Futures Trading 101: Symbols, Contract months, Expiration and Specific (2024)

Futures Trading 101: Symbols, Contract months, Expiration and Specific (1)

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Futures Months

  • January – F
  • February – G
  • March– H
  • April– J
  • May– K
  • June– M
  • July– N
  • August – Q
  • September– U
  • October– V
  • November– X
  • December – Z

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Futures Symbols 101


Introduction – what is Futures Trading?

Futures Trading – The futures market is a volatile and rewarding market. Uniquely labeled and with meaning behind each character, understanding the language behind the futures market is critical to one’s success in trading. This blog post will delve into and decode the meaning behind the symbols in futures contracts and thus aid you on your path to understanding futures contracts.

To start, we will look at the way futures are denoted. The way that futures contracts are labeled is first by the symbol of the contract, then the symbol for what month the contract expires, and finally the year in which the contract expires.

More about futures

An example of a futures contract

Futures Trading 101: Symbols, Contract months, Expiration and Specific (3)

For example, a gold future that expires in December 2018 would have the symbol: GCZ18 (GC December 2018).


In the world of trading futures there are many different letters and symbols that correspond to different futures contracts, months of expiry, and exchanges which are denoted in the following graphics.

Futures Month Symbols

Futures Contracts Months Codes


Below you can find the symbols associated with each month of expiry for future contracts. While the letters might seem erratically dispersed, this is most likely because the preceding letters already have associations in trading contexts ( A= Ask, B= Bid, C= Corn, E=Eggs, O= Oats, S= Soybeans, W= Wheat etc.). This leaves the remaining letters for the months of the year. However, the original future trading commodities dealt with agricultural resources, therefore corn and wheat are represented, while crude oil is not. While this explanation seems probable, there is no definitive reason for the letter choices but they are still globally accepted as the correct symbols.

Futures Specifications Explained

DJDow Jones IndustrialsCBOTH, M, U, Z1.000$3.550$10
NDNasdaq 100CMEH, M, U, Z0.250$4.290$25
SPS&P 500CMEH, M, U, Z0.050$4.200$12.5

Below you can find the symbols associated with every kind of futures contract, whether they are exchanges, the month of delivery, the minimum tick size/price shift, and the $-value (amount of profit or loss incurred with each tick). You can also find the initial margin of each futures contract, which signifies the minimum amount to be available in your account as collateral for each contract that you have an open position on. When you purchase a futures contract, the initial margin is the minimum amount of money that must be deposited into your account which is refunded with any gains or losses when your contract is liquidated. The amount in this margin account fluctuates daily in response to the market in relation to your futures contract.

What is “Min Tick”?

Min Tick is the minimum movement that is captured for a given instrument. For instance, if the Tick is 0.01 this means the minimum price movement that will be recorded is 0.01.

For example, CL (the futures contract for oil) is trading today at 67.01 and the minimum change in price that will be recorded is from 67.01 to 67.02 or from 67.01 to 67.00 this is the definition of Min Tick being 0.01

What is “Tick Value”?

This means how much each tick movement is worth. For example, assume we are talking about the futures contract for oil which is denoted as CL.

The definition of the oil contract size is for 1000 barrels. Thus since the “Tick” is 0.01 the tick value is equal to the contract size multiplied by minimum tick, in our oil contract example 0.01*1000 =$10. In summary; Tick Value = Tick*Contract Size.

Futures Symbol List

Currencies Futures Symbols

ADAustralian DollarCMEH, M, U, Z0.010$1.430$10
BPBritish PoundCMEH, M, U, Z0.010$2.310$6.25
CDCanadian DollarCMEH, M, U, Z0.010$1.045$10
DXUS Dollar IndexICEH, M, U, Z0.010$1.980$10
EUEuroFxCMEH, M, U, Z0.010$2.310$12.5
JUJapanese YenCMEH, M, U, Z0.010$3.300$12.5
SFSwiss FrancCMEH, M, U, Z0.010$3.438$12.5

EnergiesFutures Symbols

CLCrude OilNYMF, G, H, J, K, M, N, Q, U, V, X, Z0.010$2.750$10
HONY Harbor ULSD/Heating oilNYMF, G, H, J, K, M, N, Q, U, V, X, Z0.010$3.300$4.2
HUUnleaded GasNYMF, G, H, J, K, M, N, Q, U, V, X, Z0.010$3.150$4.2
NGNatural GasNYMF, G, H, J, K, M, N, Q, U, V, X, Z0.001$2.090$1
RBRBOB GasolineNYMF, G, H, J, K, M, N, Q, U, V, X, Z0.010$3.520$4.2
ITCO/BRNBrent CrudeICEF, G, H, J, K, M, N, Q, U, V, X, Z0.010$4.070$10

MeatsFutures Symbols

FCFeeder CattleCMEF, H, J, K, Q, U, V, X0.025$4.263$12.5
LCLive CattleCMEG, J, M, Q, U, V, Z0.025$2.255$10
HELean HogsCMEG, J, K, M, N, Q, V, Z0.025$1.320$10
DAMilk class IIICMEF, G, H, J, K, M, N, Q, U, V, X, Z0.010$1.300$20

Grains & Soy ComplexFutures Symbols

BOSoybean OilCBOTF, H, K, N, Q, U, V, Z0.010$935$6
CCornCBOTF, H, K, N, U, X, Z0.250$935$12.5
KWKansas City WheatKCBTH, K, N, U, Z0.250$1.250$12.5
MWMinneapolis WheatMGEH, K, N, U, Z0.250$2.250$12.5
OOatsCBOTH, K, N, U, Z0.250$880$12.5
SSoybeansCBOTF, H, K, N, Q, U, X0.250$2.310$12.5
SMSoybeans MealCBOTF, H, K, N, Q, U, V, Z0.100$1.980$10
WWheatCBOTH, K, N, U, Z0.250$1.320$12.5

MetalsFutures Symbols

GCGoldCMXG, J, M, Q, V, Z0.100$4.345$10
HGCopperCMXH, K, N, U, Z0.050$2.640$12.5
PLPlatinumNYMF, J, N, V0.100$2.090$5
SISilverCMXH, K, N, U, Z0.005$5.500$0.25

Interest RatesFutures Symbols

EDEurodollarsCMEH, M, U, Z0.005$3.850$12.5
FV5-Yr T-NotesCBOTH, M, U, Z0.016$770$15.625
MBMunicipal BondsCBOTH, M, U, Z0.031$3.150$31.25
TU2-Yr T-NotesCBOTH, M, U, Z0.008$462$15.625
TY10-Yr T-NotesCBOTH, M, U, Z0.016$1.430$15.625
US30-Yr T-NotesCBOTH, M, U, Z0.031$3.850$31.25

Soft & FibersFutures Symbols

RRRiceCBOTF, H, K, N, U, X0.500$975$50
CCCocoaICEH, K, N, U, Z1.000$1.595$10
CTCottonICEH, K, N, U, Z0.010$2.530$5
KCCoffeeICEH, K, N, U, Z0.050$2.970$18.75
LBLumberCMEF, H, K, N, U, X0.100$1.595$11
JOOrange JuiceICEF, H, K, N, U, X0.050$1.600$7.5
SBSugar #11ICEH, K, N, V0.010$1.232$11.2


Overall, the Futures Market is a bit more difficult to begin trading in, due to the specific terminology and highly competitive nature. However, associated with the large risk is the chance to succeed with high profits as well. The advantages posed by futures are not attractive to every trader due to the specific nature of futures and aforementioned challenges, but by remaining informed and adhering to a strong trading strategy one is easily able to stay ahead of the curve by understanding and avoiding mistakes.

Futures Contracts Months Codes


Futures Trading 101: Symbols, Contract months, Expiration and Specific (4)

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What are Futures and how do they work?

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Futures Trading 101: Symbols, Contract months, Expiration and Specific (5)


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Futures Trading 101: Symbols, Contract months, Expiration and Specific (6) Futures Trading 101: Symbols, Contract months, Expiration and Specific (7)

Futures Trading 101: Symbols, Contract months, Expiration and Specific (2024)


What are the symbols for futures? ›

Futures Symbol List
DJDow Jones IndustrialsH, M, U, Z
NDNasdaq 100H, M, U, Z
SPS&P 500H, M, U, Z

Do futures contracts have expiration dates? ›

Futures contracts have expiration dates as opposed to stocks that trade in perpetuity. They are rolled over to a different month to avoid the costs and obligations associated with settlement of the contracts. Futures contracts are most often settled by physical settlement or cash settlement.

What is contract month in futures? ›

Contract month. The month in which futures contracts may be satisfied by making or accepting a delivery.

How to remember futures month codes in forex? ›

Month Code
  1. F – January.
  2. G – February.
  3. H – March.
  4. J – April.
  5. K – May.
  6. M – June.
  7. N – July.
  8. Q – August.

What are the months for the ES contract? ›

The E-mini contract is denoted by the “ES” ticker symbol, plus a code for expiration month and year. The contract expires every quarter on the 3rd Friday of March, June, September and December with each expiration month denoted by an “H”, “M”, “U” and “Z” respectively.

What is the life cycle of a futures contract? ›

For options it is one month contract expiring on the last Thursday of that month. For futures you can trade for three different months contracts which will expire on their respective last Thursday of that month. What is a bond trade life-cycle?

What happens if I don't sell futures on expiry? ›

Futures contracts need to be settled before the expiration date to avoid penalties. However, there is no penalty on not settling an options contract before the expiration. You can simply let the contract expire if you wish not to buy or sell the asset.

Can you hold a futures contract forever? ›

Perpetual futures, also known as perpetual swaps or “perpetuals,” are a type of derivative contract that allows traders to speculate on the future price of an asset without an expiration date. Unlike traditional futures contracts, which have a set expiry date, perpetual futures can be held indefinitely.

What are the four types of futures contracts? ›

Here are the types of futures contracts to know:
  • Commodity Futures. You already know that a futures contract's value is based on an underlying asset. ...
  • Currency Futures. Understanding what is currency futures can help unlock more investment opportunities. ...
  • Stock Futures. ...
  • Index Futures. ...
  • Interest Rate Futures.
May 23, 2024

How to trade futures for beginners? ›

How to trade futures
  1. Understand how futures trading works.
  2. Pick a futures market to trade.
  3. Create an account and log in.
  4. Decide whether to go long or short.
  5. Place your first trade.
  6. Set your stops and limits.
  7. Monitor and close your position.

What are the letters for futures months? ›

Although letters are omitted, the coding system runs in alphabetical order with "Z," for example, corresponding with December: January: F. February: G. March: H.

How to read future symbols? ›

NOTE: Futures symbols in StreetSmart are created in four parts: 'root symbol' + 'month code' + 'year code'. The year code is displayed as two digits. For Example, a March (month code = H) 2018 (year code = 18) contract of AB would be entered as ABH18.

What is an example of a futures contract? ›

An example of a futures contract is an agreement to buy 100 barrels of oil at Rs. 5,000 per barrel, to be delivered in three months. The buyer and seller lock in this price today, regardless of future market fluctuations.

What is a futures contract code? ›

The display format of futures contract codes is fundamental to understanding pricing across multiple expirations. Contract display codes are typically one- to three-letter codes identifying the product followed by additional characters indicating the month and year of expiration.

Do futures have tickers? ›

Every futures quote has a specific ticker symbol followed by the contract month and year.

What is the symbol for US bond futures? ›

U.S. Treasury Bond Futures,Sep- (ZB=F) Stock Price, News, Quote & History - Yahoo Finance.

What is the symbol for the US dollar futures? ›

What is the contract symbol for the U.S. Dollar Index? The Exchange symbol for the futures contract is DX, followed by the month and year code.

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