Herbal Medicinal Importance of Citrullus Lanatus Mentioned in the Ahadith: A Precise Overview (2024)

Md. Sirajul Islam*1, Sofiah Samsudin1 and A.K. Azad2

1Department of Qur’an & Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, 53100 Jalan Gombak, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2Department of Basic Medical Science, Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, InternationalIslamic University Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Ahmed Shah, Indera Mahkota,2520Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author:
Md. Sirajul Islam
Department of Qur’an & Sunnah Studies
Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Science
International Islamic University Malaysia
53100 Jalan Gombak, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E-mail: sirajulislam1981@yahoo.com

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Background: This study focuses on the herbal medicinal importance of watermelon (citrulluslanatus) mentioned in the Ahadith. Objective: The main objective of this study is integration between the Ahadith and the modern clinical reports on the herbal medicinal importance of watermelon. Methods: It has been discussed in this study followed by botanical name, name mentioned in the Prophetic traditions, Arabic name, English name, family, part used, nature and flavor, basic substance and medicinal use. Results: The study proved that there is no contradiction between the Ahadith and modern clinical reports on the herbal medicinal importance of this fruit. Conclusion: In conclusion, we can say in the light of this study that herbal medicine and modern medicine are complementing each other to promote humans health and comfort and always should be thankful to the Creator for His blessings.


Watermelon, Herbal medicine, The prophetic traditions, Modernclinical reports, Integration.


It is impossible to survive on the earthwithout plants those are the sources of fruit,food, clothing, shelter and manufacturers. Atthe same time, plants are an original sourceof medicine, prevention of the disease aswell [1,2].

According to World Health Organization(WHO) about 80% of the world population,especially in developing countries, reliesmainly on traditional medicine for theirinitial healthcare and healing from numerousdiseases [21,22]. Internationally, almost 85% oftotal medicines are derived from plantspecies [21].

The messenger of Allah (may Allahpeace be upon him) several times usedparticular herbs and recommended aboutvarious medicinal plants to cure of commondiseases. The Prophet (may Allah peace beupon him) frequently emphasis on themedicinal plants and importance of variousfoods [3,2,23]. For instance, Uqbah ibn Amir(may Allah be pleased upon them) narratedthat the Messenger of Allah (may Allahpeace be upon him) said: “This is blessedtree for you, olive oil, treat by this; becauseit is medicine for hemorrhoids” (Vol. 17, P.281, No. 774) [4]. Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidzi narrated that the Prophet (mayAllah peace be upon him) used to eatwatermelon with ripe dates, saying: “thehotness of this substance (dates) neutralizesthe coolness of that (watermelon) [15].

Almighty Allah says: “It is He whocreated for you all that the earth contains”[Al-Qur’an, Surah al-Baqarah or the Cow 2:Ayah 29] [5]. This is the wisdom of the HolyQur’an that this verse included all creationsand informed to the mankind that allcreation are useful for humans, but itdepends on the proper used. Indeed, thisayah included all fruit plant species ingeneral with other creations. To bebenefited, in consuming the food, AlmightyAllah encourages humans to conductresearch on their food and says: “Then letman look at his food” [Al-Qur’an, Surah‘Abasa or He Frowned 80: Ayah 24] [5].According to the finding of nutritionistthrough their experiment it is recognizedthat the low level of sodium in fruits is beingplayed the important role for those personswho would prefer to practice of a salt-freediet. In cleaning the digestive tract andfortifying to aids in normal bowel action oneor two fruits in a day could play animportant role [2,3].

According to the Imam Ibn Qayyimal-Jauziyyah (691AH-751 AH/1292 AD-1350AD) the life example of ProphetMuhammad (may Allah peace be upon him), His (Ahadith) sayings and traditions are asecondary foundation of Muslims life. Nearthe beginning in the Islamic era, the Hadithliterature had accumulated many sayingsand traditions entitle of the PropheticMedicine [6,20].

The study will focus in exploring themedicinal uses as well as the health benefitsof watermelon (citrulluslanatus) mentionedin the Ahadith in order to integrate with themodern clinical reports on the medicinalimportance of this fruit to promote humanshealth and comfort.


The study was conducted by usingthe inductive methodology to collect the Ahadith on citrullus lanatus species. Inaddition, analytical method in analyzingbooks, articles detailing medicinalimportance of citrullus lanatus.


The study shows the Ahadith recommended on the fruit species speciallywatermelon and its health benefits as well asremedial uses almost 1500 years BCE. Thisstudy proved the wisdom of the Holy Ahadith that there is no contradictionbetween the Ahadith and modernexperimental findings, rather it found in the Ahadith and modern research finding almostsimilar benefits of watermelon as an herbalmedicine. (See figure 1.)

Herbal Medicinal Importance of CitrullusLanatus Mentioned in the Ahadith: A PreciseOverview (1)

Figure 1: Images of watermelon


General statement of citrullus lanatus

Scientific name: Citrullus lanatus

Mentioned in the Holy Hadith: Bittikh,Khirbiz

Arabic Name: Bittikh, Khirbiz

English Name: Watermelon

Genus: Citrullus

Family: Cucurbitaceae

Species: C. lanatus

Variety: Lanatus

Part used: Fruit, skin and seeds

Nature and flavor: Sweet and cold7.

Basic constituents

The flesh contains phosphoric acid,malic acid, fructose, glucose, amino acid,lycopene, carotene and vitamin C.watermelon seeds contain vitamin B2.andfat [7]. (See table 1.)

Table 1: Nutrients value in watermelon [8].

Watermelon (Citrulluslanatus), fresh, Nutritive Value per 100 g, (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy30 Kcal1.5%
Carbohydrates7.6 g6%
Protein0.6 g1%
Total Fat0.15 g0.5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber0.4 g1%
Folates3 µg1%
Niacin0.178 mg1%
Pantothenic acid0.221 mg4.5%
Pyridoxine0.045 mg3.5%
Thiamin0.033 mg3%
Vitamin A569 IU19%
Vitamin C8.1 mg13.5%
Vitamin E0.05 mg0.5%
Sodium1 mg0%
Potassium112 mg2.5%
Calcium7 mg0.7%
Copper42 µg4.5%
Iron0.24 mg3%
Magnesium10 mg2.5%
Manganese0.038 mg1.5%
Zinc0.10 mg1%
Carotene-alpha303 µg--
Crypto-xanthin-beta78 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin8 µg--
Lycopene4532 µg--

Citrullus lanatus in the Ahadith

Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleasedupon her) narrated that the Prophet, (mayAllah peace be upon him) was combineswatermelon with date” (Vol.12, P. 51, No.5246) [9].

That the Prophet (may Allah peacebe upon him) used to eat ripe dates with(Kherbaz) watermelon” (Vol. 1, P. 57, No.58) [10].

Narrated from Aisha (may Allah beblessed upon her) that “the Prophet (mayAllah peace be upon him) used to eatwatermelon with ripe dates” (Vol. 7, P. 29,No. 1766) [11].

Anas (may Allah be blessed uponhim) said, I saw the Messenger of Allah(may Allah peace be upon him) combinesripe dates with (Khirbiz) watermelon (Vol.19, P. 434, No. 12449) [12].

Narrated by Aisha (may Allah bepleased with her) She said: “The Messengerof Allah (may Allah peace be upon him)used to eat watermelon with date” and Hesaid “We break the hotness of this substance(dates) by the coolness of this substance(watermelon), and the coolness of this(watermelon) by the hotness of thissubstance (dates)” (Vol. 3, P. 427, No.3838) [13]. Narrated from Ibn Abbas (mayAllah pleased be upon him) that the“watermelon contains ten qualities; (1) It isfood. (2) It is drink. (3) Sweet basil. (4) Fruitand potash. (5) Wash the urinary bladder.(6) Wash the abdomen. (7) Increase waterfor back. (8) Increases in sexual intercourse. (9) Cut the cold. (10) Purifies the skin”.(Vol. 14, P. 476, No. 14766) [14].

Medicinal uses and health benefits ofwatermelon

There are major ten benefits ofwatermelon as follows:

(1) Good for the heart - watermelonis helpful in preventing stroke and heartattack. (2) It is helpful in decreasing bloodpressure. (3) Reinforce sex drive. (4) Redwatermelon playing an important role inpreventing cancer, because it containslycopene (Lycopene is acknowledged whichhelpful to prevent cancer). Also, it can helpin preventing skin, lung, breast, stomach andother types of cancer by up to 40%. (5)Better eyesight watermelon contains vitaminC and vitamin A which are good for oureyes. (6) Contains alkaline water, in awatermelon basically 92% is alkaline water;it is good for stomach especially for thosewho are suffering from ulcers. (7) Reducesbad breath. (8) Good for the kidney. It canclean our kidneys and bladder. Person whosuffering from infected urine he should eatwatermelon and drinking water to reducegerms in the bladder. Besides, watermelonleads to remove kidney stones. (9) Helpfulin gout. (10) Watermelon is powerful energydrink also [15-18].


• Drink a glass of fresh watermelon juiceto relieve dizziness in sunstroke andvomiting [19].

• Eat 500 to 1,000 grams freshwatermelon each time, twice a day torelieve thirst, bitter taste in mouth,discharge of yellowish urine, bad breath,pain in urethra, and a hangover [19].

• Cut off watermelon peels about 0.5 cmthick and put in the sun to dry, whichbecome dry watermelon peels widelyused as herb in Chinese herbalism [19].

• Diabetes: take 30 grams of watermelonskin and 30 grams of winter melon skin.Steam in water and serve. Do this 3times a day, every day [16].

• Fever, with thirst and dry mouth;stomach feeling hot and a bitter taste inthe mouth; bad breath. Take 500-1000grams of melon and eat 1-2 times aday [16].

• If reduce urine or yellow; feel painduring urinating; feel pain in theauriferous tubule: take 500-1000 gramsof fresh melon and eat 2-3 times in aday [16].

• Hangover. Take 500-1000 grams offruit, slice and eat, or take 60 grams ofskin, steam in water and serve [16].

• Boil 50 grams of dry watermelon peelsin water and drink as tea to treathypertension, diabetes, nephritis, and ahangover [19].


Appropriate time for havingwatermelon is before having the meals.After having the meals immediately havingwatermelon will cause for vomiting.According to opinion of physicians if eatenwatermelon before the meal clean thestomach and removes illnesses” [15].


From above discussion it could beconcluded that watermelon would be moreeffective in healthcare management.However, from this study, researchers canachieve more fruitful information bycollaborative research i.e the combinationbetween revelation and reason. Moreresearch should be conducted between boththe scientists and traditions researchersabout watermelon and ripe dates mild (?).Scientists might discover new informationby research in the Prophetic traditions aboutmild of watermelon and ripe dates.


By the grace of Almighty Allahtowards humans that watermelon(citrulluslanatus) is a pharmacy; containingactive substances. It has proven in the lightof Ahadith and modern clinical reports onthe herbal medicinal importance of this fruitto get rid of a lot of incurable diseaseswithout causing any side effects. As a matterof fact, return to the herbal medicinal plantsis necessary and recommended by the lightof Holy Qur’an and the Prophetic traditions.


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Herbal Medicinal Importance of Citrullus
Lanatus Mentioned in the Ahadith: A Precise
Overview (2024)
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