How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (2024)

The fact that Americans are no longer allowed to enter the country under an agreement like this, indicates that the US government doesn’t just want to divert their money away from the Cuban government but the Cuban economy in general. Unfortunately, I believe preventing cruise ships from docking in Cuba won’t affect the government half as much as it will affect the average enterprising man on the street who’s just trying to make ends meet. In fact, it is said that the reason Barak Obama enabled travel to Cuba under this ‘people-to-people’ agreement in the first place, was to help promote the independence of the Cuban people from their government. They’re the ones now losing their livelihoods and it’s not their fault.

I shared my devastation at this news on Facebook and it resulted in a very long drawn-out, aggressive political debate. That was not the intention of that post and it is not the intention of this one either. If I offend you, I apologise, but despite the law change and the reasons behind it, I would really like to encourage people to visit Cuba. Though it may now be impossible to do that on a cruise ship, whether you are American or not, you are still able to go. (Americans can travel under the ‘Support for Cuban people’ visa category.)

Irrespective of your reasons (legal or moral) there are a lot of ways you can have a great time by supporting the local people and not the government if that is your intention.

When I was in Havana last year, I asked a few Cuban people how we as tourists can do this, or how we can differentiate between government and privately owned businesses. I never got a straight answer. Apparently, it can be tricky to distinguish between the two. Here, however, are some conclusions I have reached from my many conversations and experiences:

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (1)
El Capitolio

The basics:

Stay in Airbnbs instead of hotels

Since staying on a US-owned cruise ship is no longer an option, you will have to find another form of accommodation. A lot of hotels are government-owned. It is, therefore, preferable to stay in an Airbnb or one of the ‘casa particulares’ as they are called. Unfortunately, the people who operate privately-owned Airbnbs may be taxed for this, but much less of your money is likely to go to the government than if you were to stay in a hotel. If you know someone who has been to Cuba and can recommend a BnB, you could probably make a better deal directly with them, where you can pay in cash and less of your money goes to tax and middlemen.

Eat in paladares instead of restaurants

Paladares are tiny restaurants that people have opened in their homes. There is no shortage of them and they will give you an array of authentic Cuban dining experiences. They can often be identified by the fact that there are usually people standing outside trying to coax tourists in.

Take privately owned taxis instead of government ones

The good news is the vintage convertibles that you know you want to ride in are usually privately owned. Generally, cars built before 1959 are privately owned, anything more recent is the government's, but you can make certain by looking at the license plates:

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (2)
According to a Cuban taxi driver, the white strip and the 'P' indicate a car that is privately owned.
The blue strip and the 'B' indicate a government-owned vehicle.

Don’t prebook your tours before your arrival
Your Airbnb host can most likely recommend an independent tour operator. The taxi drivers who drive the vintage taxis usually offer taxi tours of all the main highlights (in Havana anyway, I can’t speak for the rest of the country). They are never hard to find.
Cubans are also exceptionally friendly. If you hang out in tourist hotspots independent tour guides may approach you to try to solicit your business. But other people will approach you just because they want to know your whole life story and tell you theirs (even if you don’t speak the same language at all). So, don’t treat conversations with strangers like you would telemarketing calls.

Operate in cash as much as you can

It’s actually really hard to conduct any transactions electronically. I don’t remember seeing an ATM and I don’t know of any place anywhere that accepted credit cards. To be fair, I last visited the country in September and they only got mobile internet in December. (Yes, in 2018!) I’m not sure how things may have changed since. Tourists are often encouraged to bring Euros or Canadian dollars with them as they are taxed less than US dollars when you convert them to Cuban Convertible Pesos or ‘CUCs’. This way more money goes to you, and less to the government.

While operating in cash may seem archaic in this day and age, this is of benefit to the Cuban people. To spell it out, a Cuban friend tried to explain to me that in Cuba there are ‘two economies’: ‘Castro’s economy’ and ‘everyone else’s economy’/the survival economy. I can’t say to what degree the average Cuban person declares their earnings to their communist government or pays tax, I just know that it’s really hard to live off of what you’re ‘allowed’ to earn. While, as a tourist, you might have little option other than to operate in cash, I’m sure this works in favour of the average man on the street. This also means that the less you organise (and pay for online) prior to your trip, the better.

When you get there, from what I can tell, the general rule of thumb seems to be that if someone is trying really hard to solicit your business, they most likely work for themselves or an independent company. If they work for the government their salary is fixed and they will probably be less likely to try to get your business.

While I can’t speak for the whole country, if you intend to visit Havana, below is a more specific breakdown of how to support the people (to the best of my knowledge):

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (3)

If you don’t want to support the government don’t do the following:

  • Don’t go to government museums i.e. The Museum of the Revolution.
  • Don’t tour the Capitol building ‘El Capitolio’. (You can walk up to the main doors and take pictures though.)
  • Don’t go to Hotel Nacional or any other government-owned hotels. (Full list here)
  • (Or if you do decide to go to Hotel Nacional, just don’t spend any money. The missile tunnels are quite fascinating and - if I remember correctly - free)
  • Don’t go to Cementario de Colón. (They charge tourists an entrance fee ...and you might get flashed.)
  • Don’t go to Gran Teatro de la Habana
  • Don’t go to the forts (there are quite a few of them)
  • And don’t go to the cigar factories (as far as I understand they are also government-owned).

(I must confess, when I was there, considering I was not American and not travelling under the same restrictions, I naively gave my money to more than one government-owned establishment on this list.)

Even if you eliminate all these places from your itinerary, you can still have an incredible vacation in this beautiful country.

Amazing experiences that don’t benefit the government:

You can walk the Malecón

The Malecón is the street that runs along the water’s edge and the best place in Havana from which to watch the sunset. Locals and tourists alike gather here throughout the day and especially during and just after sunset. The carnival happens at the main part of the road for about 10 days in August. If you hang around there, people will approach you, some genuinely just want to be your friend, others want to solicit your business. If you’re looking for an independent tour-guide you could possibly find one here.

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (4)

You can visit Catedral de la Habana

Also known as ‘La Catedral de la Virgen María de la Concepción Inmaculada de la Habana’ or Catedral de San Cristobal. Completed in 1777, it is a Roman Catholic cathedral and is said to have once held the remains of Christopher Columbus (Or “Cristobal Colón” - I’m not sure why his name is different in different languages?) Being a functioning place of worship, access is free.

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (5)

You can learn to Salsa

You can hire yourself a salsa instructor. If your Airbnb person doesn’t know of anyone, and you don’t meet someone on the Malecón, you can ask me and I’ll direct you to one.

You can tour the city in a vintage convertible

Going for a ride in a vintage convertible seems to be the thing to do in Havana. A lot of taxi drivers will offer you one or two hour tours of the main tourist hotspots at a price you can negotiate with them. Apart from showing you all the significant highlights in the old town of Havana, they can also take you a little bit further afield to show you the Plaza de la Revolucion (a fair distance from the old town) as well as the statue: Cristo de la Habana and the fort: La Cabaña (both on the other side of the harbour).

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (6)
Plaza de la Revolucion and Cristo de la Habana

Your driver will definitely not let you drive, but if you ask him nicely, he will probably let you pretend to drive so you can take one of these pictures. You haven’t been to Havana until you’ve done it.

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (7)

You can wander the backstreets …or the main roads …or both

Apart from stumbling upon street art (and numerous murals of Che Guevara) and sampling street food (churros - yum!), you can also explore the many squares and parks. Live music can be heard all over the place during the day and people-watching (of both tourists and locals) can always make for great entertainment.

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (8)

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (9)

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (10)

You can also arrange a private tour:

You can go on a walking tour

While you may not want to pay entrance to see the inside of a lot of this city’s famous landmarks, there’s no reason why an independent tour guide can’t explain their significance from the outside. A lot of people also really enjoy the Hemingway tours, where you can see where the writer spent some of his time. For the more active, bicycle tours are also on offer.

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (11)
Gran Teatro de la Habana Alicia Alonso

You can go to the beach
Well, if you’re American you may struggle to prove that working on your tan is part of your effort to ‘Support the Cuban people’ (and that’s probably why beach excursions were never offered by cruise ships for people travelling under the ‘people to people category’). For the rest of us though, there is no harm in a beach day (as long as you wear a suitable SPF).

Near Havana itself, the ocean is quite polluted so you have to travel just out of the city to find your own slice of Caribbean paradise, but an independent taxi driver will happily take you. Going through the tunnel under the harbour in a convertible is an experience in itself.

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (12)
Santa Maria Playa not far from Havana

You can visit the art districts. And there are quite a few:

- Callejon de Hamel

Just beyond the old town, Salvador Gonzáles Escalona has transformed a tiny road into a colourful exhibition. Since the 1990s he has been filling his street with murals and art created from repurposed objects. Bathtubs have been turned into chairs, ironing boards into tables, and toilets have become pots with flowers growing out of them. There is colour everywhere you look. On the whole, it’s a really quirky, fun experience.

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (13)

- Fusterlandia

José Fuster started covering his home and studio with mosaics in the mid-1970s. From there it spread out into the neighbourhood and blossomed into a tourist attraction, creating business for others too. The entire area looks like it’s been covered by murals that have shattered. The artist’s home is the centrepiece. It seems as though he ran out of the surface area for mosaics a while ago and has had to resort to sculpture so that he can cover more things with tile fragments. Access is free. Many local artists sell their work nearby.

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (14)

- Muraleando

I haven’t actually been to Murealeando but I have heard good things. As its title implies, it as an area known for its murals.

You can buy souvenirs

Just to be sure, buy them from people selling things out of their homes and not from any stores that look too official.

You can go to the Tropicana Club cabaret

Good news: Havana’s famous cabaret seems to be privately owned. I don’t really understand how an establishment like this has not been taken over by the government, but according to Wikipedia, it has an owner. Together with the fact that cruise ship guests went there on organised excursions under the people-to-people category, I believe that an experience like this is ethical.

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (15)

This iconic outdoor theatre opened on New Year’s Eve in 1939. Showgirls, opera singers, lights, costumes and stunts are presented on two main stages and all around the audience. As someone who has been privileged enough to witness it, to call it a spectacle is an understatement. It is an experience not to be missed. And you don’t have to!


I wanted to write this blog months ago but, because I wasn’t 100% sure of all the facts, I didn’t want to spread any misinformation. I so hoped that someone else would write this article but after several months and a number of google searches, it seems no one else has. In light of the recent law change, I felt that I needed to share whatever information I do have. If any of this is incorrect, please correct me? If you have more information that may be useful to future visitors please let us know in the comment section below?

Any comments of an overtly political or argumentative nature will be removed.

How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (16)

For more Sharonicles of Cuba,click here.

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How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba (2024)


How to be an Ethical Tourist in Cuba? ›

The 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba are: family visits; official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations; journalistic activity; professional research and professional meetings; educational activities; religious activities; public performances, ...

What are acceptable reasons to travel to Cuba? ›

The 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba are: family visits; official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations; journalistic activity; professional research and professional meetings; educational activities; religious activities; public performances, ...

What do Cubans want tourists to bring? ›

Here is a list of things that don't take up much space in your suitcase and would make great gifts for the Cuban people:
  • Bars of soap.
  • Toothbrushes.
  • Toothpaste.
  • Sponges/Loofahs.
  • Feminine hygiene products.
  • Baby powder.
  • Disposable razors.

Are Cuban resorts ethical? ›

In the final analysis: yes. By going to a Cuban resort or hotel you are subsidizing a cruel dictatorship. Nearly all hotels are owned in one way or another by the regime. The Gaviota and CIMEX groups that own nearly all hotels are run by and property of the Cuban military.

What are the tourist issues in Cuba? ›

Exercise increased caution in Cuba due to crime. Country Summary: Petty crime is a threat for tourists in Cuba. Also, violent crime, including armed robbery and homicide, sometimes occurs in Cuba.

Why is tourism not allowed in Cuba? ›

As relations between Cuba and the United States deteriorated rapidly after the Cuban Revolution of 1959 and the resulting expropriation and nationalisation of businesses, the island became cut off from its traditional market by an ongoing embargo and a travel ban was imposed on U.S. citizens visiting Cuba.

What do Cubans need most? ›

Basic Medicines, Medical Supplies and Toiletries
  • Over the counter painkillers like ibuprofen and paracetamol.
  • Gastrointestinal medications and diarrhoea medications.
  • Antacids such as Pepto-Bismol, Mylanta.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Mosquito repellent.
  • Sunblock 50 +(see Responsible Tourism in Cuba)
  • Bandaids/sticking plasters.
Jun 15, 2023

What can I not get in Cuba? ›

It's prohibited to bring into the country: narcotics, explosives, p*rnography, any item (including literature) intended to be used against the national security, animals and plants regulated under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, GPS, cordless phones (for the ...

Who visits Cuba the most? ›

Over 4.2 million tourists visited Cuba in 2020. Canada is the leading country of origin for tourists to Cuba, making up 26.3% of its total visitors. In 2020, the contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in Cuba was estimated to be around 9.1%. In 2017, tourism sector in Cuba supported about 500,000 jobs.

Are Cubans allowed to talk to tourists? ›

Yes, Cubans and tourists can mingle. They can talk to you and you can approch them without any problems.

Is Cuba good for single men? ›

Cuba is generally extremely safe for travelers. Single travelers face no real specific threats or dangers. That said, don't throw common sense out the window. Single travelers -- and women in particular -- should still be careful when walking alone at night, both in Havana and in other more remote destinations.

What to be careful in Cuba? ›

Violent crime, such as robbery and assault, occurs. Be aware of your surroundings. Petty crime, such as theft, is common on public transport, in tourist areas and at the airport. Only use established tour operators and registered taxis.

How to not look like a tourist in Cuba? ›

Can't wear beach clothes, cutoffs, and hats to restaurants, evening events, or entertainment venues. Men wear long pants and shoes. Women wear a sundress, skirt or slacks, and a blouse. Bring a light jacket or sweater as rooms, restaurants, tour buses, and other public areas can be overly air-conditioned.

What is happening in Cuba in 2024? ›

On 17 March 2024, protests began in Cuba, primarily in the city of Santiago de Cuba, the country's second largest city, in protest of food shortages and power outages in particular. Supported by: United States (claimed by Cuba, denied by U.S.)

Are US citizens allowed to travel to Cuba? ›

Legal Cuba travel essentials for US citizens and residents

All visitors require a passport, valid for one week beyond your Cuba stay. Cuba travelers require a Cuba entry visa. Purchase a Cuban Visitor Visa online now. Fill out the online Cuban immigration and customs form called D'Viajeros.

Is travel to Cuba allowed right now? ›

As of early 2024, the short answer is: Yes, you can travel to Cuba as a U.S. citizen. There are, however, some hoops you'll need to jump through, because (technically speaking) travel to Cuba for pure vacationing isn't allowed.

Why should I visit Havana, Cuba? ›

Whether it's the luminous pastel-colored buildings that dot the centuries-old plazas of Old Havana, the fleet of vintage American cars cruising down its streets or the exuberant locals eager to offer you a cafe or dance, Havana's spirit is contagious and untamable.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.