How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (2024)

For all London’s many positive points, it’s not the cheapest city in the world. But look beyond the usual tourist trail and you’ll find plenty of things to do for next to nothing, or even for nothing at all. Handy when you need to balance the cost of Tube travel with all those £5+ pints. Can you spend a couple of days in London having a nice time and seeing the sights without entirely bankrupting yourself? Absolutely – if you’re in the know. Here our local insiders share their favourite budget-friendly London activities.

1. Catch the sunrise at Richmond Park


How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (1)

Start your trip early, and take in Richmond Park’s atmospheric sunrise. You won’t be thankful for this suggestion when your alarm goes off, but it’s worth it. Pastel-pink skies, silhouetting the wild deer as they move gracefully across the park, the dawn chorus and – as the days draw shorter – moody misty scenes as the mist rises from the Pen Ponds all await early risers. Prepare for it to be chilly (take a Thermos for ultimate autumnal cosiness), and warm up in one of well-heeled Richmond’s many cafes afterwards. Recommended by local insider Shelley Doherty

2. While away the morning at the Lisson Gallery

Art Gallery

How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (2)

One of the most influential contemporary art galleries in the world, all for free? It’s this kind of thing that makes London so special. Since its foundation in 1967, the Lisson has consistently hosted big-name exhibitions and works, including those of Julian Opie, Anish Kapoor, Richard Deacon and Carmen Herrera. Check out their exhibition schedule to see what’s on. The gallery is located in Marylebone, so you can combine a cultural morning visit with a relaxing stroll through Regent’s Park – a great way to start a summer weekend. Recommended by local insider Huda Awan

3. Stop off at the Whitechapel Gallery

Art Gallery

How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (3)

Sometimes, art galleries – particularly contemporary ones – can be intimidating. However, that’s not the case at the trailblazing Whitechapel Gallery, which bills itself as “the artists’ gallery for everyone”. There’s an extensive programme of exhibitions, film festivals, workshops, talks and masterclasses, plus a refreshing focus on work from up-and-coming artists alongside the big names – plenty to take in and interact with. The Whitechapel Gallery also remains the only British gallery to have exhibited Picasso’s Guernica, such is its international standing. Recommended by local insider Josh Lee

How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (4)

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How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (5)

5. Take in the sights of the South Bank

Architectural Landmark

How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (6)

The South Bank is one of London’s must-do meanders. Make a morning of it and head east, ending up at Borough Market for lunch, or spend the whole day strolling along the Thames, stopping off at the Book Market, Tower Bridge, Tate Modern, the Golden Hind, or exploring the atmospheric alleys around the old Clink prison. A 25-minute stroll from Waterloo Bridge and the Southbank Centre to Southwark Cathedral will take in all of the above, past Shakespeare’s Globe and classic views of St Paul’s Cathedral across the Millennium Bridge. Recommended by local insider Josh Lee

6. Stop for lunch at Borough Market

Market, American, Asian, European, South American, Caribbean, Street Food, Gluten-free, Vegan, Vegetarian

How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (7)

Street-food stalls are a great way to eat cheaply in London, and the markets in Camden, Spitalfields and Borough offer ample choice, making them a ideal spot to visit with a group. A short stroll from London Bridge Station, Borough Market is a mix of food carts, bars, cafes, restaurants and shops selling authentic British produce. From here, walk the short distance to the riverside for a view of the Shard and London Bridge.

7. Explore Spitalfields and the City


How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (8)

Walking through London’s financial district at the weekend is an eerily quiet experience. The suits are all at home, allowing the skyscrapers to sparkle brilliantly for idle passers-by. It’s an unexpected oasis of calm in a city that elsewhere heaves with day trippers and tourists, and the perfect place to stretch your legs, grab a takeaway coffee and have some quality me time before facing the crowds. Continue onto Spitalfields Market or lively Shoreditch after your stroll, when you’re ready for more of a buzz. Recommended by local insider Josh Lee

8. Browse antiques, crafts and more at Camden Market


How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (9)

Wander around Camden Market’s winding back alleys, jumbles of market traders and food stalls and see what you discover. Our tip: get off the underground at Chalk Farm (not Camden Town) to avoid the bulk of the tourists, then take the North Yard entrance to Stables Yard and Horse Tunnel markets. Antiques aficionados should head to Islington to browse Camden Passage. Just off Upper Street, this characterful market comes alive at the weekend and local stallholders showcase stacks of antique clothing, crockery, jewellery, furniture and books that bring a sense of Old-English charm to the area. Recommended by local insider Shelley Doherty

9. Have a drink at one of the city's oldest pubs

Gastropub, Pub, British

How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (10)

Anyone looking for a historical drinking spot in the centre of the city should make a beeline for the Lamb and Flag in a small courtyard off Covent Garden; it’s a perfect (if rather cosy) al fresco drinking spot. Further east, by the river in Wapping, the Prospect of Whitby is said to have been frequented by sailors and smugglers in the 1500s; it’s still identifiable today by the hangman’s noosevoutside. Head north to the Spaniards Inn, which borders Hampstead Heath: the building dates back to 1585 and has many myths associated with it, so settle in and do some research on what makes it so special.

10. Stargaze on Parliament Hill


How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (11)

As well as offering extensive views over north London, Hampstead Heath’s Parliament Hill is a top spot for a bit of stargazing if the night is clear enough. Come during meteor showers, blood moons or simply on a clear evening for atmospheric night-time panoramas (it’s usually pretty chilly, so a big Thermos of soup or coffee will be your friend if you’re planning on staying a while). Get here before the sun goes down and watch as the city lights flicker on at night-time. Recommended by local insider Shelley Doherty

11. Experience the British Library

Library, Museum

How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (12)

The British Library, in north London near King’s Cross station, holds more than 150m items across 14 floors, making it the largest national library in the world by number of items catalogued. Admission is free and the building is open until 8pm between Monday and Thursday every week.

12. Take in the views from the Sky Garden


How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (13)

Missed out on tickets to the Shard, or don’t fancy shelling out for them? Never fear. Sky Garden, located in the Walkie Talkie just across the river in the City, also offers stunning views across London. And what’s more, it’s free to experience this indoor jungle. Aim to get here just before sunset, and watch the sun go down over the city. Sky Garden is also home to an upmarket restaurant, if you’re looking to make a special night of it, as well as regular live music gigs, sunrise yoga and more.

13. Time your trip to Columbia Road Flower Market


How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (14)

Every Sunday sees east London’s Columbia Road taken over by flower stalls selling seasonal stems and foliage. Early birds come at 8am to benefit from a quieter shopping experience, but prices drop around 2pm, when stallholders are starting to think about closing up for the day. So, if you can handle a crowd and aren’t in a hurry, this is the time to visit.

14. Admire the Scalpel


How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (15)

If you’re wandering around the Square Mile with time to kill, pause to examine the architecturally interesting 52 Lime Street skyscraper – otherwise known as the Scalpel. Its distinctive shape (it leans back 10 degrees) makes this new addition to London’s skyline an eye-catching sight . You can’t go in – this is more something to note as you pass by than a destination in itself – but it’s still fun to look up and wonder. Recommended by local insider Josh Lee

15. Get creative at Peckham Levels

Bar, Market, Pop-up restaurant, Street Food

How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (16)

Street-food vendors, artists, independent retailers and social enterprises, all clustered in a repurposed multistorey car park. It really is as cool as it sounds. Peckham’s status as a creative hub has been cemented by the Levels, which manages to be on-trend while keeping true to its roots as a community project. Take a break from the central London tourist trail and explore the city’s more eccentric side, stopping for a pint on a makeshift crate table and a snack or two as you do. Recommended by local insider Huda Awan

Doing London on a budget? Book one of the best budget hotels in the city centre through Culture Trip and see the city without breaking the bank.

How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (17)


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How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget (2024)


How To Do London In 48 Hours On A Budget? ›

You should plan to spend around $244 (£189) per day on your vacation in London. This is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average for one day: $44 (£34) on meals.

How much money would I need for 2 days in London? ›

You should plan to spend around $244 (£189) per day on your vacation in London. This is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average for one day: $44 (£34) on meals.

Is 2 days enough to see London? ›

Spending just 2 days in London might sound like a challenge, but you'd be surprised how much you can see without feeling rushed. If sights like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the London Eye are on your travel wish list, you're in the right place.

How many pounds do you need for 2 days in London? ›

So we're very familiar with the prices of transport, food, entertainment and more in London. Want a quick answer? We recommend budgeting around £105 plus (about $130 in US dollars) per day, per person, after paying to get there.

Is $20 000 enough for London? ›

Can you live in London on 20k? Some people claim to be able to live on an annual salary of £20k in London. However, this will require a lot of economising to make ends meet. In mid-2024, it seems borderline impossible.

Do you tip in London? ›

In London, tipping is not mandatory but appreciated for good service. It's customary to leave a 10-15% tip in restaurants if a service charge isn't included. Tipping in bars, pubs, or taxi drivers is less common but can be done for exceptional service.

Should I carry cash in London? ›

Carrying cash in the UK is a good idea, even if you don't need to use it frequently. You'll have a few options to get your pounds: you can buy in advance through a service like Canada Post, carry CAD to exchange on arrival, or make ATM withdrawals once you're there.

Can you use credit cards in London? ›

MasterCard and Visa are among the most commonly used payment networks in Great Britain and the Continent. American Express, Discover, and Diners Club are less widespread, though some merchants will take them.

Is food expensive in London? ›

Is Food Expensive in London? Embarking on a gastronomic journey through London may sound like an expensive venture, but fear not! With the average cost of a meal out in the capital £30 per person, based on September 2023 prices we've uncovered tips to make your culinary exploration both delightful and cost-effective.

What is the randomness guide to London? ›

It's a kind of database, kind of review site, used for documenting interesting places in London. Our major obsessions are pubs, restaurants, cafes, bookshops, and museums. We're also quite interested in places that are vegan-friendly and/or accessible. (Check the All Categories link in the sidebar for more!)

How do you spend a perfect day in London? ›

A perfect day in London starts with breakfast at the elegant Delaney or Borough Market. Walk past London culture, history and street life along Southbank. Enjoy a birds-eye view of London from a capsule on the London Eye, the top of the Tate or outside the dome of St. Pauls.

How long do you need in London to see everything? ›

If London is your only stop and you have the time, stay a week or at least five days. You won't be sorry. We've included a busy five-day itinerary below. If you can stay an extra couple of days, spend the time exploring London's many neighborhoods, like Notting Hill and Kensington.

How much cash do I need for a trip to London? ›

How much money for five days in London?
Accommodation 4 nights300 GBP
Public transport 5 days50 GBP
Food 5 days200 – 300 GBP
Sightseeing150 – 200 GBP
Total700 – 850 GBP (per person)
Apr 1, 2024

How much money is needed for a London trip? ›

The cost of a 7-day trip to London may range from Rs. 80,000 to Rs. 1.5 lakh per person, depending on the time of year and the type of accommodation chosen. Along with transportation costs, accommodation expenses, and food and beverage expenses, sightseeing, and entertainment costs could add up quickly.

How much do you need per day to visit London? ›

It costs around £60-£95/day ($75-$115) to visit London comfortably as a budget traveler. These prices are based on what you'll need to visit the city comfortably as a budget traveler. If you want to upgrade your accommodations, add another £40-£100/night depending on your stay.

Is 50000 enough for London? ›

The cost of living in the city, particularly housing and transportation expenses, tends to be higher compared to other regions in the UK. Taking into account these factors, a salary range of £50,000 to £60,000 per year can be considered a good salary that allows for a comfortable standard of living in London.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.