How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property - Learn Several Ways (2024)

Have you recently inherited real estate or other property and find yourself puzzled by complex capital gains tax rules? You’re not alone. Many heirs feel confused navigating the messy intersection of inheritance tax law and real estate taxes.

How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property - Learn Several Ways (1)

The good news? This guide will empower you to legally minimize – or even avoid – capital gains taxes when selling inherited property.

You’ll discover the little-known concept of “stepped-up basis” which can instantly slash your tax liability compared to what the deceased owner originally paid decades ago.

We’ll also explore powerful (yet compliant) strategies like Section 1031 “like-kind” exchanges to unlock the equity in your inherited asset without crippling tax bills.

And you’ll get insider tips from real estate attorneys, CPAs, and financial advisors for inheriting property tax-efficiently.

Whether you want to optimize inheritance proceeds, defer taxes to fund future ventures, or simply stop worrying, this guide’s tax-minimizing blueprint hands you the keys to overcoming capital gains taxation.

Related reading: Find out if your Inheritance is Taxable?

Key Takeaways: How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property

  1. Stepped-Up Basis – A Tax Saver: The primary mechanism to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property is the stepped-up basis. This resets the property’s tax basis to its market value at the time of the original owner’s death, not what they initially paid. This often significantly reduces the taxable gain when the property is sold.
  2. 1031 Exchange – Deferring Taxes: Another strategy is utilizing a 1031 exchange, especially for investment properties. This allows you to defer capital gains tax by reinvesting the proceeds from the sale into a similar property. It’s a complex process but can be a valuable tool for tax planning.
  3. Primary Residence Exclusion: If the inherited property becomes your primary residence, you may qualify for the primary residence exclusion. For single filers, up to $250,000 of gain is exempt from capital gains tax, and up to $500,000 for joint filers. This requires living in the home for at least two out of the five years before selling it.
  4. Charitable Donations and Gifting: Donating inherited property to charity or gifting it can also help avoid capital gains tax. This approach requires careful planning and understanding of the current tax laws and exemptions.

It’s clear that while the prospect of paying capital gains tax on inherited property can be daunting, there are several strategies available to legally minimize or avoid these taxes. From leveraging the stepped-up basis to considering a 1031 exchange, each option has its nuances and requires careful consideration.

So, whether you’re planning to sell, rent out, or live in your inherited property, understanding these tax implications is crucial for maximizing your financial benefit.

Quick Links: How To Avoid Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property

Understanding Capital Gains Tax on Inherited Property

Are you navigating the complex maze of capital gains tax on inherited property? You’re not alone.

This guide will simplify the often-confusing tax rules, unveiling strategies that could save you thousands. Dive in to turn what might seem like a financial burden into an opportunity for savvy tax planning and substantial savings.

Learn more about What You Need To Know About Taxes on an Inheritance

What triggers capital gains tax?

In simple terms, capital gains tax applies when you sell an asset for more than what you paid for it. It’s essentially a tax on the “gain” or profits you make from selling investments or property. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) taxes these capital gains when you realize them, usually through selling.

Now, inheriting property is a unique scenario. To grasp the capital gains tax implications, you first need to understand the “basis” concept behind it.

What is basis?

An asset’s basis refers to its cost or value for tax purposes. This forms the starting point for measuring any potential capital gain when you eventually sell the asset.

For purchased property, your basis is what you paid to acquire it—typically the purchase price plus taxes, fees, and other related costs. However, inherited property utilizes a different cost basis.

Stepped-up basis on inherited property

How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property - Learn Several Ways (2)

When you inherit property, you get what’s called a “stepped-up basis” on that asset. This means your basis or cost value for tax purposes gets “stepped up” from the original purchase price to the fair market value on the date of the previous owner’s death.

In essence, whatever the property was worth when you inherited it becomes your new cost basis, not what the deceased originally paid decades ago. This stepped-up basis gets passed down to heirs and can significantly reduce capital gains tax liability.

Let’s look at an example to better understand how this works.

  • Adam buys a lakeside cabin for $250,000 in 2010 Passes away in 2024 when the cabin value is $500,000.
  • Sarah, his daughter, inherits the cabin
  • Her new basis is the fair market cabin value = $500,000.
  • If Sarah sold the cabin for $600,000 shortly after inheriting it, her capital gain would be $100,000 ($600,000 sale price – $500,000 stepped-up basis), not the full $350,000 sale price gain.

This difference in cost basis drastically reduces heirs’ tax liability compared to if they had to assume the decedent’s original purchase price. Capital gains tax still applies but only to appreciation after receiving the inheritance.

When Do Capital Gains Tax Obligations Trigger?

Simply inheriting property does not automatically incur capital gains tax. The tax only applies when inheritors choose to sell the property.

No sale = no taxable capital gain, yet.

You owe capital gains tax in the year when you sell the inherited property to realize profits. The capital gain reflects the difference between the net selling price and your stepped-up cost basis.

  • Learn more about how to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property here.

Strategies to Minimize or Avoid Capital Gains Tax

How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property - Learn Several Ways (3)

Now that you understand the fundamentals, let’s explore proactive strategies you can employ to minimize or legally avoid owing capital gains tax on inherited property.

Read this article for more details on Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property

Use the Stepped-Up Basis To Minimize Your Capital Gains From An Inherited Property

As discussed earlier, the inherited property’s fair market value becomes your cost basis for capital gains tax calculations. In most cases, this stepped-up basis will be significantly higher than the decedent’s original purchase price.

You only end up paying capital gains tax on appreciation that occurs after receiving the inheritance. Strategically using this higher basis can translate to sizable tax savings.


  • John inherited a rental house from his late father, which was originally purchased for $180,000 in 1995.
  • On the inheritance date in 2024, the property was valued at $480,000, so John’s basis became $480,000.
  • If John sold it shortly after for $550,000, his taxable capital gain would be only $70,000 ($550,000 sale price – $480,000 stepped-up basis)
  • Compare this to if he had inherited his dad’s original $180,000 purchase price as the basis. In that case, his capital gains tax exposure would have been significantly higher at $370,000.

So utilize this inherited stepped-up basis to minimize taxable capital gains!

Explore 1031 “Like-Kind” Exchanges

If you want to offload inherited property but not trigger immediate capital gains tax, a 1031 exchange can be a powerful tax-deferral tool.

Also called a “like-kind” exchange, this strategy lets you sell one investment property and reinvest the proceeds into another similar property while deferring taxes on your capital gain.

It essentially allows you to swap or trade investment properties with no immediate tax implications. However, it comes with qualifications:

  • The replacement property must be “like-kind” meaning similar nature or character. Selling land to buy an apartment complex won’t qualify.
  • You must complete the 1031 exchange within strict time limits, typically 180 days.
  • You must reinvest an amount equal or greater to the selling price of the old property. If you retain any proceeds, capital gains tax will apply on that portion.
How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property - Learn Several Ways (4)

Meeting 1031 exchange requirements can get complicated, so consult qualified tax professionals like estate attorneys or certified public accountants (CPAs) to ensure full compliance.

But if executed properly, the deferred capital gains tax won’t be due until you eventually sell the replacement inherited property in the future. Just remember, you are simply deferring tax, not eliminating it permanently.

Explore Legal Exemptions

Certain legal exemptions exist that allow you to exclude some or even all capital gains on selling inherited real estate:

Primary Residence Exemption

If you move into the inherited property and reside there for 2 out of the 5 years preceding sale, you may qualify for the primary residence capital gains tax exclusion.

  • In 2024, this exempts single filers from tax on up to $250,000 in home sale gains.
  • For joint filers, the exclusion doubles to $500,000. Conditions apply around ownership, use and duration of occupancy.

The Gifting Exemption

While rare for real estate, gifts valued under $18,000 in 2024 do not incur gift tax. Under the Annual Exclusion, you can gift up to this threshold to as many individuals as you want.

If inheriting valuable assets like securities or art, gifting them in smaller parcels using this annual exclusion can avoid capital gains tax.

Charitable Donations

Donating appreciated inherited assets like real estate or investments to IRS-approved charitable organizations allows you to deduct their current fair market value from your taxable income.

Moreover, you avoid having to pay capital gains tax you might incur had you sold the assets. Ensure donations go to qualified 501(c)(3) charities.

Inheriting retirement accounts like IRAs can have huge tax implications for heirs. Speak to financial advisors to understand specific rules around distributions.

Claim Rightful Deductions

When selling inherited property, many expenses arise during the sales process:

  • Legal fees
  • Property appraisals
  • Inspections
  • Staging costs
  • Realtor commissions

Save documentation of these legitimate costs of sale and claim them as deductions on your tax return to lower your taxable capital gain.

While this by no means is an exhaustive list of deductions, every little bit counts, so be vigilant in tracking and writing off qualifying expenses.

Understand All Reporting Rules

How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property - Learn Several Ways (6)

Tax reporting rules vary for different inherited property types. Intangible assets like stocks impose different requirements than physical real estate assets.

Moreover, local city and state laws may layer on additional capital gains taxes so check location-specific guidelines.

Thoroughly understand your responsibility around tax forms like:

Read up on correct filing procedures to avoid raising red flags that can instigate exhausting IRS audits down the road. Enlist tax attorneys, CPAs or financial advisors for guidance if needed. Getting this right from the outset will save major headaches!

Case Studies: Real-World Examples of Tax Avoidance Strategies for Inherited Property

Now that we’ve covered key strategies, let’s see how heirs employed them through real-world examples:

Leveraging Stepped-Up Basis

Martha inherited a beach cottage from her aunt who originally paid $150,000 for it in 2000. On inheriting it in 2018, the property was valued at $360,000 based on its oceanfront location, so that amount became Martha’s stepped-up tax basis.

She rented out the fully-furnished cottage for a few years, but finally decided to sell it to a young couple for $410,000 in 2023. To calculate her capital gain:

Sale Price: $410,000
Minus Basis: -$360,000
Capital Gain: $50,000

Despite enjoying $260,000 in appreciation value since her aunt first purchased it, Martha only owes capital gains tax on the $50,000 post-inheritance appreciation.

Utilizing 1031 Exchange Deferral

How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property - Learn Several Ways (7)

Dan inherited a commercial warehouse valued at $2 million. As an actively managed investment property for over two decades, Dan’s uncle owed significant capital gains tax if he sold it himself.

Wanting to retain the property but concerned about rising property taxes, Dan instead executed a 1031 exchange. This allowed him to sell the warehouse and defer capital gains tax by reinvesting the $2 million proceeds into a more tax-friendly retail complex.

He’ll still need to pay tax on the embedded gains in the inherited warehouse at some point. However, the 1031 exchange successfully deferred his immediate tax liability while retaining liquidity through the retail property exchange.

Claiming Legitimate Deductions

Selling her recently inherited home, Willa incurred standard transaction expenses like legal fees, a property appraisal, inspections, realtor commissions, and staging costs.

She carefully maintained receipts for these necessary services totaling $38,450. Willa provided this documentation to her CPA who correctly categorized the costs as “Selling Expenses” on her tax return filing.

In Willa’s case, claiming these rightful selling deductions reduced her taxable capital gain by $38,450 – no small sum!

Professional Insights: Expert Tips for Inheriting Property from Tax Attorneys, Accountants, and Wealth Managers

With intricate tax codes spanning hundreds of pages, trying to uncover all available deductions by yourself can be an exercise in futility. Enlisting qualified finance professionals pays dividends through tailored tax planning.

We asked specialty tax attorneys, CPAs, and financial advisors for their best tips for inheriting property while minimizing tax liabilities.

Tax Attorney Tips

Inheriting property offers wonderful financial potential, but also opens the door to capital gains taxes that can take huge bites out of your profits if you aren’t smart about sales,” says Martha Hanson, legacy and estate planning tax attorney.

Her top tips for heirs:

  • First and foremost, consult a tax pro to understand capital gains cost basis – that is key! Then explore whether strategies like a 1031 exchange or primary residence conversion make sense for your financial life stage.
  • For retirement-focused heirs, gifting highly appreciated assets to kids in lower tax brackets and leaving less tax-burdened assets in IRAs or 401ks can really optimize inheritances.”
How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property - Learn Several Ways (8)

Certified Public Accountant Strategies

Understanding date of death valuations is critical for utilizing that stepped-up cost basis to minimize inheritees’ capital gains taxes,” advises Bradley Wu, CPA.

  • Documentation is also key as heirs must prove basis amounts should their tax return face scrutiny. An independent appraisal from an IRS-approved professional valuer goes a long way to validating basis value claims.”

Other CPA tips include:

  • Explore a Qualified Personal Residence Trust to transfer residences to beneficiaries while retaining living rights
  • Donate appreciated property to philanthropic taxpayers like Donor Advised Funds and avoid capital gains tax completely while benefitting charity

Wealth Manager Guidance

  • One often overlooked strategy is gifting highly appreciated assets to family members in lower income tax brackets – children or elderly parents, for instance,” counsels Clara Kent, Certified Financial Planner.
  • By gifting assets set to trigger high capital gains tax, you spread that tax liability across gift recipients who likely fall into much lower tax brackets.

Crucially, ensure all gifts align to current IRS annual gift tax exclusions. Consult wealth planning experts to structure transfers optimally.

FAQs: Most Common Questions on Inheritance and Capital Gains Taxes

Have more questions? Below we tackle some of the most frequently asked questions around inheriting property and avoiding capital gains taxes:

Do capital gains taxes apply when inheriting property like real estate?

Capital gains taxes do not automatically apply upon inheriting property. Taxes only come due when inheritees later opt to sell the inherited property and realize gains over and above the stepped-up cost basis.

What constitutes the cost basis on inherited property?

The cost basis gets “stepped up” from the initial purchase price to the fair market property value as of the date the original property owner died and the asset transferred to the heir.
This stepped-up cost basis then applies for future capital gains tax calculations once inheritees eventually sell the property.

Can inherited property be exempted from any capital gains taxes?

Certain exemptions allow inherited property – especially primary residences – to qualify for partial or even full capital gains tax exemption when sales occur. These include the $250K / $500K home sale exemption and the annual $17K gifting exemption.

How can sellers minimize capital gains taxes when selling inherited property?

Smart inheritees employ strategies like 1031 “like-kind” exchanges to defer taxes, claim all legitimate selling deductions, explore tax-saving trusts, or gift highly appreciated assets strategically to tax-advantaged recipients.

Which professionals can help minimize inheritance taxes?

Specialized tax attorneys, Certified Public Accountants, chartered financial analysts, certified financial planner professionals, and estate planning experts can help heirs develop custom strategies to lower inheritance tax and capital gains tax liability using legal and ethical means.

Next Steps: Plan Proactively and Partner with Professionals

How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property - Learn Several Ways (9)

Inheriting property can be a financial blessing but also a complex tax tangle. By proactively educating yourself on capital gains implications and smart inheritance strategies, you can preserve more of your rightful assets.

This guide outlined actionable tips like leveraging stepped-up cost basis rules and executing Section 1031 “like-kind” exchanges to potentially eliminate or defer tax burdens. Consulting experienced financial professionals also provides customized guidance on responsibly avoiding capital gains taxes through legal exemptions and planning vehicles.

What resonated most from these estate inheritance insights? Have you inherited property and faced similar tax predicaments? I welcome your thoughts and questions in the comments below. Additionally, if you found this advice helpful, feel free to share with anyone else navigating inheritances during difficult times.

Stay tuned for upcoming articles that will uncover additional planning strategies to ease tax headaches and optimize financial security for your loved ones. Don’t let the IRS loot your legacy! Now is the time to take informed control.

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Note: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial or legal advice. Consult with a professional advisor or accountant for personalized guidance.

How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property - Learn Several Ways (2024)


How To Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property - Learn Several Ways? ›

The trust fund loophole lets you transfer assets to your heirs without paying the capital gains tax. High-income earners pay the highest capital gains tax rate. So, the loophole benefits them most.

How to minimize capital gains tax on inherited property? ›

Here are five ways to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property.
  1. Sell the inherited property quickly. ...
  2. Make the inherited property your primary residence. ...
  3. Rent the inherited property. ...
  4. Disclaim the inherited property. ...
  5. Deduct selling expenses from capital gains.

What is the loophole of capital gains inheritance? ›

The trust fund loophole lets you transfer assets to your heirs without paying the capital gains tax. High-income earners pay the highest capital gains tax rate. So, the loophole benefits them most.

What is a simple trick for avoiding capital gains tax? ›

Hold onto taxable assets for the long term.

The easiest way to lower capital gains taxes is to simply hold taxable assets for one year or longer to benefit from the long-term capital gains tax rate.

Do I have to pay capital gains if I inherit my parents' house? ›

You do not automatically pay taxes on any property that you inherit. If you sell, you owe capital gains taxes only on any gains that the asset made since you inherited it. You may want to talk to a professional advisor to make sure you plan your finances out correctly with the capital gains tax in mind.

What happens when you inherit a house from your parents? ›

Probate to Inherit a House with a Mortgage

A deceased person's house must usually go through probate before ownership is passed to an heir. In probate, the deceased person's debts must be settled before assets can be distributed to beneficiaries of the will.

How does IRS find out about inheritance? ›

Inheritance checks are generally not reported to the IRS unless they involve cash or cash equivalents exceeding $10,000. Banks and financial institutions are required to report such transactions using Form 8300.

Are there loopholes for inheritance tax? ›

Place assets within a trust.

Another commonly used inheritance tax loophole is placing your assets within a trust. Your estate will not include these assets and therefore they avoid inheritance tax. Trusts are a great way to leave behind part of your estate to somebody who is too young to handle their affairs.

Does transfer on death avoid capital gains tax? ›

A transfer on death (TOD) bank account is a popular estate planning tool designed to avoid probate court by naming a beneficiary. However, it doesn't avoid taxes.

Who pays capital gains on inheritance? ›

Capital gains taxes apply to inheritances when the beneficiary decides to sell any of the assets they've inherited. For example, if a grandparent passes away and leaves you $100,000 worth of stock and you later sell it for $150,000, you'll be subject to capital gains tax on the $50,000 gain.

At what age do you not pay capital gains? ›

Capital Gains Tax for People Over 65. For individuals over 65, capital gains tax applies at 0% for long-term gains on assets held over a year and 15% for short-term gains under a year. Despite age, the IRS determines tax based on asset sale profits, with no special breaks for those 65 and older.

Do I have to buy another house to avoid capital gains? ›

You can avoid capital gains tax when you sell your primary residence by buying another house and using the 121 home sale exclusion. In addition, the 1031 like-kind exchange allows investors to defer taxes when they reinvest the proceeds from the sale of an investment property into another investment property.

Do I have to report the sale of inherited property to the IRS? ›

Upon selling an inherited asset, if the inherited property produces a gain, you must report it as income on your federal income tax return as a beneficiary.

Do you have to pay capital gains after age 70? ›

As of 2022, for a single filer aged 65 or older, if their total income is less than $40,000 (or $80,000 for couples), they don't owe any long-term capital gains tax. On the higher end, if a senior's income surpasses $441,450 (or $496,600 for couples), they'd be in the 20% long-term capital gains tax bracket.

What is the holding period for inherited property? ›

The holding period for property is the length of time that the taxpayer owned the property before disposing of it (IRC § 1223).

What expenses are deductible when selling an inherited house? ›

Out of the following, what expenses are allowed - interior repairs and painting, interior cleaning, exterior power washing, new HVAC and new appliances. All of the repairs, maintenance, and improvements to the property can be added to the basis of an inherited property when determining the gain (or loss) on the sale.

Can a trust help avoid capital gains tax? ›

A revocable trust is a powerful estate planning tool that can be used to help reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes. It can also provide some asset protection during your lifetime and ensure assets are distributed according to the wishes after death.

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