How Much Money Do You ACTUALLY Need To Start A Business Or Side Project? — Holisticism (2024)

I had about $8k in debt when I started Holisticism.

I'll save you the long story of how I accrued said debt. The narrative is as surprising — I've been employed for at least 40 hours a week since I was 21, often working two or three jobs at a time— as it is uninteresting.77% of Americans have some debt— on average $38,000 — so you probably can relate.

Starting a business was not in my game plan for life. In fact, I very much did NOT want to be an entrepreneur. Freelancer? Sure. Contractor? Yep. But CEO? Nah, I'm good.

Although I'd started Holisticism as a side-project "for fun," it quickly snowballed into something that required much more from me. I remember calling my dad and saying, "I think I need to make this an actual business because things arehappening." At that point, I got the lousy advice to work with a lawyer to register as an LLC and get my EIN number.

I wish that someone would have told me that using a lawyer would cost me thousands of dollars while using LegalZoom would basically be sufficient for my needs (and cost WAY less).

I don't regret starting my business when I did —although it would have been really, really nice to have more money in my checking and savings account at the time. In fact, if I'd waited to start my business until I had 6 months worth of savings, I'm not sure I ever would have done it. The truth is, I probably would've lost my nerve and found something else to focus on. I had the perfect storm of momentum, excitement, and real traction in my corner to propel me into action.

But is that how I'd recommend someone else do it? Nah, probably not.

Do you need to get rid of all your debt to start a business? No, definitely not.

Is it helpful to have six months of savings in your bank accountandbe debt-free when you start a new project? YES, ABSOLUTELY. Especially if you're going to quit your job to pursue that project full time.

It's not exactly necessary to save half a year's worth of paychecks to start your side project if you're going to continue to work on other income streams while you start up your new business or project.

However, I'd be irresponsible if I didn't tell you that starting a new business, project, or idearequires being well-resourced.Because, sh*t, does it require resources. Here's the thing, though: Resource doesn't always mean cash money. (Although oftentimes it does!)

Well-resourced simply means that you have support and wiggle room at the same time. I think it's necessary to be well-resourced to start a business because it requires so much of you.

If you go through the list below and can't check off a single item, then right nowmight notbe the best time to start a new gig — but that doesn't mean it's not in the cards for you. It just means that it might be a good idea to wait for a tick — until you're more supported — to get going with your bad self and your genius business idea.

Keep scrolling for some examples of resources that you may or may not have already considered as you decide whether you should start your next thing.


Obviously, money is a tangible resource that we can use to support ourselves during a time when life is in flux. It's nice to know that if something went terribly wrong and you were very unemployed (or unprofitable) for six months that you'd be OK to cover the basics, like food and shelter.

If you're planning on cutting off all other income streams to start your business, a good rule of thumb is having six month's worth of savings in your bank account. If you're cutting back on work to make space for a new thing, but still maintaining some form of incoming revenue, you can probably get away with closer to two month's worth of rent in savingsas long as you're covering your basic needs with the income that's coming in.

And if it doesn't completely deplete you energetically or crush your soul, continue to work full-time while also working on your side project or business.


Time is another tangible resource! We only have so many hours in the day. If you're well-resourced with time, that means you have spaciousness in your days or weeks that affords you the chance to focus on developing something new. Don't underestimate the resource of time — having extra time on your hands to work can keep you going for a long while.

A personal example: For the first year of building Holisticism, I spent from 5a-9a every day working on the brand, building content, sending emails, and meeting people. I also usually dedicated an entire weekend day to working on it, and often was up late at night finishing up Holisticism work. I held down a full-time job that whole year, which gave me more money to play with to build Holisticism and host events. After a certain point, I had to leave my full-time job because working on Holisticism required more of me. I knew the tipping point had come when I realized that I was spending "on the clock" hours doing personal work.

inspiration and connection to intuition

An intangible, invaluable resource: Inspiration. If you are overflowing with inspiration, then you are a lucky one, my friend. Inspiration drives focus and attention and tends to make us more potent when we do sit down to work. Instead of spending precious moments brainstorming or problem-solving, we can get right to the heart of what we're trying to build, say, or create.

Being deeply connected to your intuition is extremely helpful in staying inspired. When you're listening to your intuition, it's so much easier to take the next best step for yourself and your business. Trusting your own intuitive knowing is a lifelong practice, but there are a few things you can do to speed up the intensity and frequency of your "intuitive downloads" — those winks from the Universe or the Muse or some external intelligence that comes from beyond you.

emotional health

An undervalued resource that is especially important while you're going through the stress of starting your own jam. You don't need to be 100% emotionally clear, healthy, and perfect to start a business. Far from it. But, we've all likely been through epochs of our lives where we were decidedly emotionally unhealthy — times when adding on another layer of complexity in the form of work stress would have been a dangerous decision. I'm specifically thinking of times like when we're working through trauma.

I think there are also moments where we aren't necessarily emotionally unhealthy, but we are emotionally distracted or distant. That's fine, but you need to have the emotional bandwidth to handle whatever comes your way while you begin your own thing. Building a business is the ultimate personal development move — it kicks up all your sh*t and your limiting beliefs and your fears and throws them in your face. (Fun, right?) But starting a business also offers you an excellent opportunity to work through those obstacles,if you have the emotional bandwidth to do so.

physical health

I don't think you need to be in peak physical condition to start a business, but in many ways, entrepreneurship does feel as grueling as a marathon. New stress taxes your nervous system differently, you often need to work long hours on limited sleep, and there's an inevitable energetic recalibration that occurs when you first get started on your big idea. Often, the first energy "suck" to get crowded out of your entrepreneurial life is exercise or physical upkeep.

Fun fact: I went from running 10-ish miles every day to zero miles a week when I started Holisticism! Yes indeed, I was actually an ultra-marathon runner just a few years ago. But my work eventually became a more important priority than moving my body every day, and definitely meant more to me than looking a certain way. (Which is not necessarily correct, but hey, it's what happened!)

In any case, physical wellness is an incredible resource because you needenergyto make things. Being in good physical health allows you to focus on what you're trying to make because you don't need to apply extra energy just towards getting back to a baseline of well-being. If you're on a healing journey, I can't stress enough how much I recommend focusing on getting your physical health on track before you start pursuing a creative or business project.

mental bandwidth

Similar to emotional health, but slightly different. Like, the difference between an almond milk latte and a coconut milk latte. Subtle.

Mental bandwidth means you have white space in your brain to dream. If you're in survival mode, often the first thing to go is our freedom to create. Other things, like paying for food and figuring out rent supersede the luxury of creative daydreaming.

Sadly, it's often a privilege to have mental bandwidth. The vast majority of entrepreneurs are white —78%, to be exact —and that's certainly not because white people are bolder, smarter, or more innovative. Consider that marginalized groups who are faced with daily discrimination and carry deep ancestral trauma may not have the luxury of mental "white space" and downtime — and even if they do, they may not have the financial resource around them to alchemize dreams into action.

It's absolutely possible to get dreaming and creating if you live in survival mode, but it is much harder. That's not meant to dissuade you if you're reading this wondering about your mental bandwidth. Instead, I bring it up to remind you to be gentle with yourself if you're down on yourself because you "can't even come up with a good idea." Maybe instead, start with freeing up 1% of your mental bandwidth every day. See where that takes you.

supportive relationships

Like everything on this list, not 100% necessary, but certainly important.

Being a pioneer is lonely. And that's what you're signing up for when you start something new, create something from scratch, or dream up something no one has ever thought of.

Your current crew of friends and fam might not get where you're coming from — they might question your drive or your vision. That's OK. Not everyone needs to understand. But if you can get one key person in your corner it makes all the difference. It's nice to have someone to call when you're feeling isolated or sad, someone to run ideas by, someone to text when you have an exciting little win.

I have a few female entrepreneur friends who have been my constant cheerleaders and supporters from day one. I am so in gratitude for them.

My partner also happens to be my biggest fan, which feels fantastic. At first, I tried to keep work separate from my personal life — he'll even tell you how I banned "work talk" from our conversations for the first few months of our relationship. But eventually, Holisticism crept into our conversations because it is one of the things I care most about in the world! I've come to realize that having a partner who admires my passion for my work and can share in my process is really important to me.

But, it's not a make or break for everyone. So if your significant other doesn't care much about your Google Analytics numbers, no biggie. Just find someone who does who you can have those conversations with.


It takes a lot more than money in a bank account to successfully start something new. Trust me, if money were all it took, SO MANY MORE PEOPLE would be entrepreneurs and creatives!

Starting something new does require being well-resourced, but resources look different for all of us. Don't be reckless and totally ignore your financial situation if you're struggling to make ends meet, but you don't necessarily need to feel the pressure to save six months of your salary just to get started.

Just my two cents, as a woman who's made a lot of mistakes … and also done a few things right :)

How Much Money Do You ACTUALLY Need To Start A Business Or Side Project? — Holisticism (2024)


How much money do you need to start a business? ›

Typically, the average business start up cost ranges from $30,000 to $40,000. Nevertheless, the initial investment for starting a business can vary significantly. For example, if you're starting an online business without inventory, you may only need a few hundred dollars for creating a website and initial marketing.

How much does a business cost? ›

The cheapest businesses to start may cost as little as $12,000 initially, but other businesses like restaurants can run from $400,000 or more. The best way to determine your startup costs is to list all expected expenses and the dollar amount for each item.

How much money is needed to start a business in India? ›

₹ 50,000 - ₹ 3 Lac. Capital is allocated for various expenditures -acquiring necessary equipment and materials, hiring personnel, obtaining permits, and other associated costs.

How to properly set up a business? ›

How to Start a Startup
  1. Make a business plan.
  2. Secure funding.
  3. Surround yourself with the right people.
  4. Follow the right legal procedures.
  5. Establish a location.
  6. Develop a marketing plan.
  7. Build your customer base.
  8. Plan to change.

Can I start a business with 200 dollars? ›

Starting a business with less than $200 may seem impossible, but it is possible. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can get your small business up and running on a shoestring budget.

What's the cheapest business to start? ›

20 Businesses To Start for Under $1,000
  1. Bookkeeping Service. Technically, you only need a high school diploma to work as a bookkeeper, so this small business idea is accessible to anyone. ...
  2. Tutoring Business. ...
  3. Consulting Business. ...
  4. Delivery Service. ...
  5. Online Store. ...
  6. Pool Cleaning Service. ...
  7. Graphic Design Services. ...
  8. Pet Sitting Business.
Feb 4, 2024

What is the average startup cost for a small business? ›

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, most microbusinesses cost around $3,000 to start, while most home-based franchises cost $2,000 to $5,000. While every type of business has its own financing needs, experts have some tips to help you figure out how much cash you'll require.

What is a micro small business? ›

A micro business, also known as a microenterprise, is a business operated by less than 10 people and generates less than $250,000 in revenue a year. Micro businesses are a very popular form of business since they require very little startup capital and have low operating costs.

How much should you pay yourself when starting a business? ›

If your business is established and profitable, pay yourself a regular salary equal to a percentage of your average monthly profit. Don't set your monthly salary to an amount that may stress your company's finances at any point.

What is the fastest small business to start? ›

Business ideas that are easy to start quickly
  1. Yard work. People with 9-to-5 jobs don't always want to spend their weekends doing yard work. ...
  2. Software training. ...
  3. Homemade soap making. ...
  4. Errand service. ...
  5. Social media management. ...
  6. Freelance services. ...
  7. Selling on eBay. ...
  8. Pet sitting.

Is 10K enough to start a small business? ›

There are many types of companies that you can start with $10K—too many to list, in fact, though we'll look at some examples in the next section. Most of these types of businesses are on the smaller side, of course, but $10K is a great starting point for a small local business.

Is 500 enough to start a business? ›

While many people might think that starting a business will require a significant investment upwards of $1,000 or more, some key businesses can take off with a minimal investment of $500 and some as low as $100. Read our list below to see which businesses you could start with less than $500.

Does the government give money to startups? ›

You can find startup business grants at government and state agencies, private corporations and nonprofit organizations. In general, grants for startups can be more difficult to find, so it can be helpful to reach out to local business development centers for assistance. How do I apply for a startup business grant?

How to start from zero? ›

Everyone Starts at Zero: 5 Ways to Jumpstart From the Bottom Pick your path in life, get moving and don't stop.
  1. Identify exactly what you want. ...
  2. Change your mindset about success. ...
  3. Rewire your input. ...
  4. Being at the bottom is the best place to start. ...
  5. Take your eyes off yourself.
Nov 6, 2017

How can I start a business with no money? ›

If you don't have a pile of cash lying around, aim for a business that needs minimal upfront investment. Think service based businesses or an online business like freelance writing, graphic design, or social media marketing; something you can start with nothing more than an internet connection and some expertise.

Is $5 000 enough to start a business? ›

A budget of $5,000 may seem modest, but it can be sufficient to launch many successful solo businesses. By carefully allocating funds and focusing on low-cost strategies, such as online marketing and remote work, you can maximize the value of your investment and achieve profitability sooner.

Is $10 000 enough to start a business? ›

There are many types of companies that you can start with $10K—too many to list, in fact, though we'll look at some examples in the next section. Most of these types of businesses are on the smaller side, of course, but $10K is a great starting point for a small local business.

Is $100 dollars enough to start a business? ›

So, it's not crazy or impossible to turn $100 into a sustainable life-changing income for you and your family. Indeed, there are so many more tools and services out there now than there were even a decade ago that it's much easier to go from an idea to a fully fledged business on your own, and with minimal expense.

Is $20000 enough to start a business? ›

The answer is a resounding yes. In fact, with the right approach and thorough market research, $20,000 can be more than enough to get the wheels turning on your entrepreneurial dream. The initial investment of $20,000 can cover various operating costs for numerous business models.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.