Futures Margin (2024)

Futures and futures options trading is provided by Charles Schwab Futures and Forex LLC.

What is futures margin?

Margin is the amount of funds required to enter a futures position—typically a fraction of the total value of the contract. Any product traded on margin means it's leveraged, exposing you to a larger asset position.

Get more details and an example of how futures margin works with "How Futures Margin Works."

Or read our guide "Futures margin: Learn how to get in position."

Futures Margin (1)

Video: Understanding Futures Margin

Futures Margin (2)

Video: Understanding Futures Margin

Video Transcript:Transcript: Understanding Futures Margin

Upbeat music plays throughout.

Many traders are drawn to futures because of leverage. Leverage allows traders to commit a smaller amount of capital to control the value of a large asset. This means that smaller changes in the underlying price can translate into larger gains or losses. In futures trading, this leverage is made possible by trading on margin. Margin is the amount of funds required to enter a futures position, which is usually a fraction of the contract's total value.

Margin for futures is different than margin for stocks. In stocks, you borrow against your assets like a loan. In futures, you put down a good faith deposit called the initial margin requirement. It's important to note that gains or losses on futures positions could exceed the initial margin requirement. Understanding margin is essential for a futures trader, so let's look at an example.

Let's say Trader A is bullish on the S&P 500® and decides to take a long position on the E-Mini S&P 500 Index futures, or forward slash ES.

For this example, we'll say that ES is trading at 2,800, which is a notional value of $140,000. Notional value is the cash equivalent value to owning the underlying asset or the contract's total value. In other words, if you wanted to buy a portfolio that reflected the S&P 500 with the same value as an ES contract, you'd have to invest $140,000.

However, by using a futures contract, Trader A can put down a fraction of the contract's $140,000 notional value. Margin is set by the futures exchange and is typically 3% to 12% of the contract's notional value. Some brokers may choose a higher requirement; therefore, initial margin can change at any time.

In this example, let's say the initial margin requirement is $5,500 for Trader A plus commissions and exchange fees.

There are two margins she needs to be aware of when trading futures. In addition to initial margin, there's also maintenance margin. Maintenance margin is lower than initial margin. Typically, the initial margin requirement will be 110% of the maintenance margin requirement. When traders first enter a futures position, they need to put up the initial margin requirement. However, after establishing the position, traders are held to the maintenance margin requirement.

For this example, Trader A has an initial margin of $5,500, her maintenance margin is $5,000, and her account balance is also $5,500.

The cash for the initial margin is automatically set aside in her account once the order is entered.

Trader A's buy order is routed to the exchange and is connected with Trader B's sell order.

Trader B is bearish on the S&P 500 and shorts an ES contract. Trader B also puts up the initial margin of $5,500 because the buyer and the seller put up the same initial margin.

Let's check the numbers for Trader B. He also has an initial margin requirement of $5,500 and is held to the maintenance margin of $5,000—the same as Trader A. For this example, we'll say his account balance is $5,500.

The next day the S&P 500 fell five points. Let's see how this affects our traders.

Each point on the ES is equal to $50. So, with the S&P 500 falling five points, Trader A loses $250, while Trader B gains $250. To understand what this does to each trader's balance, let's discuss settlement.

At the end of each trading day, futures trades are settled, or what's called marked-to-market. This is where the daily gains or losses are credited or subtracted from the account. Traders who experience a loss will incur a cash debit to their account, and traders who experience a profit will receive a cash credit. Because Trader A lost $250, her account was debited, reducing her account balance to $5,250.

Trader B profited $250 and was credited the profits so his account balance grew from $5,500 to $5,750.

The next day the S&P 500 continued to slide and lost another 10 points, or $500. Because Trader A lost another $500 after settlement, her account fell to $4,750, which is below the maintenance margin of $5,000.

Because Trader A's account balance is below the maintenance margin requirement, she is issued a margin call. In order for Trader A to stay in the trade, she must bring her account balance back up to the initial margin requirement of $5,500. This could include depositing more money, closing the position, or having her existing position appreciate.

Trader B is pretty happy with his trade so far. He just gained another $500, raising his account balance to $6,250.

The next day the S&P 500 rallied 20 points. Trader A's account increased by $1,000 and is now at $5,750. Her account balance is back above the initial margin requirement, which means she satisfied her margin call. Remember, if her position didn't appreciate in value, she'd have been required to add funds or close her position. Trader B's account balance went from $6,250 to $5,250.

To end our example, let's say that both traders closed their trades before expiration. Let's see how each trader fared.

Trader A's account started at $5,500 and ended with $5,750 for a return of 4.5%.

Trader B started with $5,500 and ended with $5,250 for a loss of 4.5%.

You can see how quickly profits and losses on a futures trade can change with just small moves in the underlying index. Remember, gains or losses on futures positions may exceed the initial margin requirement. But now that you've seen how margin works, you can better anticipate potential outcomes and plan accordingly.

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Video Transcript

Understanding Futures Margin

Upbeat music plays throughout.

Many traders are drawn to futures because of leverage. Leverage allows traders to commit a smaller amount of capital to control the value of a large asset. This means that smaller changes in the underlying price can translate into larger gains or losses. In futures trading, this leverage is made possible by trading on margin. Margin is the amount of funds required to enter a futures position, which is usually a fraction of the contract's total value.

Margin for futures is different than margin for stocks. In stocks, you borrow against your assets like a loan. In futures, you put down a good faith deposit called the initial margin requirement. It's important to note that gains or losses on futures positions could exceed the initial margin requirement. Understanding margin is essential for a futures trader, so let's look at an example.

Let's say Trader A is bullish on the S&P 500® and decides to take a long position on the E-Mini S&P 500 Index futures, or forward slash ES.

For this example, we'll say that ES is trading at 2,800, which is a notional value of $140,000. Notional value is the cash equivalent value to owning the underlying asset or the contract's total value. In other words, if you wanted to buy a portfolio that reflected the S&P 500 with the same value as an ES contract, you'd have to invest $140,000.

However, by using a futures contract, Trader A can put down a fraction of the contract's $140,000 notional value. Margin is set by the futures exchange and is typically 3% to 12% of the contract's notional value. Some brokers may choose a higher requirement; therefore, initial margin can change at any time.

In this example, let's say the initial margin requirement is $5,500 for Trader A plus commissions and exchange fees.

There are two margins she needs to be aware of when trading futures. In addition to initial margin, there's also maintenance margin. Maintenance margin is lower than initial margin. Typically, the initial margin requirement will be 110% of the maintenance margin requirement. When traders first enter a futures position, they need to put up the initial margin requirement. However, after establishing the position, traders are held to the maintenance margin requirement.

For this example, Trader A has an initial margin of $5,500, her maintenance margin is $5,000, and her account balance is also $5,500.

The cash for the initial margin is automatically set aside in her account once the order is entered.

Trader A's buy order is routed to the exchange and is connected with Trader B's sell order.

Trader B is bearish on the S&P 500 and shorts an ES contract. Trader B also puts up the initial margin of $5,500 because the buyer and the seller put up the same initial margin.

Let's check the numbers for Trader B. He also has an initial margin requirement of $5,500 and is held to the maintenance margin of $5,000—the same as Trader A. For this example, we'll say his account balance is $5,500.

The next day the S&P 500 fell five points. Let's see how this affects our traders.

Each point on the ES is equal to $50. So, with the S&P 500 falling five points, Trader A loses $250, while Trader B gains $250. To understand what this does to each trader's balance, let's discuss settlement.

At the end of each trading day, futures trades are settled, or what's called marked-to-market. This is where the daily gains or losses are credited or subtracted from the account. Traders who experience a loss will incur a cash debit to their account, and traders who experience a profit will receive a cash credit. Because Trader A lost $250, her account was debited, reducing her account balance to $5,250.

Trader B profited $250 and was credited the profits so his account balance grew from $5,500 to $5,750.

The next day the S&P 500 continued to slide and lost another 10 points, or $500. Because Trader A lost another $500 after settlement, her account fell to $4,750, which is below the maintenance margin of $5,000.

Because Trader A's account balance is below the maintenance margin requirement, she is issued a margin call. In order for Trader A to stay in the trade, she must bring her account balance back up to the initial margin requirement of $5,500. This could include depositing more money, closing the position, or having her existing position appreciate.

Trader B is pretty happy with his trade so far. He just gained another $500, raising his account balance to $6,250.

The next day the S&P 500 rallied 20 points. Trader A's account increased by $1,000 and is now at $5,750. Her account balance is back above the initial margin requirement, which means she satisfied her margin call. Remember, if her position didn't appreciate in value, she'd have been required to add funds or close her position. Trader B's account balance went from $6,250 to $5,250.

To end our example, let's say that both traders closed their trades before expiration. Let's see how each trader fared.

Trader A's account started at $5,500 and ended with $5,750 for a return of 4.5%.

Trader B started with $5,500 and ended with $5,250 for a loss of 4.5%.

You can see how quickly profits and losses on a futures trade can change with just small moves in the underlying index. Remember, gains or losses on futures positions may exceed the initial margin requirement. But now that you've seen how margin works, you can better anticipate potential outcomes and plan accordingly.

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A few futures margin basics


In stocks, you can borrow against your assets like a loan. In futures, you put down a good faith deposit called the initial margin requirement. The cash for the initial margin requirement is automatically set aside in your account and subtracted from your buying power once an order is entered.

Margin requirements

Whether you go long or short, initial margin requirements vary by futures product, generally ranging anywhere from 3% to 12% of the notional value of the contract. There's also a maintenance margin requirement (balance your account must carry to stay in a position) that may be increased at any time.1


As leveraged investments, a relatively small amount of initial capital exposes you to a larger futures contract amount. While this leverage can provide an efficient use of capital, it can potentially amplify losses beyond the amount originally invested.

Futures margin in thinkorswim®

Schwab's thinkorswim trading platforms are designed to help make it easy to identify and manage your margin requirements when viewing futures symbol data.

Futures Margin (3)

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Futures Margin (2024)


How much margin do I need for futures? ›

It is not a down payment and you do not own the underlying commodity. Futures margin generally represents a smaller percentage of the notional value of the contract, typically 3-12% per futures contract as opposed to up to 50% of the face value of securities purchased on margin.

What is the futures margin rule? ›

Initial margin requirements vary by futures product and are typically a small percentage—from 2% to 12%—of the contract's notional value (the cash equivalent value to owning the asset, or the total value of the contract).

What is an example of a futures margin? ›

For example, Client A buys one canola futures contract of 20 tonnes for $500 per tonne. Client A posts an initial margin of $440 with the broker. If, the next day, the price of that canola contract goes down by $6 per tonne to $494, Client A has a potential, or unrealized loss of $120 (20 tonnes at $6 per tonne).

Do you get initial margin back? ›

In futures trading, if the account falls below the specified maintenance margin level, then the broker sends the trader a margin call. This informs the trader that they must immediately deposit sufficient funds to bring the account back up to the initial margin level.

What is the margin requirement for S&P 500 futures? ›

For the E-mini S&P 500 contract (/ES), the maintenance margin is $12,000 per contract. The "multiplier" used to determine the notional value for Micro E-mini SPX contracts, at $5, is also one-tenth the size of the E-mini SPX contract.

How much is one futures contract worth? ›

Also known as a contract's notional value, contract value is calculated by multiplying the size of the contract by the current price. For example, the E-mini S&P 500 contract is $50 times the price of the index. If the index is trading at 2,250, the value of one E-mini S&P 500 contract would be $112,500.

What is futures vs margin? ›

Margin is essentially a loan on whatever you want to buy while futures is essentially a contract set for a future date and price that can be speculated upon. Futures contracts are typically fixed quantity items while margin trading quantities aren't fixed and depend on the funds you actually put in.

What is the difference between stock margin and futures margin? ›

Difference Between Margin Trading and Futures Trading

Here are the key differences: Ownership of Assets: In margin trading, you actually own the assets you purchase using borrowed funds. However, in futures trading, you do not own the underlying assets; you are only speculating on their price movements.

How to calculate profit in futures trading? ›

Calculating profit and loss on a trade is done by multiplying the dollar value of a one-tick move by the number of ticks the futures contract has moved since you purchased the contract.

What happens if you can't pay back margin? ›

What happens if you don't meet a margin call? Your brokerage firm may close out positions in your portfolio and isn't required to consult you first. That could mean locking in losses and still having to repay the money you borrowed. Again, these examples are based on 50% margin debt is the maximum you can borrow.

What happens if you go over margin? ›

If you go over margin, you might be faced with a margin call. A margin call happens when your excess margin deposit falls below zero. Satisfying a margin call involves depositing more cash or securities or liquidating existing holdings to bring the account's excess margin ratio back within proper limits.

What is the minimum capital for futures trading? ›

There is no minimum capital that's set in stone for futures trading. However, you will have to deposit a margin for taking a position in any futures contract. In fact, you can take bigger positions with smaller capital using Dhan's Pledge Margin feature. Which is better - futures trading or options trading?

What is the minimum balance for TD Ameritrade futures? ›

TD Ameritrade gives access to futures trading.

You can trade futures on 5 exchanges. For futures contracts, futures exchanges set initial margin requirements as a percentage of the contract to be traded. There isn't a legal minimum balance that you have to maintain to day trade futures.

What is the margin requirement for futures on expiry week? ›

Futures and Short Option (Calls & Puts) positions.

The margin requirement for all stock Futures and short options contracts increases on the expiry day to 40% of the contract value or SPAN + Exposure (whichever is higher).

What is the minimum margin for Tradovate? ›

We offer the Micro E-Mini S&P 500 (MES), Micro E-Mini Dow $0.50 (MYM), and Micro E-Mini Russell 2000 (M2K) for a day margin rate of $50 per contract. We offer the Micro E-Mini Nasdaq 100 (MNQ) for a day margin rate of $100 per contract.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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