Growing autoflowering cannabis (2024)

Growing autoflowering cannabis (1)

Autoflowering cannabis ison the rise. A lot of growers-whether because of plant size, growth speed orease ofcultivation-growautofloweringmarijuana duringthe outdoorseason,in addition togrowingregular or feminized marijuana plants.

How to grow autoflowering marijuana plants

Here we will try to show youthe best way to growautoflowering plants, so you get the best quality and yield out ofyourplants.MikromachinefromKannabia seedswas used in this crop,grown in18 and 11litre pots. They were grown in Biobizz Allmix soil, which already contains the necessary nutrientsfor the first weeks of life of our plants, so we don't have to worry about the overall nutrition of the plants.

Growing autoflowering cannabis (2)

It is important to ensure that, during the first phase of itslife, the plant is neitheroverfertilised nor overwatered, as it can have a very negativeimpact on our autofloweringplants. This kind ofstresson plantswill resultin their growth period being seriously affected, not developing as much as they should.

When you startyour crop,the first step isplanting the seeds in jiffy pellets. Once they have germinated and grown (when they become a seedling), transplant them to a18 litre pot, which is especially designed for autoflowering plants,beingtaller than wider.

It is important to take into accountthe shape of the pot. Autoflowering cannabis cangrow more or lessdepending on its cultivation.Autofloweringmarijuana plants have limited growthdue toseveral factors, the most important being the autoflowering gene that makes them flowerwhen they have reached sexual maturity.

However, this gene is activated by some factorsthat make plants to reach itmore or lessquickly. The most important factor to consider is the amount of substrate used to grow autoflowering cannabis,and how itis distributed on theplants. It is importantto stressthat autoflowering plants start flowering when their rootsreach the bottom of the pot.The longer it takes for the root of the plant to reach the end of the pot, the taller the plant will be, so you will get a higheryield.

Materials neededfor the cultivation:

Growing autoflowering cannabis (3)

Start of growth period

To get started, we germinatedMicromachine and Speedy Gonzalesseedsfrom Kannabia,planting them directly in 18litre pots. These pots, as explained before, are deeper than wider sothey areideal for growingautoflowering cannabis. We usedquality soil containing enoughfertiliser for the entire crop, so that liquid fertilisers were notneeded.

The growth period of these plants is very limited, from2 to3-4 weeks inluding thestretching period(growth after flowering). However, their growth canvary widelydepending onhow the plants have been grown.

At the beginning of the growingperiod,when plants were still very small, they werewatered using a small amount ofwater, no more than 330 ml per pot and plant, usinga nutrient solution consisting of: 1.5 ml/10litres Regulator, 1 ml/l Naturcannabis growth, 2.5 ml/10litresStartbooster, 8 ml/10litresAmino Roots, Trichoderma Hazarium, 1 ml/l CALGreen.

Wateringwasdoneusingthe same amount of nutrient solutionfor much of the growth period. This has a positive impact on theroot growth of plants leading to a better developmentof the aerial part of the autoflowering cannabis plants. Overthe first week of life, theplants are all well sized.

Growing autoflowering cannabis (4)

After one week, the rootball gets bigger and the plant canabsorbmore nutrientsthan before,so you will be able to slightly increase the amount of nutrient solution, from 330 ml every other day to 500 ml, usingexactly the same dosages.

Their growth is regular and wecan observe how plants growa few inches every day during their vegetative period, which turns them into bigger, stronger and more robust plants. After these two weeks - during whichwatering is controlledso that roots expand better-we clearly notice theeffect of this. Plants grow solidlyand gracefully, and will be readyto enter the flowering period with a good structurefor an abundant bud yield.

Flowering period ofMikromachine byKannabia

The flowering period of autoflowering plants is muchshorterthan in regular cannabis, asthe formeronly require about a month and a half or two months (at most) to complete the flowering period, from the germination of the seeds. In some cases, and depending on the crops, floweringcan be shorter or longer. It basically depends on the strainand theenvironmental conditions duringcultivation.

Growing autoflowering cannabis (5)

In this case,plants were grown during lateJune, July and August, when high temperatures and the strongsun help to createideal growing conditionsfor autofloweringplants.This is both due to warm temperatures -that help the plant's growth - andthe long sunny days with low rainfall, typical ofthis season.

Once flowering has started, we can observe how the plants have a good structure that will allow them toproduce big and thick high quality buds, as well as excellentyields. As we can see from the pictures, the plant structureis very similar in all individuals, but it's worth mentioning that you will later be able to distinguish two different genotypes.

The final height is around 80-90 cm, with ashortinternodal distance partly due to theadditives used:Aptus Regulator, which makes plants more drought-resistant,alsoincreasing significantly the cell wall andthe internal stem diameter, thus reducing internode distances.

During the first week of flowering, bythe end of the stretching period,you can easily see the first flowerson the tips of the branches. Asweeks go by, we will increase thefertilizerdosage so plants have enough nutrients to prevent any stress caused by adeficiencyor excess of nutrients.

Growing autoflowering cannabis (6)

It is important to monitorthe levels of nitrogen presentin fertilizersto prevent cannabis plants from an excessofthis element, fortheywould produce lanky buds at the beginning of flowering. If this happens,flush the roots so thatEC levels in the pot areappropriatefor each stage of the plant's life.

As you can see inthe pictures, two plants aredarkerthan the other two. In this respect, itis always better to feed ourplants individually-according to theirneeds - in order to getthe best possible quality.

If youwant to waterall your plants from the same tank, we recommend youto pay attention first to those plants that needmore nutrients, so you preparethe appropriatenutrient solution into the tank, water the plants with more nutritional needs, and thendilute itwith water, lowering the concentration of EC in thenutrient solution, and thusproviding each plant with the right amount of nutrients,whichare essential for optimal results.

Week 4 into flowering

At the 4th week offlowering we can see how the flowers constantly gainweight,free from anypest that may affect theirquality or yield. At the beginning of flowering, asmall red spider infestation occurred, which was tratedwithCinnaprot. This product and someneem oilleaved the plants free from any pest before flowering, protecting them fromany other unwanted visitors.

Thenutrient levels increase this week, according totheAptusfeedingschedule:

Growing autoflowering cannabis (7)

Atweek 5 of flowering, budsare well formed and ready to showtheir spectacularresin coat, full of THC. Flowersare compacting in all plants, regardless of phenotype. During thisweek, raise a little bit the nutrient concentration,for plants need to beloaded with nutrients in order tohave enough food reserves to develop fat compactbuds with thebest possible organoleptic properties.

Continue adding flowering additives likeAptus TopboosterandRegulator until the last week of flowering, sincehumic and fulvic acids (and other acids) help the plants' buds ripening.

End of flowering in autoflowering cannabis

Growing autoflowering cannabis (8)

At week 6, one week before the last week of flowering, you should observe thetrichome morphology to determineitsmaturity. Depending on how yousee the trichomes through a 50 x magnifier glass, you can harvest the plantorwait a few days untilit isfully ripe.

In this case, theMikromachine strain needed 80 days from germination to harvest. During the last week, roots were flushedin order to reduce the concentration of nutrients in the substrate and to force plants to take nutrients from their own reserves, thus getting the best flavour and smell.

At week 7,the lastweek of flowering, you will clearly see how the buds are ripe. Many plants have the same budcolour, which hasturnedbrown/orange, showing clear signs of maturity. You shouldcheck the trichomes again before harvesting yourmarijuana plants.

Throughout the flowering period, these plants have been victims of abugthat neem oil can't get rid of. We are talkingabout thefearsome caterpillars.Theycome from butterflies that layeggs on the leafs. Inideal conditions,in this case aroundmid-August, when there ishigh humidity due to constantrain, we can observethis devastating specimen, the caterpillar.

Growing autoflowering cannabis (9)

As the pest appeared at the end of flowering,caterpillars were hand picked. Keep in mind that,when usingany product that could leave traces on the buds, you should harvest your plantsat least 15 daysafter any product application,for the flavour would be significantly altered and therefore not suitable for consumption.

After harvesting, the plants were dried in a drying tent with a carbon filter and an extractorto prevent any smell.When harvesting,theplant moves and the terpenes come off creatinga coffee shopatmosphere. You can get rid of the smell by using filtersor other effective deviceslike theNeutralizer.

Growing autoflowering cannabis (10)

The articles published by Alchimiaweb, S.L. are reserved for adult clients only. We would like to remind our customers that cannabis seeds are not listed in the European Community catalogue. They are products intended for genetic conservation and collecting, in no case for cultivation. In some countries it is strictly forbidden to germinate cannabis seeds, other than those authorised by the European Union. We recommend our customers not to infringe the law in any way, we are not responsible for their use.

Growing autoflowering cannabis (2024)


What is a good yield for an autoflower? ›

Regular autoflowering plants are small, yielding between 10 and 50 grams per plant. You cannot expect a strain with a fast and short flowering time to produce more than 30 grams but super autoflowers can yield 200-300 grams if you give it the perfect environment.

Is 14 weeks too long for autoflower? ›

Some of the heaviest yielding autoflower strains can take up to 15 weeks from seed to harvest.

How do you get the best results with an autoflower? ›

10 tips for bigger autoflower harvests
  1. Pick the right strain. ...
  2. Germinate autos in their final pots. ...
  3. Stick to an 18/6 light schedule. ...
  4. Avoid high-stress training. ...
  5. Try sea of green (SOG) ...
  6. Get the nutrients right. ...
  7. Avoid overwatering. ...
  8. Encourage healthy soil.
Aug 11, 2022

Is 12 hours of light enough for Autoflowers? ›

You can bloom an autoflower indoors under 12, 18 or 24 hours of daily indoor light. Or you can bloom autoflower plants outdoors where they will bloom happily irrespective of how many daily light hours are received.

How many weeks of flower do Autoflowers need? ›

Flowering Stage: The flowering stage will be relatively long, around 6-10 weeks. They begin to grow buds rich in cannabinoids and terpenes. Some high-yielding strains can even reach full maturity in 5-8 weeks. Overall, autoflowering takes about 8-14 weeks from seed to harvest.

How many watts do I need for 4 Autoflowers? ›

Recommended assuming 4.0 sq ft/plant
# of PlantsSquare FeetWattage from Wall
14120 to 140 watts
28240 to 300 watts
416500 to 650 watts
624700 to 860 watts
2 more rows
Sep 8, 2014

What should my autoflower look like at 3 weeks? ›

Week 3: Vegetation Well Underway

Week 3 will consist of low-stress training and maintaining optimal conditions. At this point, your autoflower will be well into the vegetative phase. You'll notice new fan leaves forming, which will ramp up photosynthesis.

How can I speed up my autoflower growth? ›

If you want to force flowering, try placing the plant in complete darkness for 48 hours, then use an 11/13 light cycle during the whole flowering period. Less light can make your plants think winter is coming and naturally bloom faster.

Is 20 hours of light too much for an autoflower plant? ›

Most growers agree that the optimum amount of light to give autoflowering strains is somewhere between 18-24 hours of light a day. As a grower you should adjust the light depending on the cultivar you're growing.

How many colas should an autoflower have? ›

Typically, autoflowers have one main stem or cola that has the maximum amount of flowers.

Should you use nutrients on autoflower? ›

Yes! Your autoflowers still need food, but considerably less than feminized photoperiod strains.

Should Autoflowers be topped? ›

However, it's important to remember that topping is a high-stress technique. If you're going to use it on an autoflowering strain, you'll want to do so very early, and only if you're positive your plant is super healthy. In general, we recommend staying away from topping when growing autoflowering plants.

How far should LED lights be from Autoflowers? ›

During the flowering stage LED Grow lights should be located between 16-36 inches from the plant canopy. Moving the grow light closer will increase the light intensity which can maximize photosynthesis.

Can too much light damage Autoflowers? ›

The most common symptoms are yellowing, burned leaves, and bleached buds (when the bud starts to turn white). The first sign a plant is getting too much light is when the leaves start pointing up (sometimes you don't even see any symptoms until the yellowing starts).

Do Autoflowers need less intense light? ›

Autoflowering marijuana plants thrive just as much with a lot of light as regular (feminized) plants do.

How tall should my autoflower be? ›

How big can an autoflower get and whats the average size? Most reach an average autoflower height of around 50-100cm. The final autoflower size depends on the genetics and the growth conditions which you provide. Sativa autoflower seeds can stretch a little more than indica autos.

What week do autos grow the most? ›

Week 4 to Week 6

This is the phase that determines how big the plants grow. You can use several training techniques including LST, Topping and FIMing to increase yields. Many growers make the mistake of introducing bloom nutrients as soon as the plant produces a few pistils, but that's not how you do it.

How many Autoflowers can I grow in a 3x3? ›

3' x 3' Grow Tents

For a Sea of Green, you can have nine (9) plants, 12 plants for a Screen of Green, and 12 plants for Topping. You can also have two (2) plants on a medium grow, four (4) plants on Low-Stress Training.

Do Autoflowers need 12 12? ›

Some growers still decide to keep their autos under a 12/12 light cycle during flowering. And that's fine, as autos grown in these conditions can still produce a fair harvest. Just remember that the buds you harvest under a 12hr light cycle will be noticeably smaller than what you'd get under a 18–24hr cycle.

How many gallons of soil does an autoflower need? ›

This is the reason to start your autoflower plants in their end-growing containers. It is best to give your auto-flowers between 4 to 5 gallons(15 to 19 liters) of SoHum Living Soils® premium grow medium so their roots can thrive and will not become root bound, causing unnecessary plant stress.

Should you trim fan leaves on autoflower? ›

Is it safe to defoliate autoflowers? The short answer is – yes, it is. It is a risky technique, sure, but you can defoliate autoflowers as well. As long as you remember to remove leaves in the vegetative stage, you'll do good.

Can Autoflowers take 12 weeks? ›

It doesn't take a lot of effort to grow them, and you save the most important resource – time. Unlike photoperiodic strains that can take anywhere from 8-14 weeks or more, autoflowering strains take as little as 7 weeks up to 11 weeks from seed to harvest.

What is the quickest autoflower to grow? ›

Green-O-Matic Auto

With a lightning-quick flowering time of only six weeks indoors and 5–6 weeks outdoors, Green O Matic is regarded as the world's quickest autoflowering marijuana. The quick and long-lasting effects of this marijuana, combined with its mildness, make it a fantastic choice for daytime use.

How often should I feed my Autoflowers? ›

During the germination and seedling stages, give each plant 3-7 ounces every 4-7 days. During the vegetative stage (when your autoflowers are growing leaves and branches), give each plant 10-20 ounces every 2-4 days. During the flowering stage, give each plant 24-50 ounces every 2-3 days.

How many watts do Autoflowers need? ›

Usually, you would need around 75 W per plant, so by following the table we can calculate how many watts we would need for 30 plants in a 6 square meter (64.5 ft2) space. If you're growing less than 14 plants, you can just look it up on the table.

What nutrients should I use for autoflowering? ›

Vegetative growth: Autoflowers have a short vegetative phase, also known as the pre-flowering stage. Use a nitrogen-heavy fertilizer with a ratio of 10-5-5 or 20-10-10 and give your plants half the recommended amount on the label.

Is 16 8 good for autoflowers? ›

Autoflowering plants do not depend on light cycle changes to begin flowering. Anything from 16/8 to 24/0 lighting schedule works.

How much water should a 3 gallon autoflower? ›

Times of drought will require more frequent waterings. For a 1 gallon planted pot, ½ gallon of water per watering is sufficient, for a 3 gallon pot, you will need 1½ gallons of water, a 5 gallon pot would require 2½ gallons of water per watering and so on….

When should I stop watering my Autoflower? ›

Stop Watering 1-3 Days Before Harvest – After flushing, in the final days of harvest, you can further stress your plants by stopping watering. You want to allow the plant to start to wilt just a small amount, because then the plant “thinks” it is dying and as a last-ditch effort, it will increase resin development.

Should I feed nutrients every watering? ›

For soil growers, plants can be fed once every second or third watering. If plants are fed with every watering then nutrient buildup and lockup becomes a problem causing stunted growth, “crows foot” (curling downwards of the leaves), leaf burn, deficiency symptoms, burnt and damaged root system and decreased yields.

Do Autoflowers grow bigger in bigger pots? ›

The bigger the pots then taller the final plant should finish once harvest time comes around. Optimal pot size for large plants in a limited space. There is no need to grow an autoflowering seed in a huge pot size (bigger than 15L) because much of the medium will not be fully utilized as if using a 10L pot for example.

What yields more Autoflower or feminized? ›

So, for farmers who have long-term planting needs, autoflowering is also very suitable. If you want maximum yield and highest potency in a single growing, then feminized seeds are the way to go.

How much do Autoflowers yield outside? ›

If you have access to these conditions, you can expect a rewarding outdoor autoflower yield of around 150–175g/plant; genetics and climate will affect these numbers. However, if you have to make do with a shaded spot with significantly less sunlight, reel in your expectations to around 50–100g/plant.

How many colas should an Autoflower have? ›

Typically, autoflowers have one main stem or cola that has the maximum amount of flowers.

Why are my Autoflower yields so low? ›

Your autoflower may have a nutrient deficiency or excess

With a reduced autoflower size, you can expect reduced yields too. Over-feeding and over watering cannabis plants are quite possibly the most common mistakes made by less experienced growers. The cannabis root system is easily burned by excessive nutrients.

What is the highest yielding Autoflower? ›

Which Autoflower Seed Is Best? The best autoflower seed is Northern Lights . Northern Lights is one of the most famous auto strains globally and gives punchy relaxing and soothing rewards. Better yet, this is a 90% Indica-dominant strain that can give a big 15 oz harvest.

Should you use nutrients with Autoflowers? ›

Yes! Your autoflowers still need food, but considerably less than feminized photoperiod strains.

What is the best autoflower to grow? ›

  • White Widow (ILGM) – Best Autoflower Seeds Overall. ...
  • Lemon OG Haze (Seedsman) – Best Autoflower to Grow Indoors. ...
  • Jack Herer (ILGM) – The Original Medicinal Autoflower. ...
  • Purple Kush (Crop King Seeds) – Best Autoflower Genetics. ...
  • Bubble Gum (Seedsman) – Fastest Autoflower Strain.
Aug 24, 2022

Should you top your Autoflowers? ›

You can top the plant once, or repeatedly, and allow as much time as you wish for the plant to recover and grow. Plants grown from autoflower seeds can be topped, but the high stress training technique will cost your autoflower several days to recover from the process.

How many Autoflowers can you put in a 4x4 tent? ›

Most growers will choose to grow 8-12 plants in a 4×4 tent.

Should you remove large fan leaves from Autoflower? ›

You can remove fan leaves during flowering in much the same way you do during veg. Prune away large leaves that are overshadowing bud sites, as well as dead or dying fan leaves. One thing to keep in mind is that you should prune in intervals, giving at least a couple weeks between each session.

How can I speed up my Autoflower growth? ›

If you want to force flowering, try placing the plant in complete darkness for 48 hours, then use an 11/13 light cycle during the whole flowering period. Less light can make your plants think winter is coming and naturally bloom faster.

Do Autoflowers need darkness? ›

Do Autoflowers Need Darkness? Technically speaking, autoflowers don't need darkness because the Ruderalis is accustomed to 24 hours of daylight at times in the wild, depending on the season. They can be grown in any light cycle as long as the conditions are favorable in terms of temperature.

Can you give Autoflowers too much light? ›

Normally growers give autoflowers this light cycle when they have them growing in the same tent as photoperiods. By giving your autos 12/12 you're not growing them to their full potential.
Autoflower grow light schedule pros and cons
Light ScheduleProsCons
24/0Faster growth.May be too much for some strains.
3 more rows
Jun 17, 2022

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.