From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (2024)

It’s not news that student loan debt is a bit of an epidemic in the U.S.

The average graduate last spring faced more than $37,000 in loans. Many of us can expect a monthly payment of nearly $300 for 10 years.

Everyone assumed kids of my generation needed to go to college, but no one deemed it important to talk to us about how we’d pay for it.

I headed to college from a small town, where most of the parents hadn’t gone to college and most of the teachers had attended a nearby state university at a time when it was much more affordable.

Most of my peers just assumed student loans would be part of our adulthood.

When we applied for them at 17 or 18, the four or five years until we’d start to repay them felt like an eternity.

If my 18-year-old self could have understood how $50,000 in debt with 6% interest would impact the rest of my adult life, I might have worked harder to save money and earn scholarships.

The Perfect Student Loan Scenario

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (1)

Ideally, you wouldn’t need loans at all.

You and your parents would spend your childhood saving for college and applying for scholarships, and you’d leave school debt-free (and, hopefully, with a killer job offer).

Lacking ideal finances, maybe you’d supplement your savings and scholarships with federal grants and student loans. But you would never take more than you need, and you’d make monthly payments whenever you could, even while you’re still in school.

You’d leave school with minimal debt and use the salary from your killer job to pay down that debt fast.

But let’s assume your situation hasn’t been ideal.

You needed help to pay for college, you applied for student aid, you took the checks as they came and you went about your life as a college student.

Maybe you’ve even been out of college for five or 10 years now, and you’ve been coasting along with minimum payments or deferment, or you’ve just neglected your loans altogether.

Does that sound more familiar?

If so, this guide’s for you. I’m going to help you answer:

  • Do you need student loans?
  • What kinds of loans can you receive?
  • How can you apply for student loans?
  • When do you have to start paying back your loans?
  • How can you find out how much money you owe?
  • What do “default,” “defer” and “forbearance” mean?
  • What are your repayment options?
  • How does refinancing and consolidation work?

Wherever you are on the path of student loan application or repayment, you’ll probably run into something complicated that raises questions. So we’ll start from the beginning:

1. Do You Need Student Loans?

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (2)

Probably the most important question you can ask yourself before starting college is, “Do I actually need loans?”

If you haven’t yet applied for loans, ask yourself if you can pay for college some other way.

  • How much can you earn in scholarships? Think outside the box.
  • Can you balance a job with classes to pay tuition out of pocket?
  • Can you cash in savings or sell any assets to pay tuition now?

2. What Kind of Financial Aid Can You Receive?

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (3)

Once you’ve exhausted other payment methods, what are your financial aid options?

Federal Student Loans

You’ll apply for this aid through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or the FAFSA, and you have to repay it.

  • Direct Subsidized Loans help cover costs for undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need. Payments are due beginning six months after you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment. You won’t owe any interest for the time you’re in school, during that six-month grace period or any periods of deferment.
  • Direct Unsubsidized Loans help cover costs for undergrad, graduate or professional students regardless of financial need. Payments are due beginning six months after you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment, but you’ll owe interest that accrues as soon as the loan is disbursed.
  • Direct PLUS Loans can help supplement costs not covered by other aid. For undergraduate students, this loan is in your parent’s name. Payments are due beginning with disbursem*nt of the loan.
  • Federal Perkins Loans are made by some schools to undergrad or grad students with exceptional financial need. Payments are due beginning nine months after you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment. You won’t owe any interest for the time you’re in school or the nine-month grace period.

Other Federal Financial Aid

You’ll also apply for this aid through the FAFSA, but you don’t have to repay it:

  • Grants are almost all awarded to students with financial need, attending four-year colleges or universities, community colleges or career schools.
  • Work-Study awards are available to full- or part-time graduate or undergraduate students. They include a set amount of money that you can receive for part-time work as a student, usually through the school and related to civic education and your course of study.

Private Student Loans

If federal aid doesn’t meet your needs, you may want to borrow more money from a private lender, like a bank or credit union.

These loans can be tougher to get if you don’t have any credit history yet, so you may need a co-signer. Remember, a co-signer is responsible for the debt if you don’t pay — even after you die or flee the country!

3. How to Apply for Student Loans

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (4)

Regardless of what you believe you’ll need or qualify for, the best place to start for financial aid is filling out the FAFSA.

This application will let you see which of the above types of federal aid you’re eligible to receive. The results may surprise you.

Keep in mind, though: Filling out the FAFSA doesn’t mean you have to accept the aid you’re offered.

You’ll be able to choose which awards and how much money to accept after your school sends your award letter (FAFSA results).

File your FAFSA online at, download a printable PDF or order a paper FAFSA, or visit your school’s financial aid office to ask for assistance.

You’ll need to include your parents’ information if you’re a dependent student, generally defined as: under 24, unmarried, childless and not active duty or veteran of the armed forces.

How to Apply for a Private Student Loan

If the awards you receive in federal student aid and scholarships aren’t enough to cover your college expenses, you may apply for a private loan.

You can talk directly with someone at your local bank or credit union about your loan options, or try an online marketplace like Credible to compare offers from several lenders at once.

4. What NOT to Do With Your Student Loan Check

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (5)

Once you know what you’re eligible to receive, you’ll have to choose how much money to actually accept.

Here are two important warnings I wish I’d heard in college to avoid racking up so much debt:

A. Do NOT take all of the money offered if you don’t need it.

You can receive some of your financial aid without accepting all of it.

It’s tempting to take everything if you’re awarded more than you need — it feels like free money!

Putting yourself in debt, though, is sooo not free.

Decide how much money you’ll reasonably need to cover your tuition and expenses each semester and how much you’ll be able to contribute from savings or wages.

To meet your remaining need, accept financial aid awards in this order:

  1. Scholarships and grants (free money)
  1. Work-study (earned money)
  1. Federal student loans (borrowed money)
  1. State or school loans (borrowed money)
  1. Private loans (borrowed money)

B. Do NOT use student loans for extravagant purchases.

You may be offered federal aid beyond what you need to pay tuition. Unless you need the relief, don’t consider this an excuse to avoid working.

If you can cover living expenses by working while you’re a student or over the summer, you’ll avoid a lot of hassle and cost in loans.

And if you do accept the money, only to realize when the check arrives you don’t need it… you don’t have to spend it.

Would it be nice to fund your friends’ Spring Break trip or go on a shopping spree? Of course. But you’ll pay for that extravagance exponentially down the line, and it may not seem worth it in retrospect.

(Or, maybe it will seem worth it. Your call. But at least someone’s telling you to think about it now, instead of regretting it later.)

5. When You Have to Start Paying Back Your Loans

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (6)

Ideally, you should start paying back your loans right away, because some loans will accrue interest while you’re in school.

When you must begin making payments on your loans depends on the type of loan (see no. 2).

Once your loan’s grace period ends — usually six or nine months after you leave school — you can start racking up missed or late payments, which can hurt your credit score.

If you miss payments for nine straight months, you’ll default on your loan and the government could start to collect the debt by garnishing your wages or income tax return.

Your private student loans may also have a grace period before you have to make monthly payments. Check with your lender early on to make sure you understand the terms of the loan.

6. Find Out What Kinds of Loans You Have and How Much You Owe

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (7)

If you’ve been out of school a few years, not making steady payments and ignoring emails or phone calls from lenders, you might not even know which debts you owe or to whom.

It may seem overwhelming, but the information is simple to retrieve.

For federal student loans, sign in at to see:

  • Which grants and loans you’ve received
  • How much you still owe on each
  • How much interest you owe on each
  • Status of each loan (in repayment, forbearance, default, etc.)
  • Your repayment plan for each loan
  • Loan servicer (to whom you make payments)

If you don’t remember the email address or password, you’ll have to enter some information about yourself and answer security questions.

If you still can’t get into your account, don’t give up! You can always call and speak with someone directly at (800) 557-7394.

For private loans, you may be getting updates from your lender (a bank or credit union). If that’s not helping, enter your information at to see what you owe.

7. What Does It Mean to Default?

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (8)

To default on federal loan repayment means you’ve failed to make your monthly payment for 270 days (nine months).

The entire balance of your loan will become due immediately, and if you don’t pay it off, it can go to a collections agency. Plus, your debt will increase because of late fees, additional interest and any fees associated with collection.

The consequences of a defaulted loan are pretty far-reaching:

  • You become ineligible for deferment or forbearance (see below) and other repayment options.
  • You become ineligible for additional federal student aid.
  • It will affect your credit rating.
  • The government could withhold your federal and state tax refund to collect on the debt.
  • At the government’s request, your employer could garnish your wages to pay off the debt.

Defaulting on a private student loan isn’t the same as doing so on a federal loan.

A private loan is generally defaulted after 120 days (three months) of missed payments.

When you default on a private loan, the lender, unlike the federal government, will have to go to court — and win — before enforcing measures like wage garnishment to collect on the loan.

Before defaulting on your loan, explore other options!

Even if you can’t afford to pay, federal loans come with a variety of options to help you keep your loan in good standing and protect your credit, including deferment, forbearance, loan forgiveness and income-based repayment.

Keep reading for details!

8. What is Deferment? What is Forbearance?

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (9)

When you can’t make scheduled monthly payments on your federal student loans, deferment or forbearance could allow you to temporarily postpone or reduce payments.

You’ll first apply with the lender for a deferment, which delays repayment of your loan. If you have a subsidized loan, you won’t owe additional interest accrued while it’s in deferment.

Unemployment, economic hardship, military service and several other factors could qualify you for deferment.

If you don’t qualify for deferment, your lender may grant a forbearance to allow you to stop making payments or reduce your monthly payments for up to 12 months. You’ll continue to accrue interest, but you can avoid default.

9. How to Repay Student Loans

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (10)

You have several options for repaying federal loans. Standard repayment has you paying off your loans over 10 years, but that might mean a monthly payment you can’t afford.

Income-driven repayment plans and Pay As You Earn (PAYE) limit your monthly payments to a certain percentage of your income and extend the period you have to pay.

Learn about these options to avoid default when you can’t afford your monthly payment.

For private student loans, you’ll have to check with your lender to learn your repayment options. Some offer forbearance options, and private loans are easier to discharge with bankruptcy than their federal counterparts.

Private loans don’t have income-based repayment options or much other flexibility.

If you have to choose to make payments on one or the other, pay off your private loans first. They usually have a higher interest rate, and the lack of flexibility means they’re easier to default when you can’t pay.

10. What is Refinancing? What is Consolidation?

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (11)

Refinancing or consolidating your loans will generally mean replacing your laundry list of loans with one (or a few) loans that include all of your student debt.

This could simplify your life with one monthly payment instead of several. It may also lower your monthly payment, improve your interest rate and/or give you more time to pay.

However, if you increase the length of your repayment period, you’ll potentially pay more in interest over the life of your loan. You may also lose some of the benefits of your existing loans that could save you money in the long run.

Be sure to do the math to understand the short- and long-term effects before jumping into refinancing or consolidation.

If you refinance with a private lender, you’ll lose all of the protections that come with federal loans, including income-driven repayment, cancellation and forgiveness options.

Learn more about private student loan refinancing here.

You can apply to consolidate your federal student loans with a federal Direct Consolidation Loan, which will help you keep some of the protections and repayment options of federal loans.

If you only need temporary relief from repayment and know you’ll be able to resume payments in the near future, consider whether deferment or forbearance would be better options before refinancing.

11. How Do You Qualify for Student Loan Forgiveness?

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (12)

In some cases, you can eliminate some of your student loan debt before you have to repay it.

Federal student loan forgiveness, cancellation or discharge is available for people who work in certain nonprofit or public service positions, including:

  • Peace Corps or ACTION volunteer
  • Teacher
  • Member of the U.S. armed forces
  • Nurse or medical technician
  • Law enforcement or corrections officer
  • Head Start worker
  • Child or family services worker

Check with your loan servicer to find out if your position qualifies.

If you’re in the private sector, you could also look for a job with a company that helps employees repay student loans!

Contrary to popular belief, you can also discharge student loans in bankruptcy — but it’s rare.

12. Who Can Answer Questions About Your Student Loans?

From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (13)

Whether you’re applying for the first time or you’ve been struggling with payments for a decade, student loans are a scary beast trailing millennials pretty much everywhere we go.

But they’re not a lost cause. We hope this guide helps you unravel the most complicated parts and get back on track.

If you’re still confused, do NOT ignore your loans for another decade and hope they’ll disappear!

(Trust me: I tried that. It does not work.)

Check out these additional resources to learn your options:

  • Your college or university’s student financial aid office. They’re a valuable and accessible resource, even after you graduate.
  • The articles at offer more in-depth information on all of the topics in this guide.
  • Check out inspiring stories of how other Penny Hoarders have repaid thousands of dollars of student loan debt.

Your Turn: What is your biggest question about applying for or repaying student loans?

Dana Sitar (@danasitar) is a staff writer at The Penny Hoarder. She’s written for Huffington Post,, Writer’s Digest and more, attempting humor wherever it’s allowed (and sometimes where it’s not).

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From FAFSA to Repayment: The Beginner’s Guide to Student Loans (2024)


How long does FAFSA give you to pay off student loans? ›

On This Page. The Standard Repayment Plan is the basic repayment plan for loans from the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program and Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program. Payments are fixed and made for up to 10 years (between 10 and 30 years for consolidation loans).

How does FAFSA repayment work? ›

If you don't pick a repayment plan, your loan servicer will place you on the Standard Repayment Plan. On the Standard Plan, you repay your loan(s) over 10 years. Your monthly payments on this plan are based on a 10-year schedule and not based on your income or your ability to pay.

When you start paying back loans, what's the first thing you should pay? ›

For example, if you have an auto loan at 6 percent interest, a credit card with a 21 percent interest rate and a student loan at 8 percent, it may make the most sense to pay down your highest-interest debts before making any extra payments toward student loans, which are accruing the least interest.

How many years are 120 payments? ›

PSLF Process

Because you have to make 120 qualifying monthly payments, it will take at least 10 years before you can qualify for PSLF. Important: You must still be working for a qualifying employer at the time you submit your form for forgiveness.

How long does it take to pay off a $40,000 student loan? ›

Examples of How Long It Will Take to Pay Off $40,000 in Student Loans
DebtMonthly PaymentPayoff Time
$40,000$42410 years
$40,000$4619 years
$40,000$5657 years
$40,000$7555 years

How long does it take to pay off $30k in student loans? ›

Let's assume you owe $30,000, and your blended average interest rate is 6%. If you pay $333 a month, you'll be done in 10 years. But you can do better than that. According to our student loan calculator, you'd need to pay $913 per month to put those loans out of your life in three years.

What is the best student loan repayment plan? ›

Best repayment option: standard repayment. On the standard student loan repayment plan, you make equal monthly payments for 10 years. If you can afford the standard plan, you'll pay less in interest and pay off your loans faster than you would on other federal repayment plans.

Do you pay back the money you get from FAFSA? ›

The type of aid you receive after filling out the FAFSA determines if you need to pay it back. Grants, scholarships, and work-study money don't need to be repaid but have finite funding limits. You will need to repay subsidized, unsubsidized, and Direct Plus Loans.

What is the average student loan debt? ›

Average student loan debt in America

51% of 2021-22 bachelor's degree recipients graduated with an average of $29,400 in student loan debt. Among all borrowers, the average student loan debt in 2023 was $38,787. 53% of federal student loan borrowers owe $20,000 or less.

What is the average monthly payment on a student loan? ›

Average Student Loan Payments

As of May 30, 2023, the average monthly payment for federal student loans was estimated to be about $500 per month when adjusted for inflation. However, the final number depends on the type of loan, loan amount, interest rates, and repayment plan.

Why is it so hard to pay off student loans? ›

Key Points. Interest can make student loans more expensive, while inflation can make that debt harder to manage alongside other bills. Paying off some of your debt during your studies could ease the burden later on and save you money on interest.

What happens when you fully pay off student loans? ›

When you make that final payment on your student loan, you might see a brief drop in your credit score — especially if you don't have any other forms of credit on your report. Your score should recover in a few months. You could also see a small increase after paying it off, according to Experian.

Are student loans forgiven after 20 years? ›

Borrowers who have reached 20 or 25 years (240 or 300 months) worth of eligible payments for IDR forgiveness will see their loans forgiven as they reach these milestones. ED will continue to discharge loans as borrowers reach the required number of months for forgiveness.

Why is my student loan payment $0? ›

Depending on your income and family size, your payment could be as low as $0. Your required monthly payment amount may increase or decrease if your income or family size changes from year to year. Use Loan Simulator to estimate your personalized monthly payment under different repayment plans, including IDR plans.

Should I pay off my student loans or wait for forgiveness? ›

No opportunities for student loan forgiveness: If you're eligible to have your student loans forgiven after a certain amount of time based on your career, it doesn't make sense to repay your loans early. You're better off making your required payments until the debt is forgiven.

How long can you wait to pay off student loans? ›

The standard repayment plan takes 10 years to pay off a student loan. But repayment can last longer if you change your repayment plan — for example, income-driven options can last up to 25 years. How quickly can I pay off my student loan?

How long does it take to pay off $100 K student loans? ›

How long does it take to pay off $100K in student loans?
Repayment termMonthly paymentsTotal interest paid over the life of the loan
5 years$1,933$15,997
10 years$1,110$33,225
15 years$844$51,984
20 years$716$71,943
1 more row
May 28, 2024

Do FAFSA loans expire? ›

There's no such thing as expiration when it comes to federal loans. Federal student loans have no statute of limitations, meaning that if you don't pay, the government can keep coming after you in court or through collections.

What happens to leftover financial aid money? ›

Typically, the school first applies your grant or loan money toward your tuition, fees, and (if you live on campus) room and board. Any money left over is paid to you directly for other education expenses.

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.