How Not to Overwater or Underwater Your Succulents (2024)

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How Not to Overwater or Underwater Your Succulents (1)




Succulents are super easy going plants that can survive months in drought condition. However, they can rot and die within a few days if given too much water. In this blog post, we’d like to share with you how to tell whether your plants are overwatered or underwatered.

Instead of a complex root system that helps other plants to search for water, most succulents store water in their fleshy leaves and stems. This allows succulents to survive in ecosystems that contain scarce water sources.

How Not to Overwater or Underwater Your Succulents (2)

Overwatered Succulent

<image source: Cactus Jungle>

Succulent leaves and stems are like water balloons that can only take up a certain amount of moisture until every succulent cell is fully hydrated. When overwatered, i.e., when these balloons are overfilled, they burst and the cell structures are severely damaged, resulting in rotting leaves and roots. The leaves would start to look translucent, discolor (yellow), feel soggy to the touch, and fall off easily. There will also be black spots on the leaves or stem. On Echeverias, which is one of the most sensitive succulents, the color of the center would get much lighter. While itis possible to save a succulent from rotting, the best solution is to take leaves and cuttings that haven’t been affected to form new plants. You can check out our instructions on different ways to propagate succulents from cuttings.

How Not to Overwater or Underwater Your Succulents (3)

Overwatered Succulent

<image source: Sublime Succulents>

The amount of water stored in the leaves and stems of succulents can help the plants last at least a month in drought condition. It can be confusing to distinguish between dying old leaves and shriveled underwatered leaves. Dry leaves caused by underwatering are softer to the touch than when fully hydrated, but don’t look translucent and soggy like overwatered leaves. As the moisture pressure inside the tissue of the leaves and stems reduces, there will be wrinkles on the skin, and the leaves will look droopy with sagging tips.

How Not to Overwater or Underwater Your Succulents (4)

Underwatered Succulent

<image source:>

Dying old leaves are always the lower leaves at the bottom of the plant. Instead of shriveling up and discolor, they become brown and thin out to a very dry, crispy, papery feel. Dead old leaves will eventually be dropped, or can be removed to keep the plant looking its best.

To avoid overwatering and underwatering your succulents, make sure you pay close attention tothe condition of their leaves and learn how to water your succulents the right way.

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Overwatered and Underwatered

See more aboutSucculent Watering Tips!

In addition, there are many common problems you may run into: succulent etiolation, mealy bugs,... Just make sure you get a diagnosis as soon as possible so you have a better chance of helping your succulent recover.

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How Not to Overwater or Underwater Your Succulents (2024)


How Not to Overwater or Underwater Your Succulents? ›

Succulents thrive with a "soak and dry" watering cycle. That means you should only water when the soil and plant are dry. You can see if your soil is completely dry by feeling for moisture down at the drainage hole. If it feels totally dry, check if the plant is showing signs of thirst.

Is it better to overwater or underwater succulents? ›

Underwatered. Succulents are super easy going plants that can survive months in drought condition. However, they can rot and die within a few days if given too much water.

How do you not overwater succulents? ›

Avoid frequent little sips of water, and instead give your Succulent fewer, longer waterings when the soil is dry. If your Succulent is in a container with good drainage, set it in a tray of water for about five minutes. If it's in the ground or a large container, water at the soil line rather than overhead.

Are you supposed to submerge succulents in water? ›

Succulents do better with periodic long, deep drinks that soak its soil to the bottom of the pot than regular but timid waterings that wet the top inch or two of the soil in the container. So when your succulents' soil is bone dry, drench that baby. Let the soil dry out completely, then drench again. Dry out.

What does a succulent look like when it needs more water? ›

The best way to determine if your succulent is dehydrated due to lack of water is through its leaves. If the leaf feels crispy and starting to have wrinkly and shriveled up leaves, then it's the best time to give your succulent a good soak of water, as these signs are indications of underwatering.

How do I know if I am overwatering my succulent? ›

An underwatered succulent will have soil that feels dry and leaves with brown tips, dry, and will start to curl, drop, or even drop. An overwatered succulent, on the other hand, will have yellowing leaves, browning tips, and also wilting (with wet or soggy soil).

Do succulents like to be misted with water? ›

Don't use a spray bottle to water your succulents—misting can cause brittle roots and moldy leaves. You can also place pots in a pan of water and allow the water to absorb through the drainage hole. Once the top of the soil is moist, remove from the pan.

How do you keep succulents bushy? ›

After removing the leggy top section, move the remaining, rooted lower portion of the succulent into bright, indirect light and care for it as usual. In a few weeks, the stem should start to sprout leaves and regrow into a more compact plant as long as it receives plenty of light.

How do I improve my succulent drainage? ›

CARING FOR SUCCULENTS—True love! Soil: Succulents and cacti thrive in well draining, porous soils. Gravel or expanded shale can be added to the bottom of the container to help increase drainage.

When should you stop watering succulents? ›

'From spring to fall, during the period of active growth, these plants should be watered once every seven to 10 days. In winter, when the light day becomes shorter, succulents go into dormancy, so you don't need to water them more than once every three to four weeks.

How often should I mist succulents? ›

If your succulents are young, mist them every 2-4 days and let the soil dry completely between each session. For adults, use a watering can instead. Establish a consistent watering schedule and occasionally skip 1-2 days of watering to encourage a robust root system.

Does my succulent need to be by a window? ›

Light. Generally speaking, succulents require a large amount of indirect sunlight and most varieties will burn in direct sunlight. Indirect sunlight is sunlight that passes through something such as window shades, leaves of a tree, or bounces off of a wall (think a covered patio).

Should succulents be in direct sunlight? ›

Most succulents do best in bright direct light and need at least 6 hours of natural light per day. But if you only have a shady corner in your home, choose plants like mother-in-law tongue that do well in low light and place them near a south or east-facing window.

Should you water succulents from top or bottom? ›

water your succulent arrangement. without wetting their leaves, then we suggest using the bottom watering method. to apply this method, you simply place your succulents in a tray. or a large basin. filled with water for about 14:55 minutes, or just. until the top portion of the soil has become moist.

How to not overwater succulents? ›

Use the right kind of soil

Regular potting soil holds moisture well, which is great for certain plants, but for succulents and cacti you want a fast draining potting medium. If the soil compacts and doesn't drain, then the roots sit in standing water and can quickly begin to rot.

How to tell if over or under watering? ›

Feel the Soil: The simplest way to gauge your plant's watering needs is by feeling the soil. Turns out that old trick of sticking your finger into the soil up to the knuckle has merit! If it's soggy or has standing water, you're overwatering. If it's dry an inch below the surface, it's time to water.

Is it better to bottom water succulents or top watering? ›

To prevent their leaves from getting wet from excess water, these varieties can be watered from the bottom instead of the top. This method allows water to be supplied from the bottom upwards, which ensures that the surface layer of pot soil contacted by the bottom leaves is not overly moist.

Is it better to overwater or underwater a plant? ›

Usually underwatering a plant is less damaging than overwatering, which can cause additional problems like root rot and other diseases. But of course, if a plant is too dry it can shrivel up before you even realize it.

What method is recommended for watering your succulents? ›

When it comes time to water your succulent, the “soak and dry” method, in which you soak the soil with water and then allow it to dry completely before the next watering, is the best approach.

How do you take care of an underwater succulent? ›

Ways To Save Your Underwatered Succulent

Give your plant a good and thorough soak in water and ensure that the water is going to the roots. Let the soil completely absorb all the water and then add more water to it. You can repeat that step until you notice water coming out of the container's drainage holes.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.