Growing Jacaranda Trees in Your Yard (2024)

The jacaranda tree is a beautiful tropical tree that produces clusters of fragrant purple panicle-shaped blooms and arching branches that form a canopy shaped like an upturned umbrella. The jacaranda tree is fast-growing in a tropical environment, gaining about 10 feet a year in its first years of life. Its growth rate varies depending on where it's grown, slowing down to a moderate growth rate outside its ideal tropical environment. Jacaranda trees are happiest in parts of the United States with the balmiest locations, such as Hawaii, Florida, Southern California, and parts of Texas where they grow remarkably easily because of ideal warm, sunny conditions. The tree also requires consistent moisture year-round in slightly acidic soil.

Growing Jacaranda Trees in Your Yard (1)

Common NameJacaranda tree, black poui, blue jacaranda
Botanical NameJacaranda mimosifoila
Plant TypeTree
Mature Size25–50 ft. tall, 15–30 ft. wide
Sun ExposureFull
Soil TypeSandy, well-drained
Soil pHNeutral, acidic
Bloom TimeSpring, summer
Flower ColorPurple, blue
Hardiness Zones10-11 (USDA)
Native AreaSouth America

Jacaranda Tree Care

Here are the main care requirements for growing a jacaranda tree:

  • Avoid planting a jacaranda tree near pools, driveways, patios, and sidewalks due to weak wood, litter, and significant surface roots that can disturb structures.
  • Plant the jacaranda tree in a spot that has six to eight hours of sunlight a day.
  • Use sandy soil on the acidic side that's well-draining to prevent root rot.
  • Water the tree during extended dry periods though the plant is moderately drought-tolerant.


The jacaranda tree has an invasive growth habit in the tropical zones of Hawaii and elsewhere in Queensland, Australia, Chile’s Juan Fernandez Islands, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, and Zambia. Its thickets of seedlings can decrease an area's biodiversity.

Growing Jacaranda Trees in Your Yard (2)

Growing Jacaranda Trees in Your Yard (3)

Growing Jacaranda Trees in Your Yard (4)

Growing Jacaranda Trees in Your Yard (5)


For the best blooming, plant your jacaranda tree in full sun, where it receives at least six to eight hours of sun per day. Smaller jacaranda trees can tolerate light shade if necessary, but a lack of optimal sunlight can impact the amount and vibrancy of their blooms.


Jacaranda trees will do best in well-draining, moderately sandy soil with a slightly acidic pH level. It's also tolerant of clay and loamy soils but should not be planted in any mixture that is considered heavy, wet, or not well-draining. Water-logged soil can lead to an increased risk of root rot and mushroom root rot.


As a general rule, water your jacaranda tree when the top 3 to 4 inches of soil feels dry to the touch. These trees need consistent moisture throughout the year and often require additional watering during high heat or drought periods. Water the area around the tree's base. Concentrate most of the water at its drip line (the spot where the water drips off the ends of the branches) instead of near the trunk.

To gauge whether your watering was sufficient, poke a finger or water gauge into the ground up to three inches deep, ensuring the water has seeped down to that depth. Repeat watering this way once a week, increasing to several times a week during intense sun or heat periods. Reduce watering to once a month during the tree's dormant winter months.

Temperature and Humidity

Some jacaranda trees can tolerate occasional cold weather days (as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit), but generally, this species does not thrive in climates with frequent freezing temperatures. This plant prefers heat and humidity but is vulnerable to trunk scald in areas with constant high temperatures.


Feed your jacaranda tree annually with a balanced tree fertilizer, but be careful not to give it too much nitrogen, which can affect flowering. A good fertilizer ratio is 10-10-10 NPK (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium). For the amount to use, consult the product label instructions. If you are fertilizing grass under the tree, chances are the tree is already getting a lot of nitrogen.

Types of Jacaranda Tree

There are several notable varieties of jacaranda mimosifolia:

  • J. mimosifolia 'Alba' or 'White Christmas': Full-size tree with a similar habit and care needs; grows up to 40 feet tall and 60 feet wide; lush foliage; its white blooms might arrive earlier than other varieties, starting in April in some climates
  • J. mimosifolia 'Bonsai Blue': Dwarf cultivar with deep purple blooms; matures at only 10 to 12 feet tall and six to eight feet wide; grows in USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11
  • Jacaranda jasminoides: Dwarf cultivar that grows 10 to 25 feet tall and produces lilac to dark purple tubular flowers
  • Jacaranda jasminoides ‘Maroon’: Dwarf variety that grows 10 to 25 feet tall with dark maroon-purple blooms

Growing Jacaranda Trees in Your Yard (6)


You should prune young jacaranda trees to form one central leader (main trunk) for strength and stability. Avoid pruning beyond that; too much pruning might force it to grow vertical suckers that can distort the tree's shape. Seasonal pruning should be limited to removing onlybroken, dead, or diseased branches.

Propagating Jacaranda Trees

It's best to plant the seeds of this tree between fall and early spring. You can also propagate this plant from a stem or branch cutting (softwood). Grafting is another method, but it's best done by nursery or horticultural professionals. Propagating via softwood cutting is more advantageous because your plant will bloom much sooner than a plant grown from seed. Also, stem cutting is the more reliable method of propagation because the child plant will be a true copy of the parent. Here's how to propagate by stem cutting:

  1. Use pruning shears or hand pruners to trim off a 1/2-inch to 1-inch diameter branch. You'll also need either a clear jar of water or a pot of moistened soilless potting mix (with perlite), or a sandy, loamy mix. If you use the water rooting method, you will eventually need a container filled with potting soil to plant the rooted stem.
  2. Take a cutting from a branch that has grown past the bark and contains healthy buds. Cut it just above a node (the point where the leaf grows from the stem). Make at least a 1-inch diagonal cut; the longer cut surface encourages rooting. The cutting should be at a minimum of 3 to 4 inches long and should have at least three nodes on it.
  3. You can put the cutting in a clear glass or jar of room temperature filtered water until roots form (about two weeks), then plant it into potting soil. While you wait for the roots to grow in the water, replenish the water level with filtered, room-temperature water. Or, you can directly plant the cut end in an enriched, moist soilless growing medium. Optionally, you can dip the cut end into rooting hormone to boost its chances of root production.
  4. Place the plant in a bright location but not direct sunlight; direct sunlight can burn or dehydrate the cutting.
  5. Once the water-rooted cutting has roots at least 1 inch long, plant the cutting into a soilless potting mix. After that, do not transplant the cuttings for at least eight months. Allow the plant ample time to establish its root system. Then, find a more permanent home for the plant outdoors or transfer it to a larger pot—at least 5 gallons or more.

How to Grow Jacaranda From Seed

The fruit of the jacaranda tree is a dry round brown pod that is 1 to 3 inches wide and typically develops in late summer. To harvest the seeds for replanting, pick the seed pods directly from the tree when they are dry (pods that have fallen to the ground might not contain seeds).

  1. Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours.
  2. Place the seeds on a bed of potting soil in seedling containers or pots. Cover them with a thin layer of potting soil and keep the soil moist. The seeds should sprout in two to eight weeks.
  3. Wait eight months before you transplant the seedlings.

Growing Jacaranda Trees in Your Yard (7)

Potting and Repotting Jacaranda Trees

In the tropics, these trees grow 50 feet tall, outgrowing containers. But in cooler climates, they can be grown as container trees growing to about 8 to 10 feet if you annually prune and shape the tree during dormancy to keep it on the smaller side. Though jacaranda trees can also be grown indoors in pots they typically will not flower.

Container-grown jacaranda trees will need to be planted in containers at least 5 gallons in size, using a sandy loam potting mix that drains quickly. The soil should be kept moist but not soggy throughout the active growing season.

If you are transplanting jacaranda, do it in the winter after they drop their leaves but before they bud out in early spring. Transplanting them while they are dormant reduces stress and increases the likelihood of success.


As tropical trees, these plants will likely not survive climates that freeze for extended periods. It can handle an occasional day with a cold snap of 20 degree Fahrenheit but beyond that, the tree cannot survive. To mitigate any potential frosty days the tree needs a sunny area that has some protection from gusty winds.

When jacaranda trees in pots are taken indoors for the winter, they should be watered less frequently and allowed to dry out a bit. A dry period in the winter triggers more blooms in the spring. Similarly, a soggy, wet winter usually means the tree will produce fewer blooms in spring. Prune the potted plant during the dormant winter period; this keeps your potted jacaranda tree from growing too large. Each year, it becomes more difficult to bring the plant indoors for the winter if you don't prune it.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

The jacaranda tree is susceptible to aphids and scale insects, and the glassy-winged sharpshooter can also infest its leaves. You can manage all of these pests with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. If grown indoors, jacarandas can attract aphids and whiteflies.

Disease rarely affects jacaranda trees; however, insects like the sharpshooter carrying the bacteria Xylella fastidiosa can cause trees to develop bacterial leaf scorch. The bacteria block the tree from getting the water it needs. To prolong the tree's life, water it frequently. However, there is no cure for the disease, so ultimately, the tree will not likely survive.

Trees that do not have properly draining soil can develop mushroom root rot. This disease is caused by a pervasive fungus and has no real cure other than removing the dying plant. To confirm this disease, look for an area of the bark that appears to have blackened and died. Upon peeling back the dead bark, you'll notice a white fungal growth.

How to Get Jacaranda Tree to Bloom

Bloom Months

Jacaranda trees grown outdoors bloom twice a year, once in spring in late May or early June, and again in the fall.

What Do Jacaranda Tree Flowers Look and Smell Like?

The purple (sometimes white) trumpet-like blooms have a freshly fragrant smell, although their decomposition is pungent and foul-smelling when the flowers wither and fall. This tree is on the messier side; sweep and rake the spent blooms as soon as you can to avoid a smelly situation.

How to Encourage More Blooms

Plant the tree in a sunny area with well-draining soil (preferably sandy). Make sure the ground around a jacaranda tree remains moist but not soggy. Protect the tree from harsh winds. Stop fertilizing grass growing nearby a jacaranda. Fertilizer, particularly nitrogen, inhibits flower production.

Common Problems With Jacaranda Trees

Other than the unavoidable messy flower drop, this tree is easy to grow. However, problems crop up most when its water, sunlight, and temperature needs are not being met.

Yellowing Leaves

If your tree is not watered deeply enough, it might not produce enough chlorophyll, causing chlorosis, which causes green leaves to turn yellow.Provide your tree with ample water. Water on a schedule and give your plant a deep watering on overly hot days.

Browning, Dying Leaves

Trees that have developed the insect-borne bacterial leaf scorch disease look like they are deprived of water. Leaves begin wilting, browning, and dropping. The branches and stems dry out and become brittle. There is no cure for this disease. Other potential causes for browning leaves are leaf scorch from too much sun or an overabundance of fertilizer. Check those factors. If the sun is overwhelming for the plant, it might be worth it for you to transplant the tree to a more suitable location.

Dead Leaf Tips

Excessive fertilizing can damage the mineral-to-salt ratio in the soil, causing dead leaf tips and yellowing leaf edges. If the leaf tips appear to die after fertilizing, it might be the cause of your tree's leaf issues. To correct an overfertilized tree, remove the dying or wilting leaves and water the fertilized soil thoroughly, trying to flush out the fertilizer.


  • How long can jacaranda trees live?

    The average lifespan of ajacaranda treeis 50 years old, and in a happy environment, it can live up to 200 years.

  • Can jacaranda trees grow indoors?

    Early in its life—for the first few years—it can grow indoors if it has a bright sunny spot. However, it is such a tall, blooming tree that it will eventually need to be planted outdoors to reach maturity.

  • What are alternatives to a jacaranda tree?

    If you live in a colder climate and love the jacaranda tree, you might be disappointed when your tree becomes too big to bring inside for the winter. A vitex tree (Vitex agnus-castus) is a suitable alternative that can tolerate colder temps and produces flowers with pretty blue spikes around the same time as a jacaranda tree. It also grows half as large—only about 25 feet versus the 50 feet of a jacaranda tree.

The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Jacaranda Mimosifolia. Arizona State University.

  2. Jacaranda Mimosifolia. University of Florida.

  3. Jacaranda Mimosifolia. Arizona State University.

  4. Managing Pests in Gardens: Trees and Shrubs - Jacaranda. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Growing Jacaranda Trees in Your Yard (2024)


Growing Jacaranda Trees in Your Yard? ›

Plant an established jacaranda or seedling in a spacious area that receives 6 to 8 hours of sunlight daily. Opt for rich, well-draining soil with a slightly acidic pH of 6-7.5 to prevent rot. Water the tree weekly during the summer and once a month during the winter.

Where should you not plant a jacaranda tree? ›

Avoid planting a jacaranda tree near pools, driveways, patios, and sidewalks due to weak wood, litter, and significant surface roots that can disturb structures. Plant the jacaranda tree in a spot that has six to eight hours of sunlight a day. Use sandy soil on the acidic side that's well-draining to prevent root rot.

What are the disadvantages of the jacaranda tree? ›

In terms of diseases, jacaranda trees can be prone to root rot if the soil is not well-drained. Fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and leaf spot can also occur, especially in humid conditions. Proper watering and good air circulation can help prevent these issues.

Are jacaranda trees high maintenance? ›

Jacarandas need full sun to partial shade. Plant them in an area that gets at least six hours of sunlight per day. Jacarandas are high-maintenance plants, so be prepared to prune them regularly. Prune them in the spring and summer to keep them looking their best.

Can jacaranda trees survive winter? ›

Although some jacaranda trees can withstand the occasional cold day (down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit), this plant often does not flourish in regions with a lot of freezing temperatures.

How many years does it take for a jacaranda tree to flower? ›

They grow quickly, but it could take 7-14 years before it blooms if you start one from seed. If you plant a sapling, it could take 2-3 years before you see its first flowers.

Is jacaranda tree poisonous to dogs? ›

A deep dive into veterinary research reveals a comforting consensus: Jacaranda trees pose no significant toxic threat to dogs. Despite the alarm bells that might ring for dog owners, these beautiful trees aren't backed by scientific evidence as canine culprits.

Can you plant Jacaranda close to a house? ›

If you're planting jacaranda trees in your property, make sure you plant them far away from your main house.

What are common problems with Jacaranda? ›

For example, the jacaranda requires well-draining soil. When planted on soil with poor drainage, the tree can develop mushroom root rot. Other problems with jacaranda trees can develop from root issues. In fact, various root and stem rot pathogens attack jacaranda wood causing jacaranda tree root problems.

What is the lifespan of a jacaranda tree? ›

Lifespan: jacarandas reach maturity after 20 years, and have an average lifespan of 50 years, although some specimens have been known to live for over 100 years.

Do jacaranda trees smell good? ›

Jacaranda trees have a mild, pleasant fragrance that some people describe as resembling the smell of grape soda. The scent is more noticeable when the trees are in bloom, and the flowers are at their peak.

Are jacaranda trees invasive? ›

Invasive alert: Jacaranda is an invasive species in several locations around the world including Queensland, Australia, Hawaii, Chile's Juan Fernandez Islands, and in the African countries of Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa and Zambia.

Can you cut the top off a jacaranda tree? ›

Fortunately it is hard to kill a jacaranda by pruning. Even if you cut right back to the bare trunk it will just grow new buds. Often just a light tip prune might just give 1 or 2 new shoots where pruning further back can often give 4 or more new shoots.

What zones will jacaranda trees grow in? ›

Jacarandas are true southern trees, thriving in USDA plant hardiness zones 9b through 11. Jacaranda tree hardiness is tested when the temperature drops below 15 degrees F.

What does the jacaranda tree symbolize? ›

The Jacaranda tree is more than a visual treat; it's a symbol steeped in meaning. Cultures worldwide see it as a beacon of tranquility and personal growth. The tree's purple blooms are often associated with wisdom and the magic of spring, suggesting a time of renewal and fresh starts.

Can you overwater a jacaranda tree? ›

Over-watered Jacarandas are a soggy mess. Roots gasp for air when water replaces vital oxygen pockets. Signs include a perpetually wet soil surface and leaves that are green yet fragile. New growth may wither or show a yellowish tinge.

How far away from the house should you plant a jacaranda tree? ›

Planting a Jacaranda Tree

Plant the tree at least 15 ft (4.6 m) away from any nearby buildings, and avoid planting seedlings in the shade of other, larger trees.

Where do jacaranda trees thrive? ›

Jacaranda trees are native to South America, particularly in the tropical and subtropical regions of Argentina and Bolivia. However, they are now grown in many other parts of the world, including Australia, South Africa, the United States, and parts of Asia and Europe.

Do jacaranda trees have big roots? ›

Answer and Explanation: The jacaranda tree root system is rather vigorous. It occupies the top 60 cm of the soil and can spread twice as wide as its canopy, so if the canopy reaches a radius of 3 meters, the roots could spread as far as 6 meters away from the tree.

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