? ›

Using AI to generate investment strategies or recommendations may infringe on copyrights and patents. Financial regulations also apply when the strategies are used in live markets.

What are the best AI stocks to buy right now under $10? ›

Top Artificial Intelligence Stocks Under $10:
PRZOParaZero Technologies-2.01%
SOUNSoundHound AI-6.95%
NOTEFiscalNote Holdings0%
WISAWiSA Technologies15.87%
1 more row

What is the best machine learning algorithm for stock prediction? ›

LSTM (Long Short-term Memory) is one of the extremely powerful algorithms for time series. It can catch historical trend patterns & predict future values with high accuracy.

What is the best way to invest in AI stocks? ›

Finding AI stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

“For a more targeted approach to AI, I recommend ETFs over individual stocks to reduce the risk of single-company investments.

Is AI stock profitable? ›

Some of the biggest winners during the current bull market have been artificial intelligence (AI) stocks. The booming demand for AI infrastructure, software, and development tools has made some companies and their investors a ton of money over the past two years.

What is the most powerful company in AI? ›

There is no single company leading in AI. By market cap, NVIDIA is the largest developer of GPUs used in AI, Apple is the largest company currently integrating AI into its core products, and Tesla is the largest automotive company driving AI innovation.

What is the best AI to invest in 2024? ›

7 best-performing AI stocks
TickerCompanyPerformance (Year)
AVAVAeroVironment Inc.108.07%
SOUNSoundHound AI Inc99.52%
ISRGIntuitive Surgical Inc60.29%
UPSTUpstart Holdings Inc41.71%
4 more rows
Aug 28, 2024

What is Motley Fool's top AI stock? ›

The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Advanced Micro Devices, HP, Nvidia, and Palantir Technologies. The Motley Fool recommends Gartner, Intel, and Lowe's Companies and recommends the following options: short November 2024 $24 calls on Intel.

Which machine learning algorithm is best for trading? ›

Some popular supervised learning algorithms used in trading include decision trees, random forests, and support vector machines. These algorithms are commonly used to predict price movements, identify patterns in market data, and make buy or sell decisions.

What are the disadvantages of stock market prediction using machine learning? ›

What are the Challenges and Limitations of Stock Price Prediction Using Machine Learning?
  • Data Volatility. Stock prices are influenced by a multitude of factors, including news, geopolitical events, and market sentiment. ...
  • Nonlinearity. ...
  • Limited Historical Data. ...
  • Overfitting. ...
  • Data Quality and Bias.
Sep 28, 2023

Is machine learning used in investing? ›

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are quickly becoming mainstream tools for investment professionals. Attempts to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) in the investment industry have come in fits and spurts since the late 1980s, when fuzzy logic and early versions of neural nets were making headlines.

Do quantitative traders use machine learning? ›

In quantitative trading, machine learning algorithms analyze vast amounts of financial data to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies that may not be apparent to human traders.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.