Giganotosaurus: Facts About the 'Giant Southern Lizard' (2024)

Giganotosaurus was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs. It roamed modern-day Argentina during the late Cretaceous Period, about 99.6 to 97 million years ago.

For a long time, Tyrannosaurus rex — "king of the dinosaurs" — was thought to be the largest carnivorous dinosaur. Today, Giganotosaurus is believed to have been slightly larger than T. rex, though even Giganotosaurus ranks behind Spinosaurus in size among the meat-eating dinosaurs.

Giganotosaurusshould not be confused withGigantosaurus,a lesser-known sauropod discovered in England.

Giganotosaurus vs. Spinosaurus vs. Tyrannosaurus

None of these dinosaurs lived at the same time — or in the same area. Here is a comparison:

But even Spinosaurus was dwarfed by some of the long-necked herbivorous sauropods, such as Diplodocus, which are the largest dinosaurs known to have existed.

Big, strong and fast

Pronounced jig-a-NOT-o-SOR-us, Greek for "giant southern lizard," the dinosaur is a member of the Carcharodontosauridae ("shark-toothed lizards") family. There is only one known species of the dinosaur: Giganotosaurus carolinii. It lived from 99.6 to 97 million years ago, during the early Cenomanian stage of the Late Cretaceous Period, or about about 30 million years before T. rex.

First described in a 1995 study in the journal Nature, Giganotosaurus was, at the time, thought to be the largest carnivorous dinosaur. The specimen analyzed was up to 41 feet long (12.5 meters) from head to tail, and weighed between 6.6 and 8.8 tons (6 to 8 metric tons), the researchers estimated.

Calculating mass from fossils is notoriously difficult, and a more recent estimate published in 2007 in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology suggests Giganotosaurusweighed up to 15 tons (13.8 metric tons). Additionally, scientists have discovered a partial Giganotosaurus jawbone that's 8 percent larger than the corresponding bone of the original specimen, according to a 1998 article in the journal Gaia. Estimates based on this skull fragment suggest the dinosaur may have been up to 43 feet (13.2 m) long,

Giganotosaurus walked upright on two large and powerful legs. It may have been fairly agile, thanks to its thin, pointed tail, which may have provided balance and the ability to make quick turns while running.

Models suggest that Giganotosaurus could run up to 31.3 mph (50.4 km/h), according to a 2001 article in the journal Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. Any faster and the animal would lose its stability and fall over. By comparison, a 2011 study in the journal PLOS ONE computed the maximum running speed of T. Rexto be 25 mph (40 km/h).

Like other carcharodontosaurids, which includes Mapusaurus and Carcharodontosaurus, Giganotosaurus had two short arms with sharp claws on the end of its three-fingered "hands." However, carcharodontosaurid forelimbs have been poorly preserved, so the anatomy of Giganotosaurus' arms is not well understood.

This makes it difficult to hypothesize about what the dinosaur could do with its appendages, said Juan Canale, a paleontologist with Argentina's National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET). "We have to wait for more complete fossils!" he said.

Giganotosaurus had a massive skull to go with its large body. The skull of the Giganotosaurus holotype — the specimen formally described in 1995, upon which the species is based— was 5.2 feet (1.6 m) long, according to a 2003 article in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. The endocast (internal cast of the braincase) of the holotype is some 19 percent longer than the endocast of its comparably sized relative, Carcharodontosaurus saharicus; however, the endocast volume of Tyrannosaurus is still larger, suggesting Giganotosaurus had a smaller brain than its popular, distant cousin, the study notes.

What did Giganotosaurus eat?

Scientists believe that Giganotosaurus survived mostly on large herbivore dinosaurs. Because of its size, it did not have any natural predators.

Giganotosaurus had the capability of killing live prey. Of course, like T. rex, Velociraptor and other carnivorous dinosaurs, Giganotosaurus was likely an opportunistic carnivore that also scavenged if necessary.

Giganotosaurus had the same flat, serrated teeth that are characteristic of other carcharodontosaurids, which would have allowed it to easily slice through the flesh of its prey. Some estimates propose that the dinosaur had a bite force several times weaker than that of T. rex, which suggests Giganotosaurus may have hunted by inflicting slicing wounds instead of biting— a tactic that would have allowed it to take down very large prey that it couldn't have gotten its jaws around.

In fact, at a 2014 paleontological meeting, Canale and his colleagues presented evidence of carcharodontosaurid teeth associated with the remains of the titanosaur saruopod Argentinosaurus, the largest land animal ever found. But whether or not the carnivores took down their giant prey alone is unclear. "It is possible that carcharodontosaurids hunted in packs," Canale said.

In 2006, seven fossils of the carcharodontosaurid Mapusaurus have been found grouped closely together in a single bonebed, according to a study in the journal Geodiversitas. "There are no doubts that this is not casual, they died together because they lived as a group," Canale said. This group-living behavior and possible pack hunting may have extended to Mapusaurus' close relatives, including Giganotosaurus, he said.

Aside from titanosaurs, Giganotosaurus probably also fed on rebbachisaurid sauropods, which were quite abundant in the Cenomanian times, Canale said, adding that scientists haven't found direct evidence of this predator-prey interaction yet.

Fossil finds

In 1993, Rubén Dario Carolini, an amateur dinosaur hunter, discovered Giganotosaurus in the Neuquén Province of Patagonia (southern Argentina). The fossils came from deposits in a region that is now referred to as the Candeleros Formation. The skeleton was about 70 percent complete and included parts of the skull, pelvis, leg bones and backbone.

Paleontologists Rodolfo Coria and Leonardo Salgado named Giganotosaurus in 1995 when they described the dinosaur in their Nature study. The species name, Giganotosaurus carolinii, honors Carolini.

In 1998, Argentine geologist and paleontologist Jorge Orlando Calvo discovered a second Giganotosaurus specimen, which consisted of the front part of the left lower jaw.

While the remains of many other dinosaurs have been discovered at various stages of development (young, juveniles and full-grown adults), the same cannot be said of Giganotosaurus. Additionally, no complete skeleton of a Giganotosaurus has been found.

Giganotosaurus: Facts About the 'Giant Southern Lizard' (1)

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Giganotosaurus: Facts About the 'Giant Southern Lizard' (2)

Joseph Castro

Live Science Contributor

Joseph Bennington-Castro is a Hawaii-based contributing writer for Live Science and He holds a master's degree in science journalism from New York University, and a bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Hawaii. His work covers all areas of science, from the quirky mating behaviors of different animals, to the drug and alcohol habits of ancient cultures, to new advances in solar cell technology. On a more personal note, Joseph has had a near-obsession with video games for as long as he can remember, and is probably playing a game at this very moment.

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Giganotosaurus: Facts About the 'Giant Southern Lizard' (2024)


Giganotosaurus: Facts About the 'Giant Southern Lizard'? ›

Giganotosaurus is thought to have been homeothermic (a type of "warm-bloodedness"), with a metabolism between that of a mammal and a reptile, which would have enabled fast growth. It would have been capable of closing its jaws quickly, capturing and bringing down prey by delivering powerful bites.

What are some interesting facts about the Giganotosaurus? ›

First described in a 1995 study in the journal Nature, Giganotosaurus was, at the time, thought to be the largest carnivorous dinosaur. The specimen analyzed was up to 41 feet long (12.5 meters) from head to tail, and weighed between 6.6 and 8.8 tons (6 to 8 metric tons), the researchers estimated.

How long does Giganotosaurus live? ›

No juvenile or subadult specimens are known from Giganotosaurus, so its growth rates are not known. If we assume that Giganotosaurus had a similar lifespan to Tyrannosaurus, about 20-30 years at most, then we can likely assume that it had a period of rapid growth at the juvenile stage of its life into adulthood.

How did Giganotosaurus eat? ›

Giganotosaurus Fact #4: Giganotosaurus used it's knife-like teeth to cut slices into sauropods-its prey. Giganotosaurus would keep cutting into the sauropod until the sauropod bled to death. Then Giganotosaurus would eat its prey. Giganotosaurus had 76 teeth, and each tooth was eight inches long.

How big is a Giganotosaurus brain? ›

Actually the Giganotosaurus's brain was less than half the size of that of a T-Rex. Judging from the narrow Giganotosaurus skull, scientists have been able to discern that its brain would have been roughly the shape and weight of a banana.

What killed the Giganotosaurus? ›

But it was really the Therizinosaurus, with T-rex's help, that brought down Gigantosaurus with its deadly claws. The Gigantosaurus was killed by the Therizinosaurus, which stabbed the Giga through the neck. With that, the T-rex finally got the revenge it waited 65-million years for to close out Jurassic World Dominion.

Did Giganotosaurus meet t rex? ›

Such a scenario would never have actually happened. T. rex and Giganotosaurus did not live at the same time, in the same place, or even in the same environment. Both theropod dinosaurs roamed the planet during the Cretaceous period, but Giganotosaurus lived about 99.6 million to 97 million years ago.

Is Giganotosaurus 50 feet long? ›

They estimated the skull to have been about 1.53 m (5 ft) long, and the whole animal to have been 12.5 m (41 ft) long, with a weight of about 6 to 8 t (6.6 to 8.8 short tons).

How tall did Giganotosaurus grow? ›

Giganotosaurus is thought to have reached a length of 12−13 meters (about 40−43 feet), a height of 7 meters (about 23 feet), and a weight of 7,000–8,000 kg (about 15,400–17,600 pounds). However, model estimates shown in some studies note that some individuals may have weighed as much as 14,000 kg (about 30,800 pounds).

How smart is the Giganotosaurus? ›

Its brain was rather small, but not as small as a Carcharodontosaurus. ☀Giganotosaurus's was not the most intelligent of dinosaurs as the brain was astonishingly small for such a large animal, and was about the size and shape of a banana.

Did Giganotosaurus lay eggs? ›

Lived in a terrestrial. Was a carnivore. Reproduced by laying eggs. Had a body mass of approximately 6000 kg.

Who named Giganotosaurus? ›

Discovery. Giganotosaurus carolinii was named for Ruben Carolini, an amateur fossil hunter, who discovered the fossils in the deposits of the Rio Limay Formation of Patagonia, southern Argentina, in 1993. It was published by Rodolfo Coria and Leonardo Salgado in the journal Nature in 1995.

What dinosaur has 500 teeth? ›

Bizarre 500-toothed dinosaur

Nigersaurus, you might remember, we named for bones collected on the last expedition here three years ago. This sauropod (long-necked dinosaur) has an unusual skull containing as many as 500 slender teeth.

Can Giganotosaurus talk? ›

He's not much of a talker, though in the episode “Goodbye, Giganto! Part 2”, Rocky, Bill, Tiny and Mazu all discover he can talk as he says “You're welcome” to the four after they all thank him for finding the bag with their favorite stuff.

Was the giga real? ›

Though the TV series is called Gigantosaurus, in real life, the gigantosaurus was a sauropod (a type of huge plant eating dinosaur). The big beast in the series is actually based on the meat eating Giganotosaurus. Similar sounding names, but very different dinosaurs! The Giganotosaurus walked on two powerful legs.

How fast is a Giganotosaurus? ›

Well, if you look at fossilized footprints of large carnivorous dinosaurs like Giganotosaurus, they indicate that speeds as high as 31 miles per hour ( mph ) were quite possible.

How many fingers did Giganotosaurus have? ›

Giganotosaurus belongs to the same group as the North American Allosaurus and has three fingers on each hand, typical of allosaurs.

How fast was Giganotosaurus? ›

Well, if you look at fossilized footprints of large carnivorous dinosaurs like Giganotosaurus, they indicate that speeds as high as 31 miles per hour ( mph ) were quite possible.

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