Fundsmith | Fund Factsheet (2024)

Price Data 8th March 2024

Share ClassOCF*MinimumPrice
T Class Acc1.08%EUR 2,000€ 62.26
T Class Inc1.08%EUR 2,000€ 58.61
R Class Acc1.58%EUR 2,000€ 58.73
R Class Inc1.58%EUR 2,000€ 57.62
I Class Acc0.94%EUR 5M€ 63.23
I Class Inc0.94%EUR 5M€ 58.83
USD T Class Acc1.08%USD 2,000$ 11.04
USD T Class Inc1.08%USD 2,000$ 11.03
USD R Class Acc1.59%USD 2,000$ 10.93
USD R Class Inc1.59%USD 2,000$ 10.93
USD I Class Acc0.94%USD 6M$ 38.48
USD I Class Inc0.94%USD 6M$ 36.13
CHF I Class Acc0.94%CHF 6MCHF 42.99
CHF I Class Inc0.94%CHF 6MCHF 39.93
GBP I Class Acc0.94%GBP 5M£ 42.24
GBP I Class Inc0.94%GBP 5M£ 40.09

Historical Prices

Standing Data

As at29 Feb 2024
Portfolio ManagerTerry Smith
Inception DatesEuro: 2.11.11 CHF: 5.4.12
Inception DatesUSD(I): 13.3.13 GBP: 15.4.14
Inception DatesUSD(T, R): 4.2.22
AdministratorNorthern Trust
AuditorDeloitte S.A.
Management Company

Fundrock Mgmt Co. S.A.

Global Distributor/Promoter

Fundsmith LLP

Investment Manager

Fundsmith Investment Svcs Ltd.

DealingDaily at13:00 C.E.T

Key Facts

As at29 Feb 2024
Fund Size€9.0bn
Gross / Net Yield<1.19% / 0.11%
2023 PTR#5.4%
7 Day Fund Liquidity>98%
No. Holdings27
Average Co. Founded1916
Median Market Cap€112.9bn
Active Share as at31.12.22”89%
2023Transaction Costs0.01%

Fund Performance Analysis

To29 Feb 2024, T Class Acc%
Annualised Rate of Return+15.9
Best Month+10.9 (Oct'15)
Worst Month-8.1 (Jan'22)
Average Month+1.3
%Positive Months70

Sector Split

As at29 Feb 2024, GICS®Categories%
Health Care28.4
Consumer Staples27.6
Consumer Discretionary11.4
Information Technology10.9
Communication Services9.9

Security Identification Codes

T ACC €B4K9WN1LU06903751824FFEED
T INC €B6WVNC5LU06903754224FEEDR
R ACC €B58W369LU06903746154FEDER
I ACC €B6TWPG9LU06903740294FEQUI
I INC €B4W03Z1LU06903745324FQUIT

Investment objective

The Fundsmith Equity Fund, a sub fund of Fundsmith SICAV (“Fund”) is actively managed, which means that the investments are selected at the discretion of the investment manager. The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term growth in value. The Fund will invest in equities on a global basis. The Fund’s approach is to be a long-term investor in its chosen stocks. It will not adopt short-term trading strategies. The Fund has stringent investment criteria which the Investment Manager adheres to in selecting securities for the Fund’s investment portfolio. These criteria aim to ensure that the Fund invests in:

  • high quality businesses that can sustain a high return on operating capital employed;
  • businesses whose advantages are difficult to replicate;
  • businesses which do not require significant leverage to generate returns;
  • businesses with a high degree of certainty of growth from reinvestment of their cash flows at high rates of return;
  • businesses that are resilient to change, particularly technological innovation; and/or
  • businesses whose valuation is considered by the Investment Manager to be attractive.

The Fund takes sustainability risk and ESG characteristics into account as part of its selection process. In that respect, the Fund promotes environmental and/or social characteristics and discloses sustainability-related information in accordance with the requirements of Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). More information can be found in the Prospectus and in the Sustainability Related Disclosure on the website.

Principal Risks

  • The value of companies invested in, and therefore the value of the Fund, will rise and fall, and there is no guarantee that you will get your investment back. An investment in the Fund should only be made by those persons who are able to sustain a loss on their investment. The Shares should be viewed as long term investments (at least 5 years).
  • The Fund's portfolio is a global portfolio and many of the investments will not be denominated in the currency in which you invest. There is no currency hedging made by the Fund. The value to you of the shares may therefore rise or fall purely on account of exchange rate movements.
  • The Fund's portfolio complies with the UCITS requirements on spread of investment. Having said that, application of the investment criteria described above significantly limits the number of potential investments: the Fund generally invests in 20 to 30 stocks and so it is more concentrated than many other funds. This means that the performance or underperformance of a single stock has a greater effect on the price of the Fund.
  • If you are unsure about the suitability of the Fund for you, please seek professional advice.
  • Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

Performance, % Total Return

2024 to
20232022202120202019Inception to
Annualised to
EU Bonds3-1.5-2.8+10.5-32.3-7.0+11.2+15.4+52.9+3.5

The Fund is not managed with reference to any benchmark, the above comparators are provided for information purposes only. 1 T class € accumulation shares, net of fees priced at midday UK time, source: Bloomberg 2 MSCI World Index (€ Net) priced at close of business US time, source: The MSCI World Index is a developed world index of global equities across all sectors and, as such, is a fair comparison given the Company's investment objective and policy. 3 Bloomberg/Barclays Bond Indices Euro Govt 10 yr, source: Bloomberg 4 € Interest Rate, source: Bloomberg.

Portfolio Comment for February 2024

There were no outright sales or purchases of holdings made in the month. The top 5 contributors in the month were Meta Platforms, Novo Nordisk, IDEXX, LVMH and Stryker. The top 5 detractors were Amadeus, Alphabet, Philip Morris, PepsiCo and L'Oréal.

Top 10 holdings

  • Novo Nordisk
  • Microsoft
  • Meta Platforms
  • L’Oréal
  • Stryker
  • Visa
  • LVMH
  • Philip Morris
  • Automatic Data Processing

Our values

  • No Fees for Performance
  • No Up Front Fees
  • No Nonsense
  • No Debt or Derivatives
  • No Shorting
  • No Market Timing
  • No Index Hugging
  • No Trading
  • No Hedging

Fundsmith knows

Just a small number of high quality, resilient, global growth companies that are good value and which we intend to hold for a long time, and in which we invest our own money.

" Active Share measures how much the portfolio holdings differ from the benchmark index (MSCI World) i.e. a portfolio that is identical to the benchmark would have 0% active share.

* The OCF (Ongoing Charges Figure) is the total expenses paid by the Fund (excluding bank overdraft interest), annualised, against its average net asset value. The OCF will fluctuate as the average net assets and costs change. The OCF is updated following the publication of accounts for the periods ending 30th June and 31st December. Certain costs paid by the Fund will be charged in Euros and exchange rate fluctuations may cause these costs to increase or decrease when converted into your local currency.

#The PTR (Portfolio Turnover Rate) is a measure of the Fund's trading activity, and has been calculated by taking the total share purchases and sales less total creations and liquidations divided by the average net asset value of the Fund.

> 7 Day Fund Liquidity is calculated based upon 30% of trailing 20 day average volume.

< Gross Yield reflects the historic dividend income received by the Fund before the deduction of all expenses including management fees. Net yield is Gross Yield less the deduction of all expenses including management fees i.e. Gross Yield less the OCF. In both cases we use T Class Shares as reference. Please note that rates would vary for I Class and R Class shares. Additional Fund expenses will further reduce the yield received.

N.B. When a position is being built for the Fund the company name is not disclosed on the factsheet.

Our ratings

Fundsmith | Fund Factsheet (1)

Past performance does not predict future returns. Returns for periods over one year are annualised. The past performance shown has been calculated using Euros. If the Euro is not your local currency, the returns shown may increase or decrease when converted into your local currency. For fees, refer to the KID.

Monthly performance table, % Total Return, T Class, EUR, Accumulation Shares


Dividends Per Share

EUR T ClassEUR I ClassCHF I ClassUSD T ClassUSD I ClassGBP I Class
Final1st Jul 2023to31st Dec 20230.06270.09570.06070.01130.06020.0663
Interim1st Jan 2023to30th Jun 20230.00000.04020.02670.00000.02320.0269
Final1st Jul 2022to31st Dec 20220.01830.06780.04560.00350.04060.0480
Interim1st Jan 2022to30th Jun 20220.00000.01000.00600.00000.00640.0084
Final1st Jul 2021to31st Dec 20210.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000
Interim1st Jan 2021to30th Jun 20210.01960.05380.04100.03550.0364
Final1st Jul 2020to31st Dec 20200.01040.03950.03500.02310.0304
Interim1st Jun 2020to30th Jun 20200.05960.08880.06890.05120.0660
Final1st Jul 2019to31st Dec 20190.02880.05630.04430.04370.0394
Interim1st Jan 2019to30th Jun 20190.02250.04730.03540.02950.0342

Accumulation share prices include all dividends received.
Income shares go ex-dividend on 30th June and 31st December and the dividends are paid out on or about 28th February and 31st August.

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Fundsmith | Fund Factsheet (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Views: 6063

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.