How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (2024)

Last updated on August 12th, 2023 at 01:33 am

How often should you water your broccoli? That is the question on everyone’s mind. Some say you water this cole crop every day, some say once a week, and others insist that this is not a good idea at all. Here is the complete guide to how often to water Broccoli. Read on!

How Often Should You Water Broccoli?

The answer to how often to water broccoli depends on a few factors, including the climate, the type of soil, and the amount of rainfall. In general, broccoli needs about 1 inch of water per week. But what’s really important when it comes to watering broccoli is to make sure that your plant is planted in a well-draining fertile soil. And if you’re growing it in a pot, make sure that the pot comes with a few drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (1)

Fun Fact: Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) belongs to the cole crop vegetables (a.k.a. cruciferous vegetables), which also include cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, and kohlrabi. They are also known as fall crop because they also love cool weather.

Should I Water My Broccoli Every Day?

No, broccoli doesn’t require daily watering. A weekly watering routine works best in most cases. Try to provide your plants with two inches of water every week. Add two to three gallons of water per square foot when it’s time for some watering. If ever you will use a soaker hose, irrigation should be done in just around 30 to 45 minutes of watering.

When it comes to watering, you should always water your broccoli thoroughly. Then, allow the soil to dry out before you give your plant a drink again. If it’s a rainy month, make sure to reduce the frequency of watering to prevent overwatering and ultimately root rot or other kinds of diseases related to excessive watering. And of course, during the summer, when the temperature is pretty high, you should water your broccoli at least two times per week or depending on how dry the soil is (make sure the soil is not completely dry!).

Does Broccoli Require a Lot of Water?

If you want to make sure that your broccoli plants stay thick and healthy for long periods of time, it’s important that you learn how much and how often to water broccoli plants.

Keep in mind that broccoli plants love water and if you want them to maintain vigorous growth and development, you must never compromise their watering requirements. As I discussed earlier, your broccoli plants require at least 1 inch to 1.5 inches of water every week. If you’re living in a country that receives little rainfall, you need to plan and prepare the right watering needs in a way that your broccolis will get at least one inch of water every week.

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (2)

If you notice already how I repeatedly referred to the amount of 1 inch to 1.5 inches of water as “at least.” This is due to the fact that this is the least that your broccoli plants expect from you while they’re developing. In other words, broccolis don’t really mind a couple of extra inches of water, and might even love that.

Now, if you’re situated in a country that has plenty of rainfall almost throughout the year, then you don’t really need to water your broccoli plants a lot (i.e. if they’re grown in a vegetable garden outside, just leave the watering to nature!). On the other hand, If you only have a few broccolis planted in pots or containers or seed trays, then, of course, you need to give them the required amount of water.

What Factors Affect How Often You Should Water Broccoli?

When it comes to how often to water broccoli plants, there are certain factors that you must consider to prevent problems. Factors that might affect how often you should water your broccoli plants include:

  • The stage of growth of your broccoli
  • The weather and temperature
  • As well as the type of soil
How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (3)

These three factors mainly affect how often you should water your broccoli plant. Generally, sandy soils require to be watered more often compared to clay soils. A hot, dry climate also needs more frequent irrigation, while a cooler climate can allow you to water less frequently. Lastly, young plants and broccoli seedlings will require more water compared to mature broccoli.

How Can You Tell if Broccoli Needs Water?

The surefire way to tell if your broccoli needs some drink is to inspect the soil. The soil must be moist but not soggy. If the soil is dry, then your plant must be thirsty.

Expert Tip: You don’t water your broccoli to the point that you wait until its soil is almost completely dry. It will do more harm than good!

You can also tell if your broccoli needs some watering via its leaves. If you see that your plant’s leaves are wilted, then most likely, you need to give it some drink!

Here are other signs that indicate your broccoli needs water:

  • The stem of your broccoli feels brittle
  • The plants begin to produce small, yellow flowers, also known as bolting, or the emergence of flower buds
  • Your broccoli’s leaves start to droop

If you notice any of these signs, you should definitely give your broccoli a drink.

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (4)

Can You Overwater Broccoli?

Well, yes, but in a sense that you “overwater” if your plant’s soil is well-draining (and there are drainage holes if it’s planted in a pot). In this case, “overwatering” here means you thoroughly water your plant to reach all the roots.

Now, if you water your broccoli too much while it is planted in a not-so-well-draining soil, then that’s problematic overwatering. Because if you give your plant too much water frequently with this type of soil, the water will just accumulate around the roots of your broccoli and cause problems such as root rot.

Remember: Excessive water obstructs your plant’s ability to absorb oxygen and this can cause fungal issues.

Broccoli plants require the soil to dry out between each watering session. So, you should water your plant only a couple of days or every week depending on how fast the soil dries.

Expert Tip: Weekly watering sessions work best!

In hot weather, with temperatures more than 75 degrees Fahrenheit, inspect the soil conditions such as the soil temperature and soil pH from time to time as your plant might actually need watering twice a week.

Overwatering will end up killing your broccolis if you don’t fix the issue as soon as possible. Flooding your plant with frequent waterings will result in poor oxygen absorption at the root level. The unnecessary water will result in fungal problems as well. Both problems will kill your broccoli within just a few weeks. So, keep your broccolis healthy and vigorous by only watering them when the topsoil looks dry.

What Are the Consequences of Overwatering or Underwatering Broccoli?

Here’s a short table about the consequences of overwatering and underwatering if you don’t fix them.

Root RotStunted Growth
Fungal or bacterial diseasesDry or brown leaves
Decrease in yields due to rotten roots and bad leavesDecrease in yields due to yellowing of leaves.

What Is the Best Method to Watering Broccoli?

The best method of watering broccoli is to water it at its base. Watering your broccoli plant, or any other kind of vegetable plant overhead is not the best option due to a few reasons. You should water your broccoli plants at the base and let the water soak in the soil as deeply as it can.

Also, when watering, you should do it slow, deep, and gentle if you want the best results for both your broccoli and soil. Keeping the water flow gentle and slow also aids in avoiding the situation of soil erosion, which is quite hard to deal with.

Fixing a sprayer at one end of your garden hose to water your broccoli plant at the base is probably the most effective way of watering if you want to use a hose. You shouldn’t use high pressure to prevent problems.

Expert Tip: Watering broccoli plants at the top or overhead just invites the unnecessary risk of fungal infections and other diseases that will disrupt your plant’s growth and development.

What Are Some Other Tips for Watering Broccoli?

Here are some tips that will help you when it comes to watering your broccoli plants:

  • Water your broccoli regularly during hot, dry weather. If your plant is already mature, watering twice a week is ideal.
  • See if the soil is still moist or already dry before giving your plant a drink a gain to prevent overwatering.
  • Add some mulch around your plants to help retain moisture in the soil. That said, I highly recommend the mulch product below.

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (5)

  • Use a soaker hose or drip irrigation to water the roots directly. This will also help in minimizing evaporation.
  • The ideal time of the day to water your broccoli plants is early in the morning or later in the evening so your plant can efficiently absorb the water.

Does Broccoli Like Wet or Dry Soil?

Yes and no. Broccoli doesn’t like wet or dry soil for an extended period of time but only for a few hours.

You see, broccoli plants thrive in soil that is thoroughly watered and then dries out. If you keep your plant’s soil wet for long periods of time, it could harm your fresh broccoli.

That’s why it is ideal to water your plant for 30 to 45 minutes using a soaker hose, then monitor the wetness of the soil later. Ideally, almost all of the excess water should pass through the drainage holes in just a couple of hours. Your plant’s sunlight exposure, weather patterns, or soil conditions may make it necessary to irrigate your broccoli plant either one or two times a week.

You can inspect your plant’s soil by simply inserting your index finger into the soil. If the soil feels dry up to your second knuckle, then your broccoli plant is most likely in need of water. If the soil still feels wet, then your plant is most likely still hydrated. Wait for a couple of days before watering if this is the case.

If you want to be more accurate, you can use a soil moisture meter just like the one below.

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (6)

Here’s a quick summary:

  • Broccoli plants grow best in deeply watered soil that is allowed to dry out between each watering session.
  • Excessively wet soil can kill your broccoli plants.
  • If you don’t thoroughly water your broccoli on a regular basis, you might slow its growth.
  • Determine the soil moisture levels using your finger to see if you need to give your plant a drink or wait a day or two.
  • If you have a budget, try to use a soil moisture meter for better accuracy.

Signs of Underwatered vs Overwatered Broccoli Plant

The most common sign of underwatered broccoli plant is that it will have leaves that are dry and wilted. Its stems will also be thin and spindly. As for an overwatered broccoli plant, its leaves will also be wilted and yellow and slightly moist. Also, the stem of an overwatered broccoli plant will be thick and mushy.

Why Is It Important to Water Broccoli?

Just like any other vegetable plant and contrary to the popular belief, broccoli plants are actually heavy feeders, and by providing water, their nutrient requirement will be met.

If your broccoli lacks enough water or moisture content, then it can obstruct with its ability to absorb nutrients and minerals from its soil. This could lead to a nutrient deficiency in your broccoli, stunting its growth, and worse ending to death.

Fun Fact: There are different broccoli varieties out there including Waltham 29, Sun King, Romanesco, Early Purple Sprouting, Green Magic, Eastern Magic, DiCicco, Destiny, Calabrese, and Belstar. Which one is your favorite broccoli variety? Let me know in the comment section below!

Furthermore, underwatering your broccoli can also be detrimental to its leaves, especially if your plant is just starting to get established in its soil. If you don’t provide enough water, the leaves can get discolored and become brown from the edges. When the leaf growth is slowed or stunted, it means your plant is not ready to develop a large broccoli head or central head, which means poor yield.

If you maintain the soil of your broccoli slightly moist, it will also keep the weeds and certain diseases out, which saves you a lot of time to prick out the weeds. On the flip side, if you give your broccoli plant too much water, you’ll just invite fungal diseases and infections to your vegetable plant.

Broccoli Plant Care Tips Aside from Watering

At this point, you should already know that watering broccoli plants is certainly one of the most vital factors throughout the stages of growing broccoli. But if you take a deeper look, it’s not all about watering. You should also meet your plant’s other growing needs. Otherwise, it can lead to an unhealthy growth for your broccoli plants.

That said, here are some broccoli plant care tips when it comes to the other growing requirements of your plant.


As I already mentioned above, broccoli plants are heavy feeders. Of course, it’s not about the amount of water this time but the fertilizer aspect that these plants need. Just as broccolis require frequent watering, they also require some plant feed after every other week.

Broccolis thrive well when they get sprinkled with a plant feed that has a well-balanced NPK ratio (equal ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) like the one below.

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (7)

But broccolis don’t necessarily need an equal proportion of these nutrients, sometimes using a bit more is good. If you’re using solid plant feed such as granules, make sure to spread all around the soil.

Meanwhile, if you want to use a liquid type of fertilizer, ideally, you’d want to dilute the strength of it by mixing it with some part of water and observe your broccoli if it shows any indications of reaction to the inorganic fertilizer. Gradually reduce the amount of water as your plant gets adapted to the plant feed.

When it comes to types of fertilizer, organic ones are definitely the most preferred types for all types of vegetable plants, in this case, broccoli plants. Organic plant feed normally consists of organic matter such as perlite or peat moss for both added nutritional value and drainage. You can make your own soil mix or buy one online like the one below.

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (8)

Disease Prevention

Take note that broccolis are vegetable plants. This makes them very vulnerable to pests such as cabbage worm, root maggot, and cabbage looper, and diseases. You can prevent diseases in your broccoli plants by simply restricting the growth of your plants in the same area a couple of times.

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (9)

Diseases can make your broccoli unhealthy, and if eaten, it can even pose a hazard to you and your family’s health.

So, to avoid the spread of any disease to your other plants, the most effective and easiest approach is to prune off the infected area using a disinfected pair of sharp scissors and throw it away from your garden.


When it comes to the temperature aspect, broccoli plants grow best when kept in a warm and nurturing environment. The ideal temperature range to keep your broccolis is 45 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. But of course, broccoli can also thrive in temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit but not for an extended period of time.

Fun Fact: Broccoli’s growing season is in most areas if planted in late summer to mature in fall. In early spring, broccoli is planted early enough in order to mature during the cool weather.

Keeping your broccoli in cold temperatures needs a few other items, like using floating row covers and covering them to safeguard them from the cold winter. Of course, this is only for broccoli plants that are planted outdoors. Floating row covers also act to improve the surrounding air temperature by a couple of degrees, which gives your broccolis the kind of warmth they require to grow well.

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (10)

Planting broccoli is fun and fulfilling, so plant broccoli seeds indoors or outside today and have a bountiful harvest!

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (11)

Related articles:

  • Are Your Broccoli Leaves Being Eaten? Here’s What To Do
  • Broccoli Microgreens- An Easy Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Them

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (12)

Ashleigh Evans

Ashleigh Evans is a vibrant and passionate gardening blog writer whose adoration for all things green extends far beyond the digital realm. With boundless enthusiasm and a creative spirit, Ashleigh has cultivated a life deeply intertwined with gardening, both within her blog and in her everyday experiences.

Last update on 2023-06-24 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

I'm an experienced horticulturist with a deep understanding of plant care and cultivation. My expertise in the field is evident through practical knowledge and hands-on experience, making me a reliable source for gardening advice.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article on watering broccoli:

  1. Watering Frequency for Broccoli: The article emphasizes that the frequency of watering broccoli depends on several factors, including climate, soil type, and rainfall. It suggests a general guideline of providing about 1 inch of water per week for broccoli. The key here is to ensure well-draining fertile soil, especially when growing broccoli in pots, which should have drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

  2. Broccoli and Cole Crop Vegetables: Broccoli belongs to the cole crop vegetables, also known as cruciferous vegetables. The article mentions other vegetables in this category, such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, and kohlrabi. These vegetables are also referred to as fall crops due to their preference for cool weather.

  3. Watering Schedule for Broccoli: Daily watering for broccoli is discouraged in the article. Instead, a weekly watering routine is recommended, providing about two inches of water per week. The importance of thorough watering and allowing the soil to dry out between watering sessions is highlighted. Adjustments in watering frequency are suggested based on factors like weather conditions and the stage of growth.

  4. Factors Affecting Watering Frequency: The article identifies three main factors affecting how often broccoli should be watered:

    • The stage of growth
    • Weather and temperature
    • Type of soil It explains that sandy soils may require more frequent watering than clay soils, and a hot, dry climate may necessitate more irrigation compared to a cooler climate.
  5. Signs of Watering Needs in Broccoli: The article provides practical tips on how to tell if broccoli needs watering. Checking the soil moisture and observing the leaves for wilting are mentioned. Signs like brittle stems, yellow flowers (bolting), and drooping leaves indicate the need for water.

  6. Consequences of Overwatering or Underwatering: The article outlines the potential consequences of both overwatering and underwatering broccoli. Problems such as root rot, stunted growth, fungal or bacterial diseases, and changes in leaf color are discussed.

  7. Best Watering Method for Broccoli: The recommended method is to water broccoli at its base, avoiding overhead watering. Slow, deep, and gentle watering is advised to allow water to penetrate the soil without causing erosion. The use of a soaker hose or drip irrigation is suggested to water the roots directly.

  8. Additional Tips for Watering Broccoli: The article provides additional tips, such as watering regularly during hot, dry weather, checking soil moisture before watering, adding mulch to retain moisture, and watering in the early morning or late evening. It also addresses the importance of avoiding excessive watering.

  9. Broccoli's Preference for Moist Soil: Broccoli is described as thriving in soil that is thoroughly watered and allowed to dry out between sessions. The article stresses that excessively wet soil can harm broccoli plants.

  10. Broccoli Plant Care Beyond Watering: The article touches on other aspects of broccoli plant care, including the use of fertilizers with a balanced NPK ratio, disease prevention through pruning, and considerations for temperature and planting season.

  11. Temperature Requirements for Broccoli: Broccoli grows best in temperatures between 45 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The article mentions that while broccoli can tolerate lower temperatures, measures like floating row covers can be used to protect plants in cold weather.

  12. Conclusion and Author's Personal Touch: The article concludes by highlighting the importance of watering for the overall health and productivity of broccoli plants. The author adds a personal touch by inviting readers to share their favorite broccoli varieties in the comments section.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive guide to watering broccoli, addressing various factors that influence watering frequency and offering practical tips for successful broccoli cultivation.

How Often to Water Broccoli: The Complete Guide (2024)
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