How to Create a Plan to Pay Off Debt | The Budget Mom (2024)


How to Create a Plan to Pay Off Debt | The Budget Mom (1)

If you want to eliminate debt, blindly making the minimum payment because you don't know where to startis one of the worst things you can do. If you have alarge amount of debt, or have many sources of debt, creating a plan to pay it off is a huge step to living debt free. Trying to figure out the best way to pay it off can seem overwhelming when you are overloaded, especially with all the “get out of debt fast”schemes out there.

A debt payoff plan includes figuring out what debt you have to pay, in what order you need to pay them, and how much you need to pay to eliminate them. By creating this plan and following these steps, youwill create a plan that is not only realistic to your lifestyle, but one that will fit within your personal budget as well. If you feel overwhelmed by your debt, are only making the minimum payments, and are seeing no results, then it's time to create a debt payoff plan.

Step #1: Make a Debt List

The first step in creating a plan to pay off debt is to calculate what debt you have, what you owe, and how much you owe. There are a couple of ways you can do this. If you don't pay much attention to the debt you have, you can grab your free credit score here. Your credit report will list all of your debt obligations from companies that report toall 3major credit bureaus. If you are relying only on your credit report to know what debt you have, be aware that it might not list all of your debt. Make sure to go through past statements from your creditors so you can add these to your list as well.

Take out a piece of paper, or use the FREE Debt List worksheet to write down who you owe, the amount you owe, the minimum payment for each debt obligation, the interest rate (list from highest to lowest), and your monthly due date. Once you have a clear picture of your debt & depending on your priorities, you might decide to really only focus on the “bad” debt. This debt includes things like credit cardsand small personal loans. These debts will most likely have the highest interest rates as well.

How to Create a Plan to Pay Off Debt | The Budget Mom (2)

Step #2: Figure Out Your Debt Priorities

Deciding on what debt you want to pay off first is the next huge step. There are a couple of different methods you can use when determining what debt you want to tackle first. Before I tell you what method I prefer, let's look at what the 2 methods are.

  • Pay off high-interest debt first using the Avalanche Method: Using this method, you pay off your debts from highest interest rate to lowest interest rate. You tackle the higher interest debt first, regardless of the balance. Using this method makes mathematical sense because you will pay less interest overall. By doing it this way, and because you are saving more in interest, you will be able to pay off your debt more quickly.
  • Pay off debts with the smallest balance first using the Snowball Method: Using this method, you pay off debts from smallest balance to largest balance regardless of interest rate. When you have a ton of debt statements coming in every month and are having a hard time keeping track of all your little debts, it can be overwhelming. Using this method is supposed to relieve some of that stress. It may seem like no matter where you turn you owe money and this can seem daunting. By paying your smallest balances first you can get rid of a bunch of your little debts very quickly. This gives you motivation and instant gratification because you immediately see progress. Plus with all of your little debt gone, when you start to tackle your bigger debts, you will have the extra cash flow to do it.

So now that you know the 2 most common ways to prioritize your debt, I will tell you that I think the best way topay down debtis by using the Avalanche Method. I am a numbers person, and saving interest in the long run makes the most sense to me.The truth is, whichever method you choose, making the decision is the most important. You have to use a method that will keep you motivated to keep at it. So if you want tooptimize your payments and saving on interest is a priority, then use the Avalanche Method. Ifthinkpaying off your smaller debtswill keep you motivated, use the Snowball method.Even though the argument is strong for both methods, you always have to do what's best for you.So take out yourDebt Listand make sure to prioritize andrank your debts. For this example, I am choosing to pay off the highest interest rate debt first.

How to Create a Plan to Pay Off Debt | The Budget Mom (3)

Step #3: Determine How Much You Can Pay

The next step in your debt payoff plan is figuring out how much you can afford to pay on your debt. The only way to complete this step is by having a workable budget. Now, if you are wanting to save while you are paying off the debt, then you have to figure out how much you are comfortable paying toward debt without restricting your ability to live a happy life.

The first thing to figure out is your discretionary income. This is the income that is left over after you pay necessary expenses such as food, transportation, housing expenses, gas etc. You use discretionary income to establish an emergency fund, debt payment plan, or use it to fund other saving goals. The thing I want you to remember for this step is that not all of your discretionary income has to go towards debt. It's all up to you. If the most important financial factor in your life is paying off your debt, then you can use all of your discretionary income. But if you are wanting to also fund an emergency fund at the same time, then you can choose to have 80% of your discretionary income go towards debt and the other 20% towards savings.

Total all of your income which includes things like the salary from your job, alimony, child support, guaranteed bonuses and other income sources. Then subtract this amount from your monthly expenses. Your monthly expenses will include things like your monthly rent payment, phone bill, groceries, and clothing purchases. The amount you have left over after you subtract your income from expenses is what you can use to pay down debt (or build your savings). Use the FREE budget template below to create a simple working budget.

How to Create a Plan to Pay Off Debt | The Budget Mom (4)
Download the PDF version HERE
Download the Excel version with formulas HERE

Step #4: Start the Plan

Now that you know how much you can put towards debt, put the plan into action. Use the amount you came up with in Step #3 and apply it towards your priorities. This will either be paying the smaller balances first or the highest interest debt first.Continue to make your monthly minimum payments that you calculated inStep #2, but use all the leftover money you just calculated towards debt priority #1.

For example: In the example above, I calculated that Ihave $605 leftover to pay off debt.If you also want to save for other things while payingoff debt, make sure to add that saving amount as an expense in your budget (see the above example).The first debt I want to tackle is my Target Credit Card since it has the highest interest rate. So not only will I make my minimum monthly payment of $150 everymonth, but Ialso pay $605 every month from the leftover money I have from calculating and creating my budget. SoI will make a total monthly payment of$755.

Once you pay off your first debt priority, simply move onto the next one. Use the amount that you were putting towards debt priority #1 and apply to debt priority #2.

For example: If you were making a minimum payment of $150 every month like the example above, once priority #1 is paid off, apply that minimum payment to debt priority #2. So not only will you be applying the extra money from your budget that you calculated in Step #3, but you will also be using the minimum payment amount from priority debt #1 that you just paid off.

To recap: you are going to use the monthly payment from the debt you just repaid + the minimum payment you were already paying and you are going to put the combined payment towards the next debt. Complete this process until all debt is paid off. You can complete the FREE debt payoff worksheet or simply use paper and pen. You can also find out how long it will take you to pay off your debt by using this debt payment calculator.

How to Create a Plan to Pay Off Debt | The Budget Mom (5)

Step #5: Update and Inspect

It's never enough tojust put your plan into action.You have to also come back to your debt payoff plan regularly. It can take years to pay off bigger debts, so making sure your plan changes with your circ*mstances is important. If your income changes, your budget needs to be updated as well. Make sure to revisit your plan as you continue to make payments. You also have to make sure to make necessary changes as your financial situation changes as well.

Don't beat yourself up if you make mistakes or get discouraged if you run into setbacks. The most important thing to remember is to pick yourself up and continue with your plan as soon as you can. Throughout this process, you should develop positive financial habits by completing financial steps consistently. Debt can be overwhelming, but having a plan can really relieve some stress and give you hope. Today, take the first step in tackling your debt and create a plan to live debt free.

  • Resource: Vertex42 Debt Reduction Calculator

How have you started paying off debt?


How to Create a Plan to Pay Off Debt | The Budget Mom (2024)


How do I create a debt payoff plan? ›

How to set up a debt payoff plan
  1. List your debts. Your financial plan to pay off debt needs to start with understanding everything you owe. ...
  2. Prioritize your debts. ...
  3. Find extra money to make payments. ...
  4. Knock out one debt at a time. ...
  5. Debt snowball. ...
  6. Debt avalanche. ...
  7. Debt management plan. ...
  8. Custom method.
Nov 13, 2023

How to make a budget plan to pay off debt? ›

  1. Prioritize which debts to pay off first. Not all debt is bad debt, but some forms are worse than others. ...
  2. Consider budgeting strategies. ...
  3. Consolidate your debt. ...
  4. Consider refinancing. ...
  5. Find a side hustle. ...
  6. Use any extra windfall. ...
  7. Adjust your spending to your goals.

How to pay off $5000 quickly? ›

Debt avalanche: Make minimum payments on all but your credit card with the highest interest rate. Send all excess payments to that card account. Once you pay that account off, send all excess payments to your next highest rate. Repeat until all of your debts are paid off.

How can I pay off $40 K in debt fast? ›

To pay off $40,000 in credit card debt within 36 months, you will need to pay $1,449 per month, assuming an APR of 18%. You would incur $12,154 in interest charges during that time, but you could avoid much of this extra cost and pay off your debt faster by using a 0% APR balance transfer credit card.

How to pay off $10,000 credit card debt? ›

7 ways to pay off $10,000 in credit card debt
  1. Opt for debt relief. One powerful approach to managing and reducing your credit card debt is with the help of debt relief companies. ...
  2. Use the snowball or avalanche method. ...
  3. Find ways to increase your income. ...
  4. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  5. Seek credit counseling. ...
  6. Use financial windfalls.
Feb 15, 2024

Can I do my own DMP? ›

You can set up your DMP yourself. But, you have to: Manage your own payments. Contact everyone you owe yourself.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What are the three biggest strategies for paying down debt? ›

What's the best way to pay off debt?
  • The snowball method. Pay the smallest debt as fast as possible. Pay minimums on all other debt. Then pay that extra toward the next largest debt. ...
  • Debt avalanche. Pay the largest or highest interest rate debt as fast as possible. Pay minimums on all other debt. ...
  • Debt consolidation.
Aug 8, 2023

How do you clear debt you can't afford? ›

You can apply for your own bankruptcy or a creditor can make you bankrupt. Your financial affairs will be dealt with by the official receiver. Valuable assets are usually sold to raise money to pay your creditors. At the end of your bankruptcy most debts are written off.

Is $5000 credit card debt a lot? ›

$5,000 in credit card debt can be quite costly in the long run. That's especially the case if you only make minimum payments each month. However, you don't have to accept decades of credit card debt. There are a few things you can do to pay your debt off faster - potentially saving thousands of dollars in the process.

How long will it take to pay off $20,000 in credit card debt? ›

It will take 47 months to pay off $20,000 with payments of $600 per month, assuming the average credit card APR of around 18%. The time it takes to repay a balance depends on how often you make payments, how big your payments are and what the interest rate charged by the lender is.

Which method is best to pay off debt the fastest? ›

The "snowball method," simply put, means paying off the smallest of all your loans as quickly as possible. Once that debt is paid, you take the money you were putting toward that payment and roll it onto the next-smallest debt owed. Ideally, this process would continue until all accounts are paid off.

Is 20k in debt a lot? ›

“That's because the best balance transfer and personal loan terms are reserved for people with strong credit scores. $20,000 is a lot of credit card debt and it sounds like you're having trouble making progress,” says Rossman.

How can I pay off $30000 in debt in one year? ›

The 6-step method that helped this 34-year-old pay off $30,000 of credit card debt in 1 year
  1. Step 1: Survey the land. ...
  2. Step 2: Limit and leverage. ...
  3. Step 3: Automate your minimum payments. ...
  4. Step 4: Yes, you must pay extra and often. ...
  5. Step 5: Evaluate the plan often. ...
  6. Step 6: Ramp-up when you 're ready.

How to wipe credit card debt? ›

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy could discharge (forgive) all of your credit card debt. However, bankruptcy should only be considered as a last resort option due to the lasting damage it will cause to your credit. Bankruptcy will remain on your credit for up to 10 years after the filing date.

What is the best debt payoff method? ›

In terms of saving money, a debt avalanche is better because it saves you money in interest by targeting your highest interest debt first. However, some people find the debt snowball method better because it can be more motivating to see a smaller debt paid off more quickly.

How do I put all my debt into one payment? ›

Debt consolidation is when you move some or all of your existing debt from multiple accounts (such as credit cards and loans) to just one account. To do this you'd pay off – and potentially close – your old accounts with credit from the new one.

How do I set up a payment plan for collections? ›

If you're thinking about negotiating a settlement or repayment agreement with a debt collector, consider the following three steps:
  1. Confirm that you owe the debt. ...
  2. Calculate a realistic repayment plan. ...
  3. 3. Make a repayment proposal to the debt collector.
Aug 2, 2023

What is the #1 app to pay of my debt? ›

Best Debt Payoff Apps
ZilchWorksStarts at $39.95/yearDesktop
Tally$0 to $300 per year plus interest for line of credit; app is freeAndroid, iOS
Qube MoneyStarts at $79/year (limited free version available)Android, iOS
2 more rows
Feb 15, 2024

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