Get the Hell Out of Debt: The Proven 3-Phase Method Tha… (2024)

Erin Skye Kelly


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Thousands of amazing humans have eradicated millions of dollars in debt because Erin Skye Kelly taught them how to get the hell out of it!

Erin Skye Kelly wrote Get the Hell Out of Debt after her own struggle to become consumer-debt free. She was tired of listening to middle-aged men in suits tell her to consolidate and refinance her debt when all that seemed to happen was she’d end up in more of it while they profited from it. When Kelly figured out the two most important tools to money management—and started achieving massive results—other women wanted to join in on the debt-free journey. With her sense of humor and straight-shooting sensibilities, Erin began transforming lives.

This book is not only a step-by-step process that will walk you through how to pay off your debt—it’s a deeply personal journey centered around changing your mindset. As you master each of the three phases through repetition, you will create your own financial freedom, allowing you to live debt-free forever and create wealth and abundance that will positively impact your life—and the people you love and serve.

No matter how much consumer debt you carry, this book is a judgment-free zone from cover-to-cover. Your dreams are welcome here.

    GenresNonfictionFinanceMoneyPersonal FinanceSelf Help

291 pages, Paperback

First published July 20, 2021

About the author

Erin Skye Kelly


Winner of the National Non-Fiction Book Awards - GOLD winner (July 2021)

Winner of Reader's Favorite Book Award - GOLD (September 2021)

Winner of American Book Fest - Business: Personal Finance/Investing GOLD AWARD winner (November 2021)

Winner of American Book Fest - Self Help/Motivational GOLD AWARD winner (November 2021)

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June 10, 2021

I went in to this book like I do most "Debt-Free" books - with good intentions but little faith. Often books like these "preach" vs "teach" and while you might learn something, they don't really challenge you to DO something about it, or hold you accountable in anyway. Plus, they are usually boring AF. This book, my friends, is a Game Changer.

I COULD NOT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN (which is saying something because I struggle with non-fiction).

Erin writes like she's speaking to you - I could hear her reading it to me in my head - and SO MUCH OF IT was like little tiny lightbulb "Aha!" moments going off in my brain. It's funny. It's engaging. It's not boring!

I took notes.
I put a weekly/monthly budget into place.
I did the net worth and it's been consistently growing.
I hear her voice in my head when I'm out shopping and debating whether I REALLY need something (like "yes that black sweater looks cute on you but it ain't gonna look cute in the budget this month - and also you have 4 just like it").
I have new Goals for our money.
Everything Dollar has a purpose but you're not completely F'd if something comes up.
It LITERALLY saved my marriage because we were able to have GOOD conversations about money - not Shouty ones that end in anger + no action. (Read: Naked Budget Meetings. Implement.)

In the end she made me realize our situation is 100% ours to own, and there is no quick fix - but she gave us the actionable tools to change our lives. She goes into the WHY. She goes into the emotional reasoning behind it. She made us realize that it's not the money/life/bills/cars/house fault that we are in debt - it's our relationship with those things that's the reason. The perception shifted and the clouds parted.

I feel like we are like most families - money comes in, we didn't know where it went, but it was all gone before we knew it. Dual income, kids, mortgage, a few credit cards, LOC, enough coming in to "get us by" but never to "get us ahead". Debt slowly (but steadily) creeping in on us. Our relationship with our paycheques and incoming/outgoing money is so much better because of this book. Our situation isn't going to change overnight, and it's going to take work - but now the future looks a lot more peachy.

So if you are like us - nothing's worked before, or it works for a bit then promptly sh*ts the bed after something comes up - and you want to change your life; grab this book. The only regret you'll feel is from not doing it sooner.

Highly Recommend!


5 reviews2 followers

March 11, 2021

This book will literally CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

If you want to take control of your finances and improve your financial literacy, then this book is a MUST READ! It is super easy to read and full of funny anecdotes from Erin's own Get The Hell Out Of Debt journey, which will surely make you laugh! The author has outlined the various steps you need to take to pay off your own debt. Each chapter focuses on a different step to financial freedom, which gives the reader the ability to follow along and do the work at the same time.

As a graduate from the Get The Hell Out Of Debt program, I was able to put into practice the concepts outlined in THIS book, and pay-off over 6-figures in consumer debt. I know from my own experience that if you read this book AND DO THE WORK, you too will take control of your own finances and become debt free!

Chris Carr

1 review

May 24, 2021

I was lucky enough to be given an advanced copy of the book (but not lucky enough to win the LOTTO, which is not how you get out of debt funny enough). I was confused at first about this book because I thought it was about anti-gravity, because it was so hard to put down.

As someone who is in debt to the hilt and has tried reading other books about getting out of debt and coming up with a plan to get out of debt, this one is by far the best one. Erin Skye Kelly doesn’t just talk about what you need to do to get out of debt, but the “why”. As an example, she has you set up a “quick and dirty” fund, meant to be your new emergency credit card. Without going into too much detail (you have to read this for yourself, after all…), having this fund has helped me understand why it’s so important to put money away for emergencies, in a way that will “save you from yourself” in not using it as available funds.
Erin’s plan is thorough, well-explained and while entertaining, she is also blunt. But I needed blunt. This was the wake-up call I needed, and I feel this program has set me up for future financial success.

This book is a game-changer and I recommend it to anyone who wants to change or re-evaluate their relationship with money or just want a good read about financial literature.

Tori Hayes

1 review

June 29, 2021

WOW! What a game changer this book is! It SAYS it’s about debt…the title even shouts it. And it absolutely is, but as I read on, it was clear there’s so much more to it...not in a self-helpy kind of way (not that that’s bad)! But more Mr Miyagi style. Doing the things put forth are life changing. In a Wax on, wax off style, it completely shifted my way of seeing things and flipped my money fear on its head.

To begin with, the book provides a straight up, doable, step-by-step process of eliminating debt AND to building on that once beyond the debt elimination phase. It’s anchored in realistic and real-time efforts rather than most finance / debt books which all seem built on becoming a bazillionaire or becoming debt-free in just ten days. It provides the steps and you provide your own timeline. Laden with humor and warmth, the book creates kind of a long-time friend feel. Not the Pollyanna, “You can do it!” friend. The real friend. The seen it all, down and dirty, "This might be ugly, but I’m here for it! I’ve been there!" friend. It almost feels like there is a team collectively chiseling away at the common shame that just hangs out holding debt’s hand. The roadblocks to clearing debt and creating a solid foundation fall away. With each effort, I might've grimaced once or twice, but felt like, "Right, ok! I can do that!" And then as I got going on the exercises, I actually found myself WANTING to do all the things because they felt so good to do.

Then as I kept reading and doing, it became pretty clear the book is about getting out of emotional debt, too. It’s about knowledge. Empowerment. Certainty. Certainty that with this knowledge and understanding we are far more powerful than the way any thing we buy will make us feel or appear to be. It quietly, humbly and with tons of laughs and understanding offered a path to freedom. If I could make everyone read this, I would. THANK YOU Erin Skye Kelly for taking such charge and creating such a platform and foundation!

Carrie (The Butterfly Reader)

1,017 reviews96 followers

June 12, 2022

*I got this book for free for an honest review*

My parents used to own a business and I would help them with taxes and such when I was a kiddo, I would balance books and help them budget. I was a weird kid; I admit it. I even took some classes on accounting because I enjoyed this stuff so much.

So every once in a while I like to look at books like this... as like a refresher or to see what new tips and tricks are out there.

First off, what I adore about the writing is how no holds back it is without being preachy or pushy. A very wonderful balance! I love how the author started with a lot of basic info and works her way from there. So you follow everything she’s saying easily. Bravo.

Now, thankfully, I’m not in debt at the moment. But I really think this book would help anyone who is. Even if you aren’t, it can change how you view money, which can make your life easier in this capitalist society.


Victoria Erny

1 review

March 3, 2021

I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of this book and I’m so grateful that I did. I began taking Erin Skye Kelly’s course that this book is based on and it has benefited me so much. I’ve already paid off most of my huge debt and having the book has taken me to another level. In the next year I’ll be completely consumer debt free because of following the plan laid out in the book step by step. My entire mindset has shifted and I have hope for a financially free future. My children are learning good money habits along with me. Thank you Erin Skye Kelly for sharing your wisdom! This is the most helpful book that I’ve read in a long time!


1 review

July 7, 2021

Growing up I was taught that debt was just a part of life. That it was necessary. Not a necessary EVIL, but simply necessary. Like eating breakfast and getting dressed each day.

That everyone handed out the majority of their income each month to credit cards, loans and mortgages without batting an eyelash. It was all part of being an adult.

My journey into debt started with university. Sure, there were student loans, but there were also those shiny ads all over campus promoting how badly you, as an “adult-to-be”, needed your first credit card. That establishing credit NOW was necessary. That there was no way you could do anything without a credit rating.

There was no information on managing money or debt, or even how credit scores worked on those pretty, shiny posters. Just the message that you needed one and you needed it NOW.

Growing up was the same. I saw my parents buy groceries, clothes, holiday, cars – whatever they wanted – with that pretty, shiny credit card. I didn’t see the bills. I didn’t see the payments. I was never shown a budget or how it worked, or taught to save. All I knew was that if my Dad balked at an expense my Mom would “work on him”. I never went without.

That’s how at the age of 48 I landed in Erin’s Get the Hell Out of Debt course. It was necessary. Like eating breakfast and getting dressed each day.

I was fresh out of a divorce with a hefty debt to pay off. I had multiple creditors that I was just barely balancing, and a teenage son to raise on my own. I worked my butt off at work and had built a solid career, but financially I was drowning. Worst of all – all those things I had learned growing up – I was passing on to my son. I needed a way out NOW.

In her book Erin speaks to you as her friend, but a friend who cares deeply for and is willing to tell the truth. There is humor and there is honesty. She outlines how our emotions and experiences affect our spending and how we (mis)manage credit. She provides the actionable tools necessary to take control our emotional and financial lives. She ensures we have the financial knowledge we all should have had growing up.

Seven days ago, I paid off my debt in full. Thanks to the pandemic it took a year longer than expected, but it is gone, and because of Get the Hell Out of debt I weathered that storm without taking on new debt.

Not only am I debt free…I am a BEAST when it comes to managing my money. I am empowered. I am strong. I have a deep knowledge of how my finances work…and budgeting gets me seriously excited. Most importantly, everything I’ve learned is being passed on to my son.

The only regret I have about Get the Hell Out of Debt is that I didn’t find it sooner. If you’re considering buying her book, do it for you and do it NOW.

Jasmine Lowen

37 reviews4 followers

April 11, 2022

I am not usually a big finance book reader, in fact this may be the first one I have read, because the idea of budgets, net worth, investments...well, quite frankly, they pissed me off. I am on a low income, often out of employment, struggle with disabilities, have zero credit score to speak of and could sustain no more than a little rented room in a houseshare, let alone any assets of my own.

Yet, while I read this book in just a few days, and so haven't had a chance to flip over my finances just yet, I must say that I can already feel my outlook on money changing.

The book was readable, not filled with capitalistic jargon like one might expect from a finance book, and I appreciated that the author acknowledged systemic poverty and an unfair system while still encouraging the reader to take charge of anything and everything they can.

The diagrams and descriptions were very easy to understand and the whole book felt applicable or transferable to people in different circ*mstances and levels of financial literacy. It was a surprisingly easy read!

I loved that the author was inclusive of other countries and took care to include equivalences to various countries when it comes to banks, taxes and other agencies. While the author is Canadian, she is very mindful that her readers may not be and makes it as simple as possible.

I was very impressed with the whole thing - well presented, personal, informal yet informative. But I was unsure how to rate it, because I of course am still in Phase One of the three phases that the author presents. And as I have never tried financial books before, I have no idea how the book might compare to other similar ones and how many of the things in this book are original.

But on reflection, I realised that in the short space of time since I've read this book, I have procrastinated far less, made my first budget and estimate of my net worth, come up with a tentative plan without screaming and banging my head against the walls, been frequently checking my bank account from a place of control and planning rather than anxiety and self hatred, and I feel more optimistic than I have in a long time for my future. It feels cheesy to say, but I have felt powerless for so long and this book has definitely empowered me more than I had expected.

So it was an easy five stars for me, because what more could one expect from a finance book? I will update this review in a few years time, hopefully with good news, and I would definitely recommend this book to others who are interested, as worst case scenario, you try and it isn't for you, and best case scenario, it could really change your life!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Carly Gtz

2 reviews

June 8, 2021

First off, the title is awesome….. buttttttttt this book is SO MUCH MORE than that!!! I mean, I get it, you can’t have a title that’s about 30 words long…. But if I wanted to name the book something more encompassing it would be:
Get the hell out of debt, and change your relationship with money, yourself, your loved ones, and every other thing in your life…and feel GOOD doing it!

This book has changed my life. It didn’t just teach me how to budget, how to work to pay down my debt, how to prepare for emergencies and stop letting hidden fees and interest steal all my money and then what to do once you’re debt free. No that wasn’t all it did. It also taught me that my relationship and beliefs about money have everything to do with how I live my life and why I was scared to check my bank accounts and face my debt for years. It taught me how to handle money and handle the things I want to do, while also saving for a future. It taught me to stop the generational beliefs about what I deserve, and pass down to my son new beliefs about money and our self worth.
I recommend this book to anyone, not just those in debt. You don’t need to be bankrupt to benefit from this book.

And aside from the actual book, Erin Skye Kelly is the most inspiring human. She loves what she does and all of that energy pours into her work and what she shares with the world. I feel honored to have learned so much from her and to be able to take so much of her wisdom into my own career as a therapist.
I highly recommend this book and following this author!

August 8, 2021

I saw a post about this book from one of the IG accounts that I follow & to date, all of her recommendations have been spot on, so I figured I would purchase this book, since I am one of those people that have debt, but also want to build up my wealth and make it work for me.

The book is divided into 3 phases, with you needing to complete each phase before moving onto the next one. It is definitely a humbling experience to understand in monetary terms, what your overall net worth is after factoring in your assets and liabilities. So much of what Erin has written her resinated with me, with her interjections of humor at all the right times for such a serious subject.

I am currently still working through Phase 1, but this book helped me understand how much of debt is psychological and that you need to work on your mindset first before you can change anything. I've gotten out of debt before, but didn't change how I thought about the life I was creating for myself and the 'line of integrity' that I was constantly crossing by not creating boundaries for myself.

I know that I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I'm confident with the tools and the community that Erin has built, I will have a support system to work towards eliminating my debt and creating financial freedom in the upcoming months.

If you're struggling with debt or unsure of where to start with investing or growing your wealth, this book is a great tool to help you understand and JUST START doing something with your money.

Kimberly KC

1 review

June 7, 2021

This is a financial book for everybody, but in particular, for those of us (I’m at the top of the list) whose eyes glaze over when people start talking numbers and financial advice. If you tremble and stumble over the word budget, this book is for you. If you like your financial advice will a wicked cup of smart-@$$ humour, this book is for you. If you want to unpack your relationship with money OR start having a relationship with money, this book is for you.

Full disclaimer: I am not, nor have I ever been, in debt. This is largely due to a highly privileged upbringing and then marrying a man who can’t stand owing someone a cup of coffee. BUT I’ve never really had a relationship with money (or a healthy one, anyway) and I’ve never thought about how to make my money work FOR me….until reading “Get the Hell Out of Debt.”
My eyes usually glaze right over when people start talking about RRSP’s and TFSA’s. Reading this book made me realize my eye-glazing is because I’ve (1) always assumed I’m “no good” with numbers and (2) always believed “money-talk” is someone else’s department. Erin’s humour, humanity, and wisdom are broken apart into digestible chunks that UNglazed my eyes and opened my mind.
A must-read for everyone, especially those of us just realizing that taking control of our money equals taking control of our lives.

Nicole Hoye

Author2 books1 follower

July 2, 2021

“Get the Hell Out of Debt” is an absolute MUST READ regardless of your relationship with money or current financial position. Whether you are struggling to make ends meet, comfortably paying the bills each month, or well on your way to financial freedom this book reminds you that you are in control of the outcome of your money. Erin’s a master at getting straight to the cause of money problems, and ultimately successes, through humorous stories, mixed with the often heart-wrenching realities of debt. She helps others see themselves in similar situations and gives them hope to move towards the light at the end of the tunnel. This book shifted my thinking from a deficit-based mindset to an abundance approach. It provided me with tools to see that when I focus on what I do have, plan my money accordingly and respect my finances I am more likely to see results I am not only happy with, yet proud of. “Get the Hell Out of Debt” has opened conversations with my husband, children, and friends as we learn to navigate our financial goals with confidence. It provides hope to those struggling with past or present money problems, as well as planning for building wealth and living a life by design. I am excited to see what the future holds, as this book has armed me with new strategies and tools for managing my money, assets and overall life experiences.

David Hartwick

1 review5 followers

July 1, 2021

I am very fortunate to not carry debt anymore, and I learned my lessons the hard way. But I have a 20-year-old and a 23-year-old and I thought there had to be a better way than the old school hard way to learn about money and how to get rid of debt, or better yet, how to manage finances as if you had debt.

This book was exactly what I was looking for. It is humourous and enlightening and relevant to what is happening in the world TODAY. The Author's Note at the beginning taught me several important things that I should know, or maybe I did and forgot, to the point it would have been easy to put the book aside at that point. It reminded me about courage, not just with money, but anything in life, and at what point is the last straw.

But I kept reading, and I read through the phases as if I was in debt, rather than just jumping to phase 3. Erin taught me the things that I did out of desperation 20 years ago without understanding the 'why' and now that I understand the 'why', I can share this book with my kids so they are better prepared going into the world of spending within your means. Phase 3, the debt-free stage, was all about me. And when you read this book and find yourself there, you will realize it was the best money you ever spent.


324 reviews5 followers

May 5, 2021

Do you need to get out of debt? Of course you do! We all do! Well, this book can help you with that. Most of the ideas in the book are already well known and have been covered before by other authors, so there isn’t a lot of groundbreaking information here (make a budget, have an emergency fund, cut expenses to pay off debt faster). But the book is written in a much more casual and personable manner than many other financial experts (and lacks the religious and judgemental overtones that quite a few authors have, like Dave Ramsey).
Kelly does add some information that isn’t commonly covered, such as self-care, exercises to determine your values, and investment strategies for after your debt is paid off. She offers free worksheets on her website for some of the exercises, which I found helpful. One thing to note is the author is Canadian, so there were some terms and concepts that don’t apply to me as an American, but those were easily ignored.
Overall this is one of the better financial books I’ve read in my life, and I would definitely recommend it.

Thank you to NetGalley for this advanced reader copy. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.


477 reviews6 followers

May 5, 2021

For me this wasn't completely new concepts, a lot of the advice I have seen from other people or writers. Such as 0 based budgets/ emergency funds/ organising debt for payoff/ working to increase your net worth etc. However what did make this interesting was the effort Erin put into writing this with emotional intelligence. It covered points such as self care, staying in your own lane, couples money and finical abuse. This mixed with the behavioural evaluation will allow people to truly change their relationship with debt and money long term. It also included some very simple budget and debt worksheets to help you start the process and it did cover US/Canadian and UK options which was great. However for someone who really enjoys the charisma and the programme of Dave Ramsey this one, even though more modern and emotionally sensitive it was not it for me.

Alyssa Middleton Osborne

1 review2 followers

June 14, 2021

If you’re going to read any book this summer, make it this one! Erin Skye Kelly will make you take a good hard look at your relationship with money and change your future. If you’re in debt or even if you’re not and want to make your money work for you this is the book you need! Erin is funny and sincere with a no b.s. approach! Love it!

Gordon McCague

24 reviews

July 26, 2022

Warning to my Neuro-Divergent clan. This book may not be for you. Everything I've read in this book I have seen before in other books except the author "borrows" the style of Gary John Bishop (read the title) and attempts to encourage a change in your realtionship to debt. Make it personal. Which is why I gave it three stars as it is a slightly novel approach. The formula of the book is just as all the others. Look at how much money you have coming in. Look at how much money you have going out. Stop spending on unnecessary things. If you don't have enough money make more. Sell stuff you don't use. She waffles on cutting up credit cards mostly because I think she knows most people will put the book down if she says to cut them up. Stop making automated payments. If you are Neuro-Divergent (i.e. ADHD) this method is not for you as you will forget to make payments. I know I do. Better to know exactly which payments are coming out. You can get a cell phone plan that only charges exactly the same money per month. They exist. Do your homework. Think about what you need. Don't consolidate you credit card debt (this only works if you are able to increase cash flow). However if all your assets are in your home (like many people) and you don't really have a way to increase your income, as many people don't, then how do you access the asset? Sell it? If you consolidate then cut up a card and shut down the line of credit. This book is about in/out. If something comes in (like a consolidation loan) then something has to go out (like a credit card or line of credit). I went into this book, as she's suggests, with an open mind. I suggest folk do that but also never stop questioning. Question your debt. Question your expenses. Question your income. Question your experts. Question your bank. Question Erin Skye Kelly. She is an attractive, white, solidly middle class woman. Stick that in your hopper while you read this book. I'm not saying don't read it. Onboard her suggestions. She says it is going to be hard. Remember were she comes from and how people respond to her when she walks in a room. It is way easier for some than for others and if you are Neuro-Divergent take every suggestion with a grain of salt as the method in this book assumes you have your lack of object permanence under control. The one thing I did before I read this book, which had a bigger impact on anything, was I fired my Canadian big-bank and went to a credit union. Consolidated my big-bank cards. Cut up the big bank credit cards. Then sat down with my credit union (yes they will do that even if you don't have huge assets) and work out a plan. One that does not have to be as painful. If you are Canadian there is a simple step you can take. It is hard but you will benefit. Fire your big bank (TD/CIBC/BMO/RBC/Scotia Bank). If you have a mortgage in Canada, find a good mortgage broker. They exist. Interview people. Trust your gut. Go with the one you like.

This book is Ok.

By the way I'm mortgage free (not a small one by the way) before reading this book. How did I work this out? Big Canadian Banks are like Las Vegas Casinos. The Casino always wins. If you learn that you can be free. This book might help you learn that and how it impacts you.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Shelley M.

1 review

July 17, 2021

If you have ANY consumer debt, you NEED this book. I have been in and out of debt my whole life. I was never really taught much about money. I watched my parents and it became clear to me that women could not manage money. I also realized that money was the cause of many arguments in a marriage. As a teen and an adult, I did not respect money. I respect it now.

I am a graduate of the GTHOOD program. I was fortunate enough to meet Erin Skye Kelly through a friend and one of the first things I learned from her is that when we are looking to change something about our lives we either have "reasons" or "results". Erin's no-bullsh*t approach to goal-setting is the same approach she uses to teach her clients how to GET THE HELL OUT OF DEBT!

This book is funny, informative, easy to follow and if you actually do "all the things" that Erin suggests, you will find your way out of the money pit many of us find ourselves in. I downloaded the audio version of the book, which I HIGHLY recommend because it is narrated by ESK herself. But even if you don't want the audio version, you will hear her voice in your head on every page as she explains the phases of getting out of debt.

Early on in the book, she shares a great analogy that I'd like to share here:

“It’s kind of like you’ve been handed a terrible plot, a not-so-great setting, a bunch of possibly insane political characters, a global health crisis, and a very scary and silent villain named Covid. But the very fortunate part of it all is that you’ve also been handed a pen. You get to write the next chapter of your life and make it mean whatever you want it to mean”.

So just because you are in debt and/or "have always had a bad relationship with money" it doesn't mean you have to continue that relationship. It's really up to you. You can have reasons or you can have results. If you want results, pick up this book or download it from Audible.


2 reviews

April 16, 2021

For anyone who is new and feels a bit perplexed when the phrase financial freedom is discussed, oh boy do I understand you – but not nearly as much as Erin Skye Kelly does. Her book, Get the Hell Out of Debt, not only uses the phrase financial freedom from a place of love and strength, but also explains the steps on how one would even consider approaching this life-long battle.

Writing the book from a place of complete vulnerability and personal experience, Erin uses her past examples and life lessons as the foundations of this book, providing readers the education and lessons learned in navigating a debt-free journey. This book WILL massively shift your relationship to money; no ifs, ands or buts.

Unlike other financial books – and I’ve read many – this book is focused on one human speaking to another human. Erin interjects humour, hilarious and relatable metaphors and analogies and step-by-step suggestions to help you break down the trepidations almost everyone experiences on the journey of becoming debt-free. I feel I could invite her to my family BBQ with how humbly she writes and I feel everyone will be able to relate to her and take what she shares and make it their own.

If you’ve been thinking about tackling your debt for a while now and haven’t had the slightest idea where to start, this is that start you’ve been looking for. This book breaks down things into easy and manageable phases – all while laughing! And … when can you say you’ve laughed while doing money things?!

I am so grateful that I read this book and applied all the principles taught in it, ultimately achieving financial freedom in less than a year. Thank you, Erin Skye Kelly!

Robin Bailes-Buck

1 review

June 5, 2021

there are so many self-help books out there that cram so much information in between the book covers that you either want to a. skim through it as its boring b. use it as a decor item in your living room c. need a full dictionary to understand what they are talking about.. which leads you back to b. throwing it in the "ill look at it again later" pile. Erin's book talks about one of the most important aspects of your adulthood - finances. It doesn't matter whether you are a six figure salary earner or a "new to this financial world stuff" person, the information she gives you relates to you AND is easy to follow. There is information included in phases, and you work your way through from Phase 1 to Phase 3 - no debt and passive income. She adds her own personal stories and those that have taken her courses, so you get a real taste of REAL life examples and overcoming barriers. Of course she also adds a ton of humour to her writing, which makes you actually enjoy sitting down to read it. The bonus... you learn exactly what you didn't get taught as a younger adult... and you can save yourself a lot of grief, money and relationships, by actually learning and taking the steps she has quite easily laid out for you. In my family we NEVER spoke of money, how to save it, how to invest it, how to keep it.... I had to learn from that old style way of fall down and get back up again theory. I believe every child should be taught about finances from an early age, and know exactly how they need to get to finances they are comfortable with and one day putting it away for an enjoyable retirement as well. You can't lose by picking up this amazing book.


1,393 reviews33 followers

March 15, 2022

Disclaimer is that i'm not in debt and haven't been for a while, so i'm probably not best one to review a practical (many lists, steps, recommendations of sometimes high specificity) guide to getting out of it, but i do have an interest in personal finance and found it readable and at times funny, e.g., when warning of how readily extra cash can disappear if you don't have a plan: "Temptation is not a sin, but free cheese is always available in mousetraps" (p. 48).

A lot of it is pretty standard - build up an emergency fund, sell stuff you don't need, make the magic of compound interest work for you rather than the other way around, only get what you can afford without putting it on plastic. couple of more unique aspects:

1. heavy on the emotion and the go-for-it wording. I guess she has worked with Tony Robbins and does lots of seminars, and it shows. Recommends a strategy of first paying off the debt that is making you the angriest, for instance.

2. She's Canadian and regularly mentions by name the rules, retirement acct. types, etc. for various countries rather than being USA-centric. This is not always an advantage -- the few mistakes i noticed concerned USA rules. It is not the case for instance that the max you can put in a 401k each year is "unique to you" (p. 221) and based on a bunch of variables. It's based on whether you're over or under 50 years old. Nor is it true that you need to factor employer contribution into whether you've hit the max (p. 240).

those aside, book is sensible-seeming advice packaged in a funny, anecdote-heavy fashion.

Jody Robinson

1 review

June 12, 2021

Every human needs this book!

At the very least, everyone that is not financially free......

The wisdom contained inside this book is laser focused, proven, loving and incredibly forgiving when it comes to navigating our human parts that landed us in debt in the first place.

Detailed in three phases, you'll get step by step support that absolutely ANYONE can take. Guiding you to create yourself a cushion to fall back on, climb out of debt one dollar at a time, and lastly set yourself up for a long lasting, sustainable and incredibly fruitful future that will be entirely built on your hard work and perseverance.

I also found it was incredibly helpful in laying out a warm introduction to the financial world for those who don't speak the me! Making debt crushing and investing accessible and exciting to even the most inexperienced.

When Erin's system of Getting the Hell Out of Debt is intentionally applied, it's impossible for anyone to not come out the other end feeling like a freaking Money Warrior!

Not only will this book light the path for you to get out of debt, it can be used as a resource that you can keep coming back to when ever your money muscles feel shakey. It'll keep you on your path and ensure that you never dive into debt again!

If you're ready to be the boss of your money, and tell each dollar where to go instead of wondering where they all went, this book is a MUST!

Sarah Konelsky

1 review

June 19, 2021


“This is not about being something you are not. This is about growing into the person you are already capable of being.”

Full disclosure - I am a graduate of Erin Skye Kelly’s in-person/online version of the Get the Hell Out of Debt program and am diligently working on my Wealth Building to Financial Freedom portfolio. I remember leaving my first session in such an ugly-cry state, a harsh reality check colliding with financial juggling fatigue, not one of my proudest moments. And yet in a way it is - it was the first time I had admitted out loud to myself and a perfect stranger that “my way” of doing finances wasn’t working and that I was scared, embarrassed, ashamed and fearful of the debt-hole getting dug any deeper.

I look back on that day in such gratitude now for having met ESK and trusting in her methods to get the hell out of consumer/mortgage debt and into building wealth for financial freedom. Despite her small stature, Erin was willing to “jump in the hole” with me to show me how to climb out one step and one phase at a time.

This book will make it so much easier for readers to follow in the footsteps of others who have travelled a similar, relatable financial path. By doing the research, running the numbers and applying the principals outlined in each phase of Erin’s novel approach, you will be well on the way to transforming your journey from debt to wealth!

Tanya Ann

2 reviews1 follower

July 13, 2021

If you’re looking to get the hell out of debt, reevaluate your relationship with money, and transform your financial future, this book will get you there! You’ll find yourself laughing at how relatable the stories about money are as you recognize some of your own patterns! This book is about getting really real – and she’ll call you on your bs the way that a best friend does! She makes a “quick and dirty” fund the first priority and then reminds you how to make sure that you aren’t wasting money saving it (bank fees – ohhh my gross!). Each chapter is a step by step guide to getting real with your brain’s relationship with money, and being accountable to you. Aaaand – it isn’t just about money – it is about your relationship with yourself and others too! The book reads like a really candid conversation with a (hilarious) friend, so the desire to devour it is definitely there. At the end of the book you are left with a guide to revisit, a doable plan, and some inspiration to know that this isn’t just a dream – it’s YOUR PLAN for your BEST future – with a healthier relationship to an adult thing we seem to avoid talking about. Our finances. The best part of the book was that it served as a reminder that change is within my control, and that it takes getting real as the first step. I am going to be giving this book to each of my young adult kids as Christmas gifts – they deserve to be set up for success!


331 reviews4 followers

April 3, 2022

So much valuable information in this book.

“You can take a watch to a jewelry story and they might offer $150, the pawn shop $10 and the museum that knows it’s true worth $500,000. The right person is the one who sees your worth and values you in the right way. Choose a partner who understands your value,” Me- very wise advice!

“Temptation is not a sin, but free cheese is always available in mousetraps”. People are constantly advertising to you. They want you to take the bait. If you buy x, your life will improve just a little bit. Sadly, it’s usually not true because I have found that there is an abundance of free stuff out there that you can borrow and return as to not clutter up your life. For example, instead of buying a journal, I use the free notes app which makes a copy for my ipad and iPhone so that if it ever gets lost, I can still retrieve it. At this time, library books are free and I am taking advantage of that this year as I pledge to read 100 books this year. 100x $10 per book - The library saved me $1,000 and gave me countless hours of pleasure all for free. My brain will probably explode this year from knowledge but that is ok with me. Free stuff is also walking my kids to school- free exercise and no gym payments. Having friends come to our house to hang out is free! Working close by or remotely saves money on gas. In a perfect world, I could get my husband to go down to 1 car, but I’m still working on that.


7 reviews

June 20, 2021

Change Your Relationship, Change your Debt!

Erin Sky Kelly is honest and transparent about her own journey to becoming debt-free and uses her story to entertain while engaging the reader in doing the work to take control of their financial situation. As Erin teaches through the phases that lead to not only a financially free life but a life free to be, the reader acquires tools to build financial literacy and self-discovery.

Get the H*ll Out of Debt is NOT a prescriptive ploy leading you to believe that if you follow these steps, you will be rich. This book invites the reader on a journey of self-discovery, a journey to look within to discover how to get out of debt. This book is a guide that offers grace over guilt as the reader is empowered to explore the connection emotions, behavior and finances have with getting out and staying out of debt. Get the H*ll Out of Debt challenges the reader to shift their thinking about finances by placing the power and control in the hands of a person in debt rather than leaving it in the hands of those to who one is indebted.

Get this book, get to work, and Get the H*ll Out of Debt!

Dana Brousseau

1 review

July 20, 2021

FIrst of all, the words DEBT and BUDGET are not sexy, and to be quite honest can be downright frightful. If you are reading this review, then chances are you are looking to improve your relationship with your money.
You are in the right place!
What I am loving about this book is that it is completely NON-JUDGEMENTAL of wherever you are starting with your money. However, don’t be fooled - Erin Skye Kelly gives it to you straight. She helps you get clarity about your money so you can be certain about how to track it and have an easy-to-use system to make it work for you, so you can GET THE HELL OUT OF DEBT!
Additionally, the tools she gives you are simple to understand and practical to use - no glazed eyes over here trying to figure out mathematical equations. These budgeting tools are tactical and actionable.
My favorite part of all is Erin’s voice throughout the book - her witty humor combined with feeling like your best is the one teaching you (like being totally honest about your outfit when no one else is). This is an absolute welcomed breath of fresh air in the world of budgeting and money management.
Do yourself a favor and get this book!

Julie Christiansen

Author9 books

April 22, 2021

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
I have read several books on finance, debt reduction, and building and maintaining wealth. None of them grabbed me and took hold like Erin Skye Kelly's book. I loved everything about GTHOOD. Erin is funny, honest, and all the way real. Her stories and word choices are hilarious, and it works. As a public speaker, I adhere to the adage that a laughing audience is a learning audience, and boy - did I laugh! I mean, shaking my bed, afraid to wake up my significant other kind of laughter. And I learned a ton of concepts that I plan to apply in my own life. I've never been able to finish a book about money in less than a few weeks. I devoured Erin's book in a matter of days. It's an easy, conversational read, and the precepts for debt elimination and wealth accumulation are spot on. If you're serious about getting out of debt and you want to be entertained along your journey, I highly recommend this book! You will be entertained, inspired, and motivated to get of your butt and get the hell out of debt.

Kerri C

1 review

June 14, 2021

As a past graduate of The Get The Hell Out Of Debt program I thoroughly enjoyed the book. There are so many great nuggets that you kind of remembered from the class but that are now in this book and you are able to go back to them time and again. I was happy to see there have been some improvements that do a better job of bringing all the concepts together. Erin has a beautiful way of maintaining the tone I remember and weaving in personal stories as well as those from previous graduates. This is a no nonsense approach to getting your finances in order, how to create healthy habits and boundaries, how to deal with others and so many other amazing things that help you to be a better person just all around.

Take read through this book first to see the journey Erin is trying to take you on and then go back with your high lighter and sticky notes and re-read it slowly to really absorb all of the knowledge that is being sent your way. I know that if you follow Erin’s principles you will have success!

Sarah Bee

3 reviews1 follower

June 26, 2021

I was fortunate to be offered the opportunity to read Get the Hell out of Debt in advance for an exchange of an honest review. I am also in Erin Skye Kelly’s Get the Hell out Debt program.

Here is my review.

This is one of, if not the best books I have ever read on taking control of your finances.

This book is very easy to read. The energy and style of Erin Skye Kelly, like her course is one of ‘Auntie’ energy. I feel like she is talking directly to me, with no fluff and I never feel shamed or judged but gently and firmly held.

I have been in debt since I was 18 years old, over 20 years. I had no idea how to ‘budget’ (urgh, I hated that word, but it is what it is ha ha!) and was a bit of a 'spender'. But, since being introduced to Erin this has all started to change. It’s not a ‘quick fix’ however there are plenty of actionable steps, mindset tips and resources that can really get you going on your journey to financial freedom. And feels good and achievable to do so.

Highly, highly recommended.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 173 reviews

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Get the Hell Out of Debt: The Proven 3-Phase Method Tha… (2024)


How to get out of debt quickly? ›

Tips for How to Get Out of Debt Fast
  1. Lower your expenses. Once you've made your budget, go through it line by line and see where you can cut back on your spending. ...
  2. Increase your income. Think of your income as a shovel. ...
  3. Cut up your credit cards. ...
  4. Know your why. ...
  5. Take Financial Peace University.
7 days ago

How to get rid of debt without paying? ›

Which debt solutions write off debts?
  1. Bankruptcy: Writes off unsecured debts if you cannot repay them. Any assets like a house or car may be sold.
  2. Debt relief order (DRO): Writes off debts if you have a relatively low level of debt. Must also have few assets.
  3. Individual voluntary arrangement (IVA): A formal agreement.

How to dig yourself out of debt? ›

6 ways to get out of debt
  1. Pay more than the minimum payment. Go through your budget and decide how much extra you can put toward your debt. ...
  2. Try the debt snowball. ...
  3. Refinance debt. ...
  4. Commit windfalls to debt. ...
  5. Settle for less than you owe. ...
  6. Re-examine your budget. ...
  7. Debt-to-income ratio. ...
  8. Interest rates.
Dec 6, 2023

Will I ever get out of debt? ›

You can get out of debt and save at the same time, but you must budget and plan. First, always pay the minimum requirement payments on your credit cards and loans. Then allot extra money toward paying down more debt and saving, according to your goals.

How to aggressively pay off debt? ›

Make debt payments beyond the minimum.

Making more than your required minimum payment can help you pay off debts more quickly and save money in interest charges. Earmark unanticipated funds, such as your tax return or a bonus, for debt payments.

What is the debt avalanche method? ›

The debt avalanche is a systematic way of paying down debt to save money on interest. Individuals who use the debt avalanche strategy make the minimum payment on each debt, then use any remaining available funds to pay the debt with the highest interest rates.

Can I get a government loan to pay off debt? ›

While there are no government debt relief grants, there is free money to pay other bills, which should lead to paying off debt because it frees up funds. The biggest grant the government offers may be housing vouchers for those who qualify. The local housing authority pays the landlord directly.

How to pay $30,000 debt in one year? ›

The 6-step method that helped this 34-year-old pay off $30,000 of credit card debt in 1 year
  1. Step 1: Survey the land. ...
  2. Step 2: Limit and leverage. ...
  3. Step 3: Automate your minimum payments. ...
  4. Step 4: Yes, you must pay extra and often. ...
  5. Step 5: Evaluate the plan often. ...
  6. Step 6: Ramp-up when you 're ready.

How to pay off $50,000 in debt? ›

Make a Plan to Tackle $50K in Credit Card Debt
  1. Reevaluate or Create Your Budget. ...
  2. Look for Ways to Decrease Recurring Expenses and Increase Income. ...
  3. Set Concrete Goals. ...
  4. Ask for a Lower Interest Rate. ...
  5. Look Into a Debt Consolidation Loan. ...
  6. Consider a Balance Transfer Credit Card. ...
  7. Credit Counseling. ...
  8. Debt Settlement.
Sep 9, 2020

How to get out of debt with no money and bad credit? ›

How to get out of debt when you have no money
  1. Step 1: Stop taking on new debt. ...
  2. Step 2: Determine how much you owe. ...
  3. Step 3: Create a budget. ...
  4. Step 4: Pay off the smallest debts first. ...
  5. Step 5: Start tackling larger debts. ...
  6. Step 6: Look for ways to earn extra money. ...
  7. Step 7: Boost your credit scores.
Dec 5, 2023

How to get out of a deep financial hole? ›

16 Things to Do When You're Deep in Debt
  1. Analyze your situation.
  2. Consider bankruptcy.
  3. Consider going to a credit counseling service.
  4. Prioritize the debt you need to pay.
  5. Talk to your credit card issuers.
  6. Pay off the debt with the higher interest first.
  7. Or – pay off smaller debts first.
  8. Transfer your credit card balance.
Mar 13, 2023

How to pay off $20k in debt fast? ›

Use a debt consolidation loan

With a debt consolidation loan, you borrow money from a lender and roll all of those debts into one loan with a single interest rate. This allows you to make one monthly payment rather than paying multiple creditors.

How can the elderly stop paying credit cards debts? ›

Option Two: File a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The “upside” of proceeding in this fashion is that your Chapter 7 Trustee will not be able to reach your assets either, and the stress associated with harassing phone calls and other collection activities will stop immediately upon the filing of your bankruptcy petition.

Is national debt relief legit? ›

National Debt Relief is a legitimate company providing debt relief services. The company was founded in 2009 and is a member of the American Association for Debt Resolution (AADR). It's certified by the International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators (IAPDA), and is accredited by the BBB.

What happens if you can never pay your debt? ›

“It could affect employment, housing and more.” Avoiding payment also means that creditors can sue you for unpaid bills. In some states, you could get your wages garnished or have your assets seized. You're still paying your outstanding debt even if you aren't making the payments directly.

How to pay off $20,000 in debt? ›

If you have $20,000 in credit card debt that you need to pay off in three years or less, you have multiple options to consider, including:
  1. Take advantage of a debt relief service.
  2. Consolidate your debt with a home equity loan.
  3. Take advantage of 0% balance transfer credit cards.
Feb 15, 2024

How to pay off $15,000 fast? ›

How to Pay Off $15,000 in Credit Card Debt
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Debt Management Program. ...
  3. DIY (Do It Yourself) Payment Plans. ...
  4. Debt Consolidation Loan. ...
  5. Consider a Balance Transfer. ...
  6. Debt Settlement. ...
  7. Lifestyle Changes to Pay Off Credit Card Debt. ...
  8. Consider Professional Debt Relief Help.

How do I get out of debt when I live paycheck to paycheck? ›

Tips for Getting Out of Debt When You're Living Paycheck to Paycheck
  1. Tip #1: Don't wait. ...
  2. Tip #2: Pay close attention to your budget. ...
  3. Tip #3: Increase your income. ...
  4. Tip #4: Start an emergency fund – even if it's just pennies. ...
  5. Tip #5: Be patient.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.