How much should I spend on groceries? - Family Budget Expert - Rob Bertman (2024)

How much should I spend on groceries? - Family Budget Expert - Rob Bertman (1)

by Rob Bertman, CFA®, CFP®in Budgeting

February 12, 2022

How much should I spend on groceries? - Family Budget Expert - Rob Bertman (2)

Grocery shopping has become such a hot topic. Who knew something so routine would be such an exciting topic of conversation!

In December 2021, the cost of groceries had risen 6% vs the prior year according to the USDA and many economists think the same thing could happen in 2022.

This doesn’t seem to be just headline news, you are noticing it too.

A recent survey we did of our Family Budget Expert community / readers showed that 83% noticed an increase on either certain items or their overall grocery bill.

The average family size of those who noticed the whole bill going up was 4.1, while those who didn’t notice was 2.0 according to the survey.

You may have noticed this in a few ways:

  • Your grocery bill has gone up.
  • Certain things are noticeably pricier.
  • The sneakiest one: Your item is the same price, but the box or bag is smaller.

How much you spend on groceries each month will depend on 5 main factors, and we’ll talk about them shortly.

I’ll also get you the answer to a very common question I get: “How can we spend less on groceries?”

Table of Contents

5 Factors that Influence The Average Cost of Groceries Per Month

How much you spend on groceries each month will depend on 5 main factors whether you’re a thrifty grocery shopper or focus more on food not price.

How much should I spend on groceries? - Family Budget Expert - Rob Bertman (3)

Factor #1: Family Size

This one is fairly obvious, but one of the biggest determinants of how much you spend each month on groceries will be the number of people you’re shopping for.

A grocery budget for 2 will be much less than a grocery budget for 4.

Not only does family size multiply how much food per month you need to buy, but it also makes it more challenging to buy the right amount.

I know I can eat a 3 egg spinach omelet with a side of berries and apples, but what will my wife or kids want at that moment?

It’s not always as easy to buy the right amount of groceries when you’re factoring in another adult or even some kids who have finicky hunger.

This could be the biggest factor on how much you spend on groceries each month.

Factor #2: Age of kids

Next to family size is how old your kids are.

Whether you have young kids, older ones, or no kids at all, you probably remember how tough it was for your parents to keep everything stocked up because of your teenage appetite.

Honestly, I don’t know how my parents did it! I ate right through everything when I was in high school.

My 5 year old daughter is happy with a little bit of the main entree and a little of the sides and a small after-dinner treat. She’s like a ¼ portion of an adult.

With my 10 year old son, it depends on what’s on the menu.

But my 12 year old son can often eat more than me, a 6 ft guy.

Older kids = a higher grocery bill.

*By the way, taking them food shopping is a great way to teach your kids about money.

Factor #3: Dietary Restrictions

If you or anyone in your family has food allergies or dietary restrictions, it could make your food budget higher.

The good news is that these options are much more widely available than ever before (just like everything else), so it isn’t as big of a factor as it used to be.

You don’t need a Whole Foods or a specialty grocery store to get what you need anymore. Many local grocery stores have sections devoted to those with dietary restrictions.

Factor #4: Where you shop

Most grocery stores are just fine, but there are certain that are just absurdly pricier.

If you shop at Whole Foods vs Trader Joe’s, chances are you’ll have a higher grocery bill.

But we all have those local stores that just have a distorted pricing reality.

We have a local boutique chain here in St Louis that is close to my house. We needed a green apple for a recipe, so I thought, “I’ll just walk there real quick and pick one up.”

Well, one apple was…ready for this…$3! That’s like 4x a normal price. Everything in that store is like shopping at an airport, ridiculously expensive.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t support your local grocer, but be selective when shopping at the boutique ones.

Where you shop will impact your grocery bill.

Factor #5: How often you shop for groceries

This is one you probably didn’t think about.

I’ve seen this pattern over and over while working with clients.

Those who make 1-2 weekly trips to the grocery store spend a lot less than those who go 3+ times per week.

Why is that?

The more often we spend, the more likely we are to overspend.

Not only do we buy more every time we shop, but we don’t use up some of the groceries we have already bought which leads to more food waste (aka throwing money and resources in the trash.).

How much should you budget for groceries?

There are two ways to look at how much you should budget for groceries.

Along with the 5 factors:

  • Family size
  • Age of kids in the household
  • Dietary restrictions
  • Where you shop for groceries
  • How often you go food shopping

We can look at what the average household is doing.

First let’s look at the percentage of income that people are spending on groceries.

This chart from the USDA shows the average monthly spending on food by income quintile as well as the share of discretionary income.

(Keep in mind that the “most recent” income is 2020 so the cost may have gone up by ~6%.)

How much should I spend on groceries? - Family Budget Expert - Rob Bertman (4)

The average percentage of income spent on food for those making the average or more has been around 10% historically or a little under that.

Groceries have historically been about 55-60% of household food expenditures. That puts the grocery budget at about 5-6% of income for most households.

Next, let’s look at what the data shows for the food at home expenditures by household broken down by 4 levels of spending (thrifty, low-cost, moderate-cost and liberal plans).

Let’s simplify the moderate cost data and call it $10 per day for anyone in the household 12 or older, and $6/day for kids 8 and younger. That’s about $300 per month for each adult and teenage kid and $180-$200 per month for each younger child.

The low-cost is about $8 per day for anyone in the household who is 12 or older and about $5 per day for kids 8 and younger. That’s about $250 per month for each adult and teenage kid and $150 per month for each younger child.

Here’s a sample of what it could look like for a family of 4 based on the averages:

How much should I spend on groceries? - Family Budget Expert - Rob Bertman (5)

The expensive category of monthly food costs is twice the household spending of the frugal one, so how much you should budget for groceries will also depend on how price sensitive you are when you go food shopping.

If you’re looking for a rule of thumb, I’d say if your grocery spending is under $1,000 per month for a family of 4 with older kids you’re doing ok.

Based upon the data, you could also say that food shouldn’t be more than 10% of your income unless you’re earning less than median household income.

To be clear, this is what everyone else is doing, and you can do better if you want to.

You can lower your monthly cost of groceries without having to disrupt your routine.

The extra money can go to building your savings, paying off debt or investing for the future.

How to save money on groceries – 7 tips without changing your routine

You can save money on groceries without clipping coupons and totally upending your grocery shopping routine.

You don’t have to look for money saving deals or get deep into grocery shopping on a budget

These tips will help you spend less than you otherwise have to and lower your grocery bill.

How much should I spend on groceries? - Family Budget Expert - Rob Bertman (6)

Buy Less – Avoid Food Waste

The average US household throws away more than 20% of the food they have at home by weight according to the US Department of Agriculture.

⅔ of that is food that goes bad, and that’s the expensive stuff.

Fruits and vegetables, meat, seafood, dairy are both the higher priced items and the once that people throw away most.

(Oreos and chips never seem to make it into our trash, but avocados do).

The other ⅓ comes from making too much food.

That means leftovers are not as big of a problem as food going bad that you never gets used.

Our family used to buy about 2 pounds of our entree protein but we’ve realized that we can get by with < 1 lb. That has dramatically reduced the cost of making dinner at home because it all gets eaten.

Start paying attention to the food that spoils and makes its way into the trash or compost in your house. Think about cutting back by 10-20% on those items.

It will be good for your wallet as well as the environment at large if that matters to you.

Keep a list…and stick to it.

I never used to keep a shopping list, and it not only cost me more time, but also more money.

For some reason, I always thought we needed mustard and it became a recurring joke for my wife Anna.

First of all, we don’t really use mustard. Second of all, why is that the one thing I thought we always needed 🙂

But when Anna and I got married, she introduced me to the grocery list and it was indeed groundbreaking.

When we run low on an item, we update the list on the fridge. The kids are even doing it now too, because they have learned that if it’s not on the list, we won’t get it.

Grocery shopping used to take me an hour or more, but now it takes me 20-30 minutes. I just grab the list and go. That’s a bunch of time saved and it also makes it easier to make a grocery run if we have a busy weekend.

Another thing Anna does is keep a list of potential entrees we can make and the sides we have available. That way, we don’t forget what we have and it doesn’t go bad. The frozen stuff can wait so that the fresh fish gets used.

Not only does it make sure we go through our food, it also saves us from the, “I don’t know what to make, so let’s just go out for dinner,” decision which can be costly over time too.

We mainly do this for dinner, but it will work for breakfast / lunch also.

Opt for the less expensive choice

How much should I spend on groceries? - Family Budget Expert - Rob Bertman (7)

This is another great way to save money and helps you become more conscious of how much you’re spending.

One example is if you see two perfectly good pieces of protein at the supermarket and you’d be happy to take home either one, just choose the less expensive option as long as it fits.

Same thing with fruits and veggies. Yes, honeycrisp apples are delicious, but they can also be $4 per pound. If you like another kind that is $2 per pound, think about switching it up.

Buy the actual produce instead of prepared foods. Why spend a premium for a pre-cut berry mixture vs just buying them and combining them after the fact?

Again, the end goal is to end up with the food you want but just choose the less expensive option.

Go to the grocery store less often

This goes back to one of the factors that influences how much you spend on groceries.

Each time we go to any store, we’re more likely to buy more than we intended.

My clients who can spend less often, often spend less money. It’s one of the ways you can stop spending money without a strict budget.

It’s not like we go out looking to spend more, but there are more things in front of us to buy. We run to the store for more milk then see other things we think we might want, so we get them even though we wouldn’t have bought them in the first place.

The more often you shop for groceries, the more important it is to keep a grocery list.

If you shop often, don’t try to drastically change it. Just see if you can reduce the number of grocery runs by 1 per week.

Cut back on shopping at the pricier chains

Notice I didn’t say that you shouldn’t shop there at all, just cut back.

There are just certain foods my family is going to get from a more premier grocery chain because it’s worth the extra price. But we have also learned that some items at that store are just so far out of whack that we get those items elsewhere.

Figure out the items you really love to get at the more expensive stores and continue to get them.

But also see if you can figure out how to buy certain items at other grocery stores that will cost less but still get you the similar quality you’re looking for.

Cook through your fridge, freezer, and pantry

How much should I spend on groceries? - Family Budget Expert - Rob Bertman (8)

This is the brilliance of Anna’s entree and side list that she keeps on the fridge.

We don’t forget about the food we have handy to make.

Even if it’s hidden in the depths of the freezer or in the back of the pantry, we know it’s there because the list is visible on our fridge.

Successful companies manage their inventory well because anything that doesn’t get used or sold is wasted money. The same thing applies to the food in your house.

Grab a piece of paper or your phone and dig around in your freezer, pantry and refrigerator. Make a list of the things you could make for meals both the entrees and the sides.

If the average meal made at home is $7-$10 per person, using what you already have can save you that amount per person in your household.

Cut back on grocery delivery

Don’t worry, I’m not saying you have to stop it all together.

Those delivery fees and tips one-time don’t seem like much, but it adds up to thousands over the course of a year.

The sneaky part is the minimum that you have to spend.

Not only are the explicit fees costly, but if you buy things you don’t need to meet the minimum delivery, that is also wasted money.

If you’ve gotten used to things like Instacart, try to lower it by one time per week.

How much should you spend on groceries?

This will depend on the factors above, but the first step is always tracking your spending to see how much you’re spending currently.

Spending $800 per month on groceries could be attainable if you’re currently spending $1,000 per month, but not if you’re spending $1,500.

Start with knowing your number, then use the tips above to find ways to gradually lower your grocery spending over time.

Think of it as an experiment and do just one of these at a time. The most important thing is that you make progress rather than trying to have the perfect plan that is tough to execute and won’t stick.

If you’re looking for more specific help with your situation, I’m always available for a complimentary 30 minute consult.

Check my calendar to find a convenient time.

Book your complimentary 30 minute consult here

Want help, but don’t want to talk?

FREE GUIDE: 5 Steps to Cut Spending



How much should I spend on groceries? - Family Budget Expert - Rob Bertman (2024)


What is the average amount a family of 2 spends on groceries? ›

Monthly Grocery Budget
1 person$251
2 people$553
3 people$722
4 people$892
2 more rows
Sep 28, 2022

How much should a family of 4 spend on groceries? ›

For a low-cost budget for a family of four, you can plan on spending $234.10 a week or between $936.40 and $1,014 a month. Moderate-cost plan. For a moderate budget for a family of four, you would spend $291.50 a week for groceries or between $1,166 and $1,263.5 a month. Liberal budget.

How much should a family of 2 spend on groceries per month? ›

USDA Food Plan Spending for a Family of Two

For a family of two, with one male and one female age 19-50 — 20-50 for the thrifty plan — here's the breakdown of monthly costs for each type of food plan: Thrifty: $594. Low-cost: $604.89. Moderate-cost: $750.42.

How much should I spend on groceries Dave Ramsey? ›

Try to keep your grocery budget to around 10-15% of your income. If you spend less, great job! If you spend more, this is for you!

What is a realistic food budget for 2 adults? ›

If you're a single adult, depending on your age and sex (the USDA estimates are higher for men and lower for both women and men 71 and older), look to spend between $229 and $419 each month on groceries. For a two-adult household, the figure above will double: $458 to $838.

What is a reasonable grocery budget for two adults? ›

Feeding Two Adults

Here are the USDA weekly grocery spending guidelines for households with one adult female and one adult male: Thrifty: $119.40. Low-cost: $122.90. Moderate-cost: $152.30.

How much should a family of 4 spend on groceries 2022? ›

For a family of four in 2022, your spending on groceries should fall between $875 – $1,287 a month. You can also look at your recommended grocery spending based on a percentage of your income. Try and aim to spend no more than 15% of your take home pay on food and groceries.

How much does the average American spend on food per month 2022? ›

In the United States, the monthly cost of feeding one person is about $342.11. The average cost of food per day per person is $11.04. These are the insights provided by NUMBEO and their overview of food and other expenditures worldwide. Their data suggests that the average cost of food per week for 1 person is $79.08.

How to do the 50 30 20 rule? ›

By Melissa Green | Citizens Bank Staff

One of the most common percentage-based budgets is the 50/30/20 rule. The idea is to divide your income into three categories, spending 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. Learn more about the 50/30/20 budget rule and if it's right for you.

What is a reasonable weekly budget? ›

To determine a weekly allowance amount, take your discretionary spending amount each month and divide it by four. That amount will be how much you can spend each week without blowing your overall budget—while still getting to indulge in some things you want.

How much does the average family spend on groceries per week? ›

According to the USDA website, the average cost for a family of four with two children under 11 is $235 weekly or $8.39 per person per day on a THRIFTY PLAN (Up $0.70/per day since the last quarter). This would assume using coupons and price comparison while shopping.

How much does the average American household spend on groceries? ›

That's roughly $2,641 annually per person (based on the average 2.5 people in each household). The average cost of food per month for the typical American household is about $550.
Average U.S. household food budget of $6,602.
Total food budget for average U.S. household$6,602
Food away from home2,667
Food at home3,935
Dec 29, 2021

What percentage of net income should go to groceries? ›

What's a reasonable food budget? Many financial advisors and gurus recommend spending no more than 10%-15% of take-home pay on food, a figure that includes restaurant dining and takeout. By this measure, a couple with $70,000 in adjusted income should keep an annual food budget in the $7,000 to $10,500 range.

Is 300 a month for groceries a lot? ›

You might ask, “is $300 a month enough for food?” With pre-planning and small kids, the answer is YES. Here is our monthly sample shopping meal plan: 1st week: The biggest shopping week for us.

How much does a poor family spend on food? ›

Food spending as a share of income declines as income rises

In 2021, households in the lowest income quintile spent an average of $4,875 on food (representing 30.6 percent of income), while households in the highest income quintile spent an average of $13,973 on food (representing 7.6 percent of income).

How to spend $30 a week on groceries? ›

Here's how I keep my grocery bill under $30 a week
  1. Breakfast: Cheerios with milk and a banana, plus the free coffee I get from my office.
  2. Mid-morning snack: Granola bar or orange.
  3. Lunch: Whole wheat pasta dressed up with butter and salt.
  4. Dinner: Fried eggs, a side of rice, and a glass of milk.
Jan 13, 2017

How do you calculate a food budget for a family? ›

To calculate overall household grocery costs we:
  1. Adjusted food costs for each person in household. ...
  2. 1-person — add 20 percent.
  3. 2-person —add 10 percent.
  4. 3-person — add 5 percent.
  5. 4-person — no adjustment.
  6. 5- or 6-person — subtract 5 percent.
  7. 7- (or more) person— subtract 10 percent.

What is a realistic food budget for one person? ›

For a single-person household, start at $200 per month. This will provide $100 for everyday groceries and an additional $100 to stock up on sale items. For a two-person household, start with $300 per month. This will provide $200 for everyday groceries and an additional $100 to stock up on sale items.

How much does 1 person spend on groceries per month? ›

USDA Food Plan Spending for a Single Person

Thrifty: $175.60. Low-cost: $222.60. Moderate-cost: $272.20. Liberal: $348.80.

How to stretch $50 dollars for 2 weeks? ›

It's not uncommon to have $50 or less to your name for a week or more until the next payday arrives.
  1. Pack Lunches.
  2. Shop Discount Stores.
  3. Head to the Dollar Store.
  4. Use Coupons (to the Extreme!)
  5. Visit the Food Pantry.
  6. Skip the Alcohol.
  7. Drink from the Tap.
  8. Plan Your Meals.

What is the average cost of groceries in 2022? ›

Next year, U.S. shoppers anticipate spending 14% more on average per month for their groceries, according to the KPMG Consumer Pulse Survey 2022 Grocery Forecast. Based on a poll of more than 1,000 consumers, the average monthly grocery spend is pegged at $611 for 2022 versus $532 in 2021, KPMG's report said.

How much should groceries cost for 4 people? ›

Follow USDA food plans

The most recent estimate for a family of four, defined as a male and female between ages 20 and 50 and two children, ages 6 to 8 and 9 to 11, put the cost of the thrifty plan at $967 per month.

How to live off $100 a week for food? ›

  1. Log what's in your freezer. ...
  2. Ditto for your fridge and pantry. ...
  3. Start your meal planning with a bag of rice. ...
  4. Make a strategic shopping list … and stick to it. ...
  5. Shop farmers markets toward the end of the day. ...
  6. Shop the freezer section for produce. ...
  7. Buy the store brand. ...
  8. Only buy meat when it's on sale.
May 22, 2022

How do you eat healthy when broke? ›

6 Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget
  1. #1: Plan Your Recipes. Planning ahead allows you to think about your food needs, tastes, and budget. ...
  2. #2: Shop With a List. ...
  3. #3: Buy Frozen or Canned. ...
  4. #4: Cut Cost With Coupons. ...
  5. #5: Buy Store Brands. ...
  6. #6: Try Growing a Garden. ...
  7. Healthy Eating: Not “One Size Fits All”

Does cooking from scratch save money? ›

Cook from scratch

Almost anything you cook from scratch will cost less and be healthier than processed, canned, or frozen versions of the same food. In fact, it will be better than most restaurant food. Homemade meals are cheaper, healthier, tastier, and better for the planet.

How much does the average American family of 4 spend on food per month? ›

A family of four can expect to pay $60 – $120 more on groceries per month. According to the USDA, the average family of four spent between $682.80 and $1,361.50 on groceries in 2021.

How much does the average American family spend on food per month? ›

Americans spend $600+ monthly on food

The average household spends $198 monthly or $2,375 annually on food prepared away from home. This total includes restaurant dining and takeout expenses. As for other food-related average monthly expenses, Americans spend $412 per month on groceries.

How much does the average American make? ›

The median American worker brings home an estimated $54,132 a year. Salary figures vary significantly depending on location, education and other factors. Income is a vital part of your overall financial health, alongside net worth and savings.

How do I not live paycheck to paycheck? ›

11 Ways to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
  1. Get on a budget. Maybe you don't even know where your paychecks go. ...
  2. Take care of your Four Walls first. ...
  3. Start an emergency fund. ...
  4. Stop living with debt. ...
  5. Sell stuff. ...
  6. Get a temporary job or start a side hustle. ...
  7. Live below your means. ...
  8. Look for things to cut.
Sep 2, 2022

What is cash stuffing? ›

Quite simply, the method involves putting cash into allocated envelopes of different categories. It's based on an accounting concept known as 'zero-based allocation budgeting'. Many who use cash stuffing feel more in control of their spending, which serves as a reminder that the money you have is real funds.

How much savings should I have at 50? ›

One suggestion is to have saved five or six times your annual salary by age 50 in order to retire in your mid-60s. For example, if you make $60,000 a year, that would mean having $300,000 to $360,000 in your retirement account. It's important to understand that this is a broad, ballpark, recommended figure.

What is the 40 20 10 rule? ›

40% of your income goes towards your savings. 30% of your income goes towards necessary expenses (food, rent, bills, etc.). 20% of your income goes towards discretionary spending (entertainment, travel, etc.). 10% of your income goes towards contributory activities (donations, charity, tithe, etc.).

Is the 50 30 20 rule realistic? ›

The 50/30/20 has worked for some people — especially in past years when the cost of living was lower — but it's especially unfeasible for low-income Americans and people who live in expensive cities like San Francisco or New York. There, it's next to impossible to find a rent or mortgage at half your take-home salary.

What is the 70 20 10 rule with your budget? ›

How the 70/20/10 Budget Rule Works. Following the 70/20/10 rule of budgeting, you separate your take-home pay into three buckets based on a specific percentage. Seventy percent of your income will go to monthly bills and everyday spending, 20% goes to saving and investing and 10% goes to debt repayment or donation.

What percentage of households have a tough time paying for groceries? ›

A new survey indicates 69% of Americans are struggling to pay their grocery bills. The study also pointed to shifts in consumer behavior. Some 74% of those surveyed said they had changed their grocery shopping habits in the last year, and 33% said they are now shopping in-store more than in years past.

Does grocery budget include toiletries? ›

This budget also includes all hygiene, household, diapers, and pet items! It can be tough sometimes, but it is completely doable! *See below my tips on how to make it work! Here is a realistic chart that should help you know what you should be spending on groceries, for your family size.

What's the #1 expenditure for the average American household? ›

Average household expenses in the U.S.

The largest expense for most Americans is housing. At $1,050 per month, the cost of having a roof over our heads accounts for 21% of a household's monthly budget. Percentage of income is based on after-tax income. Percentages are rounded, and not all categories are included.

Why do lower income families pay more for groceries? ›

Low-income households may face higher food prices for three reasons: (1) on average, low-income households may spend less in supermarkets--which typically offer the lowest prices and greatest range of brands, package sizes, and quality choices; (2) low-income households are less likely to live in suburban locations ...

What is the 80/20 budget rule? ›

The 80/20 budgeting method is a common budgeting approach. It involves saving 20% of your income and limiting your spending to 80% of your earnings. This technique allows you to put savings first, and it's both flexible and easy.

How much do rich people spend on groceries? ›

Affluent people are a lot more frugal than you think
Average household income of $50,000 - $74,000Average household income of $150,000 or more
Car payment$163$198
Household necessities$58$73
1 more row
Sep 13, 2017

What is the Dave Ramsey budget? ›

A budget is a plan for how you're going to spend your money. It puts you in charge and in control of every dollar that you earn or spend. Dave recommends telling every dollar where it should go—before the month begins—using a zero-based budget. This means that your income minus your expenses equals zero.

What is the average grocery bill for a family of 2? ›

How much is an average grocery bill for two?
Monthly Average Grocery Bill for Two Adults
Low-Cost Plan
Monthly Cost$633.20$612.20
Liberal Plan
Age of Adults19-5051-70
5 more rows
May 11, 2022

How many times a month should you buy groceries? ›

If you're looking to save money and, ultimately, time, then you might want to consider a shopping schedule of one of two times per month.

How much food does a family of 4 need for a week? ›

The USDA uses national food intake data and grocery price information to calculate different costs for a healthy diet at home. The latest numbers for a four-member family: a thrifty food plan, $146 a week; a low-cost food plan, $191 a week; a moderate-cost plan, $239; a liberal plan, $289 a week.

How much do you need for a family of 4? ›

According to the Family Budget Calculator published by the nonprofit think tank Economic Policy, an average family of four can expect its living expenditures in 2022 to total $86,718. This model assumes a family of two adults and two children - aged four and eight - and a modest yet adequate standard of living.

How do you budget for a family of 4? ›

7 Easy steps for creating a Family Budget
  1. Establish a goal. Ask yourself what you want to get out of making a family budget. ...
  2. Choose a digital budgeting tool. ...
  3. Gather your financial information. ...
  4. Organize into categories. ...
  5. Calculate the information. ...
  6. Look for ways to decrease spending. ...
  7. Review your budget monthly.

How much food should I stockpile for 3 months? ›

A three month supply would require 90 breakfast bags, 90 lunch bags (if desired), and 90 dinner bags. It's that easy. Gather your favorite quick and simple recipes and make copies of them. One copy for each time you would like to eat that meal.

Should we stockpile food? ›

That's why having an emergency preparedness stockpile is important. All Americans should have at least a three-day supply of food and water stored in their homes, with at least one gallon of water per person per day. If you have the space, experts recommend a week's supply of food and water.

Is 80k a year middle class? ›

That's largely because the income range that institutions like Pew Research Center uses to define this cohort is so broad. With the median U.S. income being about $80,000 a year, a household of four earning between roughly $52,000 and $175,000 a year is considered middle class.

Is 60k a year middle class? ›

A three-person household must have earned $51,962 to $155,902 to be considered middle-class while a family of four must earn about $60,000 to $180,000.

What is middle class income 2022? ›

As of 2022, Pew identified a middle-income household as anywhere between $30,000 (for a single adult) to $67,000 (for a household of five).

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Article information

Author: Jonah Leffler

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Views: 6311

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.