How to Earn More Money Freelancing (Even if You're a Total Beginner) (2024)

Tried and true tips for earning more money freelancing.

Since I began freelancing just over a year ago, I’ve had the opportunity to work with nearly a dozen high-growth startups and world-class experts. And I’ve never had to negotiate for the premium prices I charge for my content marketing services, which is why I’d like to share some tips with you on how to start freelancing and how to make money doing so, even if you’re a complete beginner.

Because I’ve done such an effective job of defining my value propositions, branding myself as an expert within my field, and getting my freelance writing content in front of new target audiences, I now have a 3–6 month waiting list for new freelance clients and freelance jobs.

However, that certainly didn’t happen overnight. My rapid success in the world of freelancing is the result of a LOT of strategic positioning, hours of hard work, and good timing.

If you’re ready to get serious about freelancing and multiplying your self-employed income, here are my top twelve tips for earning more during your first year doing freelance jobs.

Table of Contents

  1. Choose a Niche
  2. Get Clear on Your Service Offerings
  3. Define What Your Ideal Client Looks Like
  4. Create a High Quality Portfolio Site
  5. Start Freelancing Before Your Quit Your Day Job
  6. Level Up Your Skills
  7. Build Your Credibility
  8. Determine Your Pricing
  9. Leverage Your Network for Introductions
  10. Perfect Your Pitching
  11. Blog Frequently

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1. Choose a Niche

If your goal is to start freelancing, you might feel ready to take ANY paid work on Fiverr or Upwork you can get your hands on. But as you get deeper into your freelancing career, you’ll need to start being more strategic about the types of work you do and the clients you take on.

You might be thinking: How can getting picky about the freelance work I do help me make MORE money?

When you specialize in a skillset, you become an expert in a specific field, and experts can charge more for their specialized services (there are expert and pro categories on Upwork and Fiverr too).

In my opinion, the age-old debate of whether you should be a specialist or a generalist when starting your freelance career isn’t even worth thinking twice about.

If you were a prospective client and you needed someone to fix your email marketing so people actually sign up, write ads that convince people to buy, or just update your outdated website, would you rather hire someone who’s a jack of all trades, or a person who’s a pro at doing one thing and doing it well? I’ll choose the specialist every time.

When it comes to my own experience, choosing to specialize as a content marketing consultant — as opposed to being a general digital marketer for hire — has been the single best decision I’ve made with my freelance business.

Because I’ve built my reputation with clients as a talented content marketer over the past few years and frequently engage with content marketing content on various social media channels, I’ve been able to rise to the top of my niche in a relatively short period of time. Aside from my blog and existing client referrals, the next most consistent source of new clients has been from business owners seeking out specific expert help through both Google and social searches.

To expand this example to other fields, imagine you are just starting out as a web developer — you can get into a niche like migrating blogs to WordPress. That means when someone searches for “help with migrating a blog to WordPress,” they can find you. This works for graphic designers as well: you can do graphic design specifically for WordPress.

If you choose the right niche, deciding to specialize and putting some effort into branding yourself as an expert within your niche can really pay off for years to come.

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2. Get Clear on Your Service Offerings

One major decision you need to make early on in your freelance career is what you do and what you don’t do.

The more specific you can be about what services you offer, the better. Not only will it help you brand yourself, it’ll allow you to control how prospective clients perceive you and give you the opportunity to continue building your portfolio in the direction you want to move in.

If you want to focus on becoming a sought after, highly paid Ruby on Rails developer, you shouldn’t even consider contract offers for customizing WordPress themes or designing the user experience for an upcoming app.

While the short-term benefits of steady work are tempting (and sometimes necessary), taking on projects that aren’t getting you closer to your ultimate goal of becoming the best in your field, will only distract and delay you from making meaningful progress.

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3. Define What Your Ideal Client Looks Like

Before you can go out and start looking for clients, you’ll need to develop a clear picture of who you’re going to work best with. Do you want to build websites for small business owners, make a name for yourself blogging as a professional blogger, work as a copywriter, pitch in on new feature development for high growth technology startups, or take on longer-term contracts with enterprise-sized companies? Or maybe you want to work specifically for brands and clients with values that align with yours, etc.

Making these clear distinctions between who and what type of business you’re targeting will be essential to effectively pitching your services.

To define exactly who your ideal freelance clients should be (and how to start finding them), ask yourself these questions:

  • What type of business has the problems I’m solving with my services?
  • Can the business I want to work with afford to hire me?
  • What demographic trends can I identify about the decision makers in the types of businesses I’m targeting? Think: age, gender, geographic location, websites they frequent, and their personal interests.

Because I know that I’ll be more engaged and work most effectively with smaller startup teams who are working on projects I can personally relate to, I’ve proactively chosen to make my scope of potential clients narrow. By working with similar startup teams, new potential clients I target within my niche are able to instantly relate with me, and have confidence that I’ll be able to replicate my results for their business, too.

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How to Earn More Money Freelancing (Even if You're a Total Beginner) (1)

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How to Earn More Money Freelancing (Even if You're a Total Beginner) (2)

4. Create a High Quality Portfolio Site

It goes without saying that one of the best ways to demonstrate your technical skills is by having an amazing portfolio site of your own. If you want to be taken seriously as a new freelancer, you’re going to need a website that:

  • Showcases your expertise.
  • Highlights relevant past experiences.
  • Shows who you are.
  • Includes your contact information so that potential clients can easily find you.

A stellar portfolio can really help you out if you don’t have a lot of job experience or testimonials to prove that you know your stuff. (Read more about that here: 11 High-Paying Jobs In Tech—No Experience Required.)

The purpose of your portfolio is to educate, spark interest, and convince potential clients that they’ll want to choose you for their technical needs. That’s why it’s worth investing time into deciding what to feature on your portfolio and how it’s being displayed — before you start looking for new projects.

Once your portfolio site is up, start including a link to the site within your email signature and on your social profiles.

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5. Start Freelancing Before Your Quit Your Day Job

I’m a huge fan of starting a freelance business while you keep your day job (or work part-time), as opposed to immediately pursuing self-employment.

In addition to the fact that creating a high-quality portfolio website, building your personal brand, and adding to your portfolio naturally takes a good amount of time, it’s a good idea to have a few steady freelance clients on your roster before axing your sole source of income.

I recommend growing your side income to at least 50–75% of your total current income before leaving your full-time job, depending on your risk tolerance.

Managing a tight schedule, heavy workload (including demanding freelance projects), and being responsible for client deliverables with limited time resources will teach you quickly what it’s like to run your own business.

The other awesome benefit of picking up freelance clients while you’re still working full-time is that you can be selective. You likely don’t absolutely need the money. This puts you in a position to turn down work that either doesn’t pay enough to justify your time investment, or that you’re not genuinely interested in.

These are two points you’ll need to be a stickler about if you want to be happy once you’re freelancing full-time.

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6. Level Up Your Skills

The best way to justify higher hourly rates? Make sure you have impressive skills that are in high demand.

Practice using your new skills by building the types of projects that you want to eventually be paid to work on. Whether that’s WordPress websites, mobile apps, or something else entirely, such as graphic design, copywriting, etc, the more you can differentiate yourself among a sea of competition with cool side projects and examples that’ll attract potential customers, the better.

And remember that while highly trained freelancers can get paid much more for their work, you don’t have to head back to school for a BS in computer science to get on the train. Taking online classes like a Skillcrush Front End Development course can get you on the right track and put you in charge of your education.

📌 PS – If you want to start or move into a career in tech, Skillcrush can help you get there! Our Break Into Tech course is a comprehensive program designed to help total beginners in tech start a new and fulfilling career.

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7. Build Your Credibility

There are many ways to build your credibility within your industry.

Aside from creating high quality blog content and collaborating with notable influencers in your industry, you can write an ebook, create an online course, and line up speaking engagements to start increasing your visibility within your niche.

You can also build up your portfolio on freelance platforms and freelance gig websites by working for a slightly lower hourly rate to start, and increasing it as you gain more experience.

These credibility-boosters can help you add to your list of accomplishments that you can highlight on your portfolio and simultaneously demonstrate your knowledge for more potential clients to see. The wider you can broadcast your message, the more influence you’ll build within your niche.

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8. Determine Your Pricing

While deciding how much to charge for your freelance services is a major step toward determining your perceived value, you need to make sure you’re charging enough to make a sustainable, comfortable living.

Most clients won’t hesitate to pay higher rates for a freelancer that gives them an incredible first impression and sells them on the ability to deliver high quality results.

As long as I continue to deliver consistent value to my clients (beyond their expectations), I have no trouble setting and maintaining high prices for the services I’m providing.

Before setting your prices at the bare minimum you need to charge in order to hit your financial needs, consider the actual value you’d be creating for your potential clients and make sure you’re not leaving money on the table.

You can always increase your rates in the future and hope your client stays on board, but if you start at a price point you’re already excited about, you’ll be that much more likely to over-deliver and continue increasing your value moving forward.

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9. Leverage Your Network for Introductions

One of the most effective ways to land higher quality and better paying freelance work is through leveraging your existing networks. Whether it’s pitching your actual friends and former co-workers on freelance help, or using their connections to make warm introductions to companies you do want to work with, this is a great alternative to cold contacting potential clients.

Whenever I discover a freelance opportunity I want to pursue on, CloudPeeps, or elsewhere, I give myself 10–15 minutes to research the company, find my ideal point of contact, and do a little homework on if I have a mutual connection on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook before reaching out with a cold email.

If I do have a mutual contact, I’ll reach out to my friend (only if I’m actually friends with them) and ask if they’d mind sending an email introduction on my behalf.

This approach, where my first impression is being endorsed by a recommendation from someone my potential client already knows, has consistently netted me higher response and close rates.

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10. Perfect Your Pitching

There’s an art and science to pitching your freelance services to new clients.

Landing new clients isn’t just a matter of crafting an awesome freelance proposal. Your success depends on how you’re selecting new jobs, how you position your value propositions, and how much research you do ahead of time.

I’ve won new gigs simply because I clearly put in more time and effort into researching the company, determining their needs, and providing immense up front value in the form of insightful recommendations before I even discuss payment. In the world of freelancing, much of your success (and ability to make money online) will depend upon the strength of your client relationships, and how well you’re able to forge meaningful partnerships.

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11. Blog Frequently

The goal of having a website showcasing your skills is to attract and convert new clients. What better way to increase the number of potential new clients coming across your website than by creating high-quality blog content that positions you as a stand out expert within your field?

At the beginning, aim for creating one or two in-depth blog posts per month, geared toward providing truly helpful solutions that your potential clients may be searching for. Note: That means you’ll be writing for an audience of your clients, not other people in your field.

Once they discover your content and get some free value from you, you’ll naturally be top-of-mind if they’re ready to hire out for more in-depth help.

I initiated the majority of the freelance contracts I’ve landed over the last year by mentioning a company in a successful blog post on my website. After publishing my in-depth post chronicling all of the best side business ideas, I spent a lot of time reaching out to a carefully chosen person at each brand or online tool I mentioned, asking if I cited them correctly within the post.

The majority of them wrote back either confirming or offering a suggestion, which then gave me an opportunity to either pitch a guest post, ask them to share my content with their audience on social media, or open the door to a potential marketing contract.

My blog has been by far my highest return marketing channel for my freelance business.

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12. Guest Post on Relevant Industry Blogs & Publications

Once you have a website that highlights your abilities and clearly communicates that you offer freelance services, one of the most effective ways to increase your online visibility is by getting content published on the blogs and publications where your potential customers spend the most time.

Marketing guru and consultant Neil Patel frequently shares about the huge contracts he lands for his business by publishing over 100 guest posts per year.

While you’ll be starting on a much smaller scale, don’t underestimate the immediate benefit of getting your content featured on blogs and publications that can drive hundreds or even thousands of new visitors to your website.

In the span of less than one year, I’ve been able to get my posts published on Entrepreneur, Inc, Business Insider, HubSpot, and dozens more publications by creating extremely high quality content and leveraging my pitching abilities. This increased visibility has had a direct, positive impact on my business.

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How to Earn More Money Freelancing (Even if You're a Total Beginner) (5)

Is Tech Right For You? Take Our 3-Minute Quiz!

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How to Earn More Money Freelancing (Even if You're a Total Beginner) (2024)


How to Earn More Money Freelancing (Even if You're a Total Beginner)? ›

Overall, Freelancing can be a tough job, but it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice for those who are self-motivated, disciplined, and have skills.

What is the best freelance job for beginners? ›

Top 10 freelance jobs for beginners
  • Content writer.
  • Social media manager.
  • Graphic designer.
  • Virtual assistant.
  • Web developer.
  • SEO specialist.
  • Data entry specialist.
  • Translator.
May 30, 2024

How can I make more money freelancing? ›

11 Effective tips and strategies to earn more (from actual...
  1. Never undersell yourself when freelancing.
  2. Learn how to present yourself to others.
  3. Make a clear freelance career roadmap.
  4. Build a personal website and a portfolio to showcase your skills to others.
  5. Learn how to upsell yourself.
  6. Use the stacking tactic.

How to start freelancing as a beginner? ›

Here are the eight steps that you can follow to learn how to become a freelancer:
  1. Decide your niche. ...
  2. Start building your professional profile. ...
  3. Find your target clients. ...
  4. Decide your pricing structure. ...
  5. Create your website. ...
  6. Start actively marketing your services. ...
  7. Build a client base. ...
  8. Keep track of your finances.
Apr 18, 2024

How can I make $5000 dollars today? ›

Here are the ways to consider getting $5,000 fast.
  • Sell Items You Already Have. The first step in making $5,000 fast is to leverage what you already have. ...
  • Rent Out Space. ...
  • Become a Rideshare Driver. ...
  • Teach Online. ...
  • Get a Car Wrap. ...
  • Sell Stock Photos. ...
  • Consider Freelancing. ...
  • Flip items online.
Mar 21, 2024

What is a good hourly rate for a beginner freelancer? ›

Upwork, $ per hourYouTeam, $ per hour
Mobile development$25-150$23-150
Front-end web development$15-100$25-150
Back-end web development$15-150$36-150

What is the highest paying freelance skill? ›

16 of the highest-paying freelance jobs
  1. Technical writer. ...
  2. Accountant. ...
  3. Executive assistant. ...
  4. Public relations specialist. ...
  5. Editor. ...
  6. Web designer. ...
  7. Content writer. ...
  8. Human resources adviser.
Apr 18, 2024

What is the easiest skill for freelancing? ›

Here are some essential freelance skills:
  • Communication Skills.
  • Time Management.
  • Technical Proficiency.
  • Adaptability.
  • Self-discipline and Motivation.
  • Business and Marketing Skills.
  • Problem-solving Abilities.
  • Networking Skills.
Feb 27, 2023

Is freelancing tough for beginners? ›

Overall, Freelancing can be a tough job, but it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice for those who are self-motivated, disciplined, and have skills.

Who earns most in freelancing? ›

Some of the highest-paying freelance jobs in India include Accountant, Copywriter, Graphic Designer, PR Manager, and Web Developer. These roles offer great income potential and a chance to work independently.

Does Upwork pay well? ›

Depending on your experience, earning between $15 and $30 per hour on platforms like Upwork is possible. And with job opportunities in this field likely to grow by 23% by 2031, you'll be in high demand as a web designer. Browse thousands of current web design projects on Upwork to maintain a steady supply of work.

How to become a freelancer with no experience? ›

How to get hired as a freelancer online without experience?
  1. Identify your existing transferable skills. ...
  2. Prioritize experience over earnings. ...
  3. Create a portfolio website. ...
  4. Explore freelancing platforms. ...
  5. Develop a client-winning proposal. ...
  6. Connect with the community. ...
  7. Try cold emailing & calling. ...
  8. Always be online/active.

How do I get my first gig as a freelancer? ›

Finding freelance jobs can go three ways: you contact a potential client directly to offer your services, a client reaches out to you to request your services, or you use a job board to find open listings. Using a job board to find freelance work is where things can get dicey. Job scams abound in this field.

What is the best age to start freelancing? ›

Regarding freelancing, there is no specific minimum age requirement set in stone. However, some platforms may have age restrictions due to legal reasons or their own policies. For example, Upwork requires freelancers to be at least 18 to create an account and start working on the platform.

How do I break into freelancing? ›

How to Start Freelancing (Even When Working Full-Time)
  1. Define your business goals.
  2. Find a perspective niche (and stick to it)
  3. Identify target clients.
  4. Set your freelance rates.
  5. Create a website (and portfolio)
  6. Find your first client.
  7. Expand your network.
  8. Balance your full-time job with your part-time freelancing side gigs.

How do I make sure I get paid as a freelancer? ›

How to Make Sure You Get Paid as a Freelancer
  1. Ask How You'll Be Paid. Your contract should state how your payment will be sent to you and in what currency. ...
  2. Agree Upon Payment Times. ...
  3. Keep Your Accounting Professional. ...
  4. Don't Get Duped by Scope Creep.
May 18, 2023

How do I start myself as a freelancer? ›

If you're ready to start freelancing, these tips can help you get a head start.
  1. Set up a website. Establishing an online presence for yourself is essential. ...
  2. Order business cards. ...
  3. Get a DBA or sole proprietorship. ...
  4. Protect your future. ...
  5. Focus on productivity. ...
  6. Promote and network. ...
  7. Know what's out there.
Mar 23, 2023

Which freelancing is best for earning? ›

19 of the highest-paying freelance jobs
  • Social media manager. ...
  • Accountant. ...
  • Web designer. ...
  • Web developer. ...
  • Programmer. ...
  • Videographer. ...
  • Podcast host. ...
  • Virtual assistant. Clients hire virtual assistants to perform various administrative tasks, such as data entry, calendar organization, and managing email communications.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.