How I Make Money Blogging + How to Monetize a New Blog — (2024)

Sick of scrolling Instagram and TikTok and wishing you were the one living the life you see those people living?

MEE TOO! That was my life until recently,

I didn’t understand how people could be making a full-time income as bloggers or influencers.

Making money onlinw is a dream job. But how the heck are you supposed to get started when you have no idea what you’re doing?

Today I am going to walk you through how I make $10k+ per month on my blog, and how to get started if you want to blog but first here is a little about my blogging story.

This story starts just after I got married to my sweet redheaded husband a few years ago. We were super broke I’m talking food stamps broke but we had big dreams of what our life would look like when we found better-paying jobs.

I was in nursing school and hated it but I felt like I had to keep going because I had gone into debt to be there. Then one day after a hard day of school, and an even worse day at work I realized something had to give because even once I had finished nursing school I was still going to hate my job and life.

I couldn’t continue living for my days off and hoping that I could figure out a way to just not hate working in nursing.

I knew I wanted to be more in control of my time so I could spend time with our future kids, and I knew I wanted to work normal hours with a good amount of time off each year. That left me thinking that the perfect job would be a work-from-home job.

So I began using Pinterest, and Google to try and find a way to make money from home so we could travel, pay down our debt, save for a house, and save for a baby. I came across people saying “Try Etsy print on demand” “Create UGC for brands” or “Become a virtual assistant” so I tried it all….

I kid you not when I say after working for months on all the above things I had made like $9.

I mean great, that’s $9 extra dollars, but that would buy me like a Starbucks coffee and a chocolate cake pop, not allow me to live out my dreams of being a work-from-home mom and wife.

Then I found blogging.

(does this sound familiar?) >> Then I saw a post on Pinterest, (much like this very post) about “How I Make $10,000+ per month” so I started reading it.

I was so inspired to start my own blog. That night I talked to my husband and, he said If I thought I could make back the money it cost to start a blog then I should give it a try.

So I started my blog. To my surprise the next day someone didn’t just hand me $600 for my efforts. In fact, I had literally no idea what I was doing.

All those blog posts that once inspired me to start my blog actually taught me nothing about running a successful blog they would just say things like: “I made $10,000 last month blogging through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and ads” They didn’t tell you how to set up your blog, get into affiliate programs, or get sponsorship deals.

They were just writing those posts for the clicks because who doesn’t want to know how to make $10,000 per month?.

So I promised myself that if I ever actually figured out how to make money blogging I would actually teach other people who really want to make money blogging like I did.

I was super confused for weeks and had no idea how to do anything for my website. Then three weeks in, after hours a day of research and taking notes, I suddenly made $60, then $100, then before I knew it, I made $300 in my first-month blogging.

Then seven months after starting blogging I had saved a ton of extra money so I quit my job to blog full-time.

Now a few years in I’ve made six figures from this blog so far in 2022.

I decided it’s finally time to keep my promise to myself and actually teach other people who want to start blogs how they can do that for themselves.

Here is how I make $10,000+ per month blogging

>> JUST A HEADS UP: This week is the last week to get 30 Days to Blog Success with the current 50% discount. 30 Days to Blog Success is my course that teaches how to start a blog, and the formula I use to make $10,000 per month blogging. (the discount expires Monday, October 24th at 11:59 PM CST)

In addition to 50% off I’m giving anyone who signs up this week 30 days of one-on-one text coaching with me. That way we can work together to make your blog successful.

A few times throughout this post I mention 30 Days to Blog Success because I am super passionate about it, and it’s my way to truly help people not be confused like I was when I started my blog.

This blog post gives some great guidance but not as much as I give in the course.

If you want to start the course before the 50% off expires and enrollment closes, the code for 50% off is: LASTCHANCE and it makes the course only $87 (or 4 monthly payments of $22) you can click here to learn more.

The discount expires Monday, October 24th at 11:59 PM CST

Let’s jump into how I make $10,000+ per month blogging.

1. I Start By Creating Achievable Goals

When I started my website I had no idea what I was doing, I was completely lost. It was easy for me to dream about the things I would do with the money I made and how it would feel to not have a job but I didn’t have specific goals.

But then I realized I could just set goals based on the things I wanted to achieve even if I had no idea what I was doing on my blog.

So I sat down and wrote out some smaller more easily achievable goals for myself.

My first-month blogging goals were:

Would you believe I achieved each one of these goals? I think it really helped push me to keep working especially as I started to get closer and closer.

Now my goals look much more like this:

  • Earn: $10,000 A month

    • We’re currently saving for fertility treatments, a new DVC contract, and a new car (I’d love an escalade).

  • Write at least 1 monetized blog post a week.

  • Schedule 25+ pins a week (using Tailwind once a week)

  • Write 1 weekly email newsletter.

  • Keep active in my Facebook Group weekly.

  • Post regularly on Instagram Stories (this is mostly just for fun.)


I am so glad I did this (and continue to do this) because each month these goals push me hard to engage and grow a community for my blog online which then helps me grow my income.

In the beginning, it was hard-set goals about how much money I thought I could make because I didn’t have anything to base it on so keep that in mind when you are getting started. Your goals will become more accurate as you get used to blogging.

Thinking about the amount of money I want to make for the things I want in my life makes it so much easier to want to wake up and work for my goals every day.

Thinking about being able to bring a baby into our home because of the blogging business I created for our family is the greatest motivation I could ever have.

Do you want to start your own money-making blog?

I highly suggest you jump into blogging now! The fall and winter are the best times to start a blog. As it cools off outside people spend more time on blogs and social media. When more people are on social media it makes it easier to get traffic and make money as a blogger.

I know starting a blog can be overwhelming, it seems like there is so much you need to know

  • How are you supposed to know how to set everything up?

  • How do you know you are getting the best price on starting a blog?

  • Also, how are you supposed to know how to design your blog and get traffic?

I kept getting questions from friends, and people who wanted to start their own blogs so I figured the best way to answer all these questions would be to create a FREE ( did I mention it’s free?) 6-day email course.

It will teach you step-by-step how to get the best price when starting a blog, how to start a blog, how to set up a blog, and how to monetize your blog.

I totally suggest taking it if you don’t already have a blog (or if you do already have a blog and want the advice) because It will get you started on the right track. Here is a more detailed guide of what we go over in it!

  • Day 1: How to choose a name, and blog topics.

  • Day 2: How to start a blog & install the design of your choice.

  • Day 3: Planning out your content.

  • Day 4: Monetizing your website as a beginner.

  • Day 5: Increasing your website's traffic to make more money.

  • Day 6: Wrap up & Guide to follow for the future to maximize profit

Free How to Start a Profitable Blog Course

Learn how to start a profitable blog from scratch in this FREE 6-day email course. Trust me, you won’t need any prior blogging knowledge.

2. I Focus on A Few
Social Media Sites Not All Of Them

I realized quickly when I started blogging I didn’t have time to try and grow all my social media accounts at once. Heck, I was in nursing school and had a job. So I focused on Pinterest and Instagram.

If you want to follow me or ask me a question my Instagram is: @TwillTied

side note: Pinterest is the only reason I get traffic to my blog, or earn an income. If you are new to blogging, but really want to increase the money you make blogging there are a few things that I recommend:

3. I Make Most of My MoneyAffiliate Marketing (probably $9k+/mo)

Affiliate marketing has been so crucial to my blog making six-figures.

For months I was unsatisfied with my affiliate income because it was nearly nothing. Now I currently make around $9,000 per month from affiliate marketing which I am super happy with. After months of research, I finally figured out a method of affiliate marketing that worked! Here are a few of the things I think are key…

The keys to affiliate marketing are:

  • Knowing where to put affiliate links, and that you shouldn’t have more than 1-2 per blog post.

  • Knowing where to find the best affiliate programs.

  • Knowing how to target your audience with what affiliate links you use.

  • Knowing who your audience is.

    • You can’t advertise $3,000 boots when your audience is full of women who only make $20,000/year.

    • You can’t advertise Walmart products to women with Gucci taste.

  • Knowing how to drive traffic to your content with affiliate links in it.

If you want the specifics like:

  • Where I put affiliate links.

  • How I know what affiliate programs to use for my audience.

  • How I get traffic to my affiliate links.

  • How I grew my affiliate income to $9,000+ per month

Then I highly recommend taking my course 30 Days to Blog Success which is currently available until Monday, October 24th at 11:59 pm CST, before I take it down to work one-on-one with the people who enroll.

If you didn’t know 30 Days to Blog Success is a course I created to:

  • Give you my day-by-day guide to figuring out affiliate marketing and making money blogging in 30 Days.

  • Teach you where to put affiliate links.

  • Teach you where to find the best affiliate programs.

  • Teach you how to drive traffic to your content with affiliate links in it.

  • Teach you how to learn who your audience is.

    • Teach you how to find out if your audience wants $3,000 boots or $29.99 boots.

  • Teach you how to target your audience with what links you use.

  • Teach you the best times to post certain types of affiliate links.

  • Plus this month only it offers one-on-one text coaching from me! whenever you have a blogging question you can text me and get help ASAP.

Did I mention that today is the last day to get 30 Days to Blog Success? So I decided to offer it for 50% off for it being the last day just enter the code >> LASTCHANCE at checkout click here to learn more about 30 Days to Blog Success.

Offer expires Monday, October 24th, at 11:59pm CST

BONUS: 4. You Should Offer Services

I don’t currently offer services because my schedule is so variable lately but I know if you are reading this post you are probably interested in starting a blog, or maybe you have one and you probably want to make more money.

So I wanted to include this to inspire you to do go above and beyond so you can make even more money blogging than I do.

I see food bloggers all the time and wonder why they don't offer services to bring in more money.

In 30 Days to Blog Success, I suggest that food bloggers offer services like online video cooking lessons, personal recipe creation, 30-minute meal cooking classes online, offering local prepared meal delivery in your area.

(there are many more ideas for all kinds of bloggers in 30 Days to Blog Success, like ideas for mama bloggers, travel bloggers, fashion bloggers, DIY bloggers, and others!).

Click here to learn more about 30 Days to Blog Success before enrollment closes and coaching is no longer available, don’t forget to use code LASTCHANCE for 50% off (it makes it only $87 or 4 monthly payments of $22). Expires: Monday, October 24th at 11:59pm CST

You don’t have to blog about a specific topic to make money blogging, I have made money blogging about food, budgeting, and traveling on a budget.

Everyone has knowledge that someone else doesn't have and wants. The options are endless. Fashion bloggers could offer services helping their readers organize their clothes for that season, or for an event, or personal online shopping. There are so many ways to make money blogging with services.

5. I Don't Use Advertisem*nts

Advertisem*nts are a great way to earn extra money blogging. However, ads really take away from a blog when they are all over the place.

When your reader clicks on an ad they are taken away from your content to go buy something that isn’t making you any money. So sure you may earn $2 from every 1,000 people that see the ad, but you aren’t making the big bucks like the company running the ad is.

You never want your main source of income to be driving people away from your website. This will only lower the quality of relationships you can build with your readers.

If you want to use ads I recommend only having 1-3 advertisem*nts on each page of your blog if you choose to have them.

6. I Don't Post Just To Post

I have come to the conclusion that posting every single day will not make you more money blogging. I wasted a lot of my time thinking that I needed to publish a ton of blog posts.

The way you make money blogging is by posting good content that is full of information and is actually giving something to your readers.

I currently post about once a week, but If I don’t have anything good to post I just don’t post.

In 30 Days to Blog Success I dive deeper into why posting too much is bad for your blogging career, and how to make your blog posts better and more monetizable.

Here are a few of the examples of how you can write good blog posts, that make people connect with your blog more:

  • Let your personality shine through, it is the only thing that sets you apart.

    • People want to know about your old jobs, your kiddos, your husband, and what makes you able to create content.

  • Make sure you are always teaching.

    • Sharing a story is what is going to build a personal connection, but teaching is what is going to make people believe in your value as a blogger.

  • Believe what you are saying.

    • If you are talking about products you don’t believe in just to make a dollar people will see it in your writing. Only talk about things you believe.

If you want to know how to make your personality shine through without boring people, or how you can get more people to your blog posts, I talk about it all in 30 Days to Blog Success (which is my story, and teachings of how you can be successful blogging in 30 Days.)

>>> DON’T FORGET this is the last week to get 30 Days to Blog Success + one-on-one coaching use the code: LASTCHANCE for 50% off (that makes it only $87 or 4 monthly payments of $22)

The offer expires Monday, October 24th at 11:59 pm CST

Click here to buy it or learn even more about 30 Days to Blog Success: Don’t forget the code: LASTCHANCE

7. I Always Stay Educated Always

Blogging is always changing due to the nature of the internet. So you can’t just set it and forget it you have to keep learning.

Now a few of my favorite ways to stay educated are:

  1. Keeping notes and looking back at them often so I don’t make the same mistake twice.

  2. Using Pinterest to look at blogging tips and changes.

  3. Reading other bloggers’ books/courses.

If you’re interested in blogging, and you want to know:

  • To know how to affiliate market like a six-figure blogger.

  • To know what to do day-to-day on social media and Pinterest in order to run a successful blog.

  • To know how the heck bloggers become successful.

  • To know what you need to do to increase your blog traffic.

  • To know when it comes to branding what is important, and how to do it yourself for free.

Then I highly recommend grabbing 30 Days, to Blog Success while it’s still open for enrollment this week.

The reason I keep preaching 30 Days to Blog Success is that I have walked blogging alone, and I know blogging is better with someone (actually many people, especially in the 30 Days to Blog Success Facebook Group) in your corner.30 Days to Blog Success is a great resource that will teach you exactly how to start a profitable blog over the next month.

Click here to buy it or learn even more about 30 Days to Blog Success.

>>> REMINDER: 30 Days to Blog Success is 50% off with code: LASTCHANCE (that makes it only $87 or 4 monthly payments of $22) so join before the enrollment closes.

The offer expires Monday, October 24th, at 11:59 pm CST

8. Final Thoughts

I see so many bloggers post about everything under the sun even though they really want to be a fashion blogger, or they really want to be a mommy blogger.

To make money blogging you need to stay true to yourself. Talking about something you don't care about to get people to click affiliate links, or get more traffic makes your blog seem unprofessional and boring.

Talking about something you love makes it a lot easier to be dedicated to blogging. Being dedicated to blogging makes it a lot easier to make it a career.

If you are interested in learning my blogging method, which has makes me over $9,000 per month from affiliate marketing, and sponsorships, check out 30 Days to Blog Success before enrollment closes Monday, October 24th at 11:59 pm CST.

Click here to buy it or learn even more about 30 Days to Blog Success.

How I Make Money Blogging + How to Monetize a New Blog — (2024)


How long does it take to make $1000 per month blogging? ›

In most cases, you should expect it to take at least 6 to 12 months (minimum) of consistent blogging & promoting your content to start earning something from your blog. When it comes to making $1,000/mo in blog income, expect that to take 1 to 2 years of consistent effort for most people.

How much blogger com pays for 1,000 views? ›

While the amount of money that bloggers can make varies widely depending on the niche, industry, and quality of the website, bloggers with 1,000 views usually make an RPM of $20-35 on average.

How can I make $100 on my blog? ›

How to Make $100 Per Day with Blogging: A Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Step 1: Choose a Profitable Niche. ...
  2. Step 2: Build a High-Quality Blog. ...
  3. Step 3: Produce Valuable Content. ...
  4. Step 4: Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques. ...
  5. Step 5: Monetize Your Blog. ...
  6. Step 6: Engage with Your Audience.
Jun 12, 2023

How much can I earn from blogging as a beginner? ›

Yes! Some of the top bloggers make thousands of dollars per month. But many experts believe bloggers can make $500-2,000 per month within their first year of blogging. Consistently post, promote your content, build your readership, and implement some of these monetization tactics to get started.

Which blog niche makes the most money? ›

13 Profitable Blogging Niche Ideas
  • Niche: Personal Development. ...
  • Niche: Home and Garden. ...
  • Niche: Parenting and Family. ...
  • Niche: Sustainable Living and Eco-Friendly Practices. ...
  • Niche: Technology and Gadgets. ...
  • Home Automation and Smart Homes. ...
  • Online Education and E-Learning. ...
  • Mental Health and Well-being.

What is a realistic income from blogging? ›

Within the first year, bloggers can make $500-$2,000 per month. As you can see, you can earn a wide income range as a blogger. But aside from the numbers, remember these important takeaways before you begin: You can make money blogging even if you're not a professional writer.

How much traffic do I need to monetize my blog? ›

A good baseline to aim for is 10,000 pageviews per month before you start working with brands on sponsored posts. At this level, you can reasonably charge a couple hundred dollars for a sponsored post. I know many bloggers getting 100,000 pageviews a month who charge $1,000+ for a single blog post.

How much does Google pay for Blogger? ›

It's a question every blogger asks, and the answer is more complex than you might think. Earnings can vary from $0.5 to $2.5 per 1000 views, but several factors influence this, including your blog's niche, audience location, and ad technicalities.

Who is the highest earning blogger? ›

Top 10 Highest Earning Bloggers 2024 (Earnings & Analysis)
  • Who are the highest earning bloggers? (And how much do they earn?)
  • #1: Timothy Sykes ($1 million per month)
  • #2: Chiara Ferragni ($250,000 per month)
  • #3: Melyssa Griffin ($238,000 per month)
  • #4: Sarah Titus ($200,000 per month)
  • #5: Pat Flynn ($200,000 per month)

Which blog site pays the most? ›

Best Blogging Platforms to Make Money
  1. 1 Best For: An all-round blogging platform capable of adapting to the needs of your business. ...
  2. 2 Medium. Best For: A simple introduction to blogging with (limited) options for making money online. ...
  3. 3 ...
  4. 4 SquareSpace. ...
  5. 5 Ghost. ...
  6. 6 Wix. ...
  7. 7 Blogger. ...
  8. 8 HubPages.
Feb 28, 2024

Can you make $10,000 a month blogging? ›

Making $10,000/month with a blog is everybody's dream. That's when you're finally making the big bucks. 6-figures per year! You're making a huge amount for relatively little work, especially when you compare it to most real-world careers.

How to get 1,000 views per day on blog? ›

Now you need to learn how to promote your posts and get more than 1,000 daily visitors. You have to keep learning and developing new strategies in order to reach as many people as possible. It's time to use the 20/80 rule. You should spend 20% of your time writing and 80% promoting.

Which type of blog is best to earn money? ›

The best blogs to make money include finance blogs, travel blogs, food and recipe blogs, fashion and beauty blogs, and technology blogs. The profitability often depends on niche, audience engagement, content quality, and monetization strategies such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertisem*nts.

How long does it take for a beginner Blogger to make money? ›

According to recent research, it takes an average of 21 months to start making money with a blog. However, that is just the average. The statistics show that 28% of bloggers start earning money from blogging within 6 months and 34% are making a full-time income within 2 years of starting their blog.

Can I start blog with no money? ›

Choosing a free or low-cost blogging platform

However, there are several free and low-cost options available that are perfect for bloggers on a budget. Free blogging platforms such as, Blogger, and Wix offer basic features and functionality to get you started with your blog.

How much time does it take to start earning from blogging? ›

According to recent research, it takes an average of 21 months to start making money with a blog. However, that is just the average. The statistics show that 28% of bloggers start earning money from blogging within 6 months and 34% are making a full-time income within 2 years of starting their blog.

Can I make money blogging in 3 months? ›

Conclusion. Remember that making money blogging takes time, effort, and patience. While it's possible to earn income from your blog in three months, it's important to focus on creating high-quality content and building a loyal audience before you start monetizing.

Can you make 5K a month blogging? ›

Anatomy of a $5,000 blog writing month

If you're getting $300 a post, doing 4 posts a month, that's $1,200 a month from one client. You can see that it's not hard to build to $5K a month at this rate — and at this point, $300 a post is on the low end of what better blog writers are getting.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 6052

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.