From Poverty to Wealth ($18k/year to $130k/year) (2024)


A hair over three years ago, I started up this thing called a blog.It was so foreign to me and I had absolutely no experience running a blog what-so-ever. I didn’t even really know the magnitude of what people could make blogging. I just wanted to help people, specifically, helping moms be able to stay home with their kids and quit the 9 to 5.

Seven years ago, I was homeless. I had $5 to my name and I simply wanted to show women how I did it and how they could too!

For me, it wasn’t about money, it was about changing lives, showing women they have a choice and sharing my “from poverty to wealth” stories with them for inspiration. It just so happens that I make great money doing what I love. If you want to get your message out and change the world, keep reading…

From Poverty to Wealth ($18k/year to $130k/year) (1)

From Poverty to Wealth ($18k/year to $130k/year)

As the sole provider of my family, I can understand the extreme diligence that men and women alike, put forth trying to make money from home. It seems like something that only dreams are made of…not something real and tangible. But, the truth is, that you CAN make money from home (I’ve been doing that for over 18 years) and one of the best ways to make money online from home, in my opinion, is blogging.

Yes, it’s a lot of hard work. No, it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, but yes, it IS real. For years, I lived on $18,000/year. Last year, I made $130,626.72.

In fact, within my first year, I was already making $10k/month.How? Blogging!

If blogging is something you’ve been thinking about, you’ll want to check out my free ebook (no sign up required), Everything You Should Know About Starting a Mom Blog.

Now, I bet you’re wondering just how DOES a single mom raise a family on her own and make such a killer income from home. Let me show you how I do. 🙂

Network marketing – $4,258.71

First, right off the bat, I am a part of a network marketing company in which I quite literally do absolutely NOTHING in it all year long. That’s right, no sales, nothing. But, because I’ve been a part of the company for over 6 years now, they pay me some good money for my doing nothing (I did originally work it for a couple years).

Private coaching (blog critique) – $195

In 2015, I used to do private coaching and kept extremely busy doing so. Beginning in 2016, I had to stop and this was my last coaching session, which was a blog critique.

Affiliates – $89,885.41

Love me some affiliate income! Yes, please!!!

Amazon– $6,047.07

BlueHost – $63,900.00

Share A Sale– $6,337.59

Ebates– $5,967.10

OfferJuice(barely started with them in November) – $357.05

ShopHer– $1,292.23

Misc. affiliate income – $5,984.37

Having trouble finding affiliate programs to join? I hear ya! You can spend weeks searching for different affiliate products to recommend to make money on OR you can click here to get my free eBook, Huge Affiliate Products Resource List for Lifestyle Bloggers, which details TONS of affiliates to join (sorted by topic so you can find what fits your brand super easy)!

Ebook Sales – $4,102.70

I have a few books on Amazon that do very well for me and have hit Amazon’s #1 Best Sellers list.

My most popular books are:

Ads – $21,124.68

On February 2 of this year, I took ads completely off my site, but all of last year (for which I’m sharing this income report), I was earning ads income.

I used these two ad networks:

  • Google AdSense– Find the two ads that do best on your site and keep them. Delete the ones that don’t do as well. There’s no point in showing an ad that doesn’t make you GOOD money!
  •– What I love about is that you can put the ads where you want them. I like to put them in some of my more popular posts. You can customize the ad colors any way you want and will automatically A/B split test them to get you maximum results.

Sponsors – $0

I don’t do sponsored posts. I feel they don’t line up withmy brand.

Misc. income – $11,060.22

Miscellaneous income came in at over $10,000 this year.

Total income – $130,626.72

The one thing that you’ll notice, is that outside of the one blog critique session, ALL my income is PASSIVE! This frees up my time drastically and allows me to be able to work on projects that are more in-depth and helpful to my audience.

Expenses – $18,294

It costs a lot of money to run a blog. Some of those expenses include

  • hiring out projects
  • having a personal assistant (Katie, who is AH-mazing!)
  • advertising
  • hosting
  • email services
  • technical support
  • office supplies
  • photography supplies
  • stock photo website memberships
  • healthcare insurance
  • training memberships
  • …and many other things.

Taxes – $31,179

Good ol’ Uncle Sam.

Total Profit – $81,153.72

Not bad for a single mom who gets to stay home with her kids all day, eh?! 🙂

Traffic – 7,399,111

From Poverty to Wealth ($18k/year to $130k/year) (2)

My traffic is somewhat all over the place. It’s never been stable since I started blogging. Just when it starts to settle out, I’ll get featured or something will go viral or blow up and it’ll go up and get crazy again. It’s always ebb and flow with my blog.

If you’re thinking about blogging, you definitely should start a blog! You never know where it can lead you!!! I started my humble blog as a simple way to help my friends. It was password protected, not even open to the public. They just kept sharing that password with like…everyone! lol. I went live and it quickly snowballed from there. My first month of going live, my site had 10,319 pageviews.

My top 10 posts of the year(in order of views):

  1. Top 5 Habits to Create a Better Life(747,254 views)
  2. 5 Things People Who Are Debt-Free Don’t Do(324,191 views)
  3. One Simple Trick Saves Me $125/month in Groceries(285,840 views)
  4. 2016 Calendars (279,154 views)
  5. The Perfect Tuna Melt (261,568 views)
  6. 40+ Things to Sell Right Now to Make Money (240,449 views)
  7. How to Make $10,000/month Online(226,164 views)
  8. Why You Should Never Shop Walmart or Dollar Stores(214,307 views)
  9. 5 Real Ways to Add $500/month Steady Income(198,339 views)
  10. Top 50 Essential Oil DIY Recipes (186,589 views)

What I’ve changed up this year:

  • I was pretty steadily getting 1.5+ million pageviews and making about $23,000/month in my last income report. But here’s the thing…I started getting super prideful about it (boasting, trying to impress people). It was also pretty stressful for me, because I have an advocate personality type, which means I’m not really big on attention. I like to help in the background, but BECAUSE my personality is an advocate, people are always drawn to me. It’s super counter-intuitive I know, and believe it or not, less than 1% of the population has this personality type! But because I saw my attitude was getting bad, I prayed God would take it all away. He did. I started getting lower pageviews and making less money and you know what, I’M GLAD! I’d rather not have as much than to be a jerk!
  • I got completely off Facebook. WA-HOOO! Seriously. I’ve always hated Facebook and finally, I got completely off and dropped 40 hours of my work week along with it. It’s amazing how much time I was spending on Facebook, that was NOT helping me grow my blog. Until I got off, I didn’t even see it! 40 hours a week is a LOT!
  • Got ON Twitter. I really like Twitter so far. Every day I post a super inspirational quote that will encourage and inspire my followers. Twitter has become my new “baby” project and I’m working hard to work up the platform. Although I’m only seeing few results in NEW followers, I know that I’m building and it takes time! I started building Pinterest and a couple years later, I’m already at over 200,000 followers, so it’ll come in time with Twitter. I just have to be patient, which I’m NOT good at. 🙂
  • Redesigned the blog to make it more modern and user friendly. I changed up my fonts to make it easier to read.
  • Removed all ads from my site! It’s a HUGE money income loss, but I felt convicted by God for a long time to do this and I finally took the leap of faith and took them off. No looking back!
  • Started going with Leadpages and am IN LOVE with them. My newsletter is up FOUR times the amount of subscribers. I’ve discovered some tricks to bump that up and it’s actually doing quite well. I’m very impressed.
  • Deleted over 20,000 newsletter subscribers. Listen, if they don’t open up my emails at least once in the last six months, I’m not going to pay to keep them. Plain and simple. I know this idea is super controversial and may not be right for everyone, but I delete.
  • Speaking of newsletters, I’m currently in the process of switching from Madmimi to ConvertKit. I’ve been with Madmimi for all of my blogging career, but wanted a more modern approach, as well as to implement some ideas I have about growing and nurturing my list, but Madmimi doesn’t have those capabilities and I’m not seeing them grow and upgrade their services.
  • Started doing more of what I personally love to do, which is printables and graphic design! Three binders hit my blog and they are doing FAN-tastic, traffic-wise. Gosh, I love binders. I’m already hard at work on three more! 🙂 Coming soon to a blog near you! lol.
  • Wrote a free 7-day e-course on How to Easily Start a Blog with No Fear. It is my best email list. Not that it has the most sign ups, but that my sign ups have a 99%-100% open rate on ALL newsletters and I’ve only had 3 people unsubscribe from the list this entire time! So, they are signing up, being engaged, and staying on it. This makes it THE most successful in my mind.

What I’m still doing this year:

  • Producing quality content, althoughI’m starting to post less each month. This allows me to focus on creating more in-depth content my audience will LOVE and is begging for! Hint: I’m already starting to work on a course! I get SOOOO many emails every day asking me for a course. Okay! Your wish is my command. 🙂
  • Taking one platform or program at a time and learning it fully before moving on. So far in my blogging career I’ve learned monetization of ads, rocking Pinterest, how to slay affiliate sales, creating eBooks, and have dabbled in a few free courses.
  • Investing in women’s lives. Answering emails personally, and showing God’s grace and love to others. Not only taking the time to help others, but also genuinely caring about them and truly wanting to serve.
  • Talking about God. To some, it’s seen as a downside, but I believe this gives me a unique edge. I’m able to live out and show my passion of God to others. It’s what I do in my personal life. It’s what I do in my blogging life. Being a Christian is who I am and I’m proud of that fact (my son wants to be a Pastor; has since he was 3 and he’s 9 now!)
  • Providing that inspiration and encouragement that we ALL need DAILY!
  • Continuing to NOT focus on money, traffic, or stats, but in my use-ability to my audience (how helpful I am to them).

What my goals are for the next year:

  • Create two courses….eventually three. I have everything all mapped out in my head and ready to begin working on the first course. I’m SOOOO excited about it!
  • Get to the $30,000/month mark by next Dec 2017. Since I’m doing very well on my blog now, once I add in products I create, I think I’ll do A LOT better.
  • Stop being so shy in person and take more initiative to be a leader by speaking publicly or creating videos (yikes!)
  • Create more binders (I’m obsessed) and perhaps even sell my graphic designs and/or printables.

Have you ever considered how much blogging income you can bring in? Has this post helped show you what’s possible? How does it inspire you in your blogging journey?

If you are interested in creatingablog of your own, Imade a step by step video tutorial that will help you start a blog of your own on the cheap, starting at only $2.95/month for hosting (you can only get this lower price through my link).

You will receive a free domain name ($15-$200 value) if you purchase at least 12 months of hosting. Of course, you want to be self-hosted, especially if you are wanting to make money blogging and this is the most cost effective way to go.

My post here will walk you through everything you’ll need to do to get up and running in less than 5 minutes!

Are you ready to start your money making blog?

If you are, you’ll want to click here and sign up with BlueHost. They are the most economical with fantastic customer support you can get when you are first starting out and they make everything completely easy for you. When you go through my link, you are sure to get the best specials and deals that are available at that time.

From Poverty to Wealth ($18k/year to $130k/year) (3)

From Poverty to Wealth ($18k/year to $130k/year) (2024)


Is 130k a year upper class? ›

If you're making between $43,350 and $130,000, you're considered middle class. If you're earning $130,000 and above, you're likely considered upper class.

Is making 130k a year good? ›

An annual salary of $130,000 puts you far above the national median household income, which according to the most recent Census data is $74,580.

Is 120k a year upper middle class? ›

The upper middle class is often defined as the top 15% to 20% of earners. According to the Social Security Administration's 2022 wage data, the average upper-middle-class income was roughly between $80,000 and $100,000.

What is considered wealthy per year? ›

Other key findings from the Bankrate survey showed that overall, women felt they needed a higher annual income to feel rich, at $502K, compared to men, who cited $465K as the threshold.

What percentage of Americans make over 130k? ›

Percentage distribution of household income in the United States in 2022
Annual household income in U.S. dollarsPercentage of U.S. households
75,000 to 99,99912.3%
100,000 to 149,99916.4%
150,000 to 199,9999.2%
200,000 and over11.9%
5 more rows
Nov 3, 2023

Is 130k a good salary in USA? ›

$130,000 is the 75th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers. $143,000 is the 90th percentile.

Is 130k a year middle class? ›

10 Pew defines the middle class as those earning from two-thirds to double the median household income. 11 This Pew classification means that the category of middle income is made up of people making somewhere between $43,350 and $130,000.

How much house can I afford on a 130k salary? ›

Applying the 28/36 rule, a $130,000 annual earner should keep housing costs below $3,033. However, there are many other factors besides just your income that shape how much house you can comfortably afford. Credit score: A strong credit score is important when you apply for a home loan.

Can you live off $130,000 a year? ›

The short answer is no! $130,000 would be a fantastic salary anywhere else but LA or California in general.

What salary is considered rich for a single person? ›

Based on that figure, an annual income of $500,000 or more would make you rich. The Economic Policy Institute uses a different baseline to determine who constitutes the top 1% and the top 5%. For 2021, you're in the top 1% if you earn $819,324 or more each year. The top 5% of income earners make $335,891 per year.

What is considered wealthy? ›

Those numbers are based partially on a survey conducted last year by personal finance website Bankrate, which found that Americans said they would need to make about $440,000 per year to feel rich or “achieve financial freedom.”

What is considered wealthy in retirement? ›

Even $800,000 in retirement savings doesn't necessarily mean you're wealthy — it just means you'll have enough to retire comfortably for 25 to 30 years. According to some surveys, you need at least $2 million in net worth to be considered wealthy.

What net worth is considered poverty? ›

NWP indicates that a household's net worth is less than one fourth of the federal poverty line, adjusted for family size and composition (Brandolini et al., 2010; Gibson-Davis et al., 2021). In 2021, a household with two adults and two children would be NWP if their net worth was less than $6,870.

What is a good salary to live rich? ›

Americans say they would need to earn $483,000, on average, to feel rich or achieve financial freedom, according to a recent Bankrate survey. That's over eight times the national median income of about $57,200, according to Labor Department data.

What is considered wealthy in 2024? ›

To be considered very high net worth, one might need assets ranging from $5 million to $10 million, while an ultra-high net worth status could require $30 million or more.

Is $130,000 the new middle class? ›

The Pew Research Center defines the middle class as households that earn between two-thirds and double the median U.S. household income, which was $65,000 in 2021, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. 21 Using Pew's yardstick, middle income is made up of people who make between $43,350 and $130,000.

What is considered upper class salary? ›

Upper middle class: Anyone with earnings in the 60th to 80th percentile would be considered upper middle class. Those in the upper middle class have incomes between $89,745 and $149,131. Upper class: Finally, the upper class is the top 20% of earners and they have incomes of $149,132 or higher.

Is 130k good for a family of four? ›

Based on this outline, Hawaii is by far the most expensive state for a family of four, but there are 12 states where a household would need to earn over $100,000 to get by: Hawaii: $182,900. Massachusetts: $142,341. California: $130,239.

Is 150k salary upper class? ›

There are three U.S. cities where people making a $150,000 income qualify as lower middle class and two of them are in California, according to recent research from GOBankingRates.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Views: 6711

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.