» How One Bad Financial Mistake Cost Me 7 Years Retiring Early; Guaranteed You’re Making it Now (2024)

According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, only33% of Americansfeel confident about retiring comfortably. Many individuals and families struggle to secure their financial future, making it essential to be aware of the pitfalls and mistakes that can derail your retirement plans.

My story began when I was 25, fresh out of college, and eager to make my mark in the world. Like many young professionals, I was keen to start saving for my future and become financially independent as soon as possible. However, I made a critical financial mistake that would delay myearly retirementdreams by a whopping seven years.

The mistake? Neglecting to prioritize high-interest debt repayment. I was so focused on saving and investing that I ignored themounting debtI had accumulated, mainly in the form of creditcard debt and student loans. Little did I know that the high-interest rates on these loans were eating away at my potential savings and investments, preventing me from reaching my financial goals sooner.

How Ignoring High-Interest Debt Can Cost You

To put things into perspective, let’s consider an example. Suppose you have $10,000 in credit card debt with an average annual interest rate of 20%. If you only make the minimum payment of 2% each month, it will take you a staggering 27 years topay off the debt, and you’ll end up paying over $21,000 in interest alone.

Now, let’s say you also have $30,000 in student loans with an interest rate of 6% and a 10-year repayment term. Over the life of the loan, you’ll pay approximately $9,967 in interest. If you had tackled your high-interest debt before focusing on savings and investments, you would have had more money to invest earlier, allowing you to benefit from the power of compounding interest.

In my case, the extra seven years of debt repayment meant missing out on significant investment growth, which could have helped me achieve myearly retirement goalssooner.

Why You’re Likely Making This Mistake Right Now

The problem withhigh-interest debtis that it’s incredibly easy to accumulate, especially when using credit cards for daily expenses, taking out loans tofinance education or other big-ticket purchases. Many people fall into the trap of only paying the minimum monthly payment on their debt, not realizing how much money they’re losing in interest over time.

Furthermore, individuals often fall victim to the temptation oflifestyle inflation. As your income increases, it’s natural to want to upgrade your lifestyle, leading to increased spending and even more debt. However, keeping your expenses in check and maintaining a frugal lifestyle allows you to allocate more money towards debt repayment and investments, accelerating your journey toward financial independence.

To put it simply, the longer it takes to pay off high-interest debt, the more interest you’ll pay, and the less money you’ll have to invest in your future. The key is to identify and prioritize high-interestdebt repaymentas early as possible.

How to Tackle High-Interest Debt and Get on Track for Early Retirement

You can refer to the following steps to achieve your financial goals, retire early, and tackle high-interest debts efficiently.

Assess Your Debt And Prioritize High-Interest Debt

First, make a list of all your outstanding debts, noting the balance, interest rate, and minimum monthly payment for each. This will help you gain a clear understanding of your current financial situation and allow you to prioritize your debts effectively. According to a2022 report, the average American had a personal debt of $101,915, includingmortgage loans, credit cards, student loans, and other types of debts.

Knowing your total debt and interest rates will empower you to make informed decisions about your repayment strategy. Once you assess your debts, focus on paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first while still making minimum payments on your other debts. This is known as the “avalanche method” and can save you thousands of dollars in interest payments over time.

For instance, if you have two debts – a credit card debt with a 20% interest rate and a student loan with a 6% interest rate – you’ll save more money by paying off the credit card debt first.

Create A Debt Repayment Plan

Develop a realistic plan to tackle your high-interest debt, including a timeline for repayment and specific strategies for cutting expenses and increasing your income. A study by theNational Foundation for Credit Counseling found that individuals who had written debt management plans were more likely to succeed in their efforts. Thus, consider breaking your goals into smaller, manageable steps. For instance, reduce your credit card debt by 10% in the next six months. This may help you stay on track.

Increase Your Monthly Payments And Consider Debt Consolidation

Whenever possible, pay more than the minimum monthly payment on your high-interest debt. This will not only reduce the amount of interest you pay over time but also help you pay off the debt faster.Statisticssay that increasing your minimum monthly payment by just 1% could help you save significantly on interest. Besides, it may reduce your repayment term by almost two years. Make it a priority to allocate any extra income, such as bonuses or tax refunds, toward your high-interestdebt repayment.

If you have multiple high-interest debts, consider consolidating them into a single loan with a lower interest rate. This can make your debt more manageable and save you money on interest payments. Arecent studyshows that borrowers who consolidated their credit card debt with a personal loan saved an average of $3000 in interest over the life of the loan.

Create An Emergency Fund

A report by the Federal Reserve found that68% of Americans would struggle to cover an unexpected $400 expense. While focusing on debt repayment, it’s essential to build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses, including medical bills or job loss.

Aim to save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses in a separate, easily accessible account. Having anemergency fundin place can help you avoid accumulating additional high-interest debt in times of crisis.

Reassess Your Budget

As you work on repaying your high-interest debt, review your budget regularly and adjust it as needed. Identify areas where you can cut back on expenses or increase your income to allocate more money towards debt repayment.

According to theBureau of Labor Statistics, the average American household spends 50% of its income on housing and transportation costs. By reevaluating these expenses and making adjustments, such as downsizing your living space or using public transportation, you can free up more money for debt repayment.

Stay Disciplined And Educate Yourself

Instead of taking the journey as a hasty dash, see it as a steady trek. Stay disciplined in yourdebt repayment effortsand focus on long-term financial goals. Besides, take the time to learn about personal finance and investing. Remember, a solid understanding of these topics can help you make informed decisions about your money. Read books, attend seminars, and seek advice from trusted financial professionals.

A recent report reveals that15% of adults lost over $10,000because of inadequate financial knowledge. Expanding your financial knowledge can help you make smarter decisions about debt repayment, saving, and investing.

Don’t Forget To Invest

While it’s essential to prioritize high-interest debt repayment, don’t forget to invest for your future. Once yourhigh-interest debtis under control, start contributing to your retirement accounts, such as a 401(k) or IRA, and consider investing in low-cost index funds to grow your wealth over time.

An individual who invested $10,000 in the S&P 500 index in 1980 would have accumulated approximately $699,788 by the end of September 2021, assuming they reinvested all dividends. Even in small amounts, consistently investing can yield significant returns in the long run.

Monitor Your Progress

Regularly review your financial situation and track your progress toward yourearly retirement goals. This will help you stay motivated and make any necessary adjustments to your plan along the way. In a2010 study, researchers found that those who had clear financial goals and monitored progress were more likely to achieve financial success. The study reported that people with well-defined goals and consistent monitoring were 20% more successful in accomplishing their financial objectives compared to those who did not follow these practices.

Besides monitoring your progress, try learning from others’ mistakes. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share similar or higher goals. Learn from their experiences to avoid making the same errors and to stay focused on your financial objectives.

According to a2019 report, individuals that surround themselves with even more successful people who have better goals are more likely to succeed. Therefore, consider joining online forums, attending local meetups, or engaging with social media groups to connect with others on a similar or higher financial journey and learn from their experiences.


Prioritizing high-interest debt repayment is crucial to securing your financial future and achievingearly retirement. Implementing the strategies outlined above may help you avoid the costly consequences of high-interest debt and set yourself up for retiring at your preferred age.

Once you avoid these interest traps, you can channel your money towards investments that can grow multi-fold in the next few years. Don’t let one bad financial mistake invade your retirement dreams and turn things hectic. Take control of your finances today and start paving the way toward a brighter tomorrow.


1. What Is The Difference Between The Avalanche And The Snowball Method For Debt Repayment?

The avalanche method focuses on paying off debts with the highest interest rates first. Besides, it wants you to make minimum payments for other debates simultaneously. This approach can save you more money in interest payments over time. On the other hand, thesnowball methodprioritizes paying off the smallest debts first to build momentum and motivation, regardless of the interest rate. Both methods can be effective, but the avalanche method is generally more cost-effective in the long run.

2. How Can I Increase My Income To Pay Off High-Interest Debt Faster?

There are several ways to increase your income to tackle high-interest debt more quickly, including negotiating a raise at your current job, taking onfreelanceor part-time work, selling items you no longer need, or investing in your education to qualify for higher-paying job opportunities. Explore various options and choose the ones that work best for your schedule and skill set.

3. Can I Negotiate Lower Interest Rates With My Creditors?

Yes, you can try negotiating lower interest rates with your creditors. While there’s no guarantee that they will agree, it’s worth the effort. A reduced interest rate can save you a significant amount of money over time. To increase your chances of success, prepare a solid report highlighting your payment history,credit score, and any competing offers from other lenders.

4. Is It Better To Pay Off High-Interest Debt Or Invest In My Retirement Accounts?

Prioritizing high-interest debt repayment is generally recommended, as the interest you save by paying off the debt is often higher than the returns you can expect from investments. However, if your employer offers a retirement plan with matching contributions, it’s a good idea to contribute enough to receive the full match, as this is essentially “free money.” Once your high-interest debt is under control, focus on increasing yourretirement savingsand investments.

5. What Should I Do If I’m Struggling To Make Progress On My High-Interest Debt Repayment?

If you’re having difficulty making progress on your debt repayment, consider seeking professional help from a credit counselor or financial planner. These experts can help you create a personalized plan to tackle your debt and provide guidance on budgeting, saving, and investing. Additionally, consider exploring debt relief options, such asdebt consolidationor debt settlement, to potentially lower your interest rates and monthly payments.

Published First on Due. Read Here.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio; Pexels; Thank you!

» How One Bad Financial Mistake Cost Me 7 Years Retiring Early; Guaranteed You’re Making it Now (1)


Know exactly how much money you will have going into your bank account each month. No tricks, no gimmicks. Simple retirement for the modern day human.

» How One Bad Financial Mistake Cost Me 7 Years Retiring Early; Guaranteed You’re Making it Now (2024)


What are the biggest financial mistakes that retirees make? ›

The top ten financial mistakes most people make after retirement are:
  • 1) Not Changing Lifestyle After Retirement. ...
  • 2) Failing to Move to More Conservative Investments. ...
  • 3) Applying for Social Security Too Early. ...
  • 4) Spending Too Much Money Too Soon. ...
  • 5) Failure To Be Aware Of Frauds and Scams. ...
  • 6) Cashing Out Pension Too Soon.

Does anyone regret retiring early? ›

First, there's the possibility that you could regret working too long and wish you'd retired sooner. That's especially true if you're financially independent and burnt out in your career. However, there's also a chance you'll regret retiring too soon and wish you'd spent a little more time working and saving.

Is there anything wrong with retiring early? ›

Pros of retiring early include health benefits, opportunities to travel, and starting a new career or business venture. Cons of retiring early include a strain on savings, and a depressing effect on mental health. There may be ways to chart a middle course: cutting back on work without fully retiring.

How to recover from a financial mistake? ›

7 Tips to Bounce Back from Financial Mistakes
  1. Don't Dwell on It. ...
  2. Take Stock of Your Situation. ...
  3. Get Back to Basics. ...
  4. Freeze Your Spending. ...
  5. Don't Be Tempted by Quick Fixes. ...
  6. Take Care of Your Health. ...
  7. Start Preparing for Emergencies.

What is the biggest retirement regret among seniors? ›

Some of the biggest retirement regrets include: A vague financial plan. No retirement goals. Counting on long-term employment.

What is the biggest financial mistake? ›

Over-relying on credit cards and financing depreciating assets can worsen financial woes.
  1. Unnecessary Spending. ...
  2. Never-Ending Payments. ...
  3. Living Large on Credit Cards. ...
  4. Buying a New Vehicle. ...
  5. Spending Too Much on Your Home. ...
  6. Misusing Home Equity. ...
  7. Not Saving. ...
  8. Not Investing in Retirement.

How much money do you lose by retiring early? ›

A worker can choose to retire as early as age 62, but doing so may result in a reduction of as much as 30 percent. Starting to receive benefits after normal retirement age may result in larger benefits. With delayed retirement credits, a person can receive his or her largest benefit by retiring at age 70.

What age is too early to retire? ›

Key Takeaways. Social Security benefits can be claimed as early as 62, but with your benefits reduced by 25%-30%. Depending on the year you were born, postponing taking Social Security until age 66 or 67 will allow you to receive full benefits. Retirees at the age of 65 qualify for Medicare benefits.

What is the happiest age to retire? ›

The traditional retiree feels a boost in happiness starting around age 57, or eight years earlier than age 65. Therefore, the 45-year-old retiree may start feeling a rebound in happiness perhaps starting as early as age 37.

How to retire early with no money? ›

If you determine you need more than Social Security income to meet your retirement needs, consider these options:
  1. Set a detailed budget to minimize expenses. ...
  2. Downsize your home. ...
  3. Continue working. ...
  4. Take advantage of tax-advantaged retirement plans. ...
  5. Open a traditional or Roth IRA.
Jan 31, 2024

What is the best age to stop working? ›

The normal retirement age is typically 65 or 66 for most people; this is when you can begin drawing your full Social Security retirement benefit. It could make sense to retire earlier or later, however, depending on your financial situation, needs and goals.

Are early retirees happy? ›

About 67% of retirees who are 15 years or less into retirement said they're happier since retiring, and 82% said they're more relaxed on a typical day. While only 8% report feeling less happy in retirement, about a third said they're not more happy than they were before leaving the workforce.

What to do when you make an expensive mistake? ›

Here are 5 steps to help you move forward after a financial mistake and love yourself again:
  1. Step 1: Acknowledge the mistake. In order to move on, you need to accept and acknowledge whatever financial mistake you have made. ...
  2. Step 2: Talk about it. ...
  3. Step 3: Focus on the present. ...
  4. Step 4: Don't stop learning. ...
  5. Step 5: Let go.

What to do when you've made a bad financial decision? ›

Even if you've made one of the worst money mistakes, a smart first step is to simply acknowledge your misstep, take a step back, and at first do nothing. A rash attempt to fix a problem can actually make it worse. Once you've accepted and assessed the damage, you can put a recovery plan into action.

What to do when you are financially ruined? ›

If you're currently wading through a financial crisis, take the following steps.
  1. Minimize the damage. ...
  2. Document the damage. ...
  3. Cut back on expenses. ...
  4. Use other people's money before your own. ...
  5. Assess your savings. ...
  6. Examine your bills closely. ...
  7. Develop a new budget that focuses on financial recovery.
Sep 14, 2023

What is the biggest financial challenge for new retirees? ›

Here are 10 financial challenges you're likely to face in your first 10 years of retirement — and how to move past them.
  • Inflation. ...
  • Healthcare Expenses. ...
  • Taxation. ...
  • Social Security Timing. ...
  • Lifestyle Adjustments. ...
  • Legacy Planning. ...
  • Planning for Large Purchases. ...
  • Paying Off Debt.
Oct 6, 2023

What is the biggest financial risk in retirement? ›

Here are the top three risks to your retirement funds as well as some actionable tips for how to prepare for them.
  1. Outliving your money. ...
  2. Unexpected health care and long-term care expenses. ...
  3. Market declines and inflation.

What is the number one concern of retirees? ›

1. Saving Enough Money: Perhaps the top retirement concern is the idea that without steady employment, it might be difficult to have enough resources to maintain your preferred lifestyle. The cost of living can be high, and Social Security benefits may not be enough to cover all your living expenses.

What is the #1 reported mistake related to planning for retirement? ›

Retirement Mistake #1: Failing to take full advantage of retirement saving plans.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.