How to force a weed plant to flower (2024)

This technique allows any marijuana plant to flower when the grower wants to.

We plant the seed in spring around March/April, which we won't plant directly in the ground but use a pot and start to take care of the plant so that the vegetative phase develops in the best way with the necessary nutrients until the plant is big enough, at least 50/60 centimetres.

If we are good it will take about two months.

When we have the conditions described above we will adopt a trick to induce the plant to flower: we will bring the plant to receive more hours of darkness so that the cannabis plants will receive twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness.

Decide when to take the hours of light away from the plant according to its exposure to the sun

For example, if they get more light in the morning hours, considering that it dawns at 06:00 a.m. we will worry about moving the pot(s) at 6:00 p.m. to a dark room. We can put the plants outside in the evening once it is dark.

The important thing is that they are outside the next day at 06:00 in the morning. In this way the plant will receive 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, i.e. 06:00/18:00.

Another example is if the cultivation is exposed in such a way that it receives the most light in the afternoon.

In this case, if the most light is received from 16:00 to 19:00 we will do the following: taking into account the time of sunset, which in this case is 20:30, we will put the plants in the dark in the evening, and then take them out at around 08:30 the next morning. In this way the plant will receive 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, i.e. 08:30/20:30.

The earth turns, and therefore the exposure of the earth to the sun changes, thus changing the times of sunrise and sunset.

Since the flowering period, even if it is forced, lasts about two months, we will be careful to observe the various changes in sunrise and sunset so that we can correct the times accordingly.

Taking the risk of taking the plant from 12 hours to more than 12 hours could cause stress to the plant by generating seeds, thus changing the sex to hermaphrodite or showing other symptoms. Taking the plant from 12 hours to 11 or 10 hours could speed up the flowering process. It is better if this is done gradually.

How to manipulate the photoperiod in outoor crops?

How to force a weed plant to flower (1)

There are several ways of manipulating the photoperiod to extend the night. The simplest option when grown in pots is to move the plants every evening to a dark room or wardrobe and keep them there for twelve hours before going back out the next morning.

The room should be dark and ventilated. Be careful not to let any sunlight or light through.

It is very easy and simple, but you have to remember every day to take the plants out and in at the same time.

It is not very heavy if there are only two or three marijuana plants, but it is a lot of effort in a large plantation with this system. A good idea that can simplify the transfer of plants is to use pots or planters with wheels or trolleys that can easily be moved to where they are to spend the night.

In large crops a different system is used, such as for plants that grow directly on the ground and cannot move. What is done is to install a greenhouse structure around the plants that allows them to cover themselves every day with a tarpaulin or opaque plastic that does not allow light to pass through. Instead of bringing the plants to a dark place, the idea is to bring darkness to the plants.

The biggest problem with this technique is keeping the humidity and temperature controlled in a dark greenhouse, especially if the sun is beating down directly on the roof. It is easy that if many plants are put in a cupboard or a small room for twelve hours, the humidity will increase due to sweating. This can lead to the creation of mould or other plant infections.

This risk is particularly pronounced during the last weeks of flowering when the density of the buds complicates their ventilation.

An oscillating fan that moves the air around the buds helps a lot to avoid problems. If you darken a greenhouse, you should install an extractor to help the humid air escape and prevent the temperature from rising too much.A third system that can be useful is small 'plugs' to cover each individual plant.

You can use large rubbish bins, giant pots or plastic excuse boxes, ect…

One last system that I think is really decisive is to use a Growbox structure that can be associated with a small cupboard or a box of varying dimensions usually used for indoor cultivation. In this case, even if we do not mount the lights, we can use the closures and the predispositions for fans and extractors. A great advantage of forced flowering is that it allows the plants to flower in summer when there is hardly any rain or fungus in the environment, as there is in autumn during natural flowering. It will also be ready to go to sea ;)

What is the difference between sativa and indica plants?

Cannabis indica and cannabis sativa have substantial differences.

A brief analysis of the two indica sativa strains, and ways to distinguish between them, is essential to understand the differences.

First of all, it is important to understand the difference between male and female flowersand why marijuana users and cannabis grows prefer to have female cannabis plants, as the consumed part is the dried inflorescences that are only developed by female plants.

Whereas the male plant has stronger stems and fewer leaves. If we compare two specimens of the opposite sex but of the same variety, we see that the male has generally thicker stems.

Cannabis sativa is an unbranched plant, with long, narrow leaves, and is much taller than indica. Indica marijuana plants are much shorter, with wider leaves.

In addition, cannabidiol (CBD) is the second most important compound in Cannabis sativa, this does not mean that it is less important. In fact, CBD contains characteristics that THC does not. This is why it is the main ingredient in CBD oil, a daily wellness supplement with beneficial effects.

How to force a weed plant to flower (2024)


How can I trick my plants into flowering? ›

The simplest option when grown in pots is to move the plants every evening to a dark room or wardrobe and keep them there for twelve hours before going back out the next morning. The room should be dark and ventilated. Be careful not to let any sunlight or light through.

Can you force a plant into flowering? ›

In order to force the plant to anticipate its natural flowering start, the grower must artificially and prematurely reduce the hours of daylight provided.

How do you force a flower bud? ›

How to Get Flowers to Open Faster
  1. Remove the cut flowers from their current vase or packaging. ...
  2. Cut the stems at an angle. ...
  3. Strip away any leaves on the stem below the water level of your vase. ...
  4. Place a diffuser on the end of a blow dryer. ...
  5. Place the flowers in a bright sunny location.
Jun 24, 2021

What to do if my weed plant won't flower? ›

Before you worry about your plants not flowering, you first need to give them adequate time to make the transition. After shifting the light cycle in your growing room, you'll need to wait patiently over the next 2–3 weeks for your plants to start showing visible signs of flowering.

What triggers flowering? ›

At specific times of year, flowering plants produce a protein known as Flowering Locus T in their leaves that induces flowering. Once this protein is made, it travels from the leaves to the shoot apex, a part of the plant where cells are undifferentiated, meaning they can either become leaves or flowers.

What stimulates flowering? ›

Florigen (or flowering hormone) is the hypothesized hormone-like molecule responsible for controlling and/or triggering flowering in plants. Florigen is produced in the leaves, and acts in the shoot apical meristem of buds and growing tips. It is known to be graft-transmissible, and even functions between species.

Why are my plants growing but not flowering? ›

The most common factors associated with blooming, or lack thereof, include light, plant age, nutrition, extreme temperatures and improper pruning. Many woody plants must reach a certain age before they are mature enough to produce flowers.

How long does force flowering take? ›

Initially, the bulbs probably won't need to be watered more frequently than once a week (if that much), but by the time they bloom, you may need to water them every day or two. Most bulbs will bloom 2-5 weeks after they come out of the cold, heralding spring with their bright colors and sweet fragrances.

How long does it take to trigger flowering? ›

Most strains flower in 8-9 weeks, but some can take even longer, especially some sativas. Outdoors, flowering occurs naturally when the plant receives less light each day as summer turns into fall.

Why are my weed plants flowering slow? ›


Cannabis likes it warm to grow healthy, and does best at daytime temperatures between 25–30°C. Temperatures lower than that will slow down your plant's metabolism, resulting in slower growth.

Why are my buds not flowering? ›

Plants that do not flower are often too young, or there is not enough light. If there are no flowers on a plant, there can be no fruits formed.

Why is my weed plant growing but not budding? ›

Cannabis plants do not start making sex-specific parts like buds until they reach the “flowering stage” of life. If your cannabis plant is growing without making buds, it means that it's still in the “vegetative” stage of life, or the cannabis plant isn't female.

What can I feed my plants to encourage flowers? ›

Nitrogen promotes healthy leaf and shoot growth, phosphorus helps root development, and potassium encourages flower and fruit production. A general fertiliser offers a balance of all three major nutrients, plus lots of minor ones and trace elements too – everything from magnesium and iron to manganese and molybdenum.

Should I remove fan leaves during flowering? ›

You can remove fan leaves during flowering in much the same way you do during veg. Prune away large leaves that are overshadowing bud sites, as well as dead or dying fan leaves. One thing to keep in mind is that you should prune in intervals, giving at least a couple weeks between each session.

How often should you water a flowering stage? ›

Generally, you want to water every 2 or 3 days during Flower and you want to water enough that 10-20% of water comes out from the pot as runoff. You can check your soil moisture by sticking a finger in the pot: if the soil is dry a couple inches down, then it is time to water again.

How many hours of dark does flowering start? ›

The Flowering Stage of Cannabis

When you are ready for your cannabis plants to flower, a 12-hours of light and 12-hours of darkness schedule is standard.

How fast can you flip to flower? ›

For “seedlings”, if space (and time) permit, better yields can be obtained from a 6-8 week veg period. Alternatively they can be switched straight after germination, however they are biologically incapable of budding until about 3 weeks of age.

Does Epsom salt help plants bloom? ›

Epsom salt – actually magnesium sulfate – helps seeds germinate, makes plants grow bushier, produces more flowers, increases chlorophyll production and deters pests, such as slugs and voles. It also provides vital nutrients to supplement your regular fertilizer.

Should I water my weed plants every day during flowering? ›

Flowering stage

Even though it can receive a certain amount of water from the soil at this stage, this is not enough for proper plant development, especially in regions without frequent rains. At this time, it is recommended to water the bushes at least once every 3-4 days.

Is there a way to speed up flowering? ›

In that case, a grower can give a plant longer “nights” to cause the plant to finish flowering faster. In fact, increasing the number of daily dark hours can get almost any strain to finish flowering faster.

How can I enhance my buds? ›

Grow More Big Buds Indoors
  1. Turn Up The Lights. ...
  2. Change Nutrients for Each Stage. ...
  3. Train Your Plants. ...
  4. Bone Up On Your Feeding. ...
  5. Control Temperature and Humidity. ...
  6. Pump Up CO2. ...
  7. Be Patient.

Why are my buds so little? ›

An overcrowded grow room, poor spacing between plants, or bushy vegetative growth—due to the lack of pruning or training—can reduce the amount of light that a plant's bud sites get, affecting bud growth and size.

What should my buds look like at 5 weeks? ›

Week 5: Buds Grow More and More

This is a good sign that the plant is in full flowering mode. The odor will be very strong at this point. Some of the plant's white pistil hairs may turn into a darker amber or brownish color. Meanwhile, the trichomes of the plant may be becoming opaque as well.

What is a bud hardener? ›

A bud hardener is an additive you can use at the end of the flower cycle to tighten up your flowers and pack on weight. They are typically used in the final 3 weeks or so of the grow cycle and contain a mix of macronutrients, micronutrients, minerals, essential oils, etc.

Can you force a plant to grow? ›

Temperature. The most effective way growers can accelerate plant development is to increase the greenhouse air temperature. The average temperature, not just the day or night temperature, is what controls crop timing.

How do you force a bulb to plant? ›

Soak the roots of the bulbs in a shallow pan of lukewarm water for a few hours. Fill a pot with potting soil or garden pebbles; insert the bulbs but leave the top two-thirds exposed. Gently tamp down the soil or pebbles around the bulbs. Water until damp, then place in a sunny, warm spot.

Can a flower change into a bud again? ›

Blooming of bud into a flower is a natural change and also it is irreversible as the flower cannot turn back to a bud.

What increases bud size? ›

Change Nutrients for Each Stage

The bigger the leaf area, the bigger your buds will be. Nitrogen is the nutrient needed most for this green growth. When plants reach their mature size and begin flowering, they need more phosphorus, the nutrient most essential for budding.

How can I make my buds bigger and fuller? ›

Feed Your Plants

If your plant gets off to a healthy start and grows big quickly, it will be able to produce bigger flowers later. Once the plant starts to produce its buds, it needs less nitrogen. It is at this point that phosphorous will be more useful because they help the buds become big, heavy, and dense.

How do I make my buds bigger and dense? ›

Increasing the amount of CO₂ in your grow room can help you grow bigger, denser buds. By doing so, you'll help plants photosynthesise faster and encourage them to take up more nutrients and water.

Does blowing on a plant help it grow? ›

In addition, wind blowing on a small seedling or newly emerged spring plant helps the plant create a stronger stem. Each time a plant is pushed by the wind, it releases a hormone called an auxin that stimulates the growth of supporting cells.

Does shaking your plant help it grow? ›

What does shaking your plants do? The most noticeable effect of thigmomorphogenesis is that it changes the growth rate of a plant, preventing it from growing leggy and instead stunting the growth. If you like your indoor plants large and leafy, it's worth noting that there are some benefits to them remaining small.

How long does it take to force bulbs to bloom? ›

Most bulbs will bloom about three to four weeks after they are removed from the cold. Amaryllis bulbs will bloom six to eight weeks after planting. At warmer temperatures, bulbs may grow faster, but flowers will not last as long.

Is it too late to force bulbs? ›

Or maybe you haven't gotten the chance to stop by the garden center this fall, and you're worried that come spring, your landscaping will be dull, colorless, and lacking in beautiful tulips, crocus, daffodils, and allium! We have good news for you. It's never too late to plant bulbs.

When should you start to force bulbs? ›

Late fall into winter is the best time to start forcing spring bulbs so you can enjoy their cheerful blooms indoors. See two easy and attractive ways to force bulbs here!

Can I cut a bud off my plant? ›

Even these trichome-heavy, tiny leaves will give your buds a harsher experience, so it's best to remove them — but definitely don't waste them! Why? Because if you collect all the plant matter you cut off your buds, you can later use them to create other products such as hash, teas, butter, tinctures and edibles.

Can I cut a bud off my plant early? ›

While technically you can start harvesting as soon as your plant produces flowers, the cannabinoid levels remain very low until the buds are mature. Avoid premature harvesting as much as possible, but if you really need to, it isn't the end of the world.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.