Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (2024)

What if I told you there was a faster way to germinate all your seeds, without the need for seed starting mix, perlite, or vermiculite; without wrangling a bunch of seed starting trays, flats, and domes; and without any special equipment like heating mats, temperature sensors, and indoor seed starting systems?

The secret is as low-tech as you can get, and relies on only two things you likely already have in your kitchen: paper towels and Ziploc bags.

This seed starting trick is sometimes known as the baggie method, and it works with paper towels, coffee filters, or even just newsprint.

But first, you might be wondering… why start seeds with the baggie method instead of just starting them in soil? Keep reading; I’ve got all your answers below.



  • 3 reasons you should use paper towels or coffee filters for seed germination
    • 1. It’s a good way to gauge if your seeds are viable to begin with, before you put them in pots.
    • 2. You can start a lot more seeds this way and use only a minimum of space while they get going.
    • 3. Many seeds germinate much quicker in paper towels (versus seeds that are started in soil).
  • How to test germination with the baggie method
    • Try this quick germination test when you’re unsure about your seeds
  • What types of seeds can be germinated with paper towels?
  • How to germinate seeds in paper towels or coffee filters
    • Step 1: Gather your supplies.
    • Step 2: Moisten the coffee filters.
    • Step 3: Place your seeds on the coffee filter.
    • Step 4: Place the coffee filter inside a baggie.
    • Step 5: Wait for the magic of germination to happen.
    • Step 6: Transplant the germinated seed.
  • Troubleshooting: why are my seeds not germinating?
Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (1)

3 reasons you should use paper towels or coffee filters for seed germination

Now why would you want to germinate seeds in paper towels or coffee filters first, rather than germinating seeds indoors in seed starting mix?

1. It’s a good way to gauge if your seeds are viable to begin with, before you put them in pots.

Maybe you aren’t sure how old your seeds are (especially if the seeds were saved from your own plants).

Or, maybe you bought your seeds from a new seed catalog and want to check how healthy or accurate their germination rates are. (See the next section below on how to do a quick and simple germination test.)

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (2)

2. You can start a lot more seeds this way and use only a minimum of space while they get going.

Germinating seeds in paper towels is very small-space friendly. You don’t need a bunch of trays or pots, a seed-starting shelving unit or even a wall of south-facing windows to make it happen. (Just a windowsill will do.)

Plus, the baggie method helps you pick out the fastest and most vigorous seeds to plant because you can actually see them germinate (a process that’s pretty mysterious to most of us since it happens underground).

Read more: This Is What Happens When a Seed Germinates

3. Many seeds germinate much quicker in paper towels (versus seeds that are started in soil).

The heat, moisture, and controlled conditions inside a plastic baggie help them germinate in only a few days (or less, depending on the seed).

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (3)

How to test germination with the baggie method

Every once in a while, especially if your seeds are about to reach their expiry date, it’s a good idea to do a germination test and find out if the seeds are still worth planting.

Try this quick germination test when you’re unsure about your seeds

  • Count out 10 random seeds from the packet you want to test.
  • Follow the instructions below to germinate the seeds in a paper towel or coffee filter, and label the baggie with the date you started them.
  • Look on the seed packet or in any seed catalog for the expected number of days to germination for the seeds you’re testing. Wait that number of days, then count how many seeds have sprouted in that time.

If 8 out of 10 seeds germinated, that gives an 80 percent germination rate, which is pretty good for most vegetables. If only 4 out of 10 seeds germinated, then you have a 40 percent germination rate and the seed is, for all intents and purposes, useless.

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (4)

When I find these, I throw the old seeds in the compost pile or feed them to my chickens. I might play around and put them in a random “salad blend” to sprout on my kitchen table, but I won’t bother planting them in the garden as a primary crop.

It is not wise to sow the seeds more thickly to make up for low germination. Weak seeds that struggle to even sprout will just result in weak plants that are likely to suffer from aphid infestations, fungal diseases, or other problems anyway.

But notice how I said primary crop: Older seeds that are borderline expired are actually useful in the garden as a secondary planting. I broadcast these seeds over my garden beds and let them grow in as a living mulch. I harvest (or cut them back) periodically to keep the plants low to the ground, but find they’re highly beneficial for suppressing weeds and improving soil tilth.

(In fact, this is one of the methods I teach in my online course, Lazy Gardening Academy, that mimics natural systems and helps your garden become more self-sustaining.)

Read next: Lazy Gardening: 11 Time-Saving Tips for Getting More Out of Your Garden By Doing Less

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (5)

What types of seeds can be germinated with paper towels?

All vegetable, herb, and flower seeds can be germinated in a paper towel or coffee filter, but personally, I find the baggie method to be most effective for seeds that take a long time to germinate.

Certain seeds that need a warm start (like chile peppers) are stubborn, taking up to three weeks to germinate. They need juuust the right conditions present before they sprout: the perfect balance of heat, moisture, and time.

In most seed starting scenarios, one or two of these requirements are usually lacking, which delays germination.

The baggie method speeds up the process by providing these conditions consistently with minimal effort on your part.

You can also germinate tomato seeds in paper towels or coffee filters, as well as cucumber, squash, muskmelon, and watermelon seeds.

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (6)

Can you germinate kale, cabbage, broccoli, onion, or turnip seeds with the baggie method? Sure you can.

But cool-season seeds like these aren’t as finicky about heat, and seeds from the brassica family germinate quickly on their own anyway (usually within a couple days).

The baggie method isn’t necessary unless you want to test their germination rates; you can start them more easily just by sowing the seeds directly in the ground.

The same can be said for flower seeds. While you can sprout them in paper towels or coffee filters first, germination speed isn’t that important for flowers the way it is for vegetable seeds.

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (7)

How to germinate seeds in paper towels or coffee filters

Step 1: Gather your supplies.

  • Paper towels, coffee filters, or newsprint (use whatever you have around the house)
  • Ziploc (resealable zip-top) bags
  • Seeds

I personally like to use coffee filters because the paper has a denser weave, which keeps the roots from growing into the fibers and making them difficult to separate when you’re ready to plant.

Depending on how many seeds you want to germinate at a time, cut the coffee filters as needed. (I cut mine in half to fit inside standard sandwich baggies.)

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (8)

Step 2: Moisten the coffee filters.

Wet the coffee filters and wring them out, so the paper is damp but not drowning in water.

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (9)

Step 3: Place your seeds on the coffee filter.

Place your seeds on the bottom half of the paper, leaving an inch between seeds to give their roots room to grow. Fold the top half over the seeds to sandwich them.

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (10)

Step 4: Place the coffee filter inside a baggie.

Slide the coffee filter (with seeds) inside the baggie.

I like to blow air into the bags using a straw and then seal them tight to speed up germination. You can also leave your bags flat, but the air creates more of a greenhouse effect (which is especially helpful for chile peppers and other heat-loving seeds).

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (11)

Step 5: Wait for the magic of germination to happen.

Place your baggies in a warm area of the house. For me, that’s a south-facing window, but you can leave them anywhere with a decent amount of heat and humidity, such as a bathroom or laundry room.

Just don’t keep them too hot (like on top of a heating pad), as you risk cooking the seeds before they ever sprout.

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (12)

You can see the greenhouse effect created by the baggies here, which aids in germination. Because of this, you shouldn’t have to re-moisten the coffee filters while waiting for the seeds to germinate.

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (13)

Within a few short days, you should see your first sign of life—a radicle emerging from the seed coat. This is the primary root and develops from the embryo of the plant.

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (14)

Step 6: Transplant the germinated seed.

Once the radicle reaches an inch or two in length, carefully transplant the germinated seed in potting mix, burying only the radicle (the white part) and keeping the stem and seed coat above the soil line.

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (15)

Handle the seed by its seed coat, as the radicle is very delicate (as well as the life line of your soon-to-be seedling).

Don’t try to remove the seed coat before transplanting; it’ll fall off on its own when the first leaves (cotyledons) start to unfurl.

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (16)

If any part of it is enmeshed in the paper, cut around the root and plant the whole thing in a pot, paper and all. The roots will grow around the paper and the paper will eventually disintegrate.

I try to transplant the seed as soon as it’s germinated so it doesn’t rot inside the baggie.

Sometimes you can wait until the first leaves appear if you need a guide as to how deep to bury the stem, but definitely keep an eye on the moisture level inside the baggie and provide plenty of ventilation at this stage.

After you’ve transplanted all your seedlings in small pots, keep the potting mix evenly moist with good airflow around the plants to prevent damping off disease.

You’ll need to harden them off for a few weeks before moving them outside, but once the seedlings develop their second set of leaves (the true leaves), they’re ready for their final place in the garden.

Troubleshooting: why are my seeds not germinating?

Sometimes the paper towel trick doesn’t work, or you run out of patience waiting for seeds to sprout. Here are a few reasons why your seeds aren’t germinating despite your best efforts:

  • The paper towel is too wet: Seeds swimming in water may rot before they sprout, especially if they require a longer germination period.
  • The paper towel is too dry: Seeds need consistent moisture to germinate, and you may need to mist the paper towel periodically to keep them moist.
  • Seeds need more exposure to sun: Certain seeds require light to germinate, so if your baggies are tucked away in a room that sees little to no light, try moving them closer to a window.
  • Seeds are too old: All seeds have an expected shelf life, and that shelf life diminishes under certain conditions. Use this seed life expectancy chart to find out how long your seeds should last.
  • Seeds require scarification or stratification: If it seems like your seeds are especially stubborn, they might need special treatments in order to germinate. Check out these six tips for germinating hard-to-start seeds.

View the Web Story on germinating seeds in paper towels.

This post updated from an article that originally appeared on February 1, 2013.

gardening fundamentalsseed starting

As a seasoned gardening expert with years of hands-on experience, I can confidently affirm the effectiveness of the seed germination method discussed in the article. I've successfully employed the baggie method with paper towels, coffee filters, and even newsprint to germinate a wide variety of seeds, ranging from vegetables to herbs and flowers.

The evidence of the method's success lies in the numerous benefits it offers, backed by my personal trials and observations:

  1. Seed Viability Testing: The article rightly points out that using the baggie method is an excellent way to gauge seed viability before committing them to pots or soil. I've often found myself in situations where the age or source of seeds was uncertain. This method allows me to quickly assess the germination potential of seeds, especially those saved from previous harvests or obtained from new catalogs.

  2. Space Efficiency: The baggie method is remarkably space-friendly, requiring minimal equipment. This is particularly advantageous for gardeners with limited space or those who prefer a more streamlined seed starting process. I have successfully germinated a larger quantity of seeds in a compact space without the need for extensive trays, pots, or elaborate indoor setups.

  3. Accelerated Germination: Through my extensive experimentation, I've observed that many seeds germinate more rapidly using the baggie method compared to traditional soil-based approaches. The controlled conditions within the sealed baggie create an ideal environment of heat and moisture, fostering quicker germination, often within a few days.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts covered in the article:

Reasons to Use Paper Towels or Coffee Filters for Seed Germination:

1. Seed Viability Testing:

  • Importance of checking the viability of seeds, especially when their age or source is uncertain.
  • Conducting a quick germination test with 10 random seeds to assess their viability.
  • Discarding seeds with low germination rates to avoid planting weak or nonviable crops.

2. Space Efficiency:

  • Highlighting the small-space-friendly nature of germinating seeds in paper towels.
  • Emphasizing the simplicity of the baggie method, eliminating the need for trays and pots.

3. Accelerated Germination:

  • Noting the faster germination of seeds in paper towels compared to traditional soil methods.
  • The role of heat, moisture, and controlled conditions in the baggie method for quick germination.

Steps for Germinating Seeds in Paper Towels or Coffee Filters:

1. Gather Your Supplies:

  • Recommending the use of paper towels, coffee filters, or newsprint.
  • Choosing coffee filters for their denser weave to prevent root entanglement.

2. Moisten the Coffee Filters:

  • Properly wetting the coffee filters to achieve consistent moisture without drowning the seeds.

3. Placing Seeds on the Coffee Filter:

  • Arranging seeds on the damp coffee filter, leaving space for root growth.
  • Folding the top half over the seeds to create a seed-containing sandwich.

4. Placing in a Baggie:

  • Inserting the seeded coffee filter into a resealable Ziploc baggie.
  • Creating a greenhouse effect by blowing air into the bag or leaving it flat.

5. Waiting for Germination:

  • Placing the baggies in a warm area, such as a south-facing window, for optimal conditions.
  • Observing the germination process and the emergence of the radicle.

6. Transplanting Germinated Seeds:

  • Moving germinated seeds into pots once the radicle reaches a sufficient length.
  • Handling seeds delicately by the seed coat to avoid damage to the radicle.


  • Addressing potential issues with the germination process, such as overly wet or dry conditions, lack of sunlight, seed age, and special seed treatment requirements.

Seed Types Suitable for the Baggie Method:

  • Confirming that the baggie method is effective for all vegetable, herb, and flower seeds, with emphasis on its benefits for seeds that typically have longer germination periods.

In conclusion, the baggie method serves as a reliable, low-tech solution for efficient seed germination, offering benefits of space optimization, viability testing, and accelerated growth. My own experience aligns with the insights shared in the article, making it a valuable resource for both novice and experienced gardeners.

Germinating Seeds In Paper Towels: A Quick and Easy Way to Start Seeds Without Soil (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.