How subscription box business models work | Stripe (2024)

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Stripe Billing lets you bill and manage customers however you want—from simple recurring billing to usage-based billing and sales-negotiated contracts.

Learn more
  1. Introduction
  2. What are subscription boxes?
  3. How do subscription box business models work?
    1. Customer experience
    2. Operational
    3. Technical
    4. Transactions
    5. Customer relationships
  4. Types of subscription box business models
  5. Pros and cons of each subscription box business model
    1. Curated collection subscriptions
    2. Personalized subscriptions
    3. Replenishment subscriptions
    4. Access subscriptions
  6. Benefits of using subscription box business models
  7. How to pick the right subscription box business model
  8. Get started with Stripe

In a subscription box business model, a business delivers curated products to subscribers on a regular, recurring basis. Customers pay in advance for these boxes, which contain an assortment of products and usually focus on a specific theme or interest. Demand for this type of subscription is high—the global subscription box market was valued at over $31 billion in 2023 and forecast to exceed $145 billion by 2032.

There is more than one type of subscription box model. Each one has strengths and caters to different customer needs. Picking the right subscription model requires carefully analyzing your business goals and customer base.

Businesses can gather data from these models to understand customer behavior, preferences, and consumption rates. These findings can guide inventory decisions, marketing strategies, and product development. The consistent revenue stream is also attractive, allowing for better planning and budgeting, while the direct-to-customer nature of the model is great for customer engagement. Here’s what you need to know to get the most out of a subscription box model.

What’s in this article?

  • What are subscription boxes?
  • How do subscription box business models work?
  • Types of subscription box business models
  • Pros and cons of each subscription box business model
  • Benefits of using subscription box business models
  • How to pick the right subscription box business model

What are subscription boxes?

Subscription boxes are a service in which customers pay to receive regular deliveries of products. These boxes can be themed around different interests, such as beauty, food, or hobbies, and often contain a surprise selection of items. The idea is to give people a convenient way to discover new products or enjoy something they already love.

The concept works on a recurring revenue model in which subscribers are billed periodically. The contents of these boxes are often curated by experts or personalized to the customer’s preferences. They’re also delivered to the subscriber’s doorstep.

As subscription boxes have become more popular, a wide variety are now available. Options include snacks, cosmetics, or dog toys. Some services provide a curated experience that introduces patrons to new products or brands, while others let subscribers choose items based on their tastes.

These boxes let businesses build a dedicated base of customers, gather data on preferences, and—sometimes—clear out inventory. Customers receive something new related to their interests without needing to search for the product.

How do subscription box business models work?

In a subscription business model, businesses offer products or services on a recurring basis, typically monthly or annually. Here’s how these models operate, from the customer and business perspectives:

Customer experience

  • Signing up: The customer signs up for the subscription service, often through a digital platform, where they provide their personal and payment information.

  • Customization: Depending on the service, customers might fill out profiles or surveys to customize the subscription to their preferences.

  • Recurring delivery: The business delivers products or services on a regular schedule, and the customer doesn’t have to reorder each time.

  • Customer service: Continual customer support is available to handle issues such as payment failures, product concerns, or subscription changes.

  • Renewal and cancellation: Subscriptions renew automatically, but customers can usually cancel at any time through their account settings.


  • Inventory management: Businesses forecast and manage inventory based on subscription data, making sure they can fulfill ongoing orders.

  • Supplier relations: Regular orders provide leverage in negotiations with suppliers, possibly reducing costs.

  • Fulfillment: Businesses set up logistics to handle packing and shipping subscription boxes regularly.

  • Returns and exchanges: Businesses must implement processes for customer returns and exchanges, which can be more complex with recurring shipments.


  • Payment processing: Automated systems handle subscription payments, declines, and renewals. They integrate with payment gateways and merchant accounts.

  • Data security: Businesses must secure payment and customer data according to standards such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to protect against breaches.

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems: CRMs track customer interactions, preferences, and service history to maintain a high level of service.

  • Analytics and reporting: Data analytics inform businesses about customer behavior, churn rates, and subscription performance.

  • Account management: Customers can manage their subscription preferences, payment methods, and personal information online.


  • Initial transaction: After sign-up, an initial transaction is processed, and the payment details are stored (securely tokenized) for future billing cycles.

  • Recurring billing: The business bills the customer automatically on a predetermined cycle. Billing systems must handle payment failures, send out alerts, and retry payments if necessary.

  • Upgrades or changes: Customers can usually upgrade, downgrade, or modify their subscriptions. Each change can trigger a prorated charge or credit.

Customer relationships

  • Ongoing engagement: Regular newsletters, updates, and exclusive deals keep the relationship active.

  • Feedback loops: Collecting and acting on customer feedback is key for service improvement and retention.

  • Loyalty programs: Reward systems for long-term subscribers can improve retention and increase customer lifetime value.

Subscription businesses require strong, agile, and reliable systems for handling the complexity of recurring payments and customer management. They must invest in reliable software and hardware infrastructure, maintain a high level of data security, and ensure they have the logistical capability to regularly fulfill orders.

Types of subscription box business models

The subscription box model has evolved and diversified, adapting to customer behavior and preferences. Here’s a closer look at four subscription box models:

  • Curated collection subscriptions: This model primarily appeals to customers for the unboxing experience. Businesses gather goods from different suppliers, focusing on a theme such as wellness, gourmet foods, or tech gadgets. Subscribers don’t know exactly what they’ll get, but they trust the business’s selection and are drawn to the surprise factor. Brands often collaborate with influencers or experts to curate these boxes, adding a sense of authority and exclusivity.

  • Personalized subscriptions: Personalized subscriptions customize the contents to individual tastes and preferences. Businesses can fine-tune each delivery through quizzes or subscriber feedback. Beauty boxes might target certain skin types or color preferences, while food boxes might cater to dietary restrictions or flavor profiles. This personal touch can build loyalty.

  • Replenishment subscriptions: These subscriptions automatically send customers products they use regularly, such as household staples or personal care items. The subscription must be timed so the customer never runs low on their necessities. Businesses offering replenishment subscriptions must be diligent about delivery schedules and adapt to usage patterns to prevent overstocking or understocking, which can decrease the convenience for customers.

  • Access subscriptions: Also known as membership or club subscriptions, these provide an insider feel. In addition to purchasing products, subscribers pay for the privilege of being in the club—which can offer discounts, early access to new products, or exclusive content. This model relies on the perceived value of being part of a select group and often occurs with premium services or exclusive brand communities.

Challenges for businesses implementing a subscription box model include keeping their service fresh and relevant, effectively managing logistics, and meeting customer expectations to reduce churn rates. Businesses that excel in this model listen to their customers, adapt swiftly to feedback, and consistently deliver value in each box.

Pros and cons of each subscription box business model

Each model lets businesses engage customers in different ways. The best choice depends on your business goals, product type, and customer base. The key is to balance the benefits with the costs and challenges to create a sustainable, growth-oriented subscription service. Here’s an overview of the pros and cons of each model:

Curated collection subscriptions


  • The element of surprise can delight customers, keeping them engaged and excited for each delivery.

  • Collaborations with influencers or experts can increase a box’s appeal and draw in their followers.

  • These subscriptions have a wide reach because they can appeal to those who might not know exactly what they want but are eager to explore.


  • The surprise element can also be a drawback if customers receive items they don’t like or need, causing dissatisfaction.

  • Curating boxes that appeal to a broad audience can be challenging and resource-intensive.

  • Businesses risk higher return rates if products don’t meet customer expectations.

Personalized subscriptions


  • Personalized products can increase customer satisfaction and retention rates.

  • Personalization data can provide deep insight into individual customer preferences.

  • Businesses can charge a higher price because of the perceived value of personalization.


  • This model requires sophisticated data collection and analysis to accurately personalize boxes, which can be technically demanding.

  • It’s more logistically complex to manage individualized inventory for each subscriber.

  • Businesses might face potentially higher operational costs because of the personalization process.

Replenishment subscriptions


  • High convenience for customers can translate into long-term loyalty.

  • This model creates predictable demand for businesses because products are essential and regularly used.

  • Inventory planning is simpler because products are typically standardized and consumed consistently.


  • There is limited opportunity to introduce new products because the focus is on replenishment.

  • Dependency on a small range of products can be risky if customer habits shift.

  • Businesses might face stiff competition from larger retailers or manufacturers providing similar services.

Access subscriptions


  • Businesses can create an exclusive community around a brand, increasing customer loyalty.

  • Membership fees add an additional revenue stream on top of product sales.

  • There is potential for higher margins because of member benefits such as discounts on purchases.


  • Businesses must continually provide value to justify the membership cost, or customers might cancel.

  • The value proposition must be strong to differentiate from nonsubscription options.

  • The exclusivity might be diluted if membership is too easy to obtain.

Benefits of using subscription box business models

The subscription box model drives frequent customer engagement, relying on customer data to personalize marketing efforts and product development. This strategy targets customer desire for convenience and personalization while letting businesses build lasting customer relationships. Here are some of the benefits of subscription box models:

  • Access to customer data: The subscription box model lets businesses collect a rich set of data on customer preferences and behaviors. By analyzing purchasing patterns, feedback, and engagement, businesses can customize their inventory to better match what their customers want. This leads to more effective stock management and less overproduction, reducing waste and potentially lowering storage costs.

  • More refined and targeted marketing: This model allows for a more calculated marketing strategy. Businesses can use customer data to create highly targeted campaigns that are more likely to resonate. Businesses can spot trends and preferences early, letting them develop products that meet a proven demand.

  • Predictable revenue: Subscriptions bring in steady revenue, which makes financial planning and budget allocation more reliable. This can be especially advantageous for small businesses or startups that must closely monitor their financial health.

  • Better customer relationships: The direct-to-customer nature of subscription boxes deepens the relationship between businesses and customers. Unlike traditional retail, in which the interaction might end at the point of sale, subscription models create an ongoing dialogue. Regular deliveries keep the brand in the customer’s mind, and the anticipation of the next box can build a sense of excitement and loyalty.

Businesses can capitalize on these interactions by encouraging feedback, providing customizations, and making subscribers feel like part of a community. This can increase retention rates as customers start to believe in the brand.

How to pick the right subscription box business model

Consider the four types of subscription box models we’ve described. Here’s how to decide which one is the best fit for your business:

  • Understand your audience: Start by gathering data on customers in your target market. Who are they? What do they like, need, or desire? Conduct market research to gather as much information as possible. This will influence the type of products you include and tell you which kind of subscription service they are most likely to engage with.

  • Analyze the product: Look at your products and determine how you can best deliver them to the customer. Are they items that would benefit from personalization? Are they essential goods that would fit a replenishment model? Or are they more suited to a curated experience? Your products and how they are used will heavily influence the appropriate model.

  • Evaluate supply chain capabilities: Can your supply chain handle personalization or regular shipments? Assess your ability to source products, maintain inventory, and manage delivery logistics before deciding on a model.

  • Assess technological requirements: Each subscription model requires different levels of technological support. Personalized subscriptions might need sophisticated algorithms and data analytics capabilities, while replenishment models might require systems to track usage and predict reorder times.

  • Financial modeling: Build financial models for each potential subscription type to see which has the most favorable economic outcome. Consider startup costs, operational expenses, profit margins, and the feasibility of scaling. Consistent, predictable revenue might be appealing, but you should weigh that against the cost of goods sold and customer acquisition costs.

  • Competitor analysis: Research competitors to see what models they are using and why. Determine whether there is a gap in the market your business could fill or whether there is a model customers gravitate to.

  • Risk assessment: Each model has its own risks. A curated collection requires keeping the products fresh and interesting, while personalization needs accurate data. Replenishment models risk becoming mundane, and access models must continually prove their value. Assess these risks in the context of your business.

  • Pilot testing: Before fully committing, run a pilot program to test the subscription model you’re considering. This can provide valuable insight into operational challenges and customer experiences without risking a full rollout.

  • Gather feedback and improve: Use customer feedback from the pilot to refine your subscription model. Continually improving your model based on customer behavior and preferences will lead to a better fit between your subscription service and your audience.

  • Launch and monitor: After choosing a model and refining it through testing, launch your subscription service. The launch is just the beginning of the work needed to make these services effective. Ongoing monitoring and analysis of customer behavior, churn rates, and feedback will be key in making incremental improvements.

Each step requires carefully considering what your customers want, what your business can handle operationally, and what will be most profitable in the long term. The right model for your business will exemplify your brand values, meet customer needs, and be something you can deliver on consistently and at scale.

  • Subscription revenue models 101: How to choose the best one for your business
  • Credit and debit memos 101: What businesses need to know
  • Subscription business models 101: Types of models, how they work, and how to choose one

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How subscription box business models work | Stripe (2024)


How do companies make money from subscription boxes? ›

In a subscription box business model, a business delivers curated products to subscribers on a regular, recurring basis. Customers pay in advance for these boxes, which contain an assortment of products and usually focus on a specific theme or interest.

How do subscription models make money? ›

The subscription revenue model generates revenue by charging customers a recurring fee that is processed at regular intervals. Subscription revenue is built on establishing long-term relationships with customers who will pay regularly for access to the product or service, also called recurring revenue.

What is the profit margin on a subscription box? ›

If the customer doesn't take action to cancel the service, they're charged again automatically. The average profit margin of a subscription-box business is 40-60%. The basis for profitability in this model is recurring payments; however, one-time payments can also be applied on top of the recurring subscription price.

Why are subscription boxes so successful? ›

Convenience. Consumers set up a recurring payment and they receive their subscription box with new goods or products they're already familiar with. As with many tech services today, this frees up time for consumers. There is no travel needed and they set up one payment to process monthly.

What are the 4 reasons subscription boxes are popular? ›

There are so many things that make subscription services so popular; here are eight:
  • #1 Waste reduction. ...
  • #2 Time-saving. ...
  • #3 Flexibility. ...
  • #4 They make excellent gifts. ...
  • #5 A chance to try-before-you-buy. ...
  • #6 An air of mystery. ...
  • #7 Niche products. ...
  • #8 Low costs.

What is the biggest subscription box company? ›

List of Top Companies Operating in the Subscription Box Industry Worldwide
  • Amazon Subscribe & Save ( Inc.) Establishment: ...
  • BarkBox. Establishment: ...
  • Birchbox. Establishment: ...
  • Blue Apron Holdings Inc. Establishment: ...
  • Dollar Shave Club, Inc. (Unilever plc) ...
  • FabFitFun. ...
  • Glossybox (The Ltd.) ...
  • Grove Collaborative Inc.

Are subscription boxes still popular? ›

Are subscription boxes still popular? Absolutely — especially when received as gifts. According to the University of Illinois, many people classify subscription boxes as a “want” and not a “need.” That can sometimes mean when budgets are tight, they are less likely to spend their extra income on these boxes.

How much do you need to start a subscription box? ›

Basic Subscription Box Business (Home-Based)
CategoryBudget Allocation
Initial Product Stock$3,000 - $5,000
Packaging and Shipping$2,000 - $4,000
Marketing and Advertising$1,000 - $2,000
Technology and Software$1,000 - $2,000
2 more rows
Jan 9, 2024

How big is the subscription box industry? ›

Subscription Box Market Report Overview

The global subscription box market size was USD 22000 million in 2021 & the market is expected to reach USD 130760.03 million in 2031, exhibiting a CAGR of 19.51 % during the forecast period.

How many products are typically in a subscription box? ›

The number of products in each box varies with each subscription box service. The majority of boxes deliver 4-7 products per box.

Who is most likely to buy subscription boxes? ›

The study found that 21% of Gen Z consumers prefer the box model of subscriptions, more than twice the 10% share of baby boomers and seniors who said the same, and well above the 14% of Gen X, 12% of bridge millennials and 13% of millennials who prefer this model.

Are subscription boxes dying or gaining traction? ›

According to imarc, the subscription box market is worth approximately 32.9 billion in 2023, growing at 14% annually and expected to top 105.4 billion in 2032! To help you capture a share of this rapidly growing market, check out some of the top trends for 2024 subscription boxes below.

Is selling subscription boxes profitable? ›

These days, weekly subscription boxes are more likely to arrive on your front porch than a newspaper—and during the pandemic, subscriptions became one of the Internet's most profitable eCommerce business ideas. Sales from subscription eCommerce according to eMarketer are expected to grow another 64% by 2023.

Why are subscriptions profitable? ›

The subscription model offers consumers convenience, flexibility and value while providing businesses with predictable revenue streams and opportunities for ongoing engagement. Knowing you have a stable financial bedrock helps you plan, invest, and grow confidently.

Do subscription websites make money? ›

Membership websites can be highly profitable if you manage to tap into the right niche and find an audience. But even if you run a successful membership site, you may be overlooking further opportunities to offer more varied content and make even more money.

How much money do you need to start a subscription box business? ›

Basic Subscription Box Business (Home-Based)
CategoryBudget Allocation
Initial Product Stock$3,000 - $5,000
Packaging and Shipping$2,000 - $4,000
Marketing and Advertising$1,000 - $2,000
Technology and Software$1,000 - $2,000
2 more rows
Jan 9, 2024

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.