How Should One Drink Milk? Sitting Or Standing? - PharmEasy Blog (2024)

By Dixit Arora +2 more

How Should One Drink Milk? Sitting Or Standing? - PharmEasy Blog (2)Last updated: Nov 10, 2022

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Many people find themselves locked in the debate around whether they should drink milk sitting down or standing up. Which is the best posture to ensure that you derive all possible benefits from milk? Some might be asking what does sitting or standing have to do with consuming milk. But it is a very old scientific debate and yes, your posture does have a bearing.

Table of Contents

Why Should You Drink Milk In The First Place?

There are many ways your body can benefit from drinking milk. Here are just a few of them-

  1. It contains loads of calcium, so if you want strong teeth and bones, drink up! Milk will also prevent the onset of osteoarthritis.
  2. It contains potassium which is essential for the health of your heart.
  3. The Vitamin D present in it can regulate unnatural cell growth and thus effectively prevent cancer.
  4. Milk triggers the secretion of serotonin – a happiness hormone that can fight off anxiety and depression.
  5. It helps in losing weight.

Drink Milk while Sitting or Standing?

Doctors advise you to not drink milk while sitting down and there is a very good reason behind it. When you are sitting, the milk traverses half your body at a normal pace. But then it encounters a speed breaker because of your sitting posture. So transportation to the rest of your body slows down.

How Should One Drink Milk? Sitting Or Standing? - PharmEasy Blog (3)

But if you are standing, there is no obstruction to the passage of the milk down your body. Your bloodstream will pick it up and rapidly carry it to all parts of your body, which will absorb every nutrient that milk has to offer.

On the other hand, when you are sitting, because there is a disruption to the downflow of milk, the fluid will pool around the lower section of your oesophagus. If this continues for a long period of time, then you may contract Gastroesophageal reflux syndrome or GERD.

It’s not just the practitioners of allopathic medicines, Ayurveda too warns against drinking milk sitting down. This is because your stomach has a fixed capacity. It can only hold 900 to 1500 millilitres at a time and when you drink a quarter litre of milk, a large part of your stomach fills up all of a sudden. To deal with the pressure and weight exerted by the milk, your stomach will start pulsating. The result is a colic shock that will prompt excruciating stomach ache.

So even if you have no option but to drink milk in a seated posture, make sure that you don’t gulp it down. Take small sips so that your stomach can acclimate to them. This way you won’t end up with terrible stomach cramps.

So, now you finally have the answer to the age-old question of whether you should sit or stand while downing a glass of milk. You should only drink milk when you are standing. This way you can avoid falling sick and ensure that your body can best utilize the benefits that milk has to offer.

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.



How Should One Drink Milk? Sitting Or Standing? - PharmEasy Blog (2024)


Should we drink milk standing or sitting Quora? ›

It is better to drink water or milk while sitting than while standing. You should drink it slowly and avoid gulping down large volumes of milk or water in a single breath.

What happens when we drink milk in standing position? ›

Scientifically, drinking milk while standing causes the fluid to hit the lower part of your esophagus. Over time, this may result in the dilation or relaxation of the sphincter which connects the stomach to the esophagus. This may lead to a health condition known as GERD or Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

How we should drink milk? ›

If you are drinking milk during the day, you can have it both hot or cold. If you are having it before bedtime, always ensure that you drink either lukewarm or warm milk. Cold milk at night can not only cause stomach troubles but might also interfere with sleeping patterns.

How should I drink milk a day? ›

The USDA recommends that both children and adults should drink 3 cups of low-fat or fat-free milk (or equivalent dairy products) everyday in order to get the calcium and vitamins your body needs.

Is it better to drink sitting or standing? ›

You would feel like drinking more and more water in a frequent manner. So, it is suggested that you should always drink water while sitting and in smaller sips. Never drink water while standing because you would suffer from indigestion. If you drink water in a standing position, it can cause ulcers and heartburn.

Is standing really better than sitting? ›

Advocates of standing desks point to studies showing that after a meal, blood sugar levels return to normal faster on days a person spends more time standing. And standing, rather than sitting, may reduce the risk of shoulder and back pain.

Should you drink while standing? ›

“While standing and drinking water, the fluid tends to pass through without any filtration to one's lower stomach under high pressure. This causes the water impurities to settle in the bladder, and damage the functioning of the kidneys, says Dr Rustgi. It can even cause urinary tract disorders.

What happens if you drink a lot of milk in one sitting? ›

Drinking too much milk can cause digestive issues such as bloating, cramps, and diarrhea. If your body is not able to break down lactose properly, it travels through the digestive system and is broken down by gut bacteria. Because of this reason, gassiness and other digestive issues can happen.

Why we should not drink while standing? ›

Since the water goes directly through, the requires nutrients and vitamins don't reach the liver and digestive tract. This is because when you stand and drink water, it travels through the system really fast and you risk your lungs and heart functions. The oxygen levels also get disturbed this way.

What is the best way to drink milk for benefits? ›

Milk is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus which are necessary for the development and maintenance of strong, healthy bones and teeth. These reduce the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures later in life. Milk promotes bone health.

How do I drink milk in the morning? ›

Milk, the first meal for many

"Milk is a complete meal in itself. Traditionally, most of us are used to starting our day with a glass of milk. Those who are not lactose-intolerant can have a glass of milk in the morning to ensure a supply of essential nutrients right at the start of the day.

What is the perfect time to drink milk? ›

According to the ancient science of Ayurveda, the best time to take Milk for adults is at night. Adults should drink it to keep their bodies fit and healthy. Benefits of Drinking Milk at Night: It has tryptophan which can promote healthy, peaceful sleep.

Can we drink milk in morning? ›

Also contains vital minerals like calcium, iodine, potassium, and phosphorus. You should have milk first thing in the morning: While milk is great for breakfast as it gives you the essential nutrients right at the start of the day, drinking it on an empty stomach may not be the best thing.

Is it good to drink milk in morning? ›

Milk is loaded with nutrients. Adding it to your breakfast can help you start your day with multiple nutrients. Milk is also a source of protein which is also a good element for your breakfast. Drink milk for breakfast to give a healthy start to your day.

Why should we sit and drink? ›

By standing and drinking, you disrupt the balance of fluids in the body and this may lead to a greater accumulation of fluids in the joints causing arthritis. By sitting and drinking, your muscles and nervous system is much more relaxed and helps the nerves to digest food and other fluids easily.

How many hours a day should you sit vs stand? ›

Take a Seat Regularly

The optimal situation is to alternate between sitting and standing throughout a work day. Research shows the ideal ratio is to spend one hour standing for every one to two hours of sitting. A height adjustable sit stand desk lets you do just that.

Is it worse to standing or sitting all day? ›

Overall, research seems to point to the fact that less sitting and more moving contribute to better health. You might start by simply standing rather than sitting when you have the chance. Or find ways to walk while you work.

Why is standing important? ›

Potential weight loss is not the only benefit from standing. Medical research studies show that standing as little as 30 minutes a day can lower your risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Standing for 90 minutes can lower that risk by more than 33%. The more you stand, the more the benefits add up.

How much milk should you drink in a sitting? ›

A glass of milk in a day is an ideal choice. In light of the study, it is for the best to avoid drinking more than 2 glasses of milk in a day.

How much milk can you drink in one sitting? ›

Generally, the stomach can hold only half a gallon ( 1.9 L). Stretch receptors in the organ sense when its limit is reached, triggering a vomit reflex that swiftly empties the stomach.

Can you drink milk sitting out? ›

In general, perishable foods like milk should not sit out of the refrigerator or cooler for longer than two hours. Cut that time down to an hour in the summer if the temperature reaches 90 degrees F. After that time frame, bacteria can start to grow.

What happens if we drink water by standing? ›

If you drink water in a standing position, it is not filtrated properly and it can gather in the blood, the kidneys and the bladder, causing damage to the kidneys and disorders of the urinary tract.

Can I drink water after urination? ›

Its fine if you drink water just after urination but you can also have water whenever you feel like drinking it.

Is it good to stand up and eat? ›

Eating while standing may make you more prone to overeating, becoming hungrier faster or feeling bloated and gassy. However, there's little evidence to support the notion that eating while standing up is harmful. In fact, eating while standing up may be beneficial for reducing reflux and heartburn.

What is the healthiest milk to drink daily? ›

Low- or non-fat dairy — Skim or 1% milk contains all the protein, vitamins and minerals that whole milk contains, but it has much less saturated fat. This type of milk is typically more heart-healthy than full-fat milk.

What happens if you drink a glass of milk every morning? ›

Your bone health might improve

Not only is milk a great vegetarian protein source, but it's also packed with calcium and vitamin D—two nutrients that are vital for bone health. Calcium is a mineral needed to build and maintain strong bones, and vitamin D helps our body absorb calcium from the foods we eat.

Why is milk good before bed? ›

Certain compounds in milk — specifically tryptophan and melatonin — may help you fall asleep. Tryptophan is an amino acid found in a variety of protein-containing foods. It plays an important role in the production of the neurotransmitter known as serotonin ( 6 ).

Why do we drink milk on first night? ›

IT IS CONSIDERED AUSPICIOUS: According to Hinduism, milk is a pure substance and is considered to be very auspicious. Hence, since the couple is beginning their new life together, milk is considered as the perfect drink to be served.

Can I drink milk at night? ›

A glass of milk is packed with protein and drinking one before going to sleep will help you feel full all night long, resulting in a better night's sleep.

Should we sit and drink water? ›

One should sit and drink water slowly to reduce acids levels in the body which is apparently high due to consumption of processed / chemicals /pesticides present in the foods."

Is there an incorrect way to drink water? ›

If you're chugging water, you're doing it wrong.

It's not going to kill you, obviously. But it will make you pee more often, which means that your body is getting rid of water, making you just as dehydrated as you already feel. So chugging water just defeats the purpose of drinking water in the first place.

What is the best time to drink water in the morning? ›

Enjoying a glass of water first thing in the morning may make it easier to maintain healthy habits and increase your daily water intake. Drinking water before meals can help increase feelings of fullness and may promote weight loss in older adults.

How many glass of milk a day? ›

Milk consumption is recommended by many nutritional guidelines for meeting daily requirements for calcium, animal proteins and vitamin B12 intake. In the United-States, the national dietary guidelines recommend that adults should drink three cups or 732 mL/d of milk [1].

Is milk better in the morning or night? ›

Cow's milk is a nutrient-rich beverage that provides protein, calcium, and several other nutrients. No research suggests that you should drink milk at a particular time to reap its health benefits.

How long does it take for milk to empty stomach? ›

The average gastric half-emptying time for meals of human milk was 48 min, and for meals of infant formula 78 min.

How to digest milk faster? ›

Take a lactase enzyme supplement (such as Lactaid) just before you eat dairy products. These can be taken in drops or tablets and even added directly to milk.

What happens if we drink milk in empty stomach at night? ›

Having milk on an empty stomach can lead to gastric issues, acidity, bloating, stomach cramps and vomiting.

Which food is best for empty stomach? ›

Dates and fruits

If you are looking for an instant energy boost, you can have two dates with water, says Bharadwaj. Fruits like banana, apple and papaya are good to consume in morning empty stomach for vitamins and fibre as per the dietician.

Is milk good for your hair? ›

Proteins and lipids in milk work to strengthen hair, while the calcium promotes hair growth and aids in preventing hair loss. Milk also contains other hair-friendly nutrients like Vitamins A, B6, biotin and potassium, all of which work to keep hair soft and shiny.

Can we drink milk at night after dinner? ›

Drinking milk after the meal at night helps in increasing the concentration level and also results in deep sleep.

What happens if we eat by standing? ›

Eating standing up can also lead to discomfort from bloating, cramps and gas. These symptoms occur because your stomach moves food faster down your digestive tract. You also tend to eat faster when you stand, causing you to swallow more air.

Can baby drink milk while standing? ›

Before you know it you'll find the ones that are the most comfortable and work the best for you and your baby. You don't have to breastfeed in any particular position. You can breastfeed lying down, sitting up, or even standing.

What happens if you drink milk straight from the cow? ›

Raw milk can carry dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter, and others that cause foodborne illness, often called “food poisoning.” These bacteria can seriously injure the health of anyone who drinks raw milk or eats products made from raw milk.

Can we drink milk while walking? ›

Even if you are not lactose intolerant, consuming dairy before or during a workout has been known to cause stomach problems in certain athletes. If you've ever experienced gastrointestinal distress from dairy, avoid milk products for at least 12 hours before your walk.

What position should I sit after eating? ›

As a general rule, the best sitting position for digestion is to sit as far back as possible on your seat. Make sure your feet are flat against the floor and that you are sitting up high enough so that you are not slouching. Your legs should not be crossed.

Is eating standing up healthy? ›

Your position while eating affects your digestion to a large extent. According to doctors, eating while standing empties the stomach way faster and the food moves to the intestine, before it is broken into superfine particles. This increases the pressure on the intestine and may lead to digestion issues.

Why should we sit and eat? ›

Well, since sitting down contracts the muscles in the abdomen, the vagus nerve – the nerve that transmits signals from the stomach to the brain – informs your brain that we are full, thereby preventing overeating and bingeing.

What position should baby drink milk? ›

Sit down and place baby upright in your lap with their back against your stomach and chest. This position is especially encouraged for infants with reflux. Just be sure that you're tipping the bottle to completely fill the nipple with milk.

Can we give milk in lying position? ›

Yes, when done correctly, breastfeeding while lying down is perfectly safe. Follow these tips to make sure your baby is comfortable and safe: Practice during the day before trying to use it at night. Ensure that your space is free from excess pillows and bedding.

What is the correct way of feeding milk to child lying down or sitting? ›

The side-lying breastfeeding position is also called the reclining or lying down position. When you breastfeed in this position, you lie sideways and the baby faces you, lying down sideways as well. Place the little one's head near your breast so that he/she can latch better.

Is it OK to drink milk without boiling? ›

Pasteurised milk can be consumed without boiling as it is free from harmful microbes.

Is 1 cup of milk a day good? ›

Bone and dental health

A cup of milk contains almost 30 percent of the daily requirement of calcium for adults. Milk also contains potassium and magnesium. These minerals are important for healthy bones and teeth. Dairy provides almost 50 percent of the calcium in a typical American diet.

Can we drink milk in morning empty stomach? ›

You should have milk first thing in the morning: While milk is great for breakfast as it gives you the essential nutrients right at the start of the day, drinking it on an empty stomach may not be the best thing. You should avoid it if you suffer from poor digestion and gastric issues.

How long does milk take to digest? ›

Dairy digestion

On average, skimmed milk and low-fat cheese (such as low-fat cottage cheese or ricotta) take 1.5 hours to digest, whereas whole-milk cottage cheese and soft cheeses will leave your stomach in 2 hours. Whole-milk hard cheeses can take up to 5 hours to properly digest.

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