How Fintech Will Change the Future of Banking (2024)

Table of Contents
Introduction What is FinTech? Examples of FinTech innovations in banking Role of technology in transforming financial services Importance of user experience and convenience Reasons for the FinTech Revolution Impact of the financial crisis of 2008 Gap between customer expectations and bank offerings Influence of game-changing technological innovations Entry of non-traditional players in the banking industry Challenges for Traditional Banks Threat posed by technology firms Existing touch points and customer trust Competition from dynamic FinTech startups New banking model with traditional banks as utility providers Positive Developments of the FinTech Revolution Financial Inclusion and Access to Services Reduction in Unbanked Population Improvements in User Experience and Convenience Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots Replacing Call Centers Integration with Internet of Things and Wearable Technologies Consequences for Traditional Banks Job losses in the banking industry Estimates by Citibank and other experts Impact on financial centers like Hong Kong Changes in skill requirements for future jobs Adapting to the FinTech Revolution Collaboration with governments and regulators Promoting a change in mindset towards startups Incorporating FinTech education in finance programs Importance of design thinking, coding, and product development Conclusion FAQ What is FinTech? Why is the FinTech revolution happening now? What are the challenges for traditional banks? What are the positive developments of the FinTech revolution? What are the consequences for traditional banks? How should individuals and institutions adapt to the FinTech revolution? What is the future of banking in the FinTech era? FAQs

Table of Contents


The FinTech revolution is transforming the banking industry, bringing significant changes to financial centers like Hong Kong. This revolution will have winners and losers, with the most impacted being those who work in the financial industry. The role of bankers will undergo significant changes in the future.

  • The FinTech revolution is using technology to design and deliver financial services, revolutionizing the banking world. This includes artificial intelligence, peer-to-peer lending, big data, blockchain, crowdfunding, digital payments, and robo-advisors.
  • Historically, banks integrated new technologies to better serve customers. However, the financial crisis of 2008 shifted banks’ focus to regulatory requirements and fines, creating a gap between customer expectations and the services offered.
  • Non-traditional players like technology firms have taken advantage of this gap, offering services like money transfers and loans. FinTech startups are also offering alternative solutions to traditional banking products.
  • Traditional banks are concerned about technology firms as they have existing touch points with customers and their trust. This competition may lead to a new banking model where banks become commoditized utility providers while technology firms control the front end and customer experience.
  • The FinTech revolution is also bringing positive developments, such as financial inclusion. Over the last five years, 700 million people have gained access to financial services. Innovations like artificial intelligence, biometric data, and wearable technologies are improving user experience, access, and cost savings.
  • Banks need to evolve to survive in this changing landscape. However, Citibank estimates that 30% of banking jobs will disappear in the next 10 years, with some experts predicting even higher numbers. This has serious consequences for financial centers like Hong Kong.
  • The FinTech community is working with governments, regulators, and the broader community to shape this new ecosystem. There needs to be a fundamental change in mindset, where parents are more comfortable with their children joining or launching startups and banks.
  • Training the next generation of talent is crucial. Finance programs and business schools need to include courses on design thinking, coding, and product development to prepare future bankers, who will be designers, programmers, and creative thinkers.

What is FinTech?

FinTech, short for financial technology, refers to the innovative use of technology in the design and delivery of financial services. It is revolutionizing the banking industry by leveraging technologies such as artificial intelligence, peer-to-peer lending, big data, blockchain, crowdfunding, digital payments, and robo-advisors.

Examples of FinTech innovations in banking

Technology firms and FinTech startups have taken advantage of the gap between customer expectations and the services offered by traditional banks. Facebook, for example, has obtained around 50 regulatory licenses in the US alone to enable money transfers through its messenger app. Amazon experimented with offering student loans, while Alibaba’s financial arm launched a money market fund that has become the third largest in the world.

FinTech startups are also disrupting traditional banking products. Peer-to-peer lending platforms now offer alternative loan options, and robo-advisory platforms provide asset management solutions that are more transparent and cost-effective.

Role of technology in transforming financial services

The FinTech revolution is driving a shift in the banking model. Traditional banks are becoming commoditized utility providers, handling the back end, while technology firms and FinTech startups control the front end and customer experience. This transformation is fueled by the fact that technology firms have existing touch points with customers and their trust, giving them a competitive advantage over traditional banks.

Importance of user experience and convenience

One of the key drivers of the FinTech revolution is the focus on improving user experience and convenience. Technology advancements like artificial intelligence, biometric data, and wearable technologies are enhancing accessibility, reducing costs, and simplifying financial services. Innovations such as chatbots, voice recognition tools, and gamification are being used to replace traditional call centers, passwords, and tokens, offering consumers a more enjoyable and efficient banking experience.

In addition to enhancing user experience, FinTech is also addressing the issue of financial inclusion. By leveraging technology, financial services are being made available to the 2 billion unbanked individuals globally, providing them with access to banking services, loans, and savings options.

As the banking industry continues to evolve, traditional banks must adapt to survive. However, this transformation is expected to result in the disappearance of around 30% of banking jobs in the next decade. The future of banking lies in the hands of creative thinkers, designers, and programmers, who will shape the industry and drive further innovation.

Reasons for the FinTech Revolution

The FinTech revolution in the banking industry is not a random occurrence, but rather a response to several key factors that have shaped the financial landscape.

Impact of the financial crisis of 2008

The financial crisis of 2008 had a profound impact on the banking industry. Banks were forced to prioritize regulatory requirements and fines, leaving little room for innovation. This created a gap between customer expectations and the services offered by traditional banks.

Gap between customer expectations and bank offerings

Customers began to expect more from their banking experience, especially in terms of user experience and convenience. Traditional banks struggled to meet these expectations, opening the door for non-traditional players to enter the industry and offer alternative solutions.

Influence of game-changing technological innovations

The rise of game-changing technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain, has revolutionized various industries. These technologies have also had a significant impact on the banking industry, enabling the development of innovative solutions and changing the way financial services are designed and delivered.

Entry of non-traditional players in the banking industry

Non-traditional players, including technology firms and FinTech startups, have recognized the gap in the market and seized the opportunity to offer financial services. These players have existing touch points with customers and their trust, giving them a competitive advantage over traditional banks. This competition has forced traditional banks to rethink their business models.

Overall, the FinTech revolution has been fueled by a combination of factors, including the financial crisis of 2008, the gap between customer expectations and bank offerings, game-changing technological innovations, and the entry of non-traditional players in the banking industry. These factors have created an environment ripe for disruption and innovation, paving the way for the future of banking.

Challenges for Traditional Banks

The FinTech revolution poses several challenges for traditional banks, which may impact their future in the banking industry.

Threat posed by technology firms

Technology firms, such as Facebook, Amazon, and Alibaba, have recognized the gap in the market and have taken advantage of this opportunity to offer financial services. With existing touch points and customer trust, these technology firms pose a significant threat to traditional banks.

Existing touch points and customer trust

Technology firms have an advantage over traditional banks as they already have existing touch points with customers and their trust. Customers who use technology firms for various services, such as social media or online shopping, may be more inclined to use these firms for financial transactions as well.

Competition from dynamic FinTech startups

FinTech startups are disrupting traditional banking products by offering alternative solutions. Peer-to-peer lending platforms provide alternative loan options, while robo-advisory platforms offer more transparent and cost-effective asset management solutions. This competition challenges traditional banks to rethink their business models.

New banking model with traditional banks as utility providers

There is a possibility of a new banking model emerging, where traditional banks become commoditized utility providers, handling the back end of financial services. Technology firms and FinTech startups would control the front end and customer experience. This shift in the banking model may have significant implications for traditional banks.

In conclusion, traditional banks face challenges from technology firms, competition from FinTech startups, and the potential for a new banking model to emerge. To survive in this changing landscape, banks must adapt and find their role in the FinTech revolution.

Positive Developments of the FinTech Revolution

The FinTech revolution is not only disrupting the banking industry, but it is also bringing about positive developments that will shape the future of banking. These developments include:

Financial Inclusion and Access to Services

One of the most significant positive impacts of the FinTech revolution is the increased financial inclusion of individuals who were previously unbanked. Through the use of technology, financial services are now accessible to over 700 million people who have gained access to banking services in the past five years alone. This means that more individuals have the opportunity to save, borrow money for education, and access other financial services that were previously inaccessible to them.

Reduction in Unbanked Population

The FinTech revolution has played a crucial role in reducing the number of unbanked individuals globally. By leveraging technologies like mobile banking and digital payments, FinTech startups are providing innovative solutions to reach the 2 billion unbanked individuals worldwide. These solutions help bridge the gap between traditional banking services and those who previously had no access to them.

Improvements in User Experience and Convenience

FinTech has revolutionized the user experience in the banking industry. With advancements in technology, artificial intelligence, and biometric data, consumers now have access to more convenient and user-friendly financial services. Chatbots and voice recognition tools are replacing traditional call centers, making interactions more efficient and enjoyable for customers. Additionally, wearable technologies and integration with the Internet of Things offer a seamless banking experience in our day-to-day lives, making banking more accessible and convenient than ever before.

Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots Replacing Call Centers

Through the use of artificial intelligence and chatbots, the FinTech revolution is transforming the way customer service is delivered in the banking industry. Chatbots, powered by AI, are able to mimic human conversation and provide instant support to customers. This eliminates the need for traditional call centers, reducing wait times and improving the overall customer experience. Customers can now receive instant assistance and resolve their queries quickly and efficiently.

Integration with Internet of Things and Wearable Technologies

FinTech is moving beyond traditional banking platforms and integrating with emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable devices. This integration allows for seamless banking experiences in our everyday lives. For example, cars equipped with IoT technology can automatically notify insurance companies of safe driving behavior, leading to lower insurance premiums. This integration of FinTech with IoT and wearables is revolutionizing the way we engage with financial services and making banking more accessible and personalized.

Consequences for Traditional Banks

The FinTech revolution is not only impacting the banking industry, but it also has significant consequences for traditional banks. These consequences include job losses in the banking industry, estimates by Citibank and other experts, the impact on financial centers like Hong Kong, and changes in skill requirements for future jobs.

Job losses in the banking industry

Citibank estimates that 30% of banking jobs will disappear in the next 10 years, while other experts predict even higher numbers, reaching up to 50%. This means that a significant number of banking professionals will face job losses as a result of the FinTech revolution. The disappearance of these jobs will have a direct impact on the financial industry and the economy as a whole.

Estimates by Citibank and other experts

Citibank’s estimate of 30% job losses in the banking industry is a conservative prediction compared to other experts who believe that the number could be as high as 50%. These estimates highlight the magnitude of the impact that the FinTech revolution will have on traditional banks and their employees.

Impact on financial centers like Hong Kong

Financial centers like Hong Kong, which rely heavily on the banking industry, will face significant consequences due to the FinTech revolution. The disappearance of banking jobs will have a direct impact on the local economy, affecting not only banks but also related industries such as law firms, accounting firms, hotels, and restaurants that rely on the financial sector for business.

Changes in skill requirements for future jobs

The FinTech revolution is not only eliminating banking jobs but also transforming the skill requirements for future jobs in the industry. Traditional banking roles such as traders and compliance officers will be replaced by positions that require skills in creative thinking, design, and programming. Banks will need to adapt their recruitment and training strategies to prepare future bankers for these new roles.

Adapting to the FinTech Revolution

The FinTech revolution is bringing significant changes to the banking industry, and it is important for traditional banks to adapt in order to survive in this changing landscape. Here are some key ways banks can adapt to the FinTech revolution:

Collaboration with governments and regulators

Collaboration with governments and regulators is crucial in shaping the new FinTech ecosystem. By working together, banks can ensure that regulations are in place to protect consumers while still allowing for innovation and competition in the industry.

Promoting a change in mindset towards startups

There needs to be a fundamental change in mindset towards startups and technology firms. Banks and parents should be more comfortable with the idea of their children joining or launching startups, as these startups are driving innovation and shaping the future of the industry.

Incorporating FinTech education in finance programs

Finance programs and business schools need to evolve to include courses on design thinking, coding, and product development. This will prepare future bankers to be designers, programmers, and creative thinkers, equipping them with the necessary skills to thrive in the FinTech revolution.

Importance of design thinking, coding, and product development

Design thinking, coding, and product development are crucial skills for the bankers of the future. By incorporating these skills into finance programs, banks can ensure that their employees are prepared to embrace innovation and drive further development in the industry.

By adapting to the FinTech revolution, banks can not only survive but also thrive in the changing banking landscape. Collaboration with governments and regulators, promoting a change in mindset towards startups, incorporating FinTech education in finance programs, and emphasizing design thinking, coding, and product development are key steps towards embracing the future of banking.


The future of banking lies in FinTech, as the industry continues to undergo a significant transformation. Embracing change and innovation is crucial for traditional banks to survive and thrive in this new landscape. The role of bankers is evolving, and the bankers of the future will have different personalities, backgrounds, and skill sets.

Technology firms and FinTech startups are disrupting the banking industry by offering innovative financial services and alternative solutions to traditional banking products. These newcomers have existing touch points with customers and their trust, giving them a competitive advantage over traditional banks.

The positive developments brought about by the FinTech revolution include financial inclusion and improved access to financial services. Over the past five years, 700 million people have gained access to banking services, thanks to technological advancements. User experience and convenience are also being prioritized, with advancements in artificial intelligence, biometric data, and wearable technologies.

Traditional banks face challenges from technology firms, competition from FinTech startups, and the potential for a new banking model to emerge. However, by collaborating with governments and regulators, promoting a change in mindset towards startups, and incorporating FinTech education in finance programs, banks can adapt to the FinTech revolution and embrace the future of banking.

Preparing the next generation for the FinTech industry is crucial. Finance programs and business schools need to include courses on design thinking, coding, and product development to equip future bankers with the necessary skills to thrive in this new era. The bankers of the future will be designers, programmers, and creative thinkers.

Overall, the FinTech revolution is transforming the banking industry and bringing about both challenges and opportunities. The future of banking lies in embracing change, innovation, and the collaboration between traditional banks, technology firms, and FinTech startups.


What is FinTech?

FinTech, short for financial technology, refers to the innovative use of technology in the design and delivery of financial services. It encompasses technologies such as artificial intelligence, peer-to-peer lending, big data, blockchain, crowdfunding, digital payments, and robo-advisors.

Why is the FinTech revolution happening now?

The FinTech revolution is happening now due to several factors. One of the main factors is the gap that emerged between customer expectations and the services offered by traditional banks after the financial crisis of 2008. Additionally, game-changing technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, have paved the way for the transformation of the banking industry.

What are the challenges for traditional banks?

Traditional banks face several challenges in the FinTech era. One of the main challenges is the competition from technology firms, which have existing touch points with customers and their trust. FinTech startups also pose a challenge by offering alternative solutions to traditional banking products. Moreover, there is a possibility of a new banking model emerging, where traditional banks become commoditized utility providers while technology firms control the front end and customer experience.

What are the positive developments of the FinTech revolution?

The FinTech revolution has brought about several positive developments. One of the most significant is financial inclusion, with over 700 million people gaining access to banking services in the last five years. User experience and convenience have also improved, thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence, biometric data, and wearable technologies. Additionally, FinTech has led to the reduction of the unbanked population and the integration of financial services with the Internet of Things and wearable devices.

What are the consequences for traditional banks?

The FinTech revolution has consequences for traditional banks, including potential job losses. Citibank estimates that 30% of banking jobs will disappear in the next 10 years, while other experts predict even higher numbers. This has implications not only for the banks themselves but also for the economies of financial centers like Hong Kong. Traditional banks also face the challenge of adapting to a new banking model where they become utility providers.

How should individuals and institutions adapt to the FinTech revolution?

To adapt to the FinTech revolution, individuals and institutions should collaborate with governments and regulators to shape the new ecosystem. There needs to be a change in mindset towards startups, with individuals and parents being more comfortable with the idea of joining or launching startups. Additionally, finance programs and business schools should incorporate courses on design thinking, coding, and product development to prepare future bankers for the changing industry.

What is the future of banking in the FinTech era?

The future of banking in the FinTech era involves embracing change and innovation. Traditional banks need to evolve and find their role in the new landscape. Collaboration with governments and regulators, promoting a change in mindset towards startups, and incorporating FinTech education in finance programs are important steps towards embracing the future of banking. The bankers of the future will be designers, programmers, and creative thinkers who shape the industry and drive further innovation.

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How Fintech Will Change the Future of Banking (2024)


How Fintech Will Change the Future of Banking? ›

In many parts of the world, traditional banking services are either unavailable or prohibitively expensive. Fintech startups leverage technology to reach these populations and offer them access to basic financial services such as savings accounts, loans, and insurance.

What is the future of fintech in banking? ›

McKinsey's research shows that revenues in the fintech industry are expected to grow almost three times faster than those in the traditional banking sector between 2023 and 2028. These trends are also coinciding with—and in many ways catalyzing—the maturation of the fintech industry.

How is fintech changing the banking industry? ›

Fintech is bringing about change by making it easier for underbanked and unbanked populations to obtain financial services. Access is being democratized through fintech at a level that has yet to be seen through traditional banking methods.

How fintech is changing the future of traditional banking? ›

The fintech revolution has democratized finance by making financial services more accessible and convenient for consumers and businesses. Mobile banking apps, peer-to-peer lending platforms, and digital wallets have simplified financial transactions, reducing the need for customers to visit physical bank branches.

How will technology change banking in the future? ›

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML):

Banks increasingly leverage AI and ML technologies to enhance operational efficiency, detect fraud, and improve customer experiences. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are being used to provide personalized assistance and support.

Why is fintech a threat to banks? ›

In parallel, the threats posed by FinTechs have the ability to disrupt four categories of incumbents' business – market share, margins, information security/privacy and customer churn – at higher rates when compared to other financial sectors.

Why are fintech better than banks? ›

Overall, fintech and traditional banking offer different advantages and disadvantages. Fintech companies are often more innovative, faster, and cost-effective, while traditional banks are more established and provide a wider range of financial services.

Will FinTech disrupt banks? ›

The way FinTech disrupts the banking industry is by offering an improved customer-centered approach. A report by the Economist shows that FinTech is fast making banks more customer-centered in their business model. Banks now have more insight into more information through Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

What are the biggest risks FinTech poses to banks? ›

Here are some of the biggest risk factors of fintech-bank relationships:
  • Africa Studio - Fotolia. Money laundering. ...
  • stevanovic igor/Bits and Splits - Fotolia. Data and security. ...
  • kieferpix - Accountability expectations.
Dec 2, 2022

How does FinTech add value to banks? ›

Innovative product offerings: Fintechs often focus on developing innovative financial products and services that are more convenient, user-friendly, and cost-effective than those offered by traditional banks. This can help banks to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

How does fintech disrupt the banking industry? ›

Disruption of Traditional Banking Models: One of the main ways in which Fintech is disrupting traditional banking models is through digital payments. Fintech companies have made it possible for customers to make payments seamlessly, securely, and at a lower cost than traditional banks.

How does fintech affect the future of banks and financial services? ›

Fintech solutions have revolutionized the banking sector, providing banks with increased efficiency, cost reduction, improved security, enhanced customer experience, increased transparency, accessibility, faster payments, and more.

What is the next big thing in banking? ›

Like digital, the Age of AI is likely to have a transformative impact on the industry, affecting roles in virtually every part of the bank. Not only is the rapid adoption of gen AI the most important trend for banks in 2024—it's also shaping the other nine trends.

What will banking look like in 2025? ›

By 2025, Alan McIntyre, senior managing director for banking at Accenture, expects payments to move completely away from cards and phones toward wearables and biometrics. “Whether it is tapping a ring that you wear or facial recognition, the payment will become more seamless,” he said.

What is the outlook for the fintech industry? ›

Looking ahead to the first half of 2024, investment in the fintech sector globally is expected to remain relatively soft, although investment will likely begin to pick up as interest rates reduce with common consensus that this will be in Q3/Q4. AI will likely continue to be a key focus, in addition B2B solutions.

What is the outlook for the fintech sector? ›

“It is highly encouraging to see fintech performance remain strong after the COVID-19 pandemic, with average global customer growth rates above 50% from 2021-2022; however, identified headwinds such as a difficult macroeconomic climate and decreased fintech funding cannot be ignored,” said Drew Propson, Head, ...

What's next for fintech? ›

2024 is shaping up to be a dynamic year for the fintech industry, with progress on foundational issues like establishing rules of the road for open banking and growing awareness of the power of fintech to spur competition, innovation, and consumer choice.

Is fintech going to grow? ›

Second, despite short-term pressures, fintechs still have room to achieve further growth in an expanding financial-services ecosystem. McKinsey estimates that fintechs will grow at roughly three times the overall banking industry's growth rate between 2022 and 2028.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.