How To Become a Singer at 17 (13 Easy Steps) (2024)

Want to follow in the footsteps of your favorite musicians and become a singer at the early age of 17? You’ve come to the right place. I’m going to tell you how to get a good voice and join the ranks of great singers quickly.Adolescence is the perfect time to start learning how to sing. The majority of professional singers started to sing when they were teenagers in order to become successful as adults.

If you want to become a singer at 17 then you will have to establish your singing voice, create a good basis of breath support, practice singing every day, convince your parents, learn about the music industry, take inspiration from successful singers, get singing lessons, join a choir, write your own music, use social media, offer music on iTunes, accept constructive criticism and most importantly, never give up.

It takes hard work and dedication, but by following the steps I have laid out for you, there is no reason why your dream cannot become a reality! Keep reading for all the information you need – from the advantages of taking vocal classes to tips on how to get over your stage fright.

How To Become a Singer at 17 (13 Easy Steps) (1)

13 Easy Steps to Become a Professional Singer at 17

1. Establish your singing voice

If you enjoy singing and want to become a singer at a young age, you need to understand your own voice and the kind of music you want to make. For example, figure out which genre your voice is best suited to, such as ballads, rhythm and blues, jazz, and so on.

Doing this will help you become more confident in your singing abilities. Having a niche is useful when trying to establish yourself in an industry as competitive as music.

2. Boost your singing with breath support

Breath support plays a huge role in good voice production; not having enough air coming from our lungs makes for inadequate airflow when we sing.

Without this important function, singers will find themselves unable to hit those high notes properly which could eventually lead them down one path: damaging their throats as they strain on being able to keep going at such higher pitches than what is comfortable for us.

3. Practice singing every day

Once you have worked out what kind of singer you want to be, the next step is to practice every day and hone your talent.

Regular practice is the most important thing that any musician can do to set themselves apart in their field. Even people without much singing experience or natural talent can develop a lot through singing practice.

There are many different ways to practice singing, from belting out your favorite tunes in the shower before school, to engaging in vocal warm-ups and cool-downs.

Before practicing, it is important to know what your limitations are so that you can focus on improving in these areas, as well as enhancing what you are already good at.

4. Get your parents on board

Not all parents are on board with their children pursuing a singing career. You might be surprised by the reaction you get!

The best way to make sure they’re on board is to notify them ahead of time so both parties can work through their concerns and reach an agreement. In fact, writing up a small essay about why this decision makes sense will help tremendously because it shows commitment as well as thoughtfulness – two things any parent wants from his or her child.

5. Study the music industry

Some of the best advice I can give is to study the music industry as much as possible. There is much more to the industry than just singing – you have to consider promotions, marketing, touring, and much more.

Learn about things like different genres of music, how record labels work, and the intricacies of songwriting. The more you know, the more likely you are to make it as a young singer.

Lots of music industry professionals take on young people and train them to become successful singers, so you already have an advantage. If you can demonstrate that you understand how the industry works, they will be much more likely to help you out!

6. Take inspiration from successful singers

All of the best musicians are influenced by the people who have come before them. There is nothing wrong with picking up tips and tricks from your favorite artists in order to become like them.

Why not try watching old performances to see how they perform live, looking into who they work with, or finding out if they had proper training.

You never know, you might be able to get in touch with their managers, vocal coaches, or stylists, who could then give you an introduction!

7. Get singing lessons and vocal training

Regardless of how strong your natural voice is, it can always be improved by learning the proper technique. Finding a good vocal coach is essential if you want to become a singer, and does not have to cost the world, trust me.

Many coaches will offer subsidized rates for people under the age of 18. Coaches help you understand and expand your vocal range, train your vocal cords, and overcome any singing challenges you may encounter.

Online singing lessons are an affordable alternative that many aspiring singers invest in. You cannot underestimate the benefits of having a professional teach you the right technique, even if it is virtual.

8. Join a Choir

You may not be a fan of singing in choirs or churches but that doesn’t mean you can’t still get benefits from it as an amateur singer.

You’ll learn to sing while surrounded by other passionate people who are just as enthusiastic about the art form, and make friends right away! Even those that don’t enjoy it can take advantage of this opportunity because some choirs require members to audition for placement within the group- even beginners are welcome here!

9. Write your own music

If you want to set yourself apart from other singers, you need to be writing your own music. This not only shows originality and creativity but allows your talent to shine through.

Songwriting does not necessarily require training, but there is no harm in hiring a coach to help you through the process.

Once you have a repertoire of original songs, the next step is to get a band together that can help bring your words to life. Check out bulletin boards in your area and social media for local bands who would be happy to work with you on your music.

There are many recording studios that rent space out to under 18s for a low rate, which you should take advantage of. Producing a polished version of your songs means that they can then be distributed far and wide.

I advise posting your songs on every social media channel you can think of, as well as sending demos to radio stations and record labels. You never know who is going to like your sound and get in contact!

As well as recording your original music, you need to be performing it live. Your first gig will be scary, but believe me when I say it will also be one of the best experiences of your life.

If you have big dreams of singing in stadiums and selling out world tours, you need to begin small in local venues like youth and community centers. Most singers who are now household names started out this way, and look where they (The Nooran duo, Rahat Fateh ) are now!

10. Promote music on Social Media

Social media is a huge part of teenagers’ lives, and if you’re not using it in your favor then you might be missing out on opportunities.

Create an engaging Facebook page to promote your music with your friends as well as potential fans and ask them to “like” the new page. Be sure to update this information regularly because neglecting these details could mean missing out on potential fans who don’t know about your latest work. Link the page with other related profiles (Twitter, YouTube) for everything to be centralized.

11. Sell music on iTunes for free

Once you’ve gotten your music recorded, you can start selling your music on iTunes today. It’s free to sign up, but you’ll need a UPC and ISRC code before submitting anything for sale. Make sure your tax I.D is handy too!

iTunes will make it easier to get feedback from potential listeners earlier – not just through downloads and streams – as well as giving them access to purchase unlimited copies at any time without having these purchases count against their monthly limits like they would have been if downloaded elsewhere

12. Take constructive criticism

Becoming a singer is not an easy journey. There will be many knockbacks and rejections, but you cannot let this deter you. Rather than taking criticism to heart and giving up, do what I do and use it to become a better singer.

When you begin singing to an audience, there is a chance some people will simply not like you. There might be booing, shouting, even laughing – just ignore this and keep believing in yourself.

During singing training, you will also experience a lot of criticism. Remember that your teacher is trying to help you reach the perfect pitch and hit those high notes, not attack you.

13. Never give up

I would not be here today telling you how to start singing if I had given up. The single most crucial thing you can do is persist, even in the face of humiliation or rejection. Every step in your singing journey is a learning experience and will help you to become a famous singer in the future.

To stay focused on your goals, visualize them and set milestones. For example, commit two hours a week of your time to singing lessons, or aim to be an expert at reading music tell by the time you turn 17. Whatever your goals are, stick to them and put steps in place that will help you to achieve them.

Final Thoughts

So, now you have all the tools and advice that will help you to become a good singer – what’s next? Get out there, start recording music, practice singing exercises, learn an extra instrument, play gigs, and spread your name and your music.

The goals you set for yourself will determine what kind of singer you become. If you want singing to be your day job, then you should focus on growing a following and earning money from your music.

If your goal is to become a pro singer and perfect your technique, then the steps you need to take are to get extensive training, study the singing industry, or hit new personal best high notes.

In short, singing is no easy feat, but the rewards will always make the challenges worth it. It is more than possible to become a singer by the age of 17, but the journey does not end there. There will always be more work to do, more to accomplish, and more to learn.

How To Become a Singer at 17 (13 Easy Steps) (2)

AnoushkaMathur, CC BY-SA 4.0


Do you need to have money to become a famous singer?

No, all you need to launch your singing career is talent and the belief that you will be successful! Especially for those under the age of 18, there are endless affordable options when it comes to recording your songs and learning how to sing.

Money will make it easier to hire the most expensive vocal coach or rent out the best studio spaces. But it is not necessary for success.

If you want to take off and become famous for singing, all you need is the right person to hear your voice. Some of the most well-known singers didn’t come from wealthy backgrounds but pushed their work so hard that record producers or successful musicians heard it and helped them out.

I recommend uploading your singing to YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, and any other free-to-use streaming services, as this will increase your chances of being spotted.

Is it difficult to have a successful singing career?

Being a singer is one of the most difficult yet fulfilling career paths that you can go down. It is an incredibly competitive industry and is full of people just as talented as you, which can be difficult for some to take.

Learning how to sing and becoming successful from doing so is long, which is why starting young is important. It is difficult because you need to become used to rejection and to working hard.

It is not all hard work – the pros heavily outweigh the cons of the job. You get to be creative all day, express yourself through singing and performing, and be your own boss. There are few other careers where you are able to earn money through your hobby or passion.

What vocal exercises can I do to become a great singer?

Vocal exercises are really important in getting better at singing high notes and can be practiced at home. If you are a beginner, try lip trills, vocal sirens, and hissing exercises; each of these will help you to establish and expand your vocal range and pitch.

For a lip trill, place two fingers on the sides of your cheeks, purse your mouth and blow through your lips to create a vibrating sensation. Begin in the middle of your vocal range, and then move up and down in a scale.

With vocal sirens, you need to alternate between “ooh” and “aah” sounds, beginning in the middle of your range and then moving between low and high pitches.

Last but not least, hissing involves breathing in through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, but with your teeth together to create a controlled release of air.

How important is vocal range to singing?

Understanding your vocal range is vital to becoming the best singer you can be as it helps you know which style of singing you are suited to.

Once you know your range, you can also expand it through training, which means you can sing higher and perform a wider range of music.

The consequences of failing to train your vocal cords can be severe. Not knowing your range can cause strain, which will have an irreversible effect on the quality of your singing and could even halt your singing career before it has even started.

How To Become a Singer at 17 (13 Easy Steps) (2024)


How To Become a Singer at 17 (13 Easy Steps)? ›

You can begin your singing career by performing in open mics and gigs. You could also start by performing on stage for a musical theatre production. Alternatively, you could launch your own YouTube channel and grow followers online and become an influencer.

Can I learn to sing at 17? ›

It's never too late to start singing! In fact, the human voice continues to mature throughout life, so students of any age can benefit from singing lessons. Plus, singing can be an effective way to keep your mind and body sharp.

How to become a singer at the age of 13? ›

Attend a lot of concerts–this is an important way to learn, and should also be fun! Visit some industry conferences or take some classes in school or at a community music center. Learn all you can about singing, music, and how the music industry works. The important thing is to get some kind of training.

Is 17 too late to learn music? ›

It's never too late to pick up the guitar and embark on a musical journey. In fact, there are numerous advantages to starting at 17 or any age for that matter. Let's dive into the benefits, challenges, and tips for learning guitar as an older beginner.

Is it easy to become a singer? ›

Is it hard to become a singer? Becoming a professional singer can be difficult since it is a competitive field, but it's not impossible. Through singing lessons, vocal training, and commitment to a specific career path it can certainly be done with enough patience and dedication.

Can I teach myself to sing? ›

Truly, almost anyone can learn to sing, or at least to sing better. While it helps to have a voice teacher, not everyone can afford voice lessons and there might also not be a good teacher in your area who is available. Of course, there are many well-known singers who were self-taught.

How can I start singing? ›

To train your voice, start with daily vocal exercises – think scales and pitch practice. Also, work on your breathing techniques and try to sing regularly to build strength and control. And hey, a little professional guidance never hurts, so consider a program like 30 Day Singer if you'd really like to see results.

Is it difficult to sing well? ›

Your singing voice is an actual instrument, and it can be considered the hardest instrument to master because of how intricate and individual each voice is. Unlike an acoustic guitar that can be tuned and then played, the voice has many elements that need to be aligned to create beautiful music.

Who is the best youngest singer? ›

Justin Bieber (2011), Lorde (2014) and Billie Eilish (2019) are the youngest acts to be #1 (all aged 17). Willow Smith is the youngest act to appear on any ranking, (aged 9 in 2010). Smith also has the longest period of inclusion, appearing on five rankings across 11 years (2010, 2011, 2017, 2019 and 2021).

How did Taylor Swift become a singer? ›

After watching a documentary about Faith Hill, she became determined to pursue a country-music career in Nashville, Tennessee. At 11, Swift traveled to Nashville with her mother to visit record labels and submit demo tapes of Dolly Parton and Dixie Chicks karaoke covers.

How to be a pop star? ›

A Roadmap to Stardom: How to Become a Pop Star
  1. Hone Your Musical Skills. ...
  2. Write Your Own Songs. ...
  3. Build a Unique Image. ...
  4. Record High-Quality Demos. ...
  5. Start Local and Build a Fanbase. ...
  6. Utilize Social Media and Online Platforms. ...
  7. Collaborate with Other Artists. ...
  8. Seek Representation.
Oct 18, 2023

How do I start singing alone? ›

7 Ways You Can Teach Yourself to Sing at Home
  1. Sing with the right posture. ...
  2. Learn proper breath support. ...
  3. Learn to sing on pitch and in tune. ...
  4. Learn how to project your voice. ...
  5. Learn to sing in a chest voice. ...
  6. Learn to sing in a head voice. ...
  7. Learn how to learn songs.

How to learn to sing fast? ›

Like learning pretty much any instrument, the key to building speed is starting slow and making sure you're being accurate. If you try to sing fast too soon and you're not accurate, all you'll be doing is practicing your mistakes! So make sure you focus on pitch accuracy first, and then gradually increase your speed.

How do I start a singing career with no experience? ›

You can start out small with joining church choirs or acapella troupes, singing at bars and nightclubs, or simply performing at karaoke night. Starting out with small performances is a good place to begin before moving onto bigger gigs, but there are other ways that you can perform too.

What age can you start a singing career? ›

First thing's first, there is no age limit on singing. You can sing at any age and at any time for any reason really. Since your instrument is already built into your body, you're already halfway to learning how to sing. Here are some tips on how to start your singing journey at any age.

How can I start my singing career? ›

How to become a singer
  1. Develop your singing skills. If you are interested in becoming a singer, it's important to regularly practice. ...
  2. Take singing lessons from a trained professional. ...
  3. Consider pursuing a bachelor's degree. ...
  4. Network with other musicians. ...
  5. Promote yourself and your music.
Feb 16, 2023

Is 18 a good age to start singing? ›

Keep in mind that during puberty, hormones can affect a child's voice which can also change the way they sing. Whether you're 18 or 80, singing can bring joy to your life. It's never too late to discover your passion for music and start a new journey with singing lessons!

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.