Flora – Burren National Park (2024)

Description: This orchid has a wide variation in height which is dictated by the surrounding habitat. The flower is commonly pink, some individual are red/pink and purple in colour. Flowers are arranged in a dense spike. Lateral sepals spread horizontal or slightly bending downwards. Dorsal sepals and petals curve inwards forming a hood. The labellum is wide and made up of three rounded lobes. Leaves are unspotted, narrow and oblong-lanceolate. As the name suggest the Fragrant orchid are heavily scented which can be experienced during the day and night. The long slender spur of the plant contains copious nectar which suites insects with

Bitter Vetch

Lathyrus linifolius

Corra meille

Flora – Burren National Park (1)Description: A rather elegant-looking plant with short racemes of delicate flowers, ranging in colour from pink to mauve upon first flowering, fading to blue-green as the flower ages. Leaves with 2-4 pairs of narrow-oblong leaflets.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: There is evidence to suggest that this plant was used in Scotland as an appetite suppressor after crop failure in medieval times. Apparently, King Charles II of England made use of its appetite-suppressant properties by administering it to his mistress, Nell Gwynn, in order to help maintain her figure!

Where to find in the park: Common on the patches of peat which form on the limestone pavement in the Burren National Park.

When to see: Flowers from April to July.

Bloody Crane’s-bill

Geranium sanguineum

Crobh Dearg

Flora – Burren National Park (2)Description: Part of the Burren’s ‘Mediterranean’ element, this plant usually occurs in warmer climes, but here it is found alongside arctic-alpine species such as Mountain Avens and Mountain Everlasting. Bloody Crane’s-bill is found in other parts of Ireland, so is not considered to be a ‘speciality species’ of the Burren, but is notable for its abundance in the area; the striking, bright-pink flowers are ubiquitous on roadsides, in fields and on limestone pavement in summertime.

The flowers are a deep magenta in colour, approximately 4cm across, with five petals. The leaves are dark green shade, round and deeply lobed. The name ‘bloody crane’s-bill’ is derived from the fact that in autumn, the leaves turn a blood-red colour and fruit capsule becomes elongated, similar to the bill of a crane.

Where to find in the park: Abundant and very easy to find; occurs in most open habitats, e.g. grasslands, limestone pavement and grassy verges.

When to see: Begins flowering in May and continues to flower into September.

Carline Thistle

Carlina vulgaris

Feochadán mín

Flora – Burren National Park (3)Description: A very distinctive plant, with its spiky ‘sunburst’ appearance with a brownish-yellow flower head comprising tiny ‘florets’, some of which are purple in colour, surrounded by a ring of yellow bracts, which are similar to the rays of the sun.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: This plant was known for its antiseptic properties and was used to treat wounds and skin conditions. Its name is derived from a folk tale about Emperor Charlemagne, who was purportedly visited by an angel who showed him how to use this plant to cure an epidemic of plague which was devastating his army; in German, Charlemagne’s name was Karl der Grosse, or Carl the Great.

Additionally, this plant was once used in weather forecasting; the flower head closes when the air becomes more humid, which indicate that rain and bad weather may be imminent.

Where to find in the park: This plant may be found on limestone pavements and in calcareous grasslands throughout the park.

When to see: Flowers in late summer, from July to September, but a ‘skeleton’ of the plant persists into wintertime.

Centaury, Common

Centaurium erythraea

Dréimire mhuire

Flora – Burren National Park (4)Description: A pink annual with 5 petalled flowers in terminal clusters and on side shoots. Leaves are ovate with lower leaves forming a basal rosette. Height variable from 5 to 50cm depending on the habitat. Flowers only open in full sunshine. Anthers twist at time of fruiting.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: The whole plant is bitter to taste and can help to cure edema (accumulation of fluid in tissue around the feet, ankles and legs).

Where to find in the park: Found on calcareous grassland.

When to see: Flowers from July to September.


Primula veris

Bainne bó bleachtáin

Flora – Burren National Park (5)Description: Tall, erect stems with drooping clusters of bright yellow flowers. This species commonly hybridises with Primrose (Primula vulgaris) where the two grow in close proximity, producing the hybrid False Oxlip (Primula x polyantha). An early-flowering species; along with primroses and dandelions, these pretty flowers form a carpet of yellow in the meadows throughout the park in springtime.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: The German name for this plant is ‘keys of heaven’, referring to the drooping clusters of pretty flowers. In the past, extracts of cowslip flowers and leaves were used in traditional medicine, and in cosmetics. Shakespeare refers to cowslips in A Midsummer Night’s Dream:

“The cowslips tall her pensioners be;

In their gold coats spots you see,

These be rubies, fairy flavours,

In those freckles live their savours…

I must go seek some dew-drops here,

And hang a pearl in every cowslip’s ear.”

Where to find in the park: Abundant in the meadows throughout the park.

When to see: Flowers May to June.

Devil’s-bit Scabious

Succisa pratensis

Odhrach bhallach

Flora – Burren National Park (6)Description: Mauve/blue-coloured florets, clustered into tight flowerheads at the top of a long stem. Ovate leaves form a basal rosette. Devil’s-bit scabious is the food plant of the Marsh Fritillary butterfly, Ireland’s only legally-protected insect species and its late-flowering blossoms are an important source of nectar for late-flying bees, butterflies, hoverflies. The critically-endangered bee Andrena marginata is dependent on this plant’s pollen and nectar to line its nest.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: Plant species with the name Scabious, including Devil’s-bit and field scabious, were once used to treat Scabies, a skin irritation caused by a mite living under the skin. Devil’s-bit scabious had a range of other medicinal uses; a tea was made using this plant which was used for the treatment of coughs, fevers and internal inflammations. In folklore, its short black root is said to have been bitten off by the devil, who was angered by its usefulness in treating a wide range of ailments.

Where to find in the park: Devil’s-bit scabious may be found in grassy habitats. In late summer, this plant creates a blue haze in the meadows throughout the park.

When to see: Flowers from July to September.


Filipendula vulgaris

Lus Broanach

Flora – Burren National Park (7)Description: Another Burren ‘speciality’, this plant is restricted in its Irish distribution to this region. Very similar to its more widespread cousin, meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria), this plant has a more slender appearance, with erect stems to 50cm with panicles of creamy-white flowers. Individual flowers are larger than those of meadowsweet, and are sometimes tinged pink. The leaves are also quite different, each with 8-20 pairs of narrow, deeply-pinnate, leaflets.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: The young leaves and roots can be eaten, though these are not very palatable and are only eaten during food shortages. This plant was also used in the treatment of epilepsy, kidney and bladder stones.

Where to find in the park: This plant can be found on limestone pavements throughout the park.

When to see: Flowers in June to July.


Euphrasia officinale agg.


Flora – Burren National Park (8)Description: Squat, branching plants with small toothed leaves. Flowers white-mauve with yellow blotches, which act as a guide for pollinating insects.

Over 20 species of Eyebrights occur in Ireland, and these require expert identification; as the species often self-pollinates, it produces genetically clones of itself, allowing genetic mutations to be easily passed down, aiding in the process of speciation. The Irish Eyebright (Euphrasia salisburgensis) stands out from other eyebright species, with bronze-coloured stems and leaves. This species is highly unusual in its distribution. In Ireland, it is only found in the west, and it is completely absent from Britain. Beyond Ireland it is only found in the mountains of central Europe. As such it is considered as part of Ireland’s Lusitanian Flora.

All eyebrights are semi-parasitic, absorbing water and nutrients from other plants, including clovers, plantains and grasses.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: Its name is derived from its traditional use in treating eye ailments. To this day, certain species of eyebright are used in herbal medicine for treating conditions such as conjunctivitis.

Where to find in the park: Eyebrights are widespread in the park, found in open areas, in grasslands and on limestone pavement. Watch out for Irish Eyebright (Euphrasia salisburgensis) on limestone pavements; as it is a parasite of wild thyme (Thymus polytrichus) (link), and so is often found near this species.

When to see: Flowers from June to October.

Garlic, Wild/Ramsons

Allium ursinum


Flora – Burren National Park (9)Description: You will probably smell this plant before you see it – as the name suggests, it has a very strong smell of garlic, especially when crushed. It has star-shaped white flowers in clusters at the top of erect, slender stems. Leaves are oblong-oval and pointed, on long stalks at the base of the stem.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: This plant has always been highly valued for its culinary use, and was highly valued as a condiment in medieval times; under the Irish 8th-century legal tract Bretha Comaithchesa or ‘laws of the neighbourhood’, there was a fine of two and a half milch cows for picking wild garlic on someone else’s land!

Where to find in the park: Wild garlic grows in damp, shaded areas, such as woodlands and riversides.

When to see: Flowers from March to May.

Grass of Parnassus

Parnassia palustris


Flora – Burren National Park (10)Description: While this flower is not as eye-catching as some of the more brightly-coloured Burren plants, a closer look will reveal its delicate and simple beauty. The solitary white flowers each have five petals with translucent veins. The leaves are heart-shaped, occurring in a basal rosette.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: Carl Linnaeus, the 18th century Swedish botanist and so-called ‘Father of Taxonomy’, thought that this plant was so beautiful that he named it after Mount Parnassus, a limestone mountain in Greece. In Greek mythology, Mount Parnassus was the home of the Muses, the goddesses of the inspiration of literature, science and the arts.

Where to find in the park: This plant may be found in base-rich flushes and damp grassland.

When to see: Flowers from June to September.


Campanula rotundifolia

Méaracán gorm

Flora – Burren National Park (11)Description: A delicate plant with beautiful, cup-shaped, pale-blue flowers which may be seen nodding in the breeze on roadsides throughout the Burren in late summer.

Folklore and Traditional Uses: The Irish name, Méaracán gorm, means ‘blue thimble’, referring to the blue, cup-shaped flowers. This plant was also associated with fairies, and it was considered bad luck to pick the flowers. It’s other Irish name, Méaracán púca, means ‘ghost thimble’ or alternatively ‘goblin thimble’.

Where to find in the park: Harebell is abundant throughout the meadow and grassy verge habitats in the Burren National Park.

When to see: Flowers Mid July to September.

Hoary Rock-rose

Helianthemum oelandicum

Grianrós liath

Description: This is another species which is considered to be a ‘speciality’ of the Burren, as in Ireland it only occurs in the Burren and on one of the Aran Islands. Outside the British Isles, its distribution is concentrated in southern Europe, in the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean. As its distribution outside the Burren is limited to high altitudes, it is considered part of the arctic-alpine element of the Burren flora.

This is a prostrate, i.e. low-growing, plant with small, narrow leaves in opposite pairs and dainty yellow flowers which only open in sunlight.

Where to find in the park: This species can be found on limestone pavement within the Park.

When to see: Flowers appear from April to July, depending on climatic conditions.

Note: Under the 1999 Flora (Protection) Order, this plant is protected in the Republic of Ireland which means that the picking, uprooting, sale or possession is prohibited, except under licence.

Lady’s Bedstraw

Galium verum

Bolach cnis

Flora – Burren National Park (12)Description: A short and sprawling perennial with small yellow, 4 petalled flowers arranged in a leafy cluster on branched, square stems. Leaves are narrow, dark green, with rolled back margins, 8 to 12 per whorl.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: Traditionally used to stuff mattresses, due to the chemical properties of the plant which act as a natural bedbug pesticide. In folklore the plant is associated with the Virgin Mary; it is believed that she lay on a bed of bedstraw during the nativity. The association with bedstraw and birth stems from Norse mythology were Frigg the goddess of married women helped women through child birth, during which the Scandinavians used the plant as a sedative.

Where to find in the park: Found on calcareous grassland, hay meadows and cliff tops.

When to see: Flowers from June to September.

Ling Heather

Calluna vulgaris

Fraoch mór

Description: A dense shrub with spikes of small pinkish-purple flowers. Leaves are also very small and somewhat crowded along the stem. This plant is known as a calcifuge species (i.e. it does not grow in lime-rich areas), usually found in acidic habitats, such as bogs and heaths, and so its presence in the Burren, which is underlain by limestone, is somewhat of an anomaly. In the Burren, ling grows on peaty substrates which form in hollows on the limestone pavement.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: Ling was used for flavouring “leann fraoich” (heather beer) in the middle ages, before the use of hops.

Where to find in the park: On peaty areas which occur intermittently on the limestone pavement.

When to see: Flowers July to September.


Origanum vulgare

Máirtín fiáin

Flora – Burren National Park (13)Description: A very aromatic plant; this is in fact the species which is commonly called ‘oregano’ when cultivated for culinary use (its close relative, Origanum majorana is the herb which is referred to as marjoram in culinary use). This plant has clusters of small pink flowers and dark purple/brown buds, on erect stems with slightly hairy oval leaves – very similar to what you might have growing in your herb garden!

Folklore / Traditional Uses: This plant has been used for cooking for centuries, especially in Italian and Greek cuisine. Hippocrates used oregano as an antiseptic, and as a cure for stomach and respiratory ailments. This herb has been shown to have strong antioxidant properties, due to a high content of phenolic acids and flavonoids.

Where to find in the park: Very common on grassy roadside verges and in meadows.

When to see: Flowers from July to September.

Photo: Margaux Pierrel

Milkwort, Common

Polygala vulgaris

Lus an bhainne

Flora – Burren National Park (14)Description: Milkwort has racemes of small delicate flowers which are usually the same bright blue colour as spring gentian, with which it may be confused at a distance. A closer look reveals the huge differences in flower structure however; spring gentian has regular flowers (i.e. it is radially symmetrical with all petals the same size), while milkwort flowers are irregular (i.e. not radially symmetrical, with petals of varying size and shape), and quite elegant, with a feathery ‘trumpet’ and wings. Some variations have magenta or white flowers. Leaves are small and alternate up the stem – a distinguishing feature between this species and Heath Milkwort (Polygala vulgaris), which has opposite leaves.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: Its name, milkwort, comes from the fact that this plant was traditionally used to make an infusion which, when ingested, would help to increase the flow of mothers’ milk.

Where to find in the park: Milkwort is a very common sight throughout the park, in grasslands and on limestone pavements.

When to see: Flowers from May to July.

Mossy Saxifrage

Saxifraga hypnoides

Mórán caonaigh

Description: This is a small plant which can grow up to 20cm in height. Small white flowers (10 to 15mm across) with slightly overlapping green veined petals, five in total. The plant is mat forming growing on rocky outcrops, cliffs and scree. Basel rosette leaves made up of 3 to 5 narrow pointed lobes give this plant a mossy appearance.

Folklore / Traditional Uses:Saxifraga is Latin for stone breaker. It was first believed that this name was describing the cracks in rock were Saxifraga species commonly grow, and that there roots may be causing the rocks to break. But it was then discovered that this plant can be used in the treatment of urinary calculi commonly known as kidney stones.

Where to find in the park: On rock ledges, cliffs and scree.

When to see: Flowers May to August.

Mountain Avens

Dryas octopetala


Flora – Burren National Park (15)Description: One of the Burren ‘specialities’, this plant forms carpets on limestone pavement and grasslands. Its flowers have a yellow centre and white petals which usually occur in multiples of eight, hence its latin name ‘octopetala’, which means ‘eight petals’. ‘Dryas’ refers to its leaves, which resemble tiny oak leaves; ‘dryas’ means ‘oak’ in Greek.

In Ireland, Mountain Avens is restricted to the Burren, where it is locally abundant, and several locations in Northern Ireland, where it is occasional on mountainsides. It is considered part of the arctic/alpine element of the Burren flora, being usually found in more northerly latitudes and in the high mountains of Europe. In the Burren, this plant occurs at sea level, alongside plants which usually have a more southerly distribution (the ‘Mediterranean’ element), such as bloody cranesbill and dense-flowered orchid.

Folklore and Traditional Uses: The stems of Mountain Avens are quite woody, and there is evidence that this plant was used as a fuel source during the 1800s.

Where to find in the park: Mountain Avens are easy to find throughout the park, forming dense mats on limestone pavement and grasslands.

When to see: The main flowering season is in late spring/early summer, with a second flowering period in late summer/autumn (Late April to June and Late July to September). After flowering, the plant produces very distinctive large, fluffy seed-heads.

Photo: Margaux Pierrel


Antennaria dioeca


Flora – Burren National Park (16)Description: A small, creeping perennial herb which is considered to be one of the real ‘Burren specialities’, its distribution limited to this part of Ireland. Known by two names: Mountain Everlasting and Cat’s-paw; the former referring to the fact that it is a perennial plant which normally occurs in northern or montane regions, the latter describing its soft, five-headed flower clusters, which very closely resemble the paw of a kitten when observed from above. Its specific name, dioeca, refers the fact that it is ‘dioecious’, meaning that individual plants produce either male or female flowers; in general, male flowers are white while female flowers are, suitably, pink!

Where to find in the park: Abundant in grasslands and on limestone pavement and edges of woodland.

When to see: Flowers May to June.


Primula vulgaris


Flora – Burren National Park (17)Description: Solitary flowers (one on a stem); pale yellow with a dark yellow centre. Basal rosette of dark green leaves with a crumpled appearance. Flowers have a very distinctive sweet scent.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: In early medicine, primrose was used in the treatment of muscular rheumatism, paralysis and gout.

Where to find in the park: Abundant in woodlands, hedgerows, grassy verges and even on open limestone pavement in springtime.

When to see: One of the earliest flowers to appear, these lovely flowers, along with daffodils and swallows, herald the onset of spring. The main flowering period is May/June, but flowers may appear as early as late winter, hence its scientific name; Primula, in latin, means early.

Photo: Margaux Pierrel

Shrubby Cinquefoil

Potentilla fruticosa

Tor cúigmhéarach

Flora – Burren National Park (18)Description: A twiggy shrub which grows up to 1m tall. Leaves are greyish-green and pinnate, with 5-9 leaflets. The yellow flowers usually have five petals, hence the name ‘cinquefoil’. This plant is regarded as one of the Burren specialities; its only other Irish station is on the shores of Lough Corrib, and it is rare in Britain.

Where to find in the park: This plant may be found at the winter high water mark around turloughs and lakes.

When to see: Flowers Late June to August.

Spring Gentian

Gentiana verna

Ceadharlach Bealtaine

Flora – Burren National Park (19)Description: One of the most famous plants of the Burren, the spring gentian is notable for its beautiful, trumpet-shaped, bright-blue flowers. Each flower has five petals and an inner fringe of fine lobes between the petals, surrounding a white centre. White or mauve-coloured varieties may sometimes be seen.

Where to find in the park: Found on limestone pavements and grasslands throughout the park.

When to see: The spring gentian, as its name suggests, begins to flower in late April and continues to flower until early June. Flowering may be earlier or later depending on the weather.

Photo: Margaux Pierrel

St. John’s-wort, perforate

Hypericum perforatum

Lus na Maighdine Muire

Flora – Burren National Park (20)Description: This plant has clusters of very cheerful bright yellow flowers on upright stems. The leaves, as the name suggests, have translucent dots which look like little pin-pricks when held up to the light. Stems are round and hairless with two raised ridges.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: This plant has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. An oily extract from the plant was used to heal wounds. This use was justified, by way of the Doctrine of Signatures, an ancient herbal philosophy that herbs that resemble various parts of the body can be used to treat ailments of that part of the body. The herbalist William Coles wrote of the plant in the 17th century: “The little holes where of the leaves of Saint Johns wort are full, doe resemble all the pores of the skin and therefore it is profitable for all hurts and wounds that can happen thereunto.” This explanation is obviously very spurious, but recent research has proven that H. perforatum is effective in the treatment of mild to moderate depression.

Where to find in the park: Common in meadows and on roadsides throughout the park.

When to see: Flowers from June to September.


Asperula cynanchica

Lus na Haincise

Flora – Burren National Park (21)Description: A low-growing, mat-forming plant with clusters of small white or pinkish-coloured flowers. Flowers with four pointed petals which curl backwards, and leaves in whorls of four along the stem. Branched four-angled stems.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: According to folklore, this plant was used to cure quinsy, a complication of tonsillitis which is uncommon nowadays due to the availability of anitibiotics to treat tonsillitis.

Where to find in the park: Common on limestone and in grassy areas throughout the park.

When to see: Flowers from June to August.

Wild Thyme

Thymus politrichus

Tím Chréige

Flora – Burren National Park (22)Description: Similar to the garden variety which is used in cooking, this plant has erect stems with tiny pink/purple flowers. Leaves are evergreen, small, ovate, and are slightly aromatic when crushed, though not as strong-smelling as garden thyme. This species prefers free-draining soils, and is often associated with ant-hills of the yellow ant (Lasius flavus). Both thyme broomrape and Irish eyebright (link) parasitise this plant, but there are many parasite-free patches of this plant within the park.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: Like its close relative Thymus vulgaris, this species may be used in cooking. It has a strong scent and essential oils may be distilled from the leaves.

Where to find in the park: Frequent in meadows and on limestone pavement often found growing on ant-hills.

When to see: Flowers July to September.

Photo: Margaux Pierrel

Wood Sorrel

Oxalis acetosella


Flora – Burren National Park (23)Description: A very distinctive plant with trifoliate leaves which are sometimes mistaken for clover. The white flowers are solitary and quite delicate, with pink-lilac veins.

Folklore / Traditional Uses: The leaves of this plant are edible, with a sharp, bitter taste. An oxalate called “sal acetosella” was formerly extracted from the plant, through boiling.

Where to find in the park: Abundant in the ash/hazel woodlands.

When to see: Flowers April to May.

Photo: Mark O’Callaghan

Yellow Rattle

Rhinanthus minor


Flora – Burren National Park (24)Description: This plant is abundant in the meadows of the park, and is very distinctive, with tough, erect stems and waxy, serrated leaves in opposite pairs along the stem. Flowers occur in clusters at the top of the stem and are bright yellow and irregular, with an upper and a lower lip. It is so-called because of its yellow flowers and its seed-pods, which turn quite dry and papery in the autumn, and when shaken the seeds inside produce a rattling sound.

This species is hemi-parasitic, i.e. it absorbs some water and nutrients from other plants, but produces its own chlorophyll. There is evidence to suggest that this species increases plant diversity in meadows, probably due to the fact that it keeps back tall, tussocky grasses by absorbing water and nutrients from their roots.

Where to find in the park: Yellow-rattle is abundant in the meadows throughout the Park.

When to see: Flowers from May to August.


Blackstonia perfoliata

Dréimire Buí

Flora – Burren National Park (25)Description: A very distinctive plant with erect, grey-green stems and branched clusters of bright yellow flowers.

Folklore and Traditional Uses: Its Irish name, Dréimire Buí (meaning ‘yellow ladder’) is inspired by its leaves, which occur in opposite pairs at regular intervals along the stem and are fused at the base, resembling the rungs of a ladder. The common name, Yellow-wort, indicates that the plant was once used medicinally (the suffix –wort in their names usually indicates that the plant had a medicinal use), but if the plant was once used to treat some ailment, this use is not now known.

Where to find in the park: This species occurs in shallow, dry, gravelly or stony calcareous ground, often in disturbed areas.

When to see: Yellow-wort blooms in late summer (July to September).

Flora – Burren National Park (2024)


What flora can be found in the Burren? ›

Among the many varied and beautiful flowers which have come to symbolise the Burren are spring gentian, mountain avens, shrubby cinquefoil and bloody cranesbill and, on the higher terraces, the hoary rock rose. These can all be found in the park flowering in the spring and summer months.

What is flora and Fauna the Burren? ›

The Burren is home to about 1100 plant species, about three quaters of the total flora of 1400 plant species found in the whole of Ireland. The mystique of the Burren flora lies not so much in the frequency of rare species, but in the assemblage or co-habitation of certain plants and the Burren locations they choose.

What is the rare Burren flower? ›

Some of the more unusual species of orchids found in the Burren National Park include; dense-flowered orchid, early-purple orchid, common-spotted orchid, fragrant orchid, fly-orchid, bee-orchid, frog orchid, lesser butterfly orchid and autumn lady's tresses.

Why is the Burren so unusual? ›

The Burren is internationally famous for its rocky landscape, unusual combination of flora, thousands of archaeological sites and unique farming traditions. Because of these unusual features, most of the Burren is designated by the European Union as a Special Area of Conservation.

How do flowers grow in the Burren? ›

The density and diversity of plants is due to a variety of factors including the warm moist air from the Gulf Stream, the high light-density of the region and the heat reflected from the limestone pavements.

What is Irish flora? ›

Today the bulk of Ireland's semi-natural vegetation is made up of three major habitats: Grassland, Heath and Bog.

What does Burren mean in Irish? ›

The Burren (/ˈbʌrən/; Irish: Boirinn, meaning 'rocky district') is a karst/glaciokarst landscape centred in County Clare, on the west coast of Ireland. It measures around 530 square kilometres (200 sq mi), within the circle made by the villages of Lisdoonvarna, Corofin, Gort and Kinvara.

How old is Burren? ›

The rocks that make up the Burren were all formed during the Carboniferous period between 340 and 315 million years ago. This geological period is named for all the coal deposits in North America, UK and Europe that were formed at this time.

What is meant by flora and fauna? ›

Flora refers to all plant life and fauna refers to all animal life. Fauna cannot prepare their own food so they depend upon the flora for their food.

What is the second rarest flower? ›

2. Corpse Lily (Rafflesia Arnoldii)

What is the prettiest wildflower? ›

The 7 Most Stunning Wildflower Blooms in the World and When They Peak
  1. English bluebells — United Kingdom. ...
  2. Namaqualand daisies — South Africa. ...
  3. Rhododendrons — Ireland. ...
  4. Lupins — Lake Tekapo, New Zealand. ...
  5. Bluebonnets — Hill Country, Texas. ...
  6. Marigolds — Uttarakhand, India. ...
  7. Cherry blossoms — Japan and Washington, DC.
27 Mar 2019

What is the most famous Irish plant? ›

Ah, the shamrock—a true Irish treasure. As we all know, when it comes to St. Paddy's Day, the shamrock is the star of the show. A national emblem, the three-leaf clover three-leaf clover, a type of trefoil plant, has been considered the unofficial national flower of Ireland for centuries.

What does Moher mean in Irish? ›

The name Moher comes from Gaelic (like everything else in Ireland). It means “ruined fort” . The Cliffs of Moher actually means the cliffs of the ruined fort.

Why is it called the Burren? ›

The word “Burren” comes from an Irish word “Boíreann” meaning a rocky place. This is an extremely appropriate name when you consider the lack of soil cover and the extent of exposed Limestone Pavement.

Are there snakes in the Burren? ›

It's a slow-worm, a legless lizard that was introduced to the Burren in the last century. It and the viviparous lizard are the only reptiles found in Ireland.

How old is the Burren Ireland? ›

The rocks that make up the Burren were all formed during the Carboniferous period between 359 and 299 million years ago. This geological period is named for all the coal deposits in North America, UK and Europe that were formed at this time.

What is the most common tree found in the Burren? ›

Several species of Whitebeam are found in Ireland and Sorbus aria is the most common found in the Burren region. A rare tree in the wild, a small number can be found on the edge of woodland in Dromore.

What are the 2 types of flora? ›

Native flora. The native and indigenous flora of an area. Agricultural and horticultural flora (garden flora). The plants that are deliberately grown by humans.

Why is flora so important? ›

Flora is the name given to the collective plant life. They provide us with food, clothing, shelter, raw materials, medicines, etc. The daily food, which we eat, comes from plants.

What is flora known for? ›

Flora (Latin: Flōra) is a Roman goddess of flowers and of the season of spring – a symbol for nature and flowers (especially the may-flower).

Who owns the Burren? ›

Sadie Chowen took over The Burren Perfumery in 2001 with the aim of providing only the highest quality Irish perfumes and organic skin care products coupled with great contemporary design. Based in the heart of the Burren, she runs the company with her husband, Ralph, and their team of 35 local staff.

Why is there no soil in the Burren? ›

This is an area where the development of karst features (karstification) has been influenced by the effects of glacification. As the ice sheets moved across the Burren, they eroded the overlying soil, weathered rock, and weak bedrock, exposing fresh surfaces of limestone.

Is there a desert in Ireland? ›

There are no deserts in Ireland.

Is Burren free? ›

Opening Hours. The Burren National Park is open all year round and is free to access. The Burren National Park Information Point in Corofin is open seasonally from April to September. Admission is free.

Did people live in the Burren? ›

Its people formed an insular community more so than any other in Ireland, protective of its traditions and of its kinship. However as Ireland entered into its modern history, the people of the Burren were also shaped by social, economic and political forces.

Do people live in the Burren? ›

In modern times, few people live in the Burren. Those that do are mostly Irish speakers.

How many types of flora are there? ›

The flora of India is one of the richest in the world due to the wide range of climate, topology and habitat in the country. There are estimated to be over 18,000 species of flowering plants in India, which constitute some 6-7 percent of the total plant species in the world.

Which of the following is flora? ›

Answer: Solution: Flora: flora means the plants naturally occurring in a particular area. Some examples of flora include- grasslands, forests, flowering and non-flowering plants and trees.

Are blue roses real? ›

Although blue roses do not exist in nature, florists can produce blue-hued flowers by placing cut roses in dye. Also, in a painstaking 20-year effort, biotechnologists made a "blue rose" through a combination of genetic engineering and selective breeding. However, the rose is more mauve-colored than blue.

Is Black Rose rare? ›

The black rose is an extremely rare color but offers unrivaled beauty. Black roses aren't exactly black. Instead, black roses derive their color from intense shades of purple or red rather than pure black.

Which flower is the queen of flowers? ›

Rose is the king and queen of flowers. Rose is the oldest flowering plant and it is an ornamental flowering plant. The roses born in June are known as the queen of flowers. It belongs to the family Rosaceae and genus Rosa.

What is the hardest flower to find? ›

The Middlemist's Red camellia is considered the rarest flower in the world. Only two known examples are believed to exist, one in New Zealand and another one in England. The plant was brought from China to England in 1804 by John Middlemist.

What is the most precious flower? ›

The Kadupul Flower is at the top of our list, even though it has never been sold for more than the other flowers in the list. The simple reason why the Kadupul Flower is the champion of the most expensive flowers in the world list is: it is completely priceless.

What is the loneliest plant in the world? ›

When it comes to plant undateables then Encephalartos woodii surely tops the list. It's so lonesome and rare that only one specimen has ever been found in the wild. This single male cycad was discovered in 1895 by botanist John Medley Wood on the edge of the Ngoye Forest in South Africa.

What is a 3 leaf clover called? ›

Traditionally, a shamrock is a three-leaf clover.

What is the oldest tree in Ireland? ›

This ancient yew tree on the grounds of St Patrick's College, Maynooth, known as the Silken Thomas tree, is thought by some to be the oldest tree in Ireland. It is difficult to estimate the age of a living tree, but measurements of the girth of the tree's trunk suggest that it could be up to 800 years old.

What do they call a girl in Irish? ›

Cailín” means “girl” in the Irish language. A lot of Irish people still use this word even when speaking in English. The plural, “Cailíní,” is also commonly used, for example, “I'm meeting up with the cailíní later on.”

What do you call an Irish female? ›

[ ahy-rish-woom-uhn ] SHOW IPA. / ˈaɪ rɪʃˌwʊm ən / PHONETIC RESPELLING. noun, plural I·rish·wom·en.

What does bra mean in Irish? ›

Etymology. From Middle Irish brága (“captive, prisoner; hostage”), from Old Irish bráge (“neck”), from Proto-Celtic *brāgants, from the practice of holding prisoners by restraining their necks.

Why is the Burren important? ›

The Burren is a vibrant living landscape, with outstanding cultural and natural heritage. The area is internationally important for ecology, botany, geology, speleology, archaeology and agriculture.

How many caves are in the Burren? ›

There are 200 caves in the Burren, including the longest cave in Ireland – Poulnagollum at 15 km long; and the longest stalactite in Ireland – at 6.5 m in length, we will pick one to suit your requirements.

Why is the Burren a tourist attraction? ›

The Burren is famous for having one of the most unique and beautiful landscapes in Ireland. While the rest of the Emerald Isle is known for its shades of green, the Burren National Park is known for its various shades of grey.

Do slow worms bite? ›

'Slow worms seldom bite people,' says Mark. 'They can be handled gently without danger if you need to move one or want to reassure a child that there's nothing to be frightened of. ' While they don't tend to bite humans, slow worms do have another important use for their teeth.

Is Ireland still free of snakes? ›

If you've ever been to Ireland, you might notice that the Emerald Isle is free from wild snakes. In fact, it's one of only a handful of countries in the world – including New Zealand, Iceland, Greenland, and Antarctica – to have no native snake population!

Where did all the snakes go in Ireland? ›

Unlike Great Britain, which is home to at least three species of snake, the Emerald Isle has no native snakes. According to Irish lore, Ireland used to have snakes, until St. Patrick chased them all into the ocean hundreds of years ago. But, according to the fossil record, snakes have never made Ireland their home.

What type of habitat is the Burren? ›

Calcareous grassland is found on the terraces of the mountains and between the limestone pavement where there is also a thin layer of soil and on glacial deposits throughout the Burren. These calcareous grasslands host an extraordinary composition of flora.

Is the Burren man made? ›

The rocks that make up the Burren were all formed during the Carboniferous period between 359 and 299 million years ago. This geological period is named for all the coal deposits in North America, UK and Europe that were formed at this time.

Where is the biggest tree in Ireland? ›

The Douglas Fir is an evergreen coniferous tree, named after the Scottish botanist David Douglas, who first introduced it to Europe from North America in 1827. The Douglas Fir at Powerscourt is the first tree to surpass 60m in Ireland and is the seventh-highest tree in Europe.

What is the rarest tree in Ireland? ›

The Wollemi pine is classified as critically endangered as it is one of the world's rarest plants, with fewer than 40 adult plants known to be in two small groves. The Wollemi Pine is one of the world's rarest plants, with fewer than 40 adult plants known to be in two small groves.

What is the flora answer? ›

Flora is all the plant life present in a particular region or time, generally the naturally occurring (indigenous) native plants. Sometimes bacteria and fungi are also referred to as flora, as in the terms gut flora or skin flora.

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