Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (2024)


Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (1)This post is sponsored by Welocalize.

If you like listening to music and don’t mind typing I’ve got a pretty good (and fun) side hustle opportunity for you today.

Welocalize is a professional translation company and right now they are working on a project that involves having thousands of song lyrics transcribed. To get those song lyrics transcribed they’re currently looking for freelancers to help.

EDITOR’S NOTE (9/13/17)This company previously had issues with their payment processing and several payments were made late. To my knowledge (speaking with several WeLocalize contractors) payments have been/are now being made.

How It Works

When you create an account with Welocalize you’ll fill out your basic profile and choose the genres of music you like. You’ll download the Welocalize app (for Mac users only) and connect it with ITunes.

You’ll then be given a song based on the genres of music you chose. After you have your song you’ll type the lyrics into the Welocalize app while listening.

Specific Requirements

Here are the specific requirements needed to sign up with Welocalize:

  • You must have a Gmail address to sign up
  • You must have a MAC OS X (The Welocalize app is only available for Mac users)
  • Have an ITunes account (or the ability to create one)

What It Pays

The pay is $4 per transcribed song. The average freelancer is earning $16-$20 per hour.

You’re free to work on as many songs as you like, for as long as you like, whenever you like. This job is completely flexible and there are no minimums. They have thousands of songs to choose from in several different languages. (If you’re bilingual you can transcribe songs in any applicable language you’re fluent in.)

You’ll be paid once weekly via HyperWallet. (If you’re not familiar with Hyper Wallet you’ll be sent instructions upon registering with Welocalize.)

Where to Sign Up

If you’re interested in transcribing song lyrics for Welocalize you can sign up here and get started today.


Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (2)

About Alexa

Alexa Mason is the blogger behind Single Moms Income, a personal finance freelance writer, and an online entrepreneur. Come hang out with her on Facebook and Pinterest.

Reader Interactions


  1. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (3)Ashli @ The Million Dollar Mama says

    This sounds like so much fun! I used to do this when I was young, just for myself. I would tape songs on the radio (with an actual cassette tape – I feel so old!) then pause the song every couple of lines, write down the lyrics and make my own inserts for my “mixtapes.” Is that weird, haha? #childofthe80s

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (4)Alexa says

      Not weird! I didn’t write down lyrics but definitely made my own sorts of cassette tapes. A lot of pretending to be a news anchor….lol

  2. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (5)Missy says

    Can you download the MAC OS X app to your phone or computer?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (6)Alexa says

      I don’t believe so…You need to have a MAC operating system and then can download the Welocalize app.

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (7)Missy says

        So download on a MAC PC or iPad?

        • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (8)Alexa says

          You can download the WeLocalize app on a MAC

  3. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (9)Katie says

    Hi, I signed up last night and have yet to receive my Hyperwallet logins – how long does it usually take to get them?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (10)Michelle says

      I haven’t received my Hyperwallet info, either. I don’t want to do too much work on here without knowing how I’m going to get paid. It seems like a great opportunity and very easy work, so hopefully, I will hear something from them soon regarding pay info!

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (11)Katie says

        Yeah, definitely! I hope to get it emailed soon… I’m in NZ, so I’m wondering if it isn’t international?

        • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (12)Alexa says

          I have an email in with the company and will let you both know as soon as I hear back!

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (13)Alexa says

      Just heard back from the WeLocalize team. Here’s what they said “Regarding, the payment issue. We have a team working through a few issues with that today, to get everything set up this week. If people have already started transcribing, then they should get the email this week. Normally, they should receive the email within a week of starting.”

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (14)Michelle says

        Thank you so much for this, Alexa!

        • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (15)Alexa says

          You’re welcome 🙂

  4. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (16)Rebecca says

    What a pity you need to have a MAC…

  5. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (17)Catt says

    Help! I downloaded the Snap app but not sure how to logon and connect with iTunes. Do you sign on to Snap with a Gmail account or your iTunes account? And how does it connect with iTunes once you log on?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (18)Katie says

      Hi! Log in to your Snap with the gmail (there should be an instruction video on the website..) and log into iTunes via “Account” – if the music doesn’t start playing once you press play in Snap, close both the programmes and open them back up again!

  6. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (19)Jessica says

    This seems like fun, but I am wondering if it is a too-good-to-be-true scenario. Any feedback from your experience thus far would be great!

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (20)Kelsey says

      I’m wondering this too!

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (21)Jennifer Sable Lopez says

      Hello ladies! I’m the Director of Global Communities at Welocalize, the company behind this app. 🙂 I’m excited to see so many ladies registering each day. We currently have as of just now 1141 people registered and about 90 people actively transcribing each day. Plus we still have 65,000 tracks left to do, so there’s LOTS of work.

      Let me know if you have questions!

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (22)Jessica says

        Hey! So, I have been transcribing songs via Snap for the past couple of days ( a few songs a day). I think I have the hang of it now (I didn’t do real well on the first couple of songs). I did receive an initial email saying welcome to Welcalize, but that’s it. The email said I would receive another email about how to set up the payment portal. I haven’t heard anything, even feedback on how my transcribing is. It’s fun work and I would love to keep doing it, I just want to make sure I am doing it correctly and get compensated. What should I expect next?

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (24)Muskaan says

        Hi, Jen! I just downloaded Snap. It has two options to sign up one is “WeLocalize” and second is “Gmail” can you please guide me which one to sign up with? I chose WeLocalize but it’s asking for password and I didn’t receive any email from WeLocalize for a password to login. Plz Help

  7. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (25)Sucharita Ghosh says

    Its sad that this project needs a Mac. I have an ipad, but alas.

  8. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (26)Muskaan says

    I just downloaded Snap. It has two options to sign up one is “WeLocalize” and second is “Gmail” can anyone please guide which one to sign up with? I chose WeLocalize but it’s asking for password and I didn’t receive any password to login. Plz Help

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (27)Jennifer Sable Lopez says

      Hello! You’ll want to choose gmail – the Welocalize one is for employees of the company (we need to make that more clear!).

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (28)Muskaan says

        Thank you so much Jen.

  9. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (29)N.J says

    I’ve been working on this project for a week. I like the work but I haven’t received any payment information as of yet. Has anyone else been paid for the work they’ve done yet?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (30)Jessica says

      I am wondering as well. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks and reached out to Jen (the person who has replied to some of the questions above). The last I heard from her was Monday. She said support would be in touch. As of today, they haven’t. I am starting to wonder if this really is legit. I am not giving up, but treading lightly. Let me know if you hear anything.

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (31)N. J. says

        Hey, thanks for responding. I haven’t heard anything as of yet. I contacted support last week. They said I should receive an email this week but I haven’t. I’ve never done a transcription project where you were allowed to submit any work before at least turning in paperwork/setting up payment information so that’s why I was a little worried. Also it worried me, since people are logging in with their google and iTunes accounts to do the work.

        I researched it a little more and found that it was mentioned on a few other sites.
        Like on reddit:

        Jen seemed to make a post answering the op’s concerns, so that made me feel better about it.

        And here as well:

        My only other concern was that the Facebook being mentioned – “Welocalize Talent” ( seems to be separate from the official Welocalize Facebook ( and the talent one is not linked or mentioned on the official Welocalize Facebook profile.

        On the official Facebook, the lyric job that is mentioned is not remote, it’s in London and it’s through Adapt Worldwide. I couldn’t find anything about Snap but just figured it wasn’t mentioned because it’s new. They have several other music/lyric jobs that are not remote, on their indeed profile.

        Maybe I’m wrong and it is mentioned somewhere and I didn’t notice it. I hope so. Also if you click on posts on the talent Facebook, there is one post from someone asking how to remove the Snap app completely, as it was interfering with other applications on his computer. So that raised another red flag for me.

        Maybe Jen can come on and give some more clarity to this. Perhaps I’m being too paranoid. But I hope we get a response soon. It seems like a cool project, so I hope it works out.

        • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (32)Jessica says

          Now I am freaked out. At this time, I am not doing anything until I know for sure I am going to get paid.

        • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (33)Jennifer Sable Lopez says

          Hi Ladies,

          I’m glad to see you’re doing your homework! Let me dive in answering some questions.

          The community team (which I manage) runs the Welocalize Talent page. We are mostly focused on hiring freelancers (linguists mostly for our translation jobs which is the bulk of our work), so that page is focused on the talent side. The main Welocalize FB page is run by the Marketing team and is focused on attracting clients. We work together on many things, and if you look at the two Twitter accounts @Welocalize and @WorkWithWeLocal you’ll see we cross post often.

          In addition to our remote transcription jobs for Snap, we’re hiring people to do this work in our offices in Portland and London. Adapt Worldwide is our global marketing agency, but still a part of Welocalize, and that is our London office. We need lots of songs transcribed, so we’re doing a mix of remote/freelance and on-site/contract.

          We do other music related jobs that are for linguists, which is a part of our staffing team. For example I just posted a Music QC position on the FB Welocalize Talent page for this. It’s an on-site, 2 year contract.

          We have a lot going on. 🙂

          We’ve clearly had some issues with getting the remote folks paid quickly and are ironing out our processes for Support and response. The Snap team and billing teams are in constant contact and working through getting all the information in order and getting people paid asap. Any song you completed, you’ll get paid for.

          I’ve personally been so excited to see so many women signing up to work on this project. It makes me feel like I’m helping moms everywhere in some small way. And I totally understand your concerns. I also know how hard the team on our end is working to get these things going.

          I hope this helps answer any questions, and I hope you’ll continue working with us! Once the initial bump of getting that first payment, the following weekly payments are consistent.

          Let me know how else I can help!


          • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (34)Alexa says

            Thanks so much for clearing everything up!

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (35)Denise Johnson says

      Curious if you been paid yet. I don’t want to sign up after seeing so many people saying they were not getting paid.

  10. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (36)Porcha says

    Thank you so much Jennifer for the breakdown. This brings a whole lot of relief when it comes to working and not knowing about legitimacy! I almost started to panic for a moment. Is there anyway we might be able to get an estimated time of when the payment processor might b up and running? like maybe a week a two..a month or so?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (37)Jennifer Sable Lopez says

      Oh no, glad you didn’t panic. 🙂 What should happen is that you sign up, within a day you get your welcome email, then within a week you get the email to sign up for payments, and within the following week you get paid. If there’s any missing information from the registration, one of my colleagues reaches out to help fix the information with you. Within 2 weeks though, everything should be rolling. Then after that first payment, you’ll get paid weekly.

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (38)Porcha says

        Hi Jennifer, is there any update on how the payment process is going? I received my payment setup email about two weeks ago but still nothing came through as yet.

        Thank you so much

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (39)Denise Johnson says

      Did you get paid yet? I don’t want to sign up if this is a scam. If so, how many songs are you averaging in an hour?

  11. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (40)Jeannette says

    Hi Jen. This sounds like a great opportunity, I don’t want to miss out. Does the app work with a macbook air? I’m very keen to start work so hope it does.

  12. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (41)Jessica says

    Curious if anyone has actually gotten paid yet?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (42)Martha says

      Hi Jessica,

      Is there any update on your pay? I’m interested in signing up but want to make sure that people are eventually getting paid for their work.

  13. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (44)Jeannette says

    Hi Alexa, do you know if the app is compatible with a macbook? Or does it have to be pc?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (45)Porcha says

      Hi Jeannette

      I beleive the app is compatible with all computers but because we need access to itunes, we must have a mac computer which includes yours, so your in business girl

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (46)Jeannette says

        Hi Porcha

        Thanks for the assurance. I was hoping someone could share their experience with us ladies who would like to try this out. How is it working out for you?

        • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (47)Porcha says

          Dear Jeannette

          Ive been trancribing a few songs here and there but like everyone, i too am starting to get a little nervous about how much time is being put into this without yet seeing a payment. I have set up my hyperwallet pay account about 2 weeks ago but still no payment

          • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (48)Ashley Alfaro says

            Hi everyone!!! My name is Ashley. I had this email come through one of my accounts back on February of this year. I was struggling making ends meet. I’m a 36 year old single mother of two littles that I’ve created and I had no answer for any sort of income at that moment. As I opened the email, I started sobbing just thinking about turn my children over to my parents so I could get back on my feet. I couldn’t take it anymore looking for work, being told no, and seeing desperation in my children’s eyes when they wanted a ice cream or a toy and mom had to say, “No”! Then this little sparkle started to shine as I read through the opportunity of being a lyrics transcriber for iTunes, yet Transcribing for Welocalize. Like many of you, I was skeptical! How could this be true right? Nothing in life is this easy? There’s no way someone is going to pay me money to listen and type music as I hear it. Just no way! I took a leap of faith and sent and email back to this beautiful soul I WILL meet one day named Jen Lopez! I explained and expressed all my doubts and concerns, and Jen just reassured me all is well, “Just give it try!” Where else did I have go? Nowhere! So I opened my MacBook, created a profile with Welocalize and downloaded the Snap App. From that moment my world literally turned upside down! (FOR THE BETTER) I believe that night Jen told me to go to sleep and get some rest because I kept emailing her from Texas while she was Beijing. Two completely different time zones, yet I was so happy, I just wanted stay awake and transcribe. I will say this….I worked as much as I could for two weeks and still was waiting on money to hit my account. Like many of you, I stopped until I got paid. Come to find out, there was an error on my part when registering at the beginning. So my advice is make sure you read carefully all details and reread your submission on your profile before you create it. After three weeks, I finally got a really nice check through the pay portal Hyperwallet online. I jumped, danced, laughed and cried tears of joy seeing that money being transferred into my own bank account. It took exactly 15 hours from the time I hit transfer to land in my checking account. My children and I had a wonderful evening that night. So yes, this is real! This is a wonderful opportunity! Spread the word! It’s free to signup yet you get paid for every completed song you transcribe! I know there are over 18,000 tracks and then some still today needing to be transcribed. I work on this a couple of times a day for extra income each week. It’s a joy to have a little extra when you least expect it. Feel free to ask me any questions or comment if you choose. I would be more than happy to put your mind at rest!!! Welocalize is an amazing company to be affiliated with. Just do your research, find them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Follow how they inspire women like you and me daily, striving to help make our lives more enjoyable! And yes, still today I keep in contact with Jen Lopez, my mentor from Welocalize!!! ☺️

  14. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (49)Terry says

    I just set up my account today, then I log in to the Snap app and iTunes and Snap says ‘ there are no offers available”. What does this mean?

  15. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (50)Ashley Alfaro says

    Hi everyone!!! My name is Ashley. I had this email come through one of my accounts back on February of this year. I was struggling making ends meet. I’m a 36 year old single mother of two littles that I’ve created and I had no answer for any sort of income at that moment. As I opened the email, I started sobbing just thinking about turn my children over to my parents so I could get back on my feet. I couldn’t take it anymore looking for work, being told no, and seeing desperation in my children’s eyes when they wanted a ice cream or a toy and mom had to say, “No”! Then this little sparkle started to shine as I read through the opportunity of being a lyrics transcriber for iTunes, yet Transcribing for Welocalize. Like many of you, I was skeptical! How could this be true right? Nothing in life is this easy? There’s no way someone is going to pay me money to listen and type music as I hear it. Just no way! I took a leap of faith and sent and email back to this beautiful soul I WILL meet one day named Jen Lopez! I explained and expressed all my doubts and concerns, and Jen just reassured me all is well, “Just give it try!” Where else did I have go? Nowhere! So I opened my MacBook, created a profile with Welocalize and downloaded the Snap App. From that moment my world literally turned upside down! (FOR THE BETTER) I believe that night Jen told me to go to sleep and get some rest because I kept emailing her from Texas while she was Beijing. Two completely different time zones, yet I was so happy, I just wanted stay awake and transcribe. I will say this….I worked as much as I could for two weeks and still was waiting on money to hit my account. Like many of you, I stopped until I got paid. Come to find out, there was an error on my part when registering at the beginning. So my advice is make sure you read carefully all details and reread your submission on your profile before you create it. After three weeks, I finally got a really nice check through the pay portal Hyperwallet online. I jumped, danced, laughed and cried tears of joy seeing that money being transferred into my own bank account. It took exactly 15 hours from the time I hit transfer to land in my checking account. My children and I had a wonderful evening that night. So yes, this is real! This is a wonderful opportunity! Spread the word! It’s free to signup yet you get paid for every completed song you transcribe! I know there are over 18,000 tracks and then some still today needing to be transcribed. I work on this a couple of times a day for extra income each week. It’s a joy to have a little extra when you least expect it. Feel free to ask me any questions or comment if you choose. I would be more than happy to put your mind at rest!!! Welocalize is an amazing company to be affiliated with. Just do your research, find them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Follow how they inspire women like you and me daily, striving to help make our lives more enjoyable! And yes, still today I keep in contact with Jen Lopez, my mentor from Welocalize!!! ☺️

  16. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (51)Gabriela says

    Hi, i really want to do this, but i dont have a MAC, what should i do?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (52)Alexa says

      A MAC is required. Sorry.

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (53)Pat says

        Why should a mac be required when I can download and access iTunes on my PC. The extra money would help me tremendously. I’m older in job world where age discrimination is real.

        Why not make the app Mac and PC friendly? More sign up. More song get completed.

        I would like for someone from the company to answer this response.


  17. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (54)Porcha says

    Im sooo hyped i got my first paycheck a week ago…it came to me on monday in my hyperwallet and i was sent an email to let me know i had a payment. even though it states it takes 1 to 3 business days to transfer…i got it transferred to my bank in less than 12 hours.
    To anyone reading this…please dont give up..join the live webinar for questions on wednesdays…Im super excited.

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (55)Anne says

      Hey Procha!

      I have started transcribing and I’m not too excited about all the comments regarding how long and difficult it seems to be to get paid. Have you been paid regularly since your first payment?

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (56)Jessica says

        I have. Every Friday.

        • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (57)Lynn says

          Did you get paid July 31st?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (58)Berth says

      Can I ask – if it’s not too personal – if the pay was any good? Like, did they accept all of your submissions? I’m wondering: is this a legitimate way to earn some side income?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (59)Rachel says

      Do you still work for Snap. Welocalize and how has payment been?

  18. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (60)Cassie says


    I’ve started Snap, but it says “There are o offers available.” does anyone know how to solve it ?

  19. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (61)Camilla says


    I applied and started working more the a week ago and so far the only thing I got from them as an email saying:
    “Due to a large number of people signing up for Snap, we are experiencing an unexpected delay processing all the accounts. We will process your information as soon as possible.”

    Are you girls getting paid?
    It looks like an amazing opportunity but I’m a bit nervous about the timing to hear anything about paymente from them haha

  20. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (62)Berth says

    Anyone get paid yet? You would think the payment system would be automated. It feels a bit fishy but I’d be really happy to hear that it’s a legitimate, paying opportunity.

  21. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (63)S says

    I signed up in mid-July and started transcribing here and there. I waited a couple weeks to be contacted about setting up payment. I finally reached out to support, and on July 31, I received this reply:

    “Due to a large number of people signing up for Snap, we are experiencing an unexpected delay processing all the accounts. We will process your information as soon as possible.”

    I waited until August 22, then sent a follow up email to support, which was not returned.

    On August 24, I sent another email from a different email address. I did receive a response, and was told that an email to set up my account had been sent to my other email address. I scoured every inch of my inbox, spam, deleted messages, etc. and could not find an email about setting up payment. I reported this to support. They said that I could have the email resent myself and provided a link. I followed the link and attempted the reset, and received an error message saying that my email was not in their system. I relayed this to support. I was told that this was unusual, that the issue would be escalated, and that I would hopefully receive a follow up on August 25, but it could be August 28. As of the end of the day on the 29th, I still have not been contacted.

    At this point, I have no idea if I will ever be paid. I am definitely not transcribing another song until I find out.

    TL;DR I’ve getting the runaround about payment for over a month, no end in sight. Proceed cautiously.

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (64)S says

      Update: I was able to reach resolution in about a week by reaching out to someone higher up at the company with my problem and then contacting Hyperwallet support directly. As of this morning, I have a Hyperwallet account set up with funds available to transfer to my bank account.

      The good: They are paying, and I am satisfied with the amount I’ve been paid for my work so far.

      The bad: Getting set up to receive payment in a timely manner clearly remains an issue.

      I am excited to start transcribing again, and my faith in the legitimacy of this opportunity has definitely been restored.

      • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (65)Diana says

        Awesome! I just signed up and have already registered with hyper wallet. I was just scared of wasting my time doing this. I think I’ll give it a go now! Thank you!

  22. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (66)Heidicrump says

    I was certain that this was happening to only me. I have been transcribing for over a month with no email to set up payment from hyperwallet. At this point they won’t even respond. I believe that they are legit but not prompt to pay for some unknown reason. There are so many payment methods available today yet they have you wait on a hyperwallet email that never comes.

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (67)fran says

      They will not pay you take it from me.

  23. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (68)fran says

    Curious… Any resolution yet?

  24. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (69)Charea says

    Hi ! I have received my set-up for Hyperwallet, but I am receiving a Javascript error message whenever I try to login to the snap application. Please advise!

  25. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (70)fran says

    There are no songs in the Queue, have not been in a while. Do you expect that to change in the near future?

  26. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (71)fran says

    I am concerned about getting paid but there has not been any songs to transcribe since I wasted time signing up

  27. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (72)shaman2 says

    Still no songs in the queue. 18/11.

  28. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (73)Selinka says

    They dont do the payments regularly since 1 months. They have to do it on friday but i wrote them on tuesday and they have done the payments on tuesday. if dont write no payments. And no tracks since 10 days. i think company went bankrupt.

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (74)burak says

      I think all the songs are all over.

  29. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (75)Julia says

    No payment and no answers to the mails and still no songs in the queue.

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (76)burak says

      I think it’s all over.

  30. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (77)Angelica says

    Is anyone getting paid?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (78)burak says

      Yes I get paid.

  31. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (79)Angelica says

    Thank you, are you getting any songs to transcribe anymore?

    • Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (80)burak says

      I think songs are all over.

  32. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (82)Muskaan says

    Anyone see songs available to transcribe on snap or not?
    Because my snap app keeps on showing the same message “There are no offers available please contact your manager.”

  33. Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (83)Bioderm Cream Price says

    Great post.

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Get Paid to Transcribe Song Lyrics with Welocalize (Now Hiring!!) - Single Moms Income (2024)


How much does it cost to transcribe a song? ›

A reasonable estimate is around $100 - $150 per audio hour to get a high-quality and accurate transcript.

Is it legal to transcribing a song? ›

It is perfectly legal to transcribe your own musical compositions. However, it is not legal to reproduce or rearrange any other copyrighted musical work. If you are seeking to transcribe another writer's work, you should first ensure that sheet music for the composition in question is not already available.

How do I get a job transcribing music? ›

The qualifications required to get a job in music transcription vary both by employer and your particular position. However, in all cases you must possess a thorough knowledge of musical theory, styles, notation, and have an excellent ear.

How long should it take to transcribe a song? ›

Transcription Speed for the Professional Transcriptionist

For professional transcriptionist, the average time to transcribe one audio hour ranges from 2-3 hours. Some of the most qualified transcriptionists can transcribe up to 30 minutes of audio in an hour.

Can I pay someone to transcribe a song? ›

Most dedicated and accurate transcription servi... for $75

If you want a specialist transcribing music, you're at the right place...

How much does copywriting a song cost? ›

It takes six or more months to process a song copyright. A nonrefundable $35 filing fee for online applications and an $85 filing fee for paper applications as of this date. Fees can change, so always check the U.S. Copyright website. A nonreturnable copy or copies of your work.

How can I transcribe music for free? ›

MuseScore is a popular mp3 to sheet music transcription free tool which automatically creates sheet music from audio files with extensive choices for editing and several ways to share the final product. However, if you need to transcribe audio to text , consider using Transkriptor to get accurate transcripts.

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Author: Roderick King

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Views: 6276

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.